Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 04, 1915, Image 1

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    IT5 iTT. 'T!" B -.
J. ' ' -a o
issued twicfc a weektuesday and friday '
Largest Circulation of Anv-Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkcon. Jaxuahy 4. 1915.
itf). 100
he Fitst National Bank
CapiUl and Surplm $30,000
Member Federal Reserve Bank
II. C Uttjiib, IVciIiJeia W. J. KicclicM, Cashier
). C. HuMcu. Vice Pre. , I. IS. KiWuhttAiri't. Cimhfcr
C.J. KilwnriN Piter Hcincl A. W. lltinti
J.C. irglilni W.J, Klcchcr C. Lamh
,frful attention jjiven to nil l.Winltitig business
in our Immls.
iLEKmm co.
li 4 it fair 4 It
See Us for Price Before Ordering Elsewhere
t - aaaaaai
Regrots won't bring back the money you havo extrava-
tly 3pont. One suro friend to a man in troublo is money
ho bank.
But the man who banks his money is tho man who gains
confidence of his employer and holds his job.
Money in tho bank also meansGREDIT and GONFI-
IGE. No man can afford not to have the nfidenoe of
Mow men.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per oent interost on Savings Doposits.
Tillamook County Bank
Svbacribt Far TbTiUtMok HtraM.
Iuued Tuesday and Friday.
Tillamook Boy
Writes From Orient
Joi. Atkbiaa Ttlli of latercating Time
In Japsn 'Wile Oa Wiyjicwt
Yokylionii, Jninii,
No, 27, ma,
Dar Mother:
ItcirrtWvl your loiter I tut nttcht uiui
wilt Kind to dear from you nkI;i.
W ItMVtr sot totf lofl on wbn we
tt r K0ln liotri", t Uitt. Wtt Ifnvu
hero Ike, lOUi, Or MartiU, iluv thnre
on tliu ltn. Thtt Itrooklyn will l
tlwru hIki.U ttia Hurno ilinc, onti we will
lrinfcr Dm AlmirAl an.! his xtolf Ifl
lir iiimI litMve tho lal put uf Down
Imr fur HroirmrloM, Wxith., vlrt i(yo.
lulu ttml Hon PrnncUco. W wilt nr-
rlvo In Hrfiiicrluti ()inctlrte In Febru
ary hil If tlmy put Uie ftilp out o(
coiiimtion they w holJ ovrylutj
umii after tlmt, which will iirobuUly
tako thruo wook n they will hiivo to
tki nil Uiu con I Aturu out uf her.
I win In n hurry to b jwhl oft n.v
nyhow m Utcy have tept mo thtu I0112
I wtmM li: titny until nprlilK' fur I
draw v.fMi pay now.
t ry Jjjancc (J-jvoriiincnl In trt-
Iny Ut fine tlnrw wi hnv been In Ju
lian. The lleet kuvu u fln urn Jlf
on one of their bis b.ittlclitf In Kot
then thoy rv uvorvboily n frt-o trip
m Kyoto, the M cnpttol wliout forty
tntlf InUml from Ko!, mu a pclt
train, ami look half the crew .n dny.
aivl the rnl the next, ami elncc wu
rnme 14 YoVobumu thev have glvuti U
free ue of the lrtrt can In the city
ami freu atlminilan to all Uic thaatrcs.
In the town. Hut the crew of this
uhlp wilt ypeml ntveral thuuinrvl dol-j
lam In till ciujntry w thoy won't loo
WoU'tbero i nolhtnu Very much to
11ml wilt tell you all about It then.
After we leave Manlht our mall will
all bd held in Sun Krariclnoo iy if you
On Monday ovenln the city council
met in regular iloti witit the follow
liiK officer present: Mayor. 8. A.
Jlrodr.end; Counctlmen Jt. T, Itualt. II.
A. William., W. J. 1 1 1 1 1 nnd DavfiJ
U'Oonncll: Hvcnrder, Anehlinr Attor
ney ItotU and .Marthal Mjcr.
