Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 12, 1915, Image 1

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IP 1
:f. i
71 ,
ISSUF.n TWiriT A UPPk'-TrUJcniv amp crDirAV
izEl5.:lL iELLfiy. latonof anv Paper in Tillamook County
0! WM.
Tillamook, Okkoon, Fiiiimukv lli, 10 in.
if i i i g
n inBH; n JW II HI Mr Ml !
vx iiVi-vl crvy rsv v nr w aw.' v csw aaaa
sk any of our customers about
I irst National Service
: . . are all please I with it and
Can tell you why.
first iVationul HniiK
Ull..inxA, (jlryvirl.
.... , I Ofriiiany'n tlerlarutlon of Iter Inlon
WAK (if i' Iff U Hon lo Miik Hrltndi merehanlmon alio
Uil ivbriinry IN with only muwaatiry re
f. j Kuril ftir llio elWI imtiMiMiorH' Itvn am
Appeal to "Vital lutoros'il of ,,h1 in U" K',t'
, i cant wartttitK f 'b" week,
UOCltirCi! GOIlipOlllHl l)y mmK Ih sure lii be aiitfnred bj
I'liifim'e Pnutllmi V nmrclmut marine nml douhUoaa
uu.ny osmon. I ,1114,,im,mlHltU win im mim but n.
" j inllttar x nml rnomuiilii imltloti of Kills
llarlln, by wlftliii io Nayvtlln, N. vji Umt probably will mil b uttrloimly tlr
Onntmn) t'itatly nve iml the fully ttirhd by Oerumtiy'ii uw policy, m
tt ef t!n "uwroorauUum of thu Ira r mi enilndy uniupoid lyf'i
ftfcrttvi Qortnnu $tmtnm oonr'rnrt"i tilnmrlim linn l'""tt ooll hy Urn
rttKltwUon lunlnM (ht wfliiniirox t!.aiy mn tinl nr-hltct!i.
Uf i:h4ihI. In Hitlttitwn of lu-nn IIkIiIiok m norihunt llinosary, lo?i
Vm law. to rtop omotml v ilia tlix CsriiaUitiUi. numimwt iipw ln
w;ll be :,:e:ideo
Stir C)at!-.otl by Lui.llaula In
ci(l:it War lonti Qucs
Hon to !.j i.iKoii t').
iptr wHh Otnnnu) " It ay in i-t!
a. - th1 iHNIinniHit of lh Moo iiuJ tti.' nrrlvnl of hnnvy CoruiAii ritltiforrc
ymr (trust ItiiUlti Uan ram ml um i
t.ir'nUlt H-ttrfni" oiatiini Ortimtiy
t y that afiHi ult tun iirlooli'loi
of miriuaHid law
nwlly ho has altr.l tti iutiri
;frth San U tin .ui ro of war, iiiliirtvliiii nuburttltiatloii of tholr
if U tint iiiaitu imjmodiliUt Ui"
fMMagt of lift ttwtttrut pll?vllK
iknansit tl n tieiwcwii tiitit',J ami
S-s., ba rjiuUi'4 ti o tilffloult
a o ianertiw Umt h Iia4 in t
rt!a oxtvHt tffoti4 u IttuekctU.
"Hir hr vlplmiuiii t inturottUont!
'a. Omul Hriuin ilriJii tht Mtl !
!ic: which the HrtUah umi'lrM lm
Hirinni iliiflna ih w"'k tiwnii i
nifiit to nuniMirt Ui Aimtriuttn. Hit
liinrku th firm atitwwrotwit of Um flw-
itmnn iittniirti u( HtitiKnrlitti tr
rlt"ry. tiul in iimlooliUHlly llio dlti
rrntilt of Mi:)ar itlMumviit ltli llio
UlllMll lllUUXBtll to llio fl)llllflllltll of
derHifttty'ti INiltiiul wiinimlsii
Tlir IttntHiitim Imvn lost tiroutiil ilur
luu tfi n'k In to onitfro Cnrim
tliimit umt tliny Imvn lo hi)in eon.
)IImI to i:tv now fOtitiit li'ifoi
Vafi Tim now Onrtnnii offon
tavfnnl tlit I'olUh rnnlil hy M
otuotl'n nrtvr (ifoUably will Ijo C
IttiHMl Tim Wli'r ! now ou lil t
ml I vra juv r V n-r r 1
Juno IUI tniraU lo Us trs. vl It.
