Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 05, 1915, Image 1

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    , .' '
r:aln MlaNr I V ' : v
wf it " w
MB ;" 1 M
issued twice a week-tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of anv Paper in Tillamook County
NO. 13
-t I
.tit v f our customer nbout
f irst National Service
'pit v iivnll plcuwtl with it mid
Cuu (ell you why,
lirst Nntiomil HitnK
tlllamook, Orrow..
" A tM!4
S5tFIiv-sT .zc-n ... -
Prices In Gallon Goods This Week
- 'i. P ick (inllou IV.u-Ius 10c cuu
n it I V id; (ijtllou lVuis Ilk- i-nii
olul Puck, (inllou I'uiniikin .'l)c
Mih, I IjjTicU l.ijjlnn UIuMitrrics olic can
(lul I'iiclj linllon I.i)iuul)crrics fiOc can
Mini I'm I. (inllou runmtm :-lc enn
I'MHipuli i'nucv llluckbcnics Xu a cm 15c.
in n, i
low i
TllUmook', Ore.
rUen U mllos from ono of
r wvvim tf,o Mh0 country,
""idilngtop. (Jowl 7 room
wl burn and other out build-
t water; orclmrdof 100 Hpple
vurlutluH ; 20 cherry treun,
"mull fruit. I.u.wl !. Ma, atiitn
Jtlun umi tiunill tiu-n until kunl
lit hiillillntra ti 111 ll V
my oiucu.
Dr. Hoy. .
Commercial Club Hldtf.
Not ice
. .. ,., . i 1. 1. iiniltli'd thnt
thuv iniiHt Uu-lr rhlrKi-.m i.l homo
,,V t proSorutcil to llu. full xtunl of
tilt IllVV. , ,
JN. J. ntvi'in,
. .....m MiirnrlHo iinrty whh
. . .n . .lui.iiituf lii honor
of MIxh Huliy Muttliueof th ?Uv. In
whlrh i numhor of miwli-lniw ronstllu
tiK H l'l "-,t',,,,lra NV"H ,h0 ",0
,n,H.rti.iit future.
. . . ....tfim v o n unit
nlllno duoU umi vocnl lectloiw, .ftor
. utrvtil.
which rorro.n.. r rr :
' ' . umi Mr., we
ll Mi.mk. rtir
LV M' V. ' ..." Waif. hVank IthiMle.
M,.P1rn Wilbur iin.uni.v" --
SK i st3?"
ThiM. o" Jr- ""' w'
Cull (r HliI
Hid. will r'j VJJ "JJ
t Hemlock for llK l91fi uK'
DM. will bo oi-i. March
ICth n o'clock u. in
C. R. Worrall
Makes Confession
Story of Attempt to Kidnap Arthur
Brah ami ChihJrrn Laid Bare
0. WetlrHtnlaj- cvrnltit: lirulntiim; nt ,
f.l I'. M r ft Worrall inaiie n com.
plute runfentlnii of tlm pnrt which he
hbil to piny In th tlcinit lu kidnap
A. 0. Iloali bii'I rhiidrro, !
Thtf jilan indt't-d w a inoul doplor-'
hld ohm hod invulvttl lm nod White
who deatl Kiidly provlounly aivl had
Wom Acritf tc( .
Aotirdlrv t Ihv nvldrnrc In the enno
It n(imtr that U'hlt't wm atulou to
nryoro tlttt IIpI rhlldrcn to whom ho
a thu nditir, aixl whom Mr. aod
Mm. lol hail nijupliij.
VnXtittit the prvrk.ua hlotory of the'
cbu Into contiu.rUon o doubt vurv
much White' dlnefrlly.
.Mr. aim) Mr. Ileal hava hd the
ohtklron ubU Unr yfar. 'VUny wcro
loKalty oiJitwi when flful lakon,
Imt timUir curtain nutrictlotw
which Witt to dpmamltol which Uvmno
ohootlmi In Mr. and Mr. Iloal
thrWrih the unfatrtiVA of Whlto.
Httally .Mr. Ilalx Mrurl ut unti"
utrtctiwl i.(w)ou of thf? chiklrfii from.
