Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 09, 1915, Image 2

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C. G. Crom&leyf editor
.xucd Civicc .1 UJcclt Ciic5d4Vanrt l-rld.lv
tlel ,-..,1, U,r V "VVW.'
Oregon, under IN act of Maren X. int..
srn.sv.Kii iu stsn a v;ib in aovvncu
ZHdvirtlshia lv.ttc
r,r Insertion, per line 5 "1?
Laoh subsequent iraertmn. linn ..
llomestewi .oticva JbJJJ
Timber Claims - - HM;
Notices, per line
Card of thank, per line .W (
Lorn I, Kr litw. nrst tnnortion - .T j
TlrKSPAV MARCH 0. 10 5.
(Frnn f niT l
Ne n'i ' ' ti-r.n. the ret'
,f Pieitlnt ViUnail.iee-
for ji'k-.'Hnt before SH
J- : rrcTit tit-.'ikc that of a
- 1'ie'ican I ivtMrnt It tarits
., . ' in vo'timc urn! cluracJer oi
;-. i v nirnt. !r thi" tmp-rtaee of B-
srti- fu!h nolverl. ihtrc ' hsu hen
o ' trjf like it in nierican hitary.
.N statettnan of a"v lime has danccl
i- :tt-iupt o m-.svh. The eeBtr-I
' uht ha been to r-.tl the practice
which tltc ptv.crl'n' wtert v
' favors of trovt nmet tor ttn ir
i Ate enrich :niu in etcV-.-.f
c. -.ipaistn cotttrih'.tttons.. In eMect. t"
w 5 a political allUocc hetwcvit pfw
c'm) mamn":,cn-',,ff financial in
ti a pa;ti'trship which appiarcil
it . early of the Kc;,htic
a th- o!.J rkr.lit partv .'.r
s. toyed itcli in it entcuor to f.tvc
-overnmv:it sirvc !'c pcd.il nl- of
p-svtiits'ca interest. It .rper-l ac.in
wlu- t'te old STltc '-
downfall thr.v.s:h the same cattle,
ami -a t'.ir.l ttr.u- r-...n!H'-. v !utj
the slave power. ! wtki-t it pur
pose through thi ; .-i :;c of
.Ti'.nt, learly lelroel the Deino
cra;ic party.
Th: insistence by -riie'ity mer of
pc.vnr anl position that governm. nt
wr.s a peronal asset to their business
in exchange for their influence in pol
itics wa never more marked or mare
mal than in the Us! twenty-ftvi yer.rs
of merican life, as is indic?ted b'"
th near destruciion that it bronRht
upon the Republican party in 19"
To free honest American business
ffctn this cornipt and blighting prac
tice was one of the first grmt otider--taWnj-f
to which President Wilson
addressed his encrgiea, hi inteHi
gence rrtd his purpose.
The rade commission is in exis
tence. Trusts can never again buy the
presidency. The surveillance by the
coin tission forever ends the power
of carrpaign contributions and for
ever c: 'anicip.ites the White House.
The partnership , between corrupt
business and government is dissolved.
Ti:. trade commission act frets
honest business from the blighting
practice of dishonest business. It is
not only a trade commission, but a
tariff co.ni'siiMon in practical effect.
It ioes far in removing the tariff
from nolitics I clothing the commis
sion with auth ity tor unlimited in
vestigation and recommendation on
the relation of our American business
to the business of the world. It is a
great ; ian for :he scientific adjust
ment ot proper relation between a re
cjutr 1 bontst business and an honest
nc..:i life. It is one of the most
rtiiit regulative acts in the his-
turv 01 tnc Unit id States.
i t.in mca-iure prohibits inter-'
loci-tiit; dir.'CtO'Mes, regulates stock
wate.iii;, latb, ttist magnates for1
viuluiin ti e J- - the country and
t cr f stnciiuns to prevent
lioin ''tnplovn. corporate or-
lion is a im .ins of levying cx
h ..... -"lute uii the people and
, ,c .'; :i ( -.untry. the two
ire ,(, . i .' i.imiKs for pre-
.r ; tin- ion. ..1 1. 1 markets and
'4 of j r cet. for preventing the
'.-, de.--r 'ion of independent
.! b 11. is ' iy corporations, and
1 Ji.i ii ipti it the people (rom the
V , I
a. ' s
fix I'
1 tb
1 11-.,:
f.r 1
t r
pa iii
i :i
" 1 it
"'.nt robbi
of law.
tipression so long prac
ic aitcreirationa of or
acling within the
rhe people under the
urifi ..ct 1- In
!t v. as ilc.na ib ii
iUori rec
, and piomis-
See Us fi r Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Each surooouent imwrUon, line M
Uxige notices, per lino -l
Businciw lVofosional eardrum. LOO
Iiliy Advert semcnt. per inch .
