Cbe t.tlaniook fteratd vt. 6, CrembUy, fcditor Entered as ; 1UCd CtVUc .1 tllCCX UIP.lV.im. r.m. T ,M..,m... las;i matter Mtiv 17. I'.'IO. tit the VI " ' Oregon, under the net of March a. ( sf!iscRirni si. an a v:k in a. i .0 ;j?awcrtlhifl Kates ' ei'nt V! r:,.i -. . l"irt Insertion. (or line - 5 Each subsequent insertion, Hrm 1'omestea- Notics? T,rtiber Claims ... Notice, per line ... Curd of thanks, per lint Uvals. nr line, first insertion .10 .05 10.00 .06 A n .0 l.OO ISaoh subaeri it imort'ivi, I' t Kes'Hti.ina of ...!. oo and Lodire iiouee. ht . Rosines A Profwwiiv 1 crdft,KHt. tv...i... .ivotiaimr it icr ineh AM. Daiilr Ad w. K In this of' fie n Monday V irsday Morn ings to bsyrv pu ! ' fo'KMv ine Tudy una -riday iMiw. Rtasstn ar impwativ. ITKSIUY jri.V L'S. lDM. At th state convention of t he Cath leitv olic Totnl Abstinence Union of Amor tea. held in Ywtngslown. O.. reeently. the mtcrvestion was unanimously p- .... i . h ... ' . l . . I. .. I . 1 f.t ftia rrmtw proved mat everv merawr w-i .mum io i "''". ' . . ,, " - ' 11. k .11... it I .. . I ...n .Kttll or final v. i no o.mm ior ti"""1 r." " .ontait the words ror I ountv IKgh such pupil, or if Mich pupil has rvti U tcd the course of study otforrd in Ms trst.trnt district; ol if hr has ob tamed the consent of the county hi J,ol board to attend school Ih a district other than hi residence district. POISON BRAN WASH TOR ' Ul WORMS AND ARMY WORM . t ti: womt and army worms are do ing considerable damage tn various 1 r-.uts ot the county to both garden ' ami field vro,. l!ie are getting " 1 ..rr.o..r t .hen- i.i parts of the vat lc. ii I i U v. oil to do scwthtotB ; f'-M'k ' dntiae done. Accord ; i ! V: , I I " tt. I'Wvr . .cuiui it Aancnhttral Coll.'i mjsh the he (ticsi1 unli. Thi- i i iirMur- il .s tollows. fH.,, . . . P b. White aieme or lari gr , I Salt Dr. L. 15- Mcwillj k,btt trioal Sj-illt i tk.th I'hoin Kix.m TI"'""" Hiir: 9 A. . we i TILUMOOK tHK. OUT t'We5 El. J. CLAU88EN LAWYER HmTSfllUU AlV(KAT Counnm'wtl HuihliuK I) R. A. H. PKKM.w RSIPRKT lTIST OfRw m Wurgnm HldiJ. All WV tiWIIHl ......w . OKW.O.N H. T. BOTTS Lawyer COMPt.hTl: M l ul' ABSTRACT. DiltiT L'n:.' Jul. Iillniutitili lil.ulv rillatumik I HiF" .11 I . ti II I'll II I V. I A HARMES the pMw Sraw r.-mrrtv. ir t.'ir . . . A I .u iratioii "work uneeaamgie or nini tn'iihmnt of thoateof ir.to.ieatinit j l,)uor from the Unttevl State." ! leiholie drink received snottwr Nidy blow fron-. medieal science the other day. when the National Conven tion of Alienists and Nunloi:ist met in i"h!ea. These ex ;er;- m tne treat mert of diseases of the n.nl anil the nere unammously eomio .vei the ue of a'.ooholic liqiKrs. an.1 .i I .-teii wti out onoMition what is it vUrod to h l 'limn Svnib . , i thereof. Such election slul! m t,f U-mon v lutto.l in the tn. irr provweil u; thr imtcrwl thouro.tcl i !. for conduetiiirt election. The add sufficient warm " oi-ntv Hick shall sive thirty to wi, a cour crunilxv md-. louce tht the question will be ub gfi the material sioppvt H themhl tll apart readily utter prcstuif to iher in the hand. This should he o-n broidct ovei vhoc! Kurd-yes." For t oonty Hiih ,ne t'U-KI in the early cveninf About Schuol Kund -no; and the voter f,ve pounds to the ?re is iisuatlv sill hill indicate hi choice s provided titent. fut worm feed on this in in the Australian ballot law." preference to vegetation. Care should tfL.Roard, How Constituted. ,e uken not to let the chicken bav-- i. . .... I Km . ..... wncnever ll n mtn vevmeu v tne run Ol tne lieiu aucr irraiinir- R. I . .lones. County A(jricultnrtst. Dr. Jack Olson KK.SllKN. I'KNUSI' ufBee Hour Irorn " ' 5 m OiIilfrlle HniM-iiK lUith riioiies - PioneerTransferCo. G. t . DICK .V iON. I'il. ; IWlth I'ltOIW he Snmr I'tlce t ISci.miho HUM' We iruii ii. s . ... . in u i'V nreii'K' " Hi ii d , ,ii ii. te i 'n- l uf . . ........ .... - (Dtllpt VIM DR. decided by n- cottntv, it any election, to create! i igh senool fund, in accordance; v i h 5ec. vt6i, such fund shall be un-' dor the control of a county hih ' w.-el biard. eonsistinR of the county j iniU'e and ih two commiisner. the '. Notice ot Administratrix to Creditors NOTICE IS IIEI'KUY UIVKN. that f ELMER D. ALLEN, 0ntist, (Ih, Ueatttl in the Couiuwicwl WUs-. Succecdint Ur. I . J. All w.li Ij-o J'- JOHN 1 1 1 AM) IIIMK KSO.N Utnrtir ut'l i,tr j tor lillttinooU Coiiiit IhiiiK lllct. . 1 .' i. m. I li 4 30 . Winslow ot. 4unty treasurer and the eounty , ,h; Counlv ;urt of tho St.ite of' Ore the most strioite st ever adopted on t :.v. sul'. of modieal nu- Not -o : rini? ' "l" ' lart,i proport; .' the epik'p., ii.-cie-m t" resolutiui .-. t by !i r-'-i ..it'-i'ie-i witn Mtile for a . . rl. l' ii " "other fori-. if mentai. -noril i i h' s -cal tie . .-.lV. " the resolutions recimmerKie-1 that state ieitisiature ! prevent trtno in alciholic liquor ; that physicians initiate and carry on a pub-, lie education of the people as to alco- ' hoi "deleterious effects," and prae-; tically pledged the medical profession to lake the van in seekine legislation f r tk.e exterfni"ation of alcoholic liq uors. This action b one of the most ( eminent body of physicians in the coun try shows the drift of opinion, and mark another phase in the destruction of the drink traffic. . trhno'l superintendent, who shall act tn timr official county and 'the countv schol snpen lni ev -officio secretary. The lion fur 'Tillamook County has np- tficial capacity as suvh tn.i'.t p,1IBled thw um,.rtiriHil nduiini lUrlx )udlte to be exofnco chair- ! fo( th( PRtlU at Atlwrl j. Cittehatl. de- reused, aivd any i-nd all in i. mbcrs of the b wwd. shall uavinK i r-ainta aiaini tin ew-r t i imi ,,rvc i rriiuimt to nresent lht came. .iK t . v. itnout compensation. WKh ihr proH-r vouchers, to . tit ' -r j6,V Board to Contract With, Dts- jigncd at the tilflee of t". U. 0"W, .''.. attorney at law, in Tillam.-n v ttv. h s:i !1 be fie dutv i ' i'e e .i-nty j Oregon, witiiin r-ix nu-rths fn m tt. '!tjT .-hoo1 bvird. within thirty days date of this notice, ser returns have been canvassed by, la ted June aJth,. 19U. the rccular canvasMnv board of said , Florence V. (Jit hell. Adminitra conntv. if a count) hih school has . trix of tho Kstnie of Albert J been proxided for in aciordance with Gitchell. Deceased. Sec. ."'. to contract with all dts- ' T. II. Goyno. Attomrv tricts that maintain a Inch school, in fur Admimstratrio Oyn Kveetiii '"" " ,",,tl 3,,'!''i T. H. GOYNE Altorney-at-Uw ndl LAtid Utfue Husin.'SS. DfPiXd I CxK'ti I .iJCiK J. if. RtEDY, D. V. M.! Geo. Jr1. A I ol(M V VII AW I'llUnu.