Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 23, 1915, Image 2

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    T. H. (iUYNK
. . t j .
,5SUCtl Cwicc .1 lUcck
"Kr.tensl se-owPciivJS
t r-l A.ivwtis
I 1 ,rt Insiru
l"i-h u!oqo '
" liomestoa t -o..
" Timber Claims
Notices, per line
Csnis of thanks, pe :
Locals, "K.T line, flW cr.i
Cromblcv. fed nor
ChcsiIjv iul Friday
,H-" . if, ntCai ilw P" nc.At nihunook.
.ic et of Matvu ;., .?..
m A vHAK li Nv I' .
Bih au. -nxiuent insertion, tltu!
i RdsoluUont
Lodge no -
f .W Hutn& P t
Oft Display Adve
AU- p'"
.06 ; trigs to i -1
i in I vhai
o uioienc
, ier II or
, . .. ttfl! , ds.twv
."ivnl. ivr inch
t; i-t . in this
,v .1 humlny
cation in
. 1 Millar
1. 00
.7 Seasons are imperative.
lit i-u .
K 'l I'IU I'
ti . .. f ..... 1
In- will tur.niti .not 1'iuMi.i...
ii. n who h.ie iwlwiwl this move
nt eat. work out a feasible pl."
render If a dlM-actcd we"'-!
' servlee wan ever
,vt n.niv.i ll'tc th brsin ol
II', Kuk.ti U I
.,( drsll..blc kn 'I '" I"
oil.l. JPet l" .. wh
et lien lit Wight kuk- '
,.,, .1 ii.
,.t I. n it-
m . hi I ki k
tight l '
A ChccJf Opuffilunity.
In it untune position the dominant , rard to the rrwni
, lh, I'ni'ed Siata. win hrlit Amm '-. -
1TBSIUY t?:?BRl'AKY 'Jl. 1U".
On of th ipxvl lws paased b Ua
Iririslatnre wt on wquiringt ht
deafer in imported gP hll ImM
their container such. In the eaw
of Chinese egg? this provision will no
(ioubt prove superfluous, as one of
them under most favorable conditions
will drive you out of bouse. The tory
of the end of the Chinese egg in Oils
eountrv h been dettruction by the!
tens of thousand in the eity sjarbaire
crematories. Merehanta of the la-
eific CM5t have atreajv kt ioronet
through dabblinn with th Chiwe
Major Bowlbv. has resinned hi uo
sition a Stat ihwy Enjrineer
throurh a request tnmi the Governor.
Some of the newspaper of thi- Jtaw
are eiuiiavorinft to kivc th Major a
clean bill bv declari.-n that be a put
out of the wv by the paving trust.
Those who heirrf Bowlby'a evidence at
the late pavement suit in this cfty wil
take t'.at version of the affair with a
grain of salt, it ha recently been
made known her- th.t Bowlby. a few
year? ago was askci to resign from
the position of State Highway Engi
neer of the state of Washi:f,n.
twtitral lower
xcrcise RHMt inilwrwff whrnth
(iiikm to rianpi wrin ff peace. I'
,.i, nt a solution oi the roht i.
Ut A .lie) will have a htHm "
Wr f.w.xji lr frndilions. A wOf M sU k
hum tu' )t4clital.
If l i e rrmi .ritit
fir th.s war is ov.r h coiHtu"'
will never r eoer Itom its effiC
w.iise th' iiiis will be cnnhed
.nheariM.- t nation o rJ 'he e't
l ,.o Count v ! III.' .iMltf
i,l ro;ti, Mr nilmiHHik
ciutiil v
natiiii. I'utHiiiT.
