Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 12, 1915, Image 6

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    : ,' ):!.vk. I.',
"I V, M I !V . .1' ll I Vl HUN
,, 3, Mock 12, 1wH
4 J.S
K i
K.ck J and Co., Lol
. 20 i. sixl 22. Block l a
i i, 3. 4. and S.
I I, T in Rock.
;ork I and Ctt, Lota
ck iA lirin Rvk .
locks Und i , I ots
, and ao, BJ ' '.. Twin
ck I.'
v Lol
K nk. ...
i .'i i, ami
n i u Twin
U'.' OtS
!. I I.
. U.
! v. o ,
' l .V,
I, i
.1 -k
v ,
2' x
- ...d
I .it, I
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i ' .
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.' 1
- ' J.
. -i i
t n
ik .
V o .
( .
' I..
K d
.'!'. ok -.
. Lol
.to, Block
Co. Lots
ck Land . . Lot io,
k is, Twin Rock-
locks Land Co.. Lots
22, Block 25, Twin
( pitifrton Trustee, Lots
. Block 8, Rose City
r ,i
1 v pington. Trustee Lot
' o, and Lots I, 3, and
, t 10, and Lots l, 2 and
v : ii. Rose City Beach.
I -a pington Trustee, Lots
Block n. Rose City
. '.i
1- i pington. Trustee Lots
-. iMj S, Block 12, Rose
f . : -ach
1 fv- i.Sunook Bay Co., Lot
0, ! io, Block 2, Ocean
In' Park
j 'v ,"i!!ainook Bay Co., Lots
ii ar.d i j, Block 2, Ocean
L .r J 'ark
Hftu-r 1 T. .cott, Lot 7. Block
4 'an Lake Park
H. 1 '! amplin, Lot to, Block
1 ;.-r?.n Luke Park
T .V iil.itnook Bav Co., Lots
i. ':' ck 7, Ocean Lake Park.
Ms,. M.iller, Lot? 8, o, io, and
ij . Block ; Ocean Ukc Park.
Tlv Tillamook Bay Co., Lots
i 12. and 13, Block 10,
.rr-n Lake I'ark
Hie .V'smook Bay Co.. Lot
1. - l'.Iock io. Octan Lake
1 9
TI Tillamook Bav
Co., Lots
. 3. and 6, Block
L-kr pirV
14, Ocean
'I lie . i'!amook Bay
Co., Lots
7. and 6, Block 15,
Lakt Park .
Tlio ' i!!,mook Bay Co., Lot
A Piock, 17, Ocan Lake
Ili 'llamook Ba Co., Lois
I. A 3. and a. Uluck 28, and
Ly- a io, 11, 12. 1 j, 14, 15.
1, i-.. an'l .o. Block
A. an'! N'orth 2 f. et of Lot
Block 29 " irean Lake Park.
The Tillamook Bay Co., Loti
f, 7, and 8, Block 29, Ocean
take Park
J5 0. Bozorth, Lots I, 2, 3,
4j, and 3, Block 32, Ocean
like I'ark
Tlfr Tillamook Bay Co., Lots
'.. 2, 3, a, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11,
aJ 12, Block 3, Ocean Lake
Th't T ilUmook Bay Co., Lots
'1 i, IS, if', and 17, Block
3Z Ocean Lake Park
Tht Tillamook Bay Co., Lots
I. 2. 3, 4, 5. fi. 7. , 9, io, 11,
1 and 13, Block 46, Ocean
Lfke Park
The Tillamook Bay Co., Lots
II. IS, l6, 17, l8, 10, 20, 21, 22,
21 24, 25, 20, 27, 28, 29, 3". 3i.
35 32, 33, 34, 35. 3, 37, 3, 39,
4J, 4. and as, 43, Block 46,
OJcran Lake Park
The. Tillamook Bay Co., Lots
44 !, l(, 47, 48, A'). 50 Block
tl and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23,
Ht'ck 47, Ocean Lake Park..
TIillamook Bay Co., Lots
2 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
3 82
si -.
,, .'. 11 4-. i.t. 44. i.
n Uloik t.". Jld 1 Ot
, t. X 4. S Block .S.
Ocean Lake Purk.
The Tillamook Buy Co. Lot
7,U UV II. I A I.V l. ..
10, I,. , J 'A ',n,,
J4. BliH-k 4S, Ocean I .ike
The Tillnmook Bar Co.. Lots
ia. tj, 14. 15. V ?. Olock
44. Ocmn Iikr I'ark. . .
The Tillamook Bay Cv. Lot
i, t 20, 2t. ti. as, 24. nl
3S Block 40 Cccn Lafc
The TilUwook Buy Co.. Lots
t. .1 4. 5. i 7. ' 1
12. IA 14. 5
A 21. 22, 21, 2 "nd 2, ItlOiS
08 '
.icn ua t ara.
he Titlamook Bay Co., Lots
SX JU. 35. 3. 37. 3. J 4W.
l. 43. 4J 44 4 V 4N 4?. 4. 4
.ml !, HUnk 5a and Lot
i. A 3. 4. 5. . 7
;t. (cean Lake Park. .. .
