11 iSt 1 is J Df 3 Excursion Fares CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS Kouml trij' t-J-U.;'; i Uiti: si.) .'Vi';4it 1l points in citlu l i'iiu ii. r , t' t'i I ..nnin.i 1 .tcitic lntiinatioiiai;i'j ovition. S.m Fr.-iru-n'. 1Y1. -0 To 1 iv It)'. I'i'ii to tl i- rjiiuinm Cjiliionu.i Kxpo sitioii. S.m IKlo, open nil inr will lv placed on sale February 1; to November o() by ItU- Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. Three Fine Trains From Portland Daily Shasta Limited: Kvtra Pan. IV m C!as c.pnpnunt onlv I.tac Portland ;!:oOjp. in. A High Class Train ban Francisco Express: Ohscrviin Car, Standard .ind Tix.irist Sleeping Car. Chair Cars and IVkt. Lc ie PortlamJ p. n. California Express: St.uidard and l" uirit iMeeimt", Cars, 's'liair Crtrs and Phut. Ia.hcs Portland at Connection from all V K' cc. X. Nation? at Port land with S P. Trains. Kul! r-srtioulars. f ire, train schedule. .c. frm witHl Ajet-t. John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon There err tlttrt .eight I'omiin itommiI , Now I'tllVct e.re1Uvlc,l. rri-Ktri'ijl Jn'uvoll; Secretory and Irvanuror, Her litre Harbor; AnHtntnnt Secretary ami rrixiSMior,' Abe ltipmboidor ; ,Sr vomit ntJSArnm, Walter Mcmlo. A lively pronram tendered eimnnt ltK of mume. .n-. ami n--ittKn. xl him debate. Vlio miration w'M.K1 not veil: .'hat women hoiild be at the hoiiil of tho fiutnl) wateatl of iii. FUNERAL AND HURIAL OF EARL PEARSON The Question Has-been Asked :: Uhl, m... l.M.opiau W.u-lmxT.M. my Kin. l,lHlraJ IU , ,,M ..l..il.l -nlicr . rm- i.o t l7 Mf Reply Yoiu m,,. ItiMiniiK'r I'rtdfflioit i jltHl III enfu with .1 ,Us. sunt uittUr ii. I K i"cuil wivuwmrt Karl I'Mrw, i tho t'.i ar tM Iml who a drowned 1 at Gardiner Sunday th 7th. wW' hM ' thurda. at a. frum the Krlnahi Church ofa.Salem. ' Kv. Joner-hlm? Uockta orfWiaUna, ( C. K. IVumoii futhf r of Ui oy t mipitvr, of th.:iiHl ll hurrh; i rioitt Valley. I Ui well with my oul, Jwnin plk'i mo. uml W' hll meet twyond Uw rivr. er by the ehoir. InUr-m- ft w,m heM in the llyeill rtm ' t-ry. i The family Hed ill 8lm until bowl : t year when they muveil tu VHIa mouk. I'eaide the (Hirfota Mr. awP Mrs. C. K. Pt-arM'o. urvivin rtt ntivrx wrv : Ut.r. Mra. Kltn ilutehina, . , i useite. Mr Mamie f -ole. Hobarl, j. s,i.i . .Vi . hV'si IWtt amt Mr. '. v M.(-Millar. Strtt. Mta. Rlnnfht . .: . . ,w Ruth IVsrwxi of HI ; ...fc. Hrrfh( arwOlril Paul J m(n i ffur.l i.f Olon, OretnB j A ' ii ' r.-o-ivt fnm Mr. H'!i i tf -ji'vr i -,.',jiii f th aci'lwutlil : Facts Worth Knowing: i. ii t .ii i I I u i f .N M ,v ' v .... .. . . 1 nU Vt-cn l U II M'-s u h- ",U ' 1 A " lvl ,x IMMIN int. Molt-lv l..r tlio pi..u-4-iion .l AMI. KUAN HU.m un.uhk. Tin- M-l t' KIT IKS muliu'li U'V muwi mvti nro HI I INI fY LAW atiti uv a etmrmtrr tlutt run btf rvmlih i- iml tutu i ;t-h in any t uit'rcm The I'tUM-M.f n 'i'tirvtgtl Ctttp4n" flMl lH- Wlllulttiwi. lr..ltJ attr t tnsttrrtmv ftwefton is Sno utth this Acmy, ROLL IE W. WATSON, of Karl IVwrv. tskr-i .'. Mr. Hotln r .( u '.)" ri-.t-r in a lnUW1! - .w t nil fWr elariia. t h i' nit ii- tho choii! th rW 'i ft : i th- JaWJ '' he 1'iri' Itistirtitm' El 11 ntxci. Man," - m Ulw i AJii rUlJI-o-wir- rJ irrS! Lr - J t-"8' ' Jr m.vJ "i buy y litvOtr'a rHk tt WrtUflef , l?