Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 24, 1914, Image 2

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    . C. CroMfclcy, editor
Issued . ' a Ciici).iV and Friday
"KnlrJ w.wkim natter May W. U'lO. at the pot oilW al Tillamook,
Oregon, under the at of March 3, iSTD. "
IHUvc-flslnn Rates
nt tiMnrtton. ivr S .10
&ieb suWouent insertion, Una .Of.
Hf-mmte i NotU
Timber Claims
Motive. Pr line -
Card of tnanka. per lino .OS
Each sutweeu-ttt inatrtion. bt
Krso'utiona ot omiolenoe and
Uvtge notice. vr line
Hutim-v .v l'rifnvi'il cards, mo.
OimUv V.!vrl"mo it. rr inch
Al l ninnlnv Ads must Id in this
1. 00
ftee on Mwmksy and T' upmIh.v Mar"
iavn to ifuro puMie s ton In follow
ins Tuesday and rrfcwy isMt.
Reasons nne imperative.
FRIDAY il'LY 'J.J., lOU.
ot I!'
t'l '
OUfltAGFOfft f iPA!GN OF
Phil VlnhSh U c d
. . . .. . . .1 .'
r m
' n bus
i oi th
.!' I I'.
I 1
Don't knock yor neighbor, your
competitor, but talk, work, and boost
for liar View
! The Hon. Calvin Worratl. secretary
i onsntracy ' .. r;ii...,,t rnnimrmil Club
umpatgn of present at our push dtib last
,.,rs sondittons y03,lV evening and made a Hue
.r.'urtcd -.olely in ' ,n ... avic improvement Hi re-
di u..Mt k Democratic ( ,,...i,4 vrrr full at timet? suggestion
- tor C wcr.' aid securing A R4MMj ivjcc, Mr. Worratt is a
1 Hoi-c i i mII. It is . prominent attorney of the connty
h- cam; atr.i. unit a danger-. a maa wrlo 1,4, hal much
Vny i!!crch.nt s cretin t jcnct m ,nc conduct of pu'.tlie at
:. o utip.urc.l the eirtuU-j , lr a imn of wide atqwaititatsce.
ni iw'i t'- n I'f mKrr.i- ; , ,,caArtt eowverstatlonalist. nd one
:f.oo tnr emu- it it a nlramre to meet. He is
.i l)0'ter tor Otrgoo anl the uiaa
Ha id" man of Tillamook County.
r,( : .K-tutnte) wirh Mr Worrell.
Notiee are being printed and will
.h be posted in public pUets, refor
nni! u the sAtiiury condition dt our
hejeh. and sulin the proper dipo
iurin to br .made of all garbage and
refuse. It is to be hoped that all res
idents, camper, and visitors will help
is keeping oar street and beach
. dean, attractive and sanitary, for our
rn m congress and i lin,j ,-01 vznv: d.cui lair. v.
.r. ctiomst f- lJvf1 ,rrv things.
! repeat .iml enlarg j,.; , . H j,,,,, w -fv I n-'r-.U of
hi .t .hillness of - , ;ir f.cv hr-ve sirn on our
c w .: .? conditions ! trc-tN Kile onr season has onlr
c-.n anil ae- . .jfjy hei;un o tVrli resident of
B.ir p hoii!l constitute btmeu 3
cnmmi'.tre of one to et-nd a heartv
w.-lcome ar4 a (dad Hand" t
'hrCsc our attests and .nake them otir
s'riends. t
1 hen t'
01 il'e c
r s. e;u
.inf., Is vrr i
... '.,:ul to make it
i p;ir,oe. The
!.tv.uii!.i would be
u i !, l.iM one e
wen tit tuss pos
Ae'i.net't. btit their
to charging any
. . ' .i on the Dem-
!h!l . :iinK that
.t' - ior the panic
I -.. . s: ' . .1
o: t!u !it!it'.K
c t". : eolkct av
of rir i:t'!i '
t r t.ie, .nu1 'o vr.
