Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 15, 1914, Image 4

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    F. R. BEALS
Financial Agent
Dealer in Real Estate, Farms, City Prop
erty and'Reaeh Property. Long residence
in Tillamook C ounty has brought valuable
inside knowledge of conditions Through
out County
out -eg oar
"T-' -
tff !lH jfi?" . ' " hfT
illlll " 5 i m
stithh, meat market, pool rooms, bar
bor shops, rooming houses, n doctor
Hint hii attorney, itml a show building.
The Wheeler school district has built
it llm new school building, Imvlinr ap
propriated fA.OOO for thin purpose. A
lino gravity witter system supplies tho
town with Hno mountain water and
gives to Wheeler ndeiiitto tiro prolec
tlon. Wheeler tin n good lighting system,
(electricity being furnished by the
huolor l,uititor Co.
Tin) contract hnt been ltlely given
for tbo driving of piling for tdo build
tug of yard for tho Hnlluy Lumber
Co., which company In about to build
an up to ditto saw mill. This company
now hits order ahead for n long run,
ttd In eointHiumtc' wtll get Its ma
chinery In shape its soon its possible,
Tho government improvctt'out.s In tbo
form of large Jvtty which is being
oonstrurteu ni tin uhoiifi leading InUt
N'ehttlom liny, In progi-ensitig nicely,
ind Is bound to bo of groat assistance
" sefureing fur Wlt-ieUr, deep water
The principal property holder In
Wtioolet ar uttering nKiPlnl induce
iiioiiIh to people who will come ttnd
makt their homo In Wheeler. Tim oil
CnuiHsll by ctM'jH.rutlng wtt the irf ncl-
i.tl pro'-urty healer Are able ti. olTt .
os-ieetnlly attractive proposition tt
anyone who will bring new pay rolls to
Wheeler, by ottering ftoo site for sue'
Industries ii ml mills. Thin ma l tor
bring handled ns t ptlblli matter 11m
inpiiri concerning locations for mill
and factorloi utnv bo addressed to eith
er tho Mnyor or tho Recorder of tho
City of Wheeler.
first your this Im'tory received iUHt.tXM)
pounds of milk. Tim t'lioimo Industry
hits grown until them lire now no less
tlinn ton factories in thin locality,
which In UUll bundled It.WO.n&r poumlit
of milk.
One of tbo largest mid bent equipped
cheese fnetorlos In Hut oounly U now
lining iHiitntruuto I nt ('kivtirtlnUt.
C'lovqnliile hint thn followliiK IihIii:
Mnroule, (hid Follow nnd tliniiK.
V if I ailJ
(191 1 SI
...... , 'ft II UlWlf I I I l M
u j hhi
n nro nonin iihrn. M mmhi i.f,
... -i iiv icire i inn
tempt VIM .
A Wi:U, MAt)K HAUM-ss
Willi ..... . . .. 1
"iii mil iiiiiv iiiitmki'i rin ..,.
f ......
nimy u well. Muny n r i
n iiv'ti tr ii... ..i.i ii... i.i i
Clivrtlale, wbleh Is ItCMlml in tin
at Ihtx oint.
52". ao.
H.kh School liui.air re -f!,tl co'nuletcii at n cu-it of
Towns of the County.
the Stone Si Butler eannerv.
Bav it-, which took its name from
Bay City, Mien., and was named by
W. S. ( one, a pioneer of tbi county,
and formerly of Mic;iiian, is locstel on
one i f the finest townsites in Oregon.
The t usiness section of the city lies on
level la:.d skirting Tillamook Bay,
while the residence seetion lies on
alopi' u hillsides overiookins the bay
Cor tracts I ave reeentlv been let to
the T.llamotk Bey Construction Co..
for s'rett iirr r: venierts to the amount
of 5.' ' and a p.w dock has also been
built r r the -i'.. ! ihis company.
Ba Ci'y s ji fxr'i a fine lichtitiK and
water s -Wn . J H West i3 superir.
tendt: t .i th - : system.
Thri.- anr"' ci-'enes are located
at Ba i ity : Ti urtgon Fisheries Co.,
The i -'iperative Company, hanilliri;
fish ii ' ' ia atorane ar.d mild cured ; a i 1
President: bkicksmith Wm. Jolly; Bay
City Exan.tiie. J. S. WelbnKton, odi
n r; theatre C. V. Mdlviiine, mr. ;
First Bark of Bay City, J. O. Bozortr,
mcr., I.. F. Itrode, canhier.
' Bay City has Rood schoyte, hnvin?
, the full twelve grades including hiirh
I The Central Sash and Door Factory
I is now in operation here.
Bay City has both rail and water
transoortation connections.
Bav city has a fine sanitarium con-
iiicted by Dr. Hawk whirh is beuti
fuliv located on the hi Mb id oa over'ook
ir.k the bay.
