Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 19, 1915, Image 3

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    ompounding Prescriptions
bMOST important work is the compound.
nuiruui: RBrrrniDTimir
i . r I e ii
I.. (Ins n lk WC Hill' MIH', IICHII, l-Kt ICIItll
1 1 In hiuhIh. We have a thoroui-hlv un-to-
- , , ....
,f (UI"m 1,1 pienvi ijiuwu uppnniuih W II It'll
1 . Ilflll III ltllffllHM.. IIHI I I
i , I hi MM Win i"'" " v.nv.in. nil ill ll li' (IIHI
Wt!'i'Ui work with the utmost care nuil pre
rtvoui" iiU'Ih-i ircil.v the way your doctor
,-,tMt .UMIUI.
ir(. prcHcnptioiiH to tin and lie mire of
limtf tht i",,sl efleelive that tan be compounded.
Our Prices are Right
amar'S drug store:
Ilttll)' l!mtllr -
,;ni.U ftir Uip Celebrated Nyal
tine for each III.
uukj t The
.Oi'tn Theatre,
ai iwj'i" t
f.fiii ivf ljjev,
1 1 -'
l UiB
u. ..
,Ui If al a ljhrt
i RK-k j foe 'ale
tiHtn tf tehi al Watch Tower
I'h HVtmtpof Hafarailo llnd wm a '
I'lllamutA Ihiichi vlnlliir tn Thtirwlay I
rf at) kind f ImkJio moving, ten
(. I.. Hamlin llm Ikhioc mover Me
wlll.lo ym fii(l job at roaiunabto
Mr. Mm TwmtlnM underwent ue
Ccatful uM-raltcM at the hand ot Dr.
Ilaalt for rvplttlr OH Thuriday.
PW talc : Team hamma nmJ wagon.
Team weigh. ltM. llfA L 8. Jolrn. j
B'XI. Mutual l lum. If I
For A .pan Of well Malrhrd -
Wark gohilnga, B yuan old, v. t-llu j
.. i
t Mr I--. wa. tit irmtt
'iA Kaalman VS'IIhm Cm.,
Allurnuy JuMm Walton of Portland
HhWfk Iron, till.
F.lrclrtr Htufii lo,
any kind 1.1, in).
Demi Itoblliaoti w(,;ti; Unit ,,i(
III with an attack of lumtjiiiniiln at JUm
Martiny resilience U remirled i,n t,
Cediir tone pou iorile,
Alulrraon, lluiiitock, tnm.
Thu Palrvliiw lllflliday Club will
Imva n toclal minding at the lnmi of
Mfi. Mrlilhl on VMiimqy, V,riiiiry
itlUi All f0 ri,Tt to lllll with
tint iKiit.
II. M, (,'UrkJ mirlhjiiror.
W.f'i IliU wok bnya any inako ulnr
Irle iron, t'DBtnnlnp.) fornvnr M Urn
lilrrtrlr M(fn Mkl u, Crm Tlumtr,.
Ductor Wfr fur kIsmiu of nil
Vlmli. IlffVon loiwu. fitfiUertJ, Ak
U co lh Ktyt'luk ltn, limy
ro two In oim. A!iit for Itliutlun
All ninfnntumi,
IVun.) A linn of wt:i'in wild n
'lty. Mal wi. ran aitll In wimmtl
tlufl with the mall uidnr Immko ami
BV v4 nwnny. UUK y(wr satnloit
ami rijioi. in aiM rimjn.rr prle., Hy
rry iMtafH fully Ktiaranlnwl. Tllla
lliwuk i'nnit f'.
P W. Itrrcnr Of IItVor wa in the
ily on Wwlncwlajr. Ho recently moved
from CWvnrUalc to Hravor.
'Hip many frlitmli of MU rttolla
iCoytin will be iatwj t that liti
tia Iwon ctKMri n-" ri'idiil of Ihv
V)llmtU Dii.vftllr IVixhman elam
of whlrti ihn It a tniiitnc.
