Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 01, 1914, Image 1

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V V J j - " "
Tillamook, Okkgqk, Skptkmiikm 1. 19U. " (U
a- - . . 1 - . -. - -
(old Bond TnuliiL Stamps with livery 10 cent Cash Purchase
harming: New
all Millinery
iin'iiiwiiir n'r i m win miiv i in iiiomiMir
vwu m,t wic nemmiui inn iijiih -
'1 he uiilliiicry rooms tire now ojkmi. Miss CmIIm
I m it in t'lmrjtc. Miss Cnllnhfii cninc dirvct from
Robinson, Statins iV Co., of St. 1'itul.oiie of the In r-
ist millinery houses in the middle west, highly
Kuommended unit designer nnd trimmer, and is at your service ( HaleonyDcpt)
a. K.T a a
an ix ew oars and oaits
u . t ........ ... .4.4.. . .... ul. ...... !. I.. I -
A Mil IIV HHMV eWV MW9 4 1k MIVM MtHL, I .1 1 M I I i. I I I JM III i 1 1 W J W I V 41 I IV J (.Will
1. . . L r 1 i . i . I
rL 1 1 l ii iiiii ii iiiii tj lii ;-i l 1 1 rt in i. til i l n ii nil u i l . ii i.i-ii in r v i -r i iiiiiiihi'
ai r t u if i h i m v
intv New Waists
i .1 . .1 . .. . .1. . I :r..i ...i . ' ... .1.. !.. . .1. ... ...i .f i
lllllt- IMlllVW till UIV I'VIUItlMII IIIVV ,U1- 11V .IIIIIV,1, iiiv ntn I. Ill ui Willi I lu
r- ii r .
u ran urp; unnns
.i showing that we are indeed proud of for it's the most complete and exteu
i In wt linve t?vt?r .shown Wool Ctvoes. Rioos. Scr-ics. Moires. CiMlmrdincs.
... I... . r- f ill, I 'l i i ...i ..i i
k "IMV7 fVIIV . 1 1 MM ....- ...... .... ,. .... . 7
.44 i.. ..I i. .4 J I t. 4 Ct i 4 L-'tilf t 1 t . Itlitft tlMllli! tt lit! 449 f ' I 1 I 4IWtaltlr ft ftI itC f 11 f I II l
' J - ' - r " . - 1.7
. j . .. . - . . a t:. i .
r n r i
w ran onoes
44 iiioMt.il iiat jl i t 1 r t t4 1 1 lll t I lliHt'tn.1 !. fr1 itltC UHMOAI1 V' tif
I' II, Will VII llllll 1 1 1 1 1 1 . l ll lov ... r v i v. .1 n i 1 1 11 v. rw 1 1 o n lui
The ladies' shoes that vou liave been waiting for are here. A number of
a' st vies as well as the old favorites.
mduitrUl News
For Oregon
Ha Parrolb iBaetiiat. No PUce
For (uUmkj Howleri Here.
ih-m, Or., Auk. 31. Flniinctrur of
i big timber holtllnim on the Nehu.
river h Imsuij cnmnlutt! nd thin
lurcii the cxteiwlcm of the .Southern ! 100 lb. milk. Chccic M
fclflc from Tillum'Kjk connecting An
Huttcr ft pBymenU for July milk
rnKed lowir than during June, For
one thing cheese pricei were lover.
, July cheeo having brought an avemgo
j of about 16 MO cent f. o. b. Tilla
'mwik. lent were higher nnd on ac-
count of the hot weal her, the yield o
ehcec per 100 lbs. milk wai lower than
during Hay or June, July averag
, ing alxjut 10 Ibn. cheese per
Dahlia Exhibit
At Nehalem
Annul Fair Better tkaa
Large Crowd Attend
ounded in the Strongest Way
Growing Stronger Every Day
Ulir Sprccben Dcutscb!
First National Bank
WM. 0. TA1T. PrcHiilunt
J. C. IIOKDKN, Vlco-l'residont
W. J. IIIKGHKKS, CiiHhlur .:
Member of
of TIir United States
I t.i UU-lii. .liuiiilnH a lot
HJ townrda a now 812,000 IT.-a-n
church u Kluinuth Fall.
tlutiHl dormitory la to bo built
'lllf College, Nowberg.
k begun on tho now tlah hatchery
"ccr, Klamath County.
000 Columbia highway contracta
uy In Clutaop county,
'ohirn Adyontlata will eroct a
AUuiiiy Tolophono oxpondlng $6,000
to bring it up to date.
La (Jrwido planning two and a
quarter million iiallon reaervolr.
Multnomah eounty announce u llvo
mill cut In taxoa for 1015. Tha Stato
tux ta to bo reduced 11,250,000 In 1915.
IVndloton Ih to get tho hirgcat vuN
nHnir.lng plunlfbctween Portland nnd
Halt liako.SliiatnlledJ.by Wunly Mat-luck.
Tillamook, Ore.
