Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 04, 1915, Image 4

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It Remnsntt Art Dsllsved to St.tnd
Near Babylon's Ruin.
It Is doubtful If there l any Place
lit the world so rich In ancient remains
ns the vnlle.v of the Kuplirate. in
Me.eiofninia The result Li that to
nrchaeo' ovists ni.d M'holars the place
ts a vol liable "lVm Tiddler's Krouml."
nnd new "flints" arc constantly bclnc
rv ported.
When It Is remembered that tradi
tion place the site-of- the Harden of
lMen here, while iiinorig Its many
rums are those of ntictenl Hahylon. the
proml-dm: nature of the valley to the
sclentltic ,eseavntor becomes apparent.
It ts near the ruin of ttabylon thai
we ClvI what many scholars believe to
be tho vraalns of the tower of Habel
i n i nmenso cube of brickwork, called
by the natives Mrs N'imrud.
l!cvnt c.hautlve e.amluatlon of
the s-r.tase pile and Its site has reveal
ed the Tact that the tower that oueo
stood hero consisted of seven stnecs of
brickwork on an eartheu platform, each
tc. ef a different color.
The tower boasted of a base tueas
ur eut of nearly 000 square foot and
rose to an unknown hctsbt. Even to
d..v tlu ruins rl-e some UX feet above
the level of the surrounding plain.
Wide World Mapastue.
(From Journal.)
Did you know that America con
sumes almost as much cheese as Ger
main, and that Oregon cheese is
Kainui a world wide reputation? Did
you know that Tillamook. Oregon,
produces chcc.se that is famous?
And the war in Eut ope has created
n dtMti.-ttid for Orrimn t-lii-esr thai lias
the Tiliamookcrs working over lime, j S.jSo,M$
the recalled German attaches at
Washington, have sailed (or home,
Hrilain and France Ktall'B ,,,fc cou"
Financial exncits estimate that
since the war bcR.ui the. United Slates
A Nsllvs VUw of ths Orltntal Brand
of raltn.
A Chlwe, uullVe an American, wtm
i." .1 i.-i w.". ,.i a 1. 1 would nniMsif other men's viewpoint
can sccmilillv ocd In 1- i till It in an ulltuvntMn. Is always
r0,c " jcoiirleous and nusuen it ipU'sthm Avltu
American merchant shlppliiR in-1 "Yet. yew, ?m yet." In cnu ho (IW
crcard last year by nearly 500,000 nurees with hi opponent ho Mil nay
tons, or from jrojS,6S8 yiw tons lol'-Voui- honor will lako mom tluio (o
S. iSo.oSS tons. 1 he increase was the r..mi. iMiiur eonehiHlon Your honor
HIV I III.IIIIV'kllMI ..WIIMII UHI IIIIIXi ' . ......... ...... .......
In fact, Tillamook cannot supply Ihc latest of any one year in our his ,,, ,u, rlj.t ul JH,rU,ps you may
American dcm.unl, to say notluuK of j 'f,V, . , ,. 1 have o wlsn opinion later on I, worth
th.t from Huropc and the Orient. I' ijyit men. including I onnmsMiiau ; pM m ,t,wr MuU ,Mnewhat dlf
ThcNv-arhnsputa-criinp-inchresci Hank 1 uchanau. o "hn. lvc touevor. my U
manufctunnK.iuU5trics of all na-j been. mdc cd b a 'Jf s"!lt : a,urt.-fu-n.u may t urn.. and
lions directly involved. For the next at -W for tot pirac uiu r ,r..!l..iiev to
the Mterinnn anit-irim .ci oy . im,""ir .
niriitiiiL- strikes III Altiettcun 1IUtll'" ( in m.i.n
Shock of the First Realization
One Is Getting Old.
T''- moment when oue tin-t feels
nc t I that ho W no l.uiser youm; Is
houud to make oue it.ui.-o in something
akin to consteraatioti. For vividness it
Is lii.e a flash of lightning aero-s a
I. ick sky Life no longer is all before
one. even, more dreadful thought. It
may be mostly behind.
A tor the lint keen realization there
fo 'iws a benildered state of mind due
to unv P'lngtiess yes. to an actual pus
xicd jiiuoility to accept the truth. With
all :lu acuity of tin; startled call of a
chJU at night tho heart cries out. "It
camwt Iv, it Is not so."
