"-JSfyr lunttmttt ISSUED TWICE A WEEKTUESDAY AND FRIDAY Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook county 1 L.XXH. Tillamook, Okkcon, Makcii 11). lOlfi NO. 17 II At 11 ' tea "ft-. II J SERVICE nk any of our cuittoincmtbotiL I U $l N'alionol Service i ht- v itre all iJe;tvl withjljutd Cim Ull you why, Hrit ,Vjit?t)iMtf HniiK SINKING OF DRESDEN IS DECLARED UNFAIR BlTiEr' WAff Mfc'WS VESSEL SiftXS (N 5 MINUTES Attack in Neutral Shelter Clinrjjod by Officers of Gorman WaranIp Hayy weather lit di-lnrd by Urn ni II"" ifl Imjwii rponlM for thi ifiH 'nilvmicii of Un w(k hi th al ia' k fjji tliK Dardanelles. Iiui II la prob nbl uioto offlcloul gunnery by the tie ff.lrii In also ii (actor A l(FjUlt attack made, ai-ordlng to lxmicj ropwt. by 1 00.000 men on the OwmaV outer Jtnea guarding Lille. " J ' nuccwAJwI rinrtoK tin) weak In winning Valparaiso Affording to tha ' t and onhaif tall of trvneba and wott&dad U. rmana (row th emlaer short the Uarmana bat tlirejir dwatoa, wij aa armd here, xhtm l"r ftf a mile. UM ct t k!ll in u action, j PaillBinem urantad the BrlUah gw fhe 0Msaadr ( Oi- trcd and t ornmffht fowtr dart nt the week to w vmwt and Miium w uahartn-. Ink 4 4 a now i J'tua t-Vrntrn Jct. ' Init The ttrunAi aufihao rr u -r Oramn t 1 h !adfl4 IS wooDded Griwan, (if rhm rn t r WQUtidntl rtt!y. This . ! ! W9t t Uta car of mtuwi oi 1 tu.it, tin OlDwMt ftt 'ar vJia ht ft 01r ,sit i WILSON IS AROUSED ! British Auxiliary Cr-lstr fJayano Tor RY fiRITIQU nnnPR r 0rr.an Sobnarlne. U I UHI I I Ul I UMULII ) i Ayr. Hfvtut. f..aihK; ii'-wrptton j or the aini of the ii 'tsh auxtitary i cruir B, ..-. Ij;- a German subtna . rinr wsut (i.-rti by KurvlTom of th d'.s j as! r. Of tfii- tr"n oti !oani. 13 1 i ptT.s'ifd, a thp rrur nanfc no mplit j ty that the rr,;n had ac-arccly a chance I for thtr ivtm. 3b'- aa a converted U'niililnKton. I'rcabJont Vor la- ui rebantman. dlCBKwi u cailura that a strong pre- tMxtUnt.'A fomrfa i !r Gay, otic of teat vuniM t niJ by the United 1 aurtlvorv s.iid Thf IJaj-ano went Strong Protest Against Restric tions on Neutral Commerce Will be Sent to Allies Stale Ro turn men i agatrtal tits action , uf Great Ilrltaln unA her ailftw in ub- " f iu V, ft 5f 6 t1ft4 of 4ia,o Fraamira. Ihry J w?ft tat othw' lyttis in (xrt , ,- 4huMMl tr th ftre from. iue Kritiikb aiutH. ait tht aMl!a sttt- j oa ttr kiiiad a wutnait and a , vrir At tJ nnuh a,aalit) 6tHd fir at 'o-'V t u.atijci of .'."V i yar4, To Itk . n , part i - trHwm-.l for firht In n-i .' ihf n tra .- 4 4td tot rvplj luia.. t ., Hrinlort bti4 a parU f im t, r Lbe ntarita cttnabtu of turn war utplir , jt-e;in to Jinn cc mine rce to ;ne ni- itab Artmiraity taud n r- re,'na,unl1 '" " ' in thai ( SI Hrtn.b ra-, u'0 artl, ordw l-couc, Joat U iMk or eainurewl by Uoaill ac t tH eo-imr-tamt of ttif i ' 3 w uo -'" ,n 1 i.i.'l wuaon and his ao.iaera. but ii-.'. ka so doLbt that the X. k- tutch war offlc anoouncea aSfc " o al W,M ue taaracr minor u-a Id Ik-latotn i ,! 