The Tillamook Bay CoH Lots
S, o. to, M. 12, it, 14. S.
ir. i. and n, Block 51,
Ocean l.jke Jrk. . ..
1 he Tillamook Bay Co.. Lots
2J. 24. J.S A 7. . 30. iU
."2, 33. .U. 35. 3. a'l 37.
U ok n tihc Park. .
1 ho Tin.-, .nook lUy Co.. Lots
.; ? , 42. 4o. 44. 45. 4A, 47.
ui ' lock ft, and Lots I.
i. 0. to. 11 ti.
1 1
I he
. -t.
iX. and ia
Like Park.,
' .v Cot, Low
in.! 24. Block
. J, 4. J, 6, ?.
. i.t, 4. 15. 16.
22, and 23.
n Lake Park. .
. Blcck 6.
. 4
t t ?, Block 6,
"t ogon. Lot 9,
I . t 8, Block
. !
o. Block i.
i Block
--m. Lot
i .in P.nrk.
1 80
'..)n. Lot
ivo .ti t"aru.
n Lots 22,
k i. Bayocean
Kealty Co , Lot o.
t!;u ocean Park.
n o R.urbum. I ot S,
Pl.ick . Bayocean Park.
i' McK.irl.nd. Lot o. Block
., Bayocean Park
f Reynolds. Lots to, and II.
BWk o. Bavocean Park. . .
B. Potter Realty Co.. Lots
' :3 j, and Block 21, Bayocean
' S3 iVd S. Hall. Lots o and 7.
1 Block 2.1 Bayocean. Park.
'53 f tohaS'!li. Lo( 17 Block S,
1 Bayocean Park
! Archbishop of Oregon, Lot 3,
3-06 ; Block 27. Bayocean Park. . . .
Si. F. O'Brien, 1-ot 35. Block
'53 I 42, Bayocean Park.
Isabel Cook. Lot 7. BlocK 43.
Bavoccan Park
3-05 f . M. Crawford, Lot 33. Block
44, Bayocean Park.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. Lots 2,
0-10 1 1; and 10. Block M. Bay-
ocean Park
V C. Ovnitt, Lot 30, Block 40,
Bayocean Park.
; Ora B. Hawkins. Lots 36, 37,
, and , Block 4", Bay
ocean Park. ... ...
$0 j Chts. F. Brown, Lots 42 and 43
Block 49. Bayocean Park. . .
Portland Motor Car Co.. Lot
9 '5 I 16, Block ?o, Bavocean Park.
T. B. Potter Realty Co, Lot 10
Block 51, and undivided '4
2-14 1 interest in Lol 0 and undivid
ed ' interest in Lot 10 Block
53. Bayocean Park
241 1. H Taffc, Lot 1. Block u.
Bayocean Park.
53 i M. K. Freeman, Lot U, Block
54, Bayocean Park
.5J! T. B. Potfer Realty Co. Lots
35. 36, 37, 3S. anl 30. Block 54
152 Bayocean Park
T. B. Potter Realtv Co Lots
11. and" 12. Block 7. Bav
occan Park
T I? Pntl.r IpmIiw fn I nl
2f. Block 60, Bavocean' Park.
C. W. ;inhir. Lot 22, Block
(io, Bayocean Park
122 T. B. Potter Uealtv Co. Lot o
Block 60. Bayocean Park.
Cert M Hvlanil lot 17 Hlnct
7-dl 61. Bay ocean Park
F. O. W'rcnn and K. L. Swan
ton, Lot 48. Block 61. Bay-
ocean Park
I 44
O M Scott, Lot si, Block 61,
BayocTiii Park
Ktta and N'ettie Kumlcr. Lot
I. Block 62, Bayocean Park. .
hdwh I. Gardner. Lot 7, Block
(?. I':'yoc'an Pirk. .
T. B. Potter Realty Co., Lot.
II, Block 03, Bavocean Park.
1. 44
Mattie J. Santer. Lots is. and
16, Block 63, Bayocean Park.
Clias. W. Stose, Lot 20. Block
63, Bavocean I'ark
Geo. V.. Kramer. Lot 21, Block
6.1. Bayocean I'ark
John Olson, Lots 26, and 27,
Block 63, Bayocean Park. . .
Ida K. Oprdon, Lot 28, Block
63, Bayocean Park
9.!5jJohn drover. Lot 6, Block 61,
Uayocean Park
Dnninl W lirriwn T nlc R n in
11 and 12.. Block 64. ' Bay-'
ocean Park
Ora B. Hawkins. Lots 14. is.