On accoufit of Geo EdmuM not ac
cepting the olfica of councilman from
thfeond ward, tho cornmlltro ap
IHilntnmnU w'oro not made at thi
.Attorney HotU, Uecorder Aichlm
and. Marshal Myur were re-Mppolntd
for, llw i iwuinit year.
Thu reiwrt of vluwer for baneflli
ahdjdamnt;c in regard lo irnpruvo
Industrial Review
Of Oregon
Newi Ilem Akat SUtewUc Wuitriti
latroreBcatt twi BmAi'mg oa
Tke lacrete
Salem, Jan. 3. Wathinjrton County
pruned X13.IXW from 191C budget.
Redmond raises watr rate from
tl.75 for GOO feet to 12 for 300 feet.
Itailroiid placing bit; order end
up price of lumber and nhinglei.
Kokuo Hivcr Courier: Too much red
tuj- i findinir its way into public af-
I fairs, and regulation nmi control from
inuU In ,Mlllcr' and Thaycr'i addl- rt authority "hlcber up" It impairing
lion wan coniinutii. rather man incresiinir emcicncy in
Six month InttirL-iiton city hall bond ' many line.
omottntinu to waa ordere.1 paid. Tne Coot IJa Harbor acniibly aari
A toft drink ordinance waa taken un-1. ilna factory that run all the time
dct?coi.iidertioii. An onlinnnce pro-! ttt make a iteady employer and neU
vidmK for the violation of tho prchibi- roturn to the owner Is better than
tlon law lvon iu f(rt readinj;. Amoiif ! a big concern idle larirc part of the
olbijr ihincf the ordinandi provide year.
i,rt0"OW,l5 :;e"ltl7-iF'7li'"i ConBrcm.n Hawley promise the
.,...c.,ru ) ) "'"""'iwoploof Crescent Cltv a breakw.ur
3 to C month In jail. The ordinance
U a Icni;ihy ono covering the Mini!
groami a the state law. In passing:
thlsonllnaitcu the council I provldint;
way of secunni; revenue, as all fines
secured from violators within the city
llmiU will bo turned into the citv
treasury. Wo understand thtt tho
council will endeavor to draw uio line
pretty close In regard to the near beer
Following is the Mayor's address;
To the Honorable Council of Tillamook
At, the beclnning of the prcent year,
and with the ncw'adriilnWtratlon so far
a tWt Council I concnrneJ, I am com-
muHtcanng inia aisiemeni ami general
City with suen rerommenuations of . t..' S"
write acain semi It U. h. huratunj.
In rnro of I. M.. San Francicu, Cut
and I will gel it soon as wo hit Ihenv
matters to be done a
I oxiM-tllent at this time
and jetty.
North llcnd Archie Cruse putting
in a box factory plant here. -
l'ort of Portland will have 2500
horsepower dredge finished by Jan. 10.
Kruse and Uanks. North Bend have
contract to build 220 foot vessel for
San Francisco.
i'ublle utility assessment in Joseph
ine County are reduced H3.823.S3. 1 Columbus gave toe affair
.. .
When state and interstate commerce
A community event In the nature of
a watch night meeting was held at tb
Christian Church parlors on .Friday
After partaking of pfe and coffee, a
number of our prominent citizens were
called upon for nddreMe.
In the absence of Mayor Brodhead,
attorney II. T. BotU gave a talk on
city affairs, nftcr which he reviewed
school matters. Mr. BotU was fol
lowed by Carl Habcrlach whose tub
joet was "Chfrese and Dairying." Mrs.
C. J. Edwards gave a talk on Civic
Improvements and f!y Jones gaye'jQ'
talk on agriculture In the absence of
J. H. Dunstan, A. G. Beats gave a
talk, on County Fair matters. C. J.
Kdwards rnr.de a plea for the 1916
chautauqua. and C. W. Miller gave a
talk in behalf of a county library. ,D,.