3 a rtftrnJt otaton ot lau-r.m arioaa run of th ar from ! Uo!- w "nd a Ar ,,.n.M...n4,..M..,. icai. t-taa wincn raaai m cofusMierou to the Lttl- .run t-jr-.-K . r; i hpr. Of tho i , ...-!. I . u c-fain that '-' : ! el uy by the steam r.jsn a. i ' T:-.a. rkich catno I, , .r r'rw- .'! thi oljr were V " ! b tie 'u'i .i'ri or were swirled t v a in -:r . -"tf)(." in K long offlcfnl communication, j t lwtril bfU ami twit a pruu- t t9'-sj aiWi-kiid ta ttt'tral k ( v.hrB 4h UriUeh -owia.":nlr i ' ut t (i 0fiaia tatwni, 1 J. r. h had r!fr f kiiU tbtt ,- hf'vvvr b aa found attA ur lii.t tmt arr!t. th mrUar , a ; ha I h" taid do aa u t?!f f imaua lbmftflve auX lfc REOLVCD THAT THINC5 ARE LOOKlNC UP. WtIAVt: GOT A STOCK we can be pfcoup or: OUR PRICC5 ARE LOW. Tmcyare: honcst-wc WANT YoUfa CC5TOM AND'HATISHOW WCC tKPECr To KEIiP YOU FOR A rRlENP-U5 Yoa RICH T -... ru--ir ' a wwiiiwam Uat- 0nn catti 14i-w up the Ir!j,. t rat torn; i-rU(p .l.f.. Mr. dmtta (ho blow-in- up by the a of four of the French i- trea(hta nwir font a-Mouon. Klnt tho Urtnait KaitttMi a but two of the lrct:rb and atn thor wave rcaptited by aaatorn war nn Ui" concn of troapa and prehintnary ov a tor nn on,wMCuit'i.i on an oi Hut. mt thtt ftictttlcg of lab? haa boon of lht - ail fjiwt gvard ordur. In lb' fa'aittitraoi naUfcor (ha Ruaalnna nor th XuatrfniiK semin.y have buu kb. natn wot dactalve advantage. In tlio re0oa of Hwteiiyac tttMsaian tola:)tl. tho crani UtUtu haa not t lHoafieuKhU afid wiaai fSjrbttosr Uiart hai tft'yn arh of th contandMra anin taimWM- turntmi ill Ufa favor. 1'l)t prts:i ll ttkitie Umi una: lh da . , 1 tnatta J; oa aUHitiy aaaeri that tb. Ct r r J T t - ri- I(Linn atiackti have ton roputtted ! MtaUr Will Conltnue Var Until f roper Ouari,ntes arc Obtained, i Londuti A itmiior dtiatcli frra tip, , in l v way nt Amatordam uota din !iui!..: tntnlatrr of ihu Interior u .l vtrorhancpllor. fltnna Uel Hru-1 t'k. aa dw latins In a arvnclt In tha , ttH'T rbmbr Oorroauy'a Intention i rui'itnur iIih war unill alto obinlnc! tht suaraniwa the daitrvd. Drltlsh Cain Sa'd to be Four Mllc.t .'rl. The advance of the B-ltlah troop In lh vicinity f N"ue ("ha piU- la ratimaU-d at about four in lie; in a dispatch ranchins hero. i Great Huialan Statesman Dead. i liudon. - Count tit t-gtim Julovlcl Wlttc. formor pnme inlnlater of Itua j iti and by tunny rugnrdod as luir Ion,; ; Iiir attitjnmn. dim) from pnouiiior.in oc . .nor unl'H-ndly. it la declare the British proclama tion i alma. ..nout warrant, conirul of u. aea Hi i tba rht to aelie dk:i irul c .. tnc-rco to U Ix.ujtht at an ar bitrary , ic to be fUv-d by England hermit. It i undcra.ood thai the cabinet de cided that a -t, f:auk protent must Ir- made .1 ui- i x.. & su-a i ..u t. bt put in tha pcu;ion of alii-s t'.;e al lift lo ata'te vi.i GrB..'.i). "' I be lle.. the first K.op lo t. . .-. wli! be the d:s. tca.: 3 1 f a uoto lo E :i land ruu-i tliai Ui L .itad States dUapi.