W 1,11a for tUO. I'hl. alitiply k.w thfat
Wttll h a (Kwlorii t; lh llftl family !
for UiithittK ntor or lr lhar what
ittnowv ho Mtukl uet out uf Uve i. If h
had tirirtdy wr.nlul ritiMren ho
wrtukl not have prtil with Um fur
any prirt. lit; lMKitl hivt) bn ttmnk
ful Ifeol I he motrirrltn. little hm had
tteh (iplpiHlhl homo whorn thy would
not only rrtaivo all tlio comfort it of
llfrf IkjI it uplciHltd ImIiiIiik.
While, with a trlluw by thu name) of
)ijv. who Wa Ulttr mill to the fcid
t.'itlt) for hurniriR a haro on the
K.trhlt, plml to kill .Mr. Ik'iiU
ntuiiH IS nuiiilti bl-u. DnvU. however.
lo Mr. Heal, which w to thu olfoct
that l)vi wot to Aruhur into the
td on the p'etemte of tu'lhoc him
Mtme Umhur land and Whttt wu to
(MHinco down upon thoin nd V-ill him.
i)vl uirerml to tontlfy tu thin hut for
Utt Mlko of the ehlldron Mr. l!cnl
kept tho mittlcr quiol, and tho Honl
family hnru boon cnrjlm: thla t.unlon
uvtir inc. not knowim; whmi White
wotihl miikf nn attack, all of which
ahowa tho toixlcrno!' inl low which
thev have for thu littlo one in thuir
Plan to Kmploy Detective.
hiir and orrall ninM have firl
e.wcoctrd the plot, fgr White K'avc
Worrall $ and he went to Portland,
ttho idaced an advcrticim-nl in the
DrrRonian statiiiK that he wanted
iur one to do detective work foi
,ilout three week.
Several panic, we are informed,
&nwcred.il. and Worrall employed a
man by the name of 1. A. Carpenter
and hi partner. They came lo Tilla
mook and reentered at the Kamscy
Hotie, leu.aininj; here several days.
M.nrpeiitcr maMiiK nit iic.ioi."i.i
rtith Worrall. Carpenter gwe out
the woid that he was kI"K 10 tart :i
t;Ke line.
Tim detectlveit cumo tiero and looked
over the eimo, with White and Worrall
mid remained with them lout; enough
to aeeuru the Inner workinn umi wont
mi fur HA to holn White iirnmife for n
eimipInK' oil tilt to tnko Into tho wood
where Mr. Henla imd the children wore
,.. i... nft.T which they loft
in )v ' ------
r..r i,iriliid. In the meantime, how
uyer, SherilT Creiuhuw had K"t wind of
the mnttur and hud spotted the detec
tives mid wimdotne; his best to term n
i.ii urn wnrklnir conHidernbly in
thu dark until Mr. Ikmls secured a let
ter from ono of thu detectives fron
Portland warning him of tho dunuer he
wiim in. '
Following is tho first letter which
Mr. Il.'iiln received from tho detective
Tillamook, Ore., Feb., 17, 95
Mr. Arthur Heals,
Hear Sir Your life is in danger.
You are marked to be shot on si'lit.
Carry a k'un on you and be careful
that you don't make any trips to other
towns alone in the ni;ht and look
out near your house at night. I am a
detective who knows your enemy's.
There are two of them, whom you
know. I will write from Portland lo
you or. phone you soon. He careful
that's all and don't tell no one about
this, as it will spoil my ll's. ""'l
say a word about Ibis to your attor
ney, wife, your brother, or the sheriff,
as you are watched, believe me Ibis
ain't from a crank and lll show you
who your man is in time, so be cool
ami keep u quirt and I'll tell you all into the wood near the ranch to a
ele I can not lell you who your man old cabin, where he was to be forced .
U and lii accomplice. to copy and ir a letti r ih'.t h ,
Kcrptlii a reference!!!! wltrn I been dil:i.d 1 Carpen r nnd t. j
rail you up or write I iuul er )ou. I written by Worrall. ,
caniiOth(w tnyfdf now as ti.tte i
hrt' mid t am watched.
I wal yoti to be ttill that's all.
Your very resjwctfuly
I. A. Carpenter.
Portland. Oregon, I'cb. i-l$.
