1 NEW REAL ESTATE FIRM HERE Tillamook County has a new rvnlty lirm. Mr Kinloy Vnnco, Dealers in Land, have oonel nn otliec on tho ground Moor of the Commereinl Hulld ntr, ot'ivsite the Todd Hc-tol. F. H. McKinlev Itmeds no introduc tion to the resident of Tillamook County, H. T.4Vnce has boon opornt inii in real estate in Portland for tho past siv years. Uoth members of this firm oome direct from the orjtnmmtion of Oorr K. Konoy Ac Co. the lnri;it land dealers in the Northwest. These younc men have had exceptional op portunities to f.iiniliarixe themelvo w ith city and farm values in Portland and the Willamette ValUy. ThU training es-pueinllj fits them for rvn.ier ir.g the best service to property own ers in Tiilptnook wishing to trmie for citv income property or Vallev farms. Mr Vanee hits moved hi family to T'llatnook and for the present i oeeu punc the Vmtehoue property. CO-OPERATIVE CHEESE COM PANY AT CLOVER DALE From Courier: The papers having been returned from the Secretary f State for the D;ariration of te ChfertJale Cheese Company, Mr. WortMtwrton is busv to day elltnv; stuck. Ho is meeting with trie su.ves. having already oM stoek to the amount of SL.450 of the i2.0i wt c' thev aim t start with. Following is a hr-t of the stockhold ers registered up to the time of going ti press and rep omenta tho most ctssfui lanohers and bovine?? men of tht i lare : Frark Owens, fid. Worthington. A. L Applewhite. .V. K. Meaner. P. H. Messner, H IS. Lock wood. J. R Low ranee, K L. Landingtutn. D. A. Bail ey, Wrt Sapptngton, Chaa. Kay, Frark Wjr'hinirton. .1. L. Low ranee. E 1.. L-! ..ir.gham, D. A. Uaile. W rt SaFP!";' '" ''has- Kay. FrariK Worth- Dancing at Bar View Sunday Afternoons and Evenings. Also Every Evening Except Monday. Portland Maunsacgeme,t Schnauffer's Orchestra Always a Good Time McKINLEY D E A L E KS - Ground Floor Commercial Building Opposite Todd Hotel TILLAMOOK, OREGON If you wntit to sell or trak- your ranch or city prop er: v list it with us. Watch lor our list of Kxchnnms ONE AND ONE HOUND TRIP To SALIi DATES From PoinU South of Koseburfr, Nov. 18, 19 and 20, and from points North of Roseburg, in cluding points on the C & E, P R & N, S F C & W and Hranch line points, Nov. 18, 19, 20 and 21, withfinal return limit of Nov,:25. Tolin M. vScott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. liiKton, J. I.. Lawrence. K. I- McCabe, ,W. J. t.omiJ. t'. xV- Shaver. Clm. I Lumbniist, Joseph Wilson, J. 1- Oay, K. U Worthinutoii. J. I- Hurko. I- M. Kraner. 1 A tueetlnc will be hold Saturday afternoon at Clovonlalo for tin' pur- ' jhmp of perfecting the organUutt'on and electing oilicers. I FIRE NEAR TIMBER A fierce forest tiro is ravins north of P. K Jfc N. right of way near Tiltitvr. It was started tv a spark from a don i key engine. The fire is in the Mam moral ami Wheeler Timk'r and at last report was sweeping a ditriet a mile wide. The dry weather has made the dancer from tire very great here, ami extreme caution should prevail. Presbvtenan Church Notes. Suraiav School at 10 a. m. Mr. Wal- ' ter Maker. Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Sermon subject : "Has Ood spoken to the world? How does he speak to men today? The congregation will join the other churches in the city in the revival ser- vice at the rink at S HO p. m. During the month of August the j church will be cKee. The pastor and bis family will take their vacation Ht Biuvore I'nrk. The occupant of Wallu lah Wigwnm, one blocK north-eiust of The Elmore, are at hon e to their friends now. '). A. MaeKenic. pas'or. Ul'PI-R M-5IUCCA Pin erno of hav. fine hav we'h?r everybody busy and old Hoss y is ' smiling. Kalph Welsh is nil smiles those days. It is a irirl. Rev. Ward, of Beaver, p- achetl in the cratice hall I st Sundav afternoon. Messrs Kup,', Tn wbruUe a.i i Kan- & VANCE I N I; A N D - THIRD FARE Portland VIA HQUTE3 Account Pacific International Dairy Show And Pacific Land Products ShoW November 18 to 23 For further detaiU m to fares from any ipesific station, train schedules, etc,, call 'on nearest inent or write to del, of Falrrlew, were looking for wild blackberries on Nestucca hills one day tlil week. An auto not out of lis on tho llaya Creek road last Friday and remained in the road where teams could not pass until the middle of tho afternoon, Sat urday, which was very annoy hit; to some of the citUens who had to pas tl ere to got to their hay they were hauling. An after harvest picnic is being ar ranges! for ly NVstucca grau;jo ami clt itens of Upper Nestucca. It will bo hehl in the grove on Mrs. ,S Smith's place 21 miles below lllatne and fil above Heaver on the Hlalne road. The time. Annual the Sth. Everybody oome ami lime a good time. Thrro is a program of one hour being arranged for at U a. m. -tiul after dinner a game of hnse ball, ami other amuselnen' H. I he rantres of the county have a spec ial invitation from the Kr.uitiers of No -tucca to attenl while every b i i. i vitetl to come and enjov on day e i bratin; the abil'idant harve-i wo have' leen blessed witn. .1w i"ils w t - - illt(uuttl to ) ilti Ml-i iiii.i .m I )jtv't u alii i- Vt '' 'M'X ' l' ti i " t it-i JJVl(Jl' i W-IH -V 't I t111 I OV; - - nr.i q-,c oris - inrj& o;i ?0S - - - - A Ml - - - - ll'k J -"t "lirA Jr 'r it SI SMrtVl ISMS' OS 11) tlM si I 1.) HIIIIO Wind up the Encampment. The general cutmr.ittec which ha I 1; rc of the ( A R. cncitmpmtm, . t.uti.! tit- the buine at a mectintt i- j'ur.Uv evening at the Tillamook ' ',niinrvrci.tl Club There will ' ! ;oooo baUnce in the fun I a !.- .i few matter are traithirnc .in The committee voted to Riv-s wi of tht to help feed the poor l :l(ir p. who will be bnmght to th i . ir m Portland for a tumiifi - t mi;, and $50.04) to the Tillamook ninn rcUl Chtb for publicity work h.tt remains in the fund will b !iided between the G. A. K. and W K C. l oilowinR h a liat of tUc expendi tures: h. Severance, stamp f 3.00 Kv.i Rucjcr, itamus ;..V V. W McRae, aigns 0.7,-. A. J. Stillwell, ribbon 1.3 T. K. Monk, enlarging photo of Lincoln j.Oo A. I'enningtoti, rod $.01 lo'u -Knudoii Fumiturii Co iikU j.tc I Siillwcll. mds , 2.t : t- 1) liaiit, work , . 7.o I ( arpentcr, work ,6.jf- 'I lone, auto hire 2.V !-'.r ouveiiir bad(cr 7?-.1'- ( T Hultotri, arm bands .... 9- 1 ) 1 l':irker, tin key I . Wcit ( oat KItclric Store lo."'- y v i " (l-l- ation to Timliur . 