Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 04, 1914, Image 3

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    i 4
You'll Find a Conscience Here, and
- A fair ami ...r i....ll,o of ,,hh( drtur nrnt MIIi.k the truth nUut
... vIwih-..i.IvII.,.vHh,.1 Hh. ki.l IUl we r., ronscl.,.,-
.. ...r h j.f. i!.t...i..:fl.Hlr ,,fei-. t fB1Mm(,,, vc curry a
Kilismts I'hdii'tinplm nixl Kmnds
1'in1iiii Tackle
Slur l Music niH Musical Con.ls
W hitman's C.tu lie-mid Hon Moii'k
Un fnf furl, ill
: Hocal R.ippcniinis. :
I' flail niirlludrnr,
J i Jonfo. f iver, wa In tw
t-, i . iii Molality
i K.mHh tn rout no -I tu ttiy
fft I II. l.oyn.
II .imiBtrxiii. nf llmiiliK-V, b In
Itt .'i .i. I tMlivmo tia). j
I jiAVr IIP f tnf alt V lttdt llf lirji I 4
,. v, ii ii ., . .
V, S. Ut. rf ItrnVtir. wa ill tawn
y () ,1V 1
i. iri wontwl fur Roficral .boutowurk,
A 11 r !'. J. Sharp si NclirU.
i . SUi.oi' of Hamllaba wa In
twf Saturday UU
llci wnhtnl tu llll Wll, I jwiulrr
of (:. VntHlctm. TtllamwA.
I'ftti.l Ittlilaav of llaitlttxk wan In
th- . l Saturday.
t - Iu I'ar h In the
ra- i nn (o t for Mr, lUlloin ro-
t - t ''Hhdny.
tt.jiB Jftf dllMtrr at Um Olil
S aniaii Kit'lmn, Ttiv urn tlw beat
In t. wii fur tlc imMter.
Mr.. ticMi. William of Hay City la
. ritirollv III at tho Tillamook
,iariuii. undtsr tho er of Dr.
I n-r imii? ncUtrrl Ji'nr'y Ixill
f-r bbU-. I. U HbpII, Tlllanicok,
I -!it.r Tnylur, Of (lornlalr, wa
Italiaac-tltiC lilno In the city Moil-
II....... ...-11 r.r.L.r I H I, . , .1 1 til
Mill), JlfMI IIIMI, V" -
ihp TllUmiKik Vm Vj. ami ihny will
fll nur orltr on tlw afni' Inrm.
Win. Watt, of lorl Huron. Mich.,
I. here v...llnK- hi brother ami other
Someone will hae to win It. What?
Tlml piano at Hhrvde.
Dr. Ilnal roMirt the birth of n
dauuhter lo Mi. nml Mr. Tiun Kl
ward Inl .Sniutilny.
Would you lake, n pinno a a i;lfl?
ljavn your nama lit thu Tillamook
Feed Co.
Iloi.ey T'irri of llntnlock, wn .In
tho city tin' Hrt of thu week.
ItliHnu jainy to trade for
typewriter. I'lmue Courler
Cloverdale, Orek'un.
(Jiime Wiirtlen l.enrh liberated lour
don'ii Chlneao riioimniit eaat of Ioaii
hint Meek.
Oo'lo Dr. Monklfor'llrHt ehi photo
KmphhiK. He .nlwny;:doliver the
I. H. Wnrd, of Clove ulu In, wnn In
town on bimliiean h.t S itunluy.
Ilotmu to rout. rlo- In, on Third
Ave. mid We I Second Hi.
DiuilflJ. l-ry, of ShIuiii, him been
triinmiclliiK biiNlueMH In tin) city this
Thu Whllo Ih KIiik' f "nwlim nui
clilneH. Vlbmtor and Jrotiiry "buttle
iityleii, I'nr luilu on uiwy toruiH at Joiif
Knudson 1'iirnlturu Co.
Fly Spray
Don't iillnwflluH tu Hiip
thu blood of your ruWH,
Keep your Mtock conleut
td mid your pocket full
by u h t n k ChOUflU'S
Kclil)Ui Dru.ygist.
L i. .; v'. ''-utach ;;',,
Mm. W II. (Ml. -who Iib. Ihiiiii vl.lt
Intf Vr ilxHcl.tnr Mm. Stanley
h rfliirmul U Imt homo In Portland.
Aftk Bhrodc wImmH that plnno Hint hr
l giving away nl hie atorti,
r. Jnl(? Ntdhxiu, f 'I'neomn,
forn.ur aehootinttln of Urn. Hinnlny
Co tea, Imn lwn vltltlnn Bt her hoinn
Order your dralntlle now for full and
wlntnr Unlivery. Tillamook Clny
lull'!, In ulurti, rnnounlllt. Srn G.