(hrr. ' .. tw ii-tf tirr4 ii nitlttary
iu4Urvt .ti)-4 lit t-'nfiUud in tin' a
nam im nt iho IvdRllisti pro"iur
ual m l.nlU4t tiAi iIuaIruaKx) Uoi
..i trtH"u Hroitomt J1J NVray aa
at uf nr. an ttwrtiwry no
A) ti W(ltH" m.l t M
fiivdt Rnulo nnt trolnmt. Inlul..
' . r.tir rultl rJ.i.nrl. n no nw
f ainU tU will iiriK-ttiNl mcniuot
Miim of tlio uurtny "
:Y 0T t'.M IS To
r - ' vpon
u - sat . t; ' 0Di - So
Can klxp Your
Tk e: -UVantYol
for life ihatjovr
oczry Specials This Nek
i Suvl out Collee, li lbs. $1.00.
t u;.ir 10c cimrt bottle.
.-11111 7V o.. 10c fi can.
Seed Kaisius 1 ."c or - lor 'Joe.
li.t vors, 1 He or .'I lor lf."c.
I Hi- oi .", tor 2fe.
. il ltraml I.ard SI. 2." for No. 10 .mil.
1 uiipaiiv's Special Colfee 27c per lb.
Capitol llouseholii Tea oOe per II).
H; I. WlooK, - - - UKKHON
ji -
Mi, ii
... .. .
l"pr .
f y'unn,' Mioplu Kuth
rin honiu on Wilson
i- i-inni; tho occasion
i i.'li-ron,H liirlhdny.
iwunty-flvo youiiK
'lilllK'li WLTl! iiliiyi-'l Ullll
'tUnt, t , Hurvi-d. At " Into hour
''Viuii, k .r mny (nor() (mppy
th. y nil fiKirtu.J to thuir
"41 tioin. ,
Tillamook, Ore.
Thu Y. F. F. Club of Fnlrvluw whb
fiitortnlin-il nlouHiinlly nt tho hoom of
Jlulttna Uurri'r, Jan. 2H. Two inumlmrn
mliU-d to our 111. Aftur tho um
mil order of liunlnvioi hud hitun dlnM)Hd
of iniiiloty luncheon won nerved. Tho
Cluli wim Invltod to hold IIm noxt meet
liiK nt homo of 1'rlnku Nolr in tho
nf turnoon of Friday. Feb.
Circuit Judw Hull loft for MoMlnti
vlllo Friday mornlriK. The McAlpIn
i'uho which wiih not for Maturday Imv
In,' I'on postponed until tho roulnr
March tunn, on iiccount of Altorouy
Duniwav of 'ortlanil, who ri))rcHontu
tho plalntlir, boliiK uimhlo to hu horo.
All otitntandlni.' County WnrrwiiU
will bo paid upon preHuntatlon. In-
toritHl ccimuH Fob. 2, 1!15.
li, li, UuhIh,
County TroBHuror.
;.utr'j f.Uraly V4rnfd of Cupos f
to CiitiKc Qcrman Ohu.1
Ho'Hii. Iho Mh m to l. uiilou. - 'i f
-. niati."rH uf Uvrnorty wstu ...i
.cU coi .or'M fcfo In i (!' -U.fci,
.4tli No botll ai lion niSftta, !
nml ml ltit "Inn l rontmluiln'oil .
mna rUi noil nutiimrimm will 01.
aor bj jvtrmiuo in tholr n v
iu avolil ilnklnit AiiiiTU-aii or oth
t .'atra! Ii:imi iumI will ukn ory P-
nuti.in to junlil ti mUtakii,
Th ilioH ntny ti uikmi nt ib u-u
irl iniornroutttoii piaeoit u;too Uk
1 Irrman iirotinwntlou In owmtinlnn
, rttb In llrlln.