Tb Palrvlpw lllrOwlaY Club met al
tii ci homit f Mr. Wm Mat. .11 o
PnbfOary I7U. A dnllehtfill afternoon
" Jm In cwlfij;, fondini anil
ikkii;. Daliriou rfrhminl wrr
tnrvnl bv tb ItotlvM atnnto.1 by
MwilatoM Anleron arxl TlnnoratclU
It. V. Ulalock ami Mr. R.miiie of
Arc Better In Every Rrspect. See Me And
I Will Prove It
.I ii
1 Irl.rt I
U ,1 .
i - I
j Utatl I'ulnam, a dotramlanl of Urnl
' futnaiu uf ICnVoluliunarv lllnn tt.im
hat boon UaiMaeMng butinnat in tn 1 1 ,.,, ,.i. ,, ,i . . ,-.
Ml kl I1V, lir KlIWTit i uii
4., 'Uo.IHUt..,jf"y ,W ,r,,oV- ,8ullnll. Mr. l-utnam wat a vc-Uran
Leal IV , Itlwl I am) . fOfttUUnc af l),c civil war. Mo It WW (latt
Miami bttotneat ,a AAlllnni, )in jcari of ago ami I in aplnmllcl health
.botwoon aid Uol ami Hlmot. , b a foo.1 hmtttail In Vamh'll
Will xnoic we a eaaJi ollor on County mai Uw Tillamook Cioniy
nrai !.. farm lwU fuf lmtWrt(au !. Kolllo IU jirovl up on t)i flaim durinc
?,atM.,.l Hani. , W. Wat. IWI lltf., t), i yBar BmJ wa, ,,flnty f ihm!
i Hay City wa. In m TowMn.o bo bat ben omuWo bolWim; all buill by bimtolf. with
lint an eitomird vUlt to Watblu;toi vnry littln attlttanre from othurt.
lit. icv ;
Ki-, ( rr I a ml ami out ami Orfl xHnl ilHttri.' thci pail two
. . c at lie rakl 0(flB.
Iliiicf hm.., wot In
narua IN 1 MMWII' H 111 . iihidu,.
...ty 1 illanunA ttiaile ItaiMon, )ut north of to n.
niontbi lotorticil to ibprttv thu woo V.
Ana tbaal. I
I1:c lltt
tie fbtkiar.
All klmlt uf whJ aix frnrr mIi for
alu. Sf SUrl.
tciunfc $1 i'i antf i-ct ntil.;. !
S W. ll Ctatt.
Mr atwl ili, Ji-rph Franklin on-
tftMlcHi a tialty of frlrWlt al thnlr
but no on Wealnnttlar at'oMnc. A "l
utoyabln umc it ro)Mrtl.
Wo liavo IDaOo orlat arranHtnU
-itfc l lie Totophoflo Co, to fonnwcl You
dlrocilv vilh our OiUfo, In cam you
wi.B any of tftat COOO (XlAt. Lamb'
ftrralor Co. Call W.
i A. K. (iar inor ami Hob ItbarU of
Hffr wor In tb riiy WodnUy.
Mr, Uarunor ema bort to iniVo up i"
j bi bomitiaJ.
Vow e ri Uia bot inottU In tbr
felly jrtJ family tylo at U Hotel
iltnlnit toom. Umlor Ui manautt'
wont of Uo V. WlbKMt. I'Heo ,
IVrtUml Comont. I.lmo. Hrlek,
Phtir, I nth. Plro llritik ami Plr.t
Cly, WHHlrtotn toPk alway. nil bawl.
Umw-Schrador Co. Wrlto. Phono. Wire
or CmII
Samo U& friontln vorr ai?nti)Mbly ur-,
nrlaml &. W. Ctiitovor ni hi honm on ,
a. .i. cakpi:m i:k, Aeni
I A. T. DOLAN & CO. f
General Cement Contractors
and Builders
X Concrete roads, Bridges, Sidewalks, t
f Foundations, Floors, Etc.