L. Shnxle talked on the subject, " Com
mercial InteresU." and F. C. Baker
and C. E. Trombley talked on the sub
ject '"Hw Prcs." W. S. Buel talked"
on county school matters rnd In the
absence of District Attorney Coyne.
Atty. J. ii. Callahan made a few re
marks in regard to law enforcement,
at did also Sheriff Crcrvshaw.
Attorney John Leland Henderson of
this city has a ron Leland J. Hender-
son residing in Columbus, Ga.. who, Sa.
Secretary of the Chamber of Com-
raerce 01 that city. Mr. itenferson
son lately gave a banquet friAoswr of4
the directors and a tew othe
I Columbus Chcmtcr of
'seventeen in all. The
II 1. I I 1 . I .
i urwanu lurawnnca arc irving io Keti .
1 . 1 . - ! . ! at 01
rraufca raies inn ancrirninaie jiKfinsi,
interior sawmills. .
iOos uay 1
I 1 . i-sfst
' ' v atasjsjsm
I have thought
Pittsburg capital developing Rosc-
Uuriiig thu yriir the city's in-'burg and Iowa capital developing
; debtcdnox was tuken up a bond is-1 Sutherlin. Portland capital has not
sue of llO.OCO.OO. It provided for the . even opened an Oregon stone quarry,
payment uf outstanding warrants, and j The new First National Bank building
proviueu lunus lor llie building
be built j
n on railro4
has installed gravel skwt at1
Southurn Dcuglos Co. it witnessing;
considerable mining activity.
Newport Jb to have up-to-date hos
pital. V
Hoscburg is to have new fireproof
concrete warejiua?.
Lakeview Nitrate deposits 25 per
Mr. and Mr. Adolph Krickson wiu t
thu host and hostess fur an attractive
typical gcniMii Christum party, enter
talnlng the Social Club, their husband . Common Council
and a few Invited quests nt their res!
dunce ChrUttnnn night.
Z Holiday decorations in crimson nnd
giren marked thu etiterior decoration,
the feature of which wa u splendlit i nearly completed and tho money ex
Ctiutmni truu glittering with trinket
and gift which Santa Clau aiitel
tho host nmi hostel's to distribute.
Dancing and 11 short program In Ger
man was especially appreciated. Mr.
Marx and Mr. Feldschau sang a duet
Mrs. KncKson presiding at tho pi a no,
Mr Frank Hoyd gave a recitation ul
so In (icrimiti which was much enjoyed.
At a Into hour no elaborate supper was
served. Covers being laid for eighteen.
Mr. nnd Mrs VV. J. Peterson cele
brated their .Seventh Wedding anniver
sary at their residence Now Year's
Eve, entertaining tho members of the
Social Circle Club, their husbands and
n fow additional frlondn.
The host,nd hostess were p'resunted
with n bon'utirul pink silk wool com
forter by Hie guests. Cnrds were the
diversion of the evening. At midnight
u very tempting repast wns served the
guests arising nt the table and sang
"Auf vldertehn" as tho bolls pealed
forth the Now Your. The place cards
wore original and tuggestive of the
woolen wedding each card being drawn
by minature sheep. '
Tho County Court has decided on a
total levy of 15 mills, '6 for the general
fund and 0 for the road fund. The bud
get remains prtctlctlly at It wat ad
vertised except for tome changes that
were found necessary on account of
the law which provide! that 70 per eent
of all road moneys collected In a dis
trict must be spent in that district.
" "
Taa reglatoratiM baaka far vatam la
now epenat tke County Cietk't aftea,
and will remain eaaa aarniaaantly, ,x
oapt for IW da,ys veWlHg tH priautry
or general elootlon, The primaries
will be hold May 19, 1010, and thu gon
urn) election will ba beM November 7,
a bridge ucros Hoqunrton Slough. Ueedsport Railroad men puttinir in'cent pure discovered in Goose. Lake
The bond were sold ut a premium and j $50,000 fishing and cold storage plant valley. "
oats, corn, barley. ' Work is progressing rapidly on Pend
hay net $48,059,000! leton's new library. " .
