Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 12, 1915, Image 2

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The following list ot cl propel ty
MtU.ltcd III I tlWIIlOOV. t.oum, Mate
of Oregon, is tureh advertised for
delinquent Uvt asseest tor trtc.
jcir ivn. Jhi auxeriisemeni
t! o i.-ed . act embxHiiett m dup
le, u.i o.'t..c v.i:ivri l-aws ot on
,;.. .. passes! kl 'VJ Mon '
tia l..i;iuiie .sssciuhly.
1 1 o i.es on the lollowing adver
ni.i list oi teal property became de
luis...ni i.teiobcr t, ivu. "
v d to - penalty o. to pr cent
mtcrest at the rate of 12 per cent
.,er annum until the W tN j
i,.t been paid. . '
s, uce i! hereby given thai six
tus alt.-r the taxes charged j
,w . "i blowing real property,.
'., v m f delinquent the Sheriff a
wan iviir v.. n iiiivBtti.1
,cney .iRamst the said prop
'.i. i...,. ..om ur. The .-nid
iikv.ics ol UeUnquenc) wilt bear
, . u- at the rate ot t? per cent per
unul the Certificates art re
deemed. .... tune after the expiration at
i,. sears from the tirst date ot de
, :icv ot any tax included in a
v . uica'te ot Delinquency the
rr of such Certificate may
. ,..- summon to be served
he owner of the properly decrib
, i , i the Certiiicatc, notifying- the
. ,r t he will apply to the Ctr-
suit I C
ot the eour.ty in wntwn
rty is situated tor a decree
the lien against the prop
ird in such Certificate
iu-e, S. 'j of S.W.
. s n pi ,
.,'iulo- .
, ; v u-.i
! , i N ' '
4. M l
i . ii w -
. . M . ,
K.inu "
t .li
: X
. ii '
- Township l N.,
. V tf Of N.W.
. i tnship t N.
: K. K Lot 4,
wtiship I X..
Wager. K.E. V
elion 20, Town
tge 9 W c-r-.
S. 'j of N.E.
vE. I, Section
X., Range a
w . s
i' 5
j x.
. Is
t X
- F. of X W.
',. W-
1 n .'5, Town
1 y West ....
-'..rtic. W '4
1 A of X.E.
1 1 nship 1 X.
! . S. Cone,
.. N K. ii oi
01 X.W. H,
iMi'.hip I
11 .CO
I 1 1.
U 1
v W.
v cii
K .
L ' . :Je
1. A
1 1 " 1
v A 1
s , of N.W.
1 ow nship 1 N.
! 'antr
and Homer
. .1, N. !4 of iAN.
jn 36. Township 1 N.
jUest lt.00
4d 'i utterest D. War
interest, N.E. Vi. Sec
. 'l ounshio 1 N' Ranee
t U-Oo
i . . odd interest, D. Mar
! 1 interest, S.E. Ya. See
ik. lownship 1 X. Range
) v, t 33.C0
r- V . Ailson, Tract No. 96s,
'itncribed in tract book.
1 . rr i. !s-rtinn h. Tnwnshiti
. . . Range 10 West I-SJ
1. .oi Tract So. 963, as de-
cn 1 in tract book, page 0,
1 6, Township 1 X.,
10 West 1. SJ
Mullen, Tract No. 833,
. ribed in tract book,
Section 6, Township
ne 10 West 3.S2
Rocks Land Com-
- 880 feet of Lot 1, less
' t plated & tracts sold
. 6, Township 1 X.,
0 Wr st 3.82
tnook Bay Company,
1 of X.W. V4l less part
Section 8 Township
ngc 10 west 2t-35
I? Marcs. S.W.
'. W. 'A of S.EM,
'.W. Vx, Section 8,
1 .: 1 H.. Ranee 10
, X
..- de
, r,
!' ny.
t 1
m- -ti
r .1
.!.. Ii
! 1. til
1 ;.,
U be
.i N'.'
.S.I .
1 I l
U- t
S I .
io, Ti
- W.
v I
'A of S.E. 'A
, Section
H., Range 10
.cdy. Tract No. ix
' ribtd in tract book,
j.-tr ., Section it. Township
' . Range 10 West 97.50
M. Harrison, S.W. of
S' li. Sierlinn 1 1 1 V
R: i?e to Wi si
M. Hurrison, W. , of U,
r- 'i, S.E. M of N.E. H, Sec
ti"' 14, Township 1 Nr liangc
in .Vest
Forsbloin, That portion
1 tie S.W. '4 of S.W. Vt be-tsc-n
County road anil
Mia-ni river, Section i.j,
Tov nshjp 1 N., Range 10
Wc t
1 0.25
ins Lesund, N.E. 54 of the N.