I.nto war dlHpatchea are to the e fleet
that in u buttle which took place in
KHHturn I'ruasiu between Gurmuns and
KuhhIiiiib, :i,0(K),000 men in all, the
(criming were victorious killing many
thousand of Russians and capturing
l'arin dispntchea rtato that tho Al
lies uro retreating in good onlcr'nnd
that tho Gurmuna are grudnally Hear
ing I'arW which city Is now preparing
for a aiege.
Hids for Sand Wanted
HIiIh will bo received until Saturday,
September 5th, 1014, for 200 yards of
ocean oeach aund to be delivered on
tho school house grounds in Tillamook
City, and spread to u depth of four (4)
inches between the buildings.
K. J, Claussen, Clerk.
ApartneaUto Rest
Onu well appointed suite of rooms in
Tllco Apartments, Masonic building
fur rent. Three living rooms, bath and
Btore room. Tho best in tho city for
tho money.
Mandnrd Oil Co. is putting in n big
plltit at Hood Klver.
JHIIUWo Planing Mill Co, incorpor:
atfd and are putting In Urge plant.
.Willamette Valley Southern will
reach Molalln by October 1st,
e Attorney General has dccidd
the ruling of the Industrial Wel
Commlssion applies to the Mop
ii try and women ami children can'
work more than elf ht hours oer
day or M hours per week.
0; P. Illue, Grsiits Pass, reports
Md.OOO per ton strike on Hungry creek.
dathvring wild mons developing into
a big industry in Clatsop Count
Chan. Hall, IIixhI Itiver Capitalist,
wapt Coos Hay telephone exchange.
A twelve foot vein of coal has been
struck at Hoxy Ann, near Mc-dford.
Fischer Milling Co. at Sllverton are
making improvements and building a
4&0f.(K', flume.
IK A. Darnall of LcnU. State lect
urer of the Grange cannot believe that
a majority of voters have become dead
beats ami want to escape taxation by
enacting the $1500 exemption for "every
Brown Urns. Lumber Co. mills Cot
tage Grove resumes operations this
week. .
Cequille has let contract for concrete
baM ami asphalt paving to the Warren
Construction Co.
wJMs)Irw TelepboiMjCo. ha bren
granted raise of rates by the Public
Utilities Commission to insure good
service nnd maintain plant.
Yamhill county lets contract for
bridges at Dayton and McMinnvile.
Silver ton has decided to use oil on
a large scalu on all its macadam.
Duyton has ordered several miles of
cement sidewalks.
Over $15,000 will be si-ent in Pendle
ton on street Improvements.
Coos Itny pulp mills reopen with a
contract for lO.OtX) tons.
The flrst logs in two years have been
dumed into the Springfield boom.
Public Utilities Commission after
Investigation orders raise of fares on
United Kys. of about 100 per cent on
ground of insufficient revenue.
Forestry otllcUls have appropriated
$70,000 to complete McKenzie road.
Parma gets an electrified cider mill.
The P. it. I.. & P. Co. is building a
light and ivower line to Sandy.
Umatilla County will go it alone
building bridges over the John Day.
Coos River consolidated uistrict will
erect a $10,000 high school.
Kugene Fruit Growers Ass'n. has
large orders for 1915 loganberry juice.
The Cottage. Grove Sentinel suggests
that if you believe in single tax vote
for the $1500 exemption, and vise
Tho Lano County Fair will urge the
use of Oregon made products as the
best way to cut out the mail order
Ashland will celebrate the opening of
tho Siskynu highway October 15
Mountain Valley creamery, The
Dalles, is manufacturing Hungarian
The lower Columbia salmon pack
this year totals $3,328,350.
Baker Mill & Flour Co. plant was
started Sept. 1 for tho fall run.
Longston Construction Co. of Co
(uille secures sewer contract from
Bandon water bonds sold In Denver
and construction to begin soon.
U. S. Department of Agriculture
finds Oregon farm laborers the year
around average only 9 hours and 40
minutes per day and get $31 per mo.
with board, or $41.50 without. What
vf ould bo the effect of an eight-hour
Paisley gets a cold storage and meat
packing plant.
Gresham fruit growers sent out a
carload of prars.
First Roguo River pear shipments
brought growers $1.00 a box net.
Oregon gets $11,000 additional a year
for industrial education.
The contract lor the Hood River
hluhway was let for $58,000.
Marshfiold Water Co. Is putting in
a 3,000,000 gallon reservoir and laying
u milo of ten inch inula to North Bend.
, idling at 1GJ cents Tillamook,
of l cents from lowest prices,
j The Province of Ontario, Canada has
presented the Imperial Government
j with 50,000 boxes of cheese, or about
! three million lbs., the same to be con
j sumed by the hritish army.
Realizing the importance of the
most Intcusivr conservation of value
of the great crops of fruits and vege
table now bing hroduccd in the Pa
cific Northwest, and feeling the nrcdi
of the cMahlishmnts of methods for
changing pcrithablc products into
manufactured enniU which ran li.
placed on the market at any cotjven-j
lent time, a committee rcpr scntinc
the four states of Oregon, Washing-!. T H -'
ton. Idaho and Montana was appoint- i ha.e eServ reason to be Pd o
cd last Fall to give careful coiisidcra-1 'a,r which is certainly getting
tion to this important subject.
in ortlcr to enlist the aid of
The dahlia exhibit and geaeral pro
duce fair which was held at Nehalem
Isst Saturday, was the best exhibition
of its kind ever held in that city.
