Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 02, 1915, Image 4

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., clinic to Insurance Commis
si,, i ell's report, counties at ihc
closv of the quartet ending December
i, last, jji cf h 34 counties tB
sts;e had deficit Md "'
plus. The teason given for
i . untie having a deficit i that
at the (!ok of the year and the tax
lev had been exhausted. The report
is wade by Insurance Commissioner
in his capacit) as state acctnwtant,
a. id it will be the last he will make,
a the hill abolishing the department
will become law la 90 day
Counties not bonded, having defic
its are: Baker, ftui): Benton,
Sj-jSi.io; Clackamas $i,JiOi?.90;
Coo. $ois7: Crook, $at,Su.ii:
Curry. $Jf,.io.C5; Gilliam, jr.svr.oju
H.rnrv. fCJC-r.-W. Josephine. $.'5"V
974.0?, Klamath. Sift-JUs vj; Lane.
5vS.t5. Lincoln, $7145 7- Mal
heur, -,.-.. 1 7; Morrow. ..400.05.
Folk, $o.-.r-i-I'rmtilto. $11,145.
Sj, Vco. $8.5 "M'; Whether, $54, -506.41.
vv.:r,u wiiuii arr not V-"-d 'd ats.1
!,ich a surplus .! I'xmikU-$64.0:-M.".
'-rant. $.' " vw : Lak
$to.y.v . ii' :. Sjlwo.o'. Marion.
$l Us.-V.-Oj, I :iio, J :.-.40, Wall
wa. $i.o..j. lii'u -:100k. $S;tVc.
Sh; '-.mm, $t,rt-.i.(ili. as'.ursgion.
tunk .ith Son!-! iniV-;ednes-ar.d
ihCti illicit Clatsop, $i
004.ttv. Coiu-nbia, $J7!.r ..: Hood
River, $!.4..J. Jackson, $:,$?, "
90. Multnomah alone of the bond.,!
counties has a surplus, it amounting
to $io.?. :.
The bonded debts of the above
counties are as follows- Clatsop. S.tA.
is.t.oo; Colombia. ,30.000,00: H00J
River, $50000; Jackson, $ux.ooo
.Multnomah. $jo,ooo.
From factfic HoTe-stemi :
T'ic i. .;or.ancc of the V.gi i
an; ;..'! ir l.uh-.sir !'
the ,iurr;c citizen, -ie J .T ;
l tir it hi'- !' tin- it-!t , :
the coio.tr-. is oserl, k-! ! f . m-r-in
ccnr.'l . id :tis.ci.k r, w f 1 j
It u , . -uci.ry to . wo ! t 1
in sbtv nir wh." the t'ir-r in"'K i
jroa: .i:e ' trv or h- i li r .
suttire to .y h is her', and mc c i
safely say .e has come i-. i r .
Briefly, however, the first Amjori !
were iit'iv rt- d into tbii ewrTy
J -v " : - 1 Su't.-a . T j tl
siring, .to pay a coojpliment to tbo
work done by Dr. Davis an American
who had been sent to Turkey to ed
ucate the Turks in the raising of cot
ton, presented the doctor with nine
of the chince&t Angoras in his damairt
This action nirks the h.irr..- :
the Arzora go-'t t-- '"-,i-v -ii '
United Statrs.
Thtir w.lu,- in IntM' c'..iti r-
weed d-sir.-'
dreds ot flocks of Angoras in the
United Stales which will double and
treble this: however, I am jneaUns
of the average.
Mohair is for lining, ladi'
dress goods, alpacas Sicilian. Imita
tion fttrs. portier. rug. erpc n-'
novelties. V.vtty traveler In the Unit
ed Stales has enjoyed the comport
of a luxurious seat made from m aair
The red and green plush in every
railroad coach, so familiar to Ameri
cans, i tnadr from mohair. Again the
bettUful wig, puffs d bitches
displayed in the shop windows of our
leading coiffures are product of the
Angora. A later use for mohair ha
been found in the manufacture of
automobile tops. Million of pounds
! of mohair is consumed annually by
! ........... V,;1- mnniifarlttrrr alone.
