Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 04, 1914, Image 5

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    V"'e Are Headquarters for
School Books ?, School Supplies
I i.tsri'M
Ink fahlois
Composition lkol8 Id I;
U-al TcnctiH Crayons
NoiJ UoolcH I'ci.s
Pencil Tnbleu Panto
Bp fv I rluivi Agniits for the t4lrtitfnn, Nyl,? r'amlly Remedies -
1 1. ... f .. - I , II ' '
'"V ll I) III.
; Cecil Happenings.
ta . . . J . . I
JK? 1 l HIP ! Us WWI
h-i, tif UtulhiMt, wan a
It 'af rrwi l utny win
twr -t rr on the Mtrw Urn).
' 'ITT X ft BIHIHTr fill HflunpiMHi,
k . . . i 41...
.If Ml HIiF.ml rt
t Ia'hp a pi ami is a K'ut? -
-... s
'1 J -SI f r i iimin-'-
It t tl, I . II.. Vlw .. In
i. iiir inn , , n , . , " - in
IMTO I HI tlw CTinnwiny.
itfK J jwrr, furnished apartment
I tingle room for rent at renMnBblc
0. U llui'trr. who tin lwtn at Napa,
1 . . . . .
i iriaiirrs iir.i iitia wrnn.
ft Co to tr Monk (or flrt clti photo-
ruling. Hit always deliver the
IDf Wpii'H orttd on firu. Williams
,iirr' Knight far the removal tif rn
Iwd t ..l this week.
jfor rc'it, n modern hnut new with
Impure nt llcrnlil Ultiro.
SfrsiV Illltiwortli nml Jnck l,nvon
mCn'f thu Minim, wurn In tlm city
pnlrr your ilrnlntlli? now for full nml
i"'tr ilnlivory. TllUntook Clnyi
' j
'irn iirnvcnumiii niiiii-n uuiivciiii hi
'i. .. . i . ..f,. .. ,r. ..... . . .
7 nun in imti'iiy iiir fi.iu wi msir,
llm I'rilil I'ttlllCO,
l.x-kw(MMl mill Mr. O'Domifll
Hiiyucauii wcro in th clly on liul
For niilo or trmlc nt it Imrnriln a five
On 1 1 nt Amlurson n lutrlior bIioji,
fimoik City.
f. U W. Ktntfi who Iiiih not'ii wiui
rKInu t tlmlr pluro nt Tiilimt thin
. I 'a l . I f. . 1.
itnniiiiil nt Portliiml mul met Iht
1..l..... I I Ill !..!.. M.
hiiiiiv nutin wiiuiu nnu win jmu i,
ni; mul remain thin wlntur.
A kooiI wntur motor for muIo rhenp.
(uiro ut iioritiu omco.
Free Rulers
and Blotters I
TP YOU bttv your boolw
and HttpplicH from hh,
brinjr your kcIiooI book or
ders to tiH, wo have all, and
ft large supply t o draw
from, If .school supplies are
Wanted Ci.aunii has best
values, We have the finest
line of tablets, peneils, inks,
esasers, penholders, 'pens,
IX-'neilhoxes, etc., every one
of them are big values.
Tim TilUmtxik IVcl (X will nuikii
you low (irlrrmin nil klnl of liny In
er liiml M, Sliriflc.
Attomoy linear lluyti-r nrni wife, of
Dnllnii Imvi) bn rKlnlrrinl tt ttie !lo
tol TlllninmA tlila h-ik.
I'wr rot. t ruutn furntlil cottnijo.
rlitrlt! IIkhU, nty ntir, clo In.
,ilili't. I'. O. Jlo J03 TllUmi-ik.
Hnvc you lumnl thn lnt'l? Snril
U uwltll? tit Kln nwny nbollUrly fr-i!
n t.'iAiiil Uirlt;!it (iImih).
P. 1). V.lirlictll, of lltiycirvan. wm in
Um. city 'HiUfiHUy.
Wnittil to rant n dairy ranch with
fiviu 0 to 30 eow. lnUlro nl llcmlil
Mr. Murk llrrion loft on Thur
ly for l'ortlnn4 hi;ommnll liy cno
uf thn frcwh mr chlMrcn which h wan
ukliit: lioin.
