WAT. 1100 ISSUED TWICE A WEEK -TUESDAY AND FRIDAY RGESTCl?CULATIONOF ANY PAPER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY XXII, Tillamook, Okhc.o.v, 'Iamcm !). 1013. NO. J 4. I Spring Millinery Announcement 1 Oregon Weekly .Bay City Kan industrial Review K,h l i iu Joue oi I'm . l 1 (IHHtlttH'll hill Intr 'I " r Milliner v fork K 1 ' " oul will lv lc- UtiM t !KV VOtl lIltMU'W , - . ; m view in, our . . i 1 1 . it ii r, "hi uoii uii uie i Wil li v rii-i-i l know mid huve ic'itii v M i s x JoncM i,t, imu rxpcncwT in M-.it ten will no b'-t . I 'l t Miiin nvnil Styl, icmotiMH ui ncr services, y.i...- lOtir f .? lament with' Mis Junes is for ;t short hvni .uih We should then-lore he jlml if yon will u.lh i v mr orders as curly as poiaible. Innouncing Showings of Exclusive les in the Most Fashionable and Approved Models in Ladies uils, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Dress Skirts. Yi .in- I'lnliully invited to visit our Kendy-To. car Svti in on the B.tlconv to view at vour leisure L-lKiiiti'ul .'itnl artistic models iu nil the latent and UtfnsliioiiuljleMrmcntfor'tltc-coinhijswiKOM's" wtr Wayne Knit Hosiery For Men, Women and Children Yn in knit represents the most desirable qualities to he found in Hosiery at (he pres- t . v oiuhined with wenrum qu.tlit , splendid Hiii; .tu 1 eoutlort Kivin the W ivue Knit Brand ws t u re.itest possible vane at lh lowest price. Ladies Hose - 25c to $1.75 Men's Half Hose 25c to $2.00 Childrens Hose - 1 9c to 25c r Cotton, Vegetable Silk, Silk l.ihlc and pure silk ose Tho Ho wo- Book or Fnohiono Now on Snlo Por 15o Copy Including Froo Pattorno Acliritici On IU Increaic. New ) YtlopmenU In All I'arU Of The Stale 1S i. Commits Suicide! Mom's llli 'I Lit Mtr hat ordered dm bushel seed .. 'u! !ih IU industry at Stale I fitilr Made in t'nUiii County 1 'i;ut Bftrnilril by too M Met. n.- M.( o.i ic Mil's have '"fiiMrt (or H.rrio.ntwi rl ll- ' R fi K itiiU Cnio Pacific h we jf1 rt for mtlcr ! . Wi.ikt (frl ?lAlH ct iron , ii-. .mil Smiih ! Walton t7so for 'K ' ! id. I'wftlaml, XI m ton i r lntgt ir lrltiil'. Itakrt Ccwmly jlcrt mining rrMllii rarlirf than utual Mr.li(iclJ I. lick uml rt $J Liti m Kolil a til jjt tatiiiuni. j'ortUnil B'-"l rK l:Klrr would itittutr $i,wn,i ltfll lur. v,;i,iu --M jrdi 16. rvcurtn mcht u.,i(in OrrI Voribrrn al I'lavcl i t!!4nil 1 ii Hrnrv will ncet $ ri1rnc; on I ornrll rtl. .1.. lallt - kniKhu I'vthtki lu tm four iur) r:icrttf UwJkc UuiUl- ' fl. & N' will ifnJ $7oo.oc3 .1 ii iri. 4ttl vuilurl t 1'ortlantl. ( lmmi Point, jj utile Iront Port n .1 n Cnluml'Mi liiKltway to liave to r I'lialrt inn. Mny j to B tll lir lock 0tciiint; .vrrk tor Ccllio and Uickoh City ca ' iu! i nrtt Uw i offrrctl !)' the I'tohi molt party and the lntior lfcdcra ttn, fur rtrclioit ff tcntgjtcwiatlvca, I :tlrrnilcncr two Iltilr h;tril Uf .1 Huilt north. Iriuiir Stro'tK and It. I.. Hart . ..p.lurtnitf muiiiiII At Peoria. Vniliriltnt'olr Vaili'y electric iliojil heini; jirt.iit'itctl. i I It How ill 411J J. W. Stevenson '.u . kini: M"ln at lilrttdnlc. t'.Hiiiiy treamrcr Mlnry cm f .i to $7a ! .1 Slack, in !.tor Pre: "So '. .t...i law prd Oh ll)c contmry, hr rittinicnt ( hotli hrnnche-s of tlie ! Kithtiiir v.ti unlavorlile to labor, . cn-at many of the lawmakers