Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 12, 1915, Image 4

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    Cbe Cillamook ntraid
C. G. Ci-wHiHey, tfitr
.ucd Civic j lUcck CMdav and Friday
Entered a t-onl--l,i,s. n.tter Ma, I ISM, at the post nllce t nllamook,
Orcpv. 'i-sor the art of March S, 1ST1 "
struscKirrios fiso . vj--r in am nck.
Jfdccrllsina Rales
' real Advorti ""writs
rirt lnsvrtii per tHe J .10
Eaeh jmhn:cnt insertion, line .OR
Homestead -.olicos - 6.W
Timber Clai na 10. tV)
Nties, per 1 .06
CaK of thanks. WT line OR
Local, w line, flrt insertion
linen sobstcouent insertion, lino .OS
RaanhitioM at ondltnce and
IamIit notices, per lino .Ofi
lUisine A Professional enrds.nio- l.CO
Disular Advertisement, por Inch .86
ALL Display A mutt be in thU of'
fiee on Monday ami Thursday Mori'
ing to insure publication In follow.
ln loesday Friday i.HSHW.
Reason nre imperative.
tct wen
f having
srewl p'
, attrition '
1'he propc-
the qor.
' .it , -;Ot
i r
tte are dc-
,t k . in rcjnrd to
1 his is not c K't
( of the hotel men
!t h.u been prrsnuied by many that condition of trade in this eooouj.
but apoo the conditions of trade, the
cost of manufacture, the cost of tran
rortaiion all the thint that enter
into the question of tariff in foreign
countries as well as the United State
be submitted to aid into alt those questions of forei
I combinations which affect In tern j
tionat trade between Europe and the
of the proposed I'nitrd State. It hat the full powers
ion of liquor in j which will roidc congress in the scien
- I rohibition taw, ' tific treatment of questions of inter-
e may ord-r national trade "
Allans of spirit-1 - . . -
.. it Hon of malt T,e pf tj, Kuropean war on
desttneu. immigration to the t'mtcd Stales has
,i i .rce of the pro- been very marked. Immigration
throujtn the port of New York for 101 t
that too Rfta' f off to tho extent of SOl.tIO per-
n ;.laced on the sons, or 15 per cent, as rompared with
: t'-.oe who m; ' 1913. Durintr 1911 arrivals numbered
r. while other- ;l.1.9lt persons, of whom 1.163,903 1
is not severe ' were aliens and lTO.l were returning
r.- still other (American cilttena. In 191 i arrival j
rifrktkn what- were only 733,(04; of these 573,5?S
. n the amoun- were alien and 159.X29 were oitisens.
nn Tunwnrthy schemer, .The beautiful
manner in which the story Is worked
lout in the "Kimo of Virginia" I rarely
olTeretl m Mich an able way. This s.
Jcietv comedy In four nets, will le
presentiM by the Dramatic I'lub umlcr
I the nuipicv of the Htter's Hand at
ino tui-ra iiouse rriunv aim rmurmy,
Jan. SUikI and Wnt
ecry pl.uc lliroui?li wltltli the tut
iMthcd soldiers i'.ird." V.
In everv way war i horrible.
Lands Cheaply
Logged Off
Nitllfo U heirbv-, Uivnts, Ihrtt Jw
(mnly rCoiirl, of TlllnuieoV I uiinly,
Oreitoii, wlli receive sealed bids fur Hie
folluwlnu Itoad I'lMlrt. 1 ,tKH feel of
;UUM'.'. Ifct.rtsl feet of Ilxil from 'i In
lit feet Imi. All In be kimhI iiriule
Strue, or llemliK'k llond I'lrtnk, and
.l.tliL'Mr.i.t nil iI.m llmiwnnii CotintV road.