Yr'ith die.s liard and lights and Strug
pies in It dying like an imprisoned
bird, lltln-rs. even those nar and dear,
aru oldi-r. are even old: we can see that
Hut how can the stubborn facts
true as to ourselves; Verr gradually.
1tt e by little. lighting its wax Inch by
let. i. the truth prevails and guaws at
the heart-though otily Intermltteiuly,
of eoure-until ti.ue mimlix this emo
tion ns it does every other one. Hubert
L. Ituymoud In Ail.-intle .Monthly.
few cnrs lovers of limuhrgcr must
eat the American product or do with
out. Those partial to imported Roque
fort will he able to buy just as pood
cheese, but must forco the "Imp"
that is now printed on the original
packages from Furopc.
The net profits to Crcgou cheoe
makers as a direct outcome of the
war i Aft to be estimated.
tion lactones.
.Vo operations of Important tf
octirmt hi anj of the battle atcji,,. CM,,UH,i tivtwoon Ikmi amt
I .it v.Ieiit.il 1-'lltenest has U bad
m; ft. It tal-crt too much time If u
KU .t h hxtvluij ht lio-l - door ho hi
to .iini hiH liwid and nsk a ihMieit time
lit it the Iif't nlwuhl not n.eouip 'i
)ti ;i any fnrtlier. Ttw nawo Is me f
li t driuklii 'ihti theft U a Keai (l-
The Danish government prohtbfts
the Ford peace party fro inhoiding
uiectinRS at Copenhagen.
I hc Vircek ctecliOni SKstaincd the
SOVcrmiKnt polu. the war p.uly ab
suiiunR trona voting,
Lio J Melville Bingham of the
Ford in.u, party, died at OiriMUa.t,
December i pleuro-pnoumonia.
Since the cimI war in Mexico began
151 Auiericans e bcetf killed, twen-t-st
ot then on lilts side the hotdvr
by linng acrns: the line.
More than 4.000.000 of the popula
tion ot Poland are destitute and en
tirely dctjfcmicnt upon soup kitchens i
where thort is itrd to each appli
cant a situ II loaf of bread and a pint
01 soup d:tl).
At least 150,000 Albanians have
Aiming the pat week Hostilities art
wttttctcd. however, tn wreek .tce-1
tionta, witcre the Teutons arc fre- j
iorinn to attack thi Hritish Frci h '
torcca near aUuika.
4'hc Indian iroop.s hae been vtilh
rawn irotn France tor iir..iitw'
ihcuhcro, presumably in Egypt ot i
I totcct India. t
Elicit i liritiau ha created a 4n
action with the I nitcd Stales b,.
..tti.iK for citisiuthio American matt
. . .. . 1 ...t.:..t I
.0,., ,.ct ....... .t i.u. """,Urt.tm lo aen.pt the UnuatLu
uo thrcatv-iti to parte! pos,
...ail addicsf, d nm the Vnii.-tl
. tuiC to (.lemutuv
The Hrimh ca-ualttrs at the Dar
danelles io December 11 totaled iiv
VJl as oiifiall rrportrd.
ihe nntisli parli.t.iuni approve
iite r.tli of anottur iiiJIion men to
me colors making $oo 000 .urn to ..I
: ictudiiii; Ihc coloiuls, and thb total
will soon be .f.WO.OOG.
I lu total llriush ios.i in the war
stated at s-JS,
stared to de.nh in the last year and
the same fate awaits an canal number I .ur u.iu ...n.-iiltv
during ihe coming year, according to j the killed numbering 1 lo.o.U. wound- ! enly. II. K, Tons In New York lude-
fj it la with dftmerfi awl ovety mh i I
tberlnt Oeu ,t ftittltlng a duel oue
, iHMMt pr mIo.I uilh nrv grtitl. n.eu .
t aj to t..o uihor. "I'rny hit m. I
.Tt." Tt" "tln'r rt-fiwo- ami j
Oh. n. 1 ;tn- t 11 hit i tlpit." 1
1'o.iHtn-sM jt wh utily manifested lu 1
!be l tia of att luvltijtloo. Vvw l Ute.o
.-v t uii ii.rl'tevl illiuiv'i 011 .Inic. In
tad thei dolay for 11 11 Ihhii or
IVIIte In thu ouretn.'. o.tlmwh I
would not u" to .It. tit' . until itutto.1 umI
'traciii-tl lu n gently iv.uii manner i
their Ittwl. KlttlltK the balm of til
ptiMtt, the litwt bIuh.vs turns out ail
Ihtf lucttihorst of hU fmull) to tlrau one
after umutier of lit., lutlttsl frtruds t
the dinner. ,v youusster Is ofleu sent
out hy .lil mother to hunt thrlr c.k- is
Hkr u h- mul. end. Otnlitiij them dr.u
thorn Hkr- luuli-s to Itts tnitrr - :
Olworvtins sin h ciHtinui. fonnxuer
uatiaily iHiuth but they laugh mlMitk
lit this new Fumlly Vck&m
crisp ami dclklou Snowflnku SodM'now
come packed in a Military tin cak and
cracker box.