' Section is,. Township
X , Range 10 West
I I Hai.rtlov Trfirl Kn
- - - . - .....
7 as l!fcrrihfi1 in trnrf linntf
di-e is, ' ciion 20, Township
N" . 10 V.Vst 17.70
jn jt i-.iiiier, tract .No. 27,
. dirritied in tract book,
r.n!t i Section 21, Town
"liip ' Ranip 10 Wf-st . . 7.37
huh V T '.net, Trrt No. 2S,
as (U w ril -d in trrtvlt book,
paife - Section 21, Town
ship 1 V Rmie 10 West. .. 11.80
" .! r 1 IcIiHlnh, Vt interest,
mrl l-chanalicl Investment
Co, i', interest in Tract No.
2-', as described in tract book,
t'i.'e 1 ft. Section 21, Town
slii'. 1 N., Rnnijc i West. 17.70
Jack Tone Estate, Tract No.
to, asdrscribed in tract book,
. pace 25, Section 23, Town
sliiji 1 N. Hnnire io Wont . 5.00
If T". NohK Tract No eft, as
deseribod in tract book, nace
2ft, Section 22 Township 1
N., R v t 'o West 8.2?
i.--inies 1-. Jurbs, li.ut N s;,
. dfenbed 111 tuiet book,
I.rc Jo, Section JJ, lon-,-lnp
1 N ixauge 10 est
I em luker. ' j mtciexi, and
. S. Cone Vj inteie.xt. N.W.
ll( of Section J?s Township t
X , K.ne to est
Mrs. 1. F..SihKy, Tmct No. Mi.
.15 de.sctihed m tract book,
piiKe 33. Section J7. Town
ship I N, Range 10 WcM. . .
Ntrah K. IVtteys Tract No.
tot, .s dcfcnbcd in tract hook
pace 5J. Section 30, Town
ship t 'NKinge 10 West
t,ce It. Hovt and .Mines
rthur Reeher. S. of S.E.
Section 31, lownship X .
I'.inge csi ...
sitrn Investment Company,
! imher on S.W. 4 of Sec
lion 31, Township i N,
K.ine West. ...
orgw O'Connell. S. V. '4. of
Section 13, Township i N
Rane ! est . .
,-oricia O'Connell, X.E. '4 of
Section 21, Township t X.
Jange S West ...
Iward F Robson. X.W. .
S.I' S.-ction tft. Town
ship J X , Range o West. ..
D. Hawk, X.W. M of N.E.
'4, Section iS, Township 1
S . Range 0 est
. Cdinrbrll, W. fo S.F.
, E. 'i of S.W. i4. Scetion
.to, Township 2 N., Range 9
! T. Crane e&tate, E. M of N.
W l4. Section ji. Township
J X, Ranjre 9 West. . . . .
m H. Fff.-nherger, W. !- at
S W '4, Section 31. Town
ship i X.. Range 10 West. . .
. 111 H. Kffenherger, K. Vt of
S.E. Section 2, Toxvnship
2 X.. Rantre io West
Kb? H Mead. Tract No. toj,
as described in tract book,
l'g: 57, Section J, Township
N Riige 10 VSrst
N'ehalem Harbor Company, S.
K. of X W. h. S.W. H of
V K. 'i, and Lut 3 Rs tract
sold and platted, alt tkieland
F. and A on Lot j less R, R.
riht of way, Section 2,
1 ownship 2 N , Range to
West. ..
F. Hamilton. Lot 2, less R R.
uht of way, Tideland F and
A. cm I ot 2 less R R light
of way. Section 4, Tnwsnhip
j X., Range 10 West.
' halem Ray Park Land Co.,
Tract No. 797, as descnl t d in
tract book, page , Section S,
Township 2 X., Ranee 10
Uest. .. .
"t -ie F.ttee, Tract No. (154. as
'CriWd in tract bot.k, page
Section rt, Township 2, X.
Wange 10 West
rhto-i Development Co.,
fr:ct in tract No. 1090 as de
libH in tract hook, page fth,
Section 9, Township 2 X.,
K , 10 W si
Nfarv J. Cone. S.W. -J of N.W.
'4. X. 'S of S.W Section
.'4, Township a N., Range to
V.Vst . . . . , ...