What Have YOu to Build?
dm Our PiKuri; They Arc Alway I'.lhl. Hell Phone IIP.
c.r'.r: r r: r r f.r: r tt 1 f, F, CK't r ft d Ci r, f, ft s
M in 'nka .NViper wti IkmIjhw
Friday aflornm. Prb. 12th. Shi;
nntirnirni tho Y. P. P. Club at lur
homo in Palrvlow. DurliiK the aftur
ni win a ilainty lunrhtun wm turvvd.
Mi Klurf nro Morgan cntributvl to
Ibo pleaaurr of thu club wllh a aolcct
tiUnx. All rotamJwl with appropri
ate iuotatlon. Th t lub adjournal to
inoft with Mm tivvn llydorn, Thum
ilay. Fob,
on S
ihif i
At many lmUirio hnvr come to lh'
olllco from tho tenchor of the C-unty
a to whether or not Wuhlmrton'
lllrthday i a ncrxxil holiday, we an
awrr Ibrout:!) the column of the Tilla
mook Hrraki Dial all teacher may
know tu intcrproUtion of the I.aw in
tho matter.
In aubatancc, the Oregon School
Uw of PJI3. Sec. 'U, Vhko JOS read
a follow : Lincoln' birlrulay, Wash
ington' birthday, aivd Columbus Day
linll not Ikj chool holiday, but a
torllon uf ouch of said day ahall
b et apart and be obscrvad in
the public chool of the State by ap
propriate cxerctftc.
W. S. Ilunl. Co. Sthool SupU
Hntiot; Drvicrt
You tit h innrfcttrO iu ceititf
Tlwr KUcUk Rtvnr mart C(MWti:
At right ffiCfi
Celand B. Grwin
Teacher of Piano
Diploma from the Chicago
.Musical College
Owing to numerou imiuirie I would
recommend only one
during the school year.
lnon weekly
R. N. UP.NKI.K. Mtr.
Ixxrated in Jones-Knudson Huilding
Funeral Director and Licensed Embalme
Lniiv Assistant When Requested.
20 acre lino bottom land k1 loca
tion. I mile south of Tillamook. Good
barn. II cow, team, wagon ami har-
l'r. It. T. Hoalt. 1-. U Hoy, S. M.
Wrmlt. T. It. Monk amlW. G. McGhco
of Tlllamwik; Dr. W. C. Hawk of lUy
City ami II. Ii. Itinoharl of Wheeler.
IIKl at the Hotel TillaliKMik riiurtilny
rvonln,'. Fob. IS iind woro ImmjUetiHl
by Dr. A. H. Hockey of Portland. Dr.
ii.i... i .1... i.j..... ...... fi
. . . i urn. home farm 1hiI. I'rice reason-
Iho Pacific Sorthwifti. nlto provml him-1 , . . ,. .. , ,
. . , nblc. Goo.1 terms. I nil on or address
anoMH,r, m.or . wu- H. A. Kir.namiin. Tillamook
Aflor tbo food ami a few yarn, the I
Doctnra not buy ami oremted the "
Tillamook (4iulil) MikIichI Society
I ho fulluwliig olllcera were elected:
It. T. Itoalt. Proa. . S. M. Wondt,
Vico Pro. ; T. It. Monk. Sec. ; I.. U
Hoy. Tre. After traiisnetlng other
Important bulnon the meoting was
adjourned to meet again March IS.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON. Prop,
(loth Phono
'I he Same Price to liveryonc
A I am leaving the ranch tin first
of March. I have for sale:
2 line tun year "Id heifers, freshen'
in Mnrch, 1 yearling heifer. 1 sow ami
0 nice pigs, six weeks old the 1st of)
March. 1 b reed sow. Mm I pigs middle
of Mny.
I goiMl smlille mine i yours oui, soiiuti
... I ..I ... .... ..I.... .1. j.M I .... llDltll.
mrjy o.,m.K " I nni, wl.i.oll, hlemlsh.
hi birthday. i twu hntH light hack in ginxl con
' t 1 . I a .1 I . I.