T': pwhiniiiiion tlfclnrln tt'f
v ..!. . iiround Ct"t Britain to lio 0
nar .nc ltki iftlmllnr llrillli imuuuri
hioh Huru takmi n a iiroeiNliuit. )s
Uillin'sJ, It Is uiMiirti'd, to warn sun.
tm'. ihiii 11 nhl N.-iiturliu: 1 "ii Hi'
tmvnl fli'U of opi-railon ixpoi) iti'-i
(11 tho rlk or iM'itm ntrtii-k by a rhin.i
l.onilon -Tho fliTio (lorinnn atim
011 tho Wnrnuw trout Im iinulli al r
atiuiiUtlll, uicordlMK to rt poi t rorclv
ud from both llorlln nml 1'olronr.n
On thu olhor hand tho KiimmIiiii i-tipif 1
roport thni nu oacb wlnit of tho i'lu..
urn baltlo lluo, tho Humlan offoiiHlw
Iwih boon ri'Humoil.
An offlrlat IliiuHlan conimunlrailui
AHHortH that Hi 0 llutirtluiiH havo ma:
proKi-oioi on tho lluiiKurluu nlilo of Hi
woiitiTii (,'arpnthluu ruiiKon, ":i woll nu
..aliotd HiicfouH In tho illrootloit o
'.tcnilaborU, which ri'HiiJtml In ilrtvlnu
hack tho oniony with eoiiNldombu
iomioh In KUiH and prlHimorH,
Tho AUKtro tlui-man army Ih mild t'
liavo mot tovomiiH on Iho Unllclan Hlib
if Um Uzwik and llimkbl piihhoii.
jalaiicliiK thoMO ItiiMHlan hiiucuhnoh aro
tho Itiifodan admboilou of tliolr rotlro
miint boforo Htroim forecH In lluko
ivlna and tho AiiHtrlau uiwortlou of
bavlnx ouUirod tho town of Klmiioluiiii
In tho crown luml.
In cant I'nmiilu NkIiIImk ilu.rn 1 1 y
In iiHHUinlnK uioro Uimiiorato charatv
tor. 'I'll Im' muy uucount for Iho lull on
Iho Wnrmiw front, tut Iho ouhI I'niH
ulnu forced may havo boon rolnforcod
hy Homo nf Fluid Mamlml Von llln
ilonburK'H veloraiiH.
Villa Rafusea Peaea.
Han Antonio, Tox. Frnnoldoo Villa
dnollnoa to hood tho uppftal of tho
Moxlcun poaco conforonco liold hura
laat Bftlaida, JlL rPtt!y-tCovl "If
Wrntany ntnit now npiwnl to tbor flo Mnnoai run lltmiaubunt'ii b
jhnn.torii ami oflort lo iluptlritU 1
ih -ni Um r -nnt Hoionn nilo
nay bo inf,r',il
I Nu important cbwnitw In tho
orti war arort havo owurtud ilurlo
qjf wifk Ikitb Ulo BMm m ln w.ti
tt!t for tho arrival of tb now llrin
tplUi. wllll'lt l to Rlvo Iho lKlln lo
llio rotirwal of ibo btiltlf of rinil'r
4 Ji .lsr, tbo FriMirb havo ntnhiti'
hVtir4 hoir ntfiMinivo without kIviii.
any r.Moii 1li tJormann pnlrti
I thrown tnrjg rjlnfofcftnimU ItUf
ffurt'' rv tv I'-rtont WHaon ont
! rt,.. r i4t'-)ir.'of tti atata
tltr"!i jji, ar. I Jii i;"l wuh blni
f'r hail i i-,.,ir tt that ihn bm
I rMnl will taVo to irot?t Um Aaiar
jlecn li, fn furthar in.ut9 by
II,-, VM! Hi, C,.
t I'. 'ii tmilr-Mftiii! K j, k " '. ti
jfiiy raa; at Mm netion oK't
la"i i'W. l il- Lii !au la rvn
", tb Hiara !.,: rt i-.. . 'ua '!
It i-ulflftt hor from tlormun HOtutia-'rln
Informal 4Ufniiln by lr.H;M
Wlititin with hta (J--ia ah.i 0 of
tb danar ui whab nui i !;;
ma im n il Mcird ii. tb
L;tKMl war onoa arwnnd Uiai rb
in n wd If- -l an! ilia no .! iho
Hntr Umlu f in Anofiean flaa
fO'tubailftWi I a ii5,i- ti.rrNiui-J
nnt tiotwMM die. tMittMl yar a:
tjottt (Unai Itnvi n nsut Ogrtn.tny, r
ilr- tlvjr, on iba iut!wn.
1 s 'cb raa in An-l-n n"vrn
inVnt. Im-chupm of lu notttraltty. ran
! Out itlnOH Um !ir tthlth U. ' hv.t.
