Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 19, 1915, Image 2

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    CromblcVr editor
CnctLiv and Friday
T.'m..i .....m.l .-lass miittor I.-. UMO. it the po! o Hoc nt I'lllnmook,
United Brethren ChurcS.
,. -s
!?.. "
I cent Advertis -t-
C Tirst lniortii !i -e
Kaeh suhscojK I i tion, lino
llomosto 1 No. u- -
Timber Claim
Notices, per line ...
Csrd of thanks, per line
Local?, 'xyr tin, flret i-wertion
I. the .not of March
51 .Ml . VKAK in
Kae:- ubeunt Hsortlon, lino .i'.
k'n-mhit, of o atoloneo anil
l.mi.ci iH'tirr, per lino 'V'
! -iw Husines." ;slontl cards, mo. l.W
.uS Piapmy ' ' somont, per Inch .2o
ALL Ou Ads must bo in thin of
1P- fioe ondny and Thursday Morn
.W in .ismre publication In follow-
in Tuealny and Friday issues.
," ' Renn- are "imperative.
FHr.Rl'AKV !. li)lf.
Sunday School. 10 A. M.
Morntm; worship and seritun U A
Subject "How to Keep Saved."
' Christina Kii.lenvor l::U 1'.
I Topic "Favorite Chapters of tho
jhlo." Lender, Frank Hye.
! Kvenlm: Kviincollstto sorvleo
i V' ,M-
1 I'nlon pruvor tnoetiiiK on Wednesday
ovonini; m 7 :!H) P. M.
U'o luul n lip top Union pmvi'r moot
inir ill tho I'rcsbytonnn Church Inst
Wednesday ovonmc. These inootlhR
will bo continued ouch wook Indoflnlie
ly, boiiJK hold tilxmt .it tho dlltoionl
co-npcrttlinK churches.
To tll those Sunday nml inubweea
services you are cord-ally invited.
11. I'. White. I'lislor.
NutUo ot 1 lilnloH't''"1'"'
"Noi'c'i'Nlu-roosooMltl.ut y "
executors of Iho clste of h. M. ,
Kol ceased. hae Med our
.unt nml r. t rl .. ;"'"
with tho cm-tv clerk -f . .
i i....n hm.1 I lie i-oilnlV fourt i
I of viiil .imnlv hin ppkiII l ohmnn ,
'.Mth l'.'l n Iho timo r.ir hotirtnu
'jwtuni thi-rlo nml tho Html IU-
J ittvnt of until t"'V,. . . . I
Win. M. 11. '
' Ch. H. IhhW.
i Now ton Met oy,t
! tixooutnrttof tho ltlof K
Vtrgwl. l'u'oit'(. i '
K. W. Moiihi:uo.
: II. II. Nicholn". I
Allot. io for tho l-.ooutnr
Inquino re occasionnlly mnde by tsr Then t re with a very flttlm: pro
friomi m tho omit to wht kind of',jnun uiven by tho membors of tho
wcRthor we hve been enjovmd here j WomnnV Koliof Corps nml friends,
tin winter. All tnut sreo to the ) jwt Go nnuwlor C. B. Uoyrwfcl nctini;
fat thiit this h been mot etrft- j t iwter of ceremonies,
ordinary winter for the Co?t country. J rh program uft? BS fHe"" :
Tho rainfall ha? been coinpnratlvely ! Selection bv Jenkins Oi cheat rn
light, nnd warm bahy days have been 'lovintr picture reol
numeroiK. While there ha boon quite j,, . . . Mrn. TromMey
n few frosty morninirs, wc have had Rei-itution MiJS Florence t'hapmnn
no snow whatever nnd the weather J nr g . . . Mrs. Nettle Tne
during the whole w inter has been v'ry R0dinc Mr. J. 11. Johnson
ni;roeHble While nearly every winter j Romnrks . Comrade llarrie l.smnr
we have many summer like dnys. hi l)ut Mrs. Mlmch nral Mlas Hewiey
winter has been excoptionnlly line. Reeitation . . Mitis Vera Uoircrs
Outdoor operations ha-e been carried j (Xtysburi; Aildress
on without much hinderanee nnd the; . . Attorney S. S. Johnson
roads have been eMtl ntot of the 1 jr lKI)Kle Hnnner Au lience
Life of Abraham Lincoln
Commnmier C. K. Ueynolds
Son .... .Mr. Williams
jiontr ... ty tho Uarkie-
Americ.i - Audienee
The members of the W. K. C. wish
to thank till whi io kindly helped in
nny way to make our celebration n
success. Also thank our President
Mrs Aim Scultz for tho verv elllci
ont manner in prep.irinn ami conduct
in? the services.