' v.mi -re hereby r.-Wlr' " "('"'T
nnl snswer Ihe r..mit'i
f -...ir.ii..n of u wa from
Ihedate of tlr iM.lo'b '
umin.ii... rv It .. fl " ' I lllnillOllU
and answer. r hr-f in'
uhmi thtin tor lh rvllf dnwawl""! y- . .
f?Tr ;r.dr.t whirh i. that u CAivm m. vorn
We ii
S'lotk ini ortetl ehee are now
el..d u. nd Ameiuaw ndr
vh.r will set mote attention than
.,...1 Tti vrri' e ! r"t,ra eal
. 1 ... t. M.-t . r.rn iir.U tuitl a!i'-I .. .lMmo!u atUlliiM bet "'
haitruwi -r n www-- en.rw "- ' ,"' 72 .L I. ..l.i!.tt ,lilvl.
bl the pln NWWii .l(h(r(.w"" . Th.rth-ulaltllf t r!
twhtht 4erag t.ieri.an ' f1w,mame, and ff
dtfi (lie ' oner M lhl funhr telle! as the Court
...k r . t k.u. 1.. tl. fll' .a - . I . I.i
uiv lllll lotriwn run n - Dfini M
Ml ,1 ti'-il.. b-'Aine U'i-t- "
, . , t.uil i,l ev" led V
.;,...d Mill in ' "' e,,rr-
H. T. BOl
laini naM ntrnirrav I ' ' - - " - -.. t 1 1 m 11 11
Mail III! tin Of II"' HIV Ml' 'III I'll
.. ,. 1 lla
III .. h
In 1
t; 1 ugh the reeiti diiiiculty.
v ...g cirnust:ince vr iniKht
.. k-i ei':urrvU!ly ith
.'..rm.uiy or f-ngUml ami turn
tit. 1 lt t..it in otiui I'.irt
.orlt, fvevi'i, tint r t:blihed
cc 1 it'.u n be i(r. pi'd
Kaeh oi the leading hostile power
- spumed altitude quite at var-(
. :.a. a. I. . I . I eel
,.. ,Wrv.d. and , .that "f .0 .we. Ant. th. v J Bitym $w.r York
it1- i?. fo, It may be that the situa-
-i ,ifiii!; as an exigency of war is
:.:. .it vle-ign so far a we arc con-
. iir.l
N -. ntheU, inir course must be
lu- .i'ed b 1 atiencc r.d eovlnes. It
i r. time to yield to Midden impulses
,ml . bu- .ill it i no occasion for
.mi-'n cTiticisnt And a manifeHtatfow
! t,i, t eoniidencc ic the mm vho
,n' c -r.-. A with the yoldance of the
.r . :
if t'
M-ll 'It
-orr nvri devejoued i one ky oil
!...!.... ..1 ... iiii!i. i ocietir.
r , i other hum! we may in.ist , umpt to wiry thr adopting f the.t
. . -..r . -hi to il the hih in P'-ms. t iur.r? 10 r ...
". nic trade. n.l sub)eet to the
nil! eotiK i'' the mtl race lot iwillta"
iiretuir cntiue thereafter: for j
w.xr has ext!.ded cnee tor all ttii
theory th! ii parednes insure
wce OfHeive Uxolion and wi'
of ycar in rstiitar rif will &ri
.he be of Europe' votv WhhI
this and other nintris 4 Ottl
the arts 4 -vcc. soil will give.
old iw.hr nmkrli f'Mhe WO! '
iHroogh tht Mrtit;th f wif ectfMeii'
tiosltloi tha; vill m' t incomjf.v
My ru'i uid powerful We shew'
,?lecn sr troit'i' '.-ts toun-l tw w'
:td b ! to' we will ' ed bw '
Fukp ...' I rod! I'V lr,tt !
leon lty t!ndtK h. dclari
Se bl "f t,ee' and how '
he w v to ..Miifi thfm. our pef
nh.ild they tall in the a'
A new ju iiciHl tiistrict. the lath, has
been made up of Tiliatno k -inj VV'i
ington cour.tits ny an :i.-t i the legis
lature. Attirney Btt of this city
and Attorney Bagley of HilN'x,ro h -'e
been mentioned as possible appointee
to this office. We would be tdea-ted to
see Attorney Bolt secure the appoint
ment. He is eminently qualified for
the position and what is more the honor
is duo him. Mr. Bagley's appoint
ment, however, would not be distaste
ful to Tillamook people as t made
many frienls here as attorney for the
citiren- in the suit against the Warren
Construition Company.