There is one mill in the East which
annually turns out mohair good to
the value of fsom ten to twelve mil
lion dollars. This is only one milt, and
there are some ten or twelve mill
enjianed almost exclusively in the
nvtnofsett're of 'Mohair Rods.
... i. .,..ivl finbititv v
' ". . ',hf (Kfind for in
.... i .1 .hr o,!: r b'i'nt th
t . c...l t lii' in
. imk . i' prs ortioit to '
, !.. . -tuler;!. The qiu
.a ttAtuiu. . j.i.s nii CobC--.
juvi.r is that "I
.... .,'uii . t"Antt4.r xnit sto.-!
..r h-is not reiixtd the ad van
?:id 1 n fit W lie gtnvd by th
i-i.iK "f nKoras.
!!(''.' t.iiiai c;.n be carried h
. c ebsse o) farmers 'and 't,-ck
-j.r. The first is the small fainu-
: ome bnshy wist
.!- !r,rm which is an utter loss to h!
!!acc where irruss de not grow
.rvh if.' wfed haxttig uken poss
'.-ini' It i hen- thst the Angora
,ii wv t :"-e Ins rtH. His natura'
r.c-. t to ir"ttc. which prowl
o !!-. rtn, he pi ric wn! t
:' ,rt!irc. .1 -it;!l :.irni r e.i"
-!' !; ! t- Ul 1 .1 li ',! 1 i
! t.o o-h,r urj" til eh .1 i-t lit-
j l.ic-' -thtr value in
!''' 1 .' h t:. ' 1st , . . htii. in a
'.t.H. -') t:::. th- will jteht ,' c'i;-.'!..-.:
vv.'r'.ij ..i ".dst $1 J r hv
f -.t -.rt- !ikc!y wt-rth St.-o The st'C-
i, t i!as i tin o,:trs of Uc;e Tet'
of V.-.-.U !,'.nd- aHo can utttix n
;.ras ! fiHtinc them on the foothill
and ciouniain -..s cuntr- fs id in
nearly every state in the Union. Thtk
natural tendency to brows and their
.Mteptaliltty to t..wntai:.ou or sicy
nnd rocky cotintry open etute
for ttsfne these" tract for which he
tofore no use has been found,
One of the facts of which the Amef
iean farmer and stock raised is"awajk-
..r ii ih-.- r. t .. ,1 ,u - t
11 ?or.c xr,;i : k ':i'. . .t: ' i r,., .
.k n t'.; pi. . t- ' ! i . ' v
1, the s'.i ill i ' . 1: t- i t
" it I'- i.l- " "' f 1 r n
niz.d, a.- i
ustH .'
dev ;loj'i 't
mark;: .u'
the pceul;
essentia! ,
ri 1
r -irr.n .
rheaply on nccoimt of their promt
....i).l.ct onnilttlan for CtVttlc Add
KWIMilfr,' , ...... , -. ,
sheeiK btit the stockmen will fnd that
tracts ate virtually a "goat heaven". I
and he will also find that with a po- I
sible evception of one month duifn
tl year, he I without the necessity
of feeding, therefore, his mohair clip
in the spring is almost clear profit.
The time will to when practically the
whole of the Otarks the Cascade,
certain portions of the Kocltles, and
hill land of the South, North and
east will be covered with AttKora
The lime is coming when our farm
ers will find that a small band
Angoras no mailer how small ht
place is ll will not be profitable but
will be of value to hh place.
At the present time, Texas lead
the number of Angoras In the United
States There they are grown by the
thousand the vasf brushy vatle
and hill of Kdwards Sutton, Ken.
Kimble, Menard and Yal Verd coun
tie having band which will run inl ine
ten of thousands. The value
the animal dtp runs into million'.
foliar, Xew Mexico and Art.
c one nest with the Sortht eh
tv following wilheTyin dieation
he N'ortbwest in the eoiue
;nte lead owni?s to the prepon.'r' '
mcc pf evert;rccn brow".
