1 s mil ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY largest Circulation of anv Paper in Tillamook Countv Mil i i m t ' Tillamook, OiKc;o?j, Jn.v 7, H)H-. vn .is on n tlocl in t lu; strongest Wny Growituj Stronger Lvory Day Bank "SCkvcs you right Ulir SprccVn Ikutscfo irst National TILLAMOOK, OREGON WM. ti. TMT. IWU.1 J. i . IIOI.UKN. NWI'rwiMoM W. J HIM HkKi. Chir Mentln'r of iidikai. klslkvi; association 01 I lu; United Stoles NEW i,)U QV)l RULE WmIjIiikU,, July 6. On i,r after to dy domestic momy order drawn on h 4MI(ltl uiWrr am payable at any Montf awe for lh prixl ..f thirty Al th expiration jf Uittimo If prMnttwJ svithin rmo ytrnr from tlm IMI liny of th month In whleh Uuol, thy Mall btt (Mini only at the odleu dn. IrpiaUd in tha irkirwy ordr an tho wy. Iftr tilllrc, or rMi1 t.t tb otlWof IWtmoat tWirul Iturlwwtfi I rlou. lf wWiirifs nrrMlnk' the weight limit of lit pnrcel JrfWl Vtiti to I(X) IHWMto. Kecifnt txprimm-iU with In- J wlxbt have proon aatinfae lory. '! think during the fUcnl er j IwRlnnln today, uc will trnp.,rt ai. j p'oilmaUrly tt.tKW.WM.QOU pnreeW ami will oVriv a rovnu of nwarly ton rnt warn." Mid HurUkon, speaking of tbt rlieient wirvtco. A parrel pout eonvonilon btwrn tho t'nitsl Htato ami Liberia wa recently .-oneludgd, ami It beeam olllm-iivo Iwla, . VALUABLE SHIPMENT ;G0NE ASTRAY 8felpp4n drtrUnJnt makes bit; blun- Tillamook County Celebrates Fourth HUNTING LIME SUPPLY Limu, M) much nathrd in many aer iform of the Willamette Valley to i wetun MMr aolli. la the objerl of 1 eeler, Barview, Bayocesn. Netarti. P''1 rcb by two county acrirul- i ii I. i rv I ii if i r . i Hercr and ClovcrJale Make Ea?!e Scream. turlt U. r'lotrd W. IUdr. of Iane coun- I ty, ami leather J. Cbapin, of Marlon, j A auitble iwnreo of Km fa believed I to b found in ouarrie noar Mad ford of lie eohdrallon of July FoorUi In K'K1 and lrKe extnU Grind- lamrwk &Hinly maJ olf wltJioat lnK ncwy to make it fit to apply any ri..u necidimU. ami all rotwrt a w ,n ,a- nmi tn tw0 pwal iih'rwJ)d limn. At Wheeler Ti Hiilsboro Man Solves Loganberry Problem lias Regular Yoimr Cannery zl Hi Raneh. Put np TbouMnd" Cam Per D?y. From Arua : , to the flekJ. ami the two ap-lalttii I :'i . '"t "" '. l , bojMi to I win the aaact detail of oper- pr-.blr m of ukitiK tare of hi nt. ation and oot of product, and to ar- withotjl depending: m the detran ! by ! rant? for the installation of noeeaaarr 4ricr or otlir cannr5-. H" )... i Wheelr colobrntod tno Fourth? Well tnaehlnory. lU creat ralue u the tim ,r,"P ,'"ar acn, ,r V ' frBl "U J.Mr.rkr .bwhton worked out by Frofeaw H. I anjti"i AUtr ""uir. V iV, .d It waa aotne -tth, in tin truwt itinao , U. Srodder, HKronomiat at Ui Airri eul-! the .ifct i i t r !, ot-Ahv word, it wm a an Ith. an for tural CoIIoko. plant, and hi-'put in: " I -hat aajjtvaatio rtrt'-worka and explodini: re- . f ncfls '" r,,'t r - '-Vm. H.rtne.1. afJ Ui. atu iU Umt were ihiiI- . bN 1 CAHUIUA It rUK 5UKVEY0R 1 ve working at hr cannine ,.,jse. tnl j IT at everybody Inaane with roan i . an" Vl,t a' '' tr'i prr da. rl rulrth. The pra.n : George J. I'oj.ky, deputy count, lf' ,K V wa. well arrnnKod arnl iwllod olf , orvt)or, ha anoounrol hi intention i the n.arlr. i H- ha bi . r-t all cortiliw to Mlioilule o that thero wn j to run for the urveyor' olfice as nn t-ickd, or culled, :h c.me no'rcomo waitintr. The Tillamook . il..i.iwl..ni rnnHwtut,. Mr iWituU.. lo if. and all infrnor lurries Itudttpr HatMl waa thuru With thu rnu- I l il,- r . c ,. . ..,r. ! ot. ovc.T. pv iruit. fro lo rh. i f.tBe . i - , ii w i tuc uuuiuv ijuiiciui n 1 1 1 1 m i . 