Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 18, 1914, Image 3

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    Pure and Delicious
There'n nothing ho delicious and appetizing
lor dcNcrt an ice cream. Mm it iiuihI be pure
cream, rightly flavored anil correctly froen.
We hell the lamoiiH M P 11001) CKIJAM which
is made from the bent cream and only true
IrniiH. There's no doubt ol its being the I't'K
section. OiirlCI- CUHAM in Klil'T in SANI.
TAKY I'OUCIvUlN JAKS. The poplar Ha
vor are Vam'la. Strawberry and Chocolate,
also many unique fruit and nut combinations,
v are Inclusive A unfit for the Ctdnhratml Nyle family Heincdic -
One fur r)rh III.
t Coca) Happenings. :
t Clark auctioneer.
Mrs II It t rniK tf ltoekawity wn
a li .miv'H i "(M,f t"dy.
tx-avenr Irrs fur all kinds of wood
Uio T(llaiii'HV Prod Co.
. ! Km and lifV fur solo. Inquire
of T"Mt rMrU.
i Aittr...n of Hatallnke In
u ' ty "" bwli Menday.
Ilrlp waitlml tu split Ivwjulm
,( 'r Valid , Tillamook,
r iiUtt(; tvgUietmi Jetupy Iwll
f,-.lc Sr- r'. I- lluvll, Ttllaiiwk,
.'at tUktx of lst l(.Mor. t In town
w ih '! urn nut" tiUy.
a! 'If and wrk hot fur bite, ('it 1 1
r M-.l, llh
, ir-.nll or.r rntaloeti" to
u.n T-iMim-iW t'cesi C. ujj.1 thoy will
r .1 , c iinwr im lb Mutip tirm.
ha-ry lVariS arid lUrtlrill -r
f,,f ji.i.ltltf n( the- KfUll Palace.
.. MiL'b'tiM uf IVrllaml. who bus
(if, i- rty internal 01 tho twiofbcji. Is lit
Uio ' ty.
wilt h Ui win it. What?
T'at piano l liirwli.
VmM ymi tak a Irtarw Klfl! -t-nvp
yuur rame at Urn Tillamook
Pocl t
l.mnty Clerk Oro, Jones of .MeMlnu
yillo am TlllaiixKik County Uaaii vl.it-
f Uila Wcuk.
Iti.li.it; wiiy u Irtido fur visible
tv(KriUr. Vhntte Courier (ilflcci.
( '.jV r lain, Oftik' Jn.
ipvy .Irnft liar for will
tr'n f.ir Ihrrn ynar ftlil calf or curtl
w.k1. Si-o flu. itayi'whK
M A. Ilrlhl tl H. ! I.nr
Biiil SuiMa) at llr Vlw with their
f amilliH.
(,n to It. Monk for flntl ;) holo
Kraitliii.tf. He alwayn ihtllv-m Dm
C C. Smith tho moving picture man.
Irft lhl m'irnln on a ahorl ImhIiicm
trip to I'orilaml.
wi.iin U Klnu of anwlm; inn-
clilm-. Vibrntor anJ rotury ahtiltle
alyh'H. For al on may tonus at Join!
Kninlmoi Kurnltiirii tV.
(nlU 1-ilwunU wnilt out to DuikIit
Mutwlny to work in th iirunu orclutr.U
unil hop IIoMh.
Chun HtiilliiKiinil C!w). (Silmoro, who
ri'Milo nonr Hoy. wrtr l. Hie ;lty Motf
lny. thoy ami Iholr fmnllloii nrc camp-tiiL-
nt llnrvlow.
Ilrrt lloyl ami wlf.i of Nboo;. who
Imvn Loon vlalllni? at Ho MWn Imino
for tlut pii.t IHo wuoka, loft for homo
Monday mornliiK.
Diatrlct SuperinU'Dilont Mooro of
tho Salem M. E OlHtrlct, wn in tin'
city tho Aral of tho wcok. II" pronrtinl
In tho M. B. Cliurch on Suiulny uyon-
I .... Ht.M.Inu VflllMLf lirOnilll'O
IIIU, UIMI .Ml Hi". "...J '
Iwnnl of tho Till"
at it quiirttirly i-onfurunco of tho olllciiil
liunnl of tho Tlllimiook M. K. Ohurch.
Fly Spray
Don't, nllow IIIch to imp
tho IiIoimI of your cows,
Kriip yotir Htock content
ed iiwl your pockot full
by u.l CLOUGH'S
Kelinblc DrutKfit.
