Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 08, 1915, Image 2

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    tf. P. Cram tile v. editor
ntfH riniec - lUccli Cucsd.iv and Friday fully.
MUCd CU UslUCOt , - rtTr1MH ' ThlWB wh0 ,MHy nV for audi
innm ?n vim ri i-v" . - . - , , ,
Oregon, under tho net of March a, l;v.
Sl l-M Kil l !ON SI. 50 A V! K IN Al N"Ct
tiner who wish to go in together on n ' imc of satisfying the H"'""' ."V''
Til,,. !,.., i,.,t will clear their land eheup
ly and easily. Tu men. can run the
; machinery Used and handle It success-
machine will iln well to Investigate.
Jtrivcrtislttti K.ics
' ecal Advertisements
rrt Insertion, per lina 5 .10
Fn. h subsequent insertion, lin .05
Ho nestomt Notices &.W
Timber Claims 10.00
N, t' -es, pr lirt -
C.v.l of thank., par line .0
L, its. xt lina. first mwtkm
Bach mil'i"iui"it insertion, line .05
Resolutions of ' ondoU 'ice and
Uniirc notice, per line .OR
IUt.ine- A' I'rofdslonal cards, mn. LOO
Display Advertisement, por inch .!!&
ALL Display Aik must bo In this of-i
fice on Monday ami Thursday Merrr-
imr to insure publication in folhm-
i ... . i i .........
UK ruclay aim rnuny imi
Keaaona tire imperative.
Notice of Asserted I7snui;e.
d-etco etuefVd tn '! cans" f tha ItUh
n.iYUf .December. UHL " lajor m
..iitlit mid tignllwt ikfeiidauls for the
im of llVi 1H with Interim thereon
t the rate Of sl per O.mt per nnniim
frotn Pebnlniv ISth. llIH. Mr the fur-It-,
r sum of JSlWI.OO a attiiinov fees,
ami the conn and disbursements of the
int tnxetl Ht $Ut Mini the owl and
vn'iio of the sale.
Dated this December 31st. I'.'l I
II. Crenshaw,
.Slu-rtir of Tillamook t'otintv, Oregon
o( the Mtitc
o( Oregon for I'lllnmiMip County.
FKIUAV I A NT A K V S. 11)1.".
said that there ta not a Federal hole and would make the prohibition
mg in Danville. Ill . that cU leaa law practically of non effect. Ami the.-
why itraw the line. allowing onty w
room hotels a special privilege: Th:
mailer hotels are entitled to every
privilege that larger onea are.
t a one million dollars. U hieh you
r t t nte in your aerap book ajrainat
the uet that for years Uncle Joe Can-r,o-
known as the "rateh-do(r" of
the rreaury. In fact we are inclined
f-t . ik that Uncle Joe created the
n ! . Telegram.
tiertrii''e A,
T ,oe who are eritieisinc the admin-ijf-ation
because, of its strivtnir for
peiu-i wuli criticise it a irreat deal
m -e if we were at war. Polities like
. or;, thing else has its proper sphere,
b jt we are sorry to say tt is sometimes
u? t to carry on pretty dirty business.
If it were not for the oltW seekers ami
One wouli naturally think from the
clamor and criticism that is goinc up
in certain quarters that some of Mr
people are anioua for tear. Some of
the stand pat papers throughout the
CMintry are l.ud in their criticisms of
the administration's foreign policy.
Why those eriticiam-i? Are thoy not
satisfied with the peace that we are
now tnjoyine;? The administration is
being held up to ridicule as being for
peace at any price. While there is no
t-. -ticat pap suckers there would
I Vs unjun criticism of state and just abound for this, ridicule, ia it not
rv nsl administrative affairs. The
ft . s who are putting up the hotvl
tht,-'-'itys are mostly those who are
c :o and want to get in.
t: i't- r Baker claim thit the Derao-
:- ,1'e to blame because the Elmore
n taken i ff ihe ran What nasi?
