Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 14, 1914, Image 4

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T' Hammond Lumber Companx.
corporation of Nvw l.-r ,v
1 Whitney Co.. t.W. rjumi
v!mp association of Mirhig.in
i". 'lemon:
'ii litiw sour renroi iim
- Kmsm H Hawkins, v. M
( !1U C It. FllltoM.
! ii,-: nc upon xnt c.illiei:
t.-n t. the Met tli U, the
iK t .uiili Court ot 1 1!!
ir,: . t. noti, dun".; thc
i . ' ,b, i; 1 !4 w ' .! -
, nt S so. too v to
m irj "'iSK ton
In i s Me"--
nix tt- -mt
.unook v
i i ii)
.in 'i :n
l-t Uc
wt.luni -
.! .in
t -1'
t urt
.ii .mlnotr.x
v r w !.i t rwrtw ot
' ' or Ut-oi t uI x ,ir
i .1 .iih! paid hs the
ict. .is t.'!pa cts. m!
i . like ,i thoroueh v
r i ot ,iii!
. 'I1.C ttle counts
i- ii'..ti'i fiifi. J c.ton
i .. thv c p' -ditures
.-. !ui ire i' ' year
x .I.ltMid ' 1
: nsxmt'cr- .!
Ten tin Bpo. IIiii1om"iiaaHJjjy
Withoui One Dollar Cost
h HlaK'i - . And
v 1 1 ! 1 ' : 1 1 ' . VSE ' " ' "' ' " ' - j
i;;',..1 Gran,. dIiiiilMI P I
' yj.'Z A wares
k of ' U".tv I
- ' i ;n of tii!" st vera! I
To Portland
i Kir
i mm )
8 A Mi t A I KS
ftvm fvitsU Jtttith of
KwiiuK, Nv. 19
Nr(h of Rttmrtf. In
C T K A N, If
LAW and firorh t"
poinU. Not. tl,
mt 8. wHtml ftittftt
limit u N'u.:i6.
Pacific International
Dairy Show
Pacific Land Products
November 18 to 23
t'r furthar iWlatU o t
tri l itient f writ (
3 .
John M. Scull, licnrr.il rriK.r Ajiciit, I ' anhtf
! r'
;"it-T. st: en a u
t ui"ty Coirt, ui!,
- s t f crfcrrn act
i 1 Uw, a ,t Jjj
iitic--, trttt or stj-i-
' a ril vf nin
:t t the Circuit Court
'C ihi oluiii- ncc )f
; -.li-on th- it.itu
. t .r'icj'ir mc.
" !uiwee oi a writ
pi'titionrr rr.at
ritriit in htti'si U j...
e which is sokW by
( '. nil. that it is the
f ihc Qtfficer t i fwr
::ii'ut itcr:iort to do
: noi a nuirnat
:c - woa!d dco!.
.'.it'jrnry as a part oi
-.. rm n tehiif of u.
'i- .". ; and in the ab
1, . king it a crime
!o or not to do a
' . . I am ur.airh" to
- ii-iti;ind that "th
i ;'.h;:i.d an'! prox-
' i:i:t:u'amus procved-
i"-ti tt tlirot'-Kh
. u l!.
: i: can i n
t- . t th'
r. ' rem I,
-,:j tr
;jr'y ; -
:it can :
'. fe no
'-'ts to
. i- ; 'in
. ii.
' !.', f i
.1- t.'X-
Wc h;. vc iir; ; :.cii Viil tiie ituni faclurers to carry
'n this camp;'.i;;n, pruvi'i, to the n.-pic of this
omnai: iv it pars I tr;-de Willi us
Ge era I Topply Store
Dealer in th Fhnrp'w Mt-.-hi.-'.-al liUrr, It r Ktiiimerit and
Gfcl Enifiries, i iurribimf, Hvatit c Sb'tt Metal U'urk.
Tiiiamook H?ra!d, Tillamook Oregon
When Used To NomlnaU
'-it fiit
Mlt to Purtlnntl Imt ti niti
tnumty of tix f'wtlte Kfthwt
To aruuae fnratrr Wiif n ibtr
m, th o(Th-N ( h ft" l
hl t'i tWtUw! n l f.lt H ffr
hit 2,w "J t
' T5 f. U it I'cfilil tKtlit t
, ti.'it tir. By ftfr.kittetu Itw
t is fir tl..it. fhtnU frum Q- . . !v
Ikmirl.. Ur. IVU. Mrt. WMh
mtun. Mutt.tmh, Tillnitvk. t'bwk
fttnaa, L'mntiiia. f, WtWw.