The foetbi!Ii and :iointin of th I
.'jscade ratine furnish exceptional o
;ortunitt for Angora goat rsisitu
Michigan and W isconsin are rapid!
forging to the front owing to the fae
that owner of logged-off lands as i
ihe Northwest tnm found that A
ora are the solution of their trouM
tn destroying the brush and in giving
the grass an opportunity to grow.
The states boardering on the At
lantic coast are each represented b
hundred of small bands where the v
are used for the dual purpose f clear
me up the waste lands nd ftr grow
trig mohair, while the industry b
shown a remarkable sowth on th
facit'tc slope m where it appears t,
fwti ift l-e stil! i:'..-c fftnatal.l
.n the future
While there has t-. n a mr'sl v
. in the production of mohair 1
fhe United Staf-s, Am'ricn mill
.nr.tially iuiptvrt appronimattly 4,500,
mo pounds so tbre is no danger, f
'any yetrs to ciifnc of an orcrpt'i
fnetion. (
The todnstey is well organfe-.'!
'Iratt is the Awik Angop.
Uraedscs Aciatlnn. wMeli
eiHrviiAekro, svjtl be4Mk$-'
: Knw, Otyk 3We wSS tW- tid
Oretgon. tm'em U tit
Mtikldt Grp9 Asociatfon, wtth
headquarter at Pataxy, Teaas TMs
association ws tsrgantaed for t pHi-
The "Question Has beetiJVskech
r , ...tlil... Kiir.ilirmi Will' Imvt OIIlir lIU im... '
1 ... .11 ll I aall lit I Zl 1111 fUC f
ill I'll" I Hill 'HIM
lit ' ,
And My Reph
....- 1 . 1 .....
Ytnit l'in ImtiiiMt'Ci 1 t 1. v to j..v t!..v ,...i. .1 ati-taiu
M'orcign Comiuv" it mvOBsOfl, nafietn in tu.
Facts Worth Knowing :
rjf stti'.i'.' (he amt 'T (hp
that thiir sh c c
i-i.t tr th
1 'etfi'e of 'hi fl
' ceru'i1: f .! rr ;
I. tit
h I
.ct :
i -
- ' M
- l'c-r t'". r -"oh- i'
' ino'.air'" is th;' t-rhnjci"
fr. ce of th- ijirir
" to Ge o' Fayi tt
fhrr O! t1'? Aorfc epl
i ! ,f K..i;in;: ari'l Mile'
v, or-i - -.ni to f
innkk ina
ft di.'f r
i'l l- ri i
r. i-r'i- -
i tr1 ,'
, 1
the fihr i
r ! s-l
!'()'' p",Ti' rt'-i'
' ''il' rv Mo). air in
ii" of sralc
'?ull used alone
to grow " :.
The v fint
name for t1,
g'-at, acL- r '
Tho vr.Sf. -
tie'! " ' n -Goats".
. '.,
thrn.,-rh ' f f
from t c 4 r;t! ir
ina; .i. i.uir , ' 1' .
wool 1 ' ' '
have the ' i".' ;
tftr T' c ' , '
itK- 'j th-
eli-'i, -a hie '
tin - mc ,
fish. It i, ii
!'"'' di 1
fro'n er ' t -hair
r.;cr, ! 1 ,
aril sr- not trii
in 1 -It troi)ds.
"The fh-ece upon the goat is pore
white, i' exceedingly lustrous and
grows to an average length of 10
inches atifually. It hangs in beautiful
wavy curl- or ringlets, from all parts
of the body, if the animal is of th:
best breeding. The average animal
production pr hf-ad of mohair if
about three pounds.
