Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 16, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe Cniamoo! inraid
C. 6. Cromblcy, editor
.sucd Cwlcc a Week LtiC5d.iv And FrJd.iv
Tinterwl a seeond-el.i. m-m." M.v U, U it 'ne put oMoo at Tillnmook,
Otvg"t der the net of Mnrsh .'.
Sl'H.sv. KiH i H)N SI SO A VI-M" DVVNCK.
:uent insertion, lino .OS
J-JiiK'cr'.iMitu Males
I real Adverti - i
a Hrst Insert; lino $ .10
Ha eh subsoouent -.-rtion, lino .OS
" Homestead Not if - S.OO
" Timber Claim - - 10.00
Notices, per line ... .06
Cards of thanks, per lino - .Oft
Locals, ier line, flrt insertion ,?j
Em-h soliti
Kesi nti"- of Condolence ami
IaMito ni'tteos, per line .OS
Hun o .i Professional enln,tnn. 1-00
Hlslnx .advertisement, per inch .'
Al.' Jopluy Ads must le in this of
f c on Mondin .owl Thumlny Morn
t,.gs to insure pul'lication in follow
ing Tuesday and Friday issues.
Kensons are iniptrative.
Vetetan of Indian War Canies At
row Head in His Uody to till Day.
the urt liiointng "hru I"" '"" I
himself Into iamt. whete 1
1.01(0 c that l.o had r ! 1
...lonel uanled to send !"' bask " ,
- I
Tl'KSnVY FKHkTARY 11). 11)15.
(From Orcgouian.)
(Hy Henry Clew N'ew York Banker)
In snite of the world wide uncer
tainty, btisinejs affairs in the United
States display continued recuperative
tendencies. The improvement is slow,
too slow to satisfy American opti
mis-nt, but each week shows a distinct
gain both of sentiment and in the
volume of trade. It is well perhnp
that the gain is slow, inasmuch a.- it
w ill thus prove more permanent while
premature eonvalesence would surely
unite unpleasant setbacks.
The soundness- of the present for
ward movement is beyond question.
It is. based chiefly upon the abundance
of loanable fund at reasonable rates
and a good demand for our ttgricut
tur.il product- at generally satisfact
ory prices. Undoubtedly the farmers
of this, country are prosperous, and
tl'is gratifying condition, coupkd with
the sound banking situation, is the
prime source of our present national
Farmers ere Factors.
These are factors enaMing us to
o ..retime .kranc-ements which fol-
Not only in Ongon but in all parts
af the country, the liovernment ha
inaugurated a movement to secure
ork for the unemployed and to fur
nish men or women to farmer. and
other employers out side the cities. It
is a common sight to set men stand
ins around the streets in town at all
seasons of the year who would be
glad to get out into the country and
so to work if they only just knew
where to go and could be certain that
the job vsoutd be there when they ar
rive. John H. Harbour, United States
Inspector, Oregon Immigration Ser
vice, has started to list applicants for
positions of alt kinds and is anxious
to receive applications for help from
employers of labor of all classes.
Every applicant for work will be
given a thorough examination as to
His qualifications and no man will bt
sent out for any specific line of work
unless he is lilted for it. thus leaving
no room for the annual comrlaiut
; that farmer are supplied with laborers
1 who know nothing of farm work, at
'. a t.mc when the fanner is too lu to
teach them, 'lhe first dav the office
1.... .. ' L ....... I . 1 . 1. .
. w vuu.C ,c .u- ; Has open mQTt tha (00 applicatjo
.-u oruvn- ... oy a for work we rcccived amJ ,here
ir..i. - .-i at pontic unrest ana or other t
1, -i, . big bash st, They have. niCtcd with ,he servia csJC.etj
... i, uy mean,- spcni mcir lorce, , that ,nouh mrn .; .,.lfclKI, ,
t a y time to fill all possible demands.
