Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 16, 1915, Image 1

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Ji lib aSl6, I
& m
issued twice a weektuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tll.KA.MOOK, OhI'.CON, M ARC 1 1 10. 10 If).
NO. 1G
h . .my ol our customers itboufc
first National Service
Iin trc nil Icm!cI with U unci
Cm ii tell you why.
first Nutioiutl IUiuK
tilttnuuW, Ofrywi,
' L
ft I
US - i
we can be kroup or.
Akin f 1 V Af K WrvW WC
RIGHT - Jt.o.G'tr
Grocery Specials This Week
rowil ( i i s tint I'nck I'oiii.u.k n No. .'Uaii 'J lor 'Joe.
ti.-iUiul) s.ilul Pack M.tim- Corn 2 omi lor 2,"c.
N.iU l.ih hummer Puck Pineapple U ox. can, L' onus
hwil (. lull C.irly June Pens, l cans lor -lk
rn.i.wiooK, ouiii'.ox
Ns Como as Enaland
Mfalulatos SoSf on Fail
ure ol Blockade
i;ijri t! Mm mirlv inn., .ii
it , "
"'ur ueriniiti HUluimrlium
,6t!r tiri'Hu. ,. known ut thrno I
Aft ... . . . I
p.,i ,tH on i Ik, UrlllHk
' II M B.llll off . 1 1. v. Willi'
wuritlnir i .,,.uu
'I. itinli innrohmit nteumora,
V6 cum. u
"men wan tnrumnml off
m (iin Nin th Hitu. .17 mitii
nf .18 nru ntlHHlnu. Only
Will Vt-HHdl wu i!cku,l
" uuiiuir iiii urn a- tin, Mimini.
"-"uuir Hunt nun. In lliu Knir.
wiiiui thlnl Hiiliiimrlno
' lUUlOr l'rlnn.mu Vlr.ti.pli. nft
of the latKNt axulolU or
" UUIIIHrlllim num.. In.)
tkn 1,0 WftH coiiKrntultlng
l "10 tliriml,..,.,,! M.., ...... ....
wrio ii -
..- .vftiurL uiiiiniiiiniii m inn
' W. lliu llrlHuh Ml..i.iiwr
TtttiKlli. UlwckwooJ Mi'l I'rliiPfn
Vlfiltirln tti two fnnniT cargo hunts
nil. I tln InltiT our" " wwHtwlnt'
m iiK.'r nhlit-lmlli'iiK'n ' U'rmnii
BUhmtirlntm msnln urn milling "t wlil
y n,.mruti'il iiolnlH iiroimtl tli HrltUlt
U! i An nil Iho hiMUn wuri li)rit'iloitt
In ti porloit r lt'M lh.n "' lt,,,rrt u
would itoain Mulml tf Hint "'"'i'
1 wnro kuiiK hy iltrfi.H'iit uinlrwBtr
1 In thv vvi U" ',nf1' ,,H!,,,rl l,,0y
)mVi. tuf.li-to-l H m..l.UH cliwk " tj"'
,lrnui.. to Hi.' north of Arrun I., tin'
i u, .!.-. iiiuiiK tin l.orolto. in
OlmnnuKno. nortl.w.-l of UluuhoJoi...
(lornmn count.-r nltiiok Iiiih lumn n
uulHfil. TIih l-ionoh war offlc. m
I u iho lroBn. nuulo hy Iho M l.
ft'h.' v!l..-. lr.n,nn.Wo or
kopf. oxlo.uh. ovor 3S6 yunU of (lor
inun tri'iiohoH.
Dryan f .mi Nw Prlvati Secretary.
W,Hhlnr.lo.i.-Mrvoy H. rKymi
of Allm'l'r.Uo. N. M.. who rUrod
iir of tUohoiiH.,.
vat, m,crotury to SroUry llry.n But-
urUy. '
Q.llow.y RPpolntcd ComlMlonir.
Buloin, Or.-Tho ltovornor. croU
ro 2u uud Htuto rrrer
way .file la co.nmUHlonr. Mr. ( al
Toway I- democrat uud hn. J. Id U
pfflco alncu It. orcatlou In 1909.
Captain Paul
Schrader Dead
Th! KuiuIbv Hrliiiol (!iinvi.iil'nii which
wm !!! In our city from Friday until j
8unJny win a iimnounccd huccuhh. The !
ntt'itJni)cit niul Ifiti'ri st wm thu hciil
Anniversary Wed
ding At Fairview
lh otirily ronvonlioii hnii t-vor nijoyinJ.
. r.. iwip tia liri-siiJiTil ol Hi?