?nd 16. Block fu. Bavoccan
T. B. Potter Realty Co.. Lot
10, lilock 6s, Bayocean Park,
Lillian Corlic.tt, Lot 4, Block
66, Bavocean Park
I G Cinlfr ! nl Tttnrl. f.i
Bavocean Park. . .' ,'
Malic! C. Turner. Lot 59, Block
66, Bayocean Park
Rosn V. Wrifht I nt 68, Block
66, Bayocean Park
I nic f W.1,1,' In. re TM 1-
67. Bivocean Park
Jesse G. Bennett, Lot 25,
Block 7t, Bayocean Park, ...
, ,.vA 1 iVt't. u I -1 .
ni,tk SS. B.ix.ucin P.uk
vi II HiKRiif.. Lots JS anil -A
Block . and Lots l. 2, J, 4, 5
7, and S. Block 5. Ocnn
Marie C,Booh-. I wis o. hi, 11,
and ii, Bloik .. oraniew. .
Marie C. B..1,m. I -is tG,
17. and tS, Bluck s ncrnii-
U. 11. Hlntin. I ols i. IJ. I.
and is, Block 6, Ocean view, .
ti. H. Iliiin. Lots 2J. '4. "l
JX, Block s, Oceanview
(i. 11. HiRBinv I ots t, and .
Block 6, Chfranvtrw
Clara V. Metter. Lots kj, ami
21, Block 7, Oceanview
Ci. M. Hiitcin. Lois 0. and 10,
Block S, Oceanview
G. 11 UigRins. l ots 12. tj. and
14. Block S, Oceanview
G. 11. Hiairins. I ots 7. S. and
10, Block , Oceanview
11. It Hiins, Lots 13. ami
14, Rlock o. tVcanvie w. ....
G. H. lli!in. Lois i 17. hU
l, Block 0, Oceanview
ti. H. HiKirins. t ots ia, 20, at,
and JB, Block g. tVcanriew. . .
G. H lUin. I o l
and 2A Block it t)ceanview..
U. H. Himtin. Lot 3, Block
It, Ocati4cw
. H. Hfcgin. t o U.
14, and t. Block 11, Ocean-
G H. Himrins, Lots 7. 8. .
n. and ij. Block iJ. Owan-
G. H, HirHn. Lots 23. and J4.
RW l Oceanview
G, W Hisitlns. lot ir.M4
0. Block 1 Oevlew
G H Hkws, Lots to, and 1 1.
Blck 1 , iceanvicw
G. H. Hhtelnn. Lot ia. 17.
tt, Block 13. Oecanvkw. . . .
G. H. Kiwi1. I ots JO anil at,
Block i k cranview. . . .
G. M Hirin. Lots . a. 3.
4. ft. . 8, 0, to, 11. and 1 a.
Block 14. Oceanview
ti, H. Hiin. Ut t3. d 14,
Block 14. Oceanview.
0 H Hijfltins. I ois I. 1 and
1 7, Block 14, Oceanvirw.
C, H. HiRjrins. Lots 18. to. ao,
2t. 2A and 23, Block 14,
iV. H. HiTins, Low .. 25, and
A Blwk 14. Oceanview
V McCurdy. Lot 4. Block
i. Oceanview. .
(. H. HisrRins, Lot 8. Block
15. Oceanview.
G. H. HiKirins, Lot R, Block
Ij, Oceanview
G H. Hiftgins. Lots ij, and 14.
Block IJ, Oceanview. . . .
C. II. Higtiin. Lou 22. 23, it.
and J,. Block IS. Oceanview.
G. H. HiRgin. Lots 2. s. 6, 7.
8. 9, and 10. Block tS, Ocean
view G. H. Higgins, Lots ll, IA
13. 14, LS d 17. Wo
18, Oceanview
G. H. Wiggins. Lois ilk i, and
jo, Block l, Oceanview
G. H. Higgins, Lot 21, Block
18, Occanvie
G. 1 1. Higinns, Lol 25. Block
it, Oceanview
G. H. Higgtns. Lots 6. and 7.
Block 19, Oceanview
C. II. Higgins, IU 0, 10. unil
ll. Block IV. Oceanview
G. H. Higgins, Lot 12, Block
10, Oceanview
Ci. H. Higjfins, Lois ij. and 14.
Block ly. Uccanview
G. ii. Hiatus. Lots 1 J, 16. and
10, ou,ck iv, Uccinview.
Clara B. MeUger, Lol 19.
Block 19, Oceanview
G. M. Higgins. Lot 20, Block
10. Oceanview
1. So
I. Ho
I 80
G. H. Higgins. Lot I, Block
jo, c.anwew. ...