Another movement operating along
tmewhat similar lines, but with the
and in addition there are other factors
serving to strengthen recuperative j
tendencies. Chief of those is the po-
litical situation. Both Congress and
the administration arc now reflecting
the more reasonable attitude of the
public toward larpt corporations. T he '
abuses of the latter which so aroused
public opinion no longer exist. Our
great industrial leaders arc doing their
utmost to satisfy the public and to
give others besides themselves a lair
ch- nee. Out of all the bitter discus
sion which has been going on for
ni. rly a decade there are signs of a
bo-;er understanding between capital
ami labor, and prospects for more
harmonious relations, notwithstand
ing hard times.
Financial Situation Good
1 he financial situation in New York
is rnincntly satisfactory, considering
th. strain through which it has passed
and the world wide demoralization re
sulting from the war. More and
more foreign nation are turning to
tl.i- side for financial aid, now that
the British government has refused
to permit new capital applications un
til us own requirements are amply
satisfied. Other foreign governments
have already placed very unusual cred
its in this market which will be used
for the purpose of financing the ex
tensive orders for war materials coin
ing to this country.
Another form of financing is pre
senting itself to Americans, that is
the floating of new enterprises in oth
er parts of the world which have un
til recently been placed in London
and other European markets. It must
be remembered that with such financ
cornet the much needed orders for
goods. Our manufacturers will te ex
c lingly eager to secure the orders,
for merchandise. It remains to 'je
sf :, whether they will be as ready as
Europeans to accept the customary
fori it. of j-aymtnt jn the shape of
bonds and notes which the European
inv. -tor has always absorbed more
na'iiiy than thu American. If this
tendt-.cy continues and succeeds it
will bt nec-wry to csi .blish a belter
market here for securities of this
class. Here is another sign of the
times that the United States must
take its proper place in the world's
idea of assisting the would-be farmer
j get land instead of work, is now
' ring discussed under the leadership
f Tom Richardson, the founder of
he Oregon Development League,
uth purpose of evolving some feasa
do plan for financing the small farm
er, dairyman or garduer who lias the
inclination and ability to get back to
the land and nuke a success, but who
is financially unable to do so. Educa
tors and business men are decidedly
in favor of the scheme and it is prob
able that a convention for its dis-
enssion will be held immediately
i after the close of the legislative ses-
VI O-.-l I I r i
i . .n. oiiudiiiiun nas issueu
appeal to all who are interested,
asking them to give the matter care
ful consideration and to work up a
community sentiment in its favor.
The commercial clubs of Polk
county have issued a booklet to be
distributed at the Panama-Pacific
Exposition at San Francisco. The
advantages that county offers in the
lines of agriculture, fruit growirig
and manufacturing are set forth in de
tail and many illustrations will give
the reader a good idea of the char
acteristics of the County. In addition.
the county will have at the Expo
sition a very complete exhibit repre
senting all lines of industry.
On February 27 Albany will hold a
general "Sales Day." This is done for
the purpose of bringing the farmer
and the merchant closer together
along business lines. There will be an
auction of farm products and stock,
conducted without expense to the far
mer, the Albany Commercial Club
making all arrangements and a well
known auctioneer donating his ser
vices. Local stores will stage special
sales for that day, and if the scheme
proves successful, it will become a
regular event. It is a good plan and
should be followed by other cities.
Call for Uids
T,e; Tillamook Uuilding Company
wishfg to rernvo bids for 100 cordH of
fi jir-foot woi..i t.. flulivered in Ijhkc
tnent of its building in Tillamook City
by bept. iHt 1915. To be four-foot
wood, dry and Bound. Uulu will bo re.
ceived up to Feb. 25th, 1915.
H. T. Hotts, Pn-Hident.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewh
(Emm The Unties t hronlonl.)
At the nirrlinc of the Old b'oft
Uallas IliHtoncal Society yesterd.n
.iitermioit at the home of Mis. 11n
1 .implicit, j to West 8th StiMt, th.
suloert of Our Indian wr
again continued.