It will ho noted that Mr. Thompson
states: "The average annual (iroduc
tl''i' per hi vt of in,i;.ir is about three
pounds." However, it is gratifying to
leain that American inti llicnce Ins
stieceedrd in incr fsitt.j this average
amount, and it is safe to say that now
th" av rat'e cli-. 3' po'tnds, wH'
there are hundreds of breeders of An
goras in the United States who have
bands which will average five and six
pounds and even seven pounds per
As a conscrvatvc estimate, the
average price for mohair is around
30 cents per pound; therefore, the
average yearly clip per head should
be from $1 to $i.to. There are littn-
.!.-' .st.tl ..til which ratt'
- ! .' t; ovtrl- s'k are th Ang'-n
et. il ar'ich of U'-d, conser,-.!' rt-
rt -irk-.blt change is apparent. Th
. . f'ih.As the Angors. It is I.
cv. -ic th- A.';ora destroy: tht I rt.
::ti Ww' '- i'. n an eipyoriuaity ('
!". ., r a. Hi nee, it fo'lows '
vh.-a the .-.lock grower have rea.iv
'iaidsvi.1-- 1 rofits from the s-tlf a
sir .to;;lr, they have also itnpr-,
I th tr range.
';oek f.-r-'--'v-:rs. !.aing awakened t
h f:.ct, hive grti.- extensively i.t
'':e Angora foat business which ac
counts for the f .ct that they arc fo-n."
1 ever) itiste in the Union, and t(
;'' fe.r Angoras at this ilm" t
!;rccc'.' .(d a.i! greatly in exc
1 ih' de nand for :ny oth'-r dour -
!-.: ar.i.ual.
Hnw.v. r, the edge has only 1.
- kn off the sittiaiic.il. Where or.
acre is now devoted to Angora cul
ture, there arc thousands of acres ;.-
waiting them. The Southern states
notably, Georgia, Florida, Alabama
Tennessee, the Virginias, the C aro
linas, portions of Kentucky and Ar
kansas, in particular, have vast acre
age' particularly adopted to Angola
goat raising. In addition to this, the
timber belt along cur northern bound
ary, where the timber lias been cl ar
'd, offers exceptional opportunilie
it profitable angora raiing.
: ! he N'orthw. st probably offers tii
j hrrcst opportunity in that its In rb
. r4t is ever green. Hrowse is obtain
uble the year round, hiincc but Hub;
f ding, if any U done.
In the section before mentioned
thi re are. millions of acres lying id!
. iid will ever be idle unless they are
"goatctl off."
Much of the land, after having been
cleared of the brush, will make first
class agricultural land yet not all
of it, for some of it will never Jjc fit
for anything but Angora goats" and
they are the only animals that can
run on these lands at a profit. This
fact opens up interesting possibilities,
Sttrh lands cci he purcliasr.d very
i-.nbr aj-prexirnately tooo me)t-:-s
a'-.! are -nAir fri-wrs v. -f 1. t,
. m" 1 1 " nil '!
if j-'-, t- r ,
very riu.'iair jov. r H ' N
.is a inembT. Thro'ir '- 1 , m
' . I'rif P;r,f the ;ri 'i ' .
'ir has i n nnintSKtfd it
ftrtory schedule.
' "jl-th!" i'-wks ft Ancurfa "
isint ar-- "A N "w Indus'. h;
'ilMr I. Black, tttwnwew-Jl iVsr
'nitora Grzt Raising, and Mite
""""wis. by the fate Georsr Pavtt
Tfto npson- while the UnlU-l cn.
IVpartment of Agriculture !-
-fi'ly issued a Farf-t' rs' Hnt'.-ti't. ''
k- entitled "The Angora Got
vhi-h may bt obt?ind uf 'i r-
to th- Departmrnr of, Arlet.!t' ri o'
of the n i;r',:trv of the nu rie r. An
t-or-i (Joat Brt.'ders' A?ofi 'i'i,
Portland, Oregon.
The t ttt st m.i. h I ii.m ht .'Hfi 1 "H'ln Coiii-mi.!. 'l.Mllhj.
t,is i,ml AKh AMI U' K N l I 'A N I K. ui'tl irt I'Ktv,
'. .....n .f t.t vitx ...ii,. haiHH , I-. I IC A N I l t Ml s f.