Mamc and Odd Fellow Lodges are
eHtnbliihetl here.
The railroad v hich .ikirtt tho bny
alone Bay '"ity water front nlfortU
sn'-ntbd doekini: ami nhinnlm- faeili.
t' i Bav City ha umny flna factorv
! mill site, and oxpwet to rtsfipj
Cm .it tv.-nofin a. MHn n the mnnuf.ici
tor-"f our vat tintbor reourei bo- j noutb wo I of Tillumook Cfltinly U bomi
Klr " ttfully sitltntetl. It Iji n 0I0.KI tittle
Bnv City hit adjitcont to it flne dnlry city, mornlly, with 110 (trtlotmi. It haf
Ian.!.", ami plenty of land atH!i,illy n stood dchotil, two chtirche. n liru'
adapt cti to the rawinn of small fruit J ml well stocked merenntile e-i'nblbth
anil veeeUtdos. There i 11 line opjxir j ment to mipply every mid, n k'x''
turtt for the development of tho tog-; nhyiiicinn, a wellKlneki.il drutr utoro.
a- lierrv and the establishing of n drier ', blacksmith nhop nntl uthor pluco of
btiMineo that moot tho necl of a town
of this sue. The city also ha n line
water tiystem nwl IlijhliiiK pbutl. A
I itxd Karmje is localuil at ttibi mint. n.1
i in abni a v;ot)d hotel. Tills locality also
jsupiKirta n bank, ami newspaper, the
Cluvurdiilo Ctiurbir. A i;ood lelophomj
system also cenlori at this (Mint.
Cure health eivimr mountain streams
supply drinkim; water in abundance.
Cloverdalo Is sheltered from tho
winds of the I'aciAc and Is eluvulnl so
th.tt the Krnndutir of the vnllev and
mouninins can bo seen in all their
irlory. It is located 011 the llli; N'estuc
en Biver which empties into tho Nes
Jucca Ibiy and tho J'arirtr Ocunn. The
river nlfords splemlid tmrtlin, and
motor launches nre always to bo hud
on the river or bay for 11 trip to the
beach, which Is less than live miles
from Clovoplalo. Tho zvrstucco Is a
beautiful stream with ll various un
ifies, horseshoe bends and ever Inter
estiiiK wooded banks. A trip down the
Nestuccn from Cloverdalo Is one lorn?
to bo pleasantly remembered.
The N'ostucca furnishes tho best
sport for nni'lers, thu stream nhotimliuic
with mountain trout, salmon, Maunders,
etc., that are simply waltlm; to strike
thu lly nnd ijive you tho time of your
Tho climate of Cloverdalo and vicln
ity is di!li(:htful, beiiii; mild in winter
anil cool and pleasant In summer.
The fields aro all tho year round cov
ered with a velvet Kreun. Tillamook
county Is noted lor IU excellent pro
The villas uf Heaver. Tillamook
County, Orek'on, Is located nt the In
tersecllon of the road from Tillamook,
IohiIIiik to the Ulaliiu eoimtry itud C1I
verdale, This little village Is beittitl.
fully located In the heart ol t-ood llsh
Ink, and himtlnn. and Is surrounded by
Hue dairy and small fiull lands.
Heaver has jjrown fast of Into and
now tins tho following huiliiotts house:
I), N. C.llbert & Son, Kvtitfrnl store and , illscanieil In time. J ,
ostoiiice; uastmaii ,s wiMon, Kenertl
store and liaiaue; (ie-t, C.utle. black
smith and K't'neral repair vrk , A.
(lanluor, restaurant and bakery, W.
N. Bays, hotel; Miss Julia toxxLoy .LAM()()K
and Mrs. Howard llunn, milliners. j
A new Mxyo addition Is boliiK built -
10 me scnooi (unite. 1
A cooperative loganberry association
has boon ornanlicd here and u tlrler
hn been built by the company on tho
Hob Itlchards place. The results this
year have been e,uod. There, is loft of
berry lands In this vicinity.
A Kood cheese factory I In operation
and is holding Its own with any lit the
Henver has one church, an Odd Feb
law Idie and Artisan l.ode,e.
