Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 04, 1914, Image 6

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Win llnnluy. of Hum. Oregon, ono
rf the tbet .Kiwww of tUo ?tnt nisi
linn Mdvo candidate LforJ th U. S.
!-.tp..wfl In the ety..tho .today nc
c . icd ti sccretarv. .lohn KU
of riVrtiani. '.Mr. IIar'i, has boon
n ' v ' C a trip oxer the i-iuiity.spond-i(T
two day3 hero.
Kefardles of our preference foritho '
otli ,c of.'C.l?. senator, wetmiOtll
rec lire the fet;thst Mr.'Hanley has
b.t;'i a stroiic"eontructive elemental!
the mstory of Jthis state and that ho
has added much toits prosdority.il ,
The convicts in the, Ponitontiary at
Salem are more.than four to one in
fav nr of a dry Oregon. j
Probationer Otricer Snodgrass en-!
gaged a convictenteneed tolife inn
pris"nment, known as a "lifer" to poll (
the convicts on'prepared cards. j
Zf he men-Jwere told that the records ;
wcsld be kept secret; it did not matter j
how they voted ; they were just to be
honest over it. j
The result was : In favor of the Ore-
pon dry amendment. No. 332 X Ye, j
against, 53. Fifty three refuseJ I
to express their preference. About th-
same number were at honor camps and '
could not be reached. j
J The Pententiary vote is a dramatic J
plea for the passage of4'the Oregon" dry
amendment. Oliicial records 'how that)
8TJ per cent of the convicts larej at 1
Sal-m as a result of saloons.
The vote at the Penitentiary was
taken for the Committee of One Hun
dreJ, the organization of Oregon busi
ness men fighting on behalf of Oregon
dr .
Notice for Publication
Department ot The Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland.
Ores:"". August 6th. 191 1.
NOTICE is hereby givvn that Adam
Lapen, of Beaver. Orecon, who. on
June 25th. 10.", made Homestead En
try No. 165-12. Serial, No. 01543, for
SlVi J-Ei. SKI SWi and W'i SW, Sec
tion 26, Township 3 South, Hane 3 1
West, Willamette Meridian, has file!
notice of intention to make Final fivej
year Proof, to establish claim to the I
land abov described, before the Coun- I
ty Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon,
at Tillamook, Oregon, on the 22nd day
ot September, 19U. Claimant names
as witnesses: Ernest Haair, of Heaver,
Oregon, David I less, of Heaver, Ore
j;or, John Browning, of Blaine, Ore
ijor, James 11. Woods, of Blaine. Ore
gon. ,tfiH.J
gH. F. HiKtiy.
Administrator's Notice to Cred
itors Noticeis'l trtby Kivenj that; theCun-
dursiuned Thomas Coatcs by an border i
c. the County Court duly made and
entered has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Anna F. Paquet, ;
deceased, and all persons holding claims
against the said estate are hereby no-j
lined and required tc present the same
to the ur.dersintd at Tillamook, Or
Kon, with proper vouchers and verifica
tion, within six months from this date.
Dated this 2nd;day of September,
S. S. Johnson, Attorney forj Admin
istrator. Thomas Ooates, Administrator of
the estate ofjJAnna F.niPaquet.t, de-
I. ,,; -..o S. Cothrean, of Portlanu,
ai'S iitfti apj.oitued Inspector of the
;.jc .cu survey service at u salary
it ! .O.
m- speech of A. L. Mills, president
j" . first National bank, made at
Pon. .id August 14, was ordered
. d by the senato as a public doc
jmc.t. N otiations are afoot in Harney
jou. ty for the location of a Mormon
;oloi;y ou landB now owned by the
'Jrctca & Washliigtoa Colonization
' A ;otIier epidemic of dog poisoning
has broken out in Pendleton and the
ludiguatlou among dou owners Is such
that uife' rewards are being offered for
the appieUeusiou of tho guilty persons.
Governor Mobillirs State's Force For
Service at Dutte Mines.
Helena. .Mont.-Oovurnor Stewart
ordorod the Immediate mobilisation of
the entlrv stale militia, constating of
ton companies, as result of tin' nv
newal at Uulto of foctlunnl trouble
mitotic the miner.
Uutte. Moat -Unltu Is uuilor nmr
t'.ii l.iw under n proclamation Issttud
t- i;.nrntr Samuel V. Stewart.
A iriv!am:tioti Issued by Major I).