ible and hitherto rcconivd
no- iluil .ir impoie In the
ecm vtt iuli rncounter cri 'us
.iiiiu i icr i";iii'..uCi, b "tld
mic (' d eri'V'i.udc in wlii'i h it
,v lrn'. tlu' ot!nr eou.se we
i mounter w.ir. ,
..e vo.ili .-Jv uithjnd and with n-
er.lent. Iioihctd d pugnaciy that,
it rs-rht 3lisi..l!:te. anil it would
t be l"!ift lt. ore inir fig .ting ban
"r would be fluttering with those 0
Higercnt Kurope. .hether we J
ould be rigb? or wrong, that would ,
the direst calamity of this warlike ,
e;ioch. Yet. eventually, it may. be fore-.
.! upon us as ihe only course we can
: ursue. j
It is tnnre thn ejrpedlenf, therefore
who cle-ulv tue
pcrpemHv i" ain
the p:u-e K-ii'ie
i.mntrv well New
tatt of pun t .
In either evtu
will terve
York Comtwcf
20 sere fine bottom lnt tjd low
linn. I Utile south of Tillamook. Oooti
bam. 11 eows, team, wagon aral hf
net. Some farm t.d. Irfee rtUM
nbhr. Good terms. Call on or adrr
H. A. Ki"naran. Ttllarrook. CUf.
Nollic t ' iiinl JttlWttiMtt
Not'ev i" ' that we the
tn-4t"r ( 1 ..-..'. of K M. Vtr
rteies uw tiieil -vr final t
..i,mt aM ret..ft nurh eeiU.r
with U count) elerli at rtiirnwk j
l'.iunlv Oraeiui. ll euui.IV ewtlfl .
of smit enuntv . ai)otnl,-.l fVhruar, , ... ftv, ,fcr Vwf, t
S4th Mb, for hfMr tbhh elaim t tb laivl
jeettotut thert" 'd lite nl Wtfle ' , hutcr H I'bwiHv OWrk (
ment of Mid MUt. Taiimwlk Count v. ttrvstwM. at TtlU
n... la nuhllalMHl in "
Ttlliwmwk Her.W by rder of h
Homiealle Homer M.o. . tiMy
Judge of Ttllanw-a ('winlt. fh((n.
MM order being daled the lh d f
January, IVIft, reiulritit; iwbbea
lion f th" summi U U made owe
a week for sis twee-eat wegha. aJ
the dale of the first ibliaMn; Hrof
t TueeiiaY h Wh da of January.
tleo. r. Wlnatew.
Attomvv fur I'lalntltt.
Notice, lor I'tihllcntimt
DrpArlmrnt of ihe Inlfflor
i' , i.ANP 01 riCK l IVrU4,
Oregon, January IX I9I-V
NUT!. i is hert-t t give" that rr'l
ttch Hrv'.K-rl, f lUaver, Tll.k
tV. Otegoi, on Februarv II.
tu, maiie Hn.iMelewl N".
04. fur Ut S, Swtl I. Temp
I Scviitb. K U 'et. Willamette
Memliitn. ha lllt-4 n..te f Intenttufl
MUtJIIH'WH V nil .
I It l.AMa
V I,
- .Jty
.vrni;M tt
JllUll, ) Mi.
lb - J
,iun. 1 1 1 ami m u
tlt.lr !I I 4a
Ulf l,f
Illlnmook (Itmntv IlitnV
Wm. II. Udtl,
Ch;l. K. l,lM.
Newt.m IHet .
KseetiUtr of the Kttt of K. II.
Vrgfl, tad.
K. 'a'. Montiiifue,
gtt. H. Niebola.