bciitK .. vttivcly intolerant." I- A XtcUrtth erect f 10,000 ajmrt , in nt at Portlnud. , (...itocbrtlk .t Fry jo.ooo capacity i.trttitill at lrorest Grove. ! m.i Ion -John Thoma I $iKim bungalow. . Alluitn public niitrkci, Portland, to lir rnbUKClt. St.tv architects office and salary I ! $. abolished and official put on , Ur. ' l imiracl for expendiitK $000,000 ..it I etl irrigation tract in Umatilla 1 uiiutv have been let to Porter Hros. I t-Kivlaturc cvitliiutly thotiKht Ore-,-, n nudk more road an;! less scenic I.kIiv. ay. K.ii.i- and snows Insure g'll crops ..r l etitral Oregon. Organized labor has established a uoiioit.il union-label mail order house. I Ship building plants on thu coaM are t tithed with orders for new e i seU. -ox sawmill at N'oti has resumed huildiuK "iiiictei uio 1.V11.1 c Muiif)fi.'0. L'lll 1 1 ii Ktuutrin iimimijer, or ai 1.0.M01111, HUloa muiin low I.. ,, ... ' (lllioriilii ' 'I'limiuiH till. of thu early bohsIumh 'f tio Htto IokIh- lnti: 1, .Hud burn ttrtur tin uuitn ... um, week. H wuh 02 yonrH old. Tho pnHHU.K of Mr. Mlt.to romovf otto of ii... bent-known of oontoiupornry t- 1 ii . i .... u reir in 11 11 1 1 " "..j.uro, uirotitor uml Jitvoiit- neurit, uv - - - - . tl"J rive nul,,u.H which thcn- tlmuto frlond 01 thu lulo ,.., . wu "rKunlod to .n.u.yfaL.turU: thlu.i. uml was a wU.ioh o Ui r .. . . i...i.t.. .iv.ilnninont Of tllO llu - .nun, a 11 ruutor uml a iuriui"' ' '"uruu uuHinuHH iuuii or r;it' rroiu immwi nvu Htoitk HalUHIIlOII. II. P. MlttW of CtVIIIll.. wc I. II M, Todd, JoHoph Hunt- - "upHou und, p. h. urnliio. gulmpnho'. or tho llcraiu. 1'hirty-i.ix lawyers want new office o( public defender created nt Port laud and other cities arc to follow Husband Wife on Murdrr Charge. MarahtlPld. -On n eharHO of murder, j itiiDMiill worn 1 .m-. mm , 1 , operations. n.,,ir hnitii. fli. milt's Houtn or .Myrtm I- . .. ... . 11,.. r tKHI HUM I pitVKl.it, vwii.-...v IS Ufiniirplnii Thpniirtliint I'oinl. It In itlluisoil tnoj am h'"o . vU-". - . ii...,ll hmtluir of n P.. n polNMUUg Viiiim -.m.u uum.tj uiu rai ciuront'o. wlii.n uenin oceuiyi YOQk ygant uko. wltlmui any Hiixpleiou at . ' tho llmo. 1 Hlmrlff .lohmion linn ordered the nr- 0!.. . ... tlMlll...., Itiinllllllll 111 L.OIMIl t u. a, cashier mulcted, rest 01 U C iarifli... ,v.u- rr,.uil iii.l 1 PAlullO. Ultuio, ioiiiiui. euf it.......? T, ,. ih.t lttikHKll Place, who kuvo tlio .... 1 uihiii uuil.i lliuim i" . ..f,.i,lM i nitvent roi-mur on eura mm " fk "'deainun of the ilitfutiet I ' . n, var. I 111. . la 1 1 .1 ft 711 UC2 UI vmw. lJ,,to,l by tlu. fttdoi-ul if. I Salem. - John Ml.ilo. run , hltmt 0 II eacb euuu wuh (Ivj.. at , flrtfKtm Muw W, ''". ......-.. - - 'I Mtlt'lV tlitfbt o'clfil Mli Brallxrg, Jcwlfcr at Bar City, Blowt Brains Out Wilh UyoUtr . Last Sunday. at about twelve Martin Hanlfrv, jeweler nt IWVU Hv .lid himself with rc. vrMLI twlnx his brains aut. The itdil-'f Ifar.l the revolver report lillV" " hi loom where tbey found hfiJvinif across the bed with a rc VfiWcr ci'-thed ir one hand. It Is 1 "WeM that the cause of ki death wawd' ,inUncy. Dceeafrd wa ,"R year old. He hit iouJ l .iivc that anyone tinows of. He hamjsotwc properly, coiuistinK of $t$$ inta$h, bank deposit sliua. a tuort- ajac nd some reality. He hat been