Wlur ,S)rrvhon Deutioh
Otilnr your ilralnille now for fall ami
winlur ilolivcry. TlllatnooV Clay
A baby j?lrl wa. born to Mr. ami Mr.
Ivlwln llnnon ratt on Auk. 1 f t h . Dr.
Wcnlt wa. th altviKtlnt; phy.lclan.
"I1i Tlllaimmk I-VckI Ci. will makn
you low prlcn. otrall klmU of hay In
car loail lot. Hf Shrol.
Tho Ml.aM ljlm Ornw, KlUalwtb
alxl Jpwol SVIiltrhoU.c ara truriln of
Mr. ni"l Mr. Ilnwanl l)rw t thlr
camp op on tb Trnk rlvur.
av you hmiril Urn lattwtT Slirtnlr
I. iuinx to k'lv away ab.olutply frrr
a urnm) upright platw.
For a (tiNiit uiral at a mot rcouabl
prliK Ku in M. A OUon'a IuikIi room
in Karnty lliio illnlni: nim.
IH. 8hlllllii; ha. K'ni; to Wahkinru.
WimIi to taVo rhnrijo of h a mill
Mhleh hi- hat an tnttr-.l in tiicri. III.
family will follow him latnr.
Mr. K. .11. Clllamof l'ortlami, fur
morly Mla Iittio I'rlcn of lhl city, la
hrr vi.tnin: l the homo of hor motV
nr. Mr. lillla'n will arrivit hero later
for a alMirt varalion.
Mr.. lf. M. I.amb, mothur of fJro. II.
t.ainb, who ha. U'ett vllin hern for
aonto lime. Infi for hor bomn In Kuucnc
Mnmtav morning. Mr. I.amb left for
huUKi a wenk aijrt.
An application of HAKMON'Y akin
enmm at n!i;ht keep' tho akin whito,
.oft anil fti'i from blvml.ho. 0. I.
Cloui:h (.
I'hll Mutucham, Jr.. of the Imperial
Mutol of I'orilaml, wim In tho cilv tho
l1rl of tho wrok. Wp uiMlomlaiiil thai
he ha an Inton-.t in tho Nntart .anil
U, K Waituy "l wlfo of I'nrtlsmJ
who havo Iwcn vl.llmtf at tho liumwi of
their brother C. W. anil B. U. Wak'KV
Imro for a wok or more loft for their
homo Momlav mornlni;.
Whv buy Kx iiann ami Hex laril
when you can eel Ivmttrn cor:: foil
hiimii. bacon atMl binl at the Ti'bimook
Fcrtl Cu.Thu bent ihoncv can buy
Won) haa boon receive) here that W.
W. Condor hint lo.l hid aon Willie nt
ISIIxor City. Now Mux. Ilu died of
' tiiluirciiloafit. 'ri.la mnke the thlnl aon
I Unit Mr. Condor hita loat through this
dread dldeiue.
Don't be deceived In buying chenp
flour when you can (jot Domunt'.i Heat,
Hluo Stem hard wheat Hour at tho Tib
In monk Feed Co. Tho "Heat" Hour on
the nnirlcot. Money buck if not hiiIIh-
Cordon Maker of tho Oregon Firo
Kollof Co., of McMlnnvllle, nccomp.in
ioil by bin wifo Iiiih been viaitimr our
liefiehea here durlni: tho past weuk.
I'hoy worn nccompauied by n Mr. Kny-
moiiil of I'orthtml.
Mrn. K. Cider of. Troy, lnd who
hua bcon vlHitiin: "t tho I'ortor liomo
nl Orotown spont a fow diiyn at tho
Cyrua Hundnl homo iiftor which hIio
slnrted for home, tiikldu tliis mornliik''
train to l'ortluml.
Kev. .1. H. Miller nnd wifo of Tho
Dulles, who huvo boon nt Uloveniiilo
for tho punt two weeks, Hpent tho nlnht
nt tho J. H. ForKlns homo nnd this
momlnir loft for homu. Ho v. Miller hna
broil holdinu Ht-rviecii at tho Clovorilnlo
Hubtint church.
Mr. Illlllkcr one of tho llummond
I.umbur Co'a fire wnnloiin, Hont word
from tho aunimit limine on tho Innk
river on Tutwlny that n bud llio ouo
mid it half milo wide htul j;ot Blurted in
that vicinity. Ilu reported that tho en
tiro forco of the Ciirlton I,umber Co.
wiih IlKhtuiK tho fire.
II. A. Jlluidmw, k'cnoial froiht
iiRent of the Southern Fuciflc lines In
Oregon utul al) iiBuociiited linos, waa in
tho cltv Saturday culliiiK on our uuu
ncss men nnd RettiiiR in toucli with
Two hrwlrod ncrea of Umber land
aro anld to havn huniwl over In the
fJlimlaw foreata.