Attrt-v forth Rierttter.
mok, Oregpn. on the tin
Vareh. tt& ( lairearit wn
j llermar. M, Karwer, of B-
vr. Oregt. Jaw U, Her, -.f
I lleltlliet, ttMt. W Hod.fcl!.
.f Heaver, Hregon, ItJbert 1'an.ire,
, of Heaver, hregwn
II r, Higby. Regut.f
e I I ak.
lA W V I R
..... ,
,i,r v h. . ai,i. 1 , ,
OtMIIU ! . ,
'lb. :.
Jl.Ol's ' '. ! .
sa-c ' '.
Mc. :
Baltt r
grea -port
'- . v
trar, .- t
beet 1 i.'
ces ."M;r
hems 1 torn Exthsneea.
i'!t:is:.Mio!. uf JrtsitUnt .!
t dr ,1.' i.l f r the ft 1 s
'. ''t; ; i!"' VI, errtar
, '.; 'ie 1. 1 r
th County Court t the 5ttc. '
1 fro
r ; 01 ?. 1.' ft'
N r'tdk tel5ir.t
1 f frcig'tt at th
. . t I . . i f c?3n-e.T-!.-:i
"Th. e. n"e.-.i' n b
: ! i!.a( t.i Hswt inata;
ii- 5. ihousfh f.BtTia' e-:
Notko ul .ni.s(iiidiit. j
kliamt Lumber (.mtany, eirpr ,'
, . ... u.ma. atal ,.t lW 1 1 .A ! I
el UrK'Ot. fur lite County ul I , ' lf ln,,,M , Nl( rl r.tt ;
IIIHuiiook (Street, m the t l of 1, AiMt.
mite of Cltftri
In Mtt- i.t tfce.Kntmte of William j Notiee heteby gi. that t att
' i'e'i. t-eaexi. Singofthe tloard id ir-e!u. t aid
. T- ih Heir d rvvewi f Widiam i Miami l.rr.lxr riwi'. ,HM lb
;Jle . dfscal. and all others n- ( !th day of IVbrtiarv, an aesea
'arhiv, uil to all penxm interested : ment of tl 90 per hare was levtrd
tor J.m roy isiero: , uion the tasued capital atnek of ad
IS I UK NAMKOKTHK fiTAru, crpurlH. payable trfM4ill)
! UK oKEtiON, you are hrb elled t. M". Uanahl, SWUry f said
i!ar in th- Coantv Court f tne - erporatiet No lO ftasl ftt
Stt uf tir '.jn, rr the ouoty Ht'twt, In live ity ol imi Angeles,
tiiUmook. ut the Cutt '.-on itirv- Stau of Califumia.
in iltir.tM)i v (ty, to W tVxinty and! Any stuck upm whieh thU mh
tut, 01 th.' 30tb day of March. 191ft, 1 .nnt shall remain umhI o" tbe (th
, t the hour of Kuwoetneti ti the fore day of Mareh. I1H6, wlH le deniuut.i
I.Kjirat .'. .t . .
Atttrn at U
I ( re In T.I! 1, , A R'v
Dr. L. Hew
oirrKtii'Ai in
AM' 'I.r
llbtlrfr a . Jl
IllUa. I'. . : ,.! I
lloor. t -a
Tit.t.AM' k .nr.
Hat wr keen in -ind the high mission ",,tJ , cx' . v ryon 01 sssu a. tnn srw ter to and m vert taea tut sale at miOHe aur. . . t.i-v M
It has been estimated thai ervtogh
money has been ?pent on the road be
tween Tillamootand Cloverdale fluring
the past four years to lay a good c
me nt road the entire distance. We be
lieve this is true and still the road in
question is far from bein in a satis
factory condition. The traffic is enor
mous and heavy on this piece of rosxl
which umier present construction will
not stand up under it.
