Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 12, 1915, Image 3

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    4 ol N.W.
fi tl.
.,u U.K. Co.,
., ?
, ,vlu Ji. N.
I M,
4 aoiiin,
, ,.i ul j,
. J.W. J.
. .. , lOVrM
W. M S.
,. I iiw 4
,4 1. W. K l
,, .tvMtlltt 4
,mm U.K. C".
4. SV 1S.
I uwllM' 4
A 'l
i ii 14 H it. Co.,
4 s w, a s,
s i'. m, n.
i k, sco.
,1(011 IJ. U,
, vt Ol S.W.
v 14, S. IL
I ..nM 4
.. , UH. Co..
stbi 17.
Uafltfc 7
i. '
, u R, Ca,
i Vi of N,
i s W. K S.
I .,n.hi 4
- ' tt rl. - , , . ,
iu It. R. Ccu
4. J H
.Mp 4 StWlil
i M of N,
lowWthlp A
.. K It, Co..
I '.of W
i '4, S W.
.mth. lUnjte
i HH Co,
Wile IJ.
,-ib Rirc 1
I R Co.
Wlktt tjL
nth. HsNgt 8
D I, ,
, i s it, M,
. -.m Towtt
. . g r S 'tlf
S. tl SB.
I awnM 4
M ., ,
I l U 1 f
loWt 4
T(l(i 4
. , n VrU ... .
.. .. I ... K
, . -uih. Itlyr 9
Uirf, Teet
. Stcllm s
U. 'f !
.1. W . ... . ,( .
Tiaci Ho. 6
n n 19, Tf
i.-hiti Smth.
1 .ct M HU,. i
rci l.V,
't-i't to, ToH"
I unci ImmiV.
.iimii 19, Tfi-
Krf).. Tinn
i .Ir.cril.r.l in tufl
, tX, STlini 19.
4 Simili, H411KC
f r
ti ; f. I
i . , f. ; - -
u luCt liimV,
. i ,' 910. 4 tr-
' ."k Pk!f
II hi 'IV.wmdlp 4
T.,-. V, -.,0,
'il.fil In nct book,
i A Srcllon 10,
i i Soul li. Kaiikc io
' Mr TIiomu. S.W.
S" V. it. Sfcl'ion J4,
' 4 South, 1:njf i
Ml II r
V i
1 i
.1 1
i..ii Tr"
rcilrm 7 1 own
.i. H'Miff in Wrt.
KuMfl Ir Tmrl No.
.Irif (ilir.l In IMCl
.iwt o', Trrl N..
i ilrfiilirit In (met
I mr 40, StiIimi 37.
' ci 4 Soulli. Hniicc to
F ! ' l
I'rnrl Nn. 74.
ni in (fact tooW. ac
Tilon J7. 'l'o ilil 4
ilf r
Scull, IIjmup in WtH JO
Q, S I haver. Trad Nir.W7.
as '"rrlbctW In irnct ImoW.
iifr 4oi, Sec v, i jwi-
I'ir 4 South, HaiiRc 10 Vc
S'onhrrn Pacific H.n. Co., Lot
i. Srrtion io, Tnwimhlp 4
s '', '.UrtRt to WcM
3f i't.li W. I'ciul, N.W. V of
NW '4. Section , Tow".
liip 4 South, U;imn l
1.0IIH ItranitccH. N R. of S.U.
H, Srctlnn ift, Townil 5
South, KaniK 9
A. I Strm. Truct No. 11 73.
Jrunlinl In truct hook, paitr
i Srrtlon a8, Townhli 5
"iith, 0 Wot
Anoint K nt. I.ot 3 '!
Section ,11. Towimlilp .1 South
Irmr 1tiirM. N.F.. V of S-W.
N W. f S.F.. Vi. W. 'A
'f S.W. . North of U'e
NiMucca Hlvfr, Section 4.
Tiwnthiii s South, HanKe 10
fo'dtirratlvf. Cheeie Co.,
Tract No. 6of, leicrllieil In
l ;tr' honk, pae 443. StetloB
7, Tnwimlili. j Hoiitli, lUniir
lit Vrt
t'Urciirr Altfihuijr, 'I mil No
70.1, a ilractlhril In
hunk, iahc49, Srrli.in 7,
I oHhl(i J Simtli, Imnr 111
Wrl. . .
If cur N W ti of N.W,
U. Noillt of 1 ,111 1.- Nruutc
Itlver, Src'llnll 9, 1ihiuIi.
South, UiMtif 10 U tel.
Jmo, C, VMi4:iirclfr. y, Iniri
rl, John IMcr. hhm.h,
Tmct No, 1 mo, 4i ilrniibtil
In tmit l.tMit, t;r 4W, S(c
lion 9, 'IowhIiI. s HduiIi,
Itanur 10 Wrti
Mlllrj lti, l'ii,(tJvriiirnioii
V. tol N I i. Srtuoii 9
loviilii s StMilt lUiii-.r 10
John M, Vr., ' i, s,u.