II. villi''' ..- Hr
tt8 ot the l 'nitr'1 Smir it ojint'l t t 1 1 tMT imtl lltwiitt lol .. ilily,3r4
i.l"Vft" llic Pn.u-riio of AMHRK AN POIJCY IIOMHikNCSs
The Sl'XTKMTIKSi IM ilium invent two hi I-1 NED
BY LAW itml urv of n duum-u-r l hit I rnu be rt.ll .inirt
intu'ciiHh in iuy fim-rKViu N
The iMindsi ol it "iMircign Comimns" i-aiutul tv wlihtlr.iw tru;,
.. .. v.. . . 1 .... 1.,. .. .'i.L ... il.tH iit.iit r 11 1 will i I I
Your hirst I'nsnrmicit Ihvwcttoti ts Snfa tt1th this Awncy,
"The lire IftstitvtttQ Ahm,"
i odd noii'i. liiiuiisc. u(ok iuhcos
Scottish Union A Hailtotsul
insur Co,
. , "t . -.
..' . ' .. - -e
1S Silt 'A nri , . 4..I U
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s&umi ! Bill - .
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,Si,n. (M.4$A.. - 1 '
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Marine Ittauranca Co.,
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IS St, I i. . . . .- . 'j ?, , ,,. (
tm- 1 .. .,... , .r - ;. ,..,..,.,,,,
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t.ui u.,t. iTSt.mmn
v . PuajawKEirra,
.W , rmlrt autHif (lw frm iis.mi
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llnrlnjr I... v,r hi M) m
Amount 1,1 ll .rikn rtM4ltv- 114m
tki MiwwunirM, iTiirnnii
Vlii at l..'k. urf?jStai',ms
... ..... j,,,,, . M,rn W
'iriJtimn, in rinttM. pi.i lt,in
ri i,n ,m.r ItopUwUi 30.
IS I '1SS f 7
lnl'nt itml irnta ilu iiKt tr'
SIW. Ill
I T I'fi M
ea.an n
Millitf fjrklt e fey Jticl,,
Vatt lort,
I'-ursitirn and farmer during t1!
Iat few years have wat'hed -
Toll. I !
Tout rlc n nr.
, UAntLtTtra.
OriM . latin, tr !... . uniml.t .
An " i-ii .f uuriniml t,r.-i,,luiui.
All i.lh-1 ll.MIUU. f? Sir TT
ii-i ii :.i.-,
liiljl lUbllltlr, i.iliw,. (
l'lla t-, t i,f. .Sil.fi.) ,
Jpi-f '-. f-rd fl n arlcjn Amb.in
n - rjtentetl tho
i ' - 'I j A i .'e ,n
lihl . n
IVitnl i.imiiIiiiu, In U.xea l
erii.l-r 91. IMtl $ Urtl.iis;
y.'r .... , I 2il trim
iir.. j.rnoliimi t-liri iJurlnu
. tl"' r . 7 lis "ii
I'ri'in'.mn return) ilurlxiic lti
. -tr ii
I.i-- li.rurrnl JUrli, Ih, ,i,r jft,,',
'I'oim uiLuimt i,f r.k ii. "
lliii.tlrig In llri-K.iii lrnu.
Ur ill, IUII , u ... fin
o 'J' W'TIIII tl'LAIin. Htrtfliry
f..r -rl.'i ,M "
ov.'f!i:Mif,,"B,,A"' -h' " -
iriuuy me progress m i, i
ing 'j.i"'iiin
Those miIi fibers hef, , ,
are readers of Kimb,.:! i , y
mer n.iv i,, . , Vrrv n- , :, , (,,, ,,,
in fcut'ng tt- hm..,, . (rte ,,,;
abt progrrt, titu duiina tlir I , ,
years by the llfiiamstn Millini- i 1
inc company of Oneida, N V , it. tl ,
manufaeture f anilWii.K ,, h,n. .
I'ottr pages of he y p,,,r u,f
,,,, Hevoted , .Hu.i.j.uve wtltf
up and hi .i.Urrlisriiieiu ,. r i.