(riliHi tn I n'rv i txnltl Nnt u! I in( mhhJ a. 6omfits& f: 0 vna 3- i ( trt"-l !' iff i f U - !: i OfT- . i. i w i. - ii tfc i I'..- .? it s I'tn (Vu- I (I N i ..ouf! at ;d , i ,u il iie sun I j 'jet tluic witit tiie piopci i-LASFjCI r when you iic t them from us. Our drug store is the HUiSHl.U GOODS store, because we sell tots of tit tun and kcp fresh (joods coining in often Have you got a good hot water ukj In the house? you MEED otic. I ii.lr! K.ickuI iff. i . W't -'-t t J !.r. 1 . aa Ai t e.;. . a' tt'r-t f' 'X i' -f - ? rctju ' !- t It" 1 I- ur t r i '. I , n,tt tijii i ;t . i' .- ..'U' tn m M 1 1 tei itirt . Wi- I-- b";i .i . N'it'.'C t l 11!. ' !i'i (. ; tfi " ft, , it ' If i mi. 'if au". ' t' 4 ft .-1 i. . f - ! I ', " ' Hi. . 4a' I ' . I -t . . t I. -' t t ttl' t Ii.. . i. W. . i .- i :t The liHamook Drue Stoie Wc give you what you ASK for. !..( r iff I mm 't u .rt r i ' ine "i'l, in I ... , e- . .a. . . i II Wr ,.. -.! '! . thfr ( .1. - t..i i.. ,ii , .. 1 Oie n A tiiiwrii.t i' Ii fo 113, Hrrtit p., S 41 arren. 4i-( trsn-t I i rf ff"H Ihr iiiMiU-r . ! balWfWri 1Mtlt.ll 2f ttn-t .' hii .'1 Nrth .f Hui if. ! rt . ai l ritnt' ti,. i,.t N.,ri v. I SM f . t ... i'r h ..(,(!. tn n.iiiiiiami i i,.ri. r t i ll'Mll ri i. QUALITY AND QUANTITY Y!n,i it came to a picC'irial )r iu.-ti n tt i-x ('.; h'-i in.iterjjev:e oi fiction, " THE HFOII.'vKS " W it x. SciiJ ave carte blanche to all asociatetl with the fin .rprise, to spare neither time nor expense to secure ti e best reM.!t-j poible. Prorlucer Colin Campbell took to his task vi i vi literally and seriously, bringing forward every detail dis tinctly and with exactitude. In the original outlav. hej filmed 14..5O0 leet. making inall 232,001) distinct photo , grijhs of the bit; moving story thai restlessly drifts from ' Washington to the far-flung shores of the City of Nome, on the Bering Sea. Then began the work o most careful! fiirtailiiii Lo reduce iL to a nnrrmd size, nraeticable for an ' evening's entertainment. This scale finally stttlerl tipom1'"10 l""! t wht they hu s. (;. wa ..d r.miiy of Heaver , N,nrtit :u';.i ' w'.'.r . j . r , ,. tMMx l-..- . 10 ihe lannoh rcturniiiK aijMin lo th-' ware Sumlay vUltor at th lt.yrw.liU .-t Itr ume neis, yivuiK tl .ihuc oi i i-i-.wuw uihum.1 c(nrn flat ati.-kirif the uar in th aan-i home. j N iU Ht.i ., f., t1 ,'h(. have.lui iiifMircs which seetnrl siidicicn t- tn envef tin .'wliim nCaml tvinif the ak'ft lo it. Mra. Holm I n - i . . vf umi , i-.'hUiiiii.k 7 519J rm . o . . " , . ; o, riot cm) the akift waa loo, ,,. B 7 V . ' r.iurni sl4 W(,M bv)llt. ,.n ,,rt. at th, ,,.,. r In .. the work from prologue to hna e w ill a firm, spirited ?; n"l,CM int "" " i"" "'"tSamnlay from Saim. 1iwj1.,'1niW(,tiffrllwl,f i i.... II...,..- ,l.r . grasp upon scene and situation. Primarily, a cast ol mi-, to it ami aw the water wa. too !,, ; nHver m , , . 1 nN i ltf 174 uf hU Zt i " - . K " no he took nit hia boota and atnrUri t" 1 1...i Kn,- M" '"fm f h-erj .f Tiltatnuuk r ..