ALL Plaplav Ads must be hi this .
fioif on Monday and Thursday r'r
Ing to insure publication in follow
ln Twaday and Friday laaww.
Reason ar imporatiT.
Ctl to, the pv ople as fur hack a ItjoA
It retnovid the special favors of
r.iiRhty interests bought from gtnerrt
nfv with camtfciitf contributions.
! favors tlmt licensed the few to chartse
j .xto.tionatc prices for itumifaetnred
jv-vds- Then.w u. t. iu addition
'created the tu.nu t4. nmlcr which
!foverv i- "o lo4er ovi'tmcd i"
the betnot i f wealth, but a part
the burden of irovttnmeut put upon
thoi !-r-t .,Wc to jay.
1 be in w currency .) stem i in the
reeo'J. It the boblest and
itst Ki;'tUtii'ii in .1 gene ration.
;"";e cnltt eurreucy of the court-
1 ' . .1 A
-IT .
1. -re una r prt.au- nnuu'i
1 1 .--e;i f t W-.f! h'.rcit baltk. n
; ..tl the (- it. e r So ?u.ikr 'iumfv thip
if .Kr. t' 1 power to crr.it-' panics !t'
t i, :)k ;-.wcr to crude stagiiatu,
r. in a--.1 i Lntpte), the power to
i. 1, ;us eveu t the jrmernmeet
,-i 1 I'v etron'-i'ic the?n 'lve t-
.h. r thy exirn 1 personal domrt
,jn over the im.-inn.-l .ti'm of the
-. ounto'. a jocr '.'-i h been n'.r
.i). ly and rilinin )' ttted i!'
u:'-.!iriff sip .1 fnv .'ijraiHtc f..rtuuf
.ii.ich -l ' i.ontr!b:d di.tt
I i.ittion f tuvl;',
", o v !, -i-' reat r. hb i'f 1
t, i ti' ' ' ' wd'r
, "... 1 .-i ''( ' ' vet.-'..ti ' ' ' con
. ,.;d C-. u-.tltH- oi r-'in-Iv
! .'is --.! gri-ups -oi .tit't. b
:isn-fv ,-ifl tfrpvtj- "t ;atctiiie'i
:'., ,ionr .: vhin e-. r b:;.l the p.i
tiiotUm. tin intt-iiis;eiice a-id the at
t oc to atttmpl it un.ii Mr. WiNo
to.'ik connnand and led the way. 1 h.
new currency system i- his .Wo r.
and the Kovernment contr tl of Atmr
ican credit and currencx tnt..n'
Wall Stret control, is Mr, WiUot
Tnese are fundatne-i:. I strtutr
l they deal with the strs.- ' iral -'
j atioa. of oar ee.notnic hi : Th y e:
,- t ody jfreat principles, and ir.at.-'itir.u
i east reform. They arc legislation th 1
I Cvitncs into-bei'ig only at mrc t- te
: .r.L. There has hi en no IcKt-Ii'm
. ce Lincoln fyrnt arable to the -u
currency act. In a gen- ration, th
n!) 'tiea-'.trcs of standi g wis!' :b.
'ic cijtmriUsiun law are the Stu r
in 'aw and the Interstate. Conum r
ci (iimnii.sion act.
; V 1 in two years. President Wil
i 1 leadership has made a record of
tr great maustriai acts, inaugural
i-ig a new epoch in American business
ivl establishing a new freedom for
thr American people. The annals of
.nierican administration and Ainerl
statesmanship reveal no other
. i ord like it.
But, above all in this impressive
o years of accomplishment is the
.' ise, the intelligence and high mor!
-nrpose with which the president has
represented this Republic in thcs
'ry nt; times when Furope is in con
- ulsion and all the world aflame.
'A htle in blood drenched Europe,
oi'i-ii weep ami men die, wluli
.hblrcn call for sins who can m-vt r
come back, and toothers pray for th'
.afety of their son!, they will neve'
tore cf, it is importune, at this mid--t'jtnent
of his presidential term, for
he American people to rejoice in
heir tranquility, pcAtc and good will
u home, and to thank Almighty Go-!
..ir a president whose purpose i
.veacc and justice and whose pit a t
the notions is to sher.the their suonK
and be at war no more.