Ken your Nnttwflatwa fntftli mm! criip. Acta a a
uaelul hllCHH RH. t
A txa 1vf 4.a
nlttu in 10c mul 25c package and in butJc
lmli for ItiU on wry pliM
. . Howard, an American slno . .1 us j.S .,. unih
owner, who has been jnvinjt aid. j 1 In-sKusiai'si have opened a n.
Ihe new lapanese liner Yasaka , o.ims-w i.nthc southern Airlcan
Maru which e st Si.ooo.000 was tor- sr.mt, but Herlitt iep.rt the attacks
perioed and su:k h .1 submarine in j v. in repitised .vith nea-y los
ihc Mediterranean on Wednesday of Serious outbreak '.y strong Arab
last wet k. Her crew and passengers, j i-ircc opening in 1 ripoli and
numbennR .wo were rescued b a , t c . t li.iu- lord thi- ll.iii.h 1.,
warship and landed at Port , n acu.it e .he frontier mrt oi Solium
Pcstry and Nnu.
I Iiavp read that uo iweni-.icas'ever
written to a ue. Can you. o.'Thtuid.
ret-i'i 1 single rapturous or oveu ndiulr
ing description of one? I searcb my
tueniury in vuln. but produie Instead
oue itispiuee that lias uiwuys iulereste.1
oit by iieglotl. You revall that little
poem K Browning's, -a Km-e." thf
brief nod charming description of a
girl's pmfllf iigulus-t a backgniuud of
gold. The m.-tii iiiL-si, uiuid' of softly
parted lips, tb.- int-k -three lingers
iciht .suri- ajiid" and the -fruit simm-d
ptfriect .bin" all receive their due of
pmLse; the nose, 1( ev'iuiii uece.s.sitt
lu uuj protile. Ls uot'ereu mentioned.
It may be u.s well; each reader Mipplie-
In the lovely face the line that sun.-
hlin best. The poet may have feareii
that ny its mere luentlon he would pro
t duce the effect too often given by the
c, nose m real lire a heaviness that mars
otherwise charmlug face. Atlautle.
Decomposing Water.
Water is decomposed or so p;i rated
Into Its constituent gases by passing a
continuous current of electricity
through it. An ordinary zinc mid cop
per voltaic battery gives sullicient 11 in
pcnige and also voltage to separate the
oxj 11 and hydrogen. Oxygen goes to
the (Mile connected with the copper
plate uud hydrogen to the zlac pole or
plate. 'Ihe volume of hydrogen Is dou
b!; that of the oxygen, and both ure
chemically pure. Steam. If passed over
red hot Iron, surrenders Its oxygen to
the utotiis of the metal, while hydrogen
Ls piven off pure uud free. New York
ij:.it-- .
-sain inert was one American u
Board the hip. and more than fifty
women and a doxn children.
A serious revolt-conary moetuent
agai-t the monarchy is 'eportod in
unn;.n, the southwestern proincc
of 1hir.a. and to.ooo eovornment
troops have been ordered from the
western province Oi St-Chuen to
quell the re.olt. Meanwhile it is re
ported thit fic ;r. vi iccs. including
v -.tnuau. have i.elar'd their inde
pendence of the rule of Yuan Shi Kai,
the other f ..:r being Sze-Chuen,
Kwiiffjrtune, Kians;si and Kweichow.
Ilcnfy Frrd has been comepllcd by
a threatened nervous breakdown, to
abandon tile peace inrty and start
for boric. For ch first ' time in hi
life he has been ill. and his condir.
is reported as serious but not dan-r-erous,
requiring medical treatment
and rest. He promises to join the ex
pedition later if wi.ll enough. Mta-i-while
di-sentior.s in the peace ai
party have resulted in Gov. Ham-a.
North Dakota, abandoning it; also
Mrs. Inez Mulhollond Hoi-serain, on
of the women 1-adt-rs.
o'i tiu l-gpt-1 ripoli border.