Cluiitinn Church Note
Wo surpassed ur mm Inst Sumlay
for attendance at Sunday schtnil rrnrh
ini; n totnl of til. No such n Hlblo
School as that has over been known in
Tillamook County before Not only i
the attendance noto-wotthy lull our
'Standard of KlhVienoy" Is practically
Front I.iuo.
Last Sunday throui(hout tho dnv the
spirit ef Christ was leading. There
were 7 hantlaed ami four rosimlol to
tho invitation, two making tho (iinid
confession; thus s continuous revival
is going on.
Net Sumliiv morning the sermon
will bo the thirxl in n onos on "Ne
Testament Conversions." In those on
rniniti rv sermons on the Hook of Act
wo rr bp'Ught face to fco with Ooxl's
plan of salvation nnt! Mis ctniilllnmi
ments to tho non-Chrialian
A very twaulifut anthem is to be
furnished by tho chorus tmJ orehetitra
Sunday nijrht IWint miss it. Sermon
subject "A Troubled Son nnd n
Troubled Soul." from 4tli awl 6lh
Chniilen of Mark.
In the Comity Court itt the Clitic
ol Oiegnii tor tho County ot
I llltlllllKlk.
In tho Mattorof II o rMnto "f W'lbam
ttlen. lorim-l. H!1 ,. Kfl
To the Heirs tVvl-eos ut V iillmn
Clen, dooraso.1. and all oilier un
known, and to all rion inlerostrd
ur whom it mav eoneom
IN fit 1-: N.WIK t'K I'HK SlAfK
OF OltKCDN. )ou are hroby died to
spHar in tho Count v Court of the
State of OreKon. fr tho County of
t il laimw.il. at the Court room thereof
in Tillamook i lly, In ald lMinty ami
lto. ok tho .10th dav f Mareh. VU,
nt the hour of Hi 00 n'cl.x-k in the tore
ofaaldday. then ami there to
show cauae. if any nut, why an ordr;
shouhl not to mado horem, direollnit.
the Count v cum ol the 5tnte
nl Orcgnii, tor i iiinmi"'"
lilUh Umc. i'lnlntlir.
Hoy ( "long. DofoisUut
ro liny C UMg. the above nainotl do
tamlttnt In The Name of tho Htnto of tlfgon.
Y.ai are heioby re.Ulro. lo npH.nr
ami ntwwer the ....nplalnt UMl agnln.t
you in thr ala.v. ontilll -Mil on or Ik
foie the expiration ..f lx -k. froin
tho date of Iho first publication of Ihu
uinmona, ami if you fall l l-f
rt,t n.er. f-r " lh"""f '
i.lainlltf will upid) to the ourt fur a
.leeroe thorein for tho toliof deMiamlou
In the oomplalnl. which la thai Ui
bomU of motnimmy exiatln t.olweoli
...rlr ... thia itlaintltTho .IimmvotI,
that th- itaiiII i rvai'irmi
f..r.i.fr namo. an t f.'f ueu olhof
!AUfHy.a.l ji
C.OMPI .lT sM'ni ct.
- 'i rx.ii a
Mint i
1 llllltlUMlIt
....i r..rilir roliaf aa the I HJft may
doom otuirtblo,
This summon U iulHhl In the
rillam.a.k HoraM t an order of Hw
l..nofatd llomur Ma-on, tounly
Jodifr of t'tllam.K Countf. Hregon,
aid -rtlor beln dated the th day of
January. Il 'eMUtrmil the Wlbllea
turn of thia summon to W made m e
a week for l aueeeeaue weeks, ami
the date of lm flrat publication hrtf
Is lueadar -he WNh u( Jr'
tle, !', Wtne low.