'., 't of the matter is thai the Kl-
as taken off because our mer-
'referred to ship by rail rather
A-s'er. As much stuff is beini;
' into tho -junty as there ever
i ' time ,i th year. No doubt
-,'i'nt lowering of freight rates by
V. H. A M. had something to do
the Elmore's being taken off the
t-niMk-Portland run. At any rate
merchants of Tillamook can
m the Elmore people for the reduc
i) freight rates as water corape-
was no doubt the reason for the
. 'turn in rail rates. If the slough
w.is improved as it should be we could
L k for a further reduction.
c .
t- i
t t
a fact that peace at almoat any price
(eliminating the matter of principal,
and there seems to be no principal, aa
we view things, involved in the present
war) is better than such a war as ia
being carried on in Kurope? The war
in Europe ia nothing more or leas than
a battle for the dollars; a desire for
increased market and a further ex
pansion of trade. America will shed
her Mood freely if need be for a princi
pal, but she flinches at making sacri
fice of life for tho dollars. While the
administration may have made mis
takes and will no doubt continue to
make them, the sincere aim of the
President and bis advisors is to keep
this cour try out of the awful carnage
of war, b that we may enjoy the
fruits of peace and our industry.
Notice i lierrl Rirtt. that the
Vwrr appointed by the Common,
Council of Tillamook City, OtCKon,
onder the provisions ol Ordinunce, .No (u, nult Court
Hi m asse damages and benefit ,
i (he proposed widening of l?ift
Street in Tillamook City, Oregon '
ir.m Second Avenue Kat, Kastetlv.
.iuve filed their report In said matter,
.iml the Common Council of Tilla
uok City, Oregon, has appatntnl
linUy, January iftlh. tut5, at thr
i ooikiI room in the City Hall in Till
. t;HHk City. tregon, at the hour d
j o'clock p.m. as the time and plac-
he said report will he tonaidetet!
: the Common Council. By aaW
;vrt damages have been assessed
Lillian A. Cioodspccd for the turn
'jtuxwK for the taking ol the follow
.ne tract ol land lo-wil.
.. r . i itlainli
HMilh and Ni leet East of the North-1 th- minor children of yourself hi
ast corner of the F. Thomas D.lC. j olaintiff. to-it: F.! a K Hamlers.
. . -t ....Ii.i.. , ...., k , IKdtie I.uelle Sanders ami Itubart li-
f Range o est ot V,M , and run
li. Haiders. tMnintltt.
l.awreneii Saialers. Itefemlanl.
To lrenc Snndera lh iilaivf
nineil defemlrtiit.
OF OHK'iON! Vmt nr here-bv re
i'(tr.-l ti' appear and ai.awr the em
l.lsml ltlel against ou In the nhove
r Htlcl still on or lefitri lh fpir
ttoiiof i wMk from th dat- .-f !'
lirst puldlcatlon of this Summi s, ''
AMnwy-alUw mm!
Land Ollkc luainrsx,
r '
Sanders, ami for such other ttral further
relief as may I equitable.
This suiumottii ia publisheti In the
Tillamook IleraM by order of the lion
orablv Homer Mason, fount v Judgi of
lillainook ('ountv. Oregon, iv an unter
made Dee Sth 191 1. requiring pol llea
tion of this Summons to he made once
n oek for six weeks, ami I Imp date of
th- rtrst publication heroef is Januarv
I. I01&.
tl. T. IfaHta.
Attomrv for I'lalntilt.
iN'ljtlCC Ol ASC.SMH0llt.
.tug thence south 77 dearer. East
.07 feet;, thenee North ijt.$$ feet
hence N'orth 77 degree 10 minutes
A eat 307 feet, thenri. South it 06 feet
u the place oi beginning.
And the Methinlist Kpiscopal
h'irch hj hern .i.svrssed damage !
11 the sum of $;i.o) (.r the taking ol J
!e following traet of land:
t'onmu ncing at 4 point oq feet j
o-.uh and fa feet rlnu of the Xortk-1
i- corner f the F Thcinaa D.UC. Mieiri Lumber Co., a eirtrailn.
1 Section 10. T.wnhip l South of ! having Ita orTlee and principal . Ii.ee of
. . , . . . . . mi L t4. .
' 'Ki' g W.t M, and runntBg
'chcc S,.uth 77 'irgries. Fast JO!
tl to j.l.iee of beginning; thence
,r.h i.' ierf thrncr South 77
rii 10 Timit. .. l-.ni fret,
'ne-- ti:h i" o iret. tl.- nee North
r d grrc. Wrst to.-f. !rct; thince
outh j.7i iVt. incur North 77 de
t ,-s, Wes.1 ;i 2 ii-.-t to the place of
-m! ...
a. .-"1
Ornitr.il vpn ttttln. who l In chartf
or to temmitury department of th
(lrrmjii army
i.ium tin: ei.-r tn it'TiuH
nat m a m e - am rt a
1 nil.... 'mo Ma i
Tillniimok - Or
Calvin R. Worrll
11....: 1 ....... ..II..., 1 ..1
i.i.iiuii 1 11 hi Vui ni'i' I1, ,l.t
Geo. F. Winslow
HlllniiiiHis llloek
It.-m ;""3
.ions uIanu iiindiksuJ
Ulojiim at laM
lilliHutiok County fltink III
l!cciitor'.s Notice to Creditor (
Presbterian Cliurch Nates.