F. M. t.ruikslunk, Lois 2. and
3, Block 20, Oceanview
G. II. Higgins, Lots 4, 5. 7.
0, and to, lilock 20, Ocean
view G. H. Higgins. Lot ij. Block
20, Oceanview
Kj. ii. liiggins, 15, 16, 2nd 18,
lilock 20, Oceanview
O. H. Higgins, Lots 10, 20, and
21, Block .'0, Oceanview
alary J. YVeniwurth, Lot 1,
Block 21, Ocenimcu
G. II. Hii;ins, Lou 2, j, and
4, Block 21, Oceanview
G. H. Higgins, Lot 6, Block 21,
Ci. 11. riiRgiin, Lots 23, and 24,
Block 21, Oceanview
fci. H. Higgins. Lots (, 7, 8, ;,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
io, 20, 21, and 22, Block 22,
G. H. Higiiis, Lot 4, Block 23,
f 'ccanvicw
Harry ileal, Lots 5 unci (1,
Block 23, Oceanview
G. H. Hinnins, Lots 7, 8, i), and
10, Block 23, Oceanview. . . .
G. H. HiKnins, Lots 11, 12, and
13, Block 23, Oceanview. . . .
G. H. HiKgins, Lots 14. 15, 16,
17, 18, 10, 20, and 21, Block 23
J. H. Hartcr, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, i), and 10, Block 2, A Ta
lon J. ll. Hartcr, Lot: .11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16. 17, 23, 24, 25, and
26, Block 2, and l.ots 2, 3, 4,
5. 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and
14, Block 3, Avalon
J. K. Hartcr, Lots IS, 16, 17,
18, iq, 20, and 21, Block 3,
and Lots I, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, is, 16, 17,
and 18, Block 4, Avaloi
J. R. Hartcr, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7. 8, i), 10, Block i), Avolon,
J, R. Hurler, Lots 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20,
Block 0, Avalon
J. R. Hurler, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, s,
6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, and
14, Block io, and Lots 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, and 8, Block 1 1, Avalon.
J. R. Hartcr, Lots 21, 22, 23,
21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 2 30, 31, 32,
33, 34. 35. 36, 37 and 38, Block
1 1, and Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6,
Block 12, Avalon
J. U. Harter, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
11. 12, 13, 14, and 15, Block 13
and Lots 1, 2, 3, A, 5. 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, ia, 13, 14, i, 16. 17,
18, 19, and 20, Block 13, Ava-
J 'L Hartcr, Lots 21, 22, 23, 24.
x .. .s . i. .tv ji, J- 3.1,
l! 1 .. 3. 3 . J. .W. I". I'
t2. II. K ""-I Hl" '!
wnd Lois I. 2. J. and 1. Bloik
14, , .ili'n
J. R Han. i. I ! . 7. N .
to. 11. i. 1.1. 'I. is, n 17. '8.
10. m. -1. Jj. l. S A 7.
w. .-v. J J, JJ. JJ. M Jl
Block 14. Aalon
1, K Harter. Lois 43. A f? .
a jrn, Ji. J JJ. J4. J5. JA J7. ,
A 3 4A 1. I 4J. 44.45. 1
47. and i. Block ij. and l ot
(, Bhck Avalon. ..
1. K. Hatler. Lou A 47. ,
20, 30. J". J J l J "J
i Block 10. AvahMi.
J. II Harter. Lot 37. 3 3b
40. 41. 4 A 43.44. 45. 4. d
47, Block to, and Lota IJ, it.
and 15, BUk 17. Avalon
I K llarier. Lois l, , 3. I. 5
f. 7. !k o. i i. 4. 5.
to. nd 1?. HWk 23, Avatsw.
J. K llattrr. Lots. iH 1 M
21 .Ji, 43, 24. 2J. A 7.
, 31. 3. 33. 34 .J 3 39 A
W. and 40. Block 23. "! LU
1, 2,3. 4. V o. d 7. Block 41,
I K H.il r. t o S, ik 10. II.
i.-, .V U. V l. 17 .
.I, i2, 2J, j. 2. A 27. a, atik
Ji. M 3.U 34. Js. JO "id
. . BU-vk .4 .Xtalon
! ! H,tMer. I Ms 3X d
. 1. .1. muI Lots 14, IJ.
1 j. t., .iii.l 17. BHck 45,
I. H Htiier, Lot I. 16, U. li,
n. .i.i.l .v. Block aM, add I. a,
t. (, and i Bkck Jtt, and
I , i i2. i.t. and 14. Block 30
iUin. . ,
J K Matter, t ni 14. BUwk 31,
ami i oil 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. V 7, .
l ll. 12. 13. 14. 15, I?.
uj, and 20, Block 34, Avalon,
i 1( Lamb, hot 4. Clock t, Jc
utt. ..
K I Coou. Lot 2. Block o.
Nelatl By Park, ,v . .
M F Vcey, Lois 1 1, ia. 13,
14. 15. 17. in, 10. and m,
Block a. fand lake By the
Sea , . . .
