Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 12, 1915, Image 1

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    "W if
k.S?;.C3i?.y,-A"rioNOF Any Paper ,n Tillamook Countv
Tillamook, Okkoon, Manch 12, 101 f.
NO. 35
any uf our cunio. item nhout
first NiUiomil Service
I u v art? all pIviiMil with it tuul
Cnn tell vdii why,
fTrst National llnuK
WE AK'N'T yo
triCKLED ?
l United Stales Insists on Early
Change to Improved Con
cHtlons In Mexico.
Wahlnton General Car miuro haw
b Iftrm not. fnm ih L'trtt
0 Htmtm ftrrumm inat untax
htotw I Mi Improvruirnt In rendition
"Wttil f (( to totw r ami Uwlr
tru in Mexican irruir under
Jtf control, twh trp nuy t nc.s.
ff)r Will b Uvea by ihf American
evrfctrf2 tu obtain the drtirH pro.
Tfc 1 lb (r.nr.( and mMt
Wptwtie kc uwi that bas trn nt
Uy tft Wftab!ntob ornmnt to
tfettrtt ttnc Ihtt iotrponJ nee with
HWU a r un 'arrant i warn.
9 tfet tlM LnU-d 8is!. baa vleM-l
concern th iro tun com
nlaittta by fofrOKnsr. Knirlly nettlnut
Ma a4aillstra Hon of attain ami mow.
In effect, 4ennl an rt rlitiiK"
. ...
in m meantime ni moitnm-nta
f American warht; ha e bii or-
4rJ. the rrH( of h'b v. ill ix 1,
natal 4mn irm. ,n ,h a, it 1
kftnd b aaniv otliriala. will -onvlrtrr
(ktKrnl rrrtji o( ihn 4t-rraimitlon
Of th mi'f l an ttnrvrtitiiMit u obtain
ft ctMlut In londltlona in Mexico City
Atmriran cillcna ana.n Iinvh txii
of Ihr critical aiiuailitn that ha ari
Un-ns Hrcrurx llryan autioutirn!
thai Ira importation (a '( . ouid It
"i,',.' t tor aa mnny aa brat ml to l.
Vo-(t raicr I mm Arnvrtntn Cutui
'.:iiflii that at a pi.al loit'.-iui
(th (nrnl Oarnu.ia Ui- deliver
to Ihr latti r tbi tartnti m;Ib frt,i; t
I'uiit-J Buta 6o.Tnmnt.
Tlic Fairvjew (Uanfe meotlnt: wa
Wl wtltrmlwl Uy e larKu n crowd h
lij'iil, iiiarty of Mm ttntnlwr haing
CIM o htteml cifL llowrTur. th
lfcliiiK whk nn lnlor(rtlnn unn. Tht
loornlntr ittiMiton wu iflvt-n ovr to t!i?
(JWumiIoii of IachI ma tier am the
fiat CranRti ( onvtriitlon which vill
lh'Whi.r Mny II. J2, 13 nd I I. 'ITui
SfTato (irnrpi fnatiiiifii lx bfld In
ibo 1. O. O. F. halt. On tlw etrwilni:
of Ihti fiiit !ay of th convintif;ri,
ninr, 11 tHilillc iccviitwn will U ten-
(Itro Um ViMUir nt the coininurclal
cfilli nxiin.
till the aftornixm Mrn. Bvt)roti. Mr.
Oi-ottt. C J. JiJwanU iuhI Mr. MUler
Vtalttfil tin? Crnnae lr thu intnr.Mii nf
UJlitw county llhrarv. Mr. Iwarrf
tlic Stale During the Past
j Iheme-titK of the Hose Company
lant r.ight was the bet for a Innp time.
Ofliccm electwJ were aa follows: K. J.
ClauMtn, I'mnlent; Tfioi. Coatca,
Chief; Dr. T. Monk, Treasurer; anil
Events Occurring Throughout Captain of lime caru n f.,iiow : No.
1, V m. HarrU; Nn. 2. Otw FrMble;
No. 3, A. K. Cae; No. 4. lien Van
tro; No. h, Webb MmWux; Hook amj
Ladder Truck, Italic Lucao. Hic
CarU are ttationed an follows; N'.s.
land 2 at City Hall; No. 3 in StiJI
woll'a Addition at 2nd St. awl 4th Ave.