reener-Breeraer Co., Tut Economical ! TiIUih.hiV, Oren"". sll bids lu be
I ...I H...:M U.,1,1 n.sl vsith the tli.ty rb rV uu or be-
mhu UiuiMrv I'Jlfi. at III O OIOCN
The Keene -Hreemer Co.. hs Jul
In erry war horror there are hud completed very economical ibtvice fur
lcr- and recoils, clearing land III lliohae of a gasoline
linrh i Imlt l" aeeompaiilwl lV a
ectlllled rhe. k made payablo to I III'
The number of departing aliens was ,
i r i'- the peori'r Rreater by ST.IS than lait year. I.r
did so Jc 'leg 1913 there left New York ui steam-,
tonsurr.pti.-'-' )hips bound for foreign ports a total
iimum in t' loX 381.068 persona ; during 19t I !et ar- ,
i'e Rreat mi-' ture were IIS.SJ6. ImmiKiation offi- '
- -.or of a nion. ciab and representatives of the immi- ,
' - iht recom- (rant aid societies explain the falling J
-. ittee of ri' lf n immigration, aside from the war ,
-nc amnut o 1 fwhieh ia the chief facto, but operated 1
,e entitled t joa'y during th- but naif of the year) :
, tm being due to the curtailing of work
f those whi ' 'n Lnc United States, and to an effort
- Actions vot on th Prl of '"reign countries to re-
- -'i there plea-f-. slnct en,1trt,on providing work
v i:h a gain of ' l om "" he"erinK the condition of
i their working clashes.
-ts will movt ! :
lii - J ' :
nd earth to
itian law a farce and they will ;
i .r we'lcs.
do it if our legislature pas- The Womans Relief Corpa met in
which will allow each per- j Artisan Hall Sat. p, m. at 2.?0. Mra.
secure s gallons of spirituous Iternice Lucas acting as installing olH
.-allmis of malt liquor even- !cer, installod tho followine ollleera:
: 'isr as the tariff was being rais
th advantage of the manufac-
- p thing was said about a scien
'. tment of the tariff, but now
' i tariff has been lowered for
k it of the laborer, the stand
l is putting np a mighty cry
fiufitmenl nf tariff c-K1.tl.
.ntific lines. The Trade Com i Un Sevorance No.
bill recently made a law
ith the phase of the
;u stion very nicely. In his rt-
I'i ess at Indanapolis President.
1 is the following to say in re-
lis bill:
n here is something else. The
i - have beard the Hepubli-
'V ng about the scientific way
h to 'jandle a tariff, though
; : iicans have never given any
'io . of a Knowledge of how to
it icientifically. If it is scien
additional profits into the
hose who are already get-.-
reater part of the profits,
'' have been exceedingly
has been the science of
It has been the science of
i' !
' k
I ,
id of science I do not care
"w. anything about except
' to stop it. But if by scientific
icni f the tariff they mean ad
Mit to th- actual trade condi
of Arorrka and the world, thcr
with i bent and I want to call
trur attention, for though they voteo
for it they have apparently not notic
ed it, to the fact that the bill which
crtntes the new trade commission
dr.es the very thing. Wc are at pains
to sec that it was put in there.
"That commission is authorized and
empowered to inquire into and report
to coi.pnss, not only upon all the
President, Mrs. Almn Sennits.
S. V. I're. " Urinin B. CoatM.
J. V. Pres. " Anna Kirk.
Secretary, ' Scale Conover.
Treasurer. " Linnie IH1I.
Chaplin, ' Liizie itevnolds.
Conductor. " A lie Woolfe.
Guard, " Ella Gersoni.
Asat. Guard, " llose Willlama.
Press Corrospondent, Mrs. Kva S.
Ruer. Color Bearers, No. 1 Miss Lill-
Mfs. lrcn Sti-
vorson, to. 3 Sirs. Grace Johnson. N'o.
4 Mrs. Alice Anderson. .Musician Mrs.
Bernice Lucas.
During businos session each of tho
following comrades, Reynolds, Sever
ance, Deihl. Wuston, Sheets, Bale
and Botts from Corinth Post were pre
sented with a silk flan 32 x 47 inches.