A letter of date January t
written by Captain V. P. Slillwtll til
I illamook, who is a veteran of th
(tuck Hollow Indian fight thai Utk
ot.icc I nuar) jo 1848 and which
tu.w in the hands of the secretary o
I the society was read.
I Captain Stillwell is near eo years ol
I jc and is the grand commander
Indian war veterans for the Notth
Pacific coast. He was wounded by m
Indian arrow, the head of which he
has tarried for o? years as a ntnctto
of the Buck Hollow engafw nt.
w Wch he graphically describes,
Mr. Stillwelt says in substance, tfut
about 380 men, under Colonel Cornet
ins Calltam. left Portland on th oth
of January of that year for The Dal!r
by way of Vancouver At th C
cadea they heard that The Dalle
about to he attacked and 50 mtn wet.
ordered to their relief under loni.'
march, ami six men under httusH
were detailed to ferry the trewp
across the ricr at Wind MounUt.
at Collins Springs, with a scow thf
had brought from upper Caaeades
At i 'hi Dalles, they joined Capiat'
t.ees' company, which now had
tvt nun, as most of them had return,
home, their time having epired 1
was detailed to The Dalle after the
Whit nan m,.ssacrr.
Titer- was a report at The lall.
that the Indian were gathering at .
point up the De chutr and half nt th.
comnuitd went up to Drchuti At. !
the other half remained here to giw;
The Dalles, as jn attack was expected
here daily. Captain l.ee and men ..c
ed as scout, making ahutit joo men i"
On the last Friday in January, t
wrap anout rive miles atn,
'he mouth of the Deschutes river,. v
tne east swe, the colonel called f.'t
two volunteers from each compan
to join Lee on a scooting uarty. M
Stillwell says: "William C. Smith ami
I rode out for the Yamhill company
Smith being commonly known H Bill
Chick , the party numbering it men
in alt, we started from the east haak
of the Deschutes river and rode buck
on the table lands, keeping back and
around the heads of canyons which
led into the Deschutea. Ridin south
until i p.m., we suddenly came on
band of Indian, as we rotnded
sharp ridge, charging straight for us
ve received orders to reprime and
recap our guns, this being our first
engagement. The Indians then chang
ed their course and started south, wt
wTtrnwK mem ai tne old emnrtam
road, nd here the first Indian was
Killed in the Cay use war, by 'Bill
Chick,' These Indians proved to be a
iant with a load of salmon returned
to their camp and when ordered to
surrender, one chief made a dash for
iscape. He being on a good horse it
took me about a quarter of a mile be
fore I could get close enoua-h for a
noi at mm, which was enough for
him. hilc I was away Captain Lee
ordered a retreat, leaving me all alone
While hunting my way back to the
camp I was cut off by about 40 Indi
ans, who charged down on me, think
ing they had an easy prey. My horse
being pretty well winded by this time
they soon got close enough to ,!,,,(
their arrows. While J was dodging
them from all sides, my hors gavr
out so that I could not get her out of
a trot. I jumptd off and took it afoot
JJemg close to the head of the canyon
I went down. Then commensed ran.
of rifle and I was not only greatly
handicapped in numbers, but t,ev
were mounted on good fresh horses
Some dismounted and took down th,
same way I went, while the rex ,!ivj,
ed, coming down on each side .,f tlt
ravine with their horses until ih. v
UOt me uell l,f.,l...l r.n a ,
,,. -r nU W,.,,.
shooting at once and they Kt Sll
close that I could not dodge all ;i
them. As I whirled around one of
tli.-m hit me in the left hip, wli(.,
knocked me down. After roll
ing and tumbling down the ,, ,,,
'P them from capturing me, I tried
to extract the arrow. When it did
tome it l, ft thc arrow ua(1 Mi j(i
hip, where it is to this day, ns a gentle
reminder of what happened 67 years
not pain me very much
but I can alftavs f..r,l ii
TUf Dalles, but nrir tnan .,' , . t.,l,y .