..... . . '
1- "ick or itMtuim at hi rmlilmicd.
Ilavn you Imanl tint latPl7 .SflriHln
I Kinr ! Kv way ali.olutcly fri'i?
a graml upright plami.
Kancv Alhrrta IVacliin arn now
tlowii in prlrr to a iwlnl whori you cnn
a (for J to Imy tham for cannlrtK'- fi
to the I'niU I'alaro ami loarn prlcm.
Th t)W riw.illi Kitclti'i I r llnr
plarw tu not ?.mii. nurvlro ami
Kami troatinnnt.
Ks-Counly p. inmilonr Hwlyfnll.
of 'It.mvor. wa in thu city Muiulay.
Why Ituy ttox iiam ami Hp lanl
whnnVou can kgI llnsli-ni corn fwl
limit, bacon anil lard nt the TillnnKKik
Kk1 Co. 'Tli lirt iikiiicv can buy.
J. It, Craven, wife anil .in, of
Dalla. wnrp In tlu rlty till wck.
Dr. Olmn, lipnlUt, will b nlnonl
from the rlty on In varniiou thu llmt
two wefka of tpt month.
Dr. Wcndl Phyiicwn
and Surgeon offrri hit
tcrricct lo ihote in
.. .. I . . . . I ,. . 1 . r,T U t JlPr 1 1 P B t llll'll t. I
prrmnncntly lofBtctl in Tillmmxik t'ltv
not here only when auine pecml wen-
.Ion draw a Inreelnuniber of people i-
r " 'v"r' ,ln' nl, ur
ervlce. Salllartlon cunranteiHl. You
can ol ct nnv ntylu of lne or mount
Int; you wish, at modern price.
Conultntlon Kree. Absolutely
Dr. Peter HoiiMin nnd wife of Mc
Mlnmllto who v 11 ted at the Dr. Iteedy
home last week, returned to their home
The Herald come twlro u week.
For a i;imI dinner or iinythlnu In the
line of llrl ctaf f.HMl. cull at the Old
Spanlrth Kitchen. Opimnlte Lnnmrs.
A computluu AiikIo Dial cale for
Halo, ullithlly uhhI. Will noil for little
i more thnii half llrt price. Sciilo can
be een nl Tllbimook l eed Co. store.
Mm. Jennie Klnniin iird diiUKhtern
I Dolly nnd Jenny arrived here today
jfor n visit nt the Mill home. Mr.
I Klnniin beini; nn mint of Knto nd
j Myrtle Mill.
Cm. I.. Ilnmlln. hoiise'movlni:, hiIh-
liur nml rellllnir. Trucks to hiuullo
henvv work.
Mm. W. S. HubtmrJ, of KiiHtern
Orenon, him been viHltliik' t tho liouui
of her friend Mm. H. A. Klniminan.
They were (,'irlhood frlomln In Mhuuiurl
nnd hint not neon onu imothur for K
Thu Tillninook Feed Co. will iniiku
you low prlcoHon nil klndii of buy In
cur loud loin. See Shrode.
J. J. Johnson, who Iuih been in Flor
ida nnd other .Southern Stilton durliur
thu pnt few montliH, returned to '111
bmiook lust Friday. Hi immy frlunda
mo (rind t sou 1,l,n l,l,i:,t'
Sovon cow for bhIu. Adam l.apon,
llliilne, Ore.
Don't bu deeeivud in buyliiK cheap
Ihiur when you can Kt Duinent'n HeHt,
llluo Stem hard wheat Hour at tho Til
lamook Food Co. Tho "Ilertt" Hour on
the market. Money lwtik If not flatia
ried. Dr. Nunn, iiHHlntant Btato votoriimr
Iiim nreoin imnled bv IiIh wife Ik expect
eil here nuxt weuk. Thoy will visit at
tho Dr. Kecdy homo. Whllo hero nr.
Nunn will anbht Dr. Huedy In insptct
ipk fcO'i'o ,,WM Hl,(' ntiiklnit Inspections
for fair exhibitors,
An iiiplK'ittlon of HARMONY skin
cri'Htn at hIkI'I l'P 11,0 H,,,, whltu,
Boft and frcu from bloinlshoH. C. I.
Cloufli Co
A. J. C.Titnmii f Poitland, was
HlKhUuuiiiK in tho county thlu week.