; flronu ma? adopt uwarJ o-U oihr.
!Th proacr ptton of th t ni H
j unit. Iiownvor. or 1 1 la UM) of n neutral
' flas b) txtUiDoroul ownvd u a (
' nimbtRimt nf war ha not isivon itic j
Ami-rtfait r.ticlaU concorn o much i
, tho inwp. 1 that iho acts may on
-dungur thu umh ut Amorlrtin cttuoun
I on uputml .; durtiiit lltno of war.
fttmmi right Ui trnvol on tho h'gh mma
It In IntliiiAtod. will bo vigorously d-
i Three Dettroyero nnd rive Oubwa-
rlnc to be Oullt on Coaat.
Wanhlruiton.- -Ovttr a utroiiuoitn jiro
t!t from Majority lwlor UihIitwoimI,
tho houmi lu (mimlm; th" naval appro
(irlatlou hill n-imm-il provnilou for the
(ioimtrtictlon of two now drourttiouRhtx.
Thi bill, an It goo to III" minute,
rarrb'd IHI.C48.8oj. ami nulhor!cs
thu foIloMlm foimiriiinloti proKraur.
Two battloitblpa of tho laritont and
uiofit poworfiil iIomIhu, 7.K'ii,ooo ouch,
lucluklvn or armor and armamont
Bit lorpwluboal ilMtroyom. 1826.000
Ouo HKaBtilas (iiibunrlno torimdiv
boat. Il,4to.000,
ItloMtn ubiiurlr, irtlli.OOO uncb.
Olio oil tool aljlp. tl, 140.000.
An iviiMHldmi'iil Mti adoptivl authop
Itliifi tho oouiinn Uon of tbrw of tin-
U dimiroyora on tha I'nclflc Coant.
f"1va of tho Miihtnnrtrie aro to bo built
I Waiiilnotcn fitatc Hs Fewest Dentin.
I WanhhUtton. in-a'h rati- lo 1W13 ol
,14 1 ior 1000 nt iho attna;'J popu
la""Jn lu tho rrj; -'.ration area of the
llnitd Htfttua. co: ;)rixl with 13 0 put
t(K In JOH. in ; ,)wn in a roport by
tho cwiiflun burtHtu
U'nuliltifi n uta? ahnweil tho lowpit
nt, b'dn 6 1 r li'OO. whll Nw
lluiii.)itno v.n ' hlRh(t with 17 1.
Urltlsh Govern r nt Akt Blank Check
London - ,r He ftwt tlino lu 200
yoora. (hi) Itrlti, ' nav4nunont Invited
th I11MW tt 1. timous to rIvc It a
blank chock lor army purtMoxJu.
ArWsni Cwlri' Into Dry Column.
I.ittlo 'Hk. AiV -A bill provldtiiK
atnifrwldo pridilb in tn Arkntmas baa
bion ulsnod by (5.- rnor (!. V. Ilnya.
THC I, (tKfiTS.
tl.n on Munition OfifirH by Tail
Now Mntrn. Ptn WllPi-n llown"
Tftfl mad" tuU!o a Ifltor hi wrU
J.M-.unry 315 t'i l'rofor IMmoa.l mi
Uwth, of llann-1 Uulvt mity. In whJ
lilt nt-prortldn.it opjxjue tho cnofi
m0Jil of a law forhlibllitK the nupr'v t!
lUUidUona of war from thu country to
lie b lllMnrfnt nniivna.
The tx iiVol-'oiil imllovna actliw
would soiiio day count aBalimt tin
Unimd Htaiaa and Amnrlcin. who al
way will Iki unproparml. would bo at
a dbuidvrtutimo If uui purmltuM to pur
uhuitu matortal.
VlMUlClub, $ J,i . bh:!timi IJ.68;
nt liaantaii. Jl 4S, r :v fol.l. Il.r.7?
rlton rtlon OIU Cory In War Zone j r()( flt, jj j.i.
1 to r icspe urrmnna.
I . . . . . .... I
' Minuou, 1 lif jiriiifto moBiiiur i.iim
Twrnty-one Miner' Lives Lott.