Tillmotil Mourni Ihc Uii Of On
Of III Moil Subilanlial and Hi(kly
llonorrd (.ilurni .,cn.fnn i,,i n... ,in.ii. i i
. J amj tiA-ry tlilttic w conducted on nru-
Cnplnln I'nul Kehrferirr. for many , nrruncd with n few oxreiitioiu.
ytwrn rn.ldm of lln city, dlH tj OuUlilr di-lcKt'- prtccfil were Mr.
hl Imiiiu U tv on Kflduy nlKht. U , Siillllnlnw of Hmlorl ; Mr. McCI
n.H.o of hi. dmlh wan howrl fttllur.., nrul M Jlirk of Hay City ; MU Ka
JnHf.i;in? of tli.. nrtrrlc. an.1 uthur , tin Wllka. Mr. ami Mra. Crane. Mm.
eaoirillrnnonn. Ilu had hi-nn mor or Mil nil Klih-y, of Harftcidali:;aid Mi
tr III for mn lime. A year bl-o last Ixx-rnthel of Mohler.
All thr nu-ctlns i-xcnpt the Innt one
S. fir'ay ard and Wife Honored on
Their COtti Anniveriary of Their
fall lt (Mil tin- KliiKiro Into the hamh
of another .ranlxln. and anurl the
vltnr at hi Inime at lllmorp I'ark.
lloHfivor. lie acnin tijok tinmaml of
hoat Ua( luinnuir bimJ run ft until
Kit fall. Il hail not felt woll nil win-
ter ntnl tome numlh au wont In n i wn n iH:ciul effort ami wua an
I'm llaml lioiUI whero he iwik treat-' to tho'SuniU) Sehiwl work here,
itionta until bImmiI three eex ao when j Hmv) l'hij tali-d that the c nven
I tt rclurmxt to hl Ihjiiio herw. llun jilut cluod wft thu bust thecountv
Uenanl wb Imrn March lt. IWO j hai yel enjoyml.
in llfDlHen, (icrmnny. He went to eat
were helij at Ihc M. K. Church
were very intlructlvi and etittrialnini:
Ttiujlatl am) Ihk mcetllii; won held
pi Ihe'Chrntlun Church and wm nd-
! Jrecten hy I'.ijv. I'liip-n. Hi address
at lha na" of 13 ye.-, anrvini; In the
Oetman navy. He aw erv'o In the
(ieritian navy durlnif the Krnneo-I'ruii-Inn
war. Iwinu vlatlnnrd on n (Jcrman
tortwdo Iwiat, after the pattern of the
cMtutrtictittfl of the flrat Ixtatji of thai
Viml. Tliene InioU rn on top ol the
wtr atnl the torlo wm plnrol on
the etui f ii lonjf pole, the torpnlo ex-pli-llnr
h rainmitiK It Into the Iwat
After the Frnnc-I'ru(lnn war Cap
tain Sehrader necurcd eiitpluvmeut ft
ina-er of the KiikIUIi voel It. t'.
Wiley, navluatlnc that Uiat for G
vearn, nrrivlni; on her at Portland in
IS7U, ami lenvliiK her at that port. At
this time he made tin hU mind to he
a farmer and ranriUontly iKitnjht n
piere of law! In Iho Waldo Hill near
Sa)ein. I', la until that he wan heaten
badly h
exttr, he
he could, went Into blooded utock,
laltlin: film borne, cattle ami Iiul'h. i
with the remit that at the end of 12
year he loft the farm with hU llnan- j
ce in i;ihI cviidltioii. j
On Dm?. I, I. 'SI he wn mnrrliil to i
MUa l.illie K. Hunt, at Snti-m. .Six j
children were Ixirn to thin union. of(
whlrh four survive; MrH. AkusIu M.I
Schelllm:. f Wanhkiiran, Wash. : Mrf. j
Jnliu II llenkle of thin city; Otto nnd
Fmhk Sehrader who roaide in .Southern '
In 1KHS t'upt. Schradur huilt the
Ai;uilu at 'lie Yniiulnn, and in thnt
year in ruin her dirt trip to Tillamook
Hay, lirltiuMtiK with her the tnnteriiil !
for the etitutrilction of thu Cape Menrc.1 i
llht house.
After that he run the H. W. Hiirri-1
ton to Kirt, mid In lhft hu consul-1
IiIiikmI iiitereHlH with the ICImore peo-j
plo tnkiiik command of the &uc II. HI- j
inoie, which him been running for
hlout IS yenm.
Duriiik' all of Capt. Schrador'n ex-
peril nee, in runuinu boats to and from (
Tillamook he never lost ii hont, a pas-1
encer or pound of freight. While .
ho wu nlwuys ii very cautious uud care
ful mini he was also n hrnvo mini ni '
will he testified to liv those who know
him bent. Captiiln Schrnder wits u
kind husband and father and in fact
had a kind and Kt'iierous frolinir for
everyone. He whb a Mason n;:d an
The Funeral services will io hold ui
thu liomu on Wedn-.'MlaV aftornoon, and
he will hu buried under tlio auspices of
tho .MiiMinic Lodcc
dipt. Schrader was a inomhcr of tlio
Lutheran church.