Attorney foe I'lolntUT.
Nntkc tor rtitilkiitlun
Dcpattmrnl uf the Interior
K. I.ANIMH'I U ti at "rilna.
j dlvln R. Worrell
' MiiHim,i v'tuiii i ii
, ccnntthtiit, ,i
f I IM.MI'WI IAI I 1 H I. w
I 11.1 AMtXiK
firm VA7:,..i '
Tlllali. i
r w
G-iard well t .e oar'.v morning hours
when the mind i clear to grasp the
The coward is a menace any her
and fails to face tho luties of life. He
should be eliminated.
A brave man stands in his place,
though the tasks of life are heavy. He
never shirks
Don't be a sjoImIi boaster, it will
detract from the glory of Gxl.
' authoriilnir and -n.in rnnu I'.. J. I
Iriauason. thr duly iulilnled. OUaliftod ! tWmm JaouaTt 3. 19H
ami acting adnnr ntrator of said eatate. Nt)T!i 'L ta hcrrl.y ion that
j t aril at public au .'ton. the fult.wimi ; ri4.n irlwrt. f Hrr. I Hlm -
I iloeerlbotl roal in.(rly of said etle, ' ( , lrHn. m. l-'ebrunry J,
i si tun lot! to t iliaii.Hik County. trefon, miMi uoiatoad K'tV. No
towif 3H ,rit. for t t 2. Section I. Town.hip
j Ut numliorod ino a d tho east half j tanK 10 Weal, Wlmt(o
I of Hie lu.rllmc.t .uiarti r. snd the 1 rr)liat)i ftli m.Uce of Inlontiun
i.orlhwoat qmrtrr .f thr n.-t th est l(, mB, pinal ne year IVnf. I"
t ouarter of r. ti...i :to. in t nnhip .mo i.i,i,.h claim l the land ahoee
south, range ten w t ( thrjVA illam
From Journal:
The hydro-electric utility bill was a
splendid measure. It was a very im
portant and constrictive measure.
It was prepared by the hydro elec
tric com nisiion, headed by Uononible
H. B. Miller, after a thorough investi
gation of the ooeratioT no 1 effect of
similiar laws in oiher states. It was
discussed for a day at the Common
wealth Conference at the state univer
sity ami had the unqualtAei indorse
ment of that organization. It had the
approval of the House which passed it
with a heavy majority.
The purpose of the bill was to give
the people of the rural communities
authority to organize districts for es
tablishing their own public futilities,
such as water works, electric power
and light, and for other uses of hydro
electric energy. It was a plan to give
peoole of -ural districts the same mod
ern facilities as to light and power as
are enjoyed by city people.
But the bill was looke I upon with
disfavor by the soecial interests. That
doomed it to slaughter, and by that
slaughter, ad the patient investigation
all the puidic consideration and all the
earnest enJeavor in behalf of the
welfare of the people of Oregon was
sent to the scrap heap by the Senate.
The water power interests want the
water powers of Oregon, anl they do
not propose to permit tho people to use
those great natural resources except
by paying tribute to private monopoly
if in their power to prevent.
Be sure and cnll at Jenkins
'y Jewelry Store Fri. and Sat.,
March 5-0, and let Pr. Ixwe and Tur
ner, the well known eve specialists of
Portland, show you the Kryptok double
vision glass, which has no unsightly
lines or seams, to catch dirt, strain tho
eyes or come apart. One light solid
t)i?ce of glass which looks like a single
pair, yet answers the purpose of two,
enabling you to read or do close work
and see distant objects perfectly. Be
sure and see them. Free demonstra
tion, satisfaction guaranteed, ilomotn
ber the dnte. Scores of references.
Ors. Lowe & Turner have been locnted
in Portland for 20 years. We do not go
from house to ho'ise ami we have no
City Disposes of Sjooo Worth of
Bonds at 3 Per Cent.