.. w. . ... ,1
nedeil, he rnt on nn mm.
K...H. .,1 .Vllll(IIII.MI P
N..I..T U berrhV If'Vell tht lm till
di,lir..r.l n l thr.lv.lv appointed ad
.,r.....lr...r ..fthe r.Ule ..f l..b U
I'm in', ,lii'l. I,,,,M'V, I ,."iy
. riii s.H.wi. AS Kllby ... I.
r.. 1 1 " "' ...... 1 11 11
I....... 1 .!.. with thu tndr lf
M spea U ol the Un
hich is only anothe, na- - Hn; foi Ml W.,,.y. a.
IIi.llOu iohows, thf htHir i( I" m . " .." ;
the whole command went bik np thr 0 fimlt l.... 1'tMiiK '
rivet for some mile-, and Ihrn Irlt it ty. .
,nd returned the table ..mis, kr? lb
... ... ....... L. 11. , f --
ma to lhe stut ttniii wr .irm ,,,,,1,,
M-l! t IMll'lle Uel"H
i.Mcr ( ' h I" hofHl r
tubivvt t" thr mtprovMi m
... .LI. " . . . ... ...
ld emigrant road. We toimeu w'ik,igiiMr , t.J, g7l V.f
down . we . .me ,0 a ..ring ih,. , HN4 W' Jfc Ht
was near the mouih f M homo vvj .-t . ti-n 81 m tnhlp a
and here e iampr.1 t..i the night s Waal A'.Hamlt Mi-r
The next im.miK being .Sunday, idlan. all rWaml Cinty,
JU thel., ol.r . J. Jr .
.l.rird .n down the H.l M l.r '- ;.-, gLt,,,- Itkltf
it.it that we tame to m before ivtlaltd.
reached the t.er r taw .e In , Attoft M A-lmmMfatwr.
1. i.l, ,.i .1,, h.d I Finit IMl.ii.-i.tHm
low (..iKfMtig th.imrlr with .fc ;
hrrat ttork .m thv t.-f f lh' -dg J
11... .... I.,., .if llir lldlsr t. I rrtl ,
.... ...... ....
nwn. th-selnii.. met Stag IMluw In llui t-ouniy v.min . n
t4vivWnge di S..rt!e of vanyon I ol Diogon, tor Hlliili.H,k
funning laraltrl w.ththemrr Aj County
, a , the trgiment w p , Myta umg. 1 ...n...
(...! order" l .lin.Hin! i'.-t pKfc- ' Uj. , ... !W..utnt
H. T. BOTt
Ollu'c liOIJ
ThHnM 1'ontr.a,
i.i.ury ItHh mu.
taut iblietw IVbru-ry lli
111... 1,
Calvtn W. Worull
HllHillCSS (, .i.(l,Mr
. .. n-.iij.., ojtjr. j
Geo. P. Wiosij
a rriii .
T 1 1 at
at ml
!nMr ttll 1 hiilit''"i r'np 'To Buy t . lams. th lu nMd do j
.. deuitr.l n amid thr lre and j imiat f
i.- fc.f . k 41a. i sad.tM
,he rest (ried m line ,t then, thr T ZV.rVT.VLi ..