1 tV".itiut. commntutlnK officer, pre--,-
t,l the rules for the conduct of
H'iMo ui loons rt orderod closed
t ' ftiti'icr notice and public KMtuer
- of an elminetsr arrt fnrblddou
.v ti , Mii pc: mission of the command-
. oifn-'T Ten companies of the
i-r n.it 'o il (s-mnl. Major O. J. lon
, :. i -.! : inl:ns. hae arrived here
Returns Point to Senator Dr.idy't Suc
cess at Pnmary Election.
' Scattering returns
u state Imllcmo tbo
i . . . ited States Senator
'. . li . . i! i"J (luvcrnor John M
n s. rep ibi. nnd the nomina
tion of Jnms K. llawtoy, dowocrat.
for Cntted S'.i'e senator, and Moaec
Alexander, d-: .menu, for governor.
Kepro8ntUe Addlsau T. Smith, re
publican, has been renominated.
Present lnd.u:ons are that Jamas
U. Hawley will defeat John F. Nugent
for the democratic nomination for
;rltl Stct senator, and that Dow
'lunnlng and J. H. Parney will he
tiomi.iated for rcprMwitaUvo on the
'eocra:ic :lcf:et Tbo balance of the
domevratic tlcicet has uo oppottttion
Judge Rdwaid li. Wnltera i loadl '
his threr other opponents In the nou
S'.irtisAn nemlnitlon for Jtistlco of th
s-irenift ceur:. and Charle W'. Iilo
'till probably bo the aecond nominee.
The contest ou the remainder of the
republican atato ticket, Mpet'lnlly for
lieutenant governor, secretary of xtnto
and state treasurer l cloae. Swuolay
for lieutena.it-Kovemor. Ilnrkor for
secretary of state and Allen for sinto
treasurer appear to be in the lend.
Fund of $5,000,000 Is Provided to Meet
Possible Losses.
Wtyhlngtou. Th-- administration
bill to create a federal bureau of sna
r'.ie war risk lucurance, kh a ta.OOU,.
00 fund to meet possible looses to
American shipping, was passed In tho
Uouse by a vote of 230 to SS. It had
elrfidy been pa? at! by the senate.
The bill establishes far tho first
time In American history a federal
m.irlne Inturance. though It Is restrict
nl to rltks of war and especially ap
plicable to th European omerKency.
It Insures American resaels, their
freight and paengor nionoys and
c.-Tgoes "whenever ft shall appear to
the secretary of the tronsury that
Amertcat. veinels. shipporH or Import
ers ill American vessels are unablo In
any trado to secure adequate war risk
lusurancf! on reasonable terms."
Czar Changes Name of Capital.
London. A dispute!) to the Renter
Telegram company from St. Peters
burg says tltat by Imperial ordor tho
city of St. Potersbur- capital of the
Russian empire since 1712, will hence
forth be kuow'i as Petrotfrail.
Wheat Club, Sic: bluestem, $1.10;
red P.ussian, 92c.
Hay Timo-hy. $16; alfalfa, $12.
Hi tter Crtaincry, 31c.
Ksss Itnr.'.h, 26c.
Wheat HluehtemT fl.10; club, 94c;
red Itiissian, 92c.
red P.ussian. Soc.
May Timothy. $16 per ton; alfalfa,
$13 por ton
Butter f'reamery, 31c.
E;;h 27c.
Vlce-Admlral Sir John R, Jelllcoe,
who Is commander-in-chief of the
British fleet which Is blockading the
North Sea,
Circuit Jiidsc clulcr Holmes will
convene court ucvt Tui'd.y, which U '
n special tcun, to tnkc the place of
the rcguLvr October term. There ate !
a iiumlirr of crimiuixl cac for the
grand jury to investigate, ineludin
the killink of M. Ackers by Ktty ,
the killinv; of M. Acker.s by Kay
Cooper at lllniue.
Following is the docket:
1). I- Shrotlc, et at, vH K. U. Ash
croft, action for money.
Peter Nel-tott. et nl, vs., Clura V
Kennedy, action for money.
P. . Todd. v Clwrles Koy I'nnV, !
damages. (
KHert Music 11 wise, v V tills hi
Uwioht, for recovery of personal pro
perty. U. S. little, vs.. John NUfckuis,
action (or money.
Gas Power awd Suppl) Co, vs.. C.
11. Allger awd 11. II. Allger, netion
for money.
The First National Bank of TUla.
mook, vs4 John W. HopfUld, action
for money.
. C. Dwight, ts, A. Gtebiseh au 1
F. Joplin, partners doing bttltncss un
der the firm name of Gicbiseh and
Jopln, injunction.