O" '
At a meting of the City Council on
Munday exniin. bids were opennl
tor the dispo.il of $.40,000 worth ti
city bonds. There were eleven bidders
and the K.-st !-id was that of Geo. 1
and J. A. Maclhersrn. of Portland,
' 'rofiii. In it
sand .r .1 1 r c
cepUd b th
moncv is t h-
,v $tocx per thio
. nt This bid wa ac
city council and f hi
uitd to pav off th
T ip members of tho Woman's (te'ief
Corps spent Wednesday p. m. at the
home of Mrs. Itetta Jrhnson who has
been a shut-in for some time with
rheumatism. The Pres. Mrs. Srhultz
in behalf of the W. P.. C. pr" .ented
Mrs. Johrso with a book. Mr. John
son extending thanks for same. Light
refreslnni-nts were served and a very
pleasant ufte.-noon was enjoyed by all.
On Morula p. rn. the W. P.. C ladies
also celebrated the birthiay of Mrs.
Mary Poland with a post card shower
and a book; the also being confined to
her home by sickness. If any one
knows of ary of our members or com
rades being ill wo will thank thorn
they will repMit aarne at our corps
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sunday morning It a. m. Worship
and preaching. .Sermon theme: "Chair
vs Wheat a plea for realit,' in Christ
ian experience. Music by the choir.
Duet. "Through the gates of gold"
Sundny evening -7:30 p. m. Praise
and Gospel service. Sermon by the
pastor. Subject: "Warrior Christians. "
The church of Jesus Christ is God's
army in the world, battling for princi
ple, honor, love, life and light. Satan
through human agency, often under un
assumed name to deceive, is the adver
sary of the Church. We are interested
in the weapons of warfare, the
methods of warfare, and the final vic
tory for right and truth. Anthern by
the choir, "While Mercy Calls" Gab
riel. At 10 a. m. the church Bible school
will meet for the study of the lesons.
Parents, bring your little onos to the
house of the Lord.
The union prayer and testimony
meeting last Wednesday evening was
a rernar able success. Over one hun
dred attended, and nearly all prusunt
took some part aside from singing. The
spirit of the meeting was apostolic
and Pentecostal. How refreshing to
listen to the assuring testimonies of
God,s true people. We have the ovi
dence right in our midst that God is
gracious to his own, and that
wherever God's people cornu together
"with one accord in one place," and
pray for a perennial revival in the
community, God will hear and answer.
It iviik nnunirnt.iifclv df.rlilf.d that, lu.ri.
fjaft'-r the union meetings bo held on
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p. rn..
taking the place of thu regular prayer
f- ,1 ..1... 1. - .. -hi "...
city's outstanding indebtedness and
.or the purpose of building a bridge
across Hocptarton slough, which it in
a dnngcrous condition. It will be
ntc. ssary to call an election to an.
thoriic the city council to spend (he
moicy for the bridge.
The other bidder were:
J. S. Wright & Co, Denver Colo
rado, $130 premium per thousand.
Sweet Cusey -Foster Co., Deavfir,
Colorado, $4.0114 premium per thou
sand. Kveler Bros., Denver, Colorado,
$j.5 premium per thousand.
International Trust Co., Denver,
Colorado, $6-7 premium (Mr thou
sand Lumberman' Trust Co., Portland,
Oregon, $700 premium per thou
sand. Western Rond St Mortgage Co.,
Portland, Oregon, $1.01 4 premium
per thousand.
Morris Brothers Inc., Portland Ore
gon, 6.11 premium per thousand.
Hanchct Bond Co. Chicago, Illinoia
fiooo premium per thousand.
Chase National Bank, Xew York
f'ity. N. Y., $17.50 premium per thon
pitscr Rorick & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
$10.00 flat on lump sum.
Notice to Contractors.
ette Meridian
rleryico of this n.itnn 0 it..m upon
the helre and drv aero "f the af.ireaaid
deceased, aim all other unknow n, and
to all pern inlorratnl or whom It
may concern, by publication thereof
in the Tlllwm Hk Herald, a newapaiMr
printul and published in Tillamook
County. Orvgon, by virtue of an order
duly made un the lftfi day of Kcbruary ,
1915, by the Honorable Homer Maaon, j
Judge of the above entitled Court.