Iur n nx! inn. I at a luoul rtaonablo
prlro ko to M. A. QUon'a lunch room
in ltamny llmin dlnui; roim.
Arcftlo (ilt uf. t'lovonlnlo wn in
thp city Thunxlny on hU way to lluy
City whrrq ho inav lo Mmo lUhlni;
An aiiltratlon nf llAUMONV nkln
crttntti nt nlltl krcp tho kin wlilto,
oft hihI froo from hlcinUhon. C I.
Clouch Co.
Mark llollii'-", of Kalcm, hn heen in
thn city thin weok In the Inlotvd of
1'fol HotlUtnr, Uumocratic camllilalo
for cnt:r?.
WatitRil wnnhinK to do at homo,
(tough lry 40e. jmr ilotun. utrch nml
Iron 7fc. ntr ilox. (S(fl n (numlry
work. .Sc licy IttclmnlA on Ninth
Or. Wnntll nml wlfr niltiXHl to I'ort
Inwl lanl wi!t.. Tho ihvlor raturnoil
on Stimlny, lenvim; ,Mr A'untlt in
I'ortlnml for vlull with frinU.
A tlalry much for rout with hmmc.
ham ini'l orchnnl, two tnllrn from Til
lamook (-Itv. 'IVrm rcaiionnhlc to
rlKht pnrly. Aili!rr P. 0. Ilox iOH,
C. J. Crook, formerly morchnni nt
IN'tiilock, ha horn In the county " ihln
wrok looking after luialnoin nirnim iiikI
iihnklnt? ImiiiU with old frlondii.
At tho nicclnl ncnool moellni: Inut
Friday It wan drcldo.l to expend $-1,000
on n concrete gymnasium.
Alex McNnlr and wlfo returned the
firnt of the week from i vlnlt with Mr,
McNnlr'n lirothers nt Hnndon and Myr
tle Point nnd Mr. and MrH. Ilmer
Piilno at Mo mine. Mr. McNnlr report
many rhnnKon In Coon County nlnco he
wiih thore four yearn iiko.
Why hny Hox lunm mid (ox lurd
when von can t;ot KiiMturn corn fid
hiinm, hncon mid lurd at thu Tillnmook
Feed Co. -The brat moncv ciin buy.
Williu Monroe mm of John Monroe,
who had IiIh let; broken Rome time ago,
In KcttliiK ulom; nicely under the euro
of Dr. Wenilt. Thn little follow sua.
tallied thu injury by fulling from n
wagon nnd gotUm; IiIh leg caught in
thu NpokcH of thu near wheel.
A cupnhlo SwUa wnntH work on farm.
Call iitWiitaon real estate ofllcc, city.
Tho county court is in aesalon this
week Tho court recently purchnaed mi
oil aprlnkler with thu intention of using
oil on thu roada.
Miss Coleman, Homity Spccluliat of
noMton. wunta to boo nil ludiea of Til
lnmook Co. wcok of Sept. 7. C. I.
Clough Co.
He Huro mid hnvo nn intorvlow with
tho Hoaton Hoiuity Specialmt, week of
Suptcmbor. Uoxall Store.
Lndiea bo miru and tou MIhs Colomnn
next week of Sep. 7th. C 1. Clough
Mra. A. Nulaon, of Hobo, litis bon
visiting frlonda in UiIh vicinity this
week. Mrs. Nelson's sister Mrs. (1.
I. Anderson of Falrlleld, Iowa, whom
she had not seen for 37 years, rccontly
mado her n vUlt, returned homu tho
first of the week.
War docs not olToct our prices on
school books and supplies, wo placed
our or Jri before the advance and give
you thu bcnollt. (J, I. Clough Co.
Dr. Wnidt, ;yr St(llil, cUut lllltj
l ttiunuhtt fttct. ijuttmUr i.
I'hi) Craml Jury m in t.uUm thm
week. V tinlcrlini. that n nniulwr of
Indlctmi'iitn will 1,d returned.