16. " I (' Smilh. f.,r Libor 1 HUkc McFall I'ireAvorks 08.00 Frank Severance, money ad- v.tneed lo.ito I C. Smith, for boys labor . . . C K. Reynolds, rent of skating rink and work 20.00 Pioneer Transfer Co., transfer- in beds 10.00 Kin;; Ar Smith Co. mils 6.8? H. Brooks, labor 1.00 C. T. Stewart, labor V. V. McKac, sins 6,(jo L. K. Kiii, labor 5.00 W. J. S'cbcr, stove pipe 1.70 K. T, Ilaltoui, iiids 3i'f J. W. Maddux, transfer .iS Tillamook Hand iso. I'" H. Mathews, labor I...'" Tillamook Headlight, priiitiuv; jo.50 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co s.7 1 F.. A. Hutcliins, rent on lot ... iu.') It. 15. Hayes, special police and street cleaning etc 52.V-? I'oster, work 15. D. I.atnar, mds 1.10 Mrs. Nettie Pape, 1st baby prize 50-1 Mrs. C Holdeu and baby prize 2,?o Doris Wolf 1st doll prize 2.00 (irant Mills, mds 75 ICIcctric I.iht Co 15170 Percy Winters, work fi.oo Kent Christian Church 1000 J. H. Johnson, drum corps .... 50.00 T. M KvIIokk expense of drum . corps 12.05 Hotel Tillamook meals for Vet , drum corps 67.95 Amos W. Heister, music .... 2,00 I). C. H. Kllison, labor 7,75 Mrs. Alice Woolfc, labor 5.00 Mrs. W, H. Moon, rent on beds 06.00 Tillamook Feed Co., hay 1,70 Cold Storage, ice cream 20.50 C, K. Keyi,olds incidentals ... 6.00 W'est Coast Klcctric Supply Co., supplies . , . , 8.30 I. O. (), F. marble slab 1,50 Walter Severance, labor 10.00 I). Kllison, labor 1,50 Lillian Guest, music 3,00 Gram Mills, fruit and suar ... 4.10 Alex McNair &. Co., mds 4,30 L10 Morrison, (rape juice and , 1 wafers 6,90 Rev. E. J. BULGIN, D. D. Ph. D. Of Portland, Ore, Converted Agnostic North Cdrolitu Lawyer. Wit, Humor, Pathos, Logic and Arguments that Convince. HEAR HIM. Prof. GEO. L. ROSE Musical Director and Soloist, .HEAR HIM, Hear his Chorus of 100 Voices Christian Church incaU to vet erans' 6.yj ('. F. ftntrr hrnirxn . t.,w I iVU 's tr.fc Jones A- Knudsou .beddlut; .. 113.1t John KhiiiKrr, Imll unmc iu Mr. Doty, for room. Tillamook Headlight, prluttny a.oo M. J. MilUcll cxpciue in hold ,P 1. so I-.. T. Haltom, mds j y F.lcctric Light Co. Donation towards fccdliiK poor children 50,0) Tillamook C ommcrcial Club . jo.oo Valuable Prizes Given Away Without one dollar cont fmin tand MWHrds will In- Kiven by thf Til mnook Feed Co., and K. F. '.nrhiiiMnn U those HecurlriL' tl.e most votea in ., contest for some line pianos. It. (. -achman is iri vintr nbaolutulv Iwdy brlnKiiK him the tnont voteji b.ised upon the rules an uiven below, and Til HtmooK heed (Jo, Is dolriL' Ilk The one receivini: the 2nd liiriffst num ber will entitle her to u piuno by add in $00; the one huvii.ir thu third Beat number en .neeuro a piano for U-i; iiu larKeHt number entitle oia to h piano for ilOO: tth larm..! her cntitleH one U a pnr)0 forl0.r;(lth UirKest nuniher entitles one to n t ,.,.. . for $115: Mnd the one liuvlnir dm iti, lareHt number entitle one lo purchase u piano for $12?. In the contest for the K. F. '.ach inan piano the followiun candidates have been nominated, Na"le No.Votcs. Kva Wheeler Ju(t Noma Wagul ., '' ,"fne Gladys Veatcli. " ' den hchlappi a6) May HolKatc 2., Sallie Stevens ,1( 3 Kuth HurKe , 2JJ(( Arcta F.vorson ,,,,, "' Nellie Conrad Lillian Guest , ' ., Inez Paul ' 22' Fay Harris )' 2,L Lillian Kuar 03 Pauline Heals ,. ' ' na Kpplel. J itclla Goync , 3jj Mphii'li --sciiaon Hie Uunb .. Kose WitliaRi? Myrtle Eatl . . Mary lanwr .... A lire Twtd .... JI'K) . . . , -J.' I . . . . Jfljri JS Ocil Kinnaman Lillun Andcnott '.'