Owner will irndo for timber or any
ixl property, wheat hay or 'rult land,
rauie uuiiiriimiieri'U, or will oll on
terms, Have .rime eimh, Aildre Hox
Vi'l llmwl Ulver, OreKoii.
Tim editor of ln llernld enjoyed n
vl.it, t.Hlny, with Carl Merrick of'""'" ",",n": "? ,0,,
I'ortland, a iK.yhorHl friend, II... editor1 r.vtnmjt. Civic l.cacue
nnd ho having been iic.pinlnt. il year ' Formed in Afternoon.
ako b..ck In Michigan. Mr. Merrick 1' -
now employed on tli.i road by the 1 Th revival meetliiu have keen
Ulil.in Meal Co. jKrowlnn In Inti-reit with enh ouececd-
Only a few me p. to Tillamook I'eeil day nnd iiIkIiI ami oveml conver-
'., Drop In and 'Ind out how to i;el
a piano fur your h'me, vour church or
IixIko without one cent cot to you.
Come In uml let tit explain It to you,
Thire coo.) younk home for aile, 2
to B year old, wlhlli.: IKK) lo 1WK)
lb., l! llDHil to .elect from. Kei) A
JarkMin one mile north of Helm P,
Addre Heaver, Ore.
ran and .unburn can be pruv.tnt.'d ,
with our tan awl freckle lotion. C. I. t:lvi ,!)! view of things from an ntilt
Clou ah Cw. i untirely new to you. He preaches thi
The Supreme Court ha ordered Mr. I"''' K"p'd truthi Inn manner that i.
Caylord, wmi w... apMiintMl receiver decideilly orl?in.il, and refrtfhlnir.
of the Hotel Tillamook by Judnej On Sumhiy afternoon an orL-iiiiizntion
lluluie., K. (ilnrhMrk'til and P, .1. Wor- j f"r of tiMilsliriK in the work
rail tdncml IiupV m.Mii, .nn,.. r..fif mnkiiiK the slate dry at the fall
the hotel. We undenlund that the
pane has not been decided, a yet, by
the Supreme Court ami that Mr. Wor
rail ha fuinl.hed a IkiihI fur the pro
tection of the minority tockbolW
dorliiL' the x-mlliiK of the enne.
Want.wl To rent dairy not le than
JO or 30 caws by experienced
dairymen. Aililreo K. W. Krall,
OIpiiwikmI, Klickitat Co.. Wnh.
Money to loan on first cln farm
mortk'aKe. First National Hank.
-Suhncrlhe for the Herald. It comes
wife a Wet-k.
Huron Von WaMlierif, a reservist
ninpcr tit ()ii ttnrinuH nrme fiaH optti
.ih pooi.lv ilnrioL- I).., nmt e-k.
bclnu hele for the purpose of .e-urimr ' eitil ",llu w"!,t of Moh,ur- Govd
material for a bonk which will deal j rvi'r i"lliom Witt v" n lrfeU
with the m,K.Kraphy ami resource to "uil I'Urcha.cr. See the rh.ml and e.
of our CHinty. the same to be publlhl j ),r,c"s wl Unn from Geor(; Ier
In the Cennan lneune. H leil the l,ub,'l MlMr ()re
nry with the rank of first liouienant '
and If he I recalled, which he expect
to he, he will Ik' ejven thu rank of
Watermelon 1 c-nts per lb.
10 lbs. k'ood Caracul Con-o $1.00.
Hran $2.1.M) ton.
Short $'2S.m ton.
Wheal il.RT.cwt.
lr a few days the peach season will
be on ami we shall be in a position to
furnish you with fancy penchef chonner
than we iver have before. Keep in
touch with us for peaches.
Tillamook .Mercantile Co.
Dr. E. J. Bulgin
One of the Krentest livinir evnnRO
lt. who is now holding a series ol
evangelistic meetincs at Tillamook
City, will, on
Friday Evening. August 7th, 1914,
deliver his ureat Temperance Sermon,
"The Lean Cow"
This will be a rare treat for the peo
ple of Tillamook County, nnd advocates
of State-Wide Prohibition hopu to make
this event the bek'lnnini: of a ureat
eamnalKn which will carry- Tillamook
County for State-Wide Prohibition at
the comiiiK fall election, and we
earnestly request you to kIvo such
mectitiK as much publicity as possible
and urk'e all who can do so to attend
the meetlnir.
Tillamook County Civic League
On Monday afternoon tho residence
of H. T. Holts eiuik'ht afire from the
kitchen chl nney, so it is thought, and
before anyone knew anything about it
the whole roof on the inside was
ablaie. Mm, Holla and niece Miss
Maude Overfull were taklnit a nap at
tho time and thuv k'ot out just in time
to save their lives. Tho lire was not
put out until nearly everythiiik' was
damaged or destroyed.