-os of tho poajtiuii ot tbu al iiaa in tta onrcty. Germans Ocstroyaa 'Zh 'tsrchntmen. Atn i:rla::i. H .. a 1. The Mlttai; 7 :s r. of !!::.. liu- ; ib;ia! a list 1.: mcrcba,:' .ii n ".nu' ; a'e bin de ar. ; 5d by tb- C-rniin navy altre tho t. ;.atr,i; of -h" war. Acconling to I', 0 'man ir ,-s have su.ik 111 i'nr :hlp a total tonnage of 4 K 0K; fou- auxiliary crtsiawrs. wuh u I 31 incate of CC.OO; one sailing al. one 14 hoonw, olsht mine-! : 1 one- trtwp tra. sport. i WILSOl: TO ENFORCE DEMANDS IK MEXICO Washingtoi:. -Fp-idcnt i!aon has JetertniHed ihu. ail .he rival factions In .Mexico sHail 1 . cuajpc'.'ed If neecs' sary. aot only to reaped ti a lives and property cf forels rs, bu to laauro frciom of cnmi - ni .-l: jraunlca. 1 lion between the Unit- S-aj and its houthem ue.sibr. Ixiudon.--flrLal Britain made known to the wc.:i in a fonnal proclaotatlon tariea of aft eomnj.-ce io aul from .1 . . 7 . - . . . ...... . j. J. aa-l. 1 t ..It . ... t t 1 f 4 1 1-, Grocery Specials This Week Rin.N Cluli Sttlul lick I iHii.ilm's No. .U-jtii 2 fur lific. K'M.ti . Itih SdIhI I'.uk Mniiif Corn - onus for Lac. Kc ii t. ltd) StiiiiiiKM f'itiK I'liufipiiK-.'J o,. ctii, 2 enns It r wore aauanwi mri ul. , ,...rni!rna. II.. wna 05 war old luf .01 lui,.tl i. hilj li.tiiv j nut- IVas, .t i.uis lor Dc. RAY & CO. groceries, Smoked meats, fruits, veg ETAULES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. J rt p'liitK U" enpiny," said tlu vlcn- j tKj-. Iiui wo tHiunol roat aatiallud j j wuh that alPiiw. we ahull not alum lb tic naord until wo obtain guurnntuoa that oar enemlea will not nitaiK ua inttUH. Dlacuaalon of Uibbk Kunnnttn at the preaaul moinont wuubl not fur laer Onrnmii InlnrDaiH." I li.I.AMOOIC, UUliCON Pi'oliibltlon for Alacka Proposed. Junonn, Alaska. A bill provldinr for prohlldtlnn throughout tho emtrt trrrltory of AlitHka was Introductul in the lowttr houtio of thu territorial log lulntum. Indiana Repeater Get SI Votes. IndlnitAj-olls. One dollar for ver ;lnu a "ri'iioatfr" vtitod at tho Turn' Ilntito olootioit last fall appeared to uo Iho roKtiliir calo of pity, according DmiIi ol Mm. W. IJ. l'owcll 'Ik "l.ri Mr 1 .,!, 1 in born In ' itnNrd t.ut l..in ' l.cwli nnil Klira . m team to 1'i'tt- 1 ...U, I .11 ll.Mul tiny " ' " nil). ' ili Sli " lilil Ii. IWill in ' "t.. (IUpo.c.1 of hit ' nu:tn ami tinned lth I'-illivii.., Yamhill t'oiin- o.vir f iur?lnrl a M. .it re ihi-v llit il until I'W, win,, miy ,, MJ, n, rttl,, 'Olillji,,.,,,! f ..-1 f 11 "inn)', ni-tuiiu) 11 iiui rn, ,, of TnimnooU City, lltr liny unl.lcil until nl.out one I'Wfaifo vh.,1 they c;unc lo tills city ""tic ,e 11.. . ... .! r j i 1111 nine m r'. MiMi occurred tllfirii .... , I :. Ki Ai.iif ii ir mis, . "Cl llck lw . 1.. ...1 1 .1... 1 . 1.1 - iiiiniiiiini nuv , ,f ilaiwhtrra to mount licr ilr.nl : A (rotii rnHluiil jii.! 1 1 h i ni. il tiit- op i riili.'ii 1 1" 11 "ii. il- ,iui d to lit Irom a f" "" l1'1' atmea. She aurvived the operation and aceiucil to h.- iMiig ttell a e.mld be expected until litat Monday, when Uc look .i.s.l .n, .,rr .mil the mil came til-.