Wimes the Honorable Homer M-
on. Judge of the above entitled Court
with the seal of laid Court nttixed, this
tftlh day of February. 1915.
Seal of the Atteat : J. C. UoMen.
CouniyCourt. Clark.
fir Kathleen Mllb, Deputy, i
.-rtbod. before the Cottnl C'leeV. of
ruiammi County, rtfn. at Tilla
rwk. Oreifun. on the lib 4y of
March. HM& Claimant nam a it
near Herman M. Farmer, of Ilea
ver. Oregon. Jamea M Baker. f
Homines. riun. Wr W Hudyfvlt.
of tlvr. Oregtin. Robert Waynore,
of Herr. OfeMO
I if M. Kafftater
llllll' III II II III
........ ,,, ,,,,n
Mlumrt at ( tn
sbttrai Irf
f ill4MUOk Count V llrinkl
El. J . Cl.AU88f
Di'i tHC tit t iinii.
C oiiittit-ut.il i n!
J. R.
Law 1 1
rs'otik.0 oi ic.fiiicnt.
Miami Lumber C.npay, a oorpur
1 ation. having lu ulllce and principal
lilac of busineaa at NV H9U Ral First
.Street, in the City of lm AngeUrt.
Slate uf California '
Notice 1 hereby tflven thai at a meet
; ins of lb liward of iMreclora of aahl
' Miami Lumber Company, heM on th
lh day of February. 19I&,
('.iinmtrr laijt I 1' li fc 1
Attorney at Uw
OIHcc In TtllatnohK Hlod
Koricc to Contractors.
an aa.
merit ef I VO per ahar w levir.)
Ul ion the lud cablul aloek of aaM
.......- corporation, nay able lmnnliaily lot'.
Scaled bids ddreed to the C.Hint) c- hl. Secretary of .aMl
. , , ... . r. 'corporation Nu. S80 Bt FtMt
ourt ol I tlkrn County. Oregon. J m, , liw Cily a( lyM Af,gclt
(or the proposed iniprovrmrnt on the uieof California.
SAND lVK"K t Ol'NTY ROAD Any t.k upon which thu
aiII be reeoived hv rhe t inlv Ctairt """" ""'N W''" ur.t-W on the 4th
' , ' -Mv V"1 day of March. 1016. will b. dolimjuont
atitsoffrccm lilUmook City, (re-; mJ ailfU(!lHl for ,atfl al Bib, alw.
gon, on or before the jth day of i Hon. and unWaa Offlymrnt 1 mule b.
Martlt, aito unlock ,m. and at that , m, w ,on ,thrt ,amI
.uniTa, ivid, Hi iu o eifira . 11. nrt
aatil data, to wy the dlint)uenl i.isi
a certified check: made payvblr to Til t liaint; ami otpoe of tale
time opened and read.
' j eiu vain.
r.acn ma snail ne accompanied by i Bint. together with the eot of advor-
, i. ,1 ..1... 1. . .. 'ni ...
ft. Fri. lu i t,'.,i, iQiv. 1 niuuiuiKB 111 tne onurcneH. 1 no next
Un friday eening heh. lth, Lin- ...,. witi i. ; ,,. rr 1 i...,-.i.
1 III .11 1 I , 1 . .1 Mll,VjHIt TTfll (II Will. We VIIUllill
coin s utrtnaay was ceicnraieu at me : oj I). A. MacKenzIu rniniKter.
Mmmn 11 a it w aii
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Seated bids addressed to the County
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
for the proposed improvement on the
G A k I B A L D I - W H R V. L E Ii COU X
will be received by the County Court
at its office in Tillamook City, Ore
gon, on or before the 51 h day of
March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that
time opened and read.
Each bid that) be accompanied by
a certified check made payable to 'ttiU
lamook County, for an amount rqual
to 5 per cent of Ihc amount of such
bid, which shall be forfeited to the
f .unty, in case award is made and the
bidder shall fail, neglect or rrfint- for
a p riod of five days after which the
award is made to enter into a con
tract and file a bond satisfactory lo
the Court as by law required.