Whrrkr and Mom roorttfar hav
r4) lj-n rrh fuf
rt'itfi tho lt lew da UM) Jmiw
tioit ity t.jn v.?. (. Mlt t.jfid.
thm rxtrrtM Urine tirtd4 Ut hut
Urn iU.. mim fmrw with WIH Mt.'
nir lammr. i am mam rniwn , ,
kialv Maati tyut IT Mil MmW M llllil ICirttl I
an utvtixdat frait dtkr Aibt ft hmJ in (jur it
Ui tfr tut tn tirwnw tswp. tl)H,
At I a Urcu4 it bf twwtt l.
build a ttew nl iWl bait mt ttw de
pot Tint bitttdiiMr Wttl ( f ntixlvrp
Utitn ami wilt Imi o loeat4 tlUtt tia
rirtoi,t ran rwodlly bw ci vru itli
lin It will ttveiwW an ! Inr
tt wwr.t) rtiitTutttt, nhcj t
tf rhma nt Utthib t.
NtW ontKil'AN DA
Moose Picnic And
Breeder's Horse Show
18 1QI
I'ttstl AtHIM ' - . : V
I U 14. t'U .l !
i f H " t
" .11 u
Jul ISlghtt-t.tii, N'inetttt
SIu:rld-n, Otfgcn
Yo Br h g Her
I 'i
i 184 ' -1 !
! ' t.t
..ttt'tl .
-xai 1; 1. f ;(!
. -i itCTll ' i 1 ; , -11!
.' C ' - '
' . : 'ir 1 11 r il rn
: ch un - . . .
( .urt . ! ., ! i
1 ' '. Bif ' . v. i-n--i
"i and ! i'! in ;ir-
a;,i-r . , . ; -r
1 :111s; a ' ' .' r i. ,i
r bill on ::' . ' tl
1. rv 01
..i.i' h you
1 1.'
' ' the 1H4 warrants
v' .' ' ;ii',uiii to ovr r f 50,-
cx . 1! j i.J f.r bridtfes, that a
1 tu '.1 il'..'- wartTi'its rre
i-- it ! H f"r !,;tior and nintcrial
oil . il i.i.'l for oilier County
pii- i s ' tln. bad no application
fji - or toil of bridges at you
ty !
i . re with you that the County
(",' ,va dtlinquent in its lyitcm of
kc 1 1 the records pertaining to
bn : and that it has not completed
Mru to the letter of Chapter 07,
J....- ,r), rt quiring the up-rintcnd-;itu
- 'iistnnt in chi rp of bridj
co' ( 'Jon work, to prepare and file
w it "i ! thrk a full and complete de
tji'lcU ' m nt, Kivinj? name, luca
Vi"n, ! ,l Ii, v. i'l th, style, character,
etc. of ( .0 Ii bridge. There are how
cvii, of n Lord, a number of verified
st.ii in pts which appear to have
Ixeii ii.nnikd to fill the requirement,
but ar no' as full and complete as
tin. ..la'.inc i-v. 'iinrc-. which it the fault
of !n- m:i' riiitendenl or supervisor
and ''i- ii-.-.ligcnce of tli'c County)
Court. I
Since you have no motive other
than the welfare of tire tax-payers
nixl the County at lartfe I preiiume
you i er , to a Iare 'extent, either
miiintor)!,' d or careless in your iufer-uiu-
conctrninif the bridtfc warrants
and the tiiininal aspect of the case. I j
hue reason to believe anil am satis
fied from tilt; examination that I have
1 .1 . . .1.- - . 1....
mam , mm tne wouuvy vuuu nas nt- .
count' il for every cent of the 50,300,
paid tuit on the 18.4 warrants, whether
for bi i ''.'is, roads or other County,
expenditures. '
Your roprcseniativ r in '1 iM.imook.
Mr. John T. Donicali, nho clii-: i tu
be an evprrt in "Looking out after
tbc interests of broken down corpora
tions, and who says trwt, tor the
ppst four or five months hv was del
i?;.led to look after tin interests of
TiHaniook County," h in cb"4 ttnch
uith all the proceeding.- of the Coun
ty Court, and js constantly investigat
ing and examining the pnsrnt and
pit recordi and coonrj- proceedings,
and those especially relating to bridg
es in 1913. I will gladly assist him in
1 very way possible, consistent with
r.iy office, should he be in a position
.it t,ffer evidence or jth"i i'lfoTwatior
!ir-by any gt nnr', .due', n.i
ij . priation of tt.nd . r :ty bnai1:
: 1 his been c unmirt -d by any
official of the County, v I 'tf-y y r
.'tr'-ts and that of thi t pnjeis f
'.neral he suf'erid: and wil1
promptly iompl uith itir demau
:hut "tit K'Jil'.v arttes indit ted
' nd pTOseCiittd."