LarRu crowds visited Uockaway on
Saturday and Sunday. It is estimated
that possibly 12000 people were there
on Sunday. Thu main attraction was
a concert by tho Tillamook County
Hooster Hand, -1G members of thu baud
Leinu present.
Hocknway as a resort has made k'rent
prok'ross this season. A now park has
been laid out and improved, nnd was
beautifully decorated for tho occasion.
Uockaway now has olectric lights,
tho same IminK Installed by a Mr.
Phelps of Hillsboro.
It will bo necessity to send in your
applications to Dr. Reedy at once and
ho will Inspect your stock. No charuo
for this Inspection.
County Fair Honrd.
Glendulo hun opened a now auditor
Green MmuitiMii mini, Douglas cnun
ty, may operate un a lunro scale.
T n i 'III
UT, DUlglll iiOiOS
Crowds at Rink
M .. r .1 e i .
1 ,mv" ,,Mn rpjmrteil. Tit who
"r" ''""r Ur- 'IkI "f" '
! Krutulatltiit thuiMlvr upon the fact
1,1,11 l,'rV ""v" '""1 lnt' priviIKs t"
j lUten to one of the i:rertet thln-er
'and prcnehir this country ha cvir
' produced. Dr. Hulrin d.i.n not follow
alliKelher In thu Kroove of thu Aca
demic llmuxht of the dy, but rnther
strike out upon orii;in.il line, making
hi )n.iiit In n manner that .turtle and
election wan organized with the follow
ing olllcers:
T. II. Goone, Preident.
Walter linker, Vice-President.
H. T Holt, Secretary.
A. I.. Thomas, Treasurer.
Ar executive committee will hu-ap-
, jKili t' d later n will nlrn a couimlttco
made up of representatives from each
A stroni? orijaiiize! effort i now
ubout to be nmde to carry Tillamook
County for Oreun dry.
1 filer for sale imrt of my farm lo-
Grant Pass fruit Rrowcrs will mar
ket produce throtiKh Grams Pass
Fruit association.
Safe crackers blew the safe of
Aaron Fox at Truutdale, securing
I nearly $2000 In money and Jewelry.
The senate conference committee
agreed to recommend S5,000 for Cra
ter Lake. Senutor Chamberlain had
nslied $100,000.
ICnrl McCoy was sentenced to the
penitentiary at Oregon City for as
sault with Intent to rob F. M. Wood
cock of Portland.
Joseph HuettRelibach died at Bu-
Rene, carrylnc to the prave secrets of
lienitn lor which ne nau reiuseu imju
kuins of money.
The president has appointed Fred
I). Fisher of Oregon consul general at
Mukden to be consul nenoraJ at Tien
The secretary of agriculture Informs
Senators Chamberlain and Lane tho
department Is Investigating clover
pests In the Willamette valley recent
ly complained of.
From Lakevlt-w comes the report
that a tract of Weyorhaeuser's finest
ra.ige. containing 17.000 acres, and lo
cated at Foster flat and Ysmsey
Mountain, has been leased through
Curtis .t l.'tley to William O'Keefe.
Acting Secretary of War llrecken
ridge has assured Senator Lnno that
there will be no unnecessary delay
in acting on the new deed to the Ore
gon City locks after it has been re
ceived. Hend's new cooperative creamery 1
now an established fact. After
months of work, fcomo discourage
ments, ninny delays and most of tho
vicissitudes to which such projects
nro subjectej, the new Institution Is
In operation.
Fanners of tho Hlalock section havo
orgnnlzed a company for operating a
public wnrehouse at that place. Thoso
Interested Include J. A. Smith. Oeorgo
Van Gassbeck, Wash McKlnney, It. S.
MoKlnney, J. W. hong, Frank Haker.
and others,
Heplylng to appeals from fishing in
terests for reinstatement of the ap
propriation for protection of Alaska
fisheries, Senator Chamberlain and
Senator l.ano say tho eonferonco com
mittee has agreed on $50,000, which
Is considered sufficient for beginning
this work.
Hoprosontntlve Hawley had printed
In tho congressional record In connec
tion with the statement regarding tho
fraudulent selling of so-called loca
tions on forfeited railroad lands in
Oregon, reports ' from tho Portland
press covering tho trials for tho In
formation of congressmen who are re
ceiving Inquiries about tho lands,
After a eonferonco with Stat
Health Officer White. State Superin
tendent of Public Instruction Church
111 nnnouneed that soon one boy In
every public school would bo wparlnK
a badge not unlike that of tho aveemte
polleoiuMi, He will bo tha deputy
health offlcor of tho school and hU
diitlos -111 eo'in'ift of roH'"H iffr
tho luinllar' eonilUioua of uiv i'iwol
ho iittcuds.