-W IUk Tlll.unook. On-Ron A VK..,Uir- lUHSi ...III ....I. hiiij iiiiirr in fth,. of your llOf, Uit . . ir i . i 1 j, itiMiy wen. m. t f, ,w I .. L. . .1.1 If t I I.i, ' IH.rHMII III 4HIICT W. A. WIlLIAiM I II I AMOUK . . (tun "M 1 ! i Eat. Til. I A. lOOk I MM'U'I AKIMI CO Jt. N' II' Ski I1 Mi Uk lcil in IturiitHiK K rnirrh Heeupinl it) t'at'i t'otdsf I'hh.i1 Dltr dlMd I'mtmlm l.t AaalstaM When ltr.J.irtwl. Vt.TKltlW'-ClAN (t'.utii I'lfii-est, TillantooK Oregon In a report submitte l to 'resident Wilson by Co-nmissioner of Corpora tions Davies, same remarkable figure are trtven showing how the timber lands of the United Slates are concen trated in the bands of a few owners. Two men I oM forty-nine percent of tho timber in southwestern Washington, the report sa ; five men hold thirty six per cent in the western Orecon; six have seventy per cent in northeast ern California; ten have more than half the redwod area and in north cen tral Idaho four holders have fifty per cent. In the upper peni'isula of Mich 'i fin for t -five per cent of the land is held by thirty-two timber owner. In Florida fifty-two holders (mostly lim ber owners) hold one-third of the land in the entire state. The main fact shown is that 1.6W timber owners hold in fee more than one twentieth of the timber area of the entire United States from the Canadian o tho Mex ican border. In tbo 900 timbered coun ties ir vehtigated they own one-seventh of the area. Those 1.69 J boklers own KW,600.000 acres. The is on area fonr fifth3 the size ot France; or ureater than the entire state of California; or more than two and one-half times the land ar.-a of tho six New England states, sixteen holders own -47,i.Oi,OCO acres, or i earlv ten times the land area of New Jersey Three laml-urant rail roads own enoutfh to give fifteen acres accordance with the requirements of. y7. to teach all hie choot pupils of j aid county that may attend a high , school, in the district. jttM Board Must Furnish Estimate ' ot Funds. The county high school board shall also mai.' . i. t Ui.aau . I ' of !iiom to pay ihc tuition of all high school pupils for the next twelve months, and submit each estimate to the county court, whose dtity is shall GEORGE WILLITT Attorney at Uv Office In TilLtmooK mock t. N. CRUS0N. ..t..r iin.i I'iitn'r itnttrt III AMIIIIK (At a a - l.l.TIWSlflflX 1 1 II V-iereck's Contrnctn Taken lvHiiiiiHieti 1'urnUhctl. All Work (unrnntctt. TillnttiooW. Or. AT A I.I. i:-H t l;s Tllco AparlmcnU for Kent, Furnished or unfurnished apar' monU. in suits of four room each fo rent. These apartments have even modern ' inJ i . r., nicv iv furnihett. T sr.-.---( -M' a most eo-iiforln le arul desirable heme. Prospective renters enquire nt Hertikl ornee. be thercipon to levy a special tax up- 1' ft r J ITT f i V P J on ?ll ihc assssaible property of th. j f C L I I J ii i U C '. . iintcient to rtsc ine inonry ; i necessary for paying Said tax sball be com cuntv s'i-'? ted. and necessary sid tuition nuted. entered UDon the tax roll, and collected in the same -manner as other taxes, and designated as the ' County iii-h School Fund," anil shall be de posited in the county treasurer. 365 Tuition, How Paid. For the purpose of paying tuition of said high school pupils, the county high school board shall draw an or der on the county treasurer, which shall be signed by the president and secretary of such board, whereupon the county treasurer shall pay such warrant and charge the same to the -'.unH hifh 'c' ool fund; provided that the total amount of such war rant shall not exceed the amount of .ron.