The hid ate to cover the clearing of
the right-of-way from Station,
177x00 to Station 198x31.
according to plans and specifications
on file in the office of the Surveyor
and County Clerk, for Tillamook
County, Oregon.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids, Dated
tliK the 18th day of February, 1915.
J. C. Holden,
County Clerk.
I'irst publication, 2-18-15.
Last publication, 3-,-is.
lamook County, fug
to 5 per ci nt of the
bid, which shall bo
Count) in cur sward 1 made ami the
bidder shall fail, ncclrri or nlitir In
1 period ut lu dav alter whuh tin
award l mad.- to r liter into a run
tract and itlr 4 bund .iiiUf t'.r y in
the Court .n !,y law rtipitrrd.
The bids ire to rover thr clearing 01
the right-of-wav from Mjtlnn,
4xf7 10 Station 140x0ft 1 and from
Station 140x06 1 to Station 2100..
according to plans and
C. C
an amount ripial !
amount of urh '
forfeited tn the j L'cMorntloii lo l-.iitry nl IiiiiIh In
Nnllonnl I -'ores 1
1 . . . ii.....
1 si 1 j io uwn
wn 1 r.tiiA 1 11 n 1 ui -nil
A Nil Ml K I S
Ohttntna i. it
lUith I'l
IJKleo: Itoouii 1. r I ixx
Hours DA f t I' W
L. L. HOY, M. D.
Pliv.siditii nntl dr.
Iloll I'llono Oltico h'f
Mutual I'lmtir tut e a I
Ttt t AMtXiK K
that the I a ml ilri.rihe.1 im
low. embrarit.g Zi 'X a ea. within thr
StusLw Nallunal 1'i.ieil, lr-gin. will
lie tubjirl U) arttlornenl ami entry on.
der the prwv iiona nf the h'.meleal
laws of the I'h I ted Htatr ad the at
of June II. II"-', (HI Slat . tU, at the
Untloi .Slate la ml otHee. at !' .rt
land, Otugon. on larrh Ti. till'.
. v a
1 1 1 Sill
OV settlor who wna artnalK nut in
specifications ' f00"1 f,l,h "laiming at ..f ..i,t ,v.
on file in ,he oH,ce of the Wyor j Z''
or i iiuiiiiiok j same, has a preirroncr right tn inaVo
a nomosirau nuiry inr tho u di n.-tunl
and County Clerk,
County, Oregon.
The County Court reserve the
right lo reject any and all bids. Dated
thia the 18th day of February, 1015.
J. C. H olden,
County Clerk.
I'irst publication, a-18-1.
Last publication, 3-4-1 5.
Notice to Contractors,
Scaled bids addrrtsed to Ihc Count)
Court of Tillamook County, On.in,
for the proposul improvement on the
will be received by the County Court
at it office in Tillamook ( itv. Orr.
gon, on or before the. 5th day 01
March, ut 10 o'clock a.m. and at that
time opened and read.
Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check made payable to 'I d
lamook County, for au amount npial
to 5 per cent of the amount (,f ut,
bid, which shall be forfeited to the
County, in case award is made am! the
bidder shall fail gleet or refine for
a period of five days after which the
award is made to enter into a con
tract and file a bond satisfactory lo
the Limrt as by law required.
I.. . J Li - . .... I . . .
ijr orrnpi. nam ihdub Here iniiuj Up.
on th applications of the i-m,.,.
Honed below, uho havo a ne'en-nrr
Hicht subject lo the prmr right of a y
aucheellfcr, pruvultxl au h a tiler or
applicant ia qonlirloi to inuko home
stead ntry and the prnferenen right
i oxecclawi prior to Mnrch t, lUlfi, un
which date thi lamia will bo subject tn
aeltlomeni and entry by any iiiulin
rwrson. t he lands are nx folb'v : The
Hi SKL Soc 21. T I S.. It. to W.. W.
41., 80 ncroa, iipplientiun of l Undo ,M
Lano, llebo. Orogmi; List rt-13W. U,i
2 (II. 20 i.rroa). tho HK NWL thn HWI
NHL Iho Sj NWJ NKJ, Hoe. HO. T f.