ft t!'e
ii't'-t; .Itiollt
.. ft
r f ; tr
I''e'-..: ' i!:on t
.! hi..i::f5
t- : ' i- notitica
' ."'Mr ;. Fort 1
: . r !h.' in,
tt e " t-i f 1c.ieu
!'.it bt '.hot. ;ht
t :r: ''oc mun wh.
j' i:i. t etter, while the league
,,. crv ;r.. .;llr !t tn ,kc it worse in the
h jc i cf'.iittfing Mmt votes in Ko-
i-m'.f r A Rcpitbliean House could
not chiituc the tariff.
ope of mak-
tt! 01 it. The
- -. ho refusrd
! . . t ;he Protec- :
,.! toM the league j
tt ettoiis was a
Hr !;. ;:. of ?1-f -;ur. :..
loiiwl a home baktry in one of the
Sea iew tent.
Mr. Irving and sons, of Portland,
h.-ye arrived and are preparing to
"njM nn their property in the Beats
icjtiiorv to Lake I.ytle. Mr, lring
From CnrHon Seniiiial:
-rone organization has been
f..rr)ct of the growers and dealers in
b -, t r .' -isedly. but of coprtc m re-1 and infant dttnrhter are expected la
z'n hacked by the brewers, who,'.t.
become shre-w-.j -noogB to keep'
tt-eir active partie ij.iMon covered qp.
Notice of CitntiM.
OrtMtttttettt of thp Interior. l'niid
5t.m Kami Office, Portland tr"".
Ittlv vtrl iqi.. , , .
o I irrcr William Ihttler, lr of
Hlainc, (rejron, Contisteet
ou are hereby noHtinl that
William Miller who Hives w: goth
c. C)kUttd, Catfictrntoi hl
p-totfice addrrsa. did OU Jme
tu4, file In this otllrc his uul or
o'.oiao ! ipi lieation to eotet "
M-eure the cancellation o( your home
slead. entry No. o.vw?. otial N
OHO. nwtlo l cember t tth, ton, lor
mih Fat quarter 8etton jo. town
..tin .i South. Range ? West, WiH.tm
' ;ii!:u. ud as ground
St content he alleges that vi!
tire tl i.tin tlutler lr, ha ne
sn'ctl said hmf. has t
c.ilti ited ny part of the som- '
.ier nnJ any im.-rovemcit: tti '
oa. r 'd there r; no lot pro vi ,r
on iit'l.tftl. anil thai said entr
aas wholly ahondoaed satd I'"! 1
worv than si months itnntt !' 1
prrtrtdittg the beginnl:ig of tbt '
You are, therefore, furthw m 'ift .
that the said alhrgations will lie 1.1k. .
Sthis office as having been ciitc
by yon, and yemr said entry wtil l
canceled thercuAtb r without f
fwrther right to be heard tit. n -m
it her before this office or on .'t,,',
if you fait to file in this office tt! it
twenty days aft r th fourth -uMii.
lion of this" notice, as shown l!o
your answer, under oath, sptemeatK
meeting and responding to thee Hr
gations of contest, or if you fail with
in that lime to file in thts efiire due
proof thai you havt served a copr of
your answer on the said eont"t."'
either in person or by regiier,''.l mail
If this service is made by the tt-!t n
of a copy oi your answer to On e- n
testant in person.proof of such r
vkc musl be cither ihv said contrit
ant's written acknowledgment ho
receipt of the copy, showing U date
of its' receipt, or thv affidavit of the
person by whom the deliver wu
made stating when and when the
;i ,v wji. : U.cred: ( made l i,t
tet.d mail, proof of such service twni
tmsUt of the affiit- it of hv i " "'
Kv whom th- et vy was mailed, tr
i g wl.cn and the post office to win. I
it was mailed, and this affidavit tr
' ; .iccomjanird bv the postmaster'"
rvceipi for the letter.
You should st.ite in yiwir ani - '
imh of the potoffice to whtclt i.ii
desire future notice to be vnt to
H. F. Higby, Regitrr
Cico.l. Smith. Receiver.
Dnte 'f firt fiL:;vjiiiiii uly i, tt4
l):ite of t-eon't rnihl""ii ' 1
D.xtr of third ( ulilication July -'4. !';U
Date ff fmrth publication Jul 11.