Mr. Arthur Heal,
I ...
e.lvclfi Hrt letter by tit time you
rreeitft tl.i otic. Mr. Healf, 1 don't
with I i friphlen yu or nf.kc you
iliink gnu 1 am trying to extort mon
ey frii i you by my letters lo you thi
I kcW inr, takf my warning a I Bav
it lo mi Ami don't say a won! about
ii to a ;y one a yon will never knov
who y ur enrinir sre. 1 am wftrkin;
the case and I'll Itt yon kuaw
what , 'in itoti.f; from lime to time
l-ut th nnt le rli..nd Up imittedia
lely, d i my evidence will he ho us
later, i they ar In-til on taking your
Hf !er or later Ktwl they ttust he
eatMtirgtt I nm a detective with !l
cl reference and I will meet yon
i.rrn)lSll juvt a toon as I Ktt tMek
from Sratile. v,here laain Roinc on t
huiryjj'op trip. Don't be alarmed
Watrijvorrlf and don't stay out
sfier dtk becanse they wilt lrike
fer d'k only. 1 tixnc-ii1 my rii;'"!
namc Rnd it you will go to the Ram
sey Ifojel ami look on the pace that
t datil !! tath )'oo will sec my
namcQ. A Hitjruinn and my bojiness
was tdt I was looking for an auto
busiiiS or a going to ojien a tai:e
tine uf(. N'owTion'l ask the clerk or
Mr. IlArnes about the names or don't
'ft than see yon looking at it, and
on'tjStk (picstion. Ill phone you j
h.-nj want you and I'll cither meet j
u athePolicc Motion here or at
lir Ortpon Hotel, or'I may come to
t illamoQk, s.)?a!n, iniic coast is clear.!
t -II wu who they are and produce
viilcnce. acompliccs ami .wrar to it
'rf.rr a notary and to be taken down
i ort hand.
U ill (e back here in one week or to
lav, wait
Yours very respectfully,
I A Carpenter.
. Address me at og. jn,l St. Portland
r Seattle, (icncrsl d livery.
Seattle VaU.. Keb m, 1015.
Mr. Aitlmr HeaU. Tillamook. Ore.
My Dear .Mr. Heals: 1 will arrive
in Portland Feb. Jtst about uiidninht,
must see you and Fred, your brother,
the mayor, the sand. I will phone you
from Portland. The reason that 1
want to sec your brother is that I
muM have protection, a 1 am koiiir
to use the dctcctograph. I must have
shorty hand MruoKraphcr that is
taiue to t;o into the woods and take
dictation. My partner is goins to stay
at Seattle and 1 will ro back to Tilla
mook with you ami get evidence to
convict. I will explain all in phone
menace. Don't tell your brother yet,
until 1 ay -o, thi must be nuiet ab
sololely in order to o ahead. IIop'mK
for your trust soon,
Yours respectfully.
I. A. Carpenter, Detective.
Don't answer.
Carpenter "Coughs Up."
The letters convinced the sheriff
that Carpenter and his partner were
the two men he had tagged about the
city and went to Hay City, for when
Carpenter returned to the county the
Sheriff and .Mr. Heals met him at
.M older and the sheriff immediately
recognized him. Carpenter asked
Crenshaw if he was the sheriff of the
county and shook hands with him.
Heals was introduced to Carpenter,
and all three went into the depot,
where Carpenter "coughed up" the
plot he had entered into with White
and Worrall. They returned to this
city and commenced working on the
More Provisions Wanted.
Wednesday night of last week the
Sheriff and Carpenter went to Hay
City, the latter going to Wliite's
cabin and had a tajk with him, the
sheriff overheard the conversation.
They talked about more provisions,
as the supplies were running short
While there Carpenter made arrange'
menu to meet Worrall in his bed
room on Thursday night at 8 o'clock.
To Be Kidnapped On Way Home.
Worrall, White, and Carpenter met
as agreed,, and the sheriff was secret
ed so' as to hear the entire convcrsa
No doulii you have re-
It i pi s.ji seen thai ia r- 4' z
the letters t Heals rd this '. .
that Carpentt, was the nun who - t
latcd it, and he was stiil pjr.tci; ;'i .
i. i th - plot.
The Letter.