Wwt; No. 1 on the South East corner
of the Academy trroundn. No. 5 will be
stationed on 10th Street between Stiil
well Ave. and lit Ave. Went, after a
few days, hook and Ladder Truck is
stationed at City Hall.
C. W. Miller, of the Coats Lumber
Chinese Accused of Homettead Praud.
La Oratido. Toy Young, probably
too boat known Cbint In eatrn
Orocon. waa arrested by a deputy
. DnUif Stat tiiarsbal on u elwrie of
making a fait windnrlt lit connection
with an a indication he ruei'uUy mnd
i for a hoiuusttKid nonr North I'ovrdor.
Til Mr it hi.,, : '" vnury was made at tue isnd offlco
nl.llor. as w. the prlure in .,,HnK ! !n lhte ,n rnak,nK U he wor(! ' 'hf ctiZ su
nfilbrary, cot f maintanence. and dW "ol hvv mot" 0!B 180 acres j Company of the support of himself
ui llJ III llin uwu WtlWSHIU ai Ul ... urrwmHro, ii lu uilll
that (3t:.i
I awn. t at said oraMy
i tl,'r;i,!i ha t nut ( " I '
1' i- '. -.si n 4. b.--; til ) ; .
is. -. I b m-i-t in. aja.iAble sup;
(t i the capital
Grocery Specials This Week
C I 1 1 Solid Pnelc Tonmtocs Xo. rim 'J for L'nc.
K'ov.tl i hili Soli I I'iioIc Maine Corn 2 cans tor L'flc.
Koval c lull Sum hut I'aili I'mcapplo '.) oz. can, 2 cans
K''il 1 ml) li.trly June I 'ens, l cans lor -lOc.
'Mrthotlist Church Nnki.
,"'hl ' ln .-cl,m)l nt 10 A M.
""IrUIr . . , .
- tiiiiiiivii iai'i
'Wilt 1.r,.l,,.tl,1,l , ti . M.
Jll Mu.
tl Mtl'li, t I 1 . .. ...
- 1 1- .11, nil iiy insn
'"ln I-eniJUi. t ;;,) jt Mi
MwiiM (ilttlfis. I'astor.
foiled Brtlhren Church.
1VjV Hfl.tird. Ill A
X, K111, 1
mid Hurinon, 11
Ihiutt .Sitrvlni; (Sod
" l'lloa MrallnK, ;:iOl'. M.
' u1'. li'mlor.
nt thu
Kuv. C.
Hlntii Stiniluy ij.'lio-.l
vo the iiildrena of to-
Hit I
iv'nnmi, llv u, ..,...
HllU. i "vmi.ui iviiiiy
."''Clum-h. 7..-m it u
"l" IK
"trr u.,n i
!U'lloil I'ruver M I ,1
MlU I'myliit l.tHl.i.. tl. t
'5ly uviuii..,. n.uv ik .
,!ctiv ol,""uy ""'I inltl.wueU
'I. V, Whlto. 1'i.Hior.
Work Wintd.
''rliinil hy coiinid, wuitJob
r u hi... .11. . ... .
April" Ith. ' "m"' '
' Hobfl, liny Oily, Ore.
T'lf t'luli ini't nl (he htuno of Mrs.
H. ti. Kock l-VI. 2d. Tho tuhlo mid
roiiins ueru lU'cnrnlttil in honor of
Wiislilnutni" birlhd.iv. flur thu
Ciuii' S, tin luisti'HS Invited thu Kiii'HtH
to tho illniiiK room, wlicnt nn eli'Knt
liiiirli was survml. At 11 Into hour nil
departed, iind will in rot with Mrs. 0.
Mlllrr, Marchl'd. Tho olllrrrH elected
for tho y tin r wuro Mrs. II. I). I.iuniif,
I'rrs. : Mrn Curl Hunt, V. I'.; Mrs. C.
Miller, Sec.
Attitn of es Cor :i Hit a: Oiyr; ;
Oo-nt vt MisurE.