. 1 V Ht-witl! J-Cl-AUSSEN
tttwtetrles)! .eetnll
...: A. i U'fl M. i
rUtMtHh ORE.
CniuiiK'i'citil MuililiiiK
k. ,v. a ran kin
HgWogrtt HfcsTtr
1 Ottfn in Htutovon nits.
Alt Wott Unaiantil
riLI MtHK HRWitt.N
CUMPl.l.n. SI: I 01' AUSTRACT.
Dlltif Ju ? MM, I illaiiUMl
TillanuMilt - Otr.
11 .
Ofhe ll.'un Irom '.' m t.i ft P- m.
UdufrlluMi HuiUinc
Itoth I'tioiwS
lUiltt I'twHiri
1 I he Snittc I'rko U livctyonc
HON I - 1 . A ,n
Pioneer Transfer Co. &u;;r.!: ViifJ
iv 1 1. ti, L. DICK .V ONi 1'iofs. 'i at.
Mr l!l( C I ) I SO 11 iL.it. pi . lumpl v.
A :i I MviiiMiik.
' I W fH,t ,
'I I'lVVa li.
.... ...........a... fftrVM.!.... . w
joi n 1 1 ami m Mr : ::iv:- " ?
t. '
lltiiMtei-.ll'l in
UllM tint
w tVftr-l 1 ' , a. II..'''
1 .It ....
1 lll.ouilln.1 1-1
DK. ELMER D ALLEN, ilmook ("oiinh Honk Ultlc.)
D"llr' ..., W. A. WILLI
! Surcccdmx Ur. P. J. Slut,, GcO. F. WinSlOW . U I AVtOCK
: t . i.ju r- iMttt'." mi.-.
CHxu Kvem. v . 'i ..alti3k.l , I
I UlAniooit. urt:;t)n
Altotnry-al-Uw nJ!
1 it V 'II Vkll Mi
Land Otf t " Btifins-ss. , i t.t 1.. itu i t " veUp,i
OPlSl I K o.h:. I ilWK Uv 1 fi''
. ,. . rnil I)ltnf tt I lttfil l',inlln(
lasdv AMiatat't V ttr KoowtsaU.
1 .1. E. PliEDY, D. V. M.
VKTI- K I N A it 1 4 N
lit. tt h t.ie.i
t t
I'iiinlcr nml I'.ijH-r . ! iniicr
Attorney at La ;V W(k t;UBrHMlmt
Officr In Tillamook IM-m K Ttllmr,k. (ir.
r r a
y ier w
Ill A M I H lit D
. . 11 1 1 t f 1 1 i 11.
AT ! I .. .
t ' 1- ortraniiation hu a mihUcitv
I -j r ui that is stcuring all tbc free
y :).!i-o- oo-sthle thr.ugh the prtss
C tu- st.-'te. srtd hn Ik gon a M
p.isrn of paid riisirz to defeat
ihe pem'tif jtoV :- ' a-"r"d-nent
;o the state constitution.
The organization does not hesitate
to tt.itc things a facts that arc at
s it!$ W fnlse. Here, for instance, .5
an ex imnle: "The ihousands of acres
r lo!cd to rung hops are not
. t .
1,1 ,.
C : r'
I to raisinp other crops."
!i . :t.o!e inquiries in regard
I r iji'ni'.ior 1 ne hop grower
. 'hn; he hai over nine bushels
er .cftl to l)o- .ti re 00 hop land
' afer tlo ung up the hops;
i iii excellent crop of
U l!'jv hops. F.yperienced far
I,-...,, (ohl U5 that the land now
for hops is good for anv farm
or fruit, and that a change is a
o' 'hinc! fc the land.
He'c is another statement from
a,recmf circular from hop headquar
ters "Yodr business man will be
heard wondering why his sales arc
not what they have been.
A prominent Kansas newspaper
man who did not profess to be a
teetotaler once said in our he&ring
that the groceryman in his suburban,
neighborhood said thrit h" cuM tell
wuhin a week wfim the 'lid hnd been
damped down tight" in Toptka by
the increased amount o( j,jon-v flow
ing into his tore. AlonK thj line,
was the article in lst w Is' Senti
nel headed "His Rest Territory."
from Vn. Allen White's paper.