Nannlmo, II. C Twniityono llwvi
woro Hiiuffoil out at U10 Hotilh Wnllltin:
tan mliio of tho Pacific Cnaal font
Mlooa. Utnltcd. whan Fire lloaa DaO('
Nitlerat flroil a idiot whloli broko
th i-itU Into ilu old- worktni: of tin
gr'-.'uftidd initio of llio Old Vnncniiw
Ca: romt-a iy. which had flllod wtf
at-. and wlton iho ahot tiro!
'! - 'i-lt thw InroaUtni: wntora drov.-j.
'.! ; iihi III tho niiutlou of llni initio a.
' 1 . I il... ii,irtr.l llttrt u'hlnh hhIIih!
from Now York January 30, flow thu
Amortoati fiw: from U Utno ski- ma
cd Uuaoutt. ii until ui tm torn t tho
Moraoy. Tba 1 vmtcl-oii fr by Amor
lean imuisri who inoi on bur.
Tha iJalilo of tho Whltn Htar lino
flaahod tho flrat warnlui; by wlrubmul
to tha Lnauania. anylm: two aubmn
rlnwi hud bemt nlRhtml. acconllnis to
thin pnnatoi -r Wln-ti tha Lualtanln
arr'vml off Quoonatown. attor "IioIiik
di'luyi'd by ,iav- ma which awpi tho
ditoka. In.'i- nt uutnbar of pasnou
Kirn, tho fctitu'n wlrtiloaa bticamu ox
ccmlltiKb a .Ivo and miiiiiiKU wore
flunked fruiu nhnro ami ua.
lloro for mile, bay homo H vrnra old,
farm home, for mile cheap. Hntuiro
Herald olllcc.
ita Lamern Oror n tiintliy, tic;
wmn- -0. "3. aVnlf IU. vnlioy Um
ib U-
Hu-tr ' 'W1UIP7, sou.
I tua l'uch, 2&f: candh-. 2Gc.
It-pa loH ornp, :13 crop,
Wool - V'aUoy. SZe; Oroou.
Pact Ovrr riahlno Win at Olympic
Olympia, Wnah. lloih Iioiihhh of Ui
iViuhliiKtou b'llHhuiito' ailoptcil lb
roport of Um Joint Wahlii;ion-Orno,i
Utltinlatlvo cotnuilttco 011 Columbia rlv
or flnhlm;, virtually plmlKlux iho IhkIh
oituro thoniby to adopt tho uulform
litlla duoldiHl upon by tho Joint com-tiiiiblon.
Veto of Literacy Teat It Sustained
Waiihlnr.lon. An attempt to pawn
tho Immigration bill proxcrlhliiK a lit
eracy tent for tho admlNNlou of allium
over l'roildoul Wllwon'a voto fnllod In
tho hoiiKc, tho afflrinallvo voto lack
lot; five of tan micnuiiary two thlrdu.
All klndx of wood and fence ponlH.for
alu, Heo Hhrode.
thn cbalruiau of thu commlllco a, muni
by tho conforonco to tratiHinlt to tho
U'udnra of tho warrhiK Moxtcuu fau
tloiiH IIh roHOlutlou UHkliiK Ihom to lay
down their iirmii ami proulalm peace,
Villa bitterly arrulKiiii tho mini who
railed thn conforonco and rojoota the
iilaii proponed,
Now York to Vote On Suffrau.
Albany, N. Y.Tho wonmn uuffrnai
ONolutlou pauuud by tho leKlnlalurii
"111 wiih nilopteil lu tho unrmto by
,..:anlni jUH voto. It provlounty ha I
nJoptod In tho niiHOinbly, Thu
'.ir;i of Um nlnto will now havo tho
.lu Utv to voto on the uchUju i '
tatluna' umondmout,
Wheat lUuoabsm, tM olub ?1E4;
red Huaalnn, 11.47: turhoy rt'd, fl.49j
rorty-rold, J1.5r.; fife, $l,f,l.
llarloy J34.I0 par ton.
Hay Timothy, $10 pur ton; alfalfa,
14 liar ton.
llutir- '"'roamory, 3lo.
Comfortable Hleepinn room for ront,
one block from Mimonic ltld. Herald
fay koiA& envu
Bad BLOOD POISONING Is a danger to be feared;
It causes DEATH quickly and surely. The safe thing
to do when any wound Is made Is to come to us for
antiseptic banday cs and supplies. Many a life has
been lost by using "just anything" In dressing
You can rely upon anything you get at ourdrug
The Tillamook Dtvg Store
We give you what you ASK for.