K. W. Vi ol h li. m. SecHe,,
10 lowtilllp J Soillh, Itmir
io Vrl,
A, t;, .MiN44in. s V K ol K,
U. Vi, W .l s I . . H I'.,
tl .H V 1 4, .SrtitnM n,
Sownthlti J .SiiMitt, l(n(jt to
Wfrt, .
W II &rH. U W 14 ,if .S
W H, Viii.tM i, I'owinititi
5 StfNiik. Inr to Wm.
It. J Mrmttt.hll. S V, oj S.P.,
M. S li. W ol S.W. K, Sec
ti(M IS. 1fVtiilip ) South,
lUojjr 10 Vi tt
Wm FiNil )uMt, Tr No.
7IO, at 4Ktllr4 tn lucl
UutA. pat Wk iWctton tk
'I nlii ) Sowtli, Kang i
J, II HetVoofc. K M, JWr-
Hmm jo, TowntMp t ImmUi.
Itn 10 Wf
U O II , K. H .f S K. M,
(Mn W t-, of S W.
Stttitm ti, I uwnaliip ) South,
ltn in ttui
II F !f..,rHi..ll iMWfl,
K I Ufhttrnli!), M imerftt,
s i ( St' , . jo
Aio ?rtMm J, TunrBhij
Smh Rm in Wfil
H K Mti4r.lll tnurrti,
M I MrrtroHll. H tnlrii,
W H f N W !4. Viio s,
K K 4 ol N E. 'i. Section
Trtwnlitp j South, Ukngr
10 W i
K f SmH-Mrf. TimUr oo l.H
4. K-to t, TcmW j
il R 10 Wi
' iHlr U Itoyntw. & ol N.
W. M. N. ol 5 W M. Sec
lion 4, Tuwnhit $ Snatk,
ttipr 10 SVoi
A R U Fhik. N.W M of W.
W JWeti TowflMr
i Soatll. Kaoar 10 WrM,
Jottri S lrts. I i 1 S4-ctl
I I, Tnwtuhip $ Sotilk, Rr
" 'v .
Hoy JL War4, Tract No mi,
a itetcribnl in tract taofc,
471. .Section JK 1 own-
, Uilp ttaopt l Wftl
p II m,I lml.f om S E
ti r-f ,S.W ti, S ol S R,
H. $Ktiii . TomWp
W- Wft
. v.,t,w i i.v
' irfli. . T.ohip 6
&nuih, Itantc v Wru
A cot. NMc. S I ; f S It.
4. Sctpo 4, Toriiiip 6
South, Itaoir V
J, W. Ilortr, Ui 3. N. Vt of
Iam Ju ScetloH iJf, Toumhio
6 JhwiIi, K4n .
, I , mil. 4tl r-l W H "I F..
i U N W. t S M i. W.
K of N W. Mt V.
I. ymil Sooih ol Salmon ItWci
1 1.
34 CM
Sciloti IJ, iovni u
Vwith. Itatuje 0 Wfi
(I m, Triplni. I. Vs cl W. f
M of H SrtlioM J.
Towiulilp 0 S4H1U1, Ihc 10
tt cl
1 I Ht.Hi. l 4 of S.W
, "i l S I!, 'i. Scilot 17.
Tohl o South. Itac 10
li. A. jaelioii. It. W of S W.
M. '.yt of S.K, M. Scciiun
IJU Tovnhii '1 South, KaiiKe
1 1 Vct, .
11. S. Waul, N.K. M of S.K.
Srctluu jo, Towinhlp 5 South
Hnr to Writ
Wirt Srt.jilutloii. S. W of N.Iv.
Vi, Sccilon it. Townthip 4
South. Hii? 10 WVt.
I W Mvrr. liiiprovcinriit on
Truct No 111s. a ilccrohcil
in Unci hook luC 471. Section
j, Tonhip Sotilh. HaiiK1
11 Wmt ,
S.C. HeL J. nA
5, .mil S. -, l.oi o. lilock 1,
"Ncnli-Knh- ! Mountiiin.
S. 0, Hccii. N Lot f'. ;i"l
LoU 7. 8. o. 10 .11. 1 i. u. 14.
11 anil i-i. Illock I, Ncah-kah-llir
Mi"l 'HI
S. I. Itccil. Lot. 17, 18. '.
jj ami 31. Illock 1, -inH Lot
1. J, . 4. S. :"'! . 1,lock 3
Ncnh-kuh nic Mountain. .
S. ("i. Kcc.l, Lot 7. .
M n. 14. is. lf. 17 ,''
Illock 3. Ncah-kah-nlc Moun-
S '("ili-'-il, Lot 1 o"1 l'.locl
' Ncah, Vrth-ulc Mountain. .
S'r, Kcril, Lot 4. Hliick 3,
' Ncah-kah-nic Mounuin . . .
