Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 28, 1914, Image 1

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    ,r onovi, onitfiv
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook Countv
- . .
Tillamook, Okihvox, Jn.v 2H, 19 I k
NO. oL
conu vveeK or uur Harvest Sale
Rested Refreshed and Reinvigoratcd, This Store Starts
Its Second Week of Tremendous Selling at a Rattling Pace
uMinn u ill Ik- tuoiv luminous tlmii cvei tins week. Values are greater,
met in ii'-niiiiiiirmt ,ue iiwiur ;is ever. ."Now ii t lie tiuie to elear
fVk. h. llahom itt at the tit Iiuuiik "tit f ill stock and tlhie is much that
State's Weekly
Industrial Review
A Step Forward; County Bank Installs
Statement Machine
Everything in the Store Reduced
A Few Contract Goods Excepted
i 1 1 . i k . ...
i j ..... .... I i .. . r.lt
Jk .tints values to InS.OD
1 I I .
I . . 4? t . II
5m lute Outing
Li 11 t l 'Mil ' ' " "
.ii . t i j i.
Mi. Kiiaioii jor iinit
23c yd
II. tit SchalTiur - Marx Suits $19. 5
Mens 1 .".00 sunn . - $9.85
Cotton Uihlied l.'ntlerwear - 29c
I:luisheiin Oxlonln $." 00 values $J.50
Faclomi and Enterprises Profiling
; Payrolls For The People. j Within tiie past few years hanks the country over
( have hcen discarding the balancing of pass books, usin
A. n. HMrnn, Medford. him Uracil t i l,,.m ffir rmirilino dciiimil x onl v :i nrl :irc Umiitur t ;i tenwnrs
! theImnon pinning mill property mill . . . .... . .' r , ,... ,
wtlj divert tl.r ,mtno into h ennnrry. i1" Hccorclance with this spirit of progress the lillnmook
Tlie cVi-nt'Tti Cvom-nii-o Co. li.i ok- . Conn t v Ha ii k has installed a bank posting and statement
iKrd'c for this work and here.
leh wiyUtk-il. (after instead of bringing in the pass book to be balanced,
ThelndepcndtTephon.. Co.n. I WIC, eus'.omer will get a neatlv printed statement of his
Icalpf Horvnllid mil Hurcnce ntk Unit , . , , - ,
itilnw advanced to ,ni i,1(.,r,M,'iccount when lie wants it. wi tiiou t a ny delay , a
Mens Hats values to ?:i.0U
Bathing Suits rightly priced
Ladies Oxfords values to .'I
Canvas Oxfords -
$'J.OO Comforters
1 HO Comforters
I'm tiei 1 price
Fauc. Ciockery 1-2 price
$1.2 3
Big Shipment of New Caps Just Arrived
We Give bold Bond 1 radtng stamps Un All Lasn r urchases
Growing StrongtM tvery Day
tnuh le Milvnnred to meet increened
eit of operation.
Aurt lt SjiriiiKflt-Jd celobrctot
opjidnj; of thf nrw HooHi Kelly mill.
Tlic Attiirrn) -(iurifra) huldi thnt it
wind Imndhrit; romjiHiiy tht hlrci ttn
Mtijr ftjr a ily eiren under tht Work
Itifttnen Oimpviiiiliun Act.
K hotel ind u HO.fKjO opert-
InU compiiny orKanued nt lintidoti.
The Union Furniture Co. of Allinrir
hut hrrn n-orKunite d wilh larger eao-
t m t mil will he operated on a larger
Miirnhliild olferv IS2 arrc cut up in
to cr- lr.iet for factory situ free to
imfuatritil unterprireit.
(icnernl Kitlon eontinuca Htnoni;
fanners and fruit grower againt th
unvernnl eight hour day.
A repri'nentnti.vo of l.itiby, McNiei
& Lib! i, i'Vjo, in miking :i survey
of The Dalle dutrict to locate a S7i,
000cnnery thi'rn.
TVirce lnrnL'e nuits aKgregHting
fJIXK) were Died the pant week ut
I'ortlltnd iigninst enipl yeri in the face
of Ihe Worklngmcii Compensation act
fho S. I'. ('. I putting 600 car
of gravel ballast on iu Coos liny line.
litter Day Saints, (Mormon), plan
a $361000 church In Kast I'orilnnd.
Gjrcthatn fruitgrower begin erection
Jiif atiiiiain tainr in- i...
I Flavel geLi n state bank with n cap
! ital of 15.00J.
An ore find on Sugar Creek, Joseph
ine County, runs $J,500 to the ton.
The second dredger of the Hodson
Co. of Portland' is being installed in
the Sumpter mining district.
County Atsemor Strain of Umatilla
DHAWING BIG CROWDS County, an i-xpert on taxation matters,
! call the f 1,500 exemption class legisln-
ana regu-
ilarly at times agreed upon between himself and the bank;
either monthly or every two or three months as the ac
tivity of the account may require.