Apartmciili lo Rrbt
One well ptolntotl suite of rooms In
Tltco Apnrtmoiits, Miininlc buildif.K
for rent. Three living rooms, tnith and
store room. The bot In tho elty for
the money
SVho. le', ('r-'iL'uf' is one of the new
towns of Tillamook County. It has
come into existence boemisp of the
' channes in transportation facilities. Its
, present, development is n result of
! the completion of the railroad and its
future will le a consiuence of butter
railroad facilities ami Improved water
Tne city ot Wheeler 1.1 situated on
, Bay City supports tin followini; b-isi-
esshoures: Nelson & Co., ;etK ral . thu south sidu of N'ehalem Bay mwnit
; merchandise and p.stotIice: I!. I . miles from tho mouth of the bay a
VW?.tj.S!riJlwJ.jrdwajr it.th'i head of deep water nnvi.trnliOH
I View Hotel, K. M. Rhodes, proprietor; ! on the bay. It has the railroad alonu'
i restaurant, K. G. I.atiti; uhotoKraph ( its entire frontnire thus giving to the
' (lallery, E. 0. Itntz. hny ami feed. W. 1 manufacturers anil merchants of
H. Livin-fston : confectionery. Stone I Whoeler both rail ami water trr-nsp r
Seeley ; Bay City Dru'j Co., Dr. Hawk, ! tntion. This fact comhinixl with f
??v- t&Lotii n&. 1. . IAS j yii afir
0 . r 9&.7:rv-&
fact that tho best sites on the bay for
mills and booming grounds are situnttd
on both side of Wheeler, assures the
contention of the ieople of Wheeler
that their city will become the bip
mtinufncturinir city on Nehnlem Bay.
When one considers that tril utnry to
Nehnlem Bay there is Twenty Billion
of feet of the llnest timber awaitinir
imjiruved transpor tntion facilities, one
can readily realize that the future of
Wheeler is well assured.
, The cily of Wheeler, altho only 11
bout two years old, is already tiecom-in-;
quite tin inriurtrhtl center. Ideated
at Wheeler la the fine Iji'k new plant
of the Wheeler Lumber Company, one
of the richest companies doitiff business diiction of cheune anil it Is undisputed
in lillamook County. Ihis new aaw- that the N'enturca Vallov Is tho beat
mill plant has u capacity of IfiO.OdO dairying suction of tho county. For
feet of lumber per 10 hours nnd is equip- .TO days in the year ci.ttlo umtv on tho
ped with the most modern machinery bottom binds and our dairymen are a
available. The same company also most prosperotm etas. The fertility
operates a laruo planing and finishing of our soil in unuxcellml.
mill. When in full operation the com- This valley was first settled in 1870,
pany employs about 225 men in Hie and has made 11 great many eomforta-
mills and about ICO men in the woods. , bly well to do. U is a fact that there
Also located at Wheeler ih a shingle hat been no failures. Those who have
tox i: it 11 a ii 11 u a is a:
Sec U for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Four Foot Fit Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Deivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lola;
$2.80 in Twenty Cord Lots.
Strchiiine and Quinine LOOK alike, Inn uo net
ACT alike.
Every package and every "prescription" that
leaves our store is carefully checked and VERIFIED
so thai no mistake can happen. LIFE is too precious
to allow of carelessness in a druy store We will not
permit it.
The Tillamook Dtug Store
We. (jive you what you ASK for.
mill of 90.000 shingle capacity employ
ing 25 men. Thu Union FishermenB Co
operative Backing Co. opi-rate a fine
salmon cannery at Wheeler employing
only white labor. This cannciy pays
out ubout J.15,000 per year.
Wheeler is the commercial center of
the Nehalem Valley nnd draws a large
part of its supiiort from the dairying
industry and other businesoH of the
Nehalem Valley. located at Wheeler
arc .'I general merchandise stores, a
drug store, a largo dry-goods store, a
fine hotel, a substantial bank, a news
paper, 2 saloons, restaurants, a livery
been fortunate enough to secure 11 few
acres of rich bottom lands have simply
let thu dairy herd make them rich.
Tho Nestucea Valley has two classes
of lands,, viz; thu bottom lands and
liiil lands. The hill lanes at Cloverdalo
and on south aro good. About one
third of the bottom lands tiro cleared
and being used, Some of ttio older
ranches resemble very much 11 well
kept lawn.
The first cheese factory located in
tho Nestuccn Valley was built in Clo
verdale in Jb9(i by the veteran ehoesu
man of tbo county. Chits. Kay. Thu
W. D. Gladwell
Aitllt, Cream. Sour Milk, Cottage Cheese
All milk find products handled in Sanitary
Hani. 1'rnmpl attention jjivcit alt orders
Both Phones
Tillnmoolc, Oregon
' ''' ' ''''' '
Delsman & Dolan
We are prepared to do all kinds
of Cement Work at the Lowest
Possible Prices.
Workmanship Guaranteed
One of Tillmnook County's Cheese Factories ut Tillurnook.
irrudo bulla to sell ut ruiiHonuhlo prices.
Ono lliruu year old one half. Ayershlro
Am going to sell Homo holforJJcnlvoH . t.ow lo HuM pt,, Utu CHvoa HV0 or.
iigeH run from 1 yr. to u fow wwuks. ,jcr(Mj omo moro AyorHliIrea iiikI must
Also have 011 registered bull 15 months) mrkti room for them,
old nnd one -I months old, Komo good ! Eugonu AtkliiHon, Bnudlitko, Ore.