Tlioxe near relatives from oul of
town who are hero to attend thu funer
al aro Otto Schrader, of Culiforniu and
Mr. and Mrs. SchollinK of Washington.
-Pacific Telephone Co,
tine ttj $ooo worth o( cable.
M 1: Chinch Soi tli build rural
church in Haker County.
Milwaukee will spend f'-'S.ooo on
waler' plant thi year.
Salon City Council accepts reduc
tion in water ralo for pri-atc ucr
but rgjeeu raise on hylrant by State
Utility CoiumUiion.
Glcndale to have United livanr,cli
cal Chnreli.
Arllnirton now ha $:o,ooo Union
hifth fdiool.
May to Dalluj votes on municipal
hen he U.uht this place. How. tMJfsamigif0. jAaaajcwii
rtIMhTm?1f.7iirniill nSnBrDilliTa. iuciiir in State
Courti tnnlir workman compensa
tion Act for injuries received while
working in his sawmill.
Marshficld creato cement sidewalk
Washington passed hill to allow
laundry woikcrs to hour day.
O. W. R. & X. Co. spent $I'J,7JS.
Si7jin Northwest during 1914.
Redmond to have $10,000 Karagc 50
hy 100 feet.
North Mc.Minnvillu will have sewer
Mollnla Krants franchise to P. R. 1
, P. Co.
WashinKlon I.egislnturc enacts law
requiring certificate of public neces
sity and convenience to he issued by
Public Utility Commission.
Portland gained million in deposit
since Dec. ,11.
Ilasselo Street CotiKrcRation.il
Church, Portland, sold for $13.5 for
Chyropmctic college.
Pelican Hay saw mill on Klamath
Lake start up April I.
Oregon City fighting for a new
bridge across the Willamette.
Albany, $05,000 federal buildin;'
Portland Jitneys avc&gcd $-'.57 a
day is one report.
Ktigcue promoting shoe factory and
lace factory.
March o four jitney buss accidents
recorded at Portland.
Taxpayers are thankful the legisla
ture reduced appropriations below
Haker Motortruck
County secured.
Junction recently
block will be rebuilt.
Schancn-Hlair Co.
buildipg a road stud putting on crew
0 men at their Jackson County gran
it quarry.
V. h. Wootl, manager of the Albany
Iron works, succeeds T. S. Mann as
member State Hureau of Mines.
Pain and metal flume at Fort Kla
math to be rebuilt,
Wnrrenton plank road to be built
to Flavel dock.
Northwestern slate would have sent
I On Saturday morning our people were
much shocked to learn of the suicide
of Thomas H. Watkins.
Mr. Watkir.s had been In ill health
for some time awl w very despondent
at times. He was hoarding at the
home of Mrs. Anderson and it seems
1 that he apparently had made prepara-
One o f th e greatest events in ' tion to ko outside on Sftturdny morn
thu history of the Fnirvlew j ing. at least he so informed several of
Grange took place at th- Orange hull j his friend. ' Howo.e-. it turned out
on Sunday Lint. The occasion was th 1 that instead of getting ready to go to
IfiOth nnnivennry of the weddi ig of Mr. Portland he as getting ready to com
i and Mrs. f, S Maytanl. pioneers of mlt suicide. All of hi belonging
thu county and mumber of the Fair i were neatly parked and several letters
view Grange, ! written to different friends and
The ITfr was a complete surprise I Ins wife who resides with a son at
to Mr. and Mr. Mnyrwrd. They had 1 Cambridge, Mass.
be-n invited to the home of Mr. and i After getting everytning reauy ne
i Mrs. Frank Hester awl they were there! went to the old Dawson livery barn,
white the crowd was gathering nt the j which is being used by Mclchlor &
Grange Hall. At about 12:30 o'clock I Ncilson for the housing of calves and
they were pl.teed in an inclosed auto there tooK chlorolorm aw siepi 10 nis
and taken to the hull which was now .death.
well filled. They wore indeed greatly I Deceased was a kind hearted, ger.er
surprlseJ on entering the hall, not ous man and his death is regretted by
suspecting a thing until they got in- j many. He was 53 years old.
I Hesides other belongings $109.00 was
After a seavjn of hand shaking. Mrs. ! found a-nong his effects.
C. Trombley played a march on the He was buried by the Masonic order
organ and Mr. ami Mrs. Maynard ac- of which he was .1 member. The fun
companied by il'r. and Mrs. I.C. Quick, eral taking place on Mondty afternoon,
who celebrated their Golden -Wedding 1
ttin'lo their way
burned hotel
Portland, are
two years ago, ttin'to their way to a
large wedding bell beneath which a
wedding service was conducted by Rev.