T. Crane, E. ' of S.E. H
Vt W. of SM. i, and
S.E. 4 of N.E. . Section 3
Township 2 X., Range 10
Mohne. N.E. , Section 9,
Township 3 H., Range 6
Garhe, N. V, of N.E. H, N.E.
1 . of X.W. Vt, Section to,
'''lunsbip 3, X, Range 6
'. C. Dwight, E. . of S.E. '4
S W '4 'if S.E. Vt, Section 3,
Township 3 X. Range 8 West
iiy of Astoria, Lois I and 2,
Section 10, Township 3 N.,
!ange 8 West,
G. Dwiijht, S.W. H of N.
W. !4. Lol 1, Section ti,
Township 3 N., Range 8
K. Hcev.t. N.E. of S W.
''i, E. of N.W. , Section
4. Township 3 N., Range 9
!.; Condit. N.E. of N.W.
W '4 of N.E. V4, N.E. '4
f X.E 'A, Section 7. Town
! ip 3 N. Range 9 West. . . .
r Rnv BMt. s. of S.E.
Vt, S.E. 'A oi S.W. V. Scc
'i ,n 14, Township 3, N.,
' ant;c 9 Wi st.
A. F. I Jidtke, Lol 6, South
..f County Road, S E. '4 of S.
W. H, Lot 7, 8. less sold.
'I imber on lot , Section 3J,
lownship 3 N., Range 9
I-"W Clottrnborg, Lot 3,
c'ion 2. Township 3 N..
Range 10 West
Xora Skyles. E. of N.W.
'4, Section 5, Township 3 N.,
Range 10 West
! . If. Coinrrford, Lots 4 aiul 5,
Section ft, Township 3 N
Range 10 West
G. Reed, Lots I, 2, 3. A, and
s. Section 18, Lot I, Section
in, N.E. Vt, less 5 Acres, Scc
m, E. 'A of N.W. 'A, Lots 1,
2, Section 20, Lots 3 and 4,
Less platted and sold, Sec
Si. 15
tion 20, S. Ii. Vt, less 5 Acres,
Section 20, Township 3 N.,
Range 10 West
W. P. Cain, Improvements on
2 Acre Tract, Section 20,
Township 3 N., Rane 10
N'ehalem Coal Co., Tract No.
120, as described in traci
book, page 70, Section 20,
Township 3 N Range 10
V. W. Jacobs, Tract No. 137,
as described in tract book,
lac 84, Section 23, Town-
1 VI l).,nn in WfSt
Hammond Lumber Co. Timber
on that portion ol h.li. V ot
S.W. V and S.W. Vt of S.E.
V, lyini; W. and S. of County
Road. Section 2i, Township
N., Ranee 10 West
ship 3 N Raiifje 10 West . . .
arl A. Hiinple, Lot 9 and Tide
land I', and A. on name,
Tract No., ifts, as described
in tract book, page 95. Sec-
turn JO, 1 tact No lf,3. 'c
.cubed in It ad hook, jukc
05, Section jo, Lot, 4, 5. 6.
u 11, lc font Acies, Sec
tion JO, Lots U, IJ. M, Stf
lion A Lot 5. (. ?, Section
ij, Township 3 KattrSr
West -.
Klinrr It. Cray, Tract 111 S.L.
H of N.E. 4, X.li. VI of i l'.
W, S. h of S.E. M, Seciiou
:, Township 3 N., KanKc it)
Daniel Ciouen Eslnle, Lot t,
and Tiilelund lJ. and A. on
same less nait platted, Sec
lion 33. lownship 3 N
Runce 10 West.
h, 1) Itarreti. S W. H of N.W.
Sniion 3J. Township 3
.V. Range 10 VVest
C. A. lliniple, Lot I, Section
3.1. N E. H of S.E. M, Lois
1. 1. 5.0. 7. Less K. It. tight
ot av. Section 35, Tidelnnil
P. and A. on Lots 1, 4. 5. ?
r. Section 35, Lots 2, 3. Suc
tion 3.5. lownship 3 N,
Range 10 West.
Xehalctn Harbor Co S.E, H
of S W. less K. R. tiulit tif
way. Section 35, Towitsiiip 3
X., Kantre to West
Oregon and Calif ortiia R.R.
Co., X.E. H, Section to, S.IL
i" of X.W V4, Section 10, S.
W, M. Section 19. S.E. M..
Section 10. Township 1 S,
Range 6 West, ....
Oregon and California K. K.
