Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 31, 1914, Image 1

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I A P?r- C-C--T- r- . "-"v-iwcouAlf AND FRIDAY
Tillamook, Okkoo.n, Jclv .'31. 19M-.
NO. ."."
ouiKiou in I no Strongest Wiy
Growing Stronger livery Day
UJIr Sprcbcn Dcutscb
irst National Bank
WM. (i. T,1T, Priidt
J. C. HOI. DCS'. Viel'f.Klrat
SV. J. ftlttCIIKRS. CMrfor
Member of
rroruAL rlslkvi; association
Of I In: United St.ilty.
The medal train liriru-i.nr
1 ArliMfu. their vivn .1.1,1 tri, ,,A.
cvn, n , ." . ' wllKV ipccisl car for 75 poor children
tVCMtS OcctirriniJ TlirOUghoUf , 'mm Portland, will arrive at Till..
nhM 3 pin. A targe reception with
U10 SUto During tho Past
Health fUort Talked.
AbloMiJ .
aui'H will meet, the tram and after
tnvtJitYc been romed, a gib picnic
mpfrtr will be iprrtd Stillwcll'
Kfoftr for thrm all. Ivrcrybodv 1 in-
baskets well
Members of Congress Anxious
to Return Home to Repair
Political Fence.
ifir liiiifti
fillril Utl .-IhI.L.i L. I.. .1 -
.hhiKl-K.m by oui.14... j ni and i Veh .n'd .
II hfiliui Influence. lln Immilhll. , uelltral "irrt loi'rlhrr" ilm. .:n i.
liy of er.jiilnr, In tho main of On-con I '! f?,Jf A,,tr "f'ter, a carnival
I Popular wwtrinK ami h-nlth n;'iV"Vi'a,nCC ,rr.f,for nH Jt! I lhc
I " com- m,us ?,rr';M1r:s,rShedT,
inwetal lut.trestn of Ashland, with tho thisjgmpi.rr and lnct carnival. The
help unit adlre of the InduMrlnl and Ai twain v ill bring tome fine iiium
Miriwy lKirtmnt of ilm University fumf, lcm. Uur mim corps and j slogan of
f Ore, acaool of cmnm.re... , 'VJ Ll A l ' I. an op,
iinisirai, uaiice anci reception in the
(f oiibncrcul Cluh toniim, will he tcn
dcnxl the Kuctt. and while this re
ception will he informal It it requeu
ed that all the citizens wc;ir their
"ciwW clothe." There will g. l ,
CbauU'iqu.- period, nml dt.t. flnmiclnl k'aitl Ull at the opera house by the
Mmeuionio. nimlj.o. 0f hutlneim and ',?n,L',t niKl". to which all arc in-
Th help of (bo coiMUlar norrlcr of
th Unltl HUtrtu hm lifcti eulltled
through thn ffaru of Dln-eior II. II.
Mlfltil, of tho chool of commerce, who
tm 11 rlnllor In Aahland durlnir t)i
HdvartUlne poltrlwi nnd of mmllcnl
and Miitutlon attmctlnnn nr bi-im:
cfillecUH) from nil th fnuiotii water
tlce In holh hmlKph-rii.
'Agate" Carnival It Set.
I'art OrfortJ. Thn (innual
Cantltal win be hold aukum C,
A Kate
7 and
athing Caps
Finest Qualify Leather
Prices 25c to 7nc
La Rose Cold Cream
Pint for the Comple xion 25c a Jar
Tho inhibition will be In a larK
tent IocMimJ on tint hiko front mnr thft
own nml two miirit ami n half from
ton. Thwro nrn fine rnmpliiK Kroundi
nr the laku, wlih loatinj:. nwlinmliiK
tl flulilnp In ooiinrcttun. mnkliiK tho
location ideal for nueli n celebration.
Aihland to Sell Own Bond.
I take up tho matter of dlnponltiK of tha
eeurlili-ii direct to Inventor at prh
vato sale. In block to null purchuier.
The bond hear h jer cent, and par
and accrued IntreKt will the leaat
th cliy lll accept. They run for
30 year and will be redeemed aerial-
'Uathlngton. Memuri of conKre.B
aro hearing rrom their conttltuents,
urtfinB .them to get throunh with their
la MlKtlvo huilneis an noon an ponsl-
hlo and como home to look after their
pohvloal fencra.