. .il .I..IL 1 i tiv tiurt of union. I soi oi single iiitniiwa.
the ellv for ftc. lor Utiwrt in advance
or T. on lime. Whipping cream in
pi. 0uiro cream at 5o. it. TlllwmiMik
Dairy Ibith Phono. Hull phono WW. If
Killer HUlock ami J. U fc'nmples will
hold aervlcoa at S-iti Prairie school
hoiito nod .Sunday al H a. m., ami In
tho Adveiitest church this city 3 p. m.
Kviiry boy Invltwl to come.
llennie Anderson was opemted on itt
Ihn Tllbiiiiook Siinaluriiiiii tiy lr
Wendl on Monday iIk air appenili
olll. II provod in be ipilte ii severe
case. However, the patient Is doing
very nicely.
I ilnx. young hens Itensonable prices.
D. II Marshall,
AleC Wntt'S ItlilH'll,
Yellow Fir Saw Mill.
'"uuuoooooOflOOOOOOOOOOOOnOOOOOODOUUuiiwu"-"- 0
Stock Tonic
Carbolic Compound
Hl,,hl"votovou POSITIVELY tliatrmr Stock TONIC
'J1 put your iuVmiuiIh in a thriving eoiitHtiuu. '',a' ll,e
11 "K oiuhJ lindtliy niitl expel the worms, mill that
Jock frtt. fr0Ift (iscnHt. ,, y(mr harn, stables, .sinks,
tlrn'nH ami oiitl)uil(linKH sanitary and sweet sinellniK.
C. I. Clouch Co.
fr.,1fih1 llriitrfrtut.
Wlcr Sprtclien Dciitseh.
Ask The Man Who
He will pay you
from S'J.OO to $l.f)0 more
per month for vour house il it has a well etpiip
ped hath ro(in
Actuallv from 21 to Mjwr cent tin the in-
"vestment or about Vw of the net return from
that" house you rented. ; Cfin you invest
$T()(Mi) any hetter.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it
Tillamook's Leading Plumbing & Sheet Metal" Shop
Lands Cheaply
Logged Off
Fccney-Brcemer Co., Put Economical
Land Clearing Machine on Market
Tillamook, Oregon.
The- Feeney-Hrcemer Co.. has just
completed a vcrv economical device for
clearing Innd in tho shape of n gasoline
donkey engine, eii'iipped with a 10 h. p
heavy duty engine. The total weight
of the machinery is r,A)0 lbs. mounted
on runners ami can be pulled anywhere
on a straight lino by iU own power.
The oonkey part consists of a double
drum, double friction, equipied with
breaks. It has 400 feet of j in. cable
and SW feet of 2 inch cable. As a dem
onstration it recently pullet) with ease
a 20 foot log 3 feet in diameter oyer
rough ground Anyone wishing a dem
onstration of the workings of the ma
chine can witness the same by calling
at the Feenev-Hreomer Co. Works.
The price for the above equipment
ranges from $700 for 10 h. p.. up,
larger sites costing accordingly.
The engine consumes diailate, con
suming 6 gallons in 10 hours, cost 10c.
a gallon.
The engine used is detachable and
can be used for other things.
Feeney-Hremer Co. are offering a
tine projosiliun for two ur more far
mers who wish to go in together on a
dev'co that will clear their land cheap
ly and easily. Two men can run the
machinery used and handle it success
fully. Those who may have use for such a
machine will do well to investigate.
by keeping him in shabby old Harness.
Wo arc soiling! Harness made of the
best stock at prices thitt ought to
tempt voi
will not oniy improve tho nppoa 2 ce
of your horte. but contribute to your
safety as well. Many a runaway could
be avoided if tho old Harness had been
discarded in time.
Last Week of Session Begins
With Large Amount of Work
Remaining to Be Done.