A. ti. Beats, vs V. II. Wilkitis anil
Burton Kice, action for money.
T. U. Potter Kealty Co.. vs., F. D.
Mitchell, action for money.
George Dun Man. vs., W. C Hnwk
and Mrs. E. I). Miller, doing business
under the style ami firm name of Uay
City Drug Co., action for money.
Tillamook County Ilauk, vs., Ivnn
Parson, action for money.
John Theilcr. v, Tillamook Coun
ty, damages.
Ira C. Smith, v O. J. Painter No
lan, action for money.
Robert Watt, v, Frank Long, Sr.,
action for money.
Mohler Mercantile Co, vs., li. M.
Clark, et al, action for money.
John W. Boyer, et al, vs, J. M. Bur
ton, action for moner.
Nehnlcm Valley Bank, vs.. M. .
Gersoni, action for money.
M. J. Gersoni, v.,Frank A. Rowr,
et al. action for money.
Grace Johnson, vs., J. C. Johnson,
. G. D wight, vs John Krfcf, et al,
Slvu Kice, vs liarl It. Rice, di
vorce. Irctta M. BisnelL vs.. I-oui J. Big
ucll, divorce
School District No. js, vs., Scho.it
District No. 9, et al, injunction.
F. R. Beals, vs., V. ). Chase, et a!
foreclosure of Mortgage.
G. F. Chaphe, vs.. R. A. Ashcroft.
et al. Foreclosure of ticn.
Mary W inona Whaley, et al, v .
Cecelia Alice Davis, et al, to ijuit
Robert Watt, vs., 11. J. Wilkin, el
al, fort-closure.
Robert Watt, vs., F. H. Wilkiu, e
at, foreclosure on contract agreement
Lois Q. McMahon, vs., Agnes Rcid,
et al, to quit title.
Whitney Co. Ltd., et al, vs., Beall
& Co., et al, injunction.
Oglesby Young, vs., Isabella Co'
liits, et al, foreclosure of mortgage.
Lewis L. Smith, vs., W. G. Dwight.
to quit title.
William Ryan, vs., Richard F. Rya i
ct al, to rpiict title.
A. N. Marolf, vs. Preston Marolf,
ct al, partition.
Guy O. Smith, vs., Mcrt. n R. IX
long, foreclosure of mortgage.
Robert Osborn, vs., William L.
Riefcnhcrg, ct al, to iiiet title.
Nehalcm Valley Bank, vs., Elmer
H. Gary, et al, foreclosure of mort
Milwaukee Mechanic's Insurance
Co., vs., A. Ramsey, ct al, foreclosure
of mortgage.
N. McMillan as guardian, vs., Will
Ten Eyck, el al, to quiet title.
Iva D. Miller, vs., Ivan D. Miller,
Kathleen Mills, vs,, Mary Jane
Martin, et al, foreclosure of mort-
Morrison Mills, vs., Kandc-lp
Lamb, el ux, foreclosure of .iiortjf;.gi
Frederick Dow et a I, v .., .! 1
Leland llciidtrson, it ;.l, to set ash
Kvan J. Owens, v., .'niicrta Frot
t al, foreclosure of irtvr g -.
Aiplic.itioiik of Albert August Jol
iniiiHTiiiini, Adrian Timn r, i
yss, Alfred Larson, Vic. or Lea ml
Johnson, and Josf Felix Alois I'
rich, iihzinsliip.
John r I -.lii), Giis Mahue
Marie .Valine, lori-closii: 1 of M ,
Washington, A Ocrinnn victory at
Altcnstein, In which thron RusHlan
corps were dcfoutcil and 70,000 prlH
oiicth, Including two RuhhIuii com
mnndlii; generals, wcro Hilton, wiih ro
porlod to tho (lunnnii einbiiHsy from
Berlin by wlrn!?u via Hayvlllo, L. I,
The ''it j (itch H;iy;
"Otticiul report of tho victory at Al
tonstolu uhows that It was even great
er than known before. Three Russian
C. I. Cl(ui;lt Looks Forward to
Large Crowds DuiIiiij her Week's
Stay ivt the Kexall Stote,
Will bIvc number of free Facial
MnssJRes ami peisoual advice In your
home by appointment.