H. ... II .11 ...
.Miiher in u Mil, rMl..ii.,,l I.
.'solKO Of
? iit : i- i
tt i.o,rli(.
In t"i '
I'jlOl ' I ...!
for iii.. t V
ll n ti .i.. f
.i i at. bI-
It ; i, alia . ' -Is
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tlx I.I M. I. I' ' I '
ItIi.i fli u l H
n ri., 1 1. rmi ) I
I I S, ill I,
vs. .1 . ,.1. , i 1 1 '
1 1 . I . ; ' . I r 'J i .
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Ih. . .1 .!-..
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II. r . iillii t
H I nt l.-l ' .
S..till HZ ,f. S. -t
ii 111 Idv.r ; ni''
Nottl. til tV SS.
Wi l f..- of m .i
NiiiM. a ar Wit
llf lu'llllllilllU'. 1 1 ii
Slilll lirnhi'llV l'V i
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l.tntiini'it bv Kiwi ii '"'! W' L
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.11.- I. CI . Hill. ... . --
Cuiiiit), f)n'!i
,. ' . i . . . ..I i tb
,l,i.,,l ,i . ...... ... 1 1 i h nir rum i i i "i - ,
U' lull thr t.riiu win. 1, I. ...- i.. I... ...i.i. .i ,. mr.itrh. '
,. Ill' l.'.V .Vl.ll .11.7 llllll'
' . . . ii I imiu.
liir ll,,., inn ,,. unit ll l-
nurrii tiinr ...i ii
: -.'Miiimry iliria.
' It Is slated that the milhir y.a ,
i'lvet.lrd fur the p,,rp. umrkrl.
tr as a r...Miw, ,..,uri bill w..s
,";4'1' -h..r reduce lb.-
eost of pinducing milk on tc j.
''irv farm. he a,,,!,!,!,,,, of .
inv-.M.,,, , Il(0luri)
Will I'll t. . ...
" ""tfrsjiiully milk their I
lipiney it t l.itw, TillnniooK sum
')'. I . ZZr?'' ..... isit'
i. i ... ii, i ir.iiiruurv liii'i -
"- j ' : i
' l.l.iut.V "'-fos
AilnilnlHlritlrlx wit" wyfo
,i..w.i i.r tin i-Kiiiie." -
l.iiliiinen. IhTi'in"''!.
' "O.l.l.y 11 1 1 1 K tin- e of 1.1. .1.1 ILLIIIIIi.
1 ii- (-,,-, .1... .i . . oiil.r. in iir.iH' .' ...
i n, ...I i . .. I""' I ' - '-. .. ih
; ' ' exact ronillilons n,u"1 "H I'dinlnlsirniris , -v
ffiiinil i.. .1... "ii.inuni , i ......... o !... , ,ii-iiiiiCl, r
... ..ii nnp ill.... , , i ... --- - . ii
, - lili.lll i ,.,iii,i.,, ,.,,,,-( ,,r lh IU1U v. -
f..l. . .: :" ,,,r,, (." Tillumook Cminty. ..- a
.... .., rjfli a1lp(lrii niontiny, ihu din (my " "';,,(
that th,. .1.:.... " " "Upears r '"V'""""" dsj,
ture enabling h,,. , , , ' " I rotirtrnotii or niilil cfinri, ;
. "" "leel.it.ilrtil mUl. r ftiiu n ,.a H.n t intl na,
prri.rtiy ,ri,,. tl,!lel, , for ihu hiiiirinir (if nhjor"''! 3;
murn mi, ui inu ani.i - v
I 1... f. . ..!,...( ....i., . ....... u.l.w.
' o.'ir p;in(- ,, , . . , :n ng in mi ii cnu.i.i, . -v- .'
... i''i. is .hi 1 1 n, ,, i..,v:.i .... . ,1,1,1, HMD. f.
.' Hir. UulliK. W.'fSray. A
"ill in
i mm ov. i
... .1... I.', i ii tn ii "..
MM.ILIIi I"" ..... ,
Km iCL. (irV, Dfccuwu-