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About Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1915)
ilUll00k air ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY L.ARQE8T CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY ltd ! Tillamook, Okimon, JAnimkv 12. l!)lfi. NO. 102 V ! a- .ADIES CORSETS UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY AT UNPRECEDENTED PRICE i REDUCTIONS Haltom's January Clearance Sale con tinues in its efforts to give you Bargains in undergarments equal ii not actually better in saving values than those offered at the commencement. In many cases there arc complete lines of sizes in others there arc only broken sizes, but no matter what you buy-YOU BUY FOR LESS AT THIS- CHEAT JAN UARY CLEARANCE SAl F. r A A W 'la LACKS' CORSETS 111 ! W IMlst JUKI lmf i i .til sizr nt a jjrent VlHtf ii Jl KT. J KM tr (Flic rutin took (il'nclH values in Aiikm'i LADIES' CORSE VS KcKiiliir vmIiick to $1 r,0 m n Uvnkvn lot of uimuIhtk. I here mv nnrlv all ue in i'ic hck-cUoh and ,,rc Kcmiitic barams at the Jaaii irv 'CIchmiut htk I Vice - I 53c Actual $1.00 values in practical uv. m I j.TTi sizes iti "American l.aily" Cornets .a ( um-rj v-li worlh taltiu a-lviiutae of, Sale pri -ejji.-r p m 8 )c LADIES UNDERWEAR LADIES HOSE Aetual lOi I :"c v.ih.ex hi I.niIv" CoimMn ,ni"s I'hIuI anil tiiibleuh- Lmlics Black Lotion Hose Ik $1.03 III tiilllitt loillfv. iiit.iv en IU in I I lor per pair 29c Actual f0e values in lilenclinl cotton vests anil pan 18 in all sizes from ill to 11! for per jini OC Actual values in women s cotton llecced in sizes M.-lO !, price per pair K'cKular 2fe vaitu- it. la die' lilaeK "Biii'mmi" m atn less stock inus in .sizes tn K's-K) for H-r pair I9c (Jur regular L'oe leader in Indies' black woolen hose ii l.mlv Corsets with V IMIstH 'UMI lOlljJ nips vviMiirM-intu?iniiii- H.wr(.tr iihp sixes inr urr Kiinncnt nc "ir - - io. ci Ar ir f;.' Tlir ritttte Stock ol ileiti s'- " values in front il ! u k lace "American " t mi nets in . sizrs :.. pci- pair $1. Aim.iI $2 'jr. and $'.&) thus in front lace "A mer it! I. I v " Corsets in all ln I ornclicul tin. to- Ifc oul v $1.97 per garment 't i L pair Actual $100 values in I. adits' black u t ton Indies' mixed wool vests 'tockint'S in ouImxcs and mid pants in all sixi-s. lor regular 2;"c valtu. s lot the snvinu iiriee i)er H-r pair garment . JuC, lietjular .'U"e values in Actual SlftO value in Jabes' black cot : on sKk! -Ladies white wool v.-is i'is in size &l2-1 o ! and pants in all .sizes lor In' lor - - C the reinarkable sav- . Regular (."c values in la in pi ice per iut, yl .1J dies' lull lashiomi? black Actual values in la- cashmere in sizes dies'blrached cotton union JS'a-lo lor per pair j"C CHILDREN'S HOSE Kivular l;"e missis' children's hih tirade bed hose in sizes o1: DVv for per pair - I iC Regular liOc missis and ehiltlren's hue ribbed li fi pi ian slockiiiis m . s zes ri's iO'jlbr perpr. 14c K'euhir liOc values in boy's heavy ribbed "Yank ee" hose in sizes (I-IO . . 14c suits in all sizes to 11 lor the saving price per .Q suit - - - 4"c Actual Sl.liG values in ladies' white cotton union suits in all sizes for the re- inarKaniesa viug price per suit Actual $2.00 values in ladies' white worsted nil ton suits in all sizes for the jLjreat saving price per suit anil rib- I'U- a.. hIi-Is r iei ii. hi Actual S.'l.oO values in Iniliis' Nemo" Corsets in :'leu lots of sizes con. i Him.1 models .IrJ Iml.'L'oior piri)air pl.yo Aitii.ii $.oo values in 'in- "Nemo" Corsets. ' hiokeii lol of models Ii;,, .os and -10U. li'iiLiii iiii, however, all Ws i the selie . on!.,, pu. ,,;,. 