Au opportunity which is sure to
prove a beneficial as it is rare will
be afforded the women of Tillamook
nnd vicinity when Ml. II. Colenmn,
the much talked of Beauty SprcisliU,
now louring Orecou ns tcpicscnta
tlve of the t'nlted Drug Company of
Boston, etrator of inauv Itarmonv
Beauty Kei)uisit and eully wrll
known toilet prritu.iiion, sutls h. r
public dmonstrAiion fr the wrik
eommrnelng Jlomlav, ept, 7th, as
the guest of C, 1 ('lough, proprietor I
of the Reall Stirr and olr dUttib
lit or of the Harmony Toilet Pro
duets in Tillamook
Miss Coleman contend that it i
the privilege of everv womu to take
adtnntuge of anything that will tend
to lend a touch of added beauty to
the skin; but. says Miss Colenmn.
"extreme care should be exercised to
choose only such preparations that
really do help nature in the benutify
int; of your completion.
"Of course no one will question the
assertion that the women with the
clean, well-preset ved skin i n much
admired peisou anywhere," and. she
continues, "if the women of today
would only take lite care to treat the
skin to the benefits of a good ttiav
sbrc that she lakes in reading thi
house hold section of the paper, '
would see fewer wrinkles, and more,
yes, a (treat many more women young
at fifty."
We have no doubt about Miss Cole
man's ability to offer the women o'
Tillamook some very valuable ad
vice, ,wid Mr. Clough will, we feel
sure, have a store full of the "fairer
it" during Miss Coleman's stay at
the Kcxttlt Store.
Mr. Clough tell us that he has a real
beauty treat in store for the women
of Tillamook, so you'd better get
ready for Miss Coleman's arrival
Notice of Completed Contract
Notice is hereby given, that U. C5,
J.-iekfon. County Surveyor, fur Tilla
iiMnik County, Oregon, hu Hied In this
ouVu his certificate lor the completion
of the contract of the Tillamook Buy
Ton t met ton Co, tin See. "I)" of the
W. S. Cone County Road, near IIjIwod
villo, ami anv person, firm or corpor
ation, having objections to tile- to the
completion of snid work, may do so
witlun two weeks from the ditto of the
first publication.
Dated this the 21th day of August,
ion.:::-.. r-
IZZ''J- c. Uoidon.;
to. mi County Clerk.
fNiiti(.c of completed Contract
.'.Ni tice is l.erel y given, Hint U. (J.
Jii'krtn, County Surveyor, for Tilla
in ik Cotinty, Oregon, has (lied in this
olfic- hl certificate for the completion
of the contract of the T. B. Potter
Ktnlty to. on n Section of tho Buy
ocean County Road, and any Ppernon,
firm or cor oration, having objieiiuns
I" Die to the completion of pnlij work,
may do so u ithin two weeks from the
date of the flrit publication.
Hated this the 21th day of1 August,
J. C. Ilolden,
County Clerk.
Notice of Annual Meeting of Mutual
Telephone Company
Notice In hereby given that the regu
lar annual meeting of the plnckholdcrs
of the Tillamook County'Mutiinl Telo'
phone Company will bo held in thu Or"
cult Court room Tillnrnook City, Satur
day, September fi, 1911, at the hour of
one o'clock p. rn.
Stockholders aro requested to attend
this meeting as there Is Important mat
ters that concern thu Company to lie
considered and all should be present
and voice their opinion upon all ques
Hons brought before the stockholders.
JOHN SHKICTS, President,
V.'. S. Buol, Secretary.
army ooii iuu. nuo-
ty thousand : rluont-rs wcro. taken, In
cliiillna two comtiiMiidlng genenils, .100
offlcem and tho compioto artillery of
tho Uufislen army."
Tho stiitoiiieiit of tho big (lonnan
victory itgn'iiKt tho Riii;mIiiiiii iittrnctiid
wfdn iittmitloii, .Mllltnry ohsurvors
polnt'id out that If tho number of Huh
Hlnnu taken prisoner hail bnon estb
innttMl at 70,000 there must luivo heiiii
3rcut loiisi'H, 110 miiiitlou of which Is
made. Tho statement conflicts to
so mo oxtont with ono ismied by thu
Krouch emhauiiy, which spunks of the
progress of thu Russian offensive
London. Tho Itui'slnii gonernl (staff
frankly acknowledges a disastrous
conflict with tho flurinunH In which
thoy lost two army corps find thruu
Flrct CanaJlan Troops Ball,
Montronl, Tho Prlnci'ss Patricia
Canndlnu light Infnnlry, first troopit
from North Ar.iorleu to leave for tho
l-'uropenii wr.r, sailed, 1000 strong,
aboard tho Whlto Btur llimr Mogatitlc,
ninlil gnla scenes, for a secret dentin-.Urn
Please answer the above for ijj
riht away. I am fairly swam pi
with inquiries lor locations in Tl
lamook. I am also preparing to
out a printed list of Tillamook pr
perties in booklet form. Help
out and incidentally help yourseli
you further as to details.