S 0 Hccil, I ol f, Hlock 0,
' Ncili kah iiio Mountain. . . .
S C. U.cl. I . . I0- ''
;,ml I? Hlock J. Ncah-kah-nlt
.13-1 J
4. no
1. so
Moimlai" '"
H N nuii.ee Lot 7, Hh'ck 3.
Ncah kah-nle Mountain. ...
Kcc.l Coi.or.ition, LoH I, 3, 3.
t, a.i.l S. mocl: 4. Ntah-kah-
nle' Mountain. i',w' j'
F. A. Arnohl. Lot y, Block 4.
Ncah-kah-nlc Mouutaln
S (',. Kcc.l. Lot . Hlwck
' Ncah-kah-nic Mountain. . ....
1 fi. M l"i. "j '
.V. an.l IS Hlock 4,
1 , 1. -li j. " " .
Nv 1. kah-nic Moanlaln. ....
Rcl Corporation. Lo U 8. 9
.n 11. 13. and IS. 010
1. 1, J, f. r,ulB 3'
Ncah-kah-nic Moaatalo. ....
S, 0. Hcc.l. Loth 14. II . 7.
iK 19. 30. ami J. 5-
SO, Kcc.l. Lot. 33. and 33.
illock c. ami l- 1bck 6
Kkah-nt M.U.UI-. ..
S 0. R"fl. V i.
(, Itrrtl, I ot u, Motk 6,
tah kah me Mountain
s Kffil, I ot. is uml ,
II lot V u, J3t4 kali-me Moun
S. Keel, Lot 17, Hlotk ",
.N'nh ku.ir Mountaii
V I, l(,f,, ,, ,h, Hlock f,
.ei kah 11k Mountain. . . .
V (, Uml, l.oi. jt n, n ami
31, Hlotk (,, Nfah-kah-nlc
31. li Nrr.l, l.oi. j; ami 39,
llloik (, Ndtth-kalcnlr Moun.
luiii. , ....
S. (. IlifiJ. Lot jH, Illock "(ii
Ncah Uh-nlr Moiiutain
S. (, Uml, 1,1. 1. 3, j, 4, c, u,
7. 8 ami 9, Illock 7, ami Loti
. A J. I, $, 6, 7, H, 9. 10, ll,
13 I J, 14 ami li, Illmk ami
Urt 1 j, j, 4, ami j, Illock 9,
Ncah-kah-iiie Mountain
l-iartcU L. Murhe, I ol 0, Illmk
o, Ni ah kali nlr Mountain ...
S. (1 UcnI. Lot. 7. B. 10. II.
13, IJ, ami 14, Illock 9, ami
Lot. 1, t, ami j, Illock 10,
M rah-Kali Hit Mounlalii u.co
S. l. lUa. Lot 9, IMock to.
Arah Vah nir MonnlaiH.
S, C. IUc4. Lott in, 16 ami 17,
Illock 10. anil lat 1, 3, j.
ami 4, Illock 11, Nrali.kah'iilc
S. 0. Ittc4. Lot. s, 6, 7. 8. 9.
10, ami it, Hlock 11, Ncah
kali ni ilouniio' ....... 8.40
G. kcil, 1 01 1, Hlotk u,
Kraii hah nc Moonialn. . ,
S. ti. ltH, Lola i, .j, , ami 6,
Rluk 1 a, tfrah-lcah-nle
S, 0 Reed, I-ou 1;, IJ. 14, 1$.
Ami 10, Hlock 13, and Lot.
1 anJ 4, Illock 13, Ncab kah-
nit M.nmuiii ... .
St, ti. Reel, l.oi 3. IHock 13,
Neah-tuth nir Mouoiain
H ti. jo .1, Hlock 13,
Nrab-kah'ie MouMialn
. i Kc4. I-4 0, JHock IJ,
Neah-kah-uir Mountain.
U Re4. Loi , 9, to, n.
and 1 Block ij. Ncah kah-
n Moontaiii
I. so
4 Ma
Wm, L tr-it. Lot a. Ulock
la, Xeh'Vah'ttic MoHOtain
J. II, Edward. Lou
I ml ,
Block i t, Gaaaic
3, and 3
. 3. 4.
j H. Fdwardw. La i 1.
Kloci: 4, CWak
! II. KdwaH, Lola 1
i.u.7 and R Block
1 SO
44. and
Lola 1. 3, j, and 4. Illock 45,
and Lota i, i, . t, and k
Itlocti tA. ClamTc Itidr
J, H. Id ward. Il I, 3, j. and
4. Illock 4k and Lot I. a, 3,
4. i. 6. 7. and S. Rlocg 4
1a.i 9it't lcacb
J, H. Itdwatd. Lota. UU
V 6, 7. S. and 0, Hlock JO, Cb
3c ItidKC Hracb
J. II. Rd-atdt. Lot 1, illock
.. UM l.ut. 1, 3, 3, 4, S 6.