This is the letttr tt-at was o be
placed under the tior so that Mrs.
sk wou'd recetvt it after Mr. Heals
-t kidnapped
"iJo not .' surprited at urtlins this
' !'.r. ? 1 1 whatcTcr i do keep
t "i. 1 .il ' M if 1 have had to can up
t- -il f tc tricks T had i do 'o sjci
t.oc V. hite children Mr. Whit":
ii. o.'Kr and asitants have nabed
m. Tt-.t gan: means l-i"-i, Vhitc
-If know of this. Tin y nry Viil rn
If t1- dont tret wha by want
T'try want the White children quick
Y tt better sec White nutek aid giv
hi .. li a children or I will never pe
ost t i this alive, and we can't affort
the disgrace 0 M 1 did The trutl
is all hrutitrht to 'tjcht. ) think tha.
lawyer has don- some btnims fo
White in loot s up n rstit- fot
White and oi 'eticr sec Worral'
and show him ;'.iis letter and Worrall
vrtil l elp you do what is b-st. Keej
:tl. for fod' ji'c and my life. Yoi
ar- lieinK watched every moment. Sc
don't go to any officer to try to catch
these fellows, for the word will come
to them at once and I wtl be tortured
-t killed. Wc must get out of this the
hest wc can. Get the money on this
check and follow directions as fol:
'.ow$: Take the money with you out
-7 the Mr grounds until you meet a
man that will meet you and say "I am
.lite man" Give it to him. You will not
be hurt. He will meet you just across
from the fair gate about 7 o'clock.
'Dont take, any body with you. If
vort'think Wortalt. i U,jlgh-Vjen:i
might ak him to go with you out to
m et the man As soon as they get
the children .ml the money they will
lei me loose ami I will come home
and we will just keep still and we can
talk this all over and do what we
think best to do."
This letter was to contain a blank
check on the Tillamook County
Hank, and Heals was to make it ouH
for $$00, ami Mrs. Heals was to th
at. planned in the letter, and another
letter was to have been slipped under
Worrell's dot r. stating that they had
kidnapped Heals whojtad put up
quite a fight.
Worrall Refuses to Take Money.
Saturday morning. Mrs. Heals went
to Worrell's office with the money,
but he refused to take it. They con
vened together for one hour and ten
minutes, it being planned to -arrest
Mr. Worrall with the money on him,
and Carpenter was to rusharin before
this-was done and demand Jart of the
money. This part of the story is bet
ter told in Worrell's confession. He
was immediately arrested by the
sheriff and locked up in the county
jail. White was also arrested on Sat
in day at his cabin at Hay City the
.same day. He had nearly $500.00 in
$10.00 gold pieces hid in his wood
shed, ami amongst other things fount!
there were two stamped envelopes
addressed to W 01 rail.
White Pleads Guilty.
On Monday evening White and
Worrall were ar.-.iicncd the former
indicted on two counts one for at
tempted kidnapping and the other for
threatening lo kill A. G. Heals. Wor
rail was indicted for atteinptedkidtn)
ping. White pleaded guilty to both
crimes and Judge Hclt immediately
sentenced him to I to 25 years in the
state penitentiary on the first count,
but the next morning changed this to
1 to i.V4 years as the indictment only
charged attempt kidnapping. On the
indictment of threatening to kilt
White was sentenced to 1 to 5 years,
to take effect following the comple
tion of the first sentence.
' Worrall asked time to plead, and
Tuesday evening Judge Belt gave
him until the next morning to do so.
Worrall is Sentenced.
y He pleaded not guilty Wednesday
morning apd the judge set the case
for trial for Monday, During the day
it was decided to change the plea to
that of guilty,' upon the under
standing that Worrall would tell the
court the wlnsle facts of the case,
which he did, There was profound
murder case nothing could liave been
trre solemn as the court passed an
indeterminate sentence of 1 to tj' j
yt-ar in the pcnittntlaiy on th pris
ern.r, who coltapttd he heard his
doom, which was in i.arkci contrast
.j ot . I.ii . ho' received hi
i'o scnlmc- a ihtnigh he did not
care .. whK.
Air. W . ..1, ,'nforttir.aKiy I am 111
a poor pis, ( i and mcnt 1 co;.diti;.i.
I thought ! .. Jttb! 1 1 stro . rcr, ! it on
acrotim ot . 1. pc ot unc , it,noss
llii afterno--1 for a i' a ;ninutt it
has renderc I tc urtc than urcn.-ry.