Monoy In loan 0 fMt c f(trm
mortiratfi. Flrnt National llnnk.
'Ilo Piirmit-Toitehiir Amtoclillon la
K"liiH to give a reception on Friday,
the I Illi, to thn now timcImM coming
to Tillamook. All purentn of tho pu
plU are urgrtl lo attend. Thcro will
b refrpuhmcntB and music.
Try thofe af.c dlmiora at thu llamiiev ' lrrtl" tot r " l""t !' out
!"(5il Kali.," M. A. OUon formerly utM'
Mi:iicii-3EWi.iiy vEDUmc
On Vedfnjday iilteriVDrt Frtd If.
Mlnlch nnd Minn Kllen IUwl. y of thm
city wero unluJ In marriage nt ts
homo of thu hrldo' pnrnnU Mr nn I
Mr. J. C. ltowly, lv. Wehor oiIIbim
ting, The bride nod groom aro bnli
highly rupecti.vJ nml well knuw i hcr,
tho brldu having lived in the eiintv all
her life, having taught aeh-itl hr
severnl ye s, nnd buying tumm n i
active part In tho social life of th :
wmmunlty. The groom U woll kn i
In oclnl and lodge socials and is a s jc-
censful contrucUir.
'Hioy have tho bust wishes of n hunt
of friend.
Ihuy took Uio WeJmnMlay ve.nn
-arw w
Hpni.lsh Kltchun
You can get the best meal In tho
city scrvod family style at thu Hotel
Todd dining room. Under tho manago
mcnl of Uu V. Wilson. Price 2ic.
Jiv.irythlng vu nuoJ for canning at
tho Fruit Palace.
Piee I pncil ami ulcr with a 'JXx:
puichnic f scho-tl supplies at l.nmur's
Variety Store. "Drop In and ami lift i
Howard Drw nnd wife loft on Thurs
day evening for tlmlr now home at
Helix, Ore., where Mr, Drew has been
I'rcilivteriin Church Holes. j
The PrusbyUirliih church will retpenj
IU doors imxt Suixlay for Iht fallowing
serlc, Uf which the paople of Piili
m t-k are liivllwl.
Sunday School including Hlblo clas
sua. at 10 A. M.
Morning worship and sermon at 11 A.
M, Sermon subject: "Church Ufa
ami Activity : Social Service and Mis
sionary Activity."
Kvenlng service at 7:30 P. M. Sub-
Jcct "tvhere is tho Christ Tftday?
engaged to lake etiarge of the union (This Is the greatest quoJtion in the
high school nt tlisl place. t World, nnd when properly answered.
Distinctive homes dtwlgncd for dis
criminating Mupli.'. Consult Stalker
the architect.
Tli county fair management wishes
us to announce thst mi entrance fee
will be chMrgod for exhibit but that
exhibitors will have to buy sunron ml
miMlon tickoU to the fair.
A fe Umxlr Niaml rtsl riosiert,
pure Orcrf, 8 nunUi old, fur '2.00 each
If taken Hee Mr p. Hugh llirber,
I'nlrview CrttBinerv.
Win. 1 1 at ion, of Clovurdslti w.ts in
the city on ousinuss Wednesday and
Tnurj4nr. Whllu hvre hu visited at
the homo of hi gruud-dnughler Mm.
C. V.. Tromblifj.
Tho While IsKlttjof sewing inn
cliluiis. Vibrator and rotary shuttle
styl). For sale on eusy terms at Jones
Knuusjn Furniture Co.
dint, ljerpabel ami wife and Fred
Zitddach nml wife, of Mohtur, were in
the c.ly this week while on their way
to nnd from a meeting of the Tilla
mook county Pamoiin (range at Ore
town on Wednesday.
locates the true churan
D. A. MucKenzie,
and thu true
wee ks
Am going to soli some heifer
ngai run from 1 yr. to a few
Also have on registered bull 1." months
old and one I rnontns old. Some good
I'rnde bulls to sell at reasonable prices.
One three year old one half. Ayershire
cow to Kelt pith the cnlvas. Have or
idercd some more Ayershires and must
mrke room for them.
