Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 19, 1915, Image 1

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    t itl.VltUliiH
issued twice a week tu bsda y and friday
Largest Circulation of Any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okiu.on, Fkiiiu'auv 11), lOlfi.
NO. 0
1 my oi "our customers about
I irst Ncilioiuil Service
. u arc all ploascil with it and
JCau tell you why.
I irst Ntitiuiml HaiiK
lllluitioak, Orrgon.
i inrnin . M, A. RchmltM Arritl In Nw York
n JS?5 -f I.. A- - ',77 "V - 3-T
Koocsslon Troin Plan Offorod
II Allies Will Allow Food to
Ruacli Civilians.
Vuhint tt - ('until von iirittorf r.
tha fixriiun iMiiUtatmilor. ilollt oro.l a
mi to tlm rmtnd Hutto-. lit which
0ran) otrroi tit rv'do from tmr
Itta.i tif tatroyriK tuoi .y umrchnnt
nMtti. tf ratrlctlnna ulur.nl liv tlm ul
Imjo ahtpintmta (joiidtttunal i ninr.i
find nd rotliitu(r dnattmMi to tho
mmiiaa pupuiuuoit or uorumtiy went
Qtlirwt. tlii nolo auuouitcrd.
drnwar pftr to put into fout
ita ortctMl liriHlauiatKii. atldlns "'ao
Ut wrMrtlus t intno tn xtltd ur
rttt., Omtt llrlialn and Irtdaml.
AUNt4 u.Hiliifr u( Urtiuti Hmrrhaul
Ui trivon by tho Oirtnun cm
!nUit a riui l (o Atiiukittjt
Kijr inorchaut Snip ithvwt iwaroti or
.rtvtotts (ait.
11 was ulil Lhitl tho not rofolvnd
tjr lh aunnaaiutor (row hi. foralr.o
yfwo u not a ronjjr to Ota reoi
. I.'.itwi n n to Ginma-ty In rrit
' ! iUr war ItMIn 4cr. A Wore enim
1 p,-tmai tail detallm) re to tin)
, cam irk . it km ia MxpoltMl n
! The u.tiah nply U" ih AttirrHan
n.i t pr)imt on miuuul mtn'iMK
(utU't (irmNr M, wm kiau rrcivl
miterum a nrul ilvuial that
' Ifc.-re hJ bi-en tiny unv aituhuxl lit
' trrnrtirir with luftllltttAU' aiit('innu
! no nui cunutiiui u ulutviumit
1 rrm flrvat llritnln that Ui rr'ht
"fliti itot-rtx tahtOK U.'
fidar ttnkl Kraln pt ' C-rtiuiiy r
(Uirtl uiUtMl prunuoii an tti tan
'aa:d THAT
t Pn:?s In Gallon Goods This Week
I . n I P..ck (iallou IVaclu-s Kit-can
I - ii ii I P..ci. (Wtllon IVars !() can
inl Pack (Iallou Pumpto'i MOc
lid I'aclc fiallou Blackberries SOc can
ulul Pack Gallon Louinherrie ."io can
.In! Pacli Callon Tomatoes :iilc can
M v tu v Mlaclchcn ics No. A cm loc
K)f)K, - - DKKf.ON
Horn, l'rl -At ffiv a
i hn iabtit(wl Ikot tb '
j lory ti wlitrtt Uu- :4 ' c
i ilnxt n (i t man u.;-!nni nn; li
8w:m msn' . p t Hriln hJ Urttn
trutrii ' itomnJ an npolosy f.ot,
! iUe (JiJrtu mei : wcit
Tillamook, Ote.
I' I
r'uiuii i
Hirtlnl.iy Annivcr
H'Kly (fliscrvcil at tin-'
n h in tliit city, on
!'", I'tliruary 22ml,
.itiiotic anil musical
lie rcmlcrcil by the con-
tt hy the Tillamook
I.y the lnl, I). Kliyn. I'onl.
OrMtioit. on the lift- of the I'nther f
our country, Uy Atty. ii. T. lott.
"l'-ut" Scli'ction hy liaml.tloiiiuMl.
Vocol Solo. Hy ) V. Hnir.l.
"Sinff Mr The Howry", Vocal, Hand
Accomp. I'. Henri Klickinann.
"Martha", Selection ly
uu.,., Oiwii. hv Mrs. Halrd and Mm.