From Philadelphia North American
1 nu country must tnsist upon
, H lit -,, s a in in; ,. 1 11 1 ion, 10 carr o
its toiiniKrct, and, further, irur I
,d that the lulled Male, (tag he Wr that dign, u o . " , - -,,,.!
..J muil not he lasted eigl.s the individual opinion H a. v
lall on n foreign ship
These declarations were made hy
Charlemagne Tower, formei Unit.it
State minister to Vienna, ambassa
dor to Russia and ftom lorij until ion
ambassador t Germany, In ad
dren MNvtr.HvM before th atom
ni of the University ol PcanayWnitis
at their annual I nivcrsily day ban
quet. Mr. Tower paid a trtbwt to prcm
dint ilson, saying that. "It it fight
for us to deetere now. thut up to the
nreient moment. Jhe preswlut.
the I'niied Stales has crptol
gnartdd the itiret of the people 1
' fultillf nctH-xhty" tbbgaii to l'
' concerned ami hi almir.(bly m..n
' taineit the dieetiv i I the nation.
"It w thrt" ree d s- cfet lh
ance." he sni . "thst pereipirfttt '
rountrie e Fnrove in:w the Wfr! '
ful war that i now going on. Thr
' were set interlocked. ne with 3
1 other that w hen the day of tmib'
U ime they were drawn in e "t t-r
. . 1. .. . u 1. . 1 1. . - iticit m-IaHm.I if tt
M ' l 11 ' 1 , nil' i'i,i , ' - " . -
not. IU Mt to ileltrtrt tneroserv 1 crt,t py inti rntiiton.ti v
each against the ther that ha.d ertt esprcialty the right to curry i
ed a tructun: which in falling drs? unmolested our evuiniitfce and Irade
them all dowet." sad to d4 freclv wtth rither WH-
Thc speaker pointed out how jir- erent; subject, of cam, to the rule
leans are all persona!)? mttftd if to cnritraband of wat. which wc
the strmrgle. thrcntsh associattonv have upheld hrretolorr, and enforced
relatives sr-d frie.",, and d$bwt! iurelvev A we dtal firfy iH
that there is strong fwrtUil tt each of the nuita m respect lo our
meat which tsaeft one cherish? ' neutrality to the confltet, e.
"some occasionally as If the qewtion peet tht thrv will show the am
invotved were aeUMlIy eors to d- f-time in rtgrd lo our cetnmerce
"t wiAitd not enrtail this s:ittir9CTii"
he contWed, "because in thi eountrv
every iMie h.ti a ri:ht to hi persona'
opinion, e erv one hf the ri!'
to epre i! if he will. I'uimrsttotw
b!e. bovv.v it 'I Suty to r.meii
mCKLED ? 5
h v S
Grocery Specials This Week
Koyal CI', i S.. lid P.u-k Tomatoes No. .'! can 2 for 25c,
Royal Club Solid Pack
Royal Clnl) Siuiiiikt Pack
Roval Clu'i liarlv ftnie
groceries, smoked
yon tiny your Jye
Win. ,
line from us you may KNOW Uial you (jet i lie licst. Wc do
not allow ariythlno to Jjrow slalc and palm It off on our
patrons. We want the CONFIDENCE of this community
the way to rjcl it Is lo DESERVE It.
Wc want those who do not huy fhclr druy store thlnns
from us to ask about us from those who do.
The Tillamook Dtug Stote
We jjlve you what you ASK for.
r . I t i ... I. .tail
thority of the whole Amerfcan tfnl'
rent upon an4 reprrarnt lh '
Therein to M to
.Ar' - .1!-.... America
imtat t tr; AHt tl bt
Mr. Tower deli"ei ilHM
anl tol4 of he teM w calling the
fit. i Hattue tx&tt tribunal, He M
thai the (i t RJ"to. to Wf
tribunal, foresaw th present wne. and
..tiewpt to reevent it.
I'nder America's chrttr a itH-
ir.i!, he sat-1. w- Haw certain duties
n 1. t.on.t w' iih r rteoftilrrii bv
tt, ot rt.uioit. The inuiMl, he
.bcUiftl. is nrtr.ir a party nor a
judge, .I. in.i.ior. he muu no!
! i,-r one ln !li tnt 10 lh,' other.
n,r mux he 'Hi the one and injure
1 he other.