1 1 i . . .t:,l .1.. .i ' ' . .7 l',,c !".-. art vaear.-i r. ioy 4 Mltf ah.ometit to TiIU,.u-.kl. iW... , " v . " . I",lu,rw ears 13 won lor the UWe. put in the can. and then hubwd of Tualai,;.. Rather ... I ZS. 1 T.S ' " " mB l ' "n"11 r rllkm- He ,s a . v...,.,.fv,v... uii n ini pith fm'imairiftfr Mtf a r r . 0 u tne Kignt way 1 rr . i Kt your corns otr in the easiest Di ke"6oriT-Ease"" -ii r a a III UU II ET. E. KOCH PROP, i k. kck:i i, ii . c; uhu'j-sci ul aiotj ihkh Mi3 TILLAMOOK. OKEGON Or addUOnal etlMrnaa uf ntiirriin I thM) cjoda Ui furtUiai at will at whoieaal prie to any home in Tilla mook county thcive beautiful l':not iwi playei 1'iarvm. Hill Spirna uf Utr Moate ilouae who i ituppinu nt Hotel Tnu.nwi on hia vacntiun will give fortnr particulars nnd may call t your homo in (he next fa- dnyi. BELATED MARRIAGE NOTICES JWue SVIlPr Hlri)w dollvorwi tfao moot of Jtif University of Orotjon and 'thw'c '"ji addrtM of lh.. day, vocnl abd instro- ! has had conatderable oxpnenco in that for' '''Ihe'nuiJu rnuijiai niuoie, reciiaiion anu tixc drill by the little unos was heartily applaud- cd.i Hie TlllmiTook County IkxMitcr's Marjl wat hnmuetci by the Wtioeler ' orKiMir-utifxi ami their l.idnn. .ManoL'tr 1 p ,.,.cu c.,.nlli.nnry remark t-xiture of ?100.000.00 nmilthonaoiw. The btuincji of the ' 300o acres of ovortlow hiral uanu wan iranaaritai in rapiu-iire onlcr clj umlfUie next meeting place decidit! oh ,jjs. wnJJIor liayocoan, tho ilato et an Sun line outkie of hi work for this county. He waa 'cnKinoer for Diking District So. 1, of Cowlitz County, Wiuhineton. iiixl prepared the plans and specifica tion for diHvt, pumping machinry and controlling work to Ixj built at an to reclaim ik-Js still acting hs consulting ungincur for that net. IWwin Hanenkratt and Mi.s MumIii . ..;( ,f,.u . i'... t. I'oysky is it self made man. Ho earn s-i l"f.Wiu'' ""'""" ' ed his way through tho University unUy, j, 7. by Kcv. ho ,.or. of j b IRanK,mt,lt of lh th .ennan ongregalional Church, at ,TjM . . . . , cef . fi.M.. ..rir.. L.-1.. t ..... i r- it , ' ,r-. . i iir nus r i t alpJo'itairAJtTttf.ejiturtahilthc I ho homo of He v. Kblngur. Jt-.F iioy ft, t- tTn d r rrT- w f lie; Hretner Cm., war nurriiil in I'ortland lat im.iith t.i Mt Marguri'l Brady ul .Salem, M. Jim, a he is frnm'.mrlv Uimwii amung u, is one of our ni-t rogrosive liusiniw men ami has mnnj frtond here who wish for htm and In-t bv fishing on the Columbia Hiver and graduated from tho school with honors. nt thv tins ar' pbicrd in the cook er al each cocking, nhich r iiuires ibout five mi.".i:tr. At th- i"d f the use c nt i.i iruit cturt n kiic and this he will put in gallon ir. 'I In fanning machine is a gc.ixi one. and 'lots tin work to perfection, and the eq:upr.- nt is practic.Il i.i. per ishable. Mr William expeo !' p':t up from li.ooo to u,ooo cans t''i year, and next scasvt: bis crop -Atl! !r near ly double this, as his ard is now wat they call "baby. The fruit was samphd Friday at the plant, and it is very fine. A traveling man. who visited Hiilsboro the other day went out to look it over for his firm. He said he did not like logan berries at all, but when Mr. Williams opened a can and asked him to sam Hurrah fur the Ith at Wheeler! Hur ruh. Hurrah for Ilayveean on the 19th of July. The loy of the .Nelmlom. Wheeler, Hay City, Tillamook City ami Clover-' dale Hands govern their airiiint accord- Special Grocery Prices cer-l iiu. ,..,i..,i