-h m I nml an i I H ' 1 -i rt !.. t fol W. V . Kan ..i i-.r-r tf f the ht, rh row boat exrupl Mm. li .lin, aho nt.n l V,. H. Crai.e w.ia a Tillamook ahunper w' 'curl, i .f s... t... , J& ll.oi.f.. with the lauurh. After ditfifinK for a ' FrKlay. atmiu Wrai tii itvt i N' ' . urtw ' ' h itti lift f ' Hid I H .I) i 4, ! ' a vul ' ! i jut n r ' i ulnlilT arsr! 1 . arid 1 1 I i' - ii. r.ii ni- uoiiri a lit. r . f al- 8 Ml'l m r '' '' ' 4 f.-rt '" ' " tin. th-r of aal.l i . nil uiftl" nave iluiv i.-v ol i Ut i'ii-. il ;ivl 1 1 1: 1 1 't 1 ct iJ.tl ( r f K 'ltirl trtolil'.ta ttri c coon t- 1 c.il.jt ii1 tint ti i " ' " -" 11 .. . ... . .... ....... .. . ... . .. . .. I Iwnl. Ii, I ,.-..l rli ... . , bwiiii uj ii ami wnen no nau Km wiinin t .,. . , ,.r . " , . view to make the characters register impressively as suon wfmofilhetllwl riml ,iUs) lf Hoinueh i. .i horn, from , ,r" ?h ' y how " ' mj. m. ; . . ... i o i i i !! ... . .. , . rillamooi: on a nhort viait. I : llh U-liijiatrBtr. at Uoh. 1 i I umi li I' iiiii'jiiui.v.M. .jLiniiv.li t oiiii ii ii ii r-iiu niiv i i 1 1 1 v "i . .! i r. "rvirurt, or wiin It T lti.ii , Studied care and unusual hberaliLv was WJ! oinK imok. Mr. liuiin caliwi and to giv.- the actual atmo)here and the real en cvrciic vironment, so that the action should retain its at all times. integrity "The Spoilers" will be given at the Star Theatre next Saturday afternoon and evening. l it. . !--- '-'"i "I Willi II I. 11 11 I It iAfl. auk him if he wan coinhfjt tmnk and he urea ueymnna and itaotthtar Mil tnrney at Uw, Tlllawi.k City Or, said vea, just at that inomt nt he annk , '" were Tillamook vliitora Salur-; - ''" renruary tzth, . . Klena M limii on. nuiiiiiimri ri . il. i... ii' nj...:.... ... ... . 11 . Miii.t ni M.-.Miui;iii, ' NOK1 11 l-OKK ANU OOD'S VAL Toni PitU and i.on fJurdon vorit in the Vi-lley last Saturday, thoy roturntd Hui y. lirnl rmviir inin.. 1111 rim.. , IlllV Mr. liolin had awam out lo wheru he went down ready to help hun when he came up, (nil could not mts'i him ao hail to wait for help to como to hi naalat ance. In Kutliiik' to the launch iiu Went to town and fiO inun wont to help draif Slu'et, in the City of I.h Ahk''Ii ii... riv,.r ir i a,.. i..i., .. r. ' Slute of California:- . . . , r , , ' " , . , ' ' Ni.tioi. IHh.-r..hy Kivi-n thai at a : I day cvt-riint; in tirnu ;to attend Onion " Iho aecidunt IjappuMed aOoul I a. ; ,,j f tt, i(inr, t p,,, , , ,jf I'eak Literary society. i m. Tho doctor aald that i-rfiipi w.m ' Miami l.uinbui f 'onipHiiv, t.old m, n. i I In. r.tniuj. I.N. a I....I ... ..... ..-..t... (ilh likv of l',liriiiir.. 111 .1 . . . , , VI. W ...UOV. .41.11 MUM W.fll.-l ... (.HQ IIMI.SU ' . " ,l" ' VMfli;.MvMlJv. UbMlllvTJ lllflll Miami l.uinher Company, n ciirimr ation, luivitiK ila ntll.ru am) prini iim I piHcn oi imaiuoaa al M. KJO I'.bhI l inl I, V Male ' I .1 ui. i.f oi.. A A he Corvallia Wedueaday evening. C. Ii. IJoutfhnuy'a donkey lias been occupied by Mr. Holi was much thought of h, nil, MrH, liolin rumarkinif that f'nlly and mm . w '"-'r '' w.il 1 ' iiiu.,1 tin. lMkiu.il ...,.,!ll l. .1 . r i Karl Idle on the W.'K. Scovoll'a place for Hpent bin oyeniriKH Willi tin-family, he eo'poration oor)oratiiin, imyal.li' num. iluiidy to ('. C. Oanahl, Secrotar:' of rtild' eoi-pnration No. 8.'i .'k it -, r.t t a I'.tu ais' r Mr-i. Ou atoytnK