-nw..' . follnwiiii! the liiange. Mr l'oill v.ii . dcMitcvl wifr nu.l a JovitiK mother She liaa a Ue nun. b.r t.( ItirnU li will miax lir kind ,.r.l ;.nl dii'la Imili at rillatnool. .t.i.l in Yamhill Count, where she ,u. livid for Ihe past thirty-four ),.,.. She unile.l with ll CluUliitn Chuieli nl Slieiiil.ni, Oreon, nboiit thirty yuar iko nutl has been a tc voie.l Chrislian ever lico Hint lime. Kuncrrtl seivlcca will bo belli nt the Chrlatiuir Chin fli. Friiltty nt 11 o'clock ' 11. 111. Wedne.Ml.iy ; aahlnoton Extradition Fund Gone. Oly.nplii. WuhIi. Ktvllurn of tlm Ihr- William., of tliU city; i,iln lrvlil n ' ", 11 niiHinai 111 nil" "J 1 1 11 1 1 a 1 " .Hi. , r-,...n ..r i...,i-,.,.i r i'lKil Mr Iho oxiruituiuu Mi r .. ..t ...i : ,.ii..,l (loveninr l.lalor lo '"i. ...... .. i..n,.e in tlm nrnmuiutliiK attof 1, . I "cii'i ., ,,..., ,1,,., d j "' 1 0 well wur lii niarriit kooiI "Hi iiiml ftl0t lwn ,m,,ti,n no, "lie was inkuu (iilto III from ""'lice, llcrtrotiltlq rcfiunit to yield urnii mii kt DlivtUI. I J vt lil "eiit ami after consultation of aim of Tillamook it wan . ,. iv m the ofl'm't that llilVW 01 eiien e.."."w , Kan ll.oy UeHllo lo nr..llt ti von H.oy KUuntaliH, to pay ox (1 .h of Hiiol, cxlrnulllon until April who,, tho approprlallo.. or lilonnliim lKHiomw uvallablo. (I nu.m- J 1,1 by tho county cmtiml-Hlnu. IT .Tl -onui.mny tho roqul-ltlon- I i.r ... " foe Vlthln Rifle Shot of Prjemyal. Uondon. ituaahui loretn hnvo ear rld Ilia iudnhlu within rlflu Hhot of trio forta prtitwlius the north aide lo witi..sin teMfyinR hero. Tho ovl of I'miayal. tlnlleltt. which haa been mcc, Whh kIvoii In tho trial of Mayor beali-'.ed for about four innntliB. ne 1 tj,ert8. 0f Torro I Initio, and 27 others m.r.l!iiR to tho official Pelroaritd coin ; or conspiracy to corrupt it foderal uiiiuuatloii, which anyn tho Auatrlnna nm eoutlnulnc dcaper.tto but futile at teuipla lo relieve the fortreua. GERMANY EXPECTED TO REPUDIATE ACT VanhliiKton. Oerninny probably will repiidlnte the netlon of the cup tutu of the I'rliu Ultol Prledrleh In ulnkluii tho Aiunrlean uhlp William I'. lYye, loadml with wheat coiiHi,;uml from Soattlo to Qummsiown, nnd make ltipaiathiii for (ho loan or tho vessel tttnl canto. l tho opinion of (ionium offlolnla hero. Captain ThltirlelioiiB, of tho I'rluz Ultul, Ht.Ued that hla only jtuldo whlln at Hoa and for niontha out of eoiiiinuub cation with hla Rovurniuout wn tho declaration of London. Thin would penult tho iluHtruollon of a tiotitnil prUo if earryliiB a curRO nioro than hair of which could ho proved to bo contraband, provided U was linpoaal bin tu tnko Iho veaaet to 11 homo port without oiuUiiKorliiK tho captor war nlttp. Hluco the outbtouU of the war the Oornian Kovornmont haa dotlncd ita vUiwh on ahlpimmtB of conditional con trahnud and haa argued that food Htuffa iniiBt bo proved without any doubt to bo bound aotually to u i'i oleotlon. Thaw Is Acquitted. ' Now York. Harry Kendall Thaw was acquitted of the charge of com aplracy to escape from Matteawan