The ledger statement sheet is placed in the machine,
the amount of checks subtracted from the balance of the
1 ay before and the deposit added, all automatically, and
with the date automatically printed, a lever pulled and
the sheet is ejected from the machine with the amount of
checks, deposit and new balance correctly printed. As no
mental effort is required this saves much time and assures
accuracy and neatness in posting
This system puts the bank on a par with the best
up to-date city banks, enabling it to give as modern
banking servie to its patrons as they could get in the big
A an indication of tbetrcmendous
growth of the live stock industry in
ciation for the erection of a cannery
it that point, nearly all of the $!5,ooo
in capital stock havintf already dis
posed of. It is planned to run the
canncrv on a co-operative basis, a
Oregon and other sections of the Pa- j plan which has been found successful
cific Northwest, the Portland I'nion i in other localities, and it is believed
Stockyards Company has found it i that its establishment will resolt in
necessary to immediately make a I the cultivation of hundreds of acres
large addition to its pen space in or- j in Powell Valley now idle,
der to keep pace with the constantly Don't forget buyers' week, in Port
incrrAsing shipments. The necessity ! land, August 10--15. The program, Is
fttri c7sTd rda g'e f oV
ing is largely "responsible for the ad- ' men will sure have the time or their
I 1 1 1011s which will he made at this t lives.
time, and it i cslitnatcd that the new --
I pi n- will take care of at least 15,000
head, making the total sheep capacity
of the yards approximately 35.000
banner Smith, of the O. W. R. &
X. Co.. returning from an inspection
trip through hastcrn Uregon. states
".sr.Rvr.s you right"
WW Sprccbcn Deutscb
hrst Natsonai Bank
W'M. tl. TAIT, Pre' lent
J. C. HOI.DKN, Vlcn-Pr.Mlilmit
V, J. Ill KCII KUS, Cannier
Member of
Of Has United States
The Sunlv vrnlmr n'rvlrc nt tln
lllnlt wni rtmVtd bv n lrgt) gathering
uml Intnm Intfreit. It was estimated
thnt bntwnen i ami evnn hundnt!
iHHinle wtiT prrrtmt.
Mra. Kosr h.n jlitil her buntin'M
Mr, Une th" ulngrr and inaiding In t'lf
wnrk bv altlng In tho Hinging and
nruaulttition wnrV.
Dr. Hulwli) In dellvo'-inc come xplen
did ri'rni". lie rreaohing a gospel
of klmluiHOi ami love. Tliere ha been
no mud (dinging. Ilil n fearless en
etiv of ltl, but loes tho sinner. He
Mt von hanl but din's it in mich a way
that you cannot tnke otrunse. Thou
who are not nttrmling tho meutlni."
aro inUnIng a rare opportunity t r
ceive an imlifl and to loam.
Dr. Hnli'ln went to Portlnn I Sat
unlnv and returned on Sunday wlt
Mrs. Hlllgln and bin two on who are
now liiKing an nuune ni iiiiyueenu
Mrs. HulgiiiH health is (wxirly at pre
ent. and It Is thought that a stay ft
llovoeean may help bur.
athing Caps
Finertl Ouality Leather
Prices J " ' nc
La Ros Cold Cream
Fine for the Complexion 25c a Jar
. . . . 1 t- -1 r ii v-
I L I A MO OK LJI-XUJa - v . ,
. mmnnt.' rf3rrr.rM
TH PHONES iu.u,M.-
Orrgou Agiiculture College, Cor
vallis, Hie..- 'The relative value of
root, kale and silagr.the usual sorces
of .ui'culeuce for winter feeding dc-
1 pends upon their composition, com
i pnialivc feeding values, cot of pro
; duclion, keeping (pialities and conven
ience of fcedinu," s.os Professor K.
1 K. Craves, luad of the O. A. C. dairy
I ili'pnrtiitent.
I "The total digestible nutrients in
I .ue ton of corn silage is J.'o pounds
! In a ton of red clover silage the total
is pounds, but the uutralive rati
is 1 to d.o, while in corn it h I to 1 1.
The digestible nutiicnts iu a ton of
sugar biet is -V pounds, with a ratu
of 1 to S.s. Iu rutabagas the total I
180 pouiuk to Ihe ton, with a r.u li
the same as that of sugar beets. II 1
diijestible nutrients iu n Ion of ka e
are but 1,10 iounds, while the ratio I
verv narrow 1 to It i- also trn
that the uutilints of apple pouwc--milage
ilre pretty, high, about -mo
'lounilii to the ton. Their nutritive
ratio is the widest of any of the co:-i-uiDii
winter succulents, being 1 I" ir, J
"The corn and clover silage contain
the itreatest percentage of dry matter,
while kale and some of the roots con
tain 00 per rent water. One ton of
e in silani contains as much dig-sM-ble
iiutrit nt;. ..s a .. and : half 01
miliar beet. 7.8 l-nu rutabagas 01
cori'ots, and 2.J tons of kale.
A sawmill will be built at Joler sta
tion on the Willamette Pacific.