10 a. m. The church
Bible Come early.
- .- Li-a TJiiJ 'cnureo" worshipini;
i 1. tor Baker is "boldly" proclaim- Communion addres: "Two Typee of
ine r mself in favor of the Warrer.it Christians: Carnal and Spiritual."
pavement in preference to the concrete The Urd's Supper will be kept at tbig
pavement. This seems rather strange. , service, and members of this church,
Fr.T, all the data that we have been and all believers in the Lord Jeeus
at le t' secure, concrete sterns to have Christ are invited to Da r take. "rhi
give-, by far, the best satisfaction for
Kene-al road purposes It i- cheaper!
tlur Wurrenite and ti4 stood the test'
of t.Tie to a remarkable degree. Hru.
BaK-r always did have a special liking
f r a'.ahinff that smacked of thf War-'
re '''instruction Co. tie wuuld n
d .bt like to have that concern come
here and take up its headquarters '
ar 1 i ,-e with us or on us, which
way you may tee fit to put it.
do in remembrance of me
7;30p. m. The church worshiping.
After a son? service and prayer, the
pastor will dhcuss for 10 minutes cur
rent events directly effecting the King
dom of Ood. The remaining ten min
utes will be devoted to u Gospel mg
sage. The church needs you. You newl
buairteM at No. KB Kt First Street
1:1 the City of I jo Vug vie.. State of
l California.
Notice l hereby givrn that at a meet
ing of the tard f Ifii-rctur of said
Miam' l.umlwr Con oanv. held mi the
lthda of liercmher.. 19! I, an aaaeaa
ment of II 90 per shar was levied up
; ..' the tsaut d capital atiH-k of uld cui
i. ration, fiayahie immediately to f. C.
. ;. ahl, .L-rrelary of aid cor jn.rs lion,
! N f s! Fir'l Strwt in lt, lt
, f I ..i Ant--lea. St4 ,.f CalllurnlH.
i iitMt'i have hrcB allowed i Ay atoek upon which tins usaoaa-
ny other ptrson for the taking of 1 -h."" rrn,ii' bi) UUU
aiai aoverttaeii lor sau- nt public um
lion, and unleaa t-'i-i t i iimIe lm
iore, will be ) on lh- 2nd dny of
February. WIS, at 10 u'eloek A. M
on said di le. to pay the teliiMti-iil n
aeaament, Uigonwr with eoatu of udvur
uatng una etuenees of eute.
O. C, Ganahl,
Location of Office - No. 830 ICa'st First
Street. Ia Aneeler. 1 ii.ifornin
ever the church.
! D. A.
.Mai'Kenzie minister.
property h saiid proposed widen
and no benefit have been tM
scd against aW proprrty on ac
Mitt i laid proposed change,
All person interested arc hereby
.utified to be present in writing tin
d.jections to said report if any they
.ne, and said objections, if any there
c. together with said report will be
ird and detennintd by Mid Conv
lon Council at the tim specified
tcin and .ihuvr mentioned, or at
ich othet unit- a the hearing there
i' may be adjourned to.
Dated thi Dicember 34th, ton.
John Aschim,
Recorder of Tilhimook City, Ore.
Notice to Contractors
Notleo Is bert-by elven Hist liv vlr- I
tuo of an ordrr tnmli- and enteral In ;
the Counlv Court of the Slntw of Oro- ;
gon f'r Tillamook County, on tlte IWitli 1
day 01 iprntiiiHr, I0M. the umlor'
signed, llortnan (Under, was duly up
minted Kiocntorof the Ijist Will ami
Tcmtnmnnt "f John C. Sunder, do
censed. All poriMM having claims
against the rUtn of -.at. I Jolin C. Knn
iter, decom.sl. arc hnrtdty itstt tflsil nnd
retpiiriHl to prosmit the name. toguthir
nlth viuichair's nd due proof, U low
undirignl. or to his ntti.rtvey. S, .H,
Johnaon, nt TlltntnooW. Oregon, with,
in ait monthn from tin date.
