Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 30, 1914, Image 1

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    M SH PI WOK.'
(SSUl'I) TWICI? A WMI?I .Ttlrrr.
Largest Ciroul Annr , a and friday
ii.i.a.mook, Okhc.ox, , nh ;io( liniii
NO. 40
rf - ... a
Minded m I no Mronijcst Wny
Gnmincj, Stronger livery Day
- :
tClr Sprecfocn Dculscb
It n ir i f ra B l i 1
j. ttiisctf t:tu. t:ht
Meinour of
Of Ihr Uniled Stutcs
ill u i Lii jii aw l i inn iiwriiBk -
Rest anri Puritt 25c a Can
LtLK-x a I'll. C DliU'l'Sa IK. AKJTMJ'J'.K
Commercial Club
Elects New Officers
W. (5. l)itl,t , i;f,.tlimgH,r c0lrn
MlIfn:iVfllaini to
fWf,hl!.tc.Tktn Up
AtMit flfi .,f iu imMi pr.trrwHve
rtllMlH efrrilliii.V. miir,Wt. of our
n.iwrrtt tlub. mm at club
imm ami murh btnl-
IK Of 'llw tft! 0( Wa,
IrMMteU'l l'f(Klrr.t (J.jlord,
(MMthit utnn fully ukrn Uf as
aedW, 0. Dwlfhl M; unanimuly
ilriJ, nmlhii comity In at tbi. llmr,
olvnn n oitkm of wrrom
U M fW etl tut h tM' iorri,
as Hilly It knwwn no n Man km does
. Mi. C. W. MUlor W!P. S. Harm-.
,T rlortwl at
J'fwdf. Hkrf. Ih-Mjlnjlil tune,
ekoMii wt (ii'oiir.
Uofrill' n-nort nhowl Uio
fh va In b4 rumtlitun. (tuyinn (u
diibu, Uj"t to iitir tn gotui ituxi
ia sixl fcnJ mfr o uur rillrrnt u
join H bvUi up)t it. He ttl
Ut r kumtiinl Wtlrn rrV cru lie.
fvrrlr) i,rquifrri n to our
winy. nj Hitttaiurit matloJ tlHim
hd rrwirif miu bmuIc with lh G. N
n4 S I'. R. It. lo ixvt nntnvi of nil
trfM fiilftf (tout wctlrrn f)rrKoii
rl Uicjr rir Mnt wrltlrn to nnj
I (M ft Ihr t virKlB ofituniti-n uf
j TtlUunwk ('aunty, at imj oi ftifp to the
i rluti Utl MMtae. i
i Ihr iuru-n of tocalltiK (he utati'
J fili l.mtcl.rr on TtrV rivi r m-nr thli
U) mm IbVrn ut, YUi Urb, Knfiip
ttalilrn f.aim) (tiki tSl0 wuulii liHVtr
tu Ixi i lu intr ll and nftcr full
uifunin & romrmttotf of A. 0. Shulu,
C W. CIsrtHn. Krnl ('. linker nmJ dl
lV-h ttctn Bpiwinictl l iirurc thf
(uil ard i;urt;trf the Hatchery In j
Ihr i lt.-of the rtub, nliirh will cost I
ruKt l' ten llxmril ami an m.nual
Industrial Review
Of The State
rim Kitiitrvifi blight of tHitnUo cn
.....ii.. i ...... , .
i- ciriirciiiwi id h ory neunon
boi l( Ukw mur corn iuhJ njirnylnt; If
inn i wnt. The inotbxl
ronirol l by uln Horlcnux
" l'iy. It will 1m iiuceuHry in
tPI'ly at loan thrc timw if III. eanot !
i, vrry wet it tuny Ihj nucenihrv to
ilOUblc tint number of iiilrtiorn. It
will rrfjiilrr from 10 to 100 nnl. ofj Shb-rn. On:., June 2.--Durln tbc
iillxturo jK-r cro nrconllni; Ui tlm itUo ' t"11 Wftfcl( fin"' o"lnclsK lo conveying
of'tha vine. j l"u l'ck nniJ catml nt Orcnon City
ffh mlxturi; ul U known iih tb
trh-t) multiro awl U tnatJo follow :
Poor Into n barrel T, itnllon. of conn J mount rlKlil to wnlcr.