From r' marks mad" to us bv sr
hop fr--"rs in this vicini'v :v think
these will be elad o Ix- f th hoj
business and to devote ' :- t-."d o
uses that are not even indirectly as
sociated with making drunkards. Wc
believe this strenuous fijj.it in the
name of the hop growers in favor of
saving the saloons to Oregon is open
ing the eyes of growers of hops to
the ' fact hop growing and soloon
keeping are closely allied.
Mrs Frklrj;. of Portland, is visiting-
t the home of her uncle, W. E, An
krson. Mr, an4 Mrs. Lowery and family,
f Wh? Salmon, Wasfs. are spend
' " t' ir vacation at the btach.
Mr. 'Uehell. a summon beach-r of
Sea View is' making arrangements to
- - 'r.u and fish wagon along the
beaches. ,
Mr. Maroncy is building a side
walk across his property, which will
join Lake Lytre to Manhatten.
Campbell and Jacobs who have
been conducting a livery stable here,
have disolved partnership. Mr. Cam
pbell continues the business while Mr.
Jacobs has returned to Krlso. Wash.
We are glad to note that Mt. F. P.
Milltr is able to be around the house
Considerable building is going on
along the beaches.
I note what the Bar View corres
pondent says about Itockawayans
holding people here by telling them
of the class of men employed on thC
jetty, rather hard on us as some of
our own men are working there.
Mrs. C. L. Wood, who has been suf
fering from tuberculosis for several
--crs, passed away Sunday night,
leaving a husband and one son. The
remain were taken into tire Valley
for interment.
Mrs. Hanks, who ha been doing
missionary work in South Africa is
camping at Lake Lytic-.
lit the Circuit Court of the .Mole
of Oregon, lor Tillamook
Count v.
Four Foot Fit Slaos
$3.00 Per Cord Deivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lots;
$2.80 in Twenty CordI.ots.
j tsssssts
i mo ,f 0!"i;tro !
William Rvan, plainiifl,
Richard F. Ryan, "also other
to rsons of parties unknown,
claiming any right, title, lien,
mter?t or eslate; in the real
.state described In the com
plaint hrein,"
Atti-r ! Vifi"
TUUmook Tltlf
Abstract Cc.
lHW, .' tit U. ii
! -et
nu t ok.
Notice of Completed CoiiirnLt
Notice la hereby given lh I P.
tJarksort. County Surveyor, for Tin.
monk, County, Oregon, har flivi t
this office hi certineats tif th rnt
10 the above named defendants. , uv C,ntrueti..i. r.. ., .
niched P. Ryan, "also all other per- , TtlT Sw, vvVXC Li
1 At the residence of Mr. Frederick
Kubbe Sr., Mohler, father of the bride,
t Miss Rosalie Alfred Kfhhe and Mr
nrerei- C .Jackson, conductor on the
motor, were united in marriage on
Sunday evening July 10th. Key. Don
ald Mackenzie of Tillamook read the
marriage service of the Presbyterian
Church. The interesting ceremony
which took place in the presence of a
, lare company of relatives and friends,
I was followed by it sumptuous wedding
supper, served by Mrs, Kebbe Sr and
plaint hcrin'
In the name of the stale of Oregon,
you and each of you arc hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of plaintiff, in the above en
titled suil now' on file in the office
of the County Clerk of Tillamook
County, Oregon, being thr County
anil State in which the above entitled
suit is pending, in the Circuit Court
of said County anil Slate, on or be
fore thr date of the last publication
of this summons, 011 or h fore the
j.tst day of July, tpj..
You and each of you arc hereby
notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer said complaint as is here
in reouircd, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled Court for the relief demanded
in plaintiff's complaint, to-wit: for a
uccrec mat iiiautiiii is tnc owner III
fee simple 01 the following described
real estate, situate in Tillamook
said work, may do o within two werk.
irons th rfaic or the rl t Mbheatlon
Dated this 17th day of July, 101 4.
J. i:, Hidden,
Count v Clerk.