Tkaihc or Runt.
Date .'. IS)1.
.Mail tt
NOTICK IS iihithliv (JIVKN That
on Moi ilav. Septetntier I ttb, MM, the
County lloiitti of Kiiiiili.nti"' will
llleet lit the Court lltln III Tllhllllook
Count), Oregon, and pui-liely ttxttinino
the iiichdineiil toll for said year, and
correct all errors In valuations, do
oeriptlun of lands, lots or other proper
ty. Snitl board will continue In sonlou
from day 'odny, until the exninlnnllon,
correction nnd riiiiilixatloii of the as
neksinenl roll shiill be eompleted All
per-nnt Interented in the intsessn cut of
ll.olr property are reipieeted to appear
si said time mid place, 11 no changes
can be mode afti r the adjournment of
thu tniaril.
Oated at Tillamook City, Oregon,
August 10th, 1'JM.
C. A. Johnnoii,
County Assessor.
Notice I or Publication
I)i:paktmi:n'i oftiik intkkiou
un'itki) statics land oitmck
Portlniid, Oregon. July SJOlh. 1911.
Nollcti is heruby given that Amanda
T, ilaberliich, iisstgneu of John W.
Davis, the post ollico address of Aman
da T. Iliiherlaeh. hulcctor, being Tilla
monk Or.'KOll lllll (111 the fitll dllV (if
July Hil l, lllo III this ollleit her appll
cation to s- leet under tho provisions of
the U. S. Revised Statutes. Sections.
J.'IOt5 7. Lot VI. Section .'. TowiiHhlp I
South, Itange 10 West, Williimutto Mer
Idian. Serial No. 0 1 1 HO.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely thu lands above described, or de-
utrlnir to nl.li'i'l Ili-i'llllH) of tilt! Ill 1 flltr II I
ihiiraeter of the land, or for any other
run-on, .to tnu Disposal to appiieani,
should file tlielr iifllilavlts of protest In
tbiM ollieti on or before thu loth duy of
September, 1U1-I.
li, r. mgny,
Notice is hereby given, that on
.Monday, September i.th, IQI., the
County lloanl of Kiiualiatloii will
meet at the Court House lit Tilla
mook Cotinty, Oregon, and publicly
examine the assessment roll lor said
Dated at Tllaniook City Oregon,
year and correct all errors in valtta
lions, descriptions of lands, lots, or
other property. Said board will con
tinue in session from day to clay, un
til the examination, correction and
equalization of the assessment roll
shall be completed, All persons in
terested in the assessment of their
property arc rrmicstcd to appear at
said time and place, as no changes
c.ni be made alter the adjournment
of the board.
Dated at Tillamook City. Oregon,
August totti, lyi.J.
U, A, joiinson,
County Assessor,
Tho Herald coniea twico a week,
What Have Yoti Got to
Sell, Trade or Rent ?
Wc arc in a position to serve you
Promptly and Well
Fill Out the Coupon Here
Today. Do It Now
(Msrk witt( what you Imvn to olfur. Wejwlll then gel In touch withJ
I have ftcrc plftce for yott to Si:i.i.,J
Real Estate Loans Insurance
A well equipped sanitarium fo
enru of all kinds of dimiases. Ci
tent nurses in chargo.
Dr. S. M. WriwJt. Mrdlcjl Sorrrlnl
18 acres, li miles from u good
In tho Piilouse country, 1'iisti-rn l
Ington. Orchard of best viirltles
mure hi niuiles. cherries and
fruits. liest water. (!ood (i room )ij
good barn and outbuildings. Hull
well kent tin and land in liluli still
cultivation. Sen Dr. Hoy, Tlllnl
To oinploy n man who Iiiim had
nertitneo in hurnlnir llmestono.
ply to d. 11. I.uinb, Tillumook, OreJ
CAWr-THOSE broken
The Tillamook Weld
Coinpfinv con niakctlj
J,'Ot)(l OS llLNV.
Hiner & R
Welders of All
Successor to W. J. Stephens
Cigars, Tobacco, Candif
& ttc.
Rvorythlnjf First Cluac", Ut Shir
lliu city,
Everybody Invited,