Mr. Lloyd-George has been ap
pealing uuK:n:! u, union labor U.
cr :o permit the employment of non
union labor in making munitions of
war He describe the situation as
se-i ntsly ihrea ing to tircat Hrit
ain unless more lalwr can be secur
ed for oeh purposes.
The French steamer Yillc de I
Ciutat wast unk by a submarine in
the Mt ttlerranran on Monthly, and
eighty lives were lost
Bad Memory.
Flatbush i'ou've got a piece of
thread about your thumb.
Hensonhurst-Vcs. wife put It there
to remind me to mail her letter.
"Did you mull It?'"
"Sure thing."
"Why don't you remove tho thread
then. 7"
"Oh. I'm keeping that on to remind
me to tell her that I forgot to put a
tamp on It." yonkers Statesman.
A Hatty Makeup.
An nctor once was cast as a brigand
In "Ingomar." and the director told
him to get a rug. throw It about bis
ahoulders and sit by a camp fire. Ho
did so, his fiice being toward the audi
ence. In a tense situation be stood up.
turned around and almost broke up the
bow. Worked In the rog wa one
word, "Wt'icotne("-8t. Louis Post-Dla-patcu.
Qutsnd It
inspector, examining a class In gram,
mar -a rote a sentence on the black.
board and asked If any one noticed
anything peculiar lu It
Aflur u short silence a small boy ex
claimed, "yea. sir: the bad writing." Ex-ekange.
It is the right of a child to see and
know his father.
it is wrong for a father to engage
himself that his child is excluded
from his presence.
N'o amount of business success can
compensate for the loss of a child's
love and confidence.
A child needs attention and gener
ally attaches himself most to the par
ent that devotes most time and care
to his welfare.
If a father on week days allows bus
mess to stand betwixt himself and
ins family, and on .Sunilrn-c i,,,,;..
himself in the Sunday newspaper, or
j.... ...,.) aium; in 111s car, wiiat can
he expect of his child?
A man must .support his family,
and if he is a wage-earner, he has to
be absent trotn home, but when his
work is done, his children are entitled
to all the affection and council he can
bestow upon them.
If a man has a profession or a busi
ness, he ought not to forget his chil
dren, no matter what the clamor of
Ins clients or patrons.
Surely mere money making cannot
justify child neglect.
An exchange tells of a prosperous
family in which the children were
turned over to the care of servants.
Soon misfortune overlook ti, f-ii.-
cr, and the servants were discharged.
, !"a,t ay the parents lived
w th their little ones. One evening,
when the father had returned home
after a day of anxiety and business
u.iy, ins nine girl clambered upon
--i. v.wawiii: ncr
An ErtX Indian Crlm.
The oceideutal rentier who shrug-t his
shoulders tte;Ujrlngly over the evils of
Indian caste tuts little coureptiou of
what sum-ring the custom Involves
Its tragedies eMend even to the hum
lite, commonplace mutters of ovcryduy
life. A little Incident witnessed by
Prince Hojldar Knrageorgevltch and
chronicled In his Knchuuied India"
ileitis no comment.
Stones nnd Hying sticks were thrown
at a little pnrlnh girl whoso shadow ns
she passed deliled the food of 11 Ilrah
lie merely threw away tho rice
which the dugs soon finished. Hut the
nystn niicrs who witnessed thy glrl'
Insolence lu going so near a Inly mat,
-she. so base and unworthy Hew 111
i.u- iiiu.-iiiiv erouture. who ran tiwn
"Teaming ami dropping the load of
wood she v.-ns carrying on her hack.
Holland':: Colonics.
Holland, with 11 population nnmliei
Ing only 11 little more than iS.OOO.Ik
uud wllh ait urea only about m,,
r.,,,,-.i .. . , .. . . . ..
me in me Minn- or .ee.
lork. ranks third nmoiig tho countrle
or tin- earth In the numl er of Us col..
Dials and ilfth among them lu the art-
Us colonics. Duly Ctcal Illilal.
uud Train e huvo greater ciCotihil oi
tilntluiiH. and only Or.-a. isrltn 11
IVaiito. (icMiiany and Portugal h;u
grealet- .-nloi.Iul areas Tho Imti h ru ,
six times ilf( iminy pe ipli-;!'. ikmj.i, . .
milslde of Uolliind us (hern ure Willi
In Its boundaries Argonaut
In the Circuit Court ot the 5tutr
ol Oregon, (or the County
of rillnutiKik.