Hirst, 1 don't recollect tnc exact
dau, but soul six or nine months go
sotnetidic, Air. While amc to me to
consult on- as his attorney about
o..te matters, at which time he gave
.K ftv dollars, as retainer lee. It was
in regard to gelling some money he
ctaimeti 4S due htm bac. hast some
w.tcrc. t rote a couple 01 tetters and
rrcuvid no reply, jeirh r did I get
the lcti'-rs back. Alter that. I don't
know the exact time, but possibly it
was in a few weeks, he came lu the
otftcc and talked about his children
and their adoption by Mr. Arthur
Heal, two children, twins I believe, a
boy and a girt. He wanted nte to
look up the adoption papers and sec
ii luty were legal Slating at the lime,
without going tn'.- details, that he
Wanted to get possession of the chil
dren or wanted the children back, I
believe was his language. I told him
I would look into the matter for him
which 1 afterwards did, and advised
him on his rctun to the office after
war. , that as f;ti as I could see, the
pap- rs were leg. I, and 1 didn't sec
anv chance tl.roagh a law suit to ob
tain possesion of the children. I
ihn.k that w ill thai was said at
tha; time. exct,t he possibly said
something about "going to have tficm
children," he talkctl about them con
stantly, and shortly after that, I don't
remember how long, he came to the
ot'fitc one day and said he wanted to
see me privately, and wanted to know
if he could trust me, and I told him to
go ahead and talk, that what was said
in the office was considered private
always. He said in that conversation,
it was a mania with htm, he thought
of nothing else, and dreamt ofnoth
ing else but getting possession of
those children, that he was goinc to, .
have thcfirTic'lia
tied out as he worked on the section
through the day he thought of them,
and as he slept alone in his little
home at night I' talked with him and
told him they had a good home, and
he said thai he had no objection to
Mrs. Heals, but lie did object to Ar
thur Heals, without going into details
he told me why he didn't want Arthur
Heals to have them, he claimed that
there had been fraud perpetrated on
him and one thing another. Well I
don t know he came up to sec me
several times. We talked back and
forth, and he told me all his plans.
Told rue what they were. He was go
ing to get the children.. Said he had
watched them, and the residence, ami
had an opportunity on one occasion
to "grab" one of them, as he said,
but wanted them both. Well, gradual
ly one thing led to another, and we
talked back and forth for about a
-no nth. On one occasion he came up,
be had a perfect mania for getting
them. Said he was going to get them,
no matter what stood tn the way. I
reasoned with him, and told him he
better go back home, that they had a
rood home, that Mrs. Heals would
akerfrare ot themf He went away, and
c:.tne back again, '1 don't know how
lone afterwards, i.i week or so. And
said he was going to get somebody
e'se to help him get the children. I
:hink at one time he wanted Arthur
Heals or somebody to buy his home
at H:i City so he would have enough
t.i get out of the country be said he
didn't have touch money. 1 .don't
know as he ever told me how much,
think possibly several hundred dol
lars was all the money he had, and
then he developed to me his whole
plan of how he wanted to gel the chil-
lrii lii, nl-in nc flpv',lnni-d l
! ,..... . . . - --,
silence in the court room, Worrell
lion. It was planned to kidnap Deals keenly feeling the disgrace " he had
on his way home and take bint back brought upon himself. Had it been a
the plan attempted to be carried out.
I tlon t know why. I have got no ex
cuse to make for it, only possibly my
weakened condition mentally, 1 al
lowed myself to be drifted along. It
couldn't have been the money prop
osition, because all the money he ever
gave me was $55 or $60 to cover two
trips to Portland I made for him
trying to locate somebody to help
him get the children. I told him , I
wouldn't be a party to it, that is tak
ing an active part, and the last time
I went up there was an ad put in the
paper. The first time. 1 bail a con
ference with several people I rtn
across there through agencies, that
might come down and assist him in
his plan to get the children. A gentle
man bv the name of Carpenter I
think, if I remember right, answered
the ad. in the paper amongst a niun
her of others. I talked with .Carpenter
and told him 1 didnt' know all the de
tails of the plan, but there was a man
down here, I don't think I said what
his name was, 1 don't know him imt
a man down here wanted to employ a
couple of men to assist him. Carpen
ter agreed to accept the emplovment.
iie came to Tillamook with me. Met
White here, in town, up at my office
if I remember, and wc talked the mat
ter over. The. first part of the talk I
introduced him to White, said "Mr.
White this is Mr. Carpenter.!' one of
the men who wants to talk,, to you
(Continued on back page;)