1 'an Winkle. WaKiicr' "Lohengrin"
Vocol Solo, Selected, hy Mrs. livelyn
X Rhodes.
j Star SjiaiiKlcd Hanncr, hy the Hand,
4 inKin hy coiiKreKalioii.
Hcncdiclion. "
The eiitcrtaininrtit proinidcj to lie
anion the hst ihaT''l'lllainook people
have ever had the opportunity to hear
and on this occasion our people
nhould avail themselves of the oppor
tunity. A small admission of 10 and
cc,,t. will he charged, the proceeds
;iK evenly divided to the Christian
Church and the Hand Hoys San I'ran
ciico Fund.
3 I
Countrymen In United State" L.
t.Urod Amerlcirn PtraS.
Ilorlln, la London. Th Nullofr.'
7a tuna pub'.Nhen an Interview with
Jnm-n W, (iwrnrU. tint' United (al
ai.tltu .atlur lo (ijriimii), eoiternti
tint attimtton lirouuht ulitnit tiy tto
prtMiootiitlon of tlii' AinurtcAii unto to
llit ftertimti Rovornuitint rolntlvii to
ttm niiutrat ililiplnB tn thw mm war
rnmt rocuntly ormti'il ly (irinr.iiy
AskiNl hy Hi" lutnrvli'wiir inneoni
HK th? attllud" of (Jtirniuii-AinyrletUW.
Antbnaindiir Onrnnl In ropoituil In tin'
N'Attciiml UtliiK linvli'K nawnnl
"I'nopl" In (Jt'niiRuy nr too rpndt'1
iUhphhimI lo tHdlnvo tlmt (Jrmim Xm'
Ictiuw wimU h rtrnt Coriuuna nnd tin
Ainnrnu'tu In iirnw "f war IJxft t
tlm uppONltn would tin tint cam) Aim
lean oIIUdiin of (Itiriuau hlrth urn ft
anil fortnuoat AunirUuiiH nnd tln ..'
uplrlt U truu of Irliili .Vuii'i ir-uiiM "
UusalanH Driven Out of BnKowlria.
Warhlncton. -I'rUatn dhuitilcliiM lo
tlui AUMtrolliiiiKarlnii for-'lKii offln
rnrwiirdcd to thi oinliahH) In Wuoliliin
ton. from Vli'iiua, lUinouiirt'dHm coin
pluto ovauiiutlmi of HuUowlim hy Hun
Kluti foieim.
M, A, nehmldt Arrrttn) In Nw York
Aftr a tttAich of four Yjra,
,Stiv Vnrk - M A Hchnihlt, otm ct
of k world ld (march for nnr' thnn
fiiu yruru. In eoniiirllini with lh" !
imiiittittft of Ihn Lo AiikpIi'ii 'I'Iiiii'k.
wa itrrrntnt horn Dotnetlvn William
J (liiriiB. who. with IMii"tv t'aptali.
William H. I'livy, of Ihn Nnw York (t
lle ilvinrimiiit. mxln thn arrmi,
rtni that Hohmldl admitted hi Idmi
tl'n fi'W miniltp rtflnr Uo tttknll
Into tfualody.
chuildt wni taHu on a ftiettlvn
ajrnt Aoeortllni to Hum. h In
lutrjtod w''h IikIiiji mi of ttm tl rop
limit who timttht I fine nmitutd uf dytnt
mltM with whirh tlm nwpa tor tnant
-' riilnl and 71 tormina outrlul tn
tli-Ar daathn,
f I'anity Crosby It Ocail,
HrldK"frt. Conn. I Tinny Crty.
wrtor of xooo inartt aottita. dl"t ir.
hosltumo lmr ah waa ptn 91 ). i
tdiljand had hcon ttllHd fclnro Infancy
( . . - " "
lloiiry'i Manaijfr U Kttw his WIU
(jttt .liolc --Pmi . J II' ...'
trgrtvi canilMatv for ttm tlnttf '
814$. i unnato In Cnllforuln. at tint la
"ittflHoii. ami Mm Mtu Van Wittklo.
wW ttnmnatfiii nmua-iir. worn ntrri;
tier iv.