W&y -ihose Paiiis?
Mttv l a tot!fliojilnl imsolli'IlnJ
"II I I. d my will h Hitj
ls lulirMi.pd on -ey ttvi
wiiict. The man ur dunlin
ihM (i (hriimaliMti ami ft
to kerp rnti u Moan's L!ai
Mwiil 11 bke n Jfanli4 li
icftiiitii a j..pi." .f. J, ft
rflrtk-7, ,V. J,
'i"i" 1 1,1 1
IT-VI. Vsi I
r 2 oi
But the Ciietld ll.o Landid It If
Nerve Vsj p fto-iJmmondation.
"I've seen a b;i (,j cool huim in niy
time, but bolluvti uie I cuughi one the
oilier day thai had cm m nkiuncil for
The spcak-cr, a c'clo live In one oi
the large downtown department stores,
wan leaning ugiil.M ihe inii In 11 police
sourt waiting for her casu to he called
l Spoiled (i woman whoso nellon
me. 1 trailed lier for
father love. fx,
Overcoming DlfficultUi.
I And nothing so singular in life aa
mis, mat everything opposing appears
to Jose its substance the moment oue
kCtuallr trrirmlou u-Uli n- rir, u.. ........
. - . w . . mii nLiiuiiir. . . r
.'!- "OI (-1 "CL KlilflO n
uo nut uw in uri-a ridicule the pe-; rrol.iMjw, imo ,ffcrt j
around his nick said- "M
"Papa, do,,', get rich agaiu. You ,i, uidu't" Just ui't
not come into the uiirscrv
were rich, but now we mn r..,. 1 ,""ul uu!S "tid Ihen. presui.
around you, and get on your knee anil m K"1,l,lcd 0,1 " bar of live cent
kiss you. Don't get rich again papa." """'I' T,"lt waKn't hardly euough lu
American fathers who are bent on 'lM'lf a caK" "n, so I kept un
making fortunes need to lay this in- i "'th shut and my eyes open as she
A tli on s-intl V i I .. m!"j0 l,or W,iy t0VVUrd tl,e 'Vlor
rich in 1 ",ICS l,Ct,er V1 t0 ct W,B Sot Into the cage I w.u.
.... m-i nin un sue iraipseti- along
mo iiisiu fowartl tho ofllce.
"Apparently, as If In scurch of work,
I liliiveil with n ulln iw uii. ,.i.i i..
!r .... unv milt LUU
boss her story, and, would you neie-i.
, im, nil.- nun irjillj; lO g'l n J' ll f,. .
In Cleveland 100,000 cases of grip ' wuu fi"t u place In the u.ip .'0
or influenza arc reported. ' P'irtiaeiil, vnylrig that she had boon a
viuniir.il ucwey cc e brated die rteriionslisitor fur n lm. -..n,.
outdoor work
soap ii he hnd
r t.u .... i....
Tom Isimiy.
v- !
George It. Kidgeuv. Kimim Itnfgc
way, Globo Oil Compitn. n ciP'-r
iitlon. Thomas Waynu, Itceeiver of I
siiHi Globe UII Company. aivrWilimm
'ollotnr. Ikifutitiii!.
lotietirco I'- Uldguwtty, Ivuwnn V
llhfgewity. Globtr Oil ( ompjiny. a ct.r
(Miralion Thomns J. Way tie, Hoceiver
of said tllobo Oil Company, and Will
ZolMiti :
You ami each of you tire hereby re-tpiir.-d
to iipivnr 11ml answer the com
plaint tiled ngiiinsl you In the above
untitled suit on or before tho 12th da,
of January, 191ft, that, being n day on
ami a'ter tne expiration of six wcc'
after the first publication of ttu tu.n
mot s. that being the (imo iireseribd
In the order 'or the publication of this I
amnion, iiud If oii fail to so iuipo.tr!
umI imswer for want tlx-rouf tbu plum-
tttr will iipplv tothetairt for the ro- I
lief tlcmunde.1 in mild complaint : to- I
wit, for judgment m.d ileerito .igiilnntl
the said George It. Kidttfwuy ami J
Km mi. F. H.dgewuv for ibe sum of
Hl.OO, uud the sum of Sftl.W). interest-'
thereon tluu Oct. '), HUB, and for th
further sums sum of KW.W, inxl S'Jfl.M, '
and $12.77. taxes paid on tin. property
hereinafter described on October .10. 1
lllir.; mak ing a to Uil of J'J.Tii. 'iy ; hi. I
for Interest thereon at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from October . 1
I'J15, until paid ; and for the further.
cum of $l2fi.W as attorneys fees hute
in; ami for hi coiU and disbursement '
ill this suit: and decreeing the morl-l
and 13, of the Mortgage Itecord of 1 l
Tillamook County, Oregon, to In 1 U 1 .