"We ueed a rest," Is the declaration
Attuaii will bri-itf tome fine ininl of thu rrnulil'rjum llknu-la.. li U tl
ciant wiiJi i hem. Our drum conn and i nine. nt cnm. r i.
opn nucrol, howover, that be
hind the def.lrt: for a rt Is a deb. re
oa the part of t'tm republican senatori
as well aa tho democrats to doff the
toga for cainli;n tops.
Senato domocratx in caucus agreed
on u definite IcRlalatlve program. In
which they expect to put through the
antl lruat. nnd appropriation bills and
brlDR about adjournment of congrei.s
at the earliest possible momer.:
While no predictions as to adjour..
munt were made, "hurry"" as the l:cv
note of the meetlns.
National Heavier Than State BurLen (
The debt of the national govern
mem Is a greater financial r.:s.t
upon the people of each state, exct.
Aruona and Massachusetts, thr.n the
obligations of the state In which they
live, according to statistics lts-ed L
thu census bureau.
The figures showed that on June 30.
J913. the per capita debt for the 4S
utatcs amounted to S3.57. while that
of the national' government was
$10.19. The total debt of, tho state
governments on that date was S422.-
car Mtinson , AT) otTBVinns Hem was JTC,-
Kchcckjs - McMlamcs. Kuirenie fSO.STl In sinking fund assets.
VI. . I. .14- II. .11.- I C I f
v fi ii i ii - -aniar, c. The national governmuiil h.)d a to
i " ' "c." . c . - -. . italdeblnt
.-ii in ,iui .ii. ii.i iiihii nnii
Sifhihy morning at 7.10 a.m. cvery
hoilfill o to Har lew to wik1
jhc jjay am! enjoy a Kranil free "clam
wkd, Kivtn hy the ritient there un
der I he manaucment of Mr. Oliver, of
the Motel. The Artisans and Kiddie
"illjgo too, am! all the people of the
coiuivy arc invited to o and talc
d tpenu the day, an
will lie served there.
thtifTilimicrt and
excellent dinner v
for i who detirc. at the Hotel
Tljc churehet, lodc and organia
iionnrc all Interested ami working
to make a tucccM of the affair. Com
mittee have been appointed to r.
money. proviion, and furnish
hom. for the poor childien while
hcrc.ttn days. A moving-picture out
fitw;ai come with the Artisans to
lakc$jc,W5 of the pntinK, and thus ad
ertu)c. llic city all dver the world,
tIimah.-.! 1
'.K'b"'11 vuumimcc COUIIioscil
' Vi,. ,..:,.. t. -It .;
Aahlnml. Owing lo untatlsfnclory 1 of committee from all organizations,
il on the I17S.000 nuxlllary wider j H anfnllowsi ' t
ijt ianie's, r.ugai
Trainmen Stri.w iV ....ton Score,
rhlrngo Mediation bolwooii the US '
western railroads and tholr englno- !
men neor-'ti 11 victory when tho men '
nsreed to continue liegottiitlons with
the ri'Ki'i A ih agj July 2t had'
benn us t ()" men ii h the final date !
fur rini t mii
Moose S. A. Ilrodhcad, R. V.
attou, J. S. Lamar.
1 O. U. M . C. H. Woolf.c, S. A.
Hrmllic .id, M. J. Cicrsoni..
City Council G. It. Umh, Geo. Kd
nuiiiils. Commercial Chlh h'red C. Ilakrr
C. IC Tromldey. llurr HeaU. Jr.. K. K
Cinn. C. R. Worrall. W. G. Ouighi
Aniians Mrs. Jennie E. Smith.
Mr. HIsic O'Harra, Mettrs, M. Wal
lie, 1. i:. Kpplctt, Conovcr and ("
i. W orrell.
I In Masons will appoint a commii-
1 tre next meeting.
' Vt I 'littrrlit. iinwt.-rc
and ladio
the end of June last
I amounting to $2,916,204,914. However.
I less cash In the United Slates treats
ury available for the payment of debt,
that would be reduced to $1,028,504.