M :. Vcy. 33. 34, 35.
37. ,t 30, 40. 41. 42. and 43
Block 2, &ml Uk By The
i M K Vcsncy. Lot 1. a, 3. 4. 5.
'. 7. o. ad to. Block j
4 nd I akc By Tfc Sea, . ,
M F cry. 1jh it. ta. 13.
ik, i, ir tK 10, 20, ai.
.I. Ji. 2s, A 27, a a 30, ji,
32. .13. 34, 3s, 30. 37. 3. 30.
.1 I jkc
JG Ihc Sea.
Si I Vcr, Lol l. 44. 4J,
I '.. 4-'. 4. 47. 4. 4. A 51.
td 2, Block 3, Snd I jk
I'.-, the Sea. . ..
(, B Coikltn. l ot tS Jft 40.
n. 42, 43. 44. 45. 47. 4
u, wv 51. and ja. Block 5,
,nl I. .fee By The Sea. . ..
hi I. Swank, l.OW 44, 43. 44.
4 s 4. ?, 4. 4, JO, SI. d
Block (S Sand Lake By
Ihr Sea
M. F. Veey. Lol 41. 42. 4J
4 1. 45. 4. 47. I IO. JO. t,
and 2. Block 7, Sand Lake
By The Sea
Belle McDonald Lac. Lota t.
J. t. 5. o. 7. . 0. d 10,
Block S. Sand Like By The
John J. Stolte, Lota 19, 20, at.
22, 23. a4. as, 26. 27, aS. 29.
30, JI, 3a. 33. 31. J5. 3'i J7.
ami 18. Bl ck K, Sand Lake
By The Sea
J. D. Morns. Lot 1, a. j, .1, 5,
6, 7, 8, 0, 10, ti. ia, 13. 14. 15,
16, 17, 18. iv. jo, at, 22, 33.
and a.t, Bloek 9. Sand Itke
By The Sea
J. I). Mortis. Lot 29. JO, Ji. ja,
UJ. J. 35. y. J7. ja, jo, 40.
41. 42. 4J, 41. 45. Ah. 17. (8. 40.
SO, S'. and 52, Block 9, and
Lou 1, an. I 2, Block io, Snnd
l2ke By The Sea. . ,
J. I). Morris. Lot J, , 5. 6, 7.
8, 9, 10, 11. 12, ij. 14. 15, 16.
17, 18. iv. 20, 21. 22. 2J, ai, 25,
and 26, Block 10, Sand likc
By The Sen
J. IX Morris, Lots 33. 34, 35,
3. 37. 3. 39, io, H. 42. IJ. II.
15. f, 47. 8. 10. 5" 5". am' 52.
Block 10, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
s. 6, 7, 8, v, ami 10, Block 11,
Sand Lake By The Sci
J. I). Morris, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14.
15, 16. 1-. iK, io, ;o, 21, .md
22, Block 11, Sand I-ike By
The Sen
I 20
J, IX Morris, Lois jt, 32, jj,
34. J5. J". 37. 3". 39. and 40,
Block 11, Sand like By The
J. D. Morris, Lot 41, 42, 43,
44. 45. 47, 4, 49. JO, 5 1,
and Block 11, and Lots 3,
4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 10, II, 12, 13,
14. ic. and 16, Block 12, Sand
Lake By The Sea
M. Iv. Vessey, Lots 17, 18, to,
20, 21, 22, 23. anil 24, lilock 12
Sand Lake By Thr Sc2. . . .
M. K. Vcsscy, Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5,
. 7, . 9, 10, anil 11, Block 19,
Sand Lak By The Sea
M. Iv. Vc.iscy, Lots 20, 21, 22.
23. 24. 2S, an, 27, 28, 29, and
30, Block 19, and Lots 1, 2,
3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and II,
Block 20, Sand Lake By The
Sea ;. ...
J. IX Morris, Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,
, 7, k, anil 9, Block 22, Sand
Lake By The Sea
J. IX Morris, Lot B, Block 22,
ami i.ots 10, 17, ih, 19, so,
21, 22, 2j, a, 2.s, 26, 27, 28, 29,
and 30, Block 22, and Lots 1,
2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12,
13 ami 11, Block 23, Sand
l-akc IJy The Sea
J. I), Morris, Lots 15, A, B. 10,
17, in, 19, 20, ai, 22, 33, 24, 3?,
26, 37, 28, 29, and 30, Bluck
33, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, s, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 24,
Sand Lake By The Sea
D. Morris, Lots 13, 14, 15,
A. B, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23,
33, 24. 2.s, 26, 37, 28 29, and
30, Block 2(, and Lois 1, 3, ,
4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block
2S. Sand Like By Tin: Sea,
J, D. Morris, Lots 11, 13, 13,
14. IK. l6. 17. 18. IO -jn 11
i 22, 31, 24, 3.s 26, 37, v, so, anil
t,i pi .k "il 1 "," ' J'
, s , 1 11 I N HI.- k A
sjmi 1 '.k. ii" s,-
I I) Moms. 1 ol 18. 19, .
t ji. aa. a.L Ai. av A L
and m Bl.wk nihm ik
Br The , , , ,
A II MaUnct. I
.VUlaHpy Addition 10 tXtwi
i.Stt P ... ,
John M l w'
Malanry Addllio l VcraH
ll' VnA V C. Mi !
aa Block a .