Notice I'or I'ulilicitlon
I'orOaitd. Ortgun, July iSOrh. lOti.
4otie- 1 hereby tfivwi that An.aiU
T. llalerlaeh, aignre of John IV
Davi, the pint office midress of Ama
da T. Ilnlterlueh i.ti i-l..r lu.i,... T.ti .
I mi ok. Oregon, did on th htn ) of,
'y mvin mis e Hire her appn
calio to s- bet utd r the pruvtm,,. , ,,(
the V.. S. ReviMd SUtuU-., Keel ions. !
23(10 7. .ot 2. Si etion 30. Tuwn.hn. j
South, Range in Wi st. Willamett Vlcr.
Idian. Ser al No. 04IH6
Anv ..1.1' nil x t n -I,t i lt I ;i Hitler
selv the li"t- mIi .,e . i ro.,i r ,v
iring to ..' - - ' , . t the nm ei l
at go : bo as 4 3, im a as b iv a
C I I e r s ri l
- - - - . -w ti va s 1 1 1 f -
bounty, Oregon, to-wit: The E Vt of ) rcior 01 Hie Ian ', or r .r ov u rt
the K 'A of Section twenlv lm in ,' fH(jn, to thu disiHMal to finnlli.i.nl
Township one fi) south of range I J,""II J1W their iilliuuviu of pruteil Iti
seven (7) west of the Villa111etle I VU ' "'f' 0,1 ,,r before tho Ifith day of
her lady friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jack-
At a regular meeting of the Bar ' Bon are W'ular young people, and it
View Progressive Club on last Mon- is their intention to reside at Mohler
day evening, steps were taken to clear I in a lurue tent house,
our beach of all rubbish, or refuse, or 1
anything that would tend to make il
unattractive or unsanitary. Our beach RFVIVAI AT DIMV
is one of the most biautif l 1 ' most j KfcVTVAL Al KINK.
attractive to be found on tli" "( -
the pride of liar Vie w, its re-id' rt's , Kev r)r. Bulgin annit)ted by his
and thousands of admirers. People' , M K conducting
are coming to Bar tew from tho in r ..... ....
cast, daily, being li'rgvly attracied by ' Vices nt the rink. Dr. Bulgin was
the cool atmosphere, mild climate, called to Portland this morning but
beautiful scenery, i's magnificent will be back for the Sunday evening
stretch of beach, and the glory and ' service
eWI"'1,!" ?r.,.,?nwC,ei vrT ! Dr. BuWn is considered by many to
respondent has shaken hands with ' be one the foremost , preacher of
people fr""' I'nsis, Iowa, K'-ntuck),
Indiana, Illinois, .Montana California,
Ohio and other states, and it is a
great pleasure to introduce them to
the beauties and grandeur of Oregon ,
and her beaches. So it behooves every I
me untied Mines, ;tnu tlieri! it) no
question but that thosj who are in's
sing his sermons ure missing n great
Mr, Hose Is u fine soloist and is tuk-
friend of Bar View, whether resident ing hold of the music with much zeal.
or nonresident, whether freeholdt'r or- The rink ought to "be imck'ed every
not, to stand up. for our beach with al riit,htf TheHt. fnen ,mvt, drnm tha(JJ.
S IX Voo. The ii'teVest of In other places and they ought to
one should be the interest of us all. do it here.
Meridian containing too acres, in
Tillamook County, Oregon; also the
N. E. K of the N. fi. J4 of section
tweiuy-four (2.1), and (he S. V, of the
S. E. anil the X. H. of R S
E. H of section thirteen (13), in
township one (i), north of ranre
right (H) west of the Willamette
Meridian in Oregon, containing if-o
icrcs; also lot seven (7) in block
twenty-three (23), Thayer's addition
to the town of Tillamook, and all ad
verse claims of uiH defendants will
be determined by said' dcrri-c; that
said defendant be adjudged and de
clared to. have no right,' title, lien, in
terest or estate whatsoever in or to
said lands hereinabove described;
that the defendants and each of them
be forever barred and enjoined from
any claim therein, adverse to the
plaintiff, and for such oilier and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable.