a Malilciit of Hay City for the past iWfiFycars first coroner fibis 1 Dr Wendt's case. Inother community sihg. fn Friday cveniui; . Women's Civic Club of have a community inc at the mcrrul Club rooms The cominR en tcrtaitimcnl, however, will have some additional features. It will be remem bered that the last community mur March '10. the this city will Com- S ER V I C E Ask any of our customers about First National Service They arc all pleased with it and Can tell you why. First National BanK lillotnook, Oregon. A BIG REALTY DEAL ' Rook live fire company as incumbent upon the property holders of the city Marion Chance, II. W. Smith and A. and also upon the Insurance Companies J. Schmelrer have bought the old Jns. represented Iwrc. held at lite club rooittt uii n ilrci.lnt i success. It is a fine idea to have all , "uhcv P'cc ve llcia:'cr- ?" A motion was ntarfe. seconded, and thc-people Ket lOKctherand have a P emprise. 319 acres. M of which entd, that a committee be appointed touslnc Rood time throwinK aside alii' Attorn land now under Rraaa. The Jnlerview u,e Fjrp Irsuranc;nU ml , , ... . ,, ... 01 tne ci an1 through them their CO head of cattle ae now on it, H. . ,:.. , ... .l .i ... ... ..1 , companies, as to whether they would Smith will run the place during the ;...,. ,r , . , ' . , ,. : help in the support of the Fire Com next year. The purchase price of the j pBnj. place was $10,000. Messrs. Chance, j Smith and Schmelzer arc prominent! Mot on made, seconded, and carried. Grangers of the county and .well j lnat a committee of fiv property own-known.- - ... . - , crs be appointed by the chairman to m secure members for the Kire Company. CtDCMPM-e. MPFTlNr Tn';hrt,'r"'a' Pintcd the follow- HKtmtfl a mttlinti lnR committee: Chas. J. CloURh. C. ., 7 , ... r., Miller. M. F. Lc..ch. Alex. McNair Pursuant to u call of hire Chief . . .... , . . , . . , ... , and K. r. Haltom. and he also referred Coates, the members of the Tillamook . , , ... 1 ... the matter of trterviswinff the Insur- lormaiuto. 1 POULTRY MEN HAVE MEETING. i February suit. Portland flout iug mil's will erect $.0,000 wai chouse. Frank Sclnnitt planing mill will erect la rue new plant at Portland. Malheur Warshatn & Herrick buy Flyun sawmill to cut miniuK timber. Water board dropped two and cut salary of a third, I.akeport has a gravity water sys tem from Clear Lake. Governor Withycombc is keeping up the retheuchmcnt work. Officiate dropped and salaries cut are. dally oc currences. Kastern OreKon expects 4itf Rrain and fruit crop. Ashland has substantial improve ment under way. Nibley-MiunatiKh sawmill, Wallow riitinluK' with full crew. Coipillle river channel to he drcd j;cil to uuiforin depth of 10 fect. a few of the poultry meii of Tillamook County met in the Gstwirrclal'Glohwrooint Profeasor A G. 1-uun, Instructor of Poultry Husbandry at the O. A. C. was pres ent anil kvc a very intcrcsiiuR lec ture illustrated with stcrcoplican slides; his subject bcinR "Poultry Work at O. A. C." After the lecture a poultry organ isation was formed and temporary of ficers were elected. H. Booth, Pres.. W. S. Coates, Sec, A second mcctini; will be held Saturday, March I) at 1 0 o'clock at the Commercial Club to adopt a constitution anil elect per manent