Thirty men are employed laying pipe
line for the new Hker waterworks.
A-'iirla has a $60, 001) apartment
home undor construction.
The recall is a new and active indus
try In Curry County.
I lie North Hunk railroad will con
struct a WO foot dock at Portland.
Koioburg m projecting a 5100.000 high
scho l.
A second sawmill is being located at
Wheeler by the Bailey I.umoer Co.
T ie Oregon Supreme Court has just
hold that the freak law making it un
lawful to use word "co-operative" in a
tlrm name is unconstitutional.
The clam canning industry lit War
ronton will have a larger pl.n-.t.
South Coos River will erect a $10,000
school house.
Portland has ordered $200,000 of pav-
I ing aim su it wurn.
I S. A. Huck will erect a box factory
at Kugoue to employ 11! hands.
The Cascade Contract Co. is building
houses and installing 11 crushing plant
for roek ballasting 00 miles of the S.
P. main line at Marion
The Standard Oil Co. will erect a
distributing plant tit C-reshiun.
Construction has been started on the
west Umatilla irrigation project.
A concrete pipe manufacturing es
tablishment is a new industry at As
toria. The holdover senators from Multno
mah county nro preparing u bill to
consolidate about thirty commissions 1
under live heads and save about half a
million taxes annually.
The now bridgo over the Sandy river
will cost $20,811).
Port Orford will promote the agate
K)llshing industry with n carnival.
Gold and copper deposits have been
found live miles from Cottage drove.
WillametU valley editors at Dallas
lut-t week rein wed their warfare on the
abuao of the initiative and referendum
and declared opposition to mure freak
A big industry nt Roseburg is tho
distribution of carloads of mail order
house cuttiWucs.
It is now estimate ! that tlu fl,fi03
tn exempli n if em v ted w'll t'ike
over lifleen million dollars oil the at
tKt u,.i rolls, 1
Reuben, Ore., June 23. 1914.
Patrons of the Fairview Grange:
I as a Grancer feel as though I should
sav something in regards to the splei-
" "UT "'...',::, did entertainment you gave us at the
. 1 11. I t'tl l liLiiiiiliiiii-ii k. aiiw ui kiiu iJivzasu
LIIVII VVHillllLIII lllllll. I LlldittlkU,
ure we
.... r ..... ... J . V. .1 In.l .1,... .. . '.. .
. . . . ... c.ivi iciilwu vii iiiv ins. vi n . ai bill;
, V .. .1 ' . Lommerciai Club rooms, where da-c-
turning out much better than expect-
1.1 in stales that farmers who plant
..nlimated corn art meeting with
ing. singing and lots of fun was enjn"-
ed, besides the refreshments. We old
soldiers, like other people, notice ail
grc.lt SUCCOSS and the growth of this .hnf i htmr ,tnni fnr nnr nlnnn'in. nn,l
crop is tmusuallv good. we are grateful. Your citv all through
A big cannery and fruit packing thu f0rr days made it its business to
pl.nl. to be built and operated bv give us all. plenty of pleasure so we
t.ibbv, McDiel & l.ibby, the Chicapo coud enjoy ourselves to the limit. I
prU-rs. is practically assured for The know 1 voice the opinion of all of the
Dalles. A free site for the mstitu- veterans present at Tillamook for I
tion la been offered and fruits ami have heard many remarks to that ef-
vcfrctables in immense quantities will feet.
be produced to keep it in operation. Fraternally yours,
An order has been received at the John M. Lindsey.
Roseburg laud office to the effect Goble Grange Xo 329, Goble, Ore.
that 1 sections of land, formerly a Late of 116th, Penn. Vol. Infantry. 2nd
part of tht l inpqua forest reserve. Brigade. 1st Div., Hancock's Fighting
will be thrown open for homestead 2nd Corps.
critrv on October 2. Entries mav.be
filed as early as September 1.2. The
land is situated almost directly west
of RoNclntrsi. in the Coast Range, and
most of it is heavily timbered.
At Sydney, in Polk County, the
Krcbs Rros., formerly in the hop
business, are constructing an immense
dairy barn whiilt will be up-to-date
in eer respect. It will have cement
flours, brass rails, modern ventilation
iiuining water, and will cost about
$ooo. The employes will wear white
suits, and at milking time the cows
will be washed, milked by machinerv
and only the final "stripping" will be
dunt bv ban. I I'il'tv irr.idc HolsUi"
will be handled at first and 100 luad
additional will be purchased in the
near lutun.
Plans are pnictic.il! completed by
the (ircshatu Fruit Growers' Asso-
j Tillamook, Ore.
mm. vsm uwf.i niihiu-,i
Aiifi4ot y -1
mmmm PVBBB t m9mfmmm. n
World-traveler who carried
"A. B. A." Travelers' Cheques lait teason are
enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every
where", it their testimony. Try them yourteli on your
next trip. They are safer than money; handier than
drafts; self-identifying.
Tillamook County Bank