Nvhalvm B -
It and 4. m
1 ja hrtthi. ... . . . . 1
I, a, J, t, V d o. Bio. s j.
lg Krhlm Bay t4d to. l.'H
ll IJ. 14. 15. "Kd I
and t t 1. a, 3. 4. V an
a 04 Bhnk v VahrigM , ,
.SVhalrw Hay i anl 1.0. s
k Vi. ij. II It. 15.
Block .t, SifiHj
iiuUiwI 7, Wlk 4.
j Sbriht . .
Nehalrm Hay .! tn.
ll. ia. I.V M. I. -Bltwk
I. Seabriithl
NVhalem iUy Uod C tt. Lot
t 1, 2, and JS, Block !k Wbt
Nehalrm Bay Lund Lot
I 10, ii, 1 A 'J a 14. "lock
1 44 1 . Scabnghl . .
Nrhatraa Hay Und tt
1. and , Block 7. SbHgM
KchaWm Bay Und C. Lol
n. and ta. Block 7. d ll 1
t.Sf- a. 3, and 4. Jttock K srhritkl
Nelule.n Bay Land l l-'i
0 and 7. ttlock Shriarhl
S.IV4 Nehaleni Bay Laud to. Lot
1 1. and ia. Block , and Lot
1.401 I and 2. RUtk 0. N-t.i1gi1
ao NeMkiw Bay I ano to I H
. and ft. Block , S
htierti Nehalem Bay Land o I tt
1.40 7. , a to, ii. and 1 h Hl rk .
l.ns t. a, and J. Block 10.
St ;hght. .
N"rhteia tU L.-nd Co I
54 I A, 7. d 10. HLfk 10.
Nehalem B lnl C t.oi.
t 0 a. Md Swlh '4 f 1
Block 11. !clMahi
J S. I'oter. t.'M if .id tS,
Bhk J, Sstnet B-'ach
K K Finish son. Lot 1 and a
Block 7. Smel Bcarh,
4 JO F. t Heidilxink. I ot n and 7.
Block 2i. Sunset Bcack
V.. f. and M. Fmervw. l.-n,
a. and i. Blk aa. Sttt
in Beach
Geoe Reddaway. Loin 10 .sn I
ai. BLck aj. Snirl Haci.
Kcpiuch ami Martin. Vi lnttt
3.10 el in t oi i, a, and 3. Block
. at I Lol I, ?. . sad
Block B and Lol 1. 2. U I.
5. A. 7. S. 9. 10, 1 1, an 1 ".
154 Block 1. and Lot 1, a, t. t.
J, 6, 7. ft and 11. llWk
a. Nennaeh and Ui'
a-ldiiioi. 1 K 1 lkv
t- Patk. .
NtPiuich and Want , l 'i'"
ei in ltt ia. it, 1 1. f. i 1
i". 81 a, 1 .d I' .
1 io 1. .1. u;. 3. 0. 10. 11. ia.
1 1, 1 1 ij. ami 16, Block j,
and Lou 1. a, j. 1. 5. 6. 7. S,
andV), Block .1. N'(ach and
Vl.irtoi Aildilion Io Xrhalrm
a.So Unv Park . . .
Kcpnach md Matiin. H Infer,
est in Lot to, 11, li. 13, and
.14.1 Block 4. nnd l.ot 1, 2. 3.
1. . 6. 7. K 0. 10. n. 12. t.L
3 3" nd M. Block k. and l.ot 1.
.a. 3. 1. S, h. 7. 8. . 10, and 11,
'yilock A, Nefiuch and M tr
im' Addition to Nelialem
Bay Park
3&l est in Lots 12. IJ. II. IS.
and i. Block 6. and Lois I,
2, 3. I , f. 7. 8, u, io, n, 12,
I J. II. IS, an I lA. Block 7.
an.yi. its 1. 2. t. 1. l 7. H.
J JO and o n-ftU H. N'riitMrh and
Marti. i's Aildilion to N'elul
em IUt P.ik. , .