All responded with a fow heart-fult
words after which comrade Reynold
comander in liehalf of Corinth Post
presented Mm. Lucas with a box of
, , , . . - .
rti.ur ine meotini; close.! a sump
nous lunch for all whs servel in honor
oi uiort wnose ijirthiiays occurred in
Dec. and Jan. These hirthduy dinners
are given on the 1th Sat. p. m. of every
month and all who are affiliated in any
way euner me i. A. II. or W, R. C
are welcome. Ih ladies of the W. R,
C. will be glad to have comrades at
tend all their meetings.
Two young men who are rivuls for
the hand of R., . Vason the popular
young southern society belle, are at
their wits end to learn of some means
by which one may win an advantage
ovur ir.e otner. uy the help of an an.
complice, one attacks the honor of the
othc , an honorable honest and trusted
employee of the Richmond Bank, an!
when the scheme fails, the law mum
step in and reward the efforts of such
CEEIULiiabd W Alt JS
See Us for Price. BeforeOrdering8ewhere
immW Ouiiiiy. fur " mnuunl eiiual In
In every war shudder and moil doukev cnuine. eouiPtnM with a it ti. p. i U wr cent of the numunl of mini nui,
r ti vain
mm a. w ruL
I anrl Olllr H.iJI-T
t ii n m i m uu in is
aaaaaal aa aW m V
iiuiii i:t: out A,? .
(i ut 'jiK'.'jihi. ".it:
ih.-re something that helps to nuke heavy duty engine. Itie total weight winch "hall I.e tofinie.i i.. .m "u
at ferevcr detestable. of the machinery Is &,A0 lb. tnoiinlel
Bnt here U new ptuue of war h, ou runners ami enn be pullwl anywhere
rr. cm n .slraighl line by Us own pouter.
It U a phase which every bsjdy wl - The donkey part constats of a double
ever rode much in a public vchui drum, double friction, oiuipHx! with
where all sorts of ham tote .. breaks. It hat MM feet of in. cable
crowded close tocther cna fully '' ami if feet of 1 loch cable. As a dein
This phase refers to the mtrviuM'
odors emitted by a million unbaihc
men. These onbathed men are told ab . '
by Will Irwin, a war corretswiderti.
in the American Magarine.
He describes his peisonal ep-i
tnee particularly in Belgium, lie h.i.
j pass through the mi It tar y lines, am!
speakes of the army as a "f rny n
hine of death earth, air and sk
Hie transport wagon were gray, i'.
imforms of the soldiers were gr
he motorcycles biplanes and bagg.U''
agons were gray. Mr Irwin add
"And over it all lav a smell ot tin'
! Uase nevrr heard inentu"" in
ok .( .ir -ihr tm !l ii a hjli ti i
l.-n .'! li'i' .lti,,i m, 'v. tKr t,-i!i ..(
Tt' Krtif r i ii ! ! . ll r in! h p. r r
onstration it recently Hilled with ease
a SO foot hK 3 feel in diameter over
rough Krouml. Anyone wUliin a deiu
tmstratbin uf tho workings of the ma
chine can wltnM the nine by catling
at the rVonev-ltrtHMiier On. Works.
Tho price for the above equipment
raaRtw from S700 for 10 h. p.. up,
Inrxer sisea coattng oeconlltilv.
The engine consume dlitllate, con
suinint; '' cnllono In 10 hours, coat NX?.
j a gallon.
j The online in ml Is detachable ami
jciin Ut urd for other tblnit.
i Kerriey.Hremer Co. are olfvrtng a
On prooustttoo for two -r mote far
I tneri who wish to c in together on a
'devee that will clear their lt.n.1 ehea-
ly ami easily. Two men en run the
ma,-hinrrv uw imI h lle It success-
Ttue n.i limy h.-tvr m f.ir such a
ma hi' e ii !.. e!l t nm-sticnte.