a.. r j Pe it be aid Gee, thesc'arc great! j ...... ... rixm away. vonetl in the practical as wtll as the Mr. Williams is to be concratulated theoretical side of the work. upon his enterprise. He expects to 1 he County Surveyor's office in the future will require u far greater degree of ability than in the past. Under new ' law? that have been enacted by the legislature, the County Court is requir j ed to have plans and specifications1 ! inchldim erisss.sprtinns iiml ttmnr,w won i .orgei uie ume -aunuav ju.y , prepRm! for a work whether new illtth. ArrangemonU will Ik: made to j r0JU, ()r ,f work ifan expendUuro ; handle the crowd from Tillamook City, of m,iru th.,n $U0W-OQ js invotved. Hay City and t'.aribaldi by boats. ! E . . ,i . .. f vfm j j or more must be erected according to " " , At Clovordale a tine program was plans and specifications prepared under : SHERIFF CRENSHAW i rendered, Hov. h. h. honl of the I'res- the direction of the County Court. It! j byterinn church of that place deliver- ! will be the dutv of the Countv Survey- ' ing thu oration of thu day. 1 ho Clo-1 or to prepare all these plans and speci enlalo band undr Hie leadership of ' tkations. He will also be calleil upon to supervise the construction of road work and bridges. brtdii long ami prosperous married j intrlv to le with tho whole County Or- "" g.'Uiiiatiun on the trip to Hayocean. fc'it.iM"t a! this krasoii o( ihr )caf '! I "'l-i r '' tl.i I'inniil appro t'i !" ii, M tin 1 u 1 1 ' i) i v plague build a larger house for the work :-.ct yrar. His present quarters are mall, but very sauatary. The place is cr.-cned in. and exceptionally cleanly Mr. Fly being noted lor his absence. ugar is bought by the hundred weight and it looks as though the loganberry industry will be on a firm foundation, with a good profit at the right side of the h-dger. Three ounces o sugar are put into each can and this means some sweet ening for the entire crop. MAKES ARREST Quaker Oats 'tin v at i i 52c 15c I lit lvlj... l'utkif Dried Fruits I 'nines 10c per lb. )iicd I 'cnehes JOcjfper lb. Crescent Baking Powders f Pound Cm, regular price $1.00 now fi5c 'I Pound Cm, Regular price 70c, now 55c lj Pound Can, regular price L'oc, now 20c COFFEE AND TEA SPECIAL 111.. I I oll.in 111 I Ilk. tif IkS -II ! l 11IIVWI II 1 .'ll'l MM I (HUT I III. 1111 M Wl VIII IIVWIII ,, - - ' V4 ncrninn American Codec, Steel Cut, 1 pound 30c Cierinaii American Collee, Steel Cut, pounds S5c RIDGEWAYS HIGH GRADE TEAS ('range Label pound .'"c; Orange Label 1 pound Doe Her Majesty's Blend It pound -fie; Hei Majesty's Blend k- pouiul f0c Her MaScsty's Blend, 1 pound $1.00; Capital Household, 1. pound 25e. ui i. 1 1 m - LT'if'Virvi Mgr. Grocery Dept. Ray & Company Andy lleator contributed much to the delights of the day. A good ball game was also enjoyed. At Netnrts theru wa, dancing, tome Kirts and n general good tine enjoyed on the beach. At lluyocenn a tine entertainment was enjoyed, the opening of the Nat ntoritim being the principal feature. A line orchestra was present and evory thing possible was done to give the vis itors a good time. A party of 150 bus iness men and their families were pres cut. At Harview a good time was enjoyed The Life invere gave an exhibition. Thero were dancinir, and other sports. At Heaver a good, old fashioned time whs enjoyed. A picnic dinner was n feature and there were sports and other amusements. While there was no celebration Ht Hoekiiwny. still, quite u large party of Tillnmookers enjoyed the beauties of that part of the beach. A nleasant picnic dinner was given1 at tho Hester's grow, mid ninny of our ( . ... i i i .1... .1.... .t....... tanner irieiuis eujujeu mu u men.