0ut.il4j3r4 r'l Uatr9 VM Mm
t"no. '! c fj-ia t.i'4.:i.n, t
M0eil ta-aM: etty tn Mitin. v. a
mpttlltHl J) lbi trmn. of (i -nnrat 'i
la. acnortltn? to h t r-a . .in Ut
Vttlit httadM...-rin hfff
tlllloiialUt army. imllflid thr vm.
tb t a'l i nic.it! n- '.11 til
U)nt frutlt OU'.ntlllt IllUtCiM IIIU41 1 .
throusti him
("a .'aiua'a iloro rrlltlll WaaSi.t.
ton tliri-uli Kaiurl '.uhann (mmii..
til minUtr of lh Interior. wUo tr.i.
firailiMt It in Klloim ArTtKlimt.ii. (.'ur
rnnstt'n local rop-' wMMtUc Ttm u
it it apparrti;') w.il maki It Imimnitli;
for dipt I'u&i - ',tBintlvt' of fn
iln r.ovnnnoo; to dul with ttmCa
rnntt uufrntMiMl mctt ty aolng i
Vm t'ru. wtiirh ttmy havp lumn i.'
wIIIIiik to do leal aurli action Imi ci..
niriiiil uh foriiml riH'utnltliin
Iroatly moat of ttio d.jilumuta a
Mi xlco (Mty ham aakitd tlmtr tot urn
mitnin for pnrmlaalim tu loavn wlicii
tlin atlliattnu lii'ooiupa IiiIh ituIiIo nn
nimm of Ilium tuno hoitll atlvt..ml 1
urn) thulr own dlMrnilon,
Tlm ordor may alMii affrl tlm eti
Ity or Auiorlcuu eounulur ruprt'Anuti.
tlvmi, who Imrnloforo Imi- di'iilt will.
Mm do facto KOU'riiumni. winner itr h
haiiut'd lo tut
Wlmat fluh. $1,49; hliii'Mum $1 f
rod Hmntmu. Lt2; forty-fold, JI..VJ.
rod flfo. Jl.1'5-
Ilay- ICunioru Ontnon timothy, fHi,
I'.ralu hay, ft:; alfalfa. $13; valloyt'in
othy. IS.r.O.
Ilullor Croainnry, :i".
Kuan- fanillod, She; raiieh. 1! If.
Ilnpii lUM crop, lUldu; lja crop,
1 1 0 111 1 1 nt I.
Wool Valloy, 2:io; oaHloru Onmnu,
l'Jnty iLr
" 11 n .irraiiKcd for the occa
njnl will he nraclicallv at. follows:
I-. ," Hand, xiiiKiiiK by le
rcation. v the Pastor.
rn & Crown", March KcIIkIso,
Italy Proteats to Oarmany.
Ilmn(,i.my made virtually tlm
hu m rnprwontntlon- to Owuinny uu
MA tho Unltod Hta.eH, niipriil
ral lhlpplnn l " wur
2d ly fl-n-cat aornmn pronUma-
London, Bll'.nal dnfi'iit of tlm
Krouch In tlm rolou of Hoiuhiln wan
iidiulttdd hy PurlH. Following 11 flnrrc
tmttlii fouKht In a rni'liiK hllxzard tlm
Krniicli forcuM worn ilrlvou from thulr
iidvantitKooiiM poMltlon In that vtnlnlty.
Tho official Htutoinont reculvnd from
Krunco xdaln tlm dofcttl by dcclar
Inn tlm Kronch trooim worn hopohiMHly
mituiiinbared and that ttm bllMiird
inudo It ImpoolblH for tlm artlllttry to
rondor thorn nffnctlyu auinmrt.
An official atatomaut from Herlln
docluroH moru than 200 of tho alllci
woro killed and that four offlcora ond
478 muu ware taken prtaonera. The
Oorman Iohim, it is clalmod, wor but
90 men.
Tho Oorinaiia lo claim takltiK moro
than 1200 yarda of trenciea hold by
tho French north oi Mannlgea, to tho
Wtioal HIiiitHtuin, J1.G0; cluh II.IS.
rrd HiiHHliin, Jl.lll; turlcoy rod, l.ti,
forty fold, $l.tU; flfo, ll.C.
Ilurtuy $117 por Ion.
lluy- Timothy, $16 pit ion; nlfalfa,
(H pur ton.
Ilultiir t: roaniory, 22c.
Hbkh 2Gc.
liorthwiiMt of HI. Monnhotiiu; A Kroiieli
nttack on Hudolkof, on tho VoHKoaflu
roportod to huvu Imon imully rupuluud.