Co, S. W of S.W. L Sec 5,
Township 1, S, Rang 7
W.-st. .
vron -nt CKfri R.R.
Co.. X V 54. Section S.E.
H of X.E. 4. N V of S.R."
4. Section 35. TownM 1 S,
Range 7 West
Oregon and California ti ll.
Co.. X E 5$, Section 37, SUB.
H. Section 27, Townhti 11,
R'n ? West
pn,t California R.R.
Co, S. M of S.W. Vi. Section
ji. Township 1 S-, Rang 1
West, .
Santa Fe Paeifie R.R. Csx. .
t of X F- H. Section JJ. S.
'i of S.F. vj. Section
Township 1, S-. Range ;
-s ......
'"fuon and California R.R.
Co , ! ut 3. Section l, To
shiu 1 S . K vnuge 8 Weal. . . .
F I'j.iuet, S.F Vf of N.
F 'i. Serlionyt2. Tovrnthlp
I S. Ranr 8 West
A S V atlon. F of S.W,
',. Section 10 Township I S,
Ran,'.- H West. . . . ....
".n- .v! (Mifor-ia f R.
o W ; W. 1 Section
- ' i wnship 1 S , Range 3
-tin and California W.R.
Co. W. H of N E, M.VV.
14 of S E M. S W. H of S.W.
Section 25, Township t S,
K trg 8 West.
cs H. Hiie!. W. ij of K.
W ;. N.F.. M ol Jf.W. i,
Section r. Township 1 S,.
Rang 8 West
egon and California R.H.
C0..S.W. f SI, H.S.
H ot K.W. H, E. A ot S.W.
H, Section 27. W. A of S.E.
V, Section 27, Township t S.,
Range 8 West. . ........
fans. C. Hanson. S.W, H of
S.W. Vt, Scetion 28, Town
ship 1 S.. Range 8 Wct. .
Hans. C. Hanson, S. H of SJr..
' i. Section 29, Township 1 S,
Range 8 West
H Fit Id. S, Vt of S. H. Sec
Mon 31, Township 1 S.. Range
? West
I ns. C Hanson. N.W. of
N.E. '4 Section 3 Town
ship 1 S.. R.-.nae 8 Wet. . .
I H. Belt. S.W Vt, of S.W. Vt
Section 3, S.E. V. of S.E.
Section 1. Township 1 S..
Range 0 West. . . . . .... .
Claude Acklcy, Tract No. 953.
.is described in tract book,
page 120, Tract No. 746, as
described in tract book, page
Section 20. Township 1
S., Range 0 West
Vnlburga Jacobs, E, 'A of S.
W. 'A, Section 32, Township
S., Range 0 West
' n Jacobs, W. 'A of W. Vt of
X.E. 4, Less 2 Acres, Sec
ii n 22, Township 1 S., Range.
' West
'. . Jacobs, N.E. Vt of N F. V,
r- "J of N.W. Vt of N E.
Vt, Section 22, Township 1
Range 9 West
:hia Severance Estate, Lois
I, s, 6, 7, Seciion 23, Town
ship 1 S., Range 9 West
'illarnook Water Company,
Tract No. 225, as described in
tract book, pae 133, Section
2ft, Township I S., Rane 9
M. Ii. Parkbiirst, Tract No.
231, as described in tract bank
pajjc: 136, Section 27, Town
ship 1 S., Range 9 West
Geo. A. Glover, Tract No. 232,
as described in tract book,
page 13ft, Sections 27, 28, 33,
34, Township I S., Range 9
West ;
Sophia Severance Estate, Tract
No. 258, as described in tract
book, page 148, Section 29,
Township 1 S., Ranee 9
xrthur Marolf, Tract No. lo.ftft
as described in tract book,
page 173 A., Section 29,
Township 1 S., Rani'c 9
''illamook County Mutual Tel
ephone Company, Improve
metiis on tract 'No. 302, as de
scribed in tract book, page
'so Section 10, Township 1
S franco 0 West
VI Hnhcrlarh, The East 33
-7 f-M of Iran n- inge
Section 30, Township 1
s l?-iri(re o West
l!rn.t, 14 inlerFt in Tract
vs -rnH ns described in tract
'op niirp ifto. Srrtinn 30,
n'ownliin 1 C; fr,ne 0 West.
n to Me-ilg, x interest in Tract
'o io? tl'-scribej in r;,ct
bonk, pafje. ifto, Section 30
205 v
3 w
3 '
1 j.S
105 15
74 IO
2 9i
. 8.7
1 7. 5.0
I i.wnship I Souili, U"Ut 0
U. I.UIrll;e. A tup ol laud
sfi left wide oil west Hide
trad 310. .set lion 3". low 11
.ship 1 S. KmiK'C 9 A
5 J
3 !'