with her the past Wfcok for wa,,t jf ru"ai" Vrud-t. S. Seovtill purchamu a cur of hay from Hen Kuppunbundor. All reported havfny; a fine time at the ma-ouorado in Ood's Valley Salur- j George Ludlku and family havu made day nijrht. ' arrangements to leave I-ir Astoria Feb. Dan, Lee and Jack Alley and Chas, ! J3ln' Hobitch were God's Valley vlnilors Sat. j i,eKi0 Barber purchased a Uui of ""lay. feud from jicn k upp'..ntiiidar. Mr. Kuppenbendur nceived a scow. Hon Kuppenbundtir will attend a having an accordion and vimin whIWi .l'?vt'. r. i 'r"'. 'l "' ' A,,H"ll'i, he played well. No el. .. ., i,,, Any ,;,.k i,,, whi(.h t,11H ,(SH(.H((. imauru viiiio tuai way L..d. , u on u.u meni aimn ruilililii unpaid on t,. fill, BtrceU aa ho many yoiin, ..i n do. Although Karl hud Imeii in iWir"itu'.i' only a few month .ia! inn.i, friends. loud Ilf.v Tuesday rnorninj,'. Ledlo Barber loft far Tillamook Sunday morning and r lurnwi lYudpua. mol in rtl mr Tn fPI tlu ri tn If Vt ti , uu u " M l , W Tho Onion I'eak Literary Society Jor tho eornliiK your PU2ASANI .Y. tJ.ig. ! -i: k look In it IV day of March. I'JIfi, will be dolimjucnt no iHivuruii-ii ior aaiu at pii'ilio auc II m, and iiiileia oayini-iit la rna-lt he . i-.i, w'll lo m.M on tliu SSJh day of Wnrflh, I'.lir., .,t l(io'ol..t-k . M on ai'irl uoto, to pay the doliM;.i n (int. touct'iur with tliu ,..pi 'hIiu iind ox i moa of huIh -'. ' ia , i rotary. ' "nheprib'i for tho Humid, It rnmi-n ..tie!.. I . Vl 4 M i-fll ....... . ... i . r. i'lll n.ll .11 Wl-.'llll . .1. no ("in in mini in , ii .. . in... .1 .1... I ..... I k I "1 .... "linn ... .- . - ii . k County, Ona-:' " I . It.M I.MlU klll.l I I ' 1...., ....I....... Ill,, fv I ..... "nn i nil nih .. ,l!a Un ,.r .1... i i I... ,. i H- tori"! I. ii. ,,f Caini, Sir.-, 1 . I .....I I. u .. l..r .... al.i.1 I ' "ll I i. I,.... I... nl tl'' ! .,, im ,i imiim. .-v..- I. ... r, ...... .., Iv ... I I If :. ::r'" ..v.. . . .. m4i i .1 niiiiri nun in1 i . ..im'iii.'iii in r.iiiii.'. : , . .... . . . ... . .1. Ii tM ' .inn lu i rrniliy m in i'i. . ii. It... ..iiiiii.. iiiontlii. I. . H'll lllll followinu I inporty, Hitualc in i ori'iton, ni wit: , , . sfj I i .... V. ...,.i n ..r lil.n.u in ol f"! . M ,,.l M M, . . " I ... Il rM k t'l it an 'I'hM. f advcr . well'a Addltloti TMUS ruulo" Irullifully me. iruti and illndmi. iht inwl tlcwrable jf. Nodhwcit lhelieilol every- 1 oi iht aiuWlM la,,, ,dtn.in, Uoa. U, mtUJ rult,;t..n v ,h, Adi lor t.uloj No, UKTLANO SKED CO. PCICrLANU,ORE. fflVv. l ...... 'fill .1, 'tli. I linm I IIHllllUIIH V IVJ , ,t uk.,i -,..i iii i... f r tliC l'nl P II IT V IIU IIU"!' - i pimo or HiitiafyliiK U"' J ' , ' duel. in. n il In until I'llll' ",.u . J ; ill. V ,it I).., I,..r l!ll t. I" .1 liliilnliir and itutiliiMt dcfcii'l'"'!' l hii.m . to'ivi in. ...ill. n.li irit ........ .,. ......,11, ,TM m I nl tho rnto of aix per cent t. . from Fubriiiny IHlh. IWI.'I. f"r Tu I Dior Hinil of f'iW).(Kl iih iillMii , iniid thu ci ims iind iliabiirHcuuiii u' ' Hint taxed at 12-l.lM), mid U"' ru" itXIauihl'H (if the Mil lo. .., i Untcd thla Diteiiinbor Jllnt, w" II I ..... ul.l.ll. i Kliurlir nf Tllliimook County. "r" Linn iln.P.Kl 'I llll (.Il"' ManZan il