Afl.-r the weddinf s0rvie) and a .
, ,,. i. ut... optiiitions
It" jf. Mf, . - ."-"-' J ,-.
Shri-de. concr.itulatiotis were in oruer '
after whtch some 130 friends sat down ;
to a most sumptuous repast. 1
After the feast a substantial puhe '
was mixed ntuonz lhc present with
which to lend the worthy co inle on ni
trip to the Sn Franc eo Fair.
This was presented to them by Rev.
Shrode with a few appropriate re
marks, to which Mr. Maynard very
touchint!lyrntnld.' - ..-.
During the afternoon Mrs. C. E
Tronb!ey snnt: "Silver Threads Amonir
the Gold, nnd Mr. Ackley also render
ed an appropriate song in a pleasing I
manner. Mrs. I.. S. Maynard! pleased i
the crowd when she sang one of the A German
songs she used to sing when she was a) that uuztlr:
girl. Ht voice is still quite clear and stuck brt.
rich. Several other old time songs
were sung by all in chorus.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard have been
residents of Tillamook County for SO
years, Mr. Maynard having taught
school here in the early days. Mr.
Maynard is in the Inst naif of nis Soil)
year anil Mrs. Maynard is 7S years of
ago. Thev have one daughter living,
Mrs. Wm. Newcombe, 01 this city.
The wedding cuke wits made by Mrs. !
Hcrtio Hun; and was n thing of beauty
and its quality of the best.
The party broke up at about 3:30 P.
M., those present leavintr for their t
respective homes feeling that the day
hud been most enjoyably spent.
C.'iLr Vr.V: NEVS
Interest In the world war during the
past week was- divided between the
In the eastern theater.
where flght'ng of a more or less vio
lent natura U proceeding throughout
the territory from northern Russian
tVasd to the Carpathians, and tho
bowbnrdment of the strongholds of
the Dardanelles by tho allied fleet.
Reports from various sources Indi
cate that tho Rui a"8 have assumed
tho offensive In -f the operations
In the general a.era territory. la
.the. oxlre tno north, UiQy.-arastULbm--.
merino; away w'.th tho lien of driving1
the Germans bac: can Prussia, and
the latesi Pelcu , ad off.ctal statement
assorts Uia tin. sUrs-acs have forced
the Germau be k ; mrwtat.
oi ; -v.-tt.' statement says
. . JAniysz a Russia.i
. . .1 '. th severe losses
. , .'At nortiiwest o:
i.a.; itvack was also re-
a li
to the
I ulsetl.
Work Wanied.
Will Clear land by contract, want job
ft.r 5 or 6 months, one man. Work
to begin April -1th.
C J. Dobils. IXi City, Ore.
Isjdtc'ics say that the
Austrinns u-sde Archduke Joseph
hae suffered defeat In eastern Gallcla
und aro now in i-aii flight toward the
("nrjMsthlans. U arous fighting con-unuc-s
In tho Carpathians.
The allied Frtnch and Ensllsh fleets
aro making pro .-eas. in their attack
on the foris o: u.e Dardanelles, ac
cordirs to the .-.ttah admiralty and
unofficial roport3.
Cruisers from the allied, fleet are
; cont.rulng tlulr aitarks along the
! coast of Asln Minor from Deslka to
Smyrna, and . -co .umirat bir utcnara
Poirsif has t -v. up li s ITast Indian
floot and n: U 'en the bombard
limit ' '-mS at Smyrna.
All kinds of w wi and fence posts for
sale. See Shrode.
Wagner, a new town on the Sniitli
Pnwers loggiiiK road i to have water
Marshficld pttlpiuill building large
II. IX lleisuuui has leased and will
.iiwriite Grants Pass cannery,
Portland lias passed an ordinance a $.20,ooo steel contract to Pittsburg
oriividini! for a uniform wage for nn
skilled labor on city work of $J per , home industry as was done
day and n daily newspaper paints a laud me outer tt.iy.
roscat picture of the happy lot of men
fortunate enouult to work for the
city anil draw the high pay. Howl
about the unskilled workmen not on
the city's employ, who must pay an
increased price for city improvements
and whose tax will he increased In
order that select few may enjoy the
advantage of short hours and big pay.
Ulllshoro Independent.
against the
at Port-
AstorlaF. I. Dunbar and I,
Uavies erect $25,000 apartment.
Jitney buss excitement is dying
down. Many are going out ol business
and those who remain in the business
really operate during the early morn
ing and tiic rush hour in the evening.
' It is freely -predicted that the present
jitney system will soon be a thi,njt of;
, the past. I
Have YOU got money in our bank to protect your LITTLE
ONES and your WIFE from want?
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Tililamook County Bank