C. F. Uutlon, I tttcl Xo 3'.
doenhfd III Wtut IkmiK. pe
1(15. Seciion ji, Township 1
S, RaiiKr 9 W est
Aitluii Miuolf, I tad No. lt05.
as desciibed In liacl botk,
tkike (73 A Seciion 3, 'town
ship I S., K'tinR' i w ;
I'. C. Moitisou, t rvt No. JJI,
as described in ir l",t.
IWRC t7l, SeclloH 28 and JJ,
I rait N 332. llbl
in iiacI Iki. Mgr I7W
lion 33, t ownship I S.. RanfiC
9 West. .
Edith I. Kramer. Tiacl No,
j a dctcribesl In trat
bo. tMige t, Section ,
lownship 1 Stwilh. Kangr i
S F. Feite , fiact No, jftj, a
described in tract bik. page
183. eHon 2, Tow nship 1 S..
tLsnge 10 Weal.
Win. L. RiefenberR, 't 'ract No.
joy. as dr scribed In tract
Iwok, pg 1S7, Section j.
Township 1 South, Range to
0 50
W P Wood. Tract No. iiW,
a described in tract hook,
page 190 H, Section J Town
ship 1 S, Rnge 10 West.
W II Spencet, 1 j interest,
Tract No, 1016, as deserttml
in tract btnik. page 190 l'
Section 8. Township t S,
Range to Wet
l.ui l'.irkrr. , inlnrsl. KW.
Vttion ir. Township t
Smith. Range 10 Wesl. .
W A I- Holmes. Trct No. 7213.
as deitcTihed in tract hook,
page 2Jft, Srnion Js. Town
ship t South, Range 10 West.
Fannie Vi NVad estate, 2-3
intrtrsi. J keed and Verne
U Bain 1 3 interest. Tract
No. 7J4. describetl in tract
too. pn-e jjo, Section 25,
Township 1 South, Range 10
F. M Hopfield. Tract No 104
as described in tract book,
page 2J A, Section 25
Township 1 South. Range to
W I) Gij.twttl. Lot 12, less
sold. Section 25. Township
1 Smth. Range 10 West.
Edna S ljmt, Tract No 41.
as described in tract hawk,
page 2.12, Section. 25, Town
iip 1 Son'h. Range IO West.
Ramev, Tract No. 468, a
dcscritn 'l in tract book, page
2JJ. Section 2, Township 1
HKiih. Range 10 Wesl.
Srentha S t'hetps. Lot 4. Ie
sold. Se uon ji, Township 1
South. Range 10 West
P. L .VUCowell. Tract No. 74J.
asdescntxd infract book,
page 248, Seciion 31, Town
ship 1 Smith, Range to
Ralph Acktey. Tract No, 1045,
as describe) in tract book,
page 240. Seciion it. Town
s'. ij. 1 Sooth. R.inri in West.
tames A. Higgs. Tract No. 295.
as described in tract hook.
p: ge ajS, Section ji. Town
ship 1 South, Range 10 West.
Ji-sfgi( Berne. Tract No. 1 1 JO.
a described in tract book,
page jo, Section JI, Town
ship 1 South, Range to West.
Jessie L Sherlock, Lol 3. 1,
ami ' Section 34, Township
1 South, Range 10 West.
Jcnir I. Sherlock. Lot 2. Sec
tion 14, Township 1 South,
Range 10 West
James Tone, Tract No 519. as
drsrrihrd ill tract book, page
261. Tract No. 520, as describ
ed in lrct book, page 201.
Tract No 251, as described in
traci book, page 261, Section
jo. Township 1 South, Range
10 Wesl ...
W. 0. Gladwell, Tract No. 531,
as described in tract book,
page jby, Section j6. Town
ship 1 South, Range to West
Oregon ami California R. R.
Co.. N. V, of S.W. W, W
of S.E. 'A, S E. of S.W W,
Sr'i.n Towrship 2 South,
Range ' Wrst
L. II FiMd. S i f S I'.
W. of S.W 1, N F- Vt
of S W. 'A, S' ctitin ', Town
ship S'Mith, R-inre f W st. .