Should you have any consistent
:r.ct or information, which come
within the scope of my official duii.;s
1 would suKfcent that you coinmuni
(; or confer with rtre pertotially,
without the aid of the newspapers,
b-rausc premature publicity cistint;
i doubt on a public official or act, tin
U is well founded aiul subsequently
conclusively established, may irrepar
ably injure the reputation and good
nrun-- of an honest and well meaning
public servant, in whom the people
have placed confidence by 'electing
the person to hU respective office,,
Yours truly.
M. J. Gersoni,
Dist. Atty. for Tillamook County.
Valuable Prizes
Given Away
Without ono dollar cost fourteen
grand awards will bo iiven by the Til
atnook Feed Co., and It. F. Zudirnann
to those bucurinK the moat votes in a
contest for some fine pianos, li. F.
Zuchrnan.18 Kivinj? nbsolutcly free to thu
lady brinKinK him the most votes based
upon the rules a jjiven below, and Til
lamook Feed Co. is duintf likewise.
The one receiving thu 2nd largest num
ber will entitle'her U) a piano by add
intr VM; the one havim,' the third lar
gest number can secure u piano for
05; )th largest number entitles one
to a piano fur $100; Cth lurKest nuni.
ber er.titles one to a piano for $105; lith
largest nuniler entitles one to a piai.u
for $115; and the one having the 7th
largest number entitle one to purchase
piano for 1)25.
t Clip the coupon from th ad contained
, in this isaua and send the name to too
( Tillamook Peed Co., or R. F. Zachmann
nominating some lady whom you dc
: (( to have a piano,
1 Following arc the rule of lb cotv
' teat : '
UVl.K t. The merchants shall i
I sue vntes as per following ch dul ,
! excepting as Irvrcafter may Te men
t tiontd,
j 100 for $1.00 on cash sales.
200 for $1.00 in merchandise paid
with due billi.
300 for $1.00 on payments of old .ir-
00 for $t.oo on due bills sold,
joo for $IJX on bargain or clear
ance sales. And votes will Ia. given
j at ti.e tunc sales arc made only.
I In reference to issuing votes on old
1 accounts, thvy may be issued for the
I payment of old accounts, that wen
, IlllU! ICII 1)1 101 IU ins l.tic. voir.
will not be given on new charge u
cotinls unless this particular acctu,'
is paid within thirty day,, then the
vofi may be issued if the merchant
is Milling and so orders.
RL'LR 2. Votes will be issued vsiiii
a time limit of one week, and must In
cast in the ballot box, provided for
that purpose, before the vxpiraiion of
the time limit. Before casting vot..,
make a record for your own Ruidanei.
In order to facilitan voting you .in
IV'ucMed to plate jour votes in an
envelope and seal it. Please write
the number of votes the envelope
contains and the name, of the candi
date you desire to vote for 011 the
Kl-'J.F 3.-F.iiiployecs, clerks and
relatives of the merchant and news
paper cannot participate as candi
dates. UL I-F .j. Merchants shall in no in
stance issue votes until such vou s
have In tu properly stamped with
their firm name. Customers should
refuse them otherwise.
KIT. I'. s.-The soliciting o"f votes
in th merchant's stores, in fiont of
store or on premises is prohibited.
I I I -1- 6. A vote that is srratclnd
or marked in any way after it luawA
the merchant's hands, shall be thrown
out, providing this defacing should
appear that a figure has been tamper
ed with.
KUI.I-, 7" wtiks from the
! ni' ' , 'il'. i!' no lonir.
j tr be i.itiii l, unltbS by special ur-
rangrmeim with iU- tin-rihaiii
Knit H i rr hotlv i imitrd
nomini'r t i ;.!:.! tf Ml that i net
rjvuy is t si nd in the name of y
; young lady in the community ' hit
will cnhtr In r to moo noniinating
votes and lu will be entered a a
i RUl-K o-- otr arc not transfer-
i able after being cast,
' RULE 10. Voir thai ar n'i pro
perty stamped with the merchant's
slgtaturr, or votes with time limit ex
lrM will not be accepted.
tCVl.E I I. A ctniuiltre v), f
by 'the mrrrbsnts in the camp,tjen
will count the v..le r h week.
Tlie newspaper gives jooo vi--
for ach dollar on new subscriptions
and 1000 votes for each dollar Tot re
newals or hack miUi ripiions.
l; Don't Go Elsewhere lo
What is r irr mi the recur! rr
'.urn f r ir ft- of ehrrrtv h lwei
rtJri.. fro... I!,) Kivvr wbere tb j
gn.er rere.vw! USliti tvr the strop .n i
i err I'l Kojui Anne. Thu est
been paU.
In irdr to rse tne moe.ey tsitni
whlen to IttaUi) a snunMpal light j
ytem, the eltjr of Umln. Ore., h
voted to evil mm worth of eltv Kui,
At soon m the bond are dk..o.Hl f
the contract for the construction III
oe let.