?. i.d 9. Hlk 'J, ( IIC
'1 ,'r,' ,
. II Mdvrardt. tia 3. 4, $, 6,
7, S. 0. 4d 10. Illock 54. 11-
ic llMp Ucacb
J. II hdwaida, Lota 3, j. .1, 5.
U, j, , 9, 10, sud 1 1, niock cc
aod Lot l, Illock 54 Claic
UI4e llwic.
I II. Edward. Lot t and 3,
illock W. and Lot 1. X and
J, Hlock l flaaifc Kidijc
J II. Itdwardi, Lou j. .1. .1, 5,
and , Motk 63, ( Umic Ridgr
Hcacb, ..."
j. H, l-duards Lois, I, J, J. 4,
S and u. Hlock 65. ami Lot.
1, J, 3. 4. . and U. Hlock 66,
CUi.ii Uidr Hrach
L, II and Mrriir It. I-nne, Lot.
1. 3. .t 4. S. and 0, Hlock 14.
Ma mat ila Hcach
N'clwlrm Hay Ijiml Co. Lot
t. 3, J. -1. . O.an.l 7, Hlock 1,
Sccaincy City
1. s. J, I. S, o, and 7, Illock 3,
N'rcarncy City
Nrhalrm Hay I -and Co. l.ola
3. 3, and 4, Illock 3. Nccarncy
Nrhalcm Hay l-aml Co. Lott
ti, 9. 10, 1 1, ami 13, Hlock J.
Nrcirncy City
Nrhalcm Hay Iand Co. Lott
3, J, 6. 7, anil 8. Hlock 4. Ne
cainey City
Nrhalcm Hay I-uul Co. Lot
3.1, 34, 35, and 26, Illock- 4,
Nccarncy City
Nrhalcm Hay Land Co. I.otj
,l, 3. 3, 4. 5, 6t 7 and 8, Hlock
'f, Nccarucv City
Nrhalcm Hay I-nml Co. Lott
19, jo. 31, jj, Hlock 5, Nccar
ucv City
Nrhalcm Hay Land Co. Lot
33. 3, 3S, ami 36, IHock 5,
Nccarncy City
Nrhalrm Hay Laud Co. Lott
3, 3. 4. ami 5. Hlock 6, Nccar
ucv City
Nchalcm Hay Land Co. Lott
16, 17, 18, 19. and vo. Hlock 6.
and Lot 1, Hlock 7, Nccarncy
Nrhalcm Hay Land Co. Lota
19 and 30, Hlock 7. Nccarncy
Nrhalcm Hay I.and Co. Lots
30, 31, and 33, Illock 8, Nccar
ncy City
Tvan I.. Farmer, Lot. 6 and 7.
niock 9, Necarney Uty. ....
Kay Farmer, Lota 14 and 15,
niock 9. Necarney City.
Nchalcm Hay Land Co. Lota
so, 31, and 33, Ulocn 9.
J. II. F.dwards, Lots 4 and 5.
IHOCK 10, ntrainc; v...,
T. H. F.dwards. Lots R. 9, and
ami to, Illock 10, Nccarncy
Nchalcm Hay Land Co. Lota
7 and 8, Hlock H, Necarney
Orace D. YounRcr, Lota 0 and
10, niock it. Necarney City..
Nchalcm IUy Land Co, Lota
16 and 17, niock n, Necarney
I, 0. Ueydrnnn, Lota i and i
Illock It, Necarney City. ...
Nchalcm Bay Land Co. Lota
3. 3. 4. S. 6. and 7. Blocl
NirirtlPY City
Nchalcm nay Land Co. Lota
13, IJ. 14. IJ. 16, 17, l, t'J
uml so, Illock 13, Nccarncy
City. .
Nchalcm Hay lind Co, Lot
3 and j, Illock ij, Nccarncy
Nchalcm Hay I -mil Co. Lott
K, 9, uml io, Illock IJ, Nrcar
Ncy City
Nchalcm Hay LimJ Co. Lott
16 and 17, Hlock 13, Ncratncy
City. ..
Nchalcm Hay Land Co, Lott
3, J, 4, ami $, Hlock 1 4, Nccar
ncy City
I'. A. Urldlry, Lott 7 and 8,
Illock l-t, Necatnry City, ...
Nchalcm Hay l.aml Co. Lou
3, 3. 4, c, 6, ami 7, Hlock 15,
Necarney City
Nchalem I!v IjikI Co. Lou
9 ami to, Hlock 15. Nccarncy
Nchatrm Hay l-mil Co., Lot
so, 31, ami ji, Hlock 1$, Nc
railiey City
Nchalcm Hay lirnl Co,, Lott
3, J, 4, and $, Hlock 16, Nc
Carney Cllv
If, It, Cwi;ifl, Lott to ami 11,
Hlock 1 ft. Nccarncy City. ...