Kelievc yourself of all depentlanee upon unreliable
help and drudgery.
Why Not
Mt op your mind at once and Invest In a Sharploa MHkur. The Teat
Cup uftb the Upward Squeeze. The most vonderful fnvotitfdn of the
prMft tiun.
Call at our store and ae will show you a machine in operation.
Docks and V.'archoue ronl St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Iikevlew j bre that five car
loads of ore from the properiv or the
Modoc mines company, at High Grade
are about to be dispatched to as many
smelters. This Is the first concrete
evidence of tho recent strike made by
Manager X. K. Guyot, and it Is of such
significance as the whole mining
world will await with Interest tho
news of tho returns per ton.
Plans to place the entire main line
of the Southern Pacific in Oregon, and
possibly the electric lines, under the
block system are an'cui'.rc-J by Wil
liam Xlchols. chairman u il.o ex tv
iniug board of tho Southern Pacific
company. The company now has 115
miles out of Its 341 miles of mam line
in Oregon under the block signal sys
tem, but It Is scattered, having been
Installed where the safety devices
havo been most needed.
By practically a unanimous vote at
the annual meeting of the Hood River
Apple Growers' Association, the mem
bers of the organization adopted b
laws that will revolutionize the meth
ods by which the affairs of the local
selling agency, nn affiliated concern
of the Xorth Pacific Fruit Distribu
tors, have been administered. Tho
vote was n culmination of action ta
ken at a mooting in tho latter part of
May, when the by-laws were proposed.
Since that time tho new rules and reg
ulations have been studied and dis
cussed at different meetings by tho
growers, who adopted them.
Revealing n material falling off in
nntlonnl bank deposits nnd a large
gain In state bank deposits, a state
ment Issued by Stnte 13ank Superin
tendent Snrgent of the condition of
the banks of Oregon June 30, while
Indicating a decreased volume of
trade as compared with tho sanio per
iod of last year, reflects sound flnan
clal conditions. Mr. Sargent Is un
able to account for tho decreas of
national bank deposits unless it is due
to tho nation-wide lull In business,
and with that decrease he Is also un
able to account for the Increase of
almost $2,000,000 in deposits in atata
Warrenton has carried n $150,000
bond issue for gravity water,
Cloverdale gets n $2,000 co-operativ
cheese factory.
Pendleton has n building- boom and
the Dally Tribune has a now home.
A 12 ft. vein of coal struck Ul miles
from Medford says the Sun.
The distilling of peppermint oil bus
hepm on the Uugold Campbell farm
near Cobtng,
.... .
Mutual l i.one
Who Is
The Sh.'irplcs Mechanical
Milker Tsers
Why Not
Iiccoinc a customer also and
get paid for it in niereat-ed
Why Not
Calvin R. Worrall
Business Counsellor, Titles,
Accountant, Notary Public.
Ceiand B. Grain
Teacher of Piano
Diploma from the Chicaco
Musical College
J5, 25 tad 40 Watt, 35c
60 Patt - --- 45c
100 Watt - --- 80c
J50 Watt .-- - $1.20
250 Watt --- - 2.00
1'rosteJ Lumps 5c liilra.
We deliver lamps to nny part of
the citv Telephone u. Wc do
wiring 'ut the lovet price con
itcnt with gooH (workmanship.
Light & Fuel Co. tur.
Successor to W. J. Stephens
t Cigars, Tobacco, Candies,
& Etc.
Everything First Class, Best Shine in
the city.
Ivverybotly Invited.
"Schoolins in youth ihould invariably be
directed to piejwre a perou in the bet wa
for the beat permanent occupation for which
he i capable.1' President C, W Kliot.
This is tho Mission of the
Forty-sixth School Year Opens
SEPTEHBER iSth, 1014
Write for Illustrated tco-page Book
let, "THE LIFE CAREER." and for Cata
log containing full Information.
Decree Courses AGRICULTURE :
Acronomy, Animal Husbandry.DalryHus
bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
NOMICS: Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation,
Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining.
Vocational orj-Agrlculture, Dairy
Ine, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Arts, Forestry. Business Short Course.
School of Music Piano, String, Band
Voice Culture.
Fwmerj Birdo" Crur by Mail Frm.
(tw-7-1.1 inMJ CorealUa, Oicr