The Dahlia exhibit was good,
2500 plants forming the centerpiece of
the display. The people of the Nehal
em district have put much thought and
consideration tn the culture of the
dahlia with the result that they arc
now able to produce an exhibit that
cannot be surpasied anywHere.
The exhibition of other products was
very good. Vegetables of wonderful
sire and quality were on display. A
fine display'of.celery was in evidence,
as was also a good display of cheese.
A fine display of workmanship of
; the different crafts was also to be
The Nehalem band under the leader
ship of W. C. Trornbley furnished the
music for the day.
The people of Nehalem and vicinity
f their
I OVltftf Vtav Wu MlrnMr.niJ . t . . .
of the Nehalem exhibits will be shown
f'a?;V will be held
ble in this section, the By-Product ! here th'8 mot)th and. no doubt, some of
.... . . . . . i r 1 1 t,a; nwt,:i:. ...:n u- i l
sent out the following
their exhibits
State Fair.
will be taken to be
lomjnttcc Us s
call. X
"Ralizing the fact that the situation I
demands a thc niost careful thought
and ronsidration of all interested in c
the future of the fresh fruits and by
product industries in the Northwest
of Orgon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana in extcudini: their markets.
especially of those actually engaged
in tue manutacture ot canned or
evaporated comls. cider, vinegar and
.elHo-Uc.lI.Uilr-iV)rtUnferTrH iy.l--le devotett-exero-
i I hursuay, acptcmln
:n.. it the I omtirerci.il
exenange 01 views ami suggestions ot editor's own story-that of a murder
those present as to the best solution I j k.. i i, . 1 .
of the problems confronting the by. caused by dnnk. A supplement of car
products industries of the North- toons 00 "Pen Parker" will be a fea
west." jture.
All the railroads have granted a re- j The editor of the magazine is a life
iluecd rate for this meeting from j termer whose se itence was commute
points in the four states named. To ; f death b ,h intervention of Gov.
secure the advantage of this rate, buy ... . . . ....
a one-way ticket to Portland and at est. The magazine is pubhsh-
thc same time secure a ticket from i ed entirely by the prisoners themselves
the agent. This will entitle the hold-! and none of the prison officials has any
'er to a return ticket on payment of ,
Prisoners at the Oregon State peni
tenitiary are preparing to help the
cause of "Oregon dry." Th.; Septem
ber number of "Lonu a Hand," the
r-oninrrrre'i7iir' , '
her to. iom, at o a. isively to the prohibition campaign eon
rein I Club, for an J tsining letters from prisoners and the
one third tare alter attending the
meeting. Tickets to be on sale Sept.
7-10, return tickets Sept 10-13.
During the past week a party of
Portland business men have ben tour
ing the Coos Bay country, visiting
every town in the district. In addition
to forming many new acquaintance
and renewing old oncss the party was
so much impressed with the advan
tages of that part of the state that an
organization called the Coos Bay
Tourists Club was formed and ar
rangements made for the purchase of
ten acres of land at West Lake, on
the line of the new railroad. A cor
poration wll probably be formed as
oon as the partv returns to Port
land. Medfnrd is said to be in line for a
splendid addition to its industries in
the form of a sawmill to cost approx
league is sending copies of this number
to all the pastors of the state and to
the workers in the "dry" campaign.
A sister of C. E. McAlpin of this
city, died suddenly Bt her home on
Sunday afternoon. Mr. MrAlpin had
gone out to saddle their horses for a
ride and on returning found his sister
lying on the floor in an unconscious
condition. A physician was called and
j neighbors came in at once to minister
) unto her but she never gained con
sciousness. A sister from California
is expected here this evening. De-
imately $1,000,000. It is expected the ! ceased was along towards middle age
mill will be built at an early date and 1 in years.
of men. Later: It has develoDed that the
will employ a great number
This will probobly be followed by the
construction of sawmills in other
parts of the Willamette Valley.
The Booth-Kelly mill at Springfield
was formerly opened for business
last Saturday although it had been
running for a few days previously in
order to get the machinery in smooth
running order. This mill has a capac
ity of 150,000 feet each day of ten
hours, and make use of the most
modern safety and labor saving de
vices in every departumt. It will em
ploy about 125 men at first.
circumstances surrounding the death
of the deceased are of a very grave
natuie. Phvsieians made an exami
nation of the body this morning and an
Inquest was held this afternoon. It
now appears that the deceased was not
a sister of McAlpin as many supposed.
. Tan and sunburn can be prevented
with our tan and freckle lotion. C. I.
Clough Co.
.5 Jitctm6r iS m
1 (31tLt.iSVUiumtj.Cyftu.l- f-w. j
World-travelers who carried
"A R A." Travalan' Chaauaa last seaioa an
enthusiastic in praise of theaa. "Good at gold vary
whare", it their testimony. Try theaa youneM oa your
next trip. They are safer than mosey; haadief lata
drafts; self-identifying.
Tillamook County Bank