If the people of the south end had n
good cement road leading into their
con.munity they would not enre whether
they ever had a railroad or not. Wher
ever the roads are Rood, the autos and
auto trucks are now proving severe
comtietition to the railroads. The peo
ple of the south end ought to have a
good cement road built to them from
the county seat. It is simply a lavish
waste of money to continue the present
system of road building especially on
this piece of road.
I a l-1- . . ftaaaaiaam lU..aa. tH Mtaa ( . . . . .
; m ..... k.w ""- pooi -an t.onac tmn iw my nw- itt euw mi t hkh Herein, uiieewtt, 1 fr. win he cow on the Z&M ty t
worM crisis the mission of a Iwa-Tjjtati. etii i i ,ij,jfee ntwiilta, have ) tBthorUiInf and gtii'wering K. J.jMnreh. I9IR, t lb o'eloeh A. M.
Ev aded, wwld-senrln democracy that V.,. os-. Jkd to etftiM offwed !CI.u,,n' "IHK-id nuiif5d i .khi dl, to py the ii.litutuenj m
..ia f, ,La . . ",u and acting administrator of tj ett, ; wenL together with th eost wf r.
, lands for the rotistroctiene ot touitBta .a.it m,i.Kr ..tt.. if... r,,ia,.iii a.-i-.a 1 au
.iace rather than the destmctivenes
.-:f war.
Wlun the fury of the present con
'ic; pent th- 'vorld expects thi-
lur.try to e:ce-' isc a high and serv-".-altc
functtt , which is another con
sideration n. ' to l.o demisted if we
re to retn.si distinctively American.
i a propl- we nccl to exercise pa
icner and '.ultivate wisdom. We need
0 think A;.,crican, talk American .ind
vtivc Ameriem support to thme who
Tijjst deal i:h all flie practical dif
ficulties of the situation.
ting ,jf 1 'v. 'ier
the i. iii ;i vi-:.
of tl"' urn; r.iiti v t
off .'."o ii t
seriou" ' !'' a o
ever i o-i
Th. s
about c.ei.
rrine n't ;r
i ir-!'!,- . i '.. tif-rt
w s t .) eos !' ' -ucb
:;l"it! pi.o!r svr.
1. ) ii'-vmis Let
l -.iiiid islate ev; to h sit- deseni rd rei frnperty of satd elate,
j,fi, Anv 0f HiiiMin 1 HU'ftook (ouniy, Oreguft, )
liiwit: -
l4l iiiimb'mi thiv mI theaat half! WwtormliMt tf l;titrv l Lnnils
of 1: . irt.Mi uurtr. and the! iNntltiiifi! l-oro-st
I'll Nu ta H
FWII I'hofw. !t
Mutual lli.if.o
.11111 ;iiij
iHrtiiwi ft iusrtrr of the tvtrtitweat
t e rrjisi.i; '.' e.i ("i5 '
!. ,i-n v th it t.ei tn.'tn 1
;i.. r, ,', v.. nib! .In .t! to
' it "" it ri 'Ions; th
quarter of eetti ,
Sui-tli, rar.gp ten
tte Meri(iimi.
hi i..ii,nip one
of the. Willam !
MiTlt'tS IS
that the
, lu. rinliraemg S!t 'J6 acre.
1 r AM'Xir.
To Aboitah War.
Think Anerican and Talk American.
curr r
si 1
I From The Telegram.)
s art runn'-ia; in Micii counti r
. t!-ai the t:"k of manapin;:
: :or.al i.fair has be-
-t delicate and diiflult
'i ptiun patriotic duty of
.. ! ricvn cit'zen to c ) 1-
t i'-ri'iusly, and pay h -cd
. 1U0 .' inji-nc io 1 to
and talk A erican.
r.n ii'Usio' i to pre
lit might rm the bal
in the w orld. if that
;. be lio' orably done It may not
t! - f-'ci, ' .it it is a wurr-.nUble as-
sti ni-'.i'in thit here is ili '. .mafic in-tri-.tn
to itnoUc thin - ..u.ry in war
with 01 1 or the ol'1 . of the great be-
t powe-- t uropc. We can
1 purpose by inler
.nccs, and both in
are to avoide war it
vs lUint'.