Mrttiacli nnd Mnriin. t Inter
est in I ots 10, 11, 12, 13. sunt
1 1, Illork 8, and l.ots 1, 2, 3.;
4.20 1, j. 6. 7. H, o to. 11. u. ii,
14. is. and ift, Block 9, and
L"'s 1, J. 3. I. 5, o, 7. 8. and
0 Bhx'.'n SVonurli A- Vttir.
1.68 1 (j j' Addition to N'rlialrm
Bay Park
S'ciich .mil Mariin, V inter.
st. in Lot! 10. 1 1, 12. it. 1 1,
1.40 15, ar I i"5 Block io Ninnadi
"id ! trti m's Addition o
.Veluleiii Bay Park.
Marion Filer, Lot I, 2, 3, 4,
5. aad (,., Block I, Nrlulem
Ha v Pari;
3.6 N'rlulem Bar Park Land Co..
Lots 6 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, and
U. Block 1, N'ehalcm Bay
1.12 I Park
N'rhalrni lUy Park Land Co.,
Lots 1 A, 17, 18, 19, 20. 31. 32.
I.54 and 23, Block 1, Nehaleni Bay
Marion Filer. Lol 24, 2.s, jA,
27, and 2H, Block 1, Nehalnn
Bay Park
Nelul cm H,t v I'jrlc I t ful rti
308 Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. S. A. -. . to'
IJ. 12. ij, and 14, Block 3,
Ncli.tlrtn Bav P.irk
I.2A M. E. Moll vwood. Lois ic uii.l
1 A. Block j, Nehaleni ' By
NclwlcrM Bav Park Land Co,,
1.0m 1, in, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24. aj; 2A, 27. and 38, Block
1. Nrh.ilein B.-iv P:irL-
Nehalrin Bay Park Land Co.,
i.ots 1, 3, 3, 4, 5. (, and 7,
Blosk 4, and Lots 1, 2. 3, .,, 5,
A, 7 8 o, in. 11, 12, 13, 14, is,
and lA Block s. Nehaleni Buy
Nehalem Bay Park LaiuiCai
i.oi 10, 19, 20, 3i, ami 32,
lilock . Nrhaleio Bav I'rl-
Hehalfnt Hay Parle Land Co,,
i.oia 33, 24, 2s, 20, 27, and 28,
Block f, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
A, 7, and 8, Block A, and Lola
1, and 2, Block 7, Nehaleni
, (t
Mckalsin Bay Park Land Ca.,
i.oi 4, 5, o, 7, 0, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13. I I, 15. and If', IHotk y,
N'eh.ikin liny Puk '
I Jo
1. 84
1 .35
t if
1 J"
Nt lidlriii Hay Park Ldinl
ilmlriii llav IMrk Ld
I oi 17, IN, iu. 20, ai
, ai,
a I, j, A a;, and 38, i
nnd Lou ii a, 3, 4. 1 1
. u. in. II. i a. ll 1 4. Ill
nnd LoUi. a. nnd 3, III
Nrlinlctn liny I'aik
Nehaleni 11.1)' I'alk I iiiul
Lol I. 5. n. 7. I. 0, I". I
l.l. M. I i, dud Id, lllml.
NiImIciu Ha IStik
Nhalriu Hv Park t jsihI
Lot 19, 20, JI, JJ, Ji, a,
A a?, mid jM. Blink u
Lot. I. 2, J, I, illlll , p
HUNflmlriu lUy Putk
Nfliulrni ILsy IVik I '
I. ota (l 7. u. in. il, I a. n
IS, and IK and Lol N I"
10, and l.o , j, 3, 4, '
8, o, Hi, ll, 12, IJ 14 15 it
and I . lilock 11. N'rl
lk Puik
(S'li4t Hay Patk I at. 1
Loll 19, A ai, aa, 21, 1
A a7, and aH, Hltuk 11
Ll 1, a. s. 4. i. f". ?.
11. ta. 1 j .ii. is. ift, 1
iH, and l.ot M, Murk 1.
Ildlrill )ky Patk
.S'elMlroi Hay 1'onk I an I
I -i . a. 3. I. t, 's 7. b,
II. ia. 13, 11. ij. ih. 17. .
jis ai, jj, tx 41. as. A. -
, '0
1 w
a. IH0.H Ij, anil I l. .
, HUwk I I, :.r liaG
.VeluLm Hay I'ark U.
l 3. I. 5. A. 7. . i
Illork 1 1. N'rhnl'w j
,ydi. i. ly luk I
I J1
L1.1. 11 ia, ij. 14. is
ig, iv. -, nd at, HI
K.lil 01 Hay Park
Kkal "' l: " I'atk I n !
L.i. 1. 1. I. . k T.
M II. Ilt.H'k to. K.i,
B Park
JfrhK. j I'Jik I at.. I
I t.i. 1 1. 1 1. if, tri ir. 1"
20, jj, ji.d 21. and I
HUh I :ft WKilrin U v
Kehal i H fatl I a.l
t .1. 1 .-. It,. A. 7. n .
II, t,. n.l il Hlvck it ',
llshn. P Park
Khlrh. iu. tik I j.