The Klrat Hnptlat church, Indepcnd-
Joa, Kodnd and family were In town nt. and tho ImmnniK.-l llaptlat church
Saturday. at linker, have dccliled to mnrco.
II. J. Tohl of Hemlock wai In town J""11 Property la valued nt 113,000.
Dr. Wriwll, Hye Srclilil, rUr fitted
' l t(.Mniiblc rlcr4. Gumnlffd.
Chan. Hay of Cloverdule waa in the
city Monday.
(So to tho Kamoy Houiie"(SodKiiU." i
M, A. Olaon aurvea the bct.
r.iiKone iycr I. auilcrinir Willi a
III. beinic atruck by mi auto Clank
Tnxea In Oregon which nre declared
dellniiuitnl on September 1 will auf
for a penally of 10 per cent It la de
clared tu flalern.
Fifty ihotifiiiid ateelhead trout wcio
I placed In t!i atreama In the vicinity
r.t flfll.ir Tl, w ..I.,,. I I r,..n
t . iwt -'.... n., L If ID III U IIUIII
.praln.,1 and Injurnl arm ocoaloned by, lha om),!Vl ,lalcllory.
I In fl h.'itt linin tttttft fin nit iinmti.
Try thoo "Jfic dinner, at tho Hamaey ' tI).(l ,,0,. Uy Uv AM,iafl(, cltv t0IHlc
dood hata, M. A. OImui formerly of ,,0 w. ,, r,.M11ir(.(, , ,,,,
Spanl.h Kitchen. , ,,,.,,
Tan and nunbum can bo prevented I c'owa and iok und even rabbit nre
with our tan and freckle lotion C. I. , to luive died In considerable num-
CloilKll Co. I ,cr i iM...,ni Vnllcv. tireaurnublv
A Ixiy wa. born to Mr. and Mr. I na it reault of the aevere hent.
Dominic Ket.chat Monday. Dr. Hoal.
wa. the attwiuiim; phy.lciitn.
Owner will trade for timber or any
Kood properly, wheal hay or fruit, land,
lame unincumbered, or will ncll on
trnin. Have .nine cash. Addreaa Itox
I'ii Hwxl Itlver, Oregon.
Dr. HoaU operaleil on Wilbur Still
well', little irl and little bov for the
removal of their toutlU lint Monduy.
Dr. tit.-iry Morri. and family of
Walter Klmpnon. homeHteitder3G
tnllfiM iinitlli of llitrriM wnu Iniitntitlv 1
killed wIkmi h bucket fell on him while
he waa al the bottom of a well.
The unto of C. J. 1'iiKh wiih ctiUKht
by the tide nnd carried out to aea at
Cannon llmirli, Mr. l'uch had n nar
row eaunpe. He leaped out of the
car jut In time.
The Hammond Lumber company of
Aatoiln may be affected by a threat
heache. They were Tillamook
urn Sunday.
Only n few Uih to Tillamook Peed
Co., Drop in am! 'Ind out how to i;tl
a piano for your liome, vour church or
ltnU;n wiihoul ouo cent eot la you.
(Vino In oixl Ut j explain it to you.
(S. W. Jono ai.d ulfeeameover from
McMlnnvllle 8tuiday afiernoon. They
vUtUxl the iHtachva Sunday nnd return
ei home M .today.
Dr. Nonn, of McMmnville, who I.
aMl.ltnir Or. Keedy liwinjct the .lock
of Tillamook county, nay. ;that the ent
itle throocboui the county are. in a re
markably healthy condition.
Thr.o uowi youmj homes for mile, 'I
to 8 yar old, wdithinii 1100 U 1500
ll., iioad to ielecl from. See A. O.
Jm kivin one mile north of Hobo I'. O.
Aiidrett Heaver, Ore.
Hev. Fr. Van Cluronbock left thi
mornlii: tor I'nrtland to attend an
annual retreat to l hold in that city
thi week. Fr. Thruontu of Minnenp
olin, one of the mo I fatnoui prenchora
in America will uttiid the meetini.
Fr. Van Clarenbeck ejecL to return
niKiiit Friday.
A purty of liar View camper from
Portland, invaloil the home of the
Clad llrnthern near Tillamook City, on
Thursday and remained until Friday.
'rh vimtor were A. (5. I'ctomin of
Portland and hi. lirother Hev. C. B.
