Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 21, 1914, Image 1

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.i-U..,w. , . . , ... T. , , B r 'I!",, , g
Tll.I.A.MOOK, OlU'.OON, Jm.y 21. H)l'k
NO. 52
- : v r
Booster Band at
. Y V
e Annual HaWest ha h Cont;
And Improves as It Progresses
-ll 1
! h mil Ki-iitiiite l)u,iiiiN its we ittv
mIiowiiij in
this A utitial
in I t l S
niu . viiiur KivirtK opportunity vou mirnnlv slunild not let .slip hy.
in If in (he mure twlicrillv rrtliieril n lew contract uuuils executed. Scl
Booster Band
Bayocean Sunday
Retort Knterlaint Royally.
. ut out lim week (or i he liunilrcils of ImiKuins in this rcn t sale.
Here Are a Few of the Many Bargains We are Showing
If! lev
' i !.,rt SilmlWr Sr
o Suit . . $t 9.fi5
i lid youtiK mens $!."()() suits
n-uK nt - $9 05
,s nlues in S.'l 00 $95
i tnii nlilieil tuitlcrwenr 29c
v . on raiinmns $3.65
! Msheini $Z no UxlnnU $1.50
uloteil stlitH vnlties to $'J'J .()
:-'lHK "i 7.96
.iloreo1 suits values to Silo oo
Wash f-ooils vnhus to 5()e 17c yd
Wash jjoocls values to 2fe 14 i -2c yd
New wash silks - - 49c yd
$.'.."() Nemo corsets - - $1.79
American Lady corsets vjilnes to S'J.OO
Mr. A. Linobark broke her left lot:
just above the ankle on Sunday while
nutoing with Mr. Llncbnck and other
from Tllliim'joV to Saltair where they
were go'ng t" vinit their daughter and
her huband Mr. and Mm. A. W. Hie
tar. The mi to hud tar ted down a hill
just the other aide of "ay Citv when it
wa .Uncovered the brake would not
hold, iiimI the ladle became frightened
with children, Mm.
Llnebnck brenking her lei,'. She wag
brougnt to town and Dr. Boal et the
j fractured number aid and th patient
r mjw doing very nicely with prospect
! for n speedy recovery.
utnjj at
e Ontlits
relic Sox
now oin at
$12. ."0 Kayser silk gloves
House drosses values to $'.50
I ndcrunislinH, values to $l,7f
the li lu t niaii Hoots, Hats. Aprons,
l.adie-. and Mens Mrithiuu Suits, Cap ai
I Shoes.
Growiny Stronger Every Day
1 Two pyrin I mttitii'i 'it th ii Swnutt
lea Clihhnv hcun hold thin month.
J IVblny, lht 10th. n llic l-t of the
i nnnunl picnic mippcr given to the bus-
burnt and fnmilb'n by the dub mem
ber. Ilnrrtin prove w clioien
t large Crowd Heart Band; New
I Natatorium Enjoyed.
4 - -
! On Sunday laM ibr Tillainoiik j
I County Hootlt-r llaiid under the I
: IrjdrrMiip of V. ('. Trombtry met nt ! nd JifniK-d out
ii.jyccrati unij Rave one ol tl pofiut.ir
I COnter. A verv ntvr rrnwil un in
atfoodanee and cvciy one seemed lo
iVfiKt a lraiilorm.Tiii.n the I'ottcr--l"li.ipin
Co m.idr ol a "San-I tpil."
wllli l.raiM tncfuv and nmnry What
a 'few yean a'i was a barren waMt
aitcd at $ioo in value, U today
th-J' nrandft and not criiuniodioni
lil.IV KlOllild of the i-rrjl ',.ril, U', i
nA"t!llf lilillioil dollar ba brrn petit,
' anu, uut inatfli- lu turn cbvant tmi
Sillier linmri. urntlt' A m Iuviti..-.
J inpiiiliieiicc, many cozy hum;alctts.
1 eiulit lllllc of uavrd JlrrrU a fine
l. I'rtfcl, ovcrloolant; HMiiiiic Pacific
ff, Ocftjui for one hundred leaKue. and
n fn,1 iu un jmilorn. one view a
m urnil a view a earth prcsrtit to
jp iiiaiul. you rr the mih ctiiteniiit; on
JH iuibroad homin d watrr like a Iwrn-
iinriui. ninr m silvery uri in
view, rarreinK the white wnds on
iH.lwach. (ittinK cloc by iis Mrand,
. - f. . - , . t i fc. .