' -e New York Peace Society offers
- ? solution of international troubles
i ropes? I to establish a league of
tiens which ha b-cn indorsed b
.ny prominent AroeHc.fn ci'i? 'is
: eluding Wtn. fl. Taft, Theod..r
bat;le line h .s .! 1- . 1. .In,
within b r uv,;i U'lftloey.
devastation is MiM o'i'side
Gerru;is dt n.,nstr.i' Iit "effi
ciency" by titi!ii"r . ,, .'
prisoners .?' v, , . ,i i-..rt 1 . 11
eultf.r..! v . rr. -' j r 1 1 . s
as many prioiers t'.y at v"tt. a
she has I .! .ibl -to. fied :ri'n i- 1 1.
la iwi denerilwi !
wllhlo the
a .! . . ... t . '
wU rv,... ..I ih.. . .1.1...,. 1. iulw national ro'eat. trnn. n-U i
the he.r- ar.i d. v .,.- of the aforesaid i l w swtsletsetl ad etr u.
ileeias.-il. nr.. !l nth.-r. unknoien ..wl . der pfOV ' alc.iw. i.f the home!. I
to all ,,..,,. mter.-.i..i ur whom U j '"V SSi. of SKf. lh
m.iv . . . . r, i.v ...1i.Miit. ih...f of Jurwf II. ItWft Htat-, 2, at
War's in the Tillum mk H'Tutil, a nitwpapr
i.f th- Pr'ntd ami 011 1, tin he. I in TilU'ivxik
Coui ty. tregiii, by virtu- of an order
k t
l!nitai Ute land office at i'rt
1 Und. t)regin, on March SBt, ll
Any ttler who wa actually end .
duly maile n th ISt'i day February ' 'Hhi"lm"' any of aaid Ur l
141. by the iioi..,rai.le H.m.-r Vi,,,, ! rtcltUTl (e.irix-M- prlert U J41.
Ju.lge of tin- jii. veii.tiii.il .urt u"r I"' "d hut abar-bunl
Wltnesn tt,e ..i...rabU. Hom.-r Ma- ', h B pfwfetepe right to m-Wr
sou. Ju.lge ..f tl,.. i ve . Mui -i c,jrt " t'"'wl'5l ry for the lands artnai
with the seat f :tul Court attixeo. this . ' " " were uaieti .1
If.th day of r'.-liriinry. l'.l
' :ll ol tlie At'-eal J t
! Colli. ivt onrt
, K.itl.I -1. Mii.h, I) '.uly.
I on the application f the peroi m .
It s
r ih s
1 're i
. hi '
e '
atu e of i
of 1 j.:'.s"' of -e-is
and circu
dicate thai 11 we
will require w
Roosevelt, Charles V
!?.-ot. Nicholas Murrav
,Vn5r w Cai".e 'i
vici'.'. "The I)i'c!.-hi..
'ns Seen drai'i 1 ' 1
r'd years oi .1
s.irid roib - of ii'..'or 1 1
ro"e that pe: 1
i-i c;jitc of di1-) ;i'
-tntries that w
on the continent
When in the 1
r of war, an I
iii'i 'ill the horn.' . 1
between nations, the minds c
. .en must turn to thought
I. '.."sings of peace. This is not
..i-ortunc time for luch a m-.