1jU I v. '. 17. and t 1
Ig. StI .1 ilrt l rl
NhUwt lu Patk I 1
l.t ii ji. aa, 2,i
and aft, Kl.-l, K, Set.
B , Ptt
Nehtlrm i4r laik latot
Lou 1. x i. s. ti, 7.
ii. 1 a. it. 11 is. 1 o, 1
Hl.rfk --.. S'.(lflH IU. I
Kchalrm Hat lslk I wm I
Ll I an ai. 42. 2,t '
Block Ji 4blrw JUv 1
Krkalrin (Us Patk U".!
t ! Ji.2c1.2r. a3, 27. '
Bl.k Vehalrui Hy
II M ViiHIMKl, 1jI lju '
Bhxs i. N'rhalrm llav I
tfchalm. Hy IVik I Ji.-I '
I .oi i .t. and 1. Hl k
NhU... lUv Park
MH-i I i 1, 1 t
A, r. H. v, to, 1 1. ia. 13. '
lA. i". t-5. ao, ai, 22. ;
2. A ao, and U. P'
j i V.li .lr 0 B lJk
Krhalem Hy PaiW I And
I. l J. . i. and to. HIjkV
Nchalrio ll.-.y Pa'V
N'rhalcm Bay lsik lnd 1
I i. in. 10, 20, 21. 22. at -
as. A 7. and 28. Bl-sk .
h'rhali in IU. Patk
.Vrhalem Bay Puik Und C
I ntti. a. J. 4. 5, and
lllfk 44. Nrhalrm ll Pi 1
Keluleio Hay l"nk Und t
.nt 10. II, 13, IJ. It. It. '
17, 18, 19, and so. lll. rk ,1
Nchalrm Bay Prk
Nrhalrm Bay Park t 4ld I
Lou Jt. 34. as. A J7. a " '
20, Block 4, Nehalein Hay
NVhalfin Hay I'aik lnd f ",
Lot t. 2, j. 1, S. ft. 7. 8 ). to.
II, and 1 1, Block as, N'chah m
Bay Park
N'rlialrm Hay Prk I-nil Co
Loi an. at. t), 23. ii. at. A
ft. 1 av, and o Block 2v
Vrh4lem Bav Park
IsVt'ilrm B y Paik LjiiiI t'o .
I oi t. .' t. and 1, Block j.
Vel.aleo- Uv Park
NVIialnti lUy P.uk Und Co.
I oU 10, II. 12. I.I. I.I. 15, I''.
; "d i". Block A Nehalewi
II.. "aik
Nehalnn Bay Paik Und Co.
I ,, 2'. 'i. anj jt, and
I 01, C. and II. Block A and
I 1, 2 sn-l 1. Block 27,
N'rhnlem Bav Park
Nrlmlrin Bay Park Und Co.
I.ots 4. t, ft, 7. 8, 0, 10, il, 12
1.1. and 14. Block 27, Nehalnn
Bav Park
Nehaleni Bav Park Und Co,.
Lois 17. 18. 19, 20, 31, 22, JJ,
21, 35, A 27. 38, 39, and 30,
Block 27, Nehaleni Bay Park
M Ir 011 Kdre, I.oi 1, 2, j, and 4.
Block 28, Nehaleni Hay Park
W. F. Swenurl I ols s. A, .md
7. Block 28. Nehalcm Hay
Marion Kdre, Lois R. ;, 10, 11,
u, i.t 1 1, and 1 J, Block 28,
Nehalnn Hay Park
Marion I'der, Lois 19. 20, 21,
and jj. F.. P. Block 28, Ne
halrin Bay Park,
Nehaleni Hay Park Und Co.
Lois 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Block
29, Nehalnn Bay Park. .
Nehalnn Hay Park Land Co,
Lois 1 A, 17, 18, 19. 20, 31, 32.
23, at, 2S, 2A 27. 38, 20 and 30.
Block 39, Nehalnn Hay Park
t w
3. '
I '3
t m
1 .v
i ar
t jo
4 so
4. jo
1. oj
3 00
Marlon Filer, Lois I. 3, 3, nnd
3 fto
4. iiiock 30, rsehalcin nay
Marlon Kdrr, Lola 6, 7, fl, 0.
10, 11. 1 a, 13, 14, 15. and ift,
C. U. Block 30, and Lol 1, 2,
3. I. Si f; 7, H. 0, 10, 11, ia, 13,
M. is, anil lA, Block ji, Ne
halnn Bav Park
Marlon Kdrr, Lola 5 and A,
murk ,11, Nehalnn Bay
Nehnlcm Hay Park Land Co.
Lou IJ, ift, 17, and 18, Block
A. Nehaleni Bav Park. . .
Nehaleni Hay Park Und Co.
i-,ots a 1, 35, 3ft, ay, an, and
20, niock A. Nelmlem Bay
Park ;.