I - -.
i Portland, Ore., July 11, rinc
, ml) - In ordor to fully acquaint them
solvee With eon lltimm ubng the new
Columbia Highway, fivo carbada of
. resklenu of Hood Hiver county in dt-
mo trip flown the grg on Thursday
of leal week. At (Jordun Falls they
wore mot by 11 delegation from Port
land hoauod by County Commissioner
llolinnn and nftnr a plenle lunehenn
had Imun disposed of they weru shown
over the moat tcenlc portion of the
highway. After
in this inapeutiun, I toy I). Smith of
Hood If iver, one of the leaders in the
niovernisrit fur hotter roadi, propliMlud
t'.st II111 Hood Uiverboml issue would
carry Ii to 1.
"Thlsrond project has riovur boon
put up to trie in the right way huforo "
Haiti Mr. .Smith; "I've come to thu
conclusion that Kotd roiids are money
In our pockets far more In amount than
our cost,"
Oregon merchants will b enlertainod
by the jobbers and manufacturer of
Portland Aw;. 10-15 during lluyers'
Week when the buyers of morchsmlis,,
and supplies Irom all over the Paejll,.
Northwest will be allured in Portland
to make their annual purchases. Han.
iiuots, luncheons, receptions, Hm(,k(
und automobile ndus ahout the city
are on the pto;n.m. The iiudurlylnir
ptirpiweof Iliivc'Weuk is to develin
thu buy-at-homo piit, not only s U
During tlm . matter omlmg June :m.
1914, Sute engineer Iai w is iur. Mi'
permit u, appropriate pobbe water.
The eorwiruetMin in,t of the prpoMd
works i ai. proximately III.oi),
The proved ditches Blei OlOn lifiM
j aggregate 202 mllet in length and pro
j vide for the irrigation of 21, vt; NP. .
j of land; the dveloHnent of l,?r. ir.
' power and for the municipal supply ,,1
six towns. Fourteen of thu sIkivw
tnlU were for the eonatru- tion of
The following permlu hara been is
sued for th appropriation of wsti-r m
Tillamook county du,,K Uw oa.l .unr
ler ;
I II. Srhollmeycr of Knhntem, for th
development of lo horsepower, Im-lud-!
ing dotnnatir -upply. witts the waters
,nf Imh's creek divorUel in soetion n
township north, rangj 10 Wtmt.
j H. A. Taylor of Wnrrunton, for the
I Irrlfeatiou of M ((l-ros, diverting wator
.from Sklimnon cruuk In aeetlon o
! ''wtiship 7 north, raiie 10 Woat.
I Nicholas Hangs of Timber, for the
irrigation of 10 acres, Incliidlntf demos
I tic ""Pl'ly, .livurlitiK watur from t.
firing in section a lownshlp II north.
rango r west.
5. W. Ilodyfelt of Himvor, fordoim.s.
tic Htipply. divertlnn Wl(tr fro,,, an
unknow,, creok In nccli.,11 I, township
d sotdh, riuiKM lo west.
"' '" ""iiKin of llunvor, for mliiliut
Purposes, divertlmr water fro.,, Heavo.'
crook In section township H south,
ranifo 9 west. '
W 11 m . .
n. wnymiro of l'...',v.,r( fr do
IkiNT Sl'till
lV kcepinfl htm r.
We mil lolling 11
bast K'tH-k at. -
tempt vol
II ifeal
1 1
J 1 I
A WUI.I. MAUI, li '
w hi
1HHJ -
milt '
will nut only liuprii-
of yiHir horse, bm 1
snfuty n well. Ma
lm uvoiJnd If the 1 I I II
dlftOArapil in time.
. 1 yE 1 IA
KK 1 A IsUtsVslll I I (
. Mil
mvHwu wv-
Fanner creek spriin."' ''
ship I south, riingo I" '
,1. T. Woo'lvvai'l
domestic Miipply, dive, li
an iinmimed spi liiK I"
nlilp 1 south, raiiK1' '' -
II. A. F.I.V of llnml
gatlon of 20 iiiti d
from (illlmrt rreek In
ship. 'I south, riuiKi'li i
II A l.'l., ,.r lliiinlnek
it. ii i.ijr "i ..',,i. .
mitliwi nf .((I Hihin. lorlll'llllH
r fruit
l'l"l ............. , tf .M
springs in section UI lowiismi'- ",
. - I
, teill 1
ik. i
,,ir i,,v
..... u'li
timi i
for th I
nuiKii U west
tloti of
"tBt,c 'll'!'13'' ''Iverti,,,: water from ningo 10 wist.
m il ii,.MM(stul. IUI
iKM)ri:o wiiu im in
. 11... iin i
. . in "
Ulliiolii illinml 1 ills' w tin