055. Imprisoning Navy Deserter Ended.
Abolition of Imprisonment for de
sert. on from the navy In times of
ponce was ordered by Secretary Dun
lets. Under the new regulation, btuepack
ets who overstay their leave or com
( j mlt similar breaches of discipline, will
ateii La :r - - ii 1 1 i i iu
of 1
77 5 E arc- ivinjr a free
suljsmntiim to
i -
The BIGGEST. Brightest,
BbbC Mni'azine in th
Everv Suit of our famous
"i it v 1 1 1 1 n tft f-k 1 1 I I i .
w ' t i .....i t Mm ' Inc hunt to prison, while men who be-
t, .MVSUrtlllO IUSC II-
S pec i al Grocery Prices
Quaker Oats
lr I ....!
f,- . ..V ....w,
111,11 1 1.. ..I
t tl IV 14.
Dried Fruits
ma y l 1 11 IK r vt vx-i iw
uiifV I M It'll I LWILIIuo, viv. jyt mi
Crescent Baking Powders
ivyulitr pi'L'e
1 1
Pound Can,
.$1 00 now ...
Pound Can, Rc.nular price
70c, now
'mind Gin, regular price
;:c, j now.
bit summarily dismissed Instead of bt
iiiiini.'1 v iii 1 1 . i ill 1 1 k: .
li.un-. l.uzic
1. 1 .i-i.i.
t. V. R.C. I-:. Reynolds,
evcr.ncc, bnm Uowns.
1 he general committee met at the
Commercial Cluh rooms Wednesday
ecnuig. Much i'iithiiM.isi'1 '.mi iiuini
fi stctl, and selected C. R. Worrall
(.literal chairman; Mr. Hercnice
I ur.ii. secretary; S. A. Hrodhead. I
H. Cienihaw, Mrs. Jennie Ii. Smith
and others will solicit money to buy
l'cd for the poor children.
The (. A. I. Committee donated
-io.oo from funds left from the en
e.iinpmrnt, and several others have
di n.ued $10 dollars each. A Hit of
.ill ib mors will be mihlishcd later.
Following sub-committees were ap- j quired to conform, Is proposed in ttu
come dissatisfied with the service and
want to quit may have an honest dis
charge by merely refunding certain
. enllstmeut allowances.
The secretary announced that the
navy now had practically a full quota.
51.34S enlisted men, compared with a
shortage of more than 4000 IS months
ago. and that the time to take the
step had come.
Federal Grain Grades Favored.
Kstnbllshmont of standard federal
grailee, to which nil grain sold in In
terstate nnd foreign commerce under
government certificates would be re
Clothes for Boys
Guaranteed all wool the
suit with the
16 Special Features
PRICE $5.00 and Up
STORIES of Advonture. Travel.
History. Foot Ball, Base Ball,
School Life. etc. etc.
Mechanics, Electricity. Photography
How to mHke th'n;, "uzzles. Pets,
Poultry, Gardening, .Novel .Inven
tions, Stamps, etc. J
Start NOW
Popular Priced Clothier
Geniiaii Ainericaii Coflec, Steel Cut, 1 pound 30c
German Aiucricnu Collee, Steel Cut, W pounds 85c
Online Label Yj pound Mflc; Grange Label t pound 0fc
Her Majesty's Hleiid 'i pound L'Re; Her Majesty's Blend Vaiounl 50c
Her Majesty's Blend, 1 pound $1.00; Capital Household, V'a pound L'oe.
Ray & Company
Mgr. Grocery Dept.
C3V7 a
ii iiiuiiiiiifn urn niuninii '
'nnc conversions hnvo bnon
I rm...l. I 1.. L.I IM
- mukii K"M1 In ueillK niinu. i'-
thu pfoplu In wrapt uttun
IIU III . .. .1.1 .... ii.i
Hin iriHIIHllUII 111(111
iiiy ovoninH; wiih n most ro
0u nml ttmlouhtudly hulpud
Sleeping accomodations for the kid
dies Mcsdamos, Mver.i, Mullen, Ball
(..unar, I.easiu and Jennie Smith, This
commiltee will get buisy at once and
canvass. All those in either city or
country will phone any of this com
mittee how many children they can
take lo sleep. Meals for all children
in the city will be furnished free of
charge in the basement of the Chris
tian church, by different ladies in
charge of Mrs. .lennis Smith, and a
committee as follows was appointed
to solicit donations of cvervtlting to
eat for the children, to-wit: Mes
iI.iiik's, Rose Williams, Wade, Hurke,
Reynolds, Curry. Anyone willing to
donate eatables, rooked or uncooked,
please notify this r.niiiiiitu-c.