Nchalrtu Hay Land Co., I.ott
3 and it, Illotk 18, Nccarncy
Nchalcm Hay l-anl Co., Lot
14, 15, 16, and 19. Hlock 18,
Nvcarury t'ity
K. Kcirrw.u, ixU 3 and 4,
Hlock 19, Nccarncy City. . . .
Nchalrm Hay I .am! Ca Lou
6 and 7, Ulock 19, Nccarncy
Nnhalrm Hay Land Co Lott
M, ij, 16 and 1 H, Hlock 19,
Nccarnry City
Nehalrm Hay land Co, Lott
si and 33, Illock so Necarney
Nehalrm Hay I .and Co., Lott
- id I't .-k ss, Nrcarnev
c i
Nrhalrm Hay 1-arul Co., Lou
16. 17. iS and 10. Block 3?,
Nfrarory City
1. jo
1. jo
1 o
Nehalrm Hay land Co.. Lott
j&, Hlock 3.1, and l-ou 1, 3, 3,
mod 4. Hlock ?.t, Nccarncy
Neb lem Hay Park, I.ota 6. 7.
and S Illock 34. Necaroe y Oly.
W. A Kin. Lot 10. Hlock ?4.
Nrramry City.
Nehalrm Hay land Co, I-ott
13. t.t and 14. Hlock xt, Nc-
Nrhalrm Hay Land Co., Lot
30. Hlock 34. and Lott I. 3.
l 4. c 6, 7. 8. o and in. It lock
sc. Nrrarnry CitT . . 8.70
!' K litfhnrr. Lot it. Hlock
s-. Nrcamey Ctl . 1.20
N-lt.Orm Hav land Co.. l.oi
14V 1 V 14, !. 16, 17, IS. 10,
and 30. lllork 2. and Lo:
ni j, Hlock 30, Nccarncy
riiv Rjis
Nrh! m Pay land Co, Lot
it, M. 1., 10, and 17. Hlock
jft. .ccarney t ny 3-7
Nth;1c.n Hay land Co, Lou
3, 3, and 4, Hlock. 37, Nccar-
nc li- s
Nrtulrri Jly laml Co, Lot
IK, to, and so, Hlock 37, .Nc
Cirnr City . . :
Nchalcm Hay Uml Co, Lot
i, 3. and a. Hlock s, ccar-
ncy City 3.35
NVhaU Hay Land Co, Lot
" ' Block as Nccarncy
t'ity . .
r. ' ' -rr", I ot , c". and 7.
UlorV. jo. Nccarnry City. . .
I.y !
Nchalcm Hay land Co, Lois
8, 9. 10, II, and 13. Illock 39,
Nccarncy City 3-75
Nehalrm Hay land Co, Lott
IS and to. Block 39. Nccar
ncy City 1.50
Nehalrm Bay l and Co, Lott
17, 18. 10, so. si. 31. sj. 34,
35, and so. Block 39. and
Lou 1, s, 3, .), 5, 6. 7, 8, 9. 10,
it. is. 13. It. IS, 10. 17. 1 8. 19
ami so, Block 30, Nccarncy
City 33.40
Nchalcm Bay Land Co, Lots
I. 3. 3, 4. 0, 7. b, ami 9.
Block 31, Nccarncy City. ... 0.75
K. I. Barr, Lot to, Block 31,
Nccarnry City
0. J. Williams., Lot 11 Blick 31,
Nccarncy t lty t.so
Nchalcm Bay Laud Co, Lott
is, 13. II. 15. 6. 17. 18. 19
and so, Block 31, and Lois
1. 3, 3. 4. S. , 7. 8, 9. and 10,
Block 33,Nccarucy City M-35
Nchalcm Bay laud Co, Lots
17, 18, 19. so. 31, 33. 33, 34,
and sc. Block 33, Nccarncy
City 6.7s
Nchalcm Bay Land Co, .Lots
15. and 16, Block 33, Necar
ney City
Nchalcm Bay land Co, Lots
ts and 13. Block 34. Nccar
ncy City
Nchalcm Hay Land Co, Lots
36, Block 34. and I-ots 1 and
3, Block 35, Nccarncy City...
Nchalcm Bay Land Co, Lots
1 and 3. Block 37. Necarney
Nchalcm Bay Land Co, Lota
35 and 36, Block 37, and Lots
l. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 0. .". a.
Hlock 38. Necarney City. ...
Nchalcm Day Land Co, Lots
15, 16, 17. 18. to. 20, 3t, 33, 23,
24. 35. 26 Block 38. Necarney
City ... 9
Nchalcm Bay Land Co, Lota
4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13.
14. is, 16, and 17. Block 39.
Nccarncy City
Nchalcm Hay Land Co, Lots
20. Block 39 and Lot t. Hlock
40. Nccarnev City
t en Tos. I. IUrmc. Lots 4. 5. and 0,
niock 4. Necarney City. ...