MjhIc ol Yfitiihill Kiunllv lUcml l-'lour is a Ihouivimk
fniul. It cannot lie oiitclurtscil at the price anil ih citial
to many'o the higher priccil honl whqtt llourn oil the
II . von want your hoyH ami khIh to jrov j.tronK ami
healthy serve them with plenty of the protTtieU from
Yamhill I'amilv Mleml l-'lour.
llrst lien on all of the Northeast Quae.
ter. Hi d all of the Northeast Ounrter I
of the Southeast Quarter, of .Section I
Thirteen; and all of the Southwest J
Quarter of tho Southeast Quarter, of
.Section Twelve; all in Townshlp'Threo
South, Kimgo Ten Wust. of tho Willnm.
ette Meridian, in Tillamook County.
Oregon, for all of said sums of money :
and that until mortgiigu be foreclosed
and MHld real property be sold in satis
faction of said tllili'meiit. mul tlml ikn
defendants, and each of them, bo for-
over linrreii and lurcclosu! of any and
all right, tirlu and iriteiestin shM real
property, saving only tho' statutorv
right of redomntion : hum fur luirinnni
judgment m-iiiiiBt tho ilnftindnnts
Gorge U. Illdguwiy and iCmma F.
Uidgeway for anv dullciLnev : nnd fnr
suen inner reliel as eiiultv mitv I'rnnt
ns prayed in sum complaint.
This summons Is nuhlished Is fun-mi
a nee of an order of the llnm.!.!,. a
H. Hagley. Judge of said Court, duly
niiide.Hnd entered on November S27th.
l'Jir., and Ihe dutuof first publicitlon
Nine nn inir. ,...,1 nf i... 1. '. ...in..
.1.: I ' "V. I'uoiieif
nun is janunry 11, l'J:li.
Johnson &Mlbews.
705 Northwestern Dunk Illdg.
Portland, Oregon.
Attornuvs for plaintiff.
Olfl.a CrnunJ I'lanr, TIJ II. 1. 1
WliK Kolll. Wl .an
I'U. 11.11 S3J
P. O. Hm. tU7
Pacific Abstract Comoanv 3
. a
Complete Set ol AbatrictM of the KecorJ of Tillamook
Any orders for any kind of lumber
from the Ye ow Fir Mill, hould bo
left at hn Tlllamool; Feed Co, store
rviiuiu tnev win ref-iovn i.r.imp.t ...tn.
Furnished or unfurnished upartmonU
for rent at tho Tilco ApartrnenU In
the Masonic building.. All modern
conveniences, at business center.
Enoulre at Herald Office.
Vubserlbe for the
twice i rh week.
Herald. Issued
Admiral Dewey celebrated his tenionsipitor fr a large s
seven ty-ciglith birthday last .Sunday ' hat she r.as tired of the
ied lfe::',mt,m,rlnrr:,'fi Unit-' ami olYerod Ihe bar of si
rallu, ..i.u ot oihui .
I'.' ' Yt,J ' Cv'f
iOVa. W- .llilliiln.. fi..
idilio. Arkans.-s and .South t'urolinn
Laptauis Hoy-Kd and von Papcn,
"I siotsl i us long 'is J could nnd
(lien -v. I'-. MOfinrltHooilen fbe 'hf.)
l.?v to 'can her. can you ucui Uuu
for nuivoV- Dtlroll C4lu;d,ir Mt-ht
Mfcfifnt Tailor
2nd'Ea! Ave nu
Geo. P. Winslow
illlatnoolc Hlock
Kotiin 2f
Tillamook County Bank Bldg.
Dkutscnhk Advokat
Conimcrcifil Uuildin
Dr. Jack Olson
Omeo Hours I mm 'J a. in. to 6 p. m.
Oddfellows BuiMSax
lloth l'hontis
K. N. IIHNKI.H. Miri.
Ucateil In JoneH.Kiiudsoii Itullillnr
Fuw.ral Dlractor and Uciud Embalm
Udv. Assistant When ItetiueateJ.
Attorney at Law
Office In Tillamook Block
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
inoiii fkonua)