-- actually in the hands of the r-asurer " h cred't c' 'he county high school fund. 366 Distribution of Fund. The basis for the distribution of the county high school fund shall be up on the average daily attendance dur ing the school year. The total amount of moncv paid to any district during the schol year shall not be less th-rn $to per pupil for the first 200 f such verage daily attendance, and $30 for the second 30; nor more than $12 so Pit pupil for all the remaining pupils But the total paid any district shall not exceed the amount paid by the district to the teachers employed therein. 67 State Board of Education to Prescribe Regulations. "ScNiotlog ,n hmiU mi-artiiMy d'-tertHl ii, p'e'wf Tt -5- t In !,. ig W4 fvt tU. Kt j 1 -(if ut, itt. (i ur .Uul Be n ca;-bie ---ir. ,-aii ii !-' ca Chi- is the Wrsvon ot the MAjTiiMLCOLliGi Foftj- i-.i'a AiOjol Vc.ir Ojwiis SEPTBHWi-ii 18U1. k;i.j Write lor 'nnjt'tt-d 100 rat Re.' trt, "1H6 LIU C.ArfH R." and lor Cata log containing full mti nii.rtum Degree Counet- AtiWICULTURE . Ar.ronomv, An m.n Husbandry. DairyHttv handrv. Poultry H'i-.m lry, Hoftkultr-. Azruultuie tor fr-i hers I OHl:iTK, LOGGING liV.INfcrkl'.O. HOAlfe bOlV N'OMICS: DomesuSvier.ve. Jomestk Art, fc.NOtSfctPlNti: tlecirkil, Irrigation, Uighwav, M .hamcal, Chemkal, Mining. Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY I.SDUSTKIAL APTS I'otatiamil f ou tcj-Arnculture, Dairy ing, Home Wirers' Course. Industrial Arts. f-orrtrv. Hiismrss bliort Course. ScJixif of VuMt Puno, String, fianJ, Voice Culture. Firm'fi Buiinew C"ore O M11I Prrt A.lJfr.. I UK HHdtsrHAK. (1T-7-I& tn t-'l) 1,rva'lM Hrr.oil Fotii- Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 Per Cord Deivered $2,150 in Ten Cord l ots; $2.30 in Twenty CordLots. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. Udn:i: 11. Johf, I r U' ' t I' k r. J Attorney nt I j .',. ; TlII.mook Title ni J Abstract Co. Suryc-, I - 1 ' li-.th i . J tll.t.AMiiuK. "til Notice of Completed Contract. Nutiee is hereby ven that t' i"i Jackson, County Surveyor (r I i!!a Itluutk Cotitil), I Triton, him illfl in this oilier hi nrtitieite of the com j-K-ti- n oi tlH i.Mrict of Iilbtii-'k Bay Construt lion 1 ., on Secti.m "A" of ihc Gap!.il'li Ulorler Road, and any person, urm or corporation, hav ing objection 1 h!-- the comple tion of said work, may do so withia tmo wcrks from the date of the ftrnt t ulilic ition. Dated this the itth day of lune.ioi t J. C. IIOI.DF.N. County Clerk. A I F Y M'NAIR & CO vy km ik i ff v w r?i is ii th rm rm n n nt r: i hh uj4(. u j LiH ( UJ uu jvk mix mv ;m KITCHEN RANGES and HE4TING STOVES See tin for Prices Before Ordering EUewhcrc tt kiial h the Hniv of the stnle to every male of voting age in the nine1 kenni of education to prescribe ru'- s . ...t .ii.... ..11 !...: ' .. j t.i .1 .1... csiufii si.nien, win-ie itiBi, an ann reKUiaiions wjietiiy iiik also holdings lie. "Lavish land granU ami loose, ill-unforced land laws," are given a the explanation of this con centration of timber ownership. "Ninety-eight per cent of the I.VjO.CX) acres comprised in thf largest limber hold ing in the lake states was acquired in a wholesale manner, chiefly from tracts disposed of by the government through grants to the statu or under the scrip an1 the cash sale lawn." HIGH SCHOOL FUND LAW. I'etitions are being circulated to secure the required number of signa tures to place upon the ballot at the coming election in November the "High School Fund Law" for Tilla mook County. Under tins law the county high school board will have power to con tract with districts to teach the hitjh school studies and instead of the dis tricts where high schools are estab lished being burdened with sucli ex pense, the expense will he born by the whole county. This