Olymrla, VVaah.Th liU Wnalili:
tea ie- atnturo nd4 ''3 sr in
ciij .buriday at nilitaSKh' c M- .
a ,i the numernsa ;
tmiucud bulng Bhun conaliiimulon 01
thf fltHif of B... r limiue. 1 .
ma-!'- eeru:n Mrbcn tho oouse
v.'ni.iiion nrtor a twjlionr inovt.,.
dtrt-llned to p'.MV 011 Un cnlondM.'
uw liquor inonsiirti. Introduced M
da) ii.sht by thu public mor.ilti com
Action that aldoil tho aiuoilu'rliiKol
I tin bills In thn homo ruloa eomiuitt.
imis lation by the aeunto rules com
inillee whoii tncK ngreemonl mum
rimched to pluro no llcjuor legislation
mi tho soimto oiiloiidnr
tluviirniir Lister votoed tho bills bar
rltiK clrrulntlon of Inltluthe, refrron
illlin iitul rcotill luitlilniis mid the so
lulled Whltlioy oliietlons bill. prold-
lug li'Miil party roineiitloiiH mid Ken
trnlly Intended to Htruni;t!un party or-
Hbat it could 1ms 11 mil for,
It seems that Mr. Carnegie will do-
nito a sum up to ?2S,(KJ for tho con
junction of n buiklinc If local jmrtlea
wjll furnish a sito free of incumbrance,
and guarantee a sum for yearly main
tuciance equal to 10 tier" cent of the
amount which ho kivi-j, the cost of
maiiitvnunre lo be borne by the county
time. It Is avcrri-d ihnt ho hail a
larRo tract of land near Telocr.aet.
which would cancel his right to the
C. A. Smith Timber Sold.
Albany Through a deed filed In
thf county recorder's office here the
id local library boards throughout I c A SmUh Timber company, of M!n-
i5 t-i . . . , .
lh county. The city of Tillamook J "MlI,olls. B,''l its entire holdings In
now oxi.ends ?IK0 yearly on its librarv. i',,,n county- embraclntt ti.406 acres.
this amount and other library funds
could be used to swell the total needed
ta keep u(i a county library, ami leave
lolbly not more Unit $1200 to lie
ralred by the county at lar:e foi tnam-
teitance oxiKinse, which would include,
pay for librarian, now books, llitht,
luel, rtc.
The library could bo so constructed
as t Include an auditorium eauablu of
;atinj: potklblv 300 or more people,
a gymnasium, resdin or sinokintj
room for men and a rest room for
tho ladies, it could be used :is 11 cen
tral station whart-K'ople from nil over
th&ulycul..mkihoirhBi- snnl:
Orccco Divided Over War Policy.
London. Dispatches from Athens
say lli.it (Ireece Is divided over declar
I11K xwir nititlnst Turkey and that those
who favor euteriiiK the conflict as
itKiilnst the purly of the IcIiik. who In
idstM 011 iii'iitrullty, Imvo been openly
Wlieal Club, ll.'-'li; blui-Nttim tlM',
red llmiiibm. M -'U rorty-fnld. 11.30;
red fife. '-' ,
liny ICiiHturn Orrntin timothy, 1G;
Kriiln liny, H'J; "If''"''. ,:: vutloytlm
uhy. $S.B0.
IluttiirCruiiiiirr)', H5o.
I - ,j-t'ni)illnl. 20c; riinrh, 19c
llups-IUH rrop Ifio; 1U1S crop, He
Wniil-IIaHleiii OriiKim. 2fio.
U'lieiit llluoat m, ?l-21; "I"'' V--1'
rill liuualmi. $1.-'U; ftirtyfold, 11.28;
f hi. .C3.
I , oy -Kfi per Ion. .
M thy, 1 pur ion; imam.
.nmory, 34o.