L. II Field. S P. '4 of X F.
'.ol'. - 2. and 3, S W. of
NW ' ', Si ('ion 4, Township
2 Sr"th Rjl "' Jt U 1 si
L it Field. S.W. ", of X W Vt
Section , Township 2 Sooihv
Ranie R West
L. II. Field, S.E. H of N.W.
Vt. S. of N.E. Vt. Section
6, Township 2 South, Range.
8 West
L. II. Flebl, Lots I, 2, 3, and
4, Section 6, Twnsbip 2
South, Range 8 West
L. II. Field. N W. Vx, S.W. 'A
W '4 of N E M, Section
9, Township a South, Range
8 West
Oregon California R. R Co.,
W. V of N.W. Vi. Section 13,
Township 2 South, Range. 8
Oregon ft' California R, R. Co..
E. of S.W. 'A, S. of S.
Ii. Vt, Section 21, Township
2 South, Range 8 West
Oregon & California R. R. Co.,
W. " of W. V,, Section 27.
Township 2 South, Range 8
Wesl N.N....
I'redd Crockett, Tract No. 1032
as described in tract book,
pacre ?"o, Section 20, Town
shin co'ii. Ran"e 8 West. .
It. O. Snuffer, S. ' of N.W.
JI 50
12 21
" " of S W V., Section
29, Township 2 South, Range
8 West . . .' r
OriMn.u & California R. R. Co.,
N V P of N.W. Vx, S.
W. ' of N.W. V, S.W. Vx
S Ii. Section 31, Township
a South. Range 8 West
Ernest W. Knii'ht. All of N.E.
V, of N.E, Vx, West of Track
Rlcf. sritp'H 6, I owHltlp i
Soiitli, Rii'lf u West,
C. V lliiHon. I Mil No 515. u
dcscilhcd in U"l wMlt l''1!1
270, Sccllmi P, Tnwiislilp J
South. Range v.NU,t
(5. W. Mycis st . Iiatt No. l lf;5
n df-sitthed III IMil PtM'K,
pue 2H2. Seillmi 7, 'lVw"
ship 2 South, Raiitse 9 est. .
t'ietou Maiolf, had No, lo?5
a descilhcd in linrt I'oi'l'.
iiatje Sccllom H and I?,
Township 2 South, Range 9
U.V'umb. 1 of S.W. f,
less in Aries, Set-lion 9.
Township 2 South, Range 9
G, II. Unib. W, ol S IC Vu
Ie 20 AciCi, Scitluil 9,
Towimhlt" 2 South, Rauge 9
W It. Owens, S, H of N,t, .
Setiiouu, 1 owiislup 4 South,
Range v est.
Xt. It, Owens. JwV t, nf N.W.
Vt, N.W tj ol S W , Se.
lion in. Township t South,
Range 9 IWn
Hugh Johnson, N K V ( N It
v. M, Section 12, Tawnhslp
3 South. Ranee o.Wrii.
C. II. Maginnis. S.W, K. Src.
lion 14, Township 1 South,
Range 0 Wrst. .
Isjstie C. Ontck. S. 1 nf N.W.
H. Section IS, Township 1
South, Range 9 W est
jxM C, Quick, tract No &u.
as desctihtH) in trad lunik.
lBe jMBt. Section 10, Town
ahip i Sststlh. Range Wot
larrtt Marolf. Traci No ioo
4 described in tract book,
page 8H, Sections 16 ,V ,
I ownship 2 South, itangf 9
West ,
Preston llro4(. Tract No 10S0
as described in ttaci lk(
agf Seciion 17. luwn
ship 2 Sstttth, Rangf 9 West.
Ennlce R Itoltopetef. V. t,
of S.W M, Secuon n, Town,
hip 2 South, Range 0 West
Jas. Chnsieimn. i raltrest.
Blanch 1.. Beach, H inlrt,
Trad No, 747. a dcrilH-sl
in tract hook, page jgf,
lion 2xs Township Sotstti,
Range 9 West.
Jas Christen. W of S.V,
H. N r tf S-W . Sc.
lion W Township 2 Sowtb,
Range v Wrst. ,
Jas Tone rsutc. S K Vt of Sk
W 14, Section x Township
Stmih. Range to West
S. S, ('helps. Lot ft, lc pan
ptattfst Section A, Township
Sooth, Rangr 10 West, -. ,
C. K. Hmry. Lots 2, j. and 1,
Section 6, Township t Scmlh.