I. ' I' y-' .'" i" "rr"". apidioatlon of
II. (1. Met hii.e, Holph. (jfk'un; l.mt
fJ-lof. January II. nnr,, 1. M. rur(
Assistant Cominiaaioiiur of ihu Honural
Land Ollleo,
oilloo lluiiri Iro'n j a
Oddfellowi lluildni
lloth l b
(III I ncl,l in Inn ( nrrtmfKtll
Succerdini Dr. I' J Shirp.
All U'ofl Cfiiiraiilcrdi
., Olllf I Lain. , .
Orn Hvruliifi from
'2 1
I It ,
the Mute
tho iiIkivo
In Ihc Circuit Court ol
ol Oregon for i illriinno,
(Jertrudo A. K. Smidnrs,
1 . VH'
Lawreiicn Sunders,
10 i.iiwrenee Haridurs
named defendnnt.
IN Till'' NAM K OK TOM S fA'l 1
Ol OUHfJON: You are hereby ,!-'
'J' ";' ''I'pnar iinil itr.awiir tho com.
nlltlwl Must on sir before tho oxplrn
ion of six week,, fr,ml tlK.,1,,,,, of"U,.
Ira puhl initio,, f , ,
.. j.... inn in iippuiir mil iiiiKw.i, f.
m 1 irtTork
- 0 . Km ff -
Dr. Perkins )M StnnJ
lloth l'houri
HriMr 1
1 p DPPnv 1 V
i. rv.L-u.i-' 1 1 "
(lloth l'h'
mm... 1 1 .. . .... 1 .1 .1 ' r" 1
hv i, 1.1:, .in- in 1 over tue Cleanup ol " , "in pliillitlll will aiinlv
the ri"ht-of-way fro,,, Station, 1 i!.,,"iiP.';,,.rl ,or," therein foV
Call for llids
Tillamook liulldimr ICninniniv
wlahes to reci.dvo bids for 100 cords of
f. ur-foot wood to bo dultvered hi huso
tnent of its building in Tillamook City
by Sept. lat, 1015. To bu four-foot
wood, dry and sound. Hida will bo re
ceivedjup to Feb. "oth, I'JIC.
m2.W. T. Hotts, I'nHlrlcnt.
IIMJ IIIII1T1 I rilVIMl Tf9 ! I 1. 1
jjSjJljJf 1 ""HolvU and (' 1 ,
Miiinii 1 iniiiriiii rti
iibilntlir, to-wit: l;,m
jHxw) to Station 153x0c 5,
according to plans and specifications
oil file in the office of the Surveyor
and County Clerk, for Tillamook
County, Ore"on.
The Comity Court reserves the ''""I" Luclle .Sunders mid Hollo rt
HkIiI to reject any anil all bids, Dated ,'Vi "l;r't' "", r"Huei other and f
this the iHtli day of February, 1915.
J. C Holden,
County Clerk.
I'irst publication, 2-18-15.
Last publication, 3-.1-15,
'I''- Sanders.
Horso for sale, bay homo 8 years old,
farm horse, for Halo ehuap. Hnqulro
HcruldoIIlce. ... L
niiiet us mav in 1.011I1..1.1..
'iMiit,lH M,,,rn.,.n",m M P'lbllsliud In tho
I il lamook Herald by , r,, r , f , 11 "
rahle Horner M ?,, .M ,Z J l ' "
Jilliirnnok (!minlv. Orniinn b .. 1
imiilo I),.,, r.ii. iV;i'.wi," '. hv nrdur
tlm of lM Hu. ,m, . . ""..!.!
I. T. Unfix
A 11... .'"
Slilnov k. Ilnnder .
John Litlaiid lloidirson,
.Secy, TieiiH
11... 1 m..i .m I'jhi.'
mLoriii)yiibijiiVi ito..j -
Tllfamnntr Tillc tli
Abstract Co.
. . ii.i.ii
i.nw. Aiimrncin. is en 1 -
HurvuyhiK, liiHiirancc.
llutli rhoiuH
T .I.A.MOOIC. - tin"
1iai im I rcc1
P laJW
Instruction at pupire hom
om Totrae o oir
taa asst tin ou
LHfli Llvtr Pills
a aa 1 bTi it inri ir u 1