Willamette Mint Co. of Marion and
Linn Counties incorporate for $50,000.
$25,000 hotel planned for Woodburn.
The Dalles Diamond Floor rellle
making extensive improvements. Mill
is now running night and day.
j Reports say Bandon mills will atari
the outstanding warrants retired, ex- ' Oregon wheat.
cepi a portion tnercoi wnicn nnu ueen j rye potatoes and
illegally issued and the payment f i jn 1915
which had been ordered refused by the
In addition to the bond issue of $-10.-
000.00, n iHler Issue was made of $21,-!
000,00, and provided for the erection
of 11 citv hnll. Tnc building has been
pended for that purpose,
These bond isues were made in pur
suance of authority given by direct
vote of the people, the Charter being
amended in eacli instance so as to
specifically authorize, tho bond issue
which wero made. This has taken care
of thu city's outstanding warrants, but
there wilt to u small amount to be is
sued before the taxes to be collected
thi year are available.
A more complete statement of these
mutters will be found in the report of
tho Recorder.
At the beginning of year 1915, in my
message, I called attention to tho mat
ter of opening tho streets between
Thayer's and Miller's Additions. Steps
wero taken during the year to have
these opened, but no satisfactory so
lution of the matter was had, except
for tho extension of Tenth Street,- and
that has not been completed. Viewers
have been appointed and their report
of damages and benefits is on tile.
The opening of Sovonth, Eighth and
Ninth Streets between these additions
it still unsettled.
In tho matter of paving, proceedings
were taken during the year for the im
provement of Fifth Street from Still
well Avenue East to tho city limits,
but on account of the cost of the con
templated improvement no contract
was let for it.
(Continued on 2nd Page)
Roseburg With new" machinery
Douglas County flour mill starts Feb.l.
Public Service Commission refuses
to lower rates of Coos Bay Water Co.
in spite of agitation for same. Such a
decision tends to assure capital it will
hnve u square deal in Oregon and that
it will not be made a political football.
Roseburg Sand &. Gravel Co. will
enlarge plant at once.
Work is being rushed on Oswego,
Dallas St Roseburg Ry. to furnish ma-
terial for fa-tory nt Oswego by March
15th it possible, 50 men at work.
President Wilson now admits (hat
the railroads are entitled to some of
the things they've been asking in the
way of legislation and administration.
Machinery purchased for Canby
cheese factory.
Coast guard station to be built near
mouth of Stuslaw.
Variety Store
TtfUaajsjafc. Om.
The Dalles Work on new evapora
tor for Dri-Frcsh Co. I progressing
Roseburg Drager Fruit Co. may
enlarge pscking plant next year.
"Train kills six at railroad cross
ings," is newspaper headline, of Dee.
17 nnd similar ones ra seen every day.
Why is it people refuse to stop and
look at railroad crossings, especially
when it is to their own interest to do
QUETS is now ready at Lamb-Schra-der
Co.'s Office. Better C. Lamb.
Land For Sale
4-0, 80, 120 or 160 acres of the Dr. Brooks'
much, 3 miles south and H mile west of Tilla
mook on old Netarts road. Three ot the 40
acre tracts have one half or oyer good bottom
land which the tide, backing up through a. creek
from the Tillamook, River Vi mile east.overflows.
There is a barn 40xS0 on one 40 acre tr-ttqt
which is 3-5 bottom. There is a very good
house on one 40 acre which is Vii bottom, and a
school house is also. located on thi940,w One 40
acre which has no buildings is b$lpm"lHrid.
The remainder is bench pasture lands (some
plowed) but mostly set to red clover. One 40
bench timber land, some grazing. '
Price Will Be Right. Part Trade. Will
W1H 40, a, 120, 40 awtt or all.
aV.Jk . x: L Jl 47AI I IMC .;
i- '-" - v,