asy lum for tho Insane, but that did not inonn freedom. Aa soon as the verdict was announced Thaw was Rlvon into tho custody of Sheriff QrifonhaKen, of Now York county. Both Sides Win In East. London. Victories by tho Hermans In North Poland, by tho Austriams In west Oallclit and by tho Kuaatana ovor tho Aiiatrlans lu eaat Uallota aro fea tured In tho official communications received from tho capitals of tho three lmtlona Involved in tho eastern war one. Italy Stopa Malla to Austria. noino. Tho Italian inlnlater or poBta ami telocrnpha Issued orders suspending tho exchange ot telegraph ic monoy orders with Austria-Hun-.try. Ordera alBo were Issued sup pressing Iho traveling poatofflco on trains bound for thu Austrian frontier. Vermont Will Vote Upon Prohibition. Moutpeller, Vt. aovornor Oatos signed tho prohibition referendum bill. As u result the voters will decldo nt the munlolpul election lu Murch, 1916, whether to biibaUtuto Btato-wldo pro- llgerent force of uu enemy before tuny j hlbltlou for local option, "i he torn 'bloc, aie" Is not uacJ aud no pru.blteJ area ui dfint"l Never thetoaH, tbs. 10x1 of Uie order ntakes jilaln Bn4.Ui.ds purpcae 10 prevent oointnodlliea of any kind from rearh Inn or leaving Germany during the war. The Ilritieh ordor states that nonlxa'. ehtpa and lives of nati-fombaians wi.' lie pa red. T ispoa'tlon of capfi-f cargooH will be left to prize court, U not requlai; mted by gjeranivat, imy inent for seised carg jus not to be made until pouco. unless goods had become uuutral before issuance of order. Wcrk Wanted. Will Clear land by contract, wunt job ' for G or 6 months, one man. Work to begin April -1th. C. J. Dobils, Hay City, Ore. concerning the sitaat.-j at Mexico Cit?, wa. fnrtbe." devok. ed by Cie dls pntrli of a oni'-mnica. ud in.' .inlng the' Vlex-eac etitf 1 :t .. 0: . gun boat Za-a.v:.-a u; it Hol f.cin Its attempted s ic'r- ' oi ibe port i Pro-rrjc-, ihe etit i,f the nlted States '-wou.u '. iu ;. ined tj issue 'nslructiout tc the t-aas-nauder f the ar.morod cru.tt r Des Motncs "to pre vent nuy inttrfaretico" with American ships going to or from that port. Tho purpese of th!s note apparently waa E.-:iie ,ed before it reached Vera Cruz, for the navy departmejt receiv ed wovd that tho .aragoza had pat. back to Vera Crus "oti accouit of the stres of the woaluer." Tlu opinion of oftUsIals :r :h'. tha-e w. . be no tutther alien.- , to biocKadj. All kinds of wood and fence (Xists for sale. See Shrode. FCR SALE House and 2 lots, each lot f2JI05 fL In Thavcr's Add. Price 500. S250down . balance eiisv terms. W. G. Pwight. mi It is ECONOMY to paint your buildings. It not only beautifies them, but it PRESERVES them from decay. A man should KEEP UP his property: this adds VALUE to It and makes life worth living. Our paints will hold their color and last a long time. Let us supply your paints and brushes and everything you need in the drug line. The Tillamook Drag Store We give you what you ASK for. 1 ci.i to CtllJ-il. 'Ml f.1