Kugene Atkinson, Sundlake, Ore.
Following extract from Alva Agee's
Book. Crops and Methods for soil Im
! Within recent years we have learned
that vast areas do not contain enough
lime in available form to k.-cp the soil
i from becoming acid. Some soils never
. , , , .. v , , ! were rich in lime, and these are tho
I nn nml sunburn can he prevented;, , ' , . .,. .
i.i .... it i.i i .i.l , i , first to show fviueiice of Hcidity. In
i . ., . , .
our iimesione iireu, nowuver, aciu tou
with our tnu and freckle lotion.
I'lough Co.
I.ec V. Wil.ioo, of Snndlake'i haa
taken over thu management of the din
ing room of the Todd Hotel . Mr. Wil
ron is well nnd favorably known
throughout thu countv and will, no
doubt, increase the business now en
jjyoil by the IViil Hotel dining room.
Three good joung horse for sale, -to
8 yearn old, weighing 1100 to 160
lbs., 0 iKinii to select frtun. See A. O.
Jnckson one mile north of Hcbj P. O.
Adiiress Heaver. Ore.
conditions aro developing year by yenr,
limiting the growth of clover and
effecting the yields of other crojis.
The situation is a serious one just in
so uir as men refuse to recognize the
facts as they exist, uml permit the
limiting of crop yield, through the
presence of harmful acids. The natu
ral correction is lime, which combines
with the acid and leaves thu soil
friendly to all plant, life and especially
to the clovers and other legumes that
are necessary to profitable farming.
Mr. aiiil Mm. 1.. M. Kraner and nep- J Nature is largely dependent upon man's
hew. Arbie Stiverson of Clovenhile, assistance in the correction oi sou uciu
made an auto trip to lillnmooK on
Tuesday returning the same day. Mrs.
tieo. Stivurson accompanied them to
Clovurdule where slje will visit for a
few days.
Don't be deceived In buying cheap
Hour when you can gi t Dcment's Hest,
llluo Stem hard wheat Hour at tho Til
lamook Feed Co. Tho "Hest" flour on
thu market. Monoy back if not satis
co. F. R. Heals recently sold nn undivid
ed one half interest of his Klmoro and
Pncitle City farms, together with tho
personal property thereon, to A. C5.
Heals. It is the intention of thu Heals
Brothers to continue tho improvement
of these properties and bring them up
to a high standard as dairy farms.
fS Don't fori'i't that Drs. Lowe
Mjr tl,ul Turner eyo specialists of
Portland will bu in Tillamook again
Tuesday. Sept. 1st, and Wednesday,
Sept. -nd up to I p. m.
F. U. (lamer of Lincoln, Nebraska,
supromu Court Judge of that statu was
In tho city from Friday until Monday,
tho guest of his old friund A. C. Ever-
. . i . i.i.
son. While hero Mr. ttverson iook ms
visitor about the country, and gave
him a vluw of our cheese factories nnd
Bomo of our lino dairy farms.
judge was much Impressed with
thrifty appuarimcu of things in
Tho Tillamook County Fair Hoard
has decided to accept exhibits for entry
any timu until Supt. 15, Entries should
be mado through Secretary Tait, and
should bo made as early us possible, so
as to avoid a rush.
The Ladies Society of the Genua
Coagregatioul Church will serve a
"Gemati chickea diaaer with soup'
at the Presbyteriaa Guild Hall, Satur
day, Sept, Stb. Price 35c. Every
one U cordially invited.
Subscribo lor tho llorald. It give
you all the news twicu oach week.
There are tens of thousands of land
owners who do not recognize the need
of lime that now exists in their suit
nnd sutler a loss of income which they
attribute to other causes.
There are land owners who are not
concerned with present day know
ledge regarding soil acidity because
cannot believe it has any bmiring upon
the state o( their soils. They know
that their soils formerly produced eood
clover. The failures of the clovers in
the last ten or fifteen years they in
cline to attribute to adverse seasons,
poor seed oi the prevalence of weed
ests. They fail to realize that the
loss of lime is continuous and that
every year more and more land becomes
acid, and with thu accumulation of
acid comes tho failure of clover crops.