I'arls, Klr which tlirentonod Us
Fniiudi steamship Ln Tourulnu whb
liriiutilit undur control uud ull her pas
seiiKorH lire wiifo, Tho ship proceeded
under her own steam to Havre, nor
destination, Only the Itotturdiitn, of
tin) fleet which responded to Captain
Ciiiisslii'tt wireless cull for uld, stood
by as it mcasuro of prernutlon to kIvo
nsslstancu should any bo regiiired,
Onivo fours for tho sufoty of Lit
Tounilno were felt In this city until
tlio positive uiuiinincotnont vus 111111I0
Hint sho wus In no dniiBor,
On bourd l.u Touruliui worn 450'
ctiHitH of curtrldi;eH Intended for u;
in tho Huropruu wur. Thorn wore Si
pnitsoiiKers on board, of whom 38 won
In tho first onbln, Her crow nuuibur
oil ubout 200, . i
1 uartcrs whe.i they come to the county
Hooks from the ruunl library can
be distributed to dilfcrent (Hunts in
the countv as they may be dcHrod.
The law provided that a county li
brarv can be conducted by tho county
court or by n commission up;Kintrd by
the court.
The Fairview Cranio went on record
as fiivorinit Hie county library idea,
and the mutter will lie taken up at the
next meetini: of the I'omuiia ti ranee.
After the discussion in regard to the
library closed, U. (J. Jackson, repre
senting the Tillamook Lime Product
Co., iiddrehsetl the Grunge on the sub
ject of koihI roads, and brought to the
t1ttr11itc.11 of thjse present a new ideal
in the construction ol roads. The new
method of road construction which he
explained is made up of a crushed rock
foundation, with a lime stone top.
hound together by a cement called
Kockmuck. According to the testi
iiioniiils which Mr. Jackson read thii
new method of road cotiMtructioii has
given satisfaction in Knglnml, Scotland,
Camilla mid some of the Eastern slates
and costs at least 25 per cent lcs than
cement and will leave the greater part
of the money expended on this kind of
a road in the county.
It seemed to be the opinion of those
present that this method of road con
struction should be investigated and if
it appeared to bo what was claimed for
it. It should be given a trial.
; in new members at the next meeting,
j A ComrnitU-e was appointed to wait
.on the Council and confer with them
as to wajs and means of rcrr.uncratlr.f
tho ftive members, based on prompt
attendance at fires, drills and meet
ings. The 'meeting then adjourned until
next Thursday, March IS.
It is.propoted to select the teams for
the vkri us carts in the immediate
ocelity nt their stations, and quite a
rivalry hss nlieady started as to uhich
locality ci n put out the best men. It
is expictcd thai within a month all
the best and most active young men
in town will be members of one or the
other of the Comnanies.
boi.til5 EiTD SESSION
Savins In Appropriations Over Last
Dicn::um Cct St Near $35J,jOU.
Iloise. Kind. The legislature aJ.
.'ourned s?..e die Monday at 10 o'clock
tfvar clearing away the general appro-
the e-l- -ationa! and charitable, penal
InstUu. ms and judicial courts' bud-
market foodsiuifs will be sold at cost 1 Re's to meet Uu- drain on the state
to tho (Vintlneuul Timber Iimi com
pany, a Delaware corixiratlon.
This is all timber land, and Includes
one of the flnost bodios of timber in
tho state, Tho consideration Is given
In tho deed as II, but the Instrument
boro JHT.50 worth of revenue stamps,
which 1 urticatus a purchase price of
Want Produce So'd at Cost
Kugrnfi. The socialists of Eugene
have asked the city council to submit
to tho voters at the April election a
charter amendment empowering the
erection of .1 building for a public
msui: a.id "w -!fare center." At the
by tho city plus the expense of con
ducting the market. Provision Is t
be made fnr n free medical nud dents,
cllnte for the po-'r of the city wit.
office In the market building.
treasury during the years 1515 and
To pay the money so appropriated;
the ad.alorem tax act setting a maxl-,
mum limit of Jl.SOO.CoO was pa.n,il. It
is be' pved that ou:i Je revenue from
the federal government and tho said
of Innls. etc.. when added to the
John Theiler, appellant vs. Tilla
mook County, a case uppealed from
Tillamook County, which was u suit
for ditmngcH, was reversed and re
manded by thu Supreme Court.
Theiler sued the county for $1,000
dainagi'f, to his laud on account of tres
pass in making road improvements nnd
Judgu Webster Holmes dismissed the
01180 oil the grounds that tho complaint
did not state facts sufllclent to consti
tute 11 cause of action.