'ili-r; tben woih out B lb. of rriHbud ' (Vinlract bus been let for tbc new
lilflvitone, or copixir milplmte. imd nf-'. ?2(,(KKJ ronlu Itoudu h"iiitl.
ter tylriK it In n niece of coiir imcKln ! H. Urcck of VinclanrJ, N. J.
uih,'Im) it just bonoiitb tbo mirfnee of 'ntnblish n (,'rnjMj juice factory in
lilt- water hy mnnnli of n allele Inbl K.
nctot tbc top of tb barrel. In nnutbur I Tbo coinplulnt nninit tbu Cottnc
Vf.el alnek fi lb. of fresh llmo cure-1 Grove Klcctric Oj. ba bcon dUrnissed
fully by iMHirlfiu on it in nil qmintitiiM of! "y tbo Kallroad CommlMion
f Ci : .. n n. .
mixture y
People and Matters Relating to the
Development of Oregon.
, have b'ion removed, tbo I'ortlnnd Gun-
. it.iI Kb'elnc Co. conceding state para-
tbe object bvlnic to
creamy liquid, free
II(ol River will vote on a $75,000
road bond issue July 15.
Luurelbursl, suburb of Portland, will
have n new $C,,Ct)H Catholic church.
i'ortliind business men will submit
n bill to amend the coiutlittiUon to
make Single Tax impossible in Oregon.
Mollsla will net h JIO.OJO water sys
tem pumd from well.
Salmon Mountnin Minim; Co., Curry
,r rv.i of li.f .i.w. , PRELIMINARY SURVEY
W. C. Ivuchl M a diminsion fhow
lug Im.w a ftxnmtttrc of iut llr opinion
ifitcl ftii i.;i 1. Hallom, Gwi
W ka-rr. W. C I-wikM. V. 1. CIouk'Ii
M KlUarl olxll.ro. HrlitliT0" hd I
yuii tr(.l II c rilCP -f WO the i
i. HI..I rhtnt, ii tie irtrrrat of the
i . it 1 1 rf. lal t Itili. lo
I wtrr ut n time.
obtain n iiikkjIIi
from k'rit. When the lime ii slncked
i)l5 efoL(;h water to make 2C kI. As
oon u tbe bluestoiii Is dlsolved,
wbtrh will reiiifre an hour or more,
jwor ibo lime milk und bluo slone sol
utfinu together usin n separnte barrel
fu) ilirrinif conntantly to eirect a thor
ough rnlxirur. This solution should be
maae oniy ns msi as it can Imi uswl us ) County, has uncovered a !ed(re
ll on slanilin any len;lh of j iissays as hih as 130,000 er tin.
J The Eugene Guard has come to the
The surcen of the treatment dojxmds ; conclusion that indiscriminate mini
on the tltorouithiiPM with which It is!rnum waKo law by different states is
apllie-l. A knapsack sprayer or a i wrong, and wants a national law.
rw1 force pump and fine spray norzlc j Am thcr tnx commission is to be ere
ntolini'ch letter than n nirlnkllnir not i
as (op ant much mori) thoroughly cov-' aytcm after studying the tax laws of
crcd. Thu llrst application should be lull enuntrica
made now as soon as the wen-1 The State Mining bureau is to inves
thi'f will permit, the second should , ,(KUlc ti,e Lake County salt beds,
follow about ten days or two weekal Oregon Manufacturers Association
later If the weather is good but sooner W) B5v for n law to give home indus
Ifvcrywel. The third, if the fccacon tricg av five per cent preferential in
li.ilairly dry should follow alwut two public bids. ' .--
weeks after tbo serond. Don't delay The Stale University School of Com
tins graying but do It nt or.ce. Imcrce just created will undertake a
It. O. Jones, study of markets and industries and
Couity Agriculturist. , development of electric plant.
Construction of bridge up the South-i-rn
1'iieilie over Coos Iluv. and across
NOW BEING MADEj Umqua and Siuslaw Rivera will begin
July 1st.
Mrs. Carl Hunt wan l.nstcM to the
Swasticka Club, Friday, June the 2Gtl.