Nchalem Ray Land Co, Lola
1.1c 7. 8. 9. and 10, Block 40, Ne-
i camey City 3
' Nehalcm Ray Land Co., Lota
t.so . 11. 13. is. and M.. Block 40,
I Necarney City
Tos. I. Hacue.' Lota IS. l6, 17
niock 40. Necarney City. ...
Nchalem Bay Land Co.. Lou
t8, 10, and 20, niock 40. and
Lots 1 and 3. Hlock 4 Ne
carney City.
Ni-halem Hay Land Co, Lota
0. 7, 8, 9. 10, ll. . '3. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 10. so, and at,
ntnek ai. Necarney City
Nchalcm Hay Land ( o., Lott
3t and sft, Illock 41, and Lot
' 3, 3, a, l, 6, 7, H, ij, 10, 1 1,
13, Ij. 14, ic, ift, 17, 18 m,
31, jj, is, 34, 2 and sft, Hlock
43, Necarney City
Nrhalrm Hay land Co.. Lott
'1 A .1. I. 5. and (,, Illock AS,
Nccarncy City
II. A. Hell, Lot, 7( 8, a,
Hlock .ij, Nccarncy City. ..
.Nchalcm Hay land Co. I.r.u
lo ami 1 1, Hlock AS, Nccar-
ncy City 340
II A llll I .... . . .
... ! ,7' '3. ami 4.
Hlock .jj. Nccarnry City
.febalem Hav Uml Co, Lott
'5. 16, 17. 18. 19 and so, Hlock
4J. ami Uu 1, s, j, a, and j,
Illock a I, and Lot, 1, s, j, 4,
o!y mck iSt N'ty
I', H Heal, hoi, an',; )ioc
1, Moltler
if'"' Lmdee, JA't '7 Vrid 8,
Hlock 7. M.hlrr '
John A. Hrant, l.oi o ai'i.V tr,'
Illock , Mohltr. ... . '
,C.!or. '-4"",ct" 3"d 9,
Hlock 10. Mnl.fr J'
Gillirrl. fjii. 1 -,.,.1 V
Block IS. Moi.lrr
T. II. Goynr. Jou u it .,,,',1
Ift. Block IS. Mnlil.r
I'. IL Ileal. Lou 10 -.r.,l iV
Hlock 11. Mot.
J. 11. IJrcitcr, Lot
f . ,
J. Hlock j,
Wheeler. ... .
The Nehalcm Co
1 vt,--i.
Lot j, I j lock
The Nehalcm Co.. Iit i IllWrV
S, Wheeler. 5S
Nrhalcm Harbor Co, Iu 2.
ana X ISIOCk C Wllrrlrr
The Lchalcm Co, Lot 10 anl
It. Hl.ck 12, Wheeler
The Nebalem Co, Lot 9, Block
so. Wheeler
Nehalrm Harbor Co, Lot 7
and 8. Block 21. htrer
Jlie .Nchalem Co, North
feci of l.ot 3. Block
Wheel r.
1 5
..ciwirm nsriwr 0, l.Ot 4,
block 23, Wbcclcr 5.73
Nchalem Harbor Co, It 5,
V- I I. .1 . .
uiock . v heeler.
Henry Wairncr and Jaul We.
tinifcr. Ixii 6, Hlock 22 ,
Wheeler. J...-,.
Jamet Walton Jr -3'r.uttcc.
Lot 7. Blotk as, W'bdeier. . . .
The Kehalem Co, lot 2, Hlock
3. Wheeler
The Nchalem Co. Lot 11.
Ulock ja. Wheeler I.S6
.Nebalem Harbor Co, Lot3,
Block A Wheeler
The Nehalcm Co, Lou 1, 5, 6,
7. 8. and 9. Block j8 Wheeler.
Nchalem Harbor Co, Lott 10,
and 12. Block 3S, Wheeler. . .
The I'eHalem Co, Lou 1, 2, 3,
4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9, to, 1 1 and 12,
Block s and Lots 1 s, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7. . 9. 10, 11. and 12,
Block 40 iiiJ Lou 1, 3. 3. 4.
S, and 6. Block 41. Wheeler. .
The Nchalem Co, 1-ots 7, S, 0,
10. i. and 12, Block 41
Wheel r
The Nchalem Co, Lot 1, 2, 3.
-:. 5. 6. 7. 8. o, 10 11 and 12.
Block 4'. nd Lots 1, 2, 3,
4. S. 0 , Block 46. Wheeler. . .
:h; NchUcnt Co, Lot 7. 8. 9,
10, 11, and 12, Block 46, and
16.7 1
Lot .. A 3. !. . 7.W o.
tt, and 12, Block tT. Wheeler.
The Nchalcm Co, I-ou 1, 2, 1
4, 5. 6, and 7, Block 48. and
Lots 1, 2, 3. 4.and 5, Block
40 Wheeler
The Nchalem Co, Lots 6, 7, 3.