will more equally divide taxes for their support and permit of high schools being es tablished in central locations. We are giving the law as published in Oregon School Laws for 1913, as follows: Cul'NiY HIGH SCHOOL FUND. 361 County Court to Submit Ques tion. The County Court, at any general election to be held in any county af ter the passage of this act, upon the presentation of a petition signed by ten per cent or more qualified school electors of said county, must submit the question of creating a county high school fund to the qualified the Stan lard that must be maintained by all high schools relative to number of months taught, number of teachers employed, number of recitation per iods daily, and course of studv, before any high school shall be entitled to receive tuition for any high school , pupil from the county high school fund. I Must Comply with 1 36a District Statr Rules. No high school shall be entitled to receive tuition for any pupil from the county high school fund, nor shall any warrant on said fund be drawn in favor of any district until the county superintentend has certified to the county high school board that the district has complied with the ruks and regulations provided for in sec tion 467. 309 Entrance Requirements. No high school shall be entitled to receive tuition for any high school pupil from the county high school fund, unless such pupil IioIiIh an eighth hrade diploma from county in this state, or its equivalent from some other state; provided, that this sec tion shall not apply to any pupil now enrolled in any high school. All ques tions at issue arising under- the pro visions of this section shall be deter mined by the county school superin tendent whose decision in the matter will be final. 370 Pupil Must Complete Course in Residence District. No tuition shall be paid for a high school pupil to any district, except to the district in which his parents or guardian shall actually reside, during the time of said pupils attendance in such district; provided that the tui tion may be paid for a high school pupil to a district other than his resi dence district if the 1 school is 1101 in session in the rcsiduncV(liirir if BarV sew slicing at Sunday Afternoon i and Evenings. Also Every Evening Except Monday. Portland M ANAGEMEUT Sehnauffer's Orchestra Always a Good Time Tillamook Clay Works KRKBS BROS., Props. We have now ;t limit. - supply ol luiilv "i-l lrai tile ready lot the inaild t at thf lollou '!.' !"' BRICK, - . SI 0.00 PER THOUSAND 3- IN. DRAIN TILE, $16.00 PER THOUSAND 4- IN. DRAIN TILE, p20.00PER THOUSAND Located U tnik-s south ol Tilhimooli n ""n tr.iveled rofitl. MUTUAL I'tlONC Qxyaccetaylene Welding We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Brass, Aluminum, Nlckle Steel and Copper. We also weld broken Rears, pulleys, crank sh ts, boilers and build senrnles; tanks, also do cutting and brazing. "SPECIAL ATTENTION TO .ILL AND MARINE WORK. MINER & REED At Miner's Machine Shop N.i Jobs too B(j and None too Small ft eta r is hotel CcsifiLss MrklNI FV X. VANfF mwiiiiiiLL 1 xx. innv dha li:ks - I N - I AN0 Ground Floor Commercial Building Opposite Todd Hotel TILLAMOOK, OREGON If .von want to Ku or tnide your ranch or city P'' my liht ii with us. Wntcli for our list of I5xchnii First Class Cooking, Meals at .'ill hours, koon.s mid Good Hcds. Rates J-Jeasonahlc, No Charges Will Be Made for Special Attentions. G. W. DORR, Proprietor Subscribe for the Herald. Comes Twice a Week. It t