.Uqiiuin jiit cixnplrrtd at a eot o( j K
$74x. with iM concrete batbins ! 1
( .1l7.I triVie ...r.m.l ... .1. t ins" i-itimiri(r ap nn mil-
Hjl,rJc, ol contaiitly iirculatinK oceaii ,
E, wafer, polite life RuartU always there j
' !o riml. m i..ilri-l r ri i.iy ui c-i- ' i J. L. I nwwdi of the Fruit 1'ulnce
itro'A'inntr accidents to rcluc life, an will receive today a car load of melon
athb-e nd awlmtnim; irjt uetrr -t Vnieh he will distribute to other mcr
your command, enu for too cueMs, . . , , , . ..
nrlfele dre,i.ii ronn.c and C ,BnU nufC and PlaCU nn "aIe at hi
batbitiL' suit- for ladies and tents ' own 8,ore
ohrnml you'll, a five iiioviiiir tneture bad Mr,
1 Dr. Hulcln, the nrt;d evaiiRellst, as
i dinted by Prof. Geo. L. Hone, iner
i and choir mamter, will be at the rink
, every niht. Services bejjin at 8 o'
Or. Hulcln In a power In the pulpit.
You ihould hear hlrn, he will ive you
Hornethlnir to think alxtit.
He arrived heru last Saturdav and
ban preached three fine Benin ma in the
Chriitian church that were litcned to
by larifK audiencva.
ArrancernenU are beini; made for a
Limestone Deposit
To Be Developed
Krebi Broi. Mnke Find of Contiderable
Importance lo Tillamook County
Lime, thoMxniifia of tons of it, which
will moan increased ctop? awl increas
ed profiu for the farmer of Tillamook
Countv will aoon m available for fer
tilising purposes.
The Kreb Ilro.. owner of the Till
amook Clay work, have discovered a
lime deposit at South Prairie, near
their brick and tile factory that mean
much to our farmers. For several
months these men have been
investigating and analyzing to bo ure
it was of Huffiifient quality and quanti
ty for agricultural purpo.e. It has
been Investigate! by the AtTieultural
CoIIckc and pronounced a hiRh grade of
lime. Prof. Collier of the Oregon Geol
ogical Survey spent several days here
this week lo-ikinj? over the deposit and
reports it a hi;h jjrade of lime.
The price has not yet Uien fixed, but
it will be b far"t.he cheapest ever sdld
to the farmer of this county and such
as will put the mineral withit the reach
of every farmer for the sweetening of
his land.
Analysis of the lime shows that It
tests better than 85 per cent of calcium
carbonate, making of it an ideal lime.
Following is the analvsis of the O. A.
limy tlierc every nighi anil all foe 25
cent admission,, if one tire of the
warm pool but a few step and you
I have analyzed three sJimole of the
Hy shipping by the car- Hmcstorte we obtained Thuisdav e.illirtr
Lawon is able to Hy fruit the samples Nos. 1. 2. and 3. Samnl
"serves you mwr
Ulir Sprccbn Dcutscl)
81 SLIldLIUIlall3iiii
VM. (i. TAl T. Premdent
J. f. llul.lKN. Viec-Prenldent
W. J. ItlKOIIKKS, t'ililer
' arcjin the .ifet beach of the oewwi. , Ior HOmo rc,uce,, ,r,ccs ln 1 " mel,on
wiiii 11 ,1 invionmiiK sun, men a icw "- -..v.w w .
Ktcpsi.ind one em' di ci r tnni;-. ir- everyone and they can be secured at
tl4lnciit(f pavilion or bowl len ! Bny $torc. Mr. Lawson Is a hustler and
nes and is
gown ai mii point ai greany reuueej 1 n0. 1 is a fragment broken from a
prices nnu in c nsoquence we may ioo 1 boulder of the dense trrav limestone
fill lima wn had by those preient.
mmi vi'-v.-i 1 V " "'V, .V. r ."'2Z ' miy iorc. nr. uawsgri 15 u
tto pienic Krouml -nd mosrMlyttriT'rrvr
mi nh'tiv , mi in iiv .'in" 1 nil" .