- COMMUNICATION On Monday Sheriff Crenshaw went to Timber and from there fifteen miles I into the woods where he arrestod Sal- vester Davis for whom a warrant has I been issued since last January charg ing him with burning a barn, contain ing hay and stock and which belonged .r. Mm Cnit.V. Il-Vw il Unt 1 1 ... it i...fi.. ... lie ini , i m ..i.e. .jiuitii .ij u diiui. null; j.uit ... , .i ii ' had secured a divorce from Davis. A The Editor of the Herald: i , . . . ,. , ..ii . short time after the Pre Davis disap- The other day in Portland some of . , ,. , . . , r. ... , , , . , iivnibu nuu hid niivitniniui. iiiw nut my friends tpoke to me relative to the 1 . , . . , ' Lea-ilaberlnch controversy, initiated' i been known until lately. in tho Oregonian, and subsequently mentioned in other newspapers. I took no controversial part in the conversa tion, but simply said in substance, "Curl Haberlach is the greatest bene factor of Tillamook County since 1 have lived in that county." I grow heartsick when n man having ! donu something worth while, finds no body to openly express appreciation of his good work. Hence. 1 wish to reiterate in Tilla mook what I said in Portland. S. S. Johnson PREACHING AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH i CROSSING MADE FLAG STATION v ".inillK, ItlUlllllll 1, m llllivn J'llltiiH.iik, and ,;i mil" ouhI " hn boon made it flag utiltlon " Or., no .7 , J4H which car, jral'l Urns., of Thuiljlwlo uio '. a terry to npvratc iiemss 'I ' i. I. ami lllin. I !ikii '.mIiiu the past week pviilions for , 'i. illative measures were coin ,, i d "d cli v, ii other uiraMircs ., rv i. . .d lo tlit pioplc by IcuMMa ive ncilnii. Twelve nioasiiiCN failed .,t roiupletril pelillons. 'Iinly-m- bilk will he voted upon in Nov. !'! i i. titliein I'nrific Co. will start ..oik on I xllislliig It main linvs in west, i 'n-iioii with crushed rock to n' t ;i k . n ii 11111 Marion. H.,th I'owdi r will have a ijo f"ot he.o' w.n-r supply. " i gets a new tvo simy i.rics ih paitulciil sloic. Now the State Food and Dairy commissioner complains liccause there is im st.uv law proxidtuK for the killing of rats. Siilherllii has a building boom, one h ing a !? io.coo residence. The Public I'lility Coiinnission has attttioi Uiul n raise of telephone rates in all the principal towns of Jackson county to a paying hasis. Sandy carried $i.,ooo bonds, for a uni ni liiflit school. ! .i.i,.tli I'alls will liuve a new Prcaloteiian clitircli. ' vyss.slyKISMMV4.is.. a m at A V f LAMAKo j' VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ote. J "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" I Its j w i mm m n mmmmm II MlCV s - There will be services at the Christ ian Church Friday of this week. G. W. Muckley of Kansas City, will preach. Membeis especially invited. Kveaybody welcome. 1 Fngincers have coinr letvd survey , for drainage of 50,000 acres ot the long Tom basin ton counties. in Lane and Ben- U-UHiifcltH i swu. vUl-UwTAUAuSt.v V.AvtL). nr n..i 1 . 11 1' . -' i .. ' . -I1. . . P ZVtli 2M rl I IH:i-T: VVl v I World-travelers who carried "A. B.A." Traveler' Cheques last season are enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every where", is their testimony. Try them yourselt on your next tnp. They are drafts; self-identifying. safer than money; handier than Tillamook County Bank -VI