0, to, tl, and ts. Block 40 and
Lou 1. s, 3. 4. 5. 6, , 8, 9. 10,
ti, and is. Block 50, and Lots
1, s, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. S. 0, to, 11,
riovk u. Wheeler
35 -
I he Nchalcm Co, Lot 12,
Block 51 and Lots 1,2, 3. 4, 5.
0, 7. 8. 9. 10, n, and is. Block
53, and Lotf 1. s. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7.
8, 9. 10, 11, and 12, Block 53,
and Lots 1, s, 3, 4, and 5.
Block sj. Wheeler
The Uchalcm Co, Lots 6, 7, S,
g, to, ll, and is, Block 54, and
Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7, S. 9. 10,
11, and is. Block 55, and Lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, and 7. Block
50, and Loth 1, s, 3, and 4.
Block 7. Wheeler
The Nchalcm Co, Lots 5, and
0, Block 57. and Lots I. 2, 3.
4. 5, o, 7. 8, 9, io. tt. and is.
Block 5S, and Lots 1, 2. 3. 4,
5, and 6, Block 59. and Lots
1, s, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9, and 10,
Block tn)." Wheeler.
The Nchalcm Co, Lou It, 13,
13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. so, si.
ss, S3. 34. 35. sft. 27. 28, 20. 30.
31. 33, 33. 34. 35. and 36.
Block 60. Wheeler
Flic Nchalem Co, Lots 7. and
8. Block 69 Howe's Addition
to Wheeler
rhc Nchalem Co, Lots it. and
13, Block 70. Rowe's Addi
tion to Wheeler
Daniel Cronen Estate. Lots 1.
2. 3. 4, . ti, 7 8. o. 10. it, and
13 Block 1, Pacific Harbor. .
Daniel Cronen Estate. Lots
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10.
II. 12. 13. and 14, Hlock 0,
Pacific Harbor. 4
Daniel Cronen bttate.
Lots n and to; Block 6, and
Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. o. 10,
11, and t2,Block 7. and Lots
1, 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11,
and 12, Block 8, and Lots 1, 3,
3, and 4. Block 9 Pacific Har
bor Danial Cronen Estate, Lots
5, 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14,
in, and 16, Block 9, and Lots
I." 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8.9. 10. II,
12, 13. 14 .i5.and 16, Block 10,
Pacific Harbor
Daniel Cronen Ettatc, Lots
I, 2, 3.4. 5.6, 7.8.9. io, II. 12,
13, 14. 15. and 16, Block 16,
Pacific Harbor
Daniel Cronen Estate, Lota
I. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, II,
and 13, Block 18, and Lots 1,
and a, Block 19. Pacific Har
bor Danial Cronen Estate, I.ota
3.4, 5.6,7.8.9, 10. 11, and 13,
Block 19. and Lots I, 3, 3, 4,
5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 13, 13. 14.
15, and 16, Block ao. and Lots
1. 3. 3. and 4.. Block ai, Paci
- 00
1. 50
- 45
3 - 45
3 - 75
fic Harbor
Daniel Cronen hstate, Lota
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, to, 11, is, 13. M.
15, ami 10, Hlock si, racuic
Annie Johuton, Lott I, 2, 3, 4,
5. 0, 7. H. 9. 10, M, 12, 13, 14.
13 ami 16, Block 11, Garibaldi
1). C. latourcttr, Lot 4, Strcsc
C. M. Hulberl, Lot 9, Slrr.ie
A. It Nolan, Lot 10. Strcsc
H. S. WUc. Lot 12. Slrcsc
Acres , , 1,35
fi. A. Iiuifh, Lot IS, Strcsc
I 25
W. G. Dwight, Lot 22, Stresc
W. 0. Dwiglit, Lot 23, Strcsc
Kthcl M. Prater. Lot jj. Strrtn
Acres , 1.2-
A. H. Scar. Lot .it Sir
Acre! , tt
A. K, Nolan. Lot at St
Acre t
J. A. CumrnlriKS Lot 46, Strcsc
J. If. lillwcll. Lot 47 , Stresc
nilamook Cranberry Co, Lots
. s j, 4, s. 0. 7 , and 9,
Block 1. kiawanda
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lou
11, is. 13, 14, 15, 6, 17, tH
and 21. Block 1. Kiatvamla.
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lots
sy. 37. ami 26, illock 1, Kia
wanda i.o8
L. W. McAdams. Lou 20. v.
and 31 Block 1. Kiawanda
Brach . 1 nH
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lois
33. 3. 37. 3. and 39. IMock J,
Kiawanda Beach.
3-72 Tillamook Cranberry Co, Low
4.1, 45. 4". 47. -IS. 49, SO, SI. 52
utoctc 1, an.j ij0u 1 and 2.
Block 2. Kiawanda Beach. . .
J. A. Ha ran. Lots 8. 0. and 10.
BIck 2. Kiawanda Beach 1.08
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lot
11. 12, it, and 14. Hock 2.
Tillamook Crnntrrrv Co.. Lots
21, 22. 23. 24. 2. 30, 27. SS. 39.