Child Labor Dill Wlna.
WuiihliiBtoii. Thu Palmer bill U
bur products or child labor from Intor
atuto oouimorco waa msd by U10
kouso by a voto of 232 to 44, Tuv bill
now goo lo tlm uouutu,
B Mc;naa Ouata Liquor,
Dun Molnwi. Thn city couuall hara
rafuaad to r.raul tlm ualooukoupuru v
ruuewal of thulr llcaiiHov, ThU innaiiii
that iba 80 Hulnonu of Dea Molnua will
yoruiauautly cloiu their doora.
Mann Aim ml our, Fiijht Ayalnal
Moastiro, Which Now Goos
to tho Senate.
WanhliiKtou -Tho Kovornuiout nlilp
putelmiit. b:;l. ni an aint'iiiliii'-iii in th
Wonka unial niutllury hill, wan puan
mI hy the Iioimo hy a roln of 215 to
Tho mHKo of Ihn hill follow d a
II hour i'B-'Uuiiniilry ninutrli). whleli
ihii'iii.'iiixl to intend liilorinliittlil), h
itrtdso of a dotormliind fllUjiiotrr hy
Minority Lndnr Maun, wlm )'.nlilid
only aftor AdmliilntratUin iadirrt do
ctdoit to apply n npot'lul ruin lo IflliJt
Un fight tu an mill,
N.iinlriiit il.iiiix'rt votrx) against
tlm t ill.
All of ill" ropubtlcan prrnuHl roii-l
aetnl ttm hill ami fltn tiroxritMtvn.1
jnlniMl wit th itiinimrrnUc muj..rlty
for It. as follows llryait, Kulty of
l'niin)hinU, Mcl'onitld. I.alloriy nmJ
On Imili Htdoa of tlm onptutt hct'f
wna rtirront that If i'ii.nl ptaun I -irtmpl
art ion In tit otia'i ' !
tlirvucli tho ahtp btlt would h ul v
doi.ixi and all offortn c,lnt'"( n
IHMMik of aiuriiiiiallon Ufa. tu mr
untiocrtiisary an otn aeaatnii '
Th ship hill II wilt no tu !
mint n from ttm hou Int'luUi-j.
litp ptirutmtin mi'aaurw n ar. rd on
tn nonai- catieua. and n .rovllon ll it
two yiwtrn nflor Ihu cloo of tho Kim'
puan war ahlpa aetilrot ly itm t'mtrtS
81 ten fltall ho turned ovor 10 ttm w
rflfcarj of tlm navy to l.o oimraiod or
totsiiHl for i'ouimrol.il urpot uuUur
the twma of ttm Vbka hill, atrrntty
paaHl Ijy ilm utiunlu. t .
McArtllo f'ropoaln to Hhr.ar HI Ap
pointor Power FtuJ.ttetl
Olympln. U-aaii.- UUapproviim i..th
ttm MoAntlo hllln Hint havo wim to
Ittn offleo. tioAirnor l.tator. tn n oio
moanaa" nont lo tlm hoiiao. ileortu
tomtonry of ttm lBlidatur lowartl tt
iiiiont mm of llio imierKonrj- ctnuao In
an alt'inpt lo turonUll a poalbln rtf
oroiiduin uct by Dm tolora.
Tho viiio mimsaKo dr.tw a rody from
Lloiitonniu (lovornor Hurl on hrhulf
of Iho ropublicau orKanlxnllon of tho
loKtslaturo. tho tluutvitaul Rixuruor
porimnally minuiuliiR roaponatblllty for
tho antlon uf tho mmato In addtut Ihu
oiimrKuney clauitu. Mr. Hart nays thla
a.nluu waa tnlmu in comiullti'o on IiIn
aitvlco. but not for tlm purpunu of
ivoldliiK a rufvronduin.
ftovornor Llaior, In voIoIhk both
bllht. appiirnrtly omlod ary e huuco of
coinpii't' t n (I ii!Ki'.a;uro.
ul. i-rii" nr Hi'' liort'd
Aumrieiii'ti ohjscUou In fjorumny'a
pr' ii!pl of ubmi-iiK. Irronpoiiat
b'lity In llrlll.ili oijta! watura, la
t' moat Mrtuua war dovitlopmont
or ih . paat work Puhlltatioii of tlm
tuita c' lh-' imt. nont to (iron! llrl
tulu and U.-.iia.y, roNpri'llvidy, ro
vulud thai l-i l 1 011:11 rlon had Ki-'in
wariiiHl In m-'ti mntdiatlo It rum from
meimeluK tin vjnoU or lUoa of Amor,
lean ulltsoua tru ivrnlitK tho recently
p.'oi-latmoit urn oim of war.