. .. s,. cnuenvunnu 10 secure ine cooperation
110 t hi' 1 I.! ti
The mem'.rer and guc't preo-it , i,ur tt ri0.nc
were Mr and Mr. K. T. Ilnlton. Mr.
mwl Mr. Koch, Mr. and Mr. I'ren
nhnw, Mr. and Mr. Harrison, Mr. nnd
Mr. Ilrvan. Maud Overfelt, Mr. .ind
Mm. Miller, Mr. and Mm. Hunt. Mr.,
ilotta and Mr, tiny. Ten children
present were lirve, Wanda. Kotnena,
I'ntnelo lUlloni. Oernld ami Donald
the 1
of nil the merchants in the handling of
which we thought looked pretty' food
which we found up the creek near
Owens' property. No. 2 i a lump of
the limestone tuVen from tVii. hnl. uu
dug at the greatest depth, obtained
just before we went home. No. 3 is h
piece from this same place just after
fruit, so that fruit can be laid down we ut 0it the first shot of ma-iier
hen; at much cheaer rates than here-, These alhlysis indicate as vou will
a,'.! on r :"' tl--
gracious Liu. Ilady Mr Hutchinson
i "lie iiil-i'rn vou Into the snacioti"
dining room v,ith old ocean always . ul "i .3 ..,. . . . f ' ,,J3IS mj,cate s you
In view, when' neat bnutiful youmr r ' " -k ( sec. mai me material waere we
hdies glide like faries as they crvc 10 thL' (ople.
o-.i with all the luxuries of the table,, - -
une,,..aled in nrcgon. NEW CANNERY FOR BAY CITY
While ilinuik'. music, sweet, enticing
oothing, come stealing over you 1
from the orchestra in charge of Mrs. There is now under construction a
Crmnhnw, ltolmrt llaye. Forest Hur-. fornelln ItnrVer Tj-rn, ore ( On-fon's . new fMh ennnerv nnd cold storace plant
Jlinmii) and Mabel Harrison, inoit qillcd vtolintts. after dinner ! , 11 ... (:,.. The biiildinc willlu-aixIS
yon find the glad baud of Mgr. J. J. , . . . , . , ...
I Kvnd extended to welcome, and the fte-,,mi monR other up-to-date factli-
ties will include nn ice-makini; nlant
Ing of the elult at hor home. WVdnea- Mr T n p0cr or II. L. Chapin. I with a capacity of ten tons per day.
, vev,
I Klvln Smith mil Itiehnrd Hrynn.
I Mr, linltnm held nn informal meet-
the hole is really a oetter grade of
limestone than the gray uniform tex
tured material which we found in the
creek farther up. All of these are suffi
ciently high in lime to make them of
value for your purposes. The analyses
are as follows :
No. 1 No. 2 No.3
day. the 1.1th. The afternoon will bo , who with their magic wand have
remembered n one of tiio niot le
I lleJitfill and unique that the club has
Member 'of
Of I he United SliitesI
ever held.
1 built what vou have seen.
Hut go over and sec for yourself
what pleasures await vou just across
i the bay, and will sec as much as on a
trip through all California.
Hayocean news on back page.--Pd.Adv.
Hair Tonic
. 1 n if T C J m
nniA nnri arA rtair ionic i inns
i . t i. nfii n n 1 ff
Promote Growth of Hair.
. . - -- a .- mini. w
I PHONES I lUL,V4VH-rvri w..-w.-.-
Wi It. Scott, irrnrrnl nmnager of I
6oo miles of the S P. sysrctu on the : : " "
Pacific toast, a railroad earnings I , , , ., i .
will soon be on the upgrade. j ' the bridge crew on the Grants
The bridge aero the river at Sa- l'" could not be nnployed
Irm has been condemned and the two vcr eight hours. 1 he men got
eouutres and the city will erect a, j y and overtime but were stopped
Ofwiooo murture ' l,off claiming it was public work,
All 1 1 a in in on d of San Francisco l that an einergeney ex.stvd. The
av ships costing $1000 a day to op- H'"?, wsis cut to eight hours.
" ir i Uoon be sailing from a's- "I la- Greenback mine in Douglas
: 1 .. ,:i 1 ...:n 1.. i...;i. .1,.,..., county has been sold to a Mcvuan
loriii oiui 11 m nt'iiii iiii wv mini 1 1 . 1 , -I, 1 rt.o..,.,.i
the coast j syndicate and Mill be operated
The old Long Placer mine near , r . .. .
Cottage Grovels to be worked for; I- mon tl.l C IniUIs
i sloraee idant at l-.unene.
8 The Yesuvlou mim-s in the Mohr- I Ilootb-Kelly Co. erecting a large
n.ia d.stnet nre irclting out loo much "r -imoo, mi, ..... ... v. ""'
1 r
on a t
Silica (Si02) 12.S U.9 9.3
Iron Oxide (Fe203) 2.7 l.S 1.8
Alumina (A1203) D.4 3.9 4.7
Calcium oxide(CaO)40.S 46.2 46.1
oxide (MgO) 3.1 1.0 1.3
Calculated carbonate
from CaO (CaC03)?2.S S2.5 82.4
Calculated carbonate
from MgO (MgC03)6.4 2.1 2.8
In other words the limestone ai the
point where we dug the hole would
probably have a value as soil fertilizer
equivalent to about eightyfive per cent
The building will be used for handling
Tillamook Hay salmon, both fresh and
canned, and its estimated cost will be
between $25,000 and $30,000. In addi
tion to the main building, the company
will erect .1 dock 32xS0 feet for the
accomodation of the fishermen, and
will also build drying racks for nets
' Clatsop county has 700 men employ
ed on the Columbia Highway.