Peterson of Hallon, Minn., Miaaea
Selmn l'etersor, ittith Annlund, Tyra
Calen. Fannie Nlon, ElitalicUi John-
.on, Anna Swuimon. Hilda Oline ami
Knthryn Hohonleitner. On Friday Mr.
Nel Clad took the jolly parly to the
iioKit in a pioneer auto, n hay rack.
F. B. Hoitcb, premdent of the Pacific
Slate Fire Insurance Co., of Portland.
accompanied by wifo. waa in the city
Monday. Mr. Poach wa shown atioui
the city by local aRcnt. A. H. Caylord
inn) i.. the afternoon C. I. Cloui;h took
the parly for an auto ride through tho
mi r round I UK country.
Money to loan on flirt class farm
inortKiiKe. First .National num..
Mr. and Mrs. John Weiss of Clover
dule were in the city Monday.
Ask Shroilu about that piano that he
in KiviniJ away t hi store.
Ralph Williams of Portland, Kepub-
llcnn State National Committeeman,
and one of the loading bankers of the
atate, in company with Mm. Williams
visited ut tho Alex McNair home over
Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Williams aro
also visitim: the benches.
Mrs. 1.. M. Kennedy, wifo of Bdltor
Kennedy of tho Telegram, is visiting
at the A. H. Ouvlord home.
. .
McMlnnvllle have been camping at the!0' ,,lu nln,,u ""Idoyes to quit work
:o return io iiiuiu to join in a iuvo
lutlou aKnlnat Ureal llrltnln.
Prtrea aKKropitlm; C00 will be
i;lvn at band concert at Ciresham,
bnnda from Miiltncinan county and
iHtern part of Clucknmns county to
taku part.
On a wnrront from Coos Hay cc
lion ch.irr.inK him with a recent bank
rol-bery Walter S. Posaleo wn arrei t
cd at Will atalion. by Sheriff W. 1.
Woodnrd iitid Deputy Helling.
MIk Anna Quick, daughter of the
ity recorder ol St. Helens. Is netlnr
i her futher'i absence, and ah di-clare-s
she will iciv) liquor offenders
tin Kmlt when panning sentence.
Portland, Ore., wn chosen a the
city for the 1916 convention of the
supreme lodge of Knights of Pythias,
at the concluding session of the Pyth
ian convention at Winnipeg. Canndn.
The John Day valley Is experlenc
log a gnthshoppcr storm. They start
mostly In the foothills of the moun
tains nnd descend, taking all or the
vegetation clean ua they advance.
State Printer Harris has completed
the printing of the second edition of
the 1913 session laws, this being ne
cessary becaupe tho first edition of
480 was exhausted. This time 800
copies were printed.
Preparations nre being made to
have this years Pacific International
slock show at North PortlnnU to
eclipse all previous records In impor
tance. The show will ho held Decem
ber 7-14 ut the stockyards.
Parties from the Cmpqun say that
there hns been a fair run of salmon
up to the present this season. The
fishermen hold a moptlng there r
v-ently and raised the price of salmon
fcold to the canneries to 3 Vic per
McKcos Flat. 12 miles west of Con
don. Is Infested with grasshoppers as
bad as they wore In Kansas many
years ago. Farmers fear a total de
struction by .grasshoppers next year.
The same condition Is reported on
Pine Creek, leading to Condon.
At a meeting of the La no County
l-nrmers' Protective association In
Bugouo several thousand l!ob White
quail will bo asked for from tho state j
sumo farm, to oat bugs that aro rav
aging the bean nnd corn crops In this
county. !
Seventy accidents, one fatal, were
reported to I-nbor Commissioner O. P
llmf during Iho past week. K. H.
linker of Dee, was tho vic'lm of n
railroad train at Deo nnd there were
moro accidents in railroad work than
In any other.
Grape growers about Hermlston are
all rejoicing. The crop thore has al
ways hen a good one, but this year
it promises to oven beat anything yet.
Plume Tokays, .Mtiscais. i nompsou
Seedling, Worden and Concord vines
are all carrying every pound possible
of fine big bunches.
That there Is a strong sentiment In
Hosehurg toward bonding the city for
$50,0,000 to aid tho construction of a
railroad to tho coast Is shown by tho
(net that 750 voters signed tho lnltl
ntlyo petitions nuthorUIng an election
on tho proposed amendment. Only
150 signatures were required.