.0. war cannot last forevi
ishei! .' end coni the wor'
r. ' , .. . i anxious to adopt .n
: 1 olan t but pron 1
.t. I' Kin
'ler .it
o; -ri 1
V110 ru
O'lr In'.
c- thou
id...; to
ii-t iii 1
tl 1
d '
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
ln . uoneu wkiw, who nas a preterm
t 'lerk t right ailbfeet to the prior right of u y
nii. n uriner, rovinril Ui"n a 'tlief or
pplieent ut nuulltlet to maktt li..ni.
te.J H,,try and the preference right
i . xrr.-i.ed prior in Maren JU, 101'., on
Abieh dute the- Uiuia 'a ill liu nulij. t t.,
ettlemenl and entry by any qunliilml
i-tai,.i. 1 ue iMtiut re a I'.lt' Wl rim i
K4 s'Kt Rw.. 24. T. 4 S.. it. 10 W. VV 1
M . m ai res, application of Claude M
l iu..-, II. Ihi, tiregon; l.lnl .V!. l.i
i ill M aires), th.- SK NW, thii .Wi
NKi, the S NW NK1. Sec. SO. T h
J. 9 , 141 "rr"-' lllieati.i.. of
II. (.. MeClare, iMph. Oregon ; l.i.l
n-.VH. January , ikl&, t,', M. Brtn-e,
Assistant (ktminlssioner of the General
I And OlllcH.
ill Him Circuit Court ol the Clitic
i of Oregon for l illoiuool-, County.
(Jerirude A. Ii. Sanders, 'I'lainlilf,
I l.iiwren. -Haiiders. defendant.
I" l.wrene Samlitrs tho ubovu
, liHIiieil ilefeiHiani,
')! uitliUON: You are hereby ri
ouireil to uiwnr mid ai,ur emu
pbnnl lll.nl iigMlimt eon , t(R. HM1V
' nt.tle.i hiiitimor before, tbu oaplrn
""' "f r1," Ww,,l ff"in the. ,u- of the
brM pulibriit,,,,, of tt,m Huininnjia, uml
ir vou fml in u(,,(l.ir ,) tnnWbr, for
ltlsit. . . i MM
'IfRee lluura -i ' ' b'l
Oeldfrlluv.. KmlJ'tr
ll..li '
II.. I I !n ll.. ( nmntrcu!
. . M . ,UiHltl .1. ... - -.----
Succeeilitir Dr I' J SW
ii a-
. J)ri
, 1, a
All U'mk (j.n(4,i:.r
OHUe 1 1 Kir.
0rii Uvfiiioc t'
Drnti t
IWilll I'lwMirj '
VI. 'I i.i:r
I Hoth I t
A so called ' cold" is often jimI i fon i hiiier of
some severe disease .sure lo follow unless the cold Is
"catifjlil" in time. When you catch cold, "catch"
hold of it at once and CURE it.
A neulccled "cold" often causes quid, pneumonia
and death.
Whatever he your needs in the driifj line, come to
us for them.
The Tillamook Drug Stoe
We (jive you what you ASK for.
I. 1. 1'n1
Hun '
John l..li.nd M
.Sityy. in
Attoi'n.iv-tit.,.iw. 'tVil
Tlllnmoolc Title
Abstract Co.
. .....1.
I .nil. A I. al a, mid I I I
Kurviiylitif, ! '"""
lloth I'lin
"on ineieoi 11 0 uinii r u,iii , 1..
, , , . - "... II 1 1 1 1 1 V
" Ho; court for n-due-roe. Iheroit. f,,r
lb.' r. I.ef nraye.l for m U,u Ciniinlalnt
V.r llw,,," yo"rsif lmi
b n ' bu diMolyetl, mI tlmt t ,
Ibu Miliiiir eh ilrn ,.r 1. ' .
1 , "" 3 eiiiiiiiji),
1 Till I I'llldlHlled III tho
!. . " "'.'! Ill-ri."' iy "tlr of II, o il -
..1 '" fr :iiiity .Intl.',. of
ini iinook County. Orounn bv in . rd e
SJSftA rvjtifAff s : 1 5:
M W k S 3 w "T '" 'W ''l "bCU
lm la. I ,X Wf',k'' 'l lllitu Of
1, lOlfl. 1 1,,C"11"" f",r",,f l-.'nry
H. T. lllltlH,
'mm Attonmv lor I'liilntlir.
liihlnu'tlon ut iiiipil's'
LWIfi Liver Pill