The Cornell station reports thu follow
ing experience:
Tho soil was once a fertile loam that
had become very poor. A part was
given mi application of lime, mid sim
iliur html ui its side was left unlimed.
Tho land without lime and fertilizer of
any kind made a yield of 1821 pounds
of clover hav per aero. A complete
fertilizer on thu unlimed land mado tho
yield 2235 pounds, and 15 tuns of man
ure on thu unlimed land made thu yield
l!li)l pounds.
Where limn hud been applied, thu
unfertilized land yielded 8S52 pounds
per ucre, uml tho fertilized, 40S6
M)Uud3, and tho manure J, 4!)7li pounds
Manure and furtilizur wero nearly
inactlvu in the acid soil. Thu lime
enabled thu plants to obtain benefit
from thu plant food.
Whon land owners rufusu to let their
soil remain dellciout in lime, clover
will como into prominence in our agri
culture that It never previously has
known. Clovers and the grasses want
an alkaline soil, nnd there is a wuate
of money and time in seeding acid laud.
mat a Bimka will commit suicide
to escape torturo was demonstrated nt
Bllvor Lake, when twe cats, the prop
erty of a bomoBtcader near the lake,
herded a bin duunoud rattler Into a
hill of red ants.
vnsu is
The Sharpies Mechanical
Milker Users
Why Not
I'.econie a customer also and
Kct paid luv u in increai-cd
Why Not
Uokvv.. firsclf of all dependance upon unreliable
help and drudgery.
Why Not .
Make up ywir mind at once and invent in Sharpies Milker. The Teat
Cup with the Upward Squeeze. The most wonderful invention of the
present thn.
Call fct our itoro and we will how you a machine in operation.
Docks and Warehouse ront St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
y'T-Q fcits on the genuine merit J
"r Supreme Sodas j
4 t? T . . r.M.r, 11 .T.A l,kl. frnm ' Ir,r.m. Kl 1,
Kj. ,- : rrarLrm or rate of inv kind, mail direct to us and a IL I
V ... '
A Frr- Trent: Collect 12 end labels from "Supreme
ha. - 1 rrarker or rake of my kind, mail direct to us and
nirprir p.Ti,age containm; a complete
attorlmrni of "Supreme" Haked
Daint c- will he ent you by
parrel pot, absolutely free.
Keep hw
Longest a
10 rtM,
at our dealers iJ
What is your
preference in at re
peating shotgun hand-
operuted or autoloading?
If hand-operated, jrou know the Reaing.
ton-UMC Pump Cun. Everybody known it.
If nutoloadins, then eet your dealer to (how you
the Remington. UMC Autoloading Shotgun an arm
that is performing in a way to show portmen that here
at lait i an autoloading shotgun that uors.
RerainKton-UMC Rerteatins and Autoloadins Shotcuna
are told by dealer everywhere. Find the one who shows
the TicJ Ball Mark of Hemlnglan-UMCthe sign of Sports,
men's Headquarters. He's the man.
To keep your gun cleaned and lubricated right, use Rem
Oil. the new powder solvent, rust preventative, and gun
upununrlM .ftue.ilMinu 111177111 11- PiuvDinnD rr
9 BroaJmr New York H
Goto thoHaniFoy Ijouse"GoodEats."
M, A. Olson serves the best.
15, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c
tO Watt .... 45c
100 Walt .... 80c
150 Watt .... $(.20
250 Watt . - - - 2.M
Frosted Lamps Re ltxtra.
We deliver lamps to an part of
the city. Telephone us, we do
wiring at the litet prices cot.
slstcut with Kood Iworkmanshlp.
TUlamtok B!Mtrio ,ng
islgat S ittti ww. Mgr.
Ccland B. Grwin
Teacher of Piano
Diploma from tho Chicago
Musical College
The Fall term starts Wednesday,
Sept 9th.
New pupils should start in at the be
ginning of the term.
rant Thayer, the horse shoer and
wagon repair man han decided to ugain
locate in Tillamook at his old stand.
Give him a call.