Range to West
M E. lirtner. Tract No C77, g,s
drscribetl in tract book, page
joo, Secll .11 Township t
South. Range 10 West
Cha. R Funk. S.E. 14 of S.W
H, Sec lion 12. 10 Acre in N
E. M of N.W, M Section tj.
Township 4 South, tlange 10
Weal. -
C. E, UJack, jo Acre f Last
Me of N',W. M of N.V. i,
30 Acres off S4utti ti4le N E.
H of N,W H. SacttoB 1 j,
Toxvnsblp 2 South, Rmit- o
West. ...
i?ret llargreaf Ii ' X ti
V, Section tj, ! o'fit' .
South, Range 10 W.-.I
Lincoln Itivrsttnen1 Co.SIi.
M of S.W. Vi. Section 2U.
Township 2 South, Range to
West. ,
C. W. Itrown. S W. H, Section
27, Township J Seuth. Range
10 Wesl
Chas Hhim. W '; of s F., H
F. V, of S,W Vi. Seen.... t
Township 2 South, Range 10
Lincoln Investment Co. X
of N V . N.E. H of X W
M, Section , Township j
Sirtith, Range 10 Wrst
Newton It, Culver. N. f S.
W. V',. W, H of S.I. '1. S P
A of N.W. V4, Section jj,
Township 2 South, ltai.gr 10
T. W Ross. N.E, . N E. 'i
of S W. i, Seriion jt, Town
ship S.nith Range 10 West.
Lincoln Investment Co, N E.
H. P M of N W. Vt. N Iv. VI
of S.W 'A. N.W. Vt of S.E.
"t, Section jj. Township 2
South, Range 10 West. , . .
Chas. and Minnie Ilium, N.K.
M of N.E. H, Seciion 36,
TowHshiv 2 South, Range to
J. II Capb a, Timbrr 011 N.E.
Vx of N.K, M, Section j6.
Township 2 South, Range 10
Wrst .
Oregon ii- Cttlifoiitiii R.R. Co.,
N.K. N.W. Vx. S.W. Vt, S.
15. Vt. Section 7. N.K. N.
W. Vx. S.W. V4'. S It. Vx, .Sec
tion 19, N Ji. Vt. N.W. V, S.
W. Vx, S.E. Vx. Scction.ji.
Towushiii 1 South. Range 6
9 90
55 iK
52 2
68. T
Wesl ...
Oregon Hr California R R. Co.,
S W. Vt. S. E. M, Section 5,
Township 3 South, Range 7
W. S. Walton. N. 4 of N 15. Vx
P.. Vt of N.W. "5, Section .8,
Township 3 South. Range 7
West. .
Oregon r California R R. ( o.,
N.li. Vt, N.W. Vt, S.W. Vx, S.
E, Vt, Section 7, Township 3
South, Range 7 West
Oregon California R R. Co.,
N.E. Vx, N.W. Vt( S.W, Vx, S.
E, Vx Section 9, 'I ownship 3,
South, Range 7 West
Orecon California R.R Co.,
N.E. Vx. N.W. Vu S.W. VI. S,
Ii. Vx. Section it. Township 3
Soiilb. Rniifie 7 West
Oregon California R.R. Go,.
N.K. Vx, N.W. Vt, S.W. tf. S.
E. M See. n, N.li. 14 N.W. Vx
S.W. S.K. yit Section 15.
Township 3 South, Ratine 7
Orptnn r California R.R. Co.,
N.E N.W. , S.W. tf. tf.
E. tf. Section 17. Township 3
South, Ranjre 7 West. ,.?....
Or 1 Callfntim It It
Nl , 4. N.W. h, W ,
I n, ju'iHoii 19. 1 rt)U'
South. Ranup U . .
10 yo
IN '
Oirgou X Ctillfoini4 b ,
N K. M, N.W, li, A
II. V, rctl0ll 21, I
Soul It. Uniigf 7 St t
0, A. (ialtiiii, I'. .4
Section jo T mwihIi, iv
Itangr 7 West,
Oirguii (V ttilliotuM h (
I.' I I U.u . . SJ I ..
S.W. Vi. S F tt.
N Vi. N W I,,
11, Sedli.lt 27. I
South. Itanur 7 Uc
I'. l -ITS rf.l. I
33 CO
Oirgou t nllloini . It C
N,E. M. N W t. "
,t . ...... . .
ji. ) owusnip j
7 west,
Oregon .5. I ulllotni, 1
N.W. H. S W
Section Ji. N F t4
S W Vi, S 15 M.