3J.4y Arinal SL.f0 ami $:i.00 for per pjiir Actual $"i.0() values in values in Indies' while and Regular -loc and f0c val- ladics "Nemo'' Corsets silver trev worsted union ues in bov's and jiiTs litnlct No. fiOS in . . suits in all sizes lor . rtr worsted hose in sizes,., mas '(,! pn pr. f.4.4i pel suit - - pl." ."' a-O' y for per pair CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR 37c $1.39 27c P-OYf ' VESTS and PANTS 35c Garments 25c KVtitilur .lfic values- in Movn Sanitary flreee lined Shirt, and Drawers in sizes ii rii ii. . . o. i . : i i.... i.i yi-jus cmic price i it ty I'liiiiieiit MISSES UNION SUITS & 75c Values 59c Regular I7;c values in Misses' Bleached I'liiou Suits in sizes 1 to 10 ears splendid values and jiood t httiiiji jai incuts lor per suit - t"MC Boys' and Girls' Union Suits v cotton vests and pants insizcsi r J-M.iinn UcuJIiihi hi k t. -utsn Isscs' and Childrcns' Vests and Pants years: H'nlnr lilcsize 2 lor Ji'Kulnr LTjc size 1 for l'Kulnr "Denize 0 for H'L'llltr Mfu- M foe 'Millar : ''LMllar 4(). m-.. IO rm. jjWilar4jo size 11 for '"'Kulnr loo size 10 for i ci u .1. In Id venrs.K) J7c 'fii , i, , .. iru, awl o foe c I 'Regular 7fc size f. and S for Rijiular 7 He size id 22c 27c 31c 33c 35c 38c Regular (ioc size 2 lor Regular 8fc size 12 for f Regular SScJsizc VI for Regular DOc size 1( for 47c 53c 57c 47c 63c 67c 69c Oregon Industrial News Notes NtaUr of Idle Men in Stale Decreai itif, New Expendi'tarr Every rbt re j Kiilcrn. Ore. Ian. n Dtir n( id liiTttIc tltint; to ronic before ih 'cKiyUire-'ik utc iniiitiitloti 10 ihcr of crijij lnl clii Mictt. i until- "Tlirep new r!ili-iirri mi Icrfcanwuiction am) throe mor. . I fv .1 jnaiiiru. Ktfciic.SciiiUta arc iniiUilnr . -illjfir ii large nwrliti ' N'fJvpun 11- Slocktr will remwv j a v-Viiiill Unt from I'liilomatli f iKSMliU jlee. tic rcMxifcr of Ou.ffon ami Ago kUHr litucAiioH ri to lie mlvanct ?AraA lve concert. W tit Coiurc Grove tax levy $ i ; ii)iU uv i nan i(ji.. rrn Ucif!c ho hsvc n thiw t tluec jilacc cmiiloylo ie tuftftram of tJic Mulinoir:: lt?j;alioii to cm off mllliim ilollat f ebatgc will reiluce lai one itiilt. lytRcnr- -Ijine county tx levy re 'lueil ihrV niilU m $ioa cu froai IiuiIkcI. IJiiiiK farmer arc hootlim; the ur hert ituhulry. i'tJnijfielil lax levy rciluctil A) V. .Kuby. I'ortlaml toek man. ututlk SitflOO rr.iili-m'i- laii V. I). Glnfke rjtallihct a I if.,t. i. i ItJMVM HUUlt IIVIV. rcKO" caniieric report a row! .ijarttt for their product, hut will a! relief from rtjilrictivc IrKislalion. W if rtuiiuatet! the oiie-boanl plan n-fitiiicUiiliiiitt3tioii in jilacc o' fftniMiioiiC. for higher cduca- , haii a million. f Un .ue coinplrlr'l for the $io-. hotel to be tree I id by Man . i ti ami atoeiatt at Xurtl U i - l)is Saiiilrr nd Km .! I k-. ill I. mill a liospital. iti ltiiolcllr i the new ouner o'' he t roV. 1'ounty Journal at I'rine .U. ("OOVXVJ JUJJ -JI3 !.l."J,,:lt'll bml '.c'v: in 191 I he Sui ih Hend Manufacttuing Co tirtlini; oii: myrtle oi." ..eltics fr Ihe I 'attain Pair, lhrcc new bridges on the Colnin- a Highway to Astoria will cost .-.000. Sinker rouni mining output fi 4 wn $i,5fio,ixx). !a reduciioti in Polk Count -uM t $116,001 below I9i.. Prosper- -t in in iaRc at shine' leaves jj..nt ihorl of help. I'.ligene improvement for Ifli.) t o,ooo. I ane comitt i promoiiitK the mi . I in.luMry t iiatoi l',urell" piopoilion is l .ill ul.ine above $.,Q0O ItM'tH r cent in Rood--but why not : XX) and $i,WO salaries' ,-uleiu --Seventy men lh fami'i .ic been vent to work diKginK rw. '.. hcs in .North Salem, i eniral Ou'roii Irri;ationit! m! k the state u at-propriate $i.J5o,oo. r jirajcct Oregon t"it --Crowit-Willaiiieit' apcr milU have made places for ore men. The local btiel; liifimifacturcrs nt yene won out on the armory con i.iel over com irt made biick. A Pendleton Manufacturer of toilet uci;ir;uion mnki' a houe to house .mvass to intiotlnce heV line, and ives n free tieaimenl at an up-to-. ite beauty parlor to each purchaser. lirauts PasM i imshiug for three new industries in 1015 a beet suk.ii Mctory, a custom mill to crush ore, anil a plant to prepare lime rock for fertilizer. The First National Bank Of Tillamook has had a veiy jaosperous vear and wishes to thau'i it.s patrons Jor their generous support. Being-a member of the Federal Resetve Bank System will enable us to render more satisfactory service than ever before HIGH SHOOL NOTES j to 19 with the same lineup except that 1 rroiessor crennaw piayeti center lor 1 , t r .1. the Junior instead of Huel. This see- On the evenine of Jnnuxry 5, the! , . . . . . . fin I t It, 1 . 