30, 31, 32, and 33, Block
Kiawanda Beach, 4.68
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lot
3ul 37. 33. 39. 40. 41. 42. 4X. 44.
45. 16. and 4; Block 2, Kia
wanda Beach
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lots
51 and 52. Block 2, and Lois
I. 3, 3. 4. . 6. 7, 8, 9. 10, 1 1.
and 12, Block 3, Kiawanda
Beach. . .
Tillamook Cranberry Co.. Lots
13. 14. 1$. to. 17. !, 19. so. 2lk
22, 2J, 24, SC. SO. 27. SP. SO, 30,
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. '6. '7, 38, 30.
40, 41. and 42, Ulock 3, Kia
wati'la Betcb.
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lots
43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 43. 40. SO. 51.
and 's. Block ard I-ots I. 2.
3. 4. ?. 6. 7. F, o, to, tl, 12. 13,
14. 15. 16. i- i. 19 and so.
Block 4, Ki-ivi-inh Beach. ...
Tilhr-- ok Cranber" Co.. Lots
I, 22. 2J. 21. 2". Si. SJ. 2JS. SO,
?0, .?. 32. .1?. 34. 35. i'J. 37. 38,
39. 40. 4 1. 42. 4?. JA, Ah 46. 7,
4"?, .-n, and o, Hlock 4. Kia
wanda Buch.
THKm-vk Cranh-rry Co.. Lois
51, and 52, Block 4. and Lots
1.2. .. 4. 5. ('. 7, S. O. 10. 1 1. 12,
IJ, 14. 15, l6, 17. IS, 19, SO, 21,
si, -', 24. 2, ;o, 27. and 2,
niock Kiawanda Beach. . . 1080
Tillamook Cranberry Co, Lots
SO, 30. 31. 32, 33. 3-1. 35. 30. 37.
3S, 39, to, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45. 46.
47. 48. ...9, to, 51, and 52,
Block 5. and Lots 1, s. and 3
Block 6, and Lots 1, s, and 3.
Block 7. Kiawanda Beach. . 23-40
nilamook Cranberry Co, Lots
1. 2 and 3, Block 8, Kiawanda
Beach 7.20
Lulu Malony, Lots 8. 9. 10. 1 1
and 12. Block 3. racmc Lity. 2.03
Lulu Maloney, Lots 13, 14. 15.
16. and 17. Block 3. Pacific
City 2.03
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. 0. 10. 11. 12
tj. 14. 15. 16. 17. iS. 19. 20, 21,
and ss. Block 1 and Lots t, 2,
3. 4. 6, 7. and 8. Block 2.
Twin Rocks 4-S8
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lots
9. 10, it, 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17.
iS, 10. so. si, 32. sr, and 24.
Block s. Twin R. cks 2-44
Twin Rock Land Co, Lot
30. Block 2. and Lots, 1, 2, 3,
4. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Block 3 Twin
Ro'cks 2.60
Twin Rocks Laud Co, Lots
9. 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16. 17.
1 8. 19. 20. 21. 32. 33. 34, 25.
36, 29. and 30, Block 3, and
Lots 1, s, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. and 8.
Block 4. Twin Rockt 8,54
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lots
9. to. 11, is, 13, 14, 15. 10. 17.
iS, 19, so, si, and 22, Block 4.
and Lots I, 3, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,
9, to, 11, 13, 13, 14, and 15,
Block 5. Twin Rocks 13-43
i. 86
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lota
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22,
Block 5, and Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 16.
17, 18, 19, 20, 3! and 23, Block
6. Twin Rocks 1647
- 20
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lota
24, 25, and 26, Block 6, 1 win
Rocks 183
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lota
9. 10. 11, la. 13. 14, 15. 10. 17.
18, 19, 20. 21, 22 and 33, Block
7. Twin Rocks 9-5
Twin Rocks Land Co., Lots
34. 25, 26, 27. 38, 39 and 30,
Block 7. and Lot 1, Block 8,
Twin Rocks 4-88
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lots
IS. 16. 17, 18. io. 20. ai, ana
33. Block 8, and Lot 1, Block
9, Twin Rocks 5-80
Twin Rocks Land Co., Lots
a. 3.4,5.6. 7. .9. io, ana u.
Block a. Twin Rocks 9-5
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lota
18, 19. ao, 31, and 33, Bleak 9,
and Lota 1, a, 3. 4, 9. 6. 7.
and 9. Block io. Twin Rocks. U.8t
Twin Rocks Land Co., Lots
io, ii, is, 13, m. 15. i6, 17. l8.
19, ao, ai, 33, 23 and 34. Block
to, Twin Rocks 13-73
Twin Rocks Land Co., Lots
7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14, 15. 16,
17. iR, 19, 30.-3I, as. as and 34,
Block 1 1, Twin Rocka 16.47
Twin Rocks Land Co, Lotf
(Concluded on pag 6)