Salem The loKlslatiiri1 utartod on
tho lat Mk of the 28th session 'lth
the usual nonKftxtlon of business and
as In past tnnt confusion promises
to mark the closing hour. All the
really Important measure remain to
b" paaeJ. few of tbWl bavin eone
through both houaos. No mnureii of
statewide Interest have reached the
vwrnor'B desk.
Prohibition lor.lsl.nlon remained un
settled Tax mewore are Incomplete,
Irrigation code are not yet revised,
fish and came leKlatalian Is In a tan
Kl" and complications ar threatened
on consolidation.
The legislature, has approved tho
lea" of Summer and Abrt lake hy
the state land board to an easU-rn syn
dicate, headed by Jason Moore. Tho
lar- appropriation bills are In bat
have not been paed-
Althoogh the joint ways and means
committee has consigned to the legis
lative cemetery bills appropriating a
lotal of ll.Kt.t90 and cut requests for
appropriation to the bone, there e.-o
still pending In the legislature meas
ures appropriating the huge sum of
16.953.207. to be disposed of durins the
closing v.-eeV: of the sejwion.
A remedial enactment was the pass
age of Hepresentative Olson's bill pro
viding certain changes In the primary
election laws to eliminate petition
peddling and enable aspirants for pri
mary Nomination to become candi
date by paying flat fees Instead of ob
taining the signatures of voten.
ileprcaentative Allen's bill to enable
rural communities to form organiza
tions to obtain a low rate of Interest
was Hissed by the house and is herald
ed by the up-state members as the
first step In the establishment of a
rural credit system for the state.
The Hlnkle bill passed by the house
Is a departure in the way of slate aid
in Industrial development. The meas
ure proposes a system of annuities
similar to those in effect by many
countries of Europe and by some of
the Canadian provinces.
Sheriffs of the state won a victory
when the house passed Representative
Kelly's bill, providing that hereafter
all taxes shall be collected by the sher
iffs instead ot tht county treasurers,
and It means thaf all bills Increasing
tho salaries ot the latter officials will
be withdrawn, provided this Inst meas
ure passes the senate.
The first test in the state senate on
the prohibition bill was a victory for
the advocates of a strict law. The
minority report of Senator Dominick
of the committee on alcoholic traffic,
which was faorable to the bill as
passed by the house with no Important
amendments, was adopted by a vote
of IS to 13.
Tho senate passed a bill providing
that persons away from home election
day may vote wherever they may be
for presidential electors, state officers
and constitutional amendments by
identifying themselves and producln
u certificate by the Judges of election
In their home products that they aro
qualified voters.
A measure Intended to prevent big
dairy and creamery corporations from
freezing out tho small co-operative
concerns of the farmers went through
tho house. All the representatives
from the rural districts voted for it
and most of the urban legislators also
wore for It.
In the presonce of a large delegation,
of school teachers from Portland, who
are membe-s of the Orade Teachers'
association, other educators, Senator
Mosor and others, Governor Withy
combe signed Senator Moser's bill,
which provides that there shall be no
discrimination in the payment of sal
aries between male and female teach
ers. The house passed the tax commit
tee's bill to remit all penalties on de
linquent tcxes under the 19Vd tax law.
Insanity shall not be made a cause
for divorce In this state, according tq
a decision of the senate.
Hy a unanimous vote tho senate,
passed a bill which provides a pre
ferential of 5 per cent for Oregon pro
ducts iu letting contracts for public
By a vote of 21 to S tho senate voted
an appropriation of $50,000 for erect
ing a build' m for training work at the
Oregon state normal school In Mon
mouth. The house passed tho measure pro
viding for an appropriation of $40,200
for the Industrial school for girls. This
includes $K,,000 for a new cottage
Head work for the coming bienulum
la to be continued on tho one fourth of
1 mill tax levy ot 1913, according to
decision ot the house,
A substantial saving In the oxpeaaM
of stato and local elections will be pc
alble through tho operation of Uepr
tentative Guilds' bill which tho hogs
has paused. It provides for only tif
election Judge Instead of Hire, .is
under tho present law.