A committee to arrapge the Still
well Grove for the supper and decor
ate it and the citv anil streets is: C.
K. Reynolds, chaiiman, Messrs Wal
ling, l.amar, Couover, Dr. Daniels
anil Geo, Lamb.
Committee on band music Mrs.
reiinie 15. Smith, V W. Watson A. D.
Perkins, and Dr. Monk,
Committee on drum corps C. 15.
Reynolds, I.. V. Fbcrhait.
Autoniolt 1c Committer J. . -Mail-
ilu, chairman, Messrs Kpplctt, Cur-
l ase, imod
,,r ....mi ulfti mien to the
They are also itaBlstliiK much in other Tuesday to tulk to
..i...... f il... wnrlc. i others Interested, at
Afternoon prayer meotlngH nro be
inir held throughout tho city.
. ii. cii m.ii.i. Wxifnrii i rv. l-.verson. Wiilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Rose, as vocalists are e.,...,.. . u. '"Y " " u .. .. ... glass. Hiner and Ackley. The commit
muotlnse. lonnmsamn, win o m m. ui, ... -.i will arrange for automobiles to go
the mothers ' to the train with general reception
the High Scluol ! committee on Saturday afternoon
auditorium. The meeting will he August istli. ,
Iucuer.ii ivecep'iou iMi.Miinit uim
special train M or, F. R, Reals
; chairman, Grant Mills, K. T. llaltoni,
. . Woiuter ll l- ifs. -
rim ennninc seaaou will soon bo hero r-asi. m. ck' 1 Hiner, Purr
Mofs bill, favorably reported to the-
house by tho agricultural committee.
Tho bill contemplates eliminating
differences between export and do
mestic grades of the same quality, but
Is not designed to affect the shipment
of grain in bond.
An appropriation of $375,000 is pro
posed to carry out the terms of the
bill and to facilitate supervision of
grain traffic. Tho department of ag
riculture proposes to establish branch
laboratories at Important grain receiv
ing markets,
Fly Doomed by Borax,
Tho doom of the gorm-cnrrylng fly
Is aeon In a new discovery announced
by the department of agriculture. Its
use Is declared to assure the complete
extermination of the common house
hold pest that Is largely blamed for
spreading typhoid.
The method consists only of tho
sprinkling of a smnll amount of ordi
nary borax dally on household aud ta
bio refuse.
National Capital Brevities.
I Tillamock, Ore.
Mrs. M. E. ScholTord of PoitUmJ,
culled at 2:30 P. M.
for ilum, ieuchoH nnd puaii,
the Fruit Palace for them.
Cull at Ik
r ,
ait, F.rt in Harri- (
TContlnued on Thlrif Page)
Opening of the Panama Canal to
vessels drawing 30 feet on August 15
uext was announced by Secretary Garrison.
.,. . srt,.i Money from tho
till I ItJU I Willi T 1U C 4 V V(MV Ol tlUIII Viwr j
onel Roosovelt for permission to ap
pear and tell why ho opposed the pay-
raent of $25,000,000 to Colombia,
Senators of 0.regout Waahlugton
and California have accepted the In
vitation of Senator Chamberlain of
Oregon to join In asking President
Wilson to have made deckload meas
urements of ships using tho Panama
Sudden withdrawal by President
Wilson of h!s nomination of Thomas
D. Jones, of Clili; ,o, to bo' a member
of the federal rraorvn board ended the
bitter controversy over his confirm
tlon ir. the ronn'e. .
federal treasury!
will bo dopostted In national bnnlol
throughout U ! Jl
to l.ic.l l. i I. iuh ui uioy
I aud promote business souorully.
uu coiisldorMbly hero.