Tho Supremo Court reversed tho de
cision of thu lower court, uud conclude
that thu complaint status fuels sutlic
ient to constitute a cause of action and
that nn error was committed in direct
ing u venlict for tho defendant. Tho
judgment in therefore reversed uud tho
cause remanded for u new trial.
Attorney S, S. Johnson is Theller'a
nttornoy in this ease
20 acres II nu bottom hind goad locu
tion, 1 mile south of Tillamook, Good
barn, I I cows, team, wugon ami har
ness, Soino farm tools, l'ricc reason
able, Good terms. Cull 011 or address
IL A. Kinnanian. Tillamook, City,
Occasion Is Celebrated With Speecnes amou' 1 raised by tho advalorem tax
win t sufficient to meet the expenses
of tho blennium. The saving on or two
years ago will be about $350,000.
The total carried by the educational
budget as finally approved was JC75,
990.50. The general appropriation
bill, to which the senate made amend
ments, carried J610.172.50; the judicial
budget $:'50.200. the general deficiency
act 5LM37.74 and the charitable and
penal institutions $3fi3,C00 and J310,-000.
by Representative Men of 2 States.
Portland With hundreds of Port
land and Vancouver citizens masseu
- . : ! a .jpnt off square murkins
tho site of tho tirst concrete pier of
he interstate bridge, with nn ex
change of 1 pi exiles of felicitation a:ui
prophecies of the future greatness ot
tho "twin cities." actual work on tht
rc'iobsal viaduct that Is to unite two
states was beguu at 3 o'clock Saturday
Tho ceremony of celebration v113
held on the san-iy beach of Haydeu
Island, near the Oregon landing of the
Vancouver ferry.
Hrlof talks woro made by members
of the commercial clubs of Portland
and Vaueouer, who carried on the
campaign that resulted tu the issu
ance of bonds for the bridgo, $1,250,000
worth by Multnomah county and $6uo.
000 worth by C'larko count;, Wajh
ington. .Mayor Milton Kvans, of Van
couver; Commissioner V. L. Hrewster.
representing tho city of Portlam, .
President V. P. Connawuy of the Van
couver Commercial club; Commission
ers ltufus C. Holumn, V. L. Lightner
and Phlln Hoi brook, ot Multnomah
county, and John Lyle Harrington, eu
glneer In charge of tho bridge, also
wore umong tho speakers.
.Vrrnngeinonts for the celebration
were made by a committee of the
Vancouver Commercial club composed
of K, K. Heurd. chairman; W. C. Uates,
P. Stapletou, A. J, Dorlanil aud P. J.
W. Deerln; Lesves $15,000,000.
Chicago. The late William Deerlng,
harvester manufacturer, left an estate
of $15,20tI,S"3. alter payment by his
executors ot all debt;- and expenses,
according to a final accouutluj mad
in the probate court here.
$155,000 Lost in Portland Fire.
Portland, Or. Fire gutted the three
story brick building occupied by Joues
Cash Store, a ma'l-ordor house, SO
Front street, comer of Oak, causing
the entiro loss of tho stock, valued at
Want Fortification of Coast Harbors.
Salem. Tho need of fortifying
Grays unit Willapu harbors against
foreign invasion is emphasized iu a
memorial adopted by tho Washington
stuto legislature, a copy of which was
recolvod by tho secretary of state here,
the matter to bo submitted to thu next
session of tho Oregon legislature. The
memorial calls upon congress to take
uctlon to protect these harbors, which
It states are wholly without means of
repelling nn attack.
Instruction at pupil's home
Uerlln, by wireless to Sayvlllo, N.
Y. A dispatch to tho Frankfurter
Zcltung says that a steamer arriving
at nn Italian port reports having met
22 French transports near tho Island
of Malta, heading toward tbo Dardan
elles. In an article in the Vorwaorts, the
former Loudon correspondent of the
uowspapor, In dealing with tho Dar
danelles attack, says;
"Tho composition of the British
neei uppeurs to coniirin tho rumor
that Great Britain has added two
squadrons cf new ships to her navy
since tho war began."
Turkish advices published lit the!
various Berlin newspapers unite in
declaring that thu results of the allied
bombardment of tho Turkish forts ln
tho Dardanelles havo been negligible,
At tho same time It is pointed out that
several ships of the allied fleet hav
been datnqucd.