Indian .-p. n.l Htc upon f btl , aM, AMrr thv romttair.t AM git
above , also brhiml hleatwk. ' ; you in th U.v intittd Mt r l 1
,r thftn the brt pvt.H( bt ttt
I hrtr nlr ! Indun ttt o w
nd the ciifl a hr 1 one to rlr
Th Induns hmgUt biatrlv. h,.rver
MMtil we vnete tloe rnfogh ! Iti
powder smoke in their fave. then
ihv rettated for mtaftar ' a !'
nhrrr th. t p anihrr
itronghold I ill men were ordered
Uu'k to get the horses, to a t ma
(tank it'i.trmenl ut Max MHo
t)rie a a n.iul.c nudr wist
iv Sure ..mi lrl.rr the eool.l urt WtV
fur tha esptrattwn uf fn ;
the dt wf tW t nOt.tetn f thu
I oumm-ih. and if vwi fati to ."' ,
f ml anawcr. fur ! ihmrmtt lh
iihilntiff mtt apply to tN t'rt fur
fen-re thvrvin for tne lf 4a4m !
tit tho rompiaint, which 1 that thu
bond f RitMKMOT aslsllng M"
yvorseilf atJ th. pUiaitHW diasolvMl,
tnd that Ih pU.niUr Im iwlttf4 to
tnt former nam. nd ff olhr
and further rltf the t'.jrt may
dm jmtht
Thts sommona Is uubhatneti in th
Ttltamouk HrM fey an lfe f ! j
HotHi'at I Homer Via-on, t mty
.HMIN 1 1 1 AMI HIM,
(lunr. a t.
lilliHitook ( t)iiiity B44I
r 1 -
III. .
I M.I I IV II I li JH ,1
Citiiitiut, .) 1.;
I in tr
iimtimtm af flflilMMMaii I'luitstv I tKa-faii
a,tt. iheif h..rr-., thr b.y t "'d ; MH rOr hin ..! th h U of
and t!i- ;j')kmg r!l h.rt and th- )tur. ISli, rmtulrmx I1m pibhea
.nU Mu..rtrd m .(muttf it.e Indian. th WiW'M latm miuU .
tfev dat uf IW rtfl pobiieatlun trlMf
14 Cu-m1T the 2Blt df uf Ji jafT.
tio. 1" Vlr-lo,
. me
t:S of (Lit i r l l the nHinlfl
nj r'! tr vtithi-iil plilnm a'!
thr ,!ih llttttit tir had total
,Tr meat, and thai il!: ul a!l !
tin '.inn- mi,' ,f ihr guard wa bt
r '.fal'rd ofl on Vlouiitatn kl'Mtn.
1! and was h..t f.if an Indian llr
kiUrd otjtatitly The prr.iiit
lair Mi-mla aOrnuvon l we
'cts ihr net m,,tiii"e br The lalt-,
.-nutning oer the a mr ra.l "
' M t.fimr, of u? Alvord slrrrl it
luth.trity for thr pre tent lrwaiin o
pmt tit.tuwited n the Sltliwrlt ae
Cfunt He sav the old emigranr mil
enrd the John Da rrvrr at ihr rtU
Leonard bridge, passed through Mor
an fir Valley and then down a
long ridge Into Buck Hollow, er
ing Deschutes at it month, where In.
dian and emigrants could swim their
Stock, and then by the Harlow
over the ( aieade mountain Ihm
crossing, called Merk's crossing
abrmi ,1 rude Ulnvt S,rra's bfJg
11..... 1
Huck H.,ll,w. ihr Mg H.ttI (r, ill
l.t I.
May. that 11 was full .f ihr l..i ,
deer, mountain shrep and il.rr
'be inter ipiarirrs ( these h..rn
bearing animals ttrhere- ihrre m.rr
water and br.mse. but Mr Crime
never saw any buck brush there. H
says irom this fa, the hollo
its name "Stag" or "Buck",
ComforUibld hjs.nlni: rouin for fnt.
qhu block from Masonic Ukl. Herald
All kinds of wood and fonen nrl. f.
. . n ... '
nit. him nnroi u.
'Hk- sernnd quarterly ni.(tir,.,r .v.-
. - " f;
.,rc,m in;to h-ul in the
rue etnooist ehureh Ml Heaver IVh
' v,. n. ( olfer ,f t10 8ftlu,n
wisirien WIU; (mVl ,. ...
cordially invited.