Muted January S, IV15.
Herman Sunder, li-eutor
of the Last Will awl Testament of
John C. Hnnder, deconsnd.
t-. U . OLAUSS'.fi
Hhutsciick Anvnu v
Cttiniiicrcitil Mtulilu :
J,jiu vt r
(ottorl prarti. r In; nil Ut
Fnlffal I'oorta
Ciiinmofi inl t (,1 (tide TlUa'r
Attorney a( Law
Office In Tillamook Block
Itivers Creann-rv Asa'n.
Lands Cheaply
The Nehalem Valley Reporter ad
vises that the county court investigate
in regard to the dissatisfaction which
the people of Columbia County have
for Major Bowlby, the -tate highway
commission and the state aid work
done in that county, before any mat
aid work is undertaken in thw county.
We believe ihis would be a good idea.
The- Columbia ci.u.ity dl'OdIu hav n.
titione i f-ir the removal of Maior Hnwl. completed a very uconomicul device for
by, alleging, unsatisfactory work, eltslir'wK lani in the shape of a gasoline
careless and extravagant expenditures donke- mgine, eipiipped with a 10 h. p.
of road f.jwis. .Major Bowlbv i r.Mii heavV duty ngine. The total weight
Feeney-Breemer Co., Put Economical
Land Clearing Machine on Market
The Fceney-Breernvr Co.. has just
rumumoerea tiy our citizens in
connection with the pavement r-ase.
His attitude towards the citizens and
the testimony which he gave will not
be forgotten soon. We hj-i rather see
someone besides Major Bowlby ut the
head of the stat- highway work.
A move is being made by some of
the hotel men of the state to have in
corporated in the propoied prohibition
laws provisions whereby a 50 room ho
tel may have the privilege of serving
liquors to guesU in transit. We un
derstand that other provisions which
are bound to make the prohibition law
of non effect are also tonsidered. It is
to be hoped that the legislature will
btand by the Committee of One Hun
dred and pass the bill as proposed by
that committee. Anyone can readily
see that to allow hotels
would be altogether too much of a loop)
of the machinery is 5,200 lbs. mounted
on runners and can he pulled anywhere '
on a straight line by its own power.
The uonkey part consists of a double
drum, double friction, equipped with
beaks. It hat 400 feet of i in. cable
and &00 feet of 1 inch cable. As a dem
onstration it recently pulled with ease
a 20 foot log 3 feet in diameter oyer
rough ground. Anyone wishing a dem
onstration of the workings of the ma
chine can witness the same by calling
at the reeney-Breerner Co. Works
The Three
Kianca wj rr.-eive diiii on liiltlillng tin
tuition to us factory tit Hclxi. Or
'on. See copy .f .poci fictitious at Cnrl
liiLerlaeh's olllco, Tillamook, or at
adem-e of ChaM. McKlllip, Helm.
Building is to be thirty-two feet
vide by fl feet long.
Building to be completed by Match
I fi'ii, 111 1 ft. Penalty will he nruviilud
r failure to coinnleto liuiltlinir in
iTifi.-d time. Hidden will he required
" give Hatiafact ry references as to
heir ability to complete building, etc.
Bids to be 8ubtnitti.-d by January
5th, I'JiS. Leave bids nt place whore
pecinration may ho h.-en. Company
-serves the right to reject any or all
Certified cheek of ,V per ci-nt of
mount i f bid to hi- left with bid.
Three (liver h Creamery Asa'n.
By Carl Haherlueh, Secretary.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale on Fore
Kiiuunmi; ui h 11 execution and or
Notice I nr I'titilicntion
Department of the Interior
V. I.i. I Klir. at Portland, Ore
goi , Ueren.os-r 2t. IUI i.
Ntic. is hi'ri'Pv triven that Alton I
Ourdnrr, of Ktnver, l'lllnimaik Co
Uregon. uh'. on March 20, 101 1, intiile
lloineateatl Kntry, No. QCitiO, for SWJ
NKJ ami NWJF, Section 32, Town
sin,, i .iull., Itifgi- 0 Wi'st, Willa.n
otte Meridian, ban filed notice yf inlen
tion to make Final Commutation IVof,
to establiiih claim to the luiul uIhivc
described, before tho County (lerk of
Ulinir.noK t oui.ly, tlrcgun. at lillti
monk Lity, Urcgnn, on the 17th day of
February. I'JIO. Claiiiianl names ns
wttnes-i: I-rank I'ayo., Kditnr Oil
bert, Ollle Woods, Robert (J. Itleharils,
an 01 iicaver, urrgon.