Mn th other hml," he ennrirttietl.
whtlr we are wrlrmtin toy
and doing what i fM, we ltve ir
rifiht neutrals, which re t W
1 I Ui1i WW .1 1 1 " - - - - y " - -
I ... . . , 4i.
ami trade.
j "8l. bw ail else, there l otke
j thing we muni demand. They mnsi
!! the tneriean flag ahme. It is the
j l iH.tt nkiem of our nutiooai ei
to itve. There is nothing to tlie world
jti.t ( rut rspct much. It
,T 6 R.I6HT.
Maine Corn '-' cans for 2fie.
Pineapple 'J oz. can, '1 cans
Peas, .'! cans lor -lOc.
& CO.
meats, fruits,
Of dll 1lIHii.i 1. 1 .1 in 1 . ilriiii
mMv,.., he I.. Ullv on nnv
foielgn ship H n""1 nw ,,"W
YV are lado .Hnatlon Inuigbt
with dillucli.r. nd a HWly lo
... arii at an iniiK"t questions id
! mcH "t M4f'm "J
ami th. .Wll l r tiM aM-flrrr.
Matesmrn to sotye, with due trgard
... k.t mm ow to onrtrKe wrl:
at to others.
An toeldeit ttnywhtre mitthi ghe ;
rise to storm ol Ireltog. width to ,
moment ol niKowtrolM ImptiUr
might lend to the mo" depl r..l.l re
solts, ttll tot the '" J"'1 ;
nient oi the nation. It W - 1
pmstog dniv now to present mh an
orenranct. and by ieeplng b. Itr w
ii.. .MMttarda ot lite that w -
have set tip for mw fwManee- to Attirr
Ua. to eeri ntr HtflaeHr" towstd m
I ttrrtce and lofebe ranee, in older thi
j ..mtu-e may triumph to th end
"W ashtonton's word are almost
startling, when he ayt Mr, I'm
dletun. in i?i The mnrMne d the
Kuropean pow, "d itin e-li u
iiuolion into whieh sll (hem
thiowit ty the ptesenl rmnou w4t
tnjghi to he serions warning t "
avoid a similar catasttopbr. hn
a wr can with hon and iufu 1
our national rharaeir.
Vt are th only grt tw.w r m
tirely lire from Kufopean obtlgln
ol kind. We h the rr.pr.t .!
ronfidenee ol th nation in ld i
th wan. How gladly w h.nM el
cntM Iheat il lWv tnrnnl 10 d
gave u the opportunity to eatablwh
pence irt ihr world.'
Suit Hanton . Haaa, artlon fo
morwy. tmrdlH for plalaltH lo th sum
of tSB&.M.
Katnr va. Androw fnwhtr, aetlo
for money. iyrntonl ebargnd with
dnfrntating plaintiff in n land deal,
Venliet fouf J f-t lvfr
Stato v. Jgff t. MaUvy an) loev
RirhanU on ehsrga of illicit eo
tiajMtation. Dnfrndnnta found guilty
liatnay fttl I100.0D on nditiona.
Jodgv Halt has not prononneod an
tenc on th woman.
I'wwvra vs. Kverson. km dtomtaaad.
ie fondant meovan ct and dtaburan
merits. Kuatetr va, W. O. Chaao. set Ion for
whtln plaintiff soot to re
eor mony on a ftah danl. Jury t
turng a vrdkt for plaint! tt in Um saw
if nai.io.
Notlto ot A.sci(.nicm,
M inrni tantrwr C'dpany. a rortwr
sni, hsviiig ita ofltott aiid uriegipal
t of pulns at Ho. Mo First
SimiK. In lh City of Uw Angoto.
t to uf Califorto : -
otien ilirvir 'iwm tht t a 'et.
,-ofthei Hoard f lir ct-r. ,.f &ai !
' awl Lumber CVnpaty. he' ! : the
ih day of tN&ruary, tPlfc. an m-"
incut . ( p aharv wna lent
apct 11. ie. .- i ital t-tk of said
corp. rii'.f i , iiir. ' It- Irnracdtatmlv t, t.
i,'. ; 1, Sf?rtry f iid
eorpomt i Ho. t!3f Kt 'irt
Xfeet, in th" Clt uf bus Altgele,
Slate of California.
Any st. elt upon which this aaaoas
itant shall remain ut paid on tim 4th
day of Mereh, IMA. will bo nVlmqwrnt
nd advarttned for smIo at public ante.
il.n, nnd utile nnyment la mada be
fre, will fa sold on Iho ftnd day of
March, 1016, -t Wrloek A. M. or.
salt) data, to pay the delinquent ium.
nsani. tngatiier with thi- ens' of a.uf .