This Summons is published in the
Jillamook Hearld a newspaper once
a wiek for six consecutive and suc
cessive weeks beginning with the is
sue of June 10th, ioi and ending
with the issue of July 31st ion, un
der and in pursuance of the direc-
if. -iS ,.,.,(. j . ,t:.o, , , ,1 ,( , ,
the liouornblr Webster foltn',
tnook County, Oregon, which order
5 'ated the lOlli day of June, 1914.
Geo. W. Hazcn & W. L. Cooper
, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Suit 926 Cham. Com. Uldg., Port
land Oregon.
Date of first publication is the 19th
nay ui June, tyi.
uate OI li
day of July,
September, l'.U I
II. V. Iligby.
Notice of Appointment ol Admin,
I hat. the ( ounlv Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for 'I ilhiu..,k Couniy, on the
Kind day of July. Ittl l, duly appolnt.M
the 11 iidei signed mh i.dinii.imrntor of tlt
cetiite of William Ohm, deeuaswl ' A
person having claims ngiilnst suiil .
tate are re(iiir..i to present the i,iu.
properly verified, to tho imdersunud
at his o llce i lillamookCitv, 0r n
within six rr.01.1lw fro,,, the date fu 0
first publication liernof.
E. J. ClausHcn,
Admii.islrator of t,o Estate of
h , , U ' '" Ol..,,, deceased.
21th I!i! l Pulillcntioii lieruof: Uuly
Notice to Contractors,
Sealed bids addressed to" the Colin
ly Ci.url of Tillamook Couniy, 0"".
'rv wr.r'1'o...,. , . ,.,, ...V;',;!;
' . i I
ccived by ine ( ounty 1, ... ... . .
before the.istl. day of At must , .
al .0 o'clock a.mam 8 j''
opened ami read.
ICach hiil shall l(! accouinanicd 1V -.
certified check m.-t.l.. .... . V.'1 rl.! v.
S-W u is. 3'!g,fe'
"mm IO ,,c coilnlv
I TIT A TT 7T V -V YT f A "X T l rU
a ii i m vi ic m n v w 1 in
f IWlVi- now liuiltiil stipplv ol 'Hili il'KH
uic rwftilv lot tin- iiwtrUct at lilt iiIiiwmij! P?
mill's south of Till. 1 K
tnivdcfj road.
in case an award i. udr (1, ,lr ,,.
der .hall fad, rgl.,, , ,,,,r fr
period of fur ,.IV, ..,., wliuh (e
act and file . bllM, ,3,ufactiuy to
the Court 4 required. by law.
I he b are l tv,.r ,lr ronMrllr. ,
' " 0 l -ry W alehouse, 40X .
, ,ll l"m""k c"y. i,
id 1I1 I j ' '" "r-gon. according
' '-. 'J'I P'.iflcailons on file,
m. lie .ilficc of the Couniy Clerk. I
be C.ou,,,y C,lrl r,.v.rsT, the.
1 iVll . 1 ' , a"y ami all b Hated
litis the jj, ,i(y ,)f j,,,
J. C. II olden,
fi. .Hihlication, UWtif
'ai Publica.iou, A..,:ut, 1 jth, 1914
Notice to Contractors.
"''""'''I l Uic Conn.
' ' ,,M k County, On-
.,. ii, 1 ."!,,',l Improvement
oik oi thy Neha em r vrr 1.. ,.. 1
Ciiv Lo!. iU 0i,; ' nilamook
V'ly VrK0ii, on or before the Kth
SJte .!. at . o'clock S
E ich bid I n'T 0,lM(, r-'''"l'
ee 1 1 1 f i '1 1 o 1 "'""I'anle.l by n
i 1 11 o ok Co ! 1 n t v 'r1"1'' ,,ara,,,n n
"hook Couniy, (or an a,out C(lm
to S per re'
liiil. !' I'
Counts, it.
the bidder
for ti jriM"
the award
ronlrari "
to ihe ( out'
The bid
ing and 1
.'tint biiibli'o
1 I,lrf
1 '( U..'
... lfll II'
. It A
' ii. ni"-.
1 vt UJ)"
t to f"
,1 lunu ;
I v Uvt t'f
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