Cormniiy wan advlhoit that Ihn
t ulli-il lltatna "would ho co.ntraliu-it
lo bohl Urn tmporlal UDV.-rntiii'iit to a
Mrirl Bi cnu itahillty" for am aol uf
IU imuil iioihurltlit an lit' slit rrniilt
in tin- doaii iiutlon of Aun'." j:i vohhIh
w tho Iimk of American Ihi . ami that
"It "Huh u doplotablo ltt: 1. 11 ahoiltd
arUo." ttm Aumrlcati f.o' i-rn nont
would "taki. any atapa 1 tnlrhi bo no
j..(ir) 10 takn to iwifi'i.jn-cj Auii-f li:nn
livoa and p-opurty."
To (iri-iil llrllalu tlm fiillinl H'atoa
INilntod mil "tho tnoi-mrn of raHin.
litlly" whioli wriul.l aotn In bo tin-
'! on tlm tlriiPh t.orrntnoni "for
of .morli-ai u ...t tlvoa
in eao of uu attack hy a il.fiu.in naval
: If Ki)tntii! 1 anctj'iiiNi tho r.on-i-ml
iiiiur- of itm Attmriran flac by
Lr:tieh r-aroU. am thumb; oast doutit
tn Ut vallj i-iar..ctnr of t'...- nnutral
Tb Kroatupt nu-ubor of air- -aft ovor
an.wi.UI.nl iiurtiir. tho war u ttia'
vUiCi. umJ r uu- itiroetuin ot Kllettl
t'uitimaudi 1 (irahaitm-Whtto, thirty-
an r in immh.tr. ruldld tint lot. ut on
So Molc.t.ui cnaal, which tlm (m.-maun
.ro ntionn.uiit: to vmitort Into n sul
umriao and ultnhlp haim mta!nl Oruat
Hrtta.n. Tlm raldora nro rotmrtKl lo
haw (solton awa wjihuut lonliiK a uu
chlnu, aatmiiKh two woro hit Orn-i.ir-t-Whlto,
witll know.: an an airman
It ibis country, foil In it. U10 aea, but
f.04 tmyrJ tip by ,1 Crttlth cruliuir.
-Pri.prr,-v K'Aitdiriian.i; A.taWH:
tli o lm boon llttto or no flnlttlnR of
I tii um-o. no tar a tho official rtv
porlj iIIucIoko
nrltlih "Vr.it to M 'iis Wlthelmlna.
Waul inn. IJvl Ii r-o MLhinlttoil
by ttio i wtmrii of fin atramahlp Wit
heltnli" "-tiNn that tlm a'tip la load-
, ihI wtlt. foi.. .tuff for until utiittataiit
I ami ti- . auhjo, t to notzuro wi for
wardiHt hy l'io atntn dopartmi-ul lo
.Am' .a 'or I'aco fo.- prt'it'iilallun to
tho t.omt'm forola'i offico, with tlm
I nuititaa't-in tHr.t utilonn Croat Hritaln
'ica Kiittli-tout KroundH not yot ad-a-cu.l
for doliiB olhorw no tlm ahlp
M 0:100 lut it.'-iiilM' to 'I'orood with
,:or earKO 10 Imr dontii.alluii,
Mlha dl Say Ita'y
l.oiidi Tho pro' ny
I W..11I1I 111 'dllxu tior army wit! a fo t
nlijhi wa "tadu horo H t i' tJa
bal'... tho It ".an patriot Ho mini thai
uiih-vi tlm t!.' mi ituvornnioiit docldcd
to 1 uuiif- :.t i. -' tr thoro woutdl
tu. a r.'Mdut. ..
When you buy your rubber goods you will be
sure to (jet those with the proper ELASTICITY whn
you get thtm from us. Our drug store Is the RUBBER
GOODS store, because we sell lots of them and Keep
fresh goods cemlng In often.
Have yeu gt a good hot water bag In the house?,
yeu NEED one.
The Tillamook Drug Store
We give you what you ASK for.