officers. "Feeds and their cotv will be tliscuseI at tins mcet iiili. All men and women in Tillamook County interested in poultry arc in vited to attend. W. S. Coates, Temp. Sec. FAIRVIEW LITERARY PROGRAM. The next ref.ular mcctini: of the rairvicv Literary Society will be held Saturday evening March jo, 1915. I'he following program will be Kivcu: Soiik Hy Society Uecitntion lithclyn Crawford ITialoRiic Lloyd and Victor Johnson, Lcona Kupp. Talk. "Should a school district pro ide play apparatus for pupils." Wm MaNwell. MttJion Soup Piny "Rubber Hoots." Recitation, Willie Lucas. Pantomiue. Recitation Mrs. Crawford. Newspaper Mr. Herring. Sour, Arranged by Rita and Florence Morgan. lay "The Farmers' Club." Souk By Society Program committee, Miss Lorpabel Miss Shrode and Mrs. Crawford. CLAMS BEING CANNED R. J. llfwers is now encnKed can ninir clam.t at tho Small cntmerv. Ho with the necessary help, is handlintr about n half ton of elams daily. Tho first shipment of tho finished- product will bo made tomorrow to Southern California to one of Mr. Howers old Customers, Hotte Co. met m special session on : . .t. Wednesday. March 3nl. 1915. at the " J City Hall, but the City Council bein The Secretary was instructed to pre also in specisl session the meetinR was P"1- blanks for the s-naturea of the adjournetl until Friday, March 5th. applicants for membership. On March 5th, the Company met in' Umler the discission of propositions adjournel session and Thos. Coates f,)r promoting interest in attendance was elected chairman, and John Aschim by the members, Mr Dwight made the Secretary, pro tern. suggestion that each fireman on duty Tho chairman then addressed the at any fire may be paid the sum of $2.00, meeting stating that the meeting had this to be paid from the treasury and a been called to devise some means of record kept of all these expenditures, getting additional members. He gave Then at the end of the year a state a brief history of the Company from , ment of money so paid be submitted the first organization in 1SS up to the ; to the City Council with n request that present time and ended by explaining t they re-imbursu the company and levy that nt this time there were not enough , a tax to provide for same. The matter members in the company to handle the apparatus on hand. The meeting being open for discus sion suggestions were made by Mr. Dwight, O'Donnell and others to the elTect that the matter of keeping a was continued unt'l the regular meet ing to be held March 11th. Nothing further appearing at this time the meeting aJj -urned. John Aschim, Secretary Pro tern. 7?S "PPUDWT MAA"prtfsf?sr 5aPagsjv r SAVC k. . Astoria orders three districts or streets hardsurfaced. 1 F.ugene conducting survey of home industries. Bridge to be built over north fork of Siuslaw between Acme and Flor ence, Salem Three Justices of Supreme Court will huild new homes. St. Helens fruit and produce can nery ready for operation. Good sign for Oregon dairy pro ducts Increasing in January. mm John D, Rockfeller was once a poor, yong man. Suppose he had not banked th,e FIRST money he earned, would he have become rich? He never dabbled in get-rich-quick schemes either. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. Tilllamook County Bank