II. I'. Iligby, Register.
I have good income l-arng property
111 i-orilaml, which will exrhanire for
imnrpveu uairv rnnch, with stock,
within reasonable distance of town of
Tillamook Will consider property uti
toW5,000.00. Address ' '
C. C. Minted,
o50 Halsey St.. Portland, Ore.
Hids W tinted for W00J
Tho (!lover Lioif ('r..,.i..i,. n
w.iH,'7 l receive hlds for sixty corda
1 ,l hfmlr" r Hemlock wood,
both in four foot limgths di-livered at
" i.".-iory nun m ji, inch leoit
1 1 ti I. .IS 1 1 . r. r.
In tlic Circuit Ctiurt ol tlic .lntf '
v OrcKiin, for the County
1)1 I HltltlllMlk..
Kiln ShrrwiKHl. I'laltltllf
flcori'c Sherwood, lefrtilnnt.
T 5cori?e ShurwiKal. 11 fumliint
iu tiro heroby rptlrel to appear
Dr. L. H. Hcwi
AND Ht'ltiiCON
(llwtrtrlrat Sprcialit
Both I'hotic.
Ofllce : JtiKim, !& Id Tlllam?V :
Hours: U A. M. too 1'. M
ami answer tho complaint lllo. I against L. L. HOY M D
you in the above entitled suit wilhiti ; '
l'liy.samn and Htirco'i
six wroi, iron) tlie Hate of the llrst
IHibllrntimi hcrwi' III the Til amook
Herald, the date of sutd publication
tx-ing the iSMi djy of Hecotiitter, 101 1 ;
.md if tt tail so to nppimr ami answer,
fur want thereof, the plalnttir will
take a dec ret of this Court tllwolv-iijg
thu bomls of matrimony nxlsting jm
twecn the plumttlf a I t f.-- 1 nm
that the pliilnlitr t, grst.ted a'n l.
solute divorce from the d.-f.-mlnnt ; that
the cut-ly of the ehlldr.". ii..-ii .vl
111 the coitiiiliilnt, nuniely : Uabella.
Howard, drlie, Claude and Kwith,
be nwnrdtil to the tilnintllf . Ill til flip
UvU uUwr him. furlhur mhrf 11 M tl III.,
Court may eem just and equitable.
Thia siiniinoiis is served niMin you by
tiublicatioti thnniif by order of thu
Honorable Webster Holmes .Iml !' Itf
the Circuit Court f the State of Ore-
gon. for (he Cimntv or 1 ill., i,,.. L
dated at Tillnuiixik, Oregon, tho SWth
day of December, I1 J
t Vi . I ulmngn mid
U. J. (Iliusseti,
Attorneys for Hnltitlir.
In the Countv Court
of Oregon for the County of
'I illiintook
Mil hew Casey, deceased.
notice tn hereby Kiven that (hit .
lerHiL'tied Fxei-uior ,.r -,.1,1 1
ill. .111 ,1 . ... . 1 as
li.l Ilia (lr.1 Final Account llm
County oitrt of the Slate of Oregon
Dr. Jack Olson
Oillco Hours from V a m. to 6 p
Oddfellows Uuildi'njt
Both i'hottcs
Has Located in the Commercial
Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharo.
All wotk. OtuMiilird, Both !'!
Olllcc Mourn ?!0i2'!,",
I lo llJO n. 111
Open livctilngi Irotti 7 until 6 o'clcll
Dr. Geo. L. Petcrsi
Dr. Perkins Old Stun
Both I'laturj Krtldrncc I'hot r .tj
imr su iuin i.j,..,,,,! r .1... r ' ii 111 io men eo"t is ii...
-..it r,..iVi .r 11... J..:. . . ! ; , l"u I "vcntl iu Its wood shed. fl,,. I,lf t ' " l . ".a "f "'h"ary.
rm-mK Cmmty; by the CZltZ '" "lav, at the Ciurl room of nuVil
our , upon a decree of ft.reeloHUre. ' ,,Ht 16 19 5 I ea L ii " '"r " A,utf "r.1 '"' tun., . nd . ct fur
P a-iniii ami w. t. Uuise, Mina M.
-imin: llllil 1111; UllaltlOOl-- t.'O Olleml lui. I.l.l..