N l! M. N W tt. v
K VI. Section j',
j South. Ramsr 7 V
W. G Dwight. N I
W Section jo. i
j South, Kangr 7
Otrgou A Callfoinu I
S t'. of S 15 Vi, S S
lion i, Township
lUngr ft W ct
OtfkMin A ( slllornn I
N,K VL N W . ,
15, M, Section j. , .
Sfilith. RHe Jt We.
Qfrgou A Callfurnia I
N 15 VJ. N S t4. '
Townhlt j South
Ol'VrtH A CelI..iiJ t
S W i. St? , x
Township j South. I
W S Written. N '-,
Vi. N W l of N I
lion to, Triwuship
Uanne S Writ
(tleif'.t tif.tn t I
N I N W '.,
!; , Sfrilon it. I
j Smith Rjf.tfe ' V
.- - ' I, 11,. ,
'ik 1
Jd. ID
3 W
s F X W M. v
E 1 . xc 'toe 1 1, I
Snh. Rangr K U .
t. . ililoini . '
v I b '. V
I. 2
j4 to
.1 f")
II. f"
t ' .'
' 15 srtI,
.'V 't. SW
. S t '.
I Soolli I
Oregrtn .V CallfurnM I
N.li. M. N.W. V. s V
ti. tf. Seciion 27, l
,1 S. haittfr t
Oreg.'ii A California I'
N I ; ',. s S1
I tiiei ,u N I
s I
Unit j'. Township t
Hai.tf- v rsi
H il ;.!--..n. W
tf, V!HW jft, li'Hti.
South, Range M W est
Jat. (rttilrilrli. Lots I j
Section 4. Lou I atl X
tiotl 5. Tnwuship J
RanKe 9 West
Wis R w..fir SI"
n v n, r. , .. s 1 .,
lirm 5. Township 3 v
Ru i'e tj Wrsl
M, C. Aaron. S i'. of S V-
Section . 'lownship .1 l
Itanite n W .-st
CU" ' I'-..- Tra.l S.
as described in tract '
PJgc JJJ. Section 7. i
,. II' ll, l'jti;r .
I' '; s ii of x w
7 21
, i s
V '( Srrl,
t oa 11
3 S.lllb.
W . ( lii, X u
E SI 1,' ,.f s U
' . t V tt V, of X I
w .,! n w of
S V , . I N W 'i,
if 1 . w ,ihji 3 South.
9 ' St
Mice, p .1
I - I
M Vrcs. N
. X Ii ii t
. f ',ers, s -tli
t- Smith R ,.
95 8.
it. p
v W f vr.
. f V W v; U
ft F
N.E, Vt, Seciion 7, Tow 1
J S.hi I Ii, Kant'e io W rs
I.licile .tevers, N ii M "f
Vt, Section 7, Town!
South, R.lliKt 10 rst
Randolt'h l uiub. I- -'. or
tf, SW '4 of SI '4.
tlon 11, Township 3
Rangr 10 Wrst
Randolph I niuh. N W
S.W. i. s, cii ... 1
h in l s.. li (ant'r 10 W H
fieo. R, Rldfr.-w..v. V R i
S.I5. VL S. 'A ..f X ! V.
E.tf of N.K. tf. Section V
Township 3 South, R . .
to Wrst
Conrad P. Olson, S. tf of I
tf, Township 3 South, R
to West
Otis Ii. Farmer, S. tf of S A
tf of N.P.. tf, Section 17.
Township 3 South, Range 10
Charles K. Henry. Lol .1. 1 c
tlon 19, Township 3 Soin' ,
Rsmre 10 WiOtt
Emit Knna, Tract No. 1041, at
ilcscrtbril In tract book, pat
360, Section 20, Towtishti J
South. Rllllirp in West.
Mary 15, Ditiioml, W. tf of S.
15. tf. 15. tf of S.W. tf.
lion 21, Township 3 South,
Conrad P OIhoun.' tf of V li.
tf. Secliim 2), lowtishlp J
South. Raniie in Wi
Jolm Walln, Lot 5. Section .'s
1 owusnip 3 South, Range 10
Charles K, Henry, Lot , 3, ,
S. iiinl (, Seciion 30, Town
nip .1 South, Range 10 cm,
Henry Seiniltz ir,, S, tf of S.
v. 'i , MTUon 30, rownMir
Kntttli 1? rt tier in Wftt .
Orerron Kf California R.R. Co.,
N.E. V,. N.W, tf. S.W. M S.
K. tf, Section 7 Township I
South, Range 6 West
1 ,
L 11
y Jin