K. U. Allison, supply.
1 the Circuit Court ol lis- si..,.
l Oregon forTillnmoop Cotinly.
Inrtrude A. K. .,il..r- . ..
IN 'I'll F. NAMK -j-,..,. .j,,,.,,,.
OF OltWJON: Von an, , ,V..h A , '
lulr.Mi to appear .,,,.1 MlHVI,.r tll .V(,0 .
plaint llh-d iignlnat you j t '1 '"
''titled ami on or b,?f " ',, J'
inn of h x wenkH fruu. th ,! '".V
If you full to uppeiir , ,lnMw.,r' "J '
I"' ntiir ho .liHHolve.1, a ,1 V.
iilalntiir, to-wit
AllortMe fur ttui.f!
Notice I'or I'ubtlCntlou
d'CHLISHKH 1 aryfio
Drpirtmrnl of ihr Interior
I' 8. Ltl UV at I'urtUnd. Oto.
gon, tteimiM.f 11, twit
Ni.lieB I hrfrl,v ffvn that Alton K.
(lardtwr. of Hvr. Tmok t'u ,
llrrgwt. uf. Marvh 2u. Sl. mdo
Hmtad Kntry. Nt 0?.1M fWf ytV
NE and ?.'WE, .HMr X.'. T.wr
hip 3 Smith, Ha gr 9 Wi. Wiltam
tt alirrtdian, ha Died notirs uf inlco
Uon lo mak Final !oinmiiitt(n I'ruuf.
to tabtih elatm to ih la.-t atxivr
derlbrd, bfor th ( wnty I'fcsrV uf
Ttlamk Ctwitty. Org.. a( Till
tiMxdi :uy. rirnr.m. on th 17th day of
Kvbroary, I9IS CUimaot nanw a.
witfic. frank Pay., KdMr t;,
btirt, tl W .!. Hbrt O fieho.
ail Ol Harr. Irrgon
H V llibv. IUel.tr r
Notice lor I'ulillcnlliiit
(I I Hl.lsllKki
nepatlmrnl of thr Interior
t'. H. I.ANf'OI'PK.K at IVll.ml.
January za, mn
NTt 'K is horvtiy givn that Fried
rteh lireln-rt, f ttoaser, tilUnv.k
to,, Oregon, who, on Kohroarr U
Hmrateo4 t.tsy. N.'
:'u,Ml ell..n I, Twnhlp
South. Rangv lo W(, Willflm.il
MMttian. has dlisj oulier ,.f (,inr,tt,tl
to make, fmal fte yar wi. to ,
tablish elatrn p. the land (., ,i
erihqd, bstfurt. the rmii left ,.f
Tillmk iVunty. thrj,,, i TilU-
luL ,l.?BU"' "n lh" ,lh day of
Mareh. 1916 n(lt n.ie, R,
nwars i Herman M. Karmer, uf Ilea,
vrr. Oragon. Jartm, M juv. f
.... , ..rPRon, i-aear W Hndvfelt.
Itolwrt Wnyriitrr..
(loOef! pea (
Attorney at U
Office In Tilljrnoos&y
Or. I
la. I 1C1
AM' ' 1 )
H ' I ' ,
DlJIrc : ltur.im ' 1 it mil
llooi. ') vi toll tl
Til l VW K t'fct
L. HOY, M. D.
riivfiui.it' (mi s'if
lloll "lwr '
Mutual I'll- n
li. ? AAKCCI
u Heaver. Oregon
01 uesver. Oregon
HiKby, ItdgUtnr.
Hie Circuit Court ol the Stui.
f Oregon, Im- the County
l HllnntiKik.
Kiln .Hfuirwoo,!. nnUX,
tiaort-., ,Sh,rwood, Oefe.wlant.