A. V Cll, 1.CA l - - ' ' a
Till. I - . '
We weld Cast Iron, St sal, Bronze,
Nlckle Steel and
ui mm 11 niMiniii-"-i
Coppar. We also weld broken Rear,
pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and
build 3eamle3 tanks, alsodocuttlnrj
and brazing.
HlNER & REED At Hlner's Machine bhop
N:i Job ton li p JiiiH None loo S111.1I!
Fugciie Iron Works ha lakMii a
conirnet to inaiuifnctiire 500 of the
Harden Sauitiry Prinking Fountains.
Kepteseuiatives of the Oregon-California
I'lectiic of Medford have been
at Kiddle to install service.
The Clackamas Gas Co. passes up
Millwankce and will supply Oswego.
A Federal and Postoffice building
will be erected at Medford.
a $to, 000
A motor road will built Irom
pleton to the beach at Florence.
A streetcar line is to be built from
linker into the Kagte valley.
The state press is fighting the $tsOO
cwmplioii for every person as a
single tav. measure in disguise that
would further complicate investments
in Oregon and drive out capital.
A schooner at rived at Marshfield
loaded with skins, tusks and oil ol
Tillamook, Ote.
Signed S. W. French, Metalluigist.
O. A. C. Corvallis, Ore.
According to present arrangements
the Krebbs Uros. will sell direct to tho
farmer and not through middle men.
Under date of July 10. 1914, The
Morning Register of Eugene, Oregon,
speaking of the arrangements to supply
limestone to the farmers of Lane Coun
ty direct from tho quarries of Southern
Oregon, speaks 11s follows :
For months these two agriculturists
have worked on the proposition of
opening to the farmers of the state the
lime deosits of the south, and their
(Continued on Pago 4)
(io.lfL::",- road Is- lioosa nev, industry on the Ore
1 II I- .....1 .... , n i- LMIII lll.ll.
luiiius anu iieiiiiaivu
i-iiiiiiiiitsloii Ims nut out nine travel
ling auditors to drum up business for
settlement by the state.
Grants Pass has paid out on the
Crescent City railroad to date $8,,
llft ' A San Francisco firm will erect a
biiek block on th street, Portland.
Portland meat inspection ordinance
has been taken into the eouits on the
ground that it discriminates against
nil small packers in favor of the meat
1 1 ti st . , . .
A test ease has been brought In
Marion eonntv on twelve grounds to
test the constitutionality of the Blue
Sky Law.
N'ehaleni has voted bonds to pur
chase the present water system
opcii-an ,,... tlcnnnn fnr ,i, fish
. . l. .si.! no Li'ilinnc in I Iri'itntl U'.lleTS.
The workiug.ucn's Compensation . - - -
to be allowed to raise rales J5 cents
1 per month on account of increased
'expense caused by minimum wagv
and eight hour law for women.
I The Coast Bridge Co. of Portland
got the bridge at Yamhill for one dol
lar less than the Portland Bridge Co.,
its closest competitor, $.j.4'o.
The loo.ooogallon reservoir of the
Bend Water Co. is nearly completed
The Fremont .hotel recently des
troyed by fire at Salem will be rebuilt
of biick, to cost $o,ooo.
Representatives of Swift & Cj.
have been hammering the Oregon
cheese industry with importations
from Canada and Wisconsin.
Bide are being'laken lor a t 10,000
'"'"'(:! -cite
"li" 1'ffi.m CM DmlKlw Co. Wllta. IMrflic will l Rwo
will construct another dredge (or the
Sn-rptcr gold placer iiiluf s. .
V fiOiCcocreamery will be vrected
at Alvailore on Fein Nidge. ,
Labor Coiiiiuissioner Huff decided
00 per
Free'factory sights are being offer
ed l Cooe V "
''-"IfiJic Fi'ii'iercwi is A.ssc nation
will iaaiiufacuue logaubetry juice.
I -.
LBY World-travelert who carried
vCVx "A. B. A." Travelers' Cheques last eason are
vHjHO enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every
VsWC where", U their testimony. Try them yoursell on your
next trip. They are safer than money; handier than
Tillamook Coonty Bank