.'.. uricn iurrcr Vk 1 Lr pch, ' Irene Stivcr.oo ; Mll) Antonctt KuppenbeMUer .t Helen (aw , Vt Hlll ., . fji Htlir Wlr .. . ,(,,, LnVrrnn Hnlduti ij4! j Kuth Gnroonl '. . . . Jo r I The present nuidiiUtr, B, t,p' nw lCllndilllt.M niimrs will apW.r pc, surendlnt- w.fk hot the .landing of the cndiiiMtc will ot upp,r i,R,i until the nomlnutloiis re closed Sept 1st. ' ' The candidate for tl,c 'l'ilbmo.,1. eed ( o. arc as follows: Winnie rpplrtt. Mablc Davis. Helle llailcy Knur Mdioimlil M.ible Lance Kuth KiK llrriir Michaud Lillian Severance I.V'll.l l'.lriiirr r.itii- t , . ....,1,,, Marv U'liii., Stella Goynr rrn D.linv tiaylord I'oodspced Sadie- Sh.iv. 1'earl i"o.ind M'-len llials Annie Wyss "elty Kupcr Helena Durrer l-illy Anderson I'-lva Austin Norma V Alice 1 ?i'lpha Klinefelter -'H i r,tu 1 I. enn 'I'roiu Nellie lliirlou lil-.llrl. II...:. Alma (ad ottre. Wade United Arlisam rollUwk uriJ the niuM of lh() run. iu??o.!ViVTI"! "rrI,;,'" l" U. 20!'."; 4 "ri,'. .lr. I Xut "icrcliandiic paid I with due bill. jti for im on pyi""1'' ,,! ' cMinu 3t1 for $1 f on due l.d' "!! ti for Vl.ui 1111 l.4fi;-i "r tUif JliCc je. And void will br ent at the lime julrs jrr ma-l. In rrfcrrncc 10 Isiiiiii; s accMMiui, tbry nuy be ' l utymeut of old 4ciii'. ,!,,l Incurred prior 10 tht 'I.' l' will not be k'ivril on .'rgtit coiinls utile ibis pjtii'i '' r'st i. paid wiibtii thirty iU then I" vorvs nuy be lotird if I' ' itiht 1 illinH and ii orders Kl'LK 2 Votes ill " i'l"b i lime limit id one wrrt. ... ! mul w ct III the lullot bo. i' mHw llmi tmrpoir before tbr ii''lnel lite lime limit, llefor.- If B" innke a reconl (or )onr iri.t'lin" In order to faciliut- v ! y lt rriiietril 10 pUce your " envelope and seal it I I ' (he number of votes l!- tnumt contains and the uaui' - I ' t J'",' dJle you desire lo vole I f on I" outside. , KlM.lv .1 Kinployee., clerks n rel.ulves ol the merclui" ' "tI," p.iprr cJiiimt p4riuiijrr dales. KULK .. Merchunis l "i n "J nnru Usuu vuten until rh l"1 luve been properly slin ! thrir firm name. ( iislonitrs iliOuM refuse. Iheiii otherwise KULK 5, The soliiiiu.K f v",f,f In thr iiirrehant's store., 1 Ironl ol store or 011 premises is prohil'tltil. K IM.K 6, A vole (hat n scr.iltM or marked in any way a fit r it lr the merrliuiil's bauds, shall be thrown appear that a (Inure has bren Uil'"' rd with. KULK 7. Six weeks fr mi IK peiiiiiK tlatc, candidates will no long cr be entered, unless by sitd.il ' ritiiKeinciils with Ihe uitrfl'i" Kulr H. Kvcrybndy is mvilcd o noiiiluaic candidates, All - ".nct cssary is to scud In the name '' ?", yoiiitK lady in the coniiiiiiriU will eniltlc her to jooo nonunat"1; voles and she will be enlcrrd candidulc, KULK y.Votes are not lianilef aide alter beiriK casl, KULK 10. Votes that an not PJ I'crly stamped willi (be 'l,i;fc,!?n'' lna(ure. or voles with limr llu pircd will not be ucceplcd, , KULK li.-A coi.imltlee ffletlrf by the iiierelianin (11 the caiuKB will count the voles rarli week .The newspaper kIvi'" - !P'nf! 'or riicli dollar on new ubsrril"n nml 1000 voles for eiich dolliir lor ncwuls or back ittbscriptiuiK' LootiiC o),u id j jy lii,