Dr. lack 01s
Olfien H.,r If u ' till
Oddfrllo-i lUMu
II "
llai Located in (be Cow
.Sucrecilmr Of P. i
All Tuii (imia l.ei
OHUr II -,K.
Oprn Kvrnlni h ;
1 Id Hi!
I lu :rl
, 7 usltliil
itW?c!lN,:WAMK 0K Tl,,: "ATK
Vnil -rn Inirohv
'"Id. tho diitn of a.,1,1 p I I,
f-'r w .nt '1",",M, "l".rl...di n
;.k. . .,,, f ,,,, f.
ww. .iwrni , m. f. -
SlilKvi'll l I Ail .1 1 1 . 1 .
, , T. " " -wii inc taiiyon.
Iiiding behind boulders :i..,l tut,:
sbot at heads that aimeare.l .-.!. !i
rr.ved at the over where he met the Till "1 1''0''? . H rllf f1-l n l(lu
.. returning and tl(: lcv ' ! WL' W. .. "f!,!- ' M Hon"
lively fight where Jackson and I.,tk. I Tllbimook , "y ( i'rTLunK ,f
woo -ttbclrfatc. This was 80,nc
I inri I.' i
Dottio r.iiniL. .....i." "... ..: ""mn-rii,
, ".i.iiir nun Kohrrt I
hiinilora, nnd fornuch othr , , I f, rl ! "
roller iih imiiu i... ...... i. ... i ' ""iniir
, j "u t'p.imiiie
over from the
miles up the
camp and
night, adding much to t,c discomfort
and (inawrr th.. ,n. ..
.,. i ,, i-i-Mii iiii-ii urainst
u in thu (1,v,. . : 7."
.oi.linitiou h..r..f ... .."'"
'-I-!, tho dntn of aim, , , !
tilf will
Hi" bond of . V " .. . ,rl Jl,"0,v "K
.. i o Z,,'. ,. "v '""i,r':" -!". ,i
Howard. i . ' ;.'....'' ,,m,y; . "b..,
bo award.: ". ' . '! K-nn.-th.
This Mil.....;, ' ''i'nt'i i n.
IH.bl en ? '" " " rV.Hl l.H, y,, ,,V
trim r. ,. ;. " .unio Ol Or...
p V,V','.'i"l"',,K-' nnil
'' '. l IllUHHOn,
AttornuvH for I'lnlntHf.
Dr. Geo. L Pctcn
Dr. I'ciKp. OliISijJ
llolh I'lu.iir J Hi iif I
J. E. REEDY, D.1
(lloth I'' ntl
Tillamook t
t thu
tlon of th Ik Summon,. i" . ' next ine,,ii,,, .7. M Hold
II WIH.k for Uv ......I.-" " "IICO HneUlu LV "'." 1'nlrv uw Ml.
i,. : . . i . . " nt-i nn. imn Mm 'vt. ritn ii imr ..
-a ii Miuwta uur iiL' i I the rat rmMlrM.iM ."" :.;"? V,,lu or con i.flu i " : V I'iVfirvfiiut i-
" ' . - r--'Miii uurrui ih .lum...... i . ; --j iiivili-ii ...it
discomfort 1 1 " , ,u-r-v I '"lug a bnjt ,.n,,r, . wu
i "f ug h ixjx enhii,Mi , 7," i . I"mu
ltl,l.,..u I.' II.. i-,lrrnn. fT
Juhn I.elim.1 llen.lfr''
Heey Tres.
Attorimy.iil.Uw Nourf'
Tillamook Title
Abstract Co.
Uw, Ahslriirl". b"1
Surveying, ItMurar-
Until riioiie'
'I'll I a si . if. I.- .
. ......... ,
lntrutlon t iii'H'1""
1 in. j
of the wounded inn
it was daylight
H. T. llottH
I'Iouhu bring :ioc;
- i.
taa asst riti
Attonmv for J 'J h In tl IT.
-1 m mix.
-'i-oifriun Coinmlttco.