Hi case aard u li.a.le ad the bidder ! f j i r W ..
shall fall, neglect r lef.i.e for a peil-d V.AIVIO WOf f4ll
ofBdaya after which the awaiu is, . asttsetj,,
made to enter Into a contract and Hie U W I tl
a I-iihI satlafaetnry lo the Court ,, . .,,... .
by law nsiuirwl. I IIHIIICsl L Ollllhcll n,
The County Court reaervos the tight I . , , VM
to rel.t at- and all tod. iMed tills , .HUHItlUtlll, AOUt' ,
t III, A 11 t ,11 ..i...
lath day of Jauuar). H 1 R,
J, l llokleii,
Cotinty Clerk.
I!. ni,,r'. Null.-.. i,i iV.lllnr I lT ,-- U A7 lt
N'oltre Is hereby glen thl by vli i
ttie of an ottler matl - nrd entareil In I
the County Court f the State of tire. '
gon for TfllaiiHHik Ctonl), on the 80tli .
day of December, It'll, the under- !
Ignetl, Herman Samler, wa duly a-
minted Hvecutur uf the l.at Will ami
iVstament of John C. Jtander, do- j
ceased. All wrio having flalllis
against the estate of said Julio t . Ran
"TlllanH-ok IlUk
KtMim 'M
JUII. I I I u 1UM)
tttrne)at am
dr. deceasKl. are hereby iMitifleit ami I illiwiinnL Coiinlv ILniL
w 'lh eoehr ami ilue iivf. to Ihr ! - 11 "
undrrMgnoft, or lo hi aitornoy, H S
Jahnsuo, at TlllrtUxi. Hiegon, wilb
in six munthe from this daU.
Hated January i. Itllfi
llirinau Haider, ltieolar
of the Last Will -.! t'rstamcnt of J
John C. Sa :ef, dn-rrsl.
MM -00
III till' Circuit Court nl the Matr
ol t Jrouiin. lor the County
of rillniniHik,
Kila SberwosHl. Platotlll.
;r..fkT Shstrwood, Dvfrndant.
i ;. j .,!, t fvfllaot,
tr N MK tr THR l)T A iKP
y. , ,( i-r, tv rn'-irot to appear
i . . t u... f..mpllit ftlwd against
i - t...ir rniitltMcl tlt wilhn,
. f fr. 'n I) .al, ,if fix, first
- -t hereof lo the Tit 'uk
- . U . LAUHo
i ...
Coinnnt v ml Itui m
l.IV t I
(toneral pmellr H'J all - lit
'mlri ( ..t.fl
Commercial t ImI- lll'g
Alltirney at Law
I.. T.ll...... .1 .11 .
--'i , ' h" dt of said public ! ....
,,'Jl5J -CO' 1 ,' 1 'y . : '..e '.rrtw ut thU tiurt tlaulii.
4m IV-
o . ZJStZ si
S3) .
E very worn an who is a good shopper know
that it is economy to Iniy at bur store. Because
we have the best yoods and the fairest prices. Hay
ing poor groceries for the same price that we will
give you our good groceries, is letting your dollars
take wings and fly awn v. Hunt around all you will,
but you must come to our store to find the best gro
ceries at the best possible price.
a rrtw ut this Court lMMlltf
'.'.? iotwi ,f m iiririuw-t eiitmst hs
'" B'.imtirT a ! tVifondaol. "d
that the olaii tlrT l nntrst an ao
soluU dtvoree htm the dVfe ont : that
the eustoily f Uh childrvn metim
o the eomoln.rl. -mm!v : U.twlii
I Howard. Oriic. I'Uode vl K
be wanwd to lh oUintifT: ami f
ch other and further relwf s to tho
.ogr my aet-n )ut and fralubt.
mia aumw.t a i rvi upuo vow by
wbl.i-.uo... thenmf b odr of tho
Honorable Hebater Holm, Jtidar of
inv.roti i:uu't "( the Stale at Ch
Tn. ir th toitf-t ol iillamoufe
iHted at 'iliamooli. OrKon. the 2Hth
0y of Dee.n.lwr. 1814.