1 I I "iw Ki"i: ns urn 3n:fc vvuiu iiimi h;uui tut ucuuic wttn tiviu mm the following team were elected to , ? rcprcjent T. II. S. Affirmative Negative Gold Bond Trading Stampa Given With Every Purohnao m 1 Evorything in the Store Reduced in Prioo. Buy Now For Looa Krwin Schnuclle Thoma ('oaten leo Doty Areta Everson The first debates will be held Friday, January 1.1, when the Gresham Nega tive team will debate our Affirmative team here, nnd our Negative team will debate SU Johns at SU Johni. The question In "Ke8oIveI that thi'i'jy scoro'G " " ' V ..... n n I . I . r . . n . . 1 Ma A. v.ii.ll, n f it many of the participators are limp ing around with sprained ankles, soro knees nnd other ailments The preliminary game-? were played by the Sophomore an-i Freshmam Warns. In the firt game the Freshmen defeated the Sophomores with a score of 16 to 14, but in the .second game the Sophomores got revenge with 14 to their credit while the Kreshma:j could ti. i ... . ..... , - i umieu aiaic snoum own ami operate The manager cf the High School all inter-state U. K. acting as common team is corre-.iiiJin with vrrl outside teams and it is quite probable carriers including inter-state lines comting with them, constitutionally waived. that before long wo shall play eithci .Mc.Minnvuie, rorest unive or Newr- Thc debate will be held in the High . Ir , P'ae. e . , , ... , . , Next is the final examinations for School Auditorium at S:00 p. m. Ad-' thtf first semester's work. This year mission 25c. 1 an average of 90-93 is required to .. , , , .. , . eliminate the student from examina- I he juniors are feeling very proud; this week over the fact that they de-j foatetl the Senior Haskei Hall Team j Notice of Stockholders fleeting two successive games. The first which' was played on January 5. ended with a! Notice is hereLy given that the an- core of 20 to 12. The lineup was follows : as I nual meeting of the stockholders of Juniors Kriekson Fh tcher Hue I J. Krickon F. Kriekson Forward Center (juard Seniors Maddux Lamar Wallace Newman The score of the second game was 27 ' the Miami Lumber Co., will be held at the ollice of the company, Nq. S30 East First Street. Los Angeles. California. ! on Saturday the 6th day of February, ' t til r . . i I r ii r . i ivio, iii me nuur ui p. m.. lor me election of new directors and the tran saction of such other business as may come before the meeting. OnttNl nt Animlt4 (Tnlifnrnia ltoouist' i... i;,t. loir. ' , ,fil. A.'Af, a C. C. Ganahl, Sec. m M M if f I J9 M ttSf ' 1 DAY" - r RUN 0FSTEEI. HEADS HEAVY iSl'hu runof teol;heada on theJNul'a lent HayhnsJboen'(exco tionallvheavy during tlio past month, many of the llshormon making some excoj. tlonally good eutehos,, Ed, Clark of Nehalom holding tho present record witlifa catch of nixty, made soveral nightsaKo. Tho cooperative cannery at this place has boon semilog out a largo quantity of fresh fllsh daily, forty two Jlunnlred pounds being tho consignmunt for I Tuosilay morning, Hoporter, ..v v1. if ,, ? li Tho ono way to keep the sun of r perity always shirting cn you is to always have MONEY IN OUR BANK. Too many make the mistake of saving for a while and then wresting in some deal and LOSING all they have. They then also lose their COURAGE. No one can ever make a mistake by PILING UP money in tht bank and constantly making his balance bigger, Make OUR bank YOUR bank. . We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. TilUamook County Bank t..a..,. ,'i.Tl ... luJir;'"