With about 20 orchurdlsts of the
valley aa members, the Hood Hlver
Fruitgrowers' Kxchiiuge has been for
mally organised and papers of Incor
poratlon have been cent for filing to
tho secretary of state. A contract of
affiliation has been signed with tho
Northwestern Fruit F.xchuuge, of
Grasshoppers nro playlnc bavoo
wljh the crops nt tho furm of the
state Insnno asylum. Dr. H, B. Leo
8teluer, superintendent, tutR reported
to' the state board of control that the
pests virtually have destroyed the po
tato crop and that they nro dnmaglug
Uo Haya thy uuoou uro
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Turner aro
spending a few days riisticuting at tho
Netarts bench.
The Missea Jennie nnd Senn Sitton
of McMinnville aro visitinff their sister
Mrs, lko Quick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ono Crano of l'ortluml
spent two or three days of last week
witli the formers brother, 0. H. Crano
of this place.
Mts. A. C. Jennings and daughter
are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H.
Mrs. G. H. Crano who bus been quite
III for sometime, is slowly improving.
The Misses Sitton and Mrs. lko
Quick wore Sunday cullers at tho Des
mond camp.
n..mll left Friduv for Tho
conditions hero. Uo wus uccompanlod l)u,lM( uftor BpcdinK month visiting
uy in Hon urwm. hor jntor Mrs. Keynowi.
A civil caso was triwl beforo Justic j M(8a neon stowder of Nehulern ia
Stanley, Saturduv, Tillamook Cold vtinK Miss Maudo Haynolds.
StoraKo Co., vs. It. H. Hays. The cuso Mf shjjoU Hjt n Dho10 for C. T.
Involved tho ownership of u Hah boat. ! Monday.
A decision was Riven in iavur .
Uuya. Attorney Cluusaen uppnnrcd
.1 r .i.i ........ r,x ii ml fnn. P.
:Z:Zt. yuuaiTti,,. twice each week.
Who Is
The Sharpies Mechanical
Milker Users
Why Not
Become a customer also nnd
k'et paid for it in increased
Why Not
Kelit t yourself of nil dependance upon unreliable
help and drudgery.
Why Not
Make up your rnlnd at once and invest in a Sharpies Milker. The Teat
Cup with the Upward Squeeze. The most wonderful Invention of ;the
present time.
Call at our store and we will show you a machine in operation.
Docks and Warehouse ront St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
jffff&sL -the kind I've been looking for 5g5 tfwP,
($Jf Supreme vJfW
Jb Sodas 10S3.T
J Bakrd P;iitic., a sifrriae 5$5
It will r -.it - ..ni-c ' 'hSi 1
by purcel post, abtolme. . iree ' HS SlHfef.
upon recc.pt .f 12 end label from ix )tfi 'ttSj
uikage of 'Suf'fme' Sodas or 'Sufrmt' W. j il'v!!t
aked foods of any kind. "ScTQB ,
F. F. Ilurudoil & Son, Portland. Ore. jjr
w Ziiw-f'
When yota buy your 2.2. calibre
rif lnrAnnatnr nt- J i n fr I . c Vl n f Kl
cuided by the example of the crack-
shoti and the grovinfj majority of rifle (S&4
users. Get a real suna Rzminntan-UmC. PVtll
Go aee the dealer who displays the Red Balm
Mark of Reminxton-UMC. Your sism of Sportsmen's c
Headquarters the Remington-IIMC arms you want J&&,
In nwn nnfl thn ammunition VQU Otl7ht to nave, j.XY.-j-.v
To keep your .un cU.n.il ui) lubrlc.l-! rifAr ui.Roiq OH
lha nw powd.r Mlvvat. rl pr.v.ai.uv. ana kuq luunc.nt.
RcmiaxtoB Armi-Unkia
Metallic Cartridge Co.
.aa M I 1, V L ?
ztrv sraniu, nw ia.
Grant Thayer, the horse shoer and
waRon repair man has decided to again
locnte in Tillamook at histoid stand.
Give him a call.
I wish to notify tho public that I
will not bo responsible for any bills
contracted by anyone without my writ-
ten0rder Albert Nielsen.
other crops
Suhscrlbe for tho Herald. It. glveB 0t the KimF.na variety.
sum aii iun
no TIM IMS tvl.
uio a eau ia
ctrui .mm:
J5, 25 arid 40 Watt. 35c
60 Watt .... 45c
100 Watt .... 80c
150 Watt .... $1.20
250 Watt - - 2.00
Froteil I.nnii flc Hxlrn.
We deliver lamps to liny part of
the city. Tcleolione u. We do
wirlnK ut the lowest prices con
Utetit with ood Iworkniunshlp.
Liffbt ft Tul 00. Mgr.
Raaches (ka
'Mt,i lulu MiianihSj
Tlu Orcul rila HaaT
Mr. 1-ulupin.iBi
wi'b ttcUi UMtla