Using and txpemkK of sale
C . C Go..hl.
To Whom It riny Cliie!n
,.Th fall wing hUck pneln Ud.
Ill 4847 and No hum, ,.f tno
lan Mallonwl ti tiraii, r t'ampan, uf
Stettin, Clriiniiv, 4 vet hNii (mt r
-tolan, fr. it ihe M U. WbUnhmw,.
'iKenev. el rtllnin.Mik Tilv, Orngon
nd N-ll e in Hereby (Jinn, that the
...q minimi N4ll..ni,l I n.irnre Com
: nv nMim ,.. I ihIhIk v ui 'lwr lh
'"ov iiu.nUred polieles. AnV infor-
1..1H011 or ib return of ih above
i.iinibrre.i plieis will rotifer a favor
n Menu A IIkH-vUi. Hirial Agnt
'r Ibti ( oniMHiiv, ut . o Hok
Vtitlle, ttml tn ul..n; r to tho Unite,'!
;.,,,t' 1 IJr' Ofller of thi- emnimnv
Hur'.ld W. lotion 1:.... S.I...1....1
Il'Hiirsnrc K'ha ei . I bira,-., Ill
Ih'iili A. I'.iiIhwiii, ,,eei,ij Agl
Seattle. SV. ''
O. L. DICK &r. SON, V,un.
lV-lh Phonrs '
Nic Sniiie Price to IJvcryone
Kclnnd B. Grwin
leaehcrol P'jiuo
Hiplonm rmin tint Chit'iit-u
Alimicil IVilhnju
ATI r trr-ia r.
Dwlng lo ntitimroua lnniilrliM I would ,
K-coinmiind only mm iwhoi, V110I Iv 1
luritit: the scliunl ymir, ly 1
H. N. llltNKl.lt, ,Mt.,. ' 1
Lofiitcd In JorutM-lfiiuilMni n.n.... I
Fi.nar.1 Director nd Ucmd KniUI,,,.
I.dv AMUtt Vll)n cuiuctui.
Attorney at Law
AMIBU I flllf a IlilLI...
rmtm iTt i . ie.
: ' 1 1 Ait'
iiv -mi:: mi ,h....
iiiiu 1.
Calvin R. Wo.-r.ill
I l t I A 1 I 1 t. u iv
(t,tui til n 111 . .) . , li t
mMlitaiir'liLi , 1 . ..
Tll.I.AMlK-,. i Hf.
A'lTtMlNI N U I Aw
TllUm... I 1
It.-.. .. .
MttKlle, nl aw
ittr p
lillMtuooU t'nuuts llnnk
t 1 n . . .
I 1 J . V L UlNHT
lllit I'hcU I it tM,nKJiT
Cinmtirui.il r.'i i itcj
1SU '
M . t. ... ...
Pelr! '
Attorney al I
OKice In THLtmoaX BM
I If I 1 , II i.U'l
V "S ft
AND Ml r . S
Ototeiri. .. !.it
lluth I" .
.was t. ail ,
tlor; tl A, hi - . I' M.
L. L. HOY, M. D.
Pll'Hui.tll .itl't -iltllS
Hll l .r Offl r
It A V.i . fv
1 I . ! cl C K WiMHl
KKfllDKNT I ! ' Ml
Oftlee liouts 'rr.-i. '.' .
Odafrllov i Dl.'nt
llolh I I.. '
SB . . ISM
.Stirertdifi? !)r. I'. J Shtre.
All ITT-. f . . t II Jh r.
Office Hour. 1 . 0
Open Itvrulnci lim ' ti u b
It- (Zrr I C?ottrCf1
Dr. IVrkinv i S!
llolh PlwncJ liril.1.- IW'31
J. E. REEDY, D. V.
(llolh PI 1. 1
I 1 I I n. 1 I ' If T
I I II fill II Mitt I wi-j
; Sldnoy It. llniilrr-- . I'"
J .I0I111 Loluml 1 Ii ' U r hi,
J Hiii'j, 'l ieiiK
J AUornuy-iit-Luw. N Hiirv I'"1'"'
5 Tillamook Title and
I Abstract Co.
Luw, AtmlniftH, Ut'itl ! tntr.
i HtirvuyliiK', I nniirutsci.
' Moth, Plinni.'H
oiu r.oN
liifitruitllou nt pupil's home
ran vooito on
tOtD 4
f Pilled
tun Hint nix
I Alii ftmAl
LIHIa Livar Pills