. -- ..un..-i, , , ' ' ' . "I'IIIHYI
The nrice for the abnvn .nin,nuni H"h Compnriy aro defendants, said ex
.. fr,.m 7tvi n. ,,, u ' ' ... !'e"V''"nd order of wile hearintr date
renruarv lut loir. !
.cBcrves me right to reject any or all
rauKcs irora stou ior jn h. n.. ut). tl.H lfttl. r n," "1" "
larger sizes costing accordingly,
1 he engine consumes dUtilate, con
","'K iuiy directed by tho clerk
I nam uouri utiuer the seal' thereof I
Cloverlettf Creamery Co.
lilds Wantutl fur MauliiiK
Burning 6 gallons In 10 hours, cost lOe. vnVlt,, U,'"JV amT wl". " wis e
a trallon Monday the 1st day of February 1915 1 ,"m
t . 1 t hour of 10 o'clock A. M at the ch1B"
The engine used is detachable and Court House door In Tillamook t iti aT1 ri
run f.o llu.,1 f. .!,. .U!.... Tillnmr,,.!, r. t K llV! Also f
The Clover l.i.uf f
wishes to recelvu blil
can be used for other things.
freeney-Bremer Co. are offering a
fine proposition for two or more far-
Tillamook Countv. Ore mm
... ....l.lr- .. ..
in (iuoiic auction to the
See Ui for Price. BeforefPrderingJEUewhere
for cash in hand all th,.
.1....1 . .
r"w.,.',,',Rwty' Mmiu n Tilla
..iwuvumiiy, uregon, to-wlt:
sh ? M"a,.2i" li)."ck , Mttlaney'H
1 1 .1 , " V '-'VV"" ' nrk acconlitig to
j, mo plat of said addition
the olflce of the County Clerk of Ti
nook County, Oregon, also , J
Ving htitweeti said Lots 1 and 2 am"
lou V""' Nestucca Uiver. 1 "o
.1 of the land lying between Ihe te m
, Iouh of Camp Street in aaid Addili n
and low water on said river ; al , ?
ccrtan.ee plant locale,) ,,, the said
1 descriheil nruimriu . V B.i,lu
..mi iu,n.' H V """"'iuK ot engitiu
Zr.r.t , ,LB mHC" ne hd all
equipment In connection therewith
buld alu will bo inado Ut the pW-
ry coinpnny
on li.it.ll....
..u,,t , tn ,iti-ifiri , . . .....1
r,.ll 1.1 .-.J.."' "IUI
...iiiuiiu i uiui at iiiiamook City,
iinu uoxes to
Curl 1 1 a her-
III.IIIIOOK t. ty, , A I,.., f - , , , " - llinoi
s'on, duly nel til J ,r "au '"K H'ipplieH fin;
1.1 .1...'. iy..iM,'M ta factory. Leave bliis u f
fi lowing I S ' f,,'ic " " '-eforo Fein a ' 0
"te in VlllLT''Mrle,3!!.rvt:Hl''', right to'rejeel
anv or nil (,1,1c n "J1-1-1'
Clover Leaf Creamery Co.
Plcniicr Quarry Reopens.
Nowpnrt. -I'loneer hIoiki la otieo
morn being ipjarrled nfter 11 lapse of
H j tl'B UMll tl.'ririilrrn In ...
.w i,U,i,y,
I 'l!i,'ri hi Mticfjlii county which has
:;' U .1. ' - .in mono ta;,t .
fi-om tho uuarry at floiieor waa used
In tho conalruetlou of Ute Call build
ing In Ran Francisco.
Tho product la Hattdatonn, lighter In
oolor than any other In tha northwest
and, It la nuld, will not deteriorate n
flro. Tho t'ovcrnmcnt la reporUd to
be coimlderluK buying tbla atou for
tho postoffhuj at Tka'Dallei.
Detiiilcea A. Browne,
'.tceutor of the ICmHiIu
Mathuw Casey, .
J. E. REEDY, D. V.
(Both I'liniii-s);
Till i,
1 niaiiiiiun , K)X(
DONV Si'mr. a
u IU HI 11
wl not only Improve the ,Hwm
MEM. 'S . ym
Hell I'lionc
rMHVMMtl 111 ui
Hldnoy K. Henderson, I'res.
John Loland llondcrnon,
Sory, Treaa.
Attornoy-at-Litw, Notary I'u'iIIb
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Co.
Uw, Abatracta, Koal Katnte,
Surveying, Iniuranco.
Koth I'hones
Inatructloa at nupil'a home