C, W. TuhnaKe and
ti, J. t'iuan.
Ait. t. e s t . I'lslotHf
In I'ortlnM. h I will evshanse for
impcovati ttiry rn-h. who stock,
within rottsoi able distai e- .,1 l,i.n ,,f
Tillamook Will consider property up
C. C. .Maoism,
fliU llalscr . f'.rtlMod, tjfr
OlvLlil )
i i vV " rl .
ill fflP
w,aJvs-f h'V:
Why Is one dmo store a BETTEf) druy store than
another? Because It takes "knowlmj how" to he a
letter druffjist, just as It takes "knowlnti how" fo
be a better lawyer.
f,. R(,stered Pharmacists who "know l.o'w" care
ullyjlll our prescriptions. We exercise SKILL in
every department of our business. it i
The Tillamook Drug Stoe
We (jive you what you ASK for.
Uld.s W'jintc I lor WooJ
The dowr Leaf Cniiiirieity Compuny
wt. i receive bid for ahty cords
of Alder, Spruce or Hemlock w.mJ,
UjUi in four foot lengths iey(ire.l ut
It factory and in 1(3 Inch lengths de
livenil In its wihxI sIiihI. (Jim half of
tho wood to b delivered on or before
June 1ft, lt IS. nix) the balnnro by Aug-
Vr,1"- '"Ve nuia nl Curl i,,f.
j aeh a (.(lire, Tilliimook, Orugon, on or
I before J-ohriifiry Ut, lJlf. Comiiunv
r"rv-' the rlKhl lo reject uuy or nil
Cloverleuf Creamery Co,
Hlds Wimlcd for MntilliiK
The Clover l'f l't.nr ,.
. wihhoa. to receive biiU on hmiliriL.
;.heiHe from iu fHt.rv tu ,,))(.k
ind railroad depot nl Tillamook City.
I hm for hnu !( humimIi's and boxes
' fiictorv. Luhvo fif.lrt P.., i ii..i. .
i s ..,' " s iiiitii'r-
'.eh a ollico on or l.efore IVb. 1st, Ifalf,
ompmiy reserves h rlKl.l to f,.joci
hny or nil bids. 3 1
Clover Lenf Crt'iimcry Co.
"Sl SB
AM .Sl'lti.Kl'f.
t)btfn-a Sj--. ii l
lU.lh I'Ikmvc
UluVo: Hooina If. U, lllla" s il
I lours l) A M lS 1 U
L. L. HOY, M. D.
I'hynician tint! Sin v . -i
Dr. Jack OLsoi
Olllro lluura lrii J n in t
Oddfrll uwi Iluilding
Il4tli J'))..i,r
Hat Located ia (lie Commercial I
.Succeeding J)r. P. J. Sho.
All Twl CiurjnUed, IV flJ
Olll.r ll.Mir.1 1
I 1.1 i m.
Orn livriiinct bom 7 until u .um
Dr. Geo. L. PetersJ
Dr. Perkins Old Si nd
Itolh I'hoiM-j KrsUriuje ll . 1 1
J. E. REEDY, D. V.
(Doth I'honesi;
lilLimook i t Ortj
Ucll Phone
. DONT SI'OIL A (!()()!) 'IIOSMI.' -0
lltl) NU llur ii ' " '""'.".
iu voided '.""iir !', ru"MWf y
Hldiiey K. lloiiderHtiii, I'rei.
John Ltiland Henderson,
Secy, Treaa.
Attornoy-iit-Luw. Notary I'uhllo
TUUmook Title and
Abstract Co.
Law, Abstract, Ko;il Kstutc,
Hurveylntr, Inituruiicu,
Hotli Phonos
da.. I
lltUMOCil - . OREGON
limtrnctlmi ut pupil's homo