A delightful afternoon was spent in
sewing and games. One of tbe games
was exceedingly novel in that the
answers of the question formed tho
names of the members nod guests.
A delicious luncheon was served to
those present who wre: Mwdnmes
Clouab. Todd. Wheeler, BoaU, Cren
shaw and tbc Misjcs Wheeler, Over
felt, Anna ami Marie Molden.
Many thanks are d'ie Mesdame
Clough, Hoals, Crenshaw, UotU aivl
Haberlach frfr conveyi ng the members
and guests to anu from Mri. Ilunt'j.
N'ehalem Valley Reporter
A crew of ii.cn in charge of State
Kngineer Scoll is now at work on the
nc-rlli fork near the Huchatmn place
making a preliminary survey of the
The jHirt of Umpqua will enlarge its
boundaries in onler to make needed
Water rales have been raised about
ten per rent at North Bend and Marsh
Special Grocery Prices
Quaker Oats
prnik.t. i 52c
"I K..J. I )
Dried Fruits
VC pvt IVi
. , V'l.lV.T IUL LTV I VI
' "
Crescent Baking Powders
Pound Cm. titular prioc
$1.00 now B5c
;i Pouiul Cnii, Ntulur price
70c, now 55c
1 Pound Cun, a-Kuinr price
L"c, now 2Uc
BMernse our ... , c. , . : : :.. i... n:i.
' imvmisi i -nrnir 1 1 igoway I roni oruaiue I iieiu i in iu iriij;iinuii iue "
' to tho Tillamook county line at the road Commission.
'.jj l)aieson place. , The Springfield Nevrs thinks the
g The projeet wai included in the 400-' practice, of submitting complicated
C ; 0-H) nuul bond issuo .voted by Clatsop j laws affecting industries should be dis
S county recently, of which St 00,000 was : couraged.
lo apply inrectiy on mis nrojeci. j iianuuu voieu w uu iu. nai
When the preliminary survey is tin- plant and build a li'irnry.
Uhed a permanent roadway will bu es- Portland designs U span the railroad
taMishiHl and it is the intention of the j shops at Holgate Avenue with a via
Clatsup county court to call for bids I duct costing $110,000, railroads to pay
fur In construction when the engineer- lone half.
Ing work Is all done.
. . ii. r ...
nnrncoln CoflVe 10 U)H for $2.50; Kuhy uiirm-u- v.v .
(ictnai. Amcricnu Culler, Steel Cut, 1 pouiil,30c
(ktiiimii AnicricitM Collee, Sted Cut, 3 pounds Qjc
MnjcKty'H Hlend '. pound lioe; He. Mnjestv's 1 lend ,
1,trMstv's nicn.l. 1 pound $1.00; Cnpitnl llousel.old, -pound -oe.
Dli r n .
Mgr. brocery Dept.
Ray & Company
The fact that Clatsop county is push
ing tho work of building their part of
the proposed Pacific Highway will no
doubt cause the people of Tillamook
county to take steps in the same direc
tion, althuugh no definite plan of action
has been adopted.
county, and urged all citizens to pur
chase several and send to friends, all
profits going to the club, and stated
tint tho directors were planning to
place our cheese statistics in the hands
of Wisconsin Dairy farmers to interest
thesn in our county.
Chin. Kuiue (.poke of tho club nid
ing our homu farmers to get hotter
dairy herds and cheaper money. All
in all, it was ono of the best club busi
ness meetings ever had.
Under tho ment inspection ordinance
nt Tort land two inspectors have Iwcn
Them is a general protest against
extending terms of all county olllicinls
to four years, a lull that is being Initiated.
, ,.r,,s rivtiri I iim now nratnl i" "
"in irru.. i .. ' ... i.... .. ... it Milium
"II iu Illllll.
0Cen hiich.
"y, rami
. Mock.
'" voinu and
My wlfu
Hindu me
iroin, i""i"'w I,!..,!., Vet
mil..! Scciil Ave. ISam. H'"'1 I, ,rU. , ,
lilt In i , ,, . i i I am bi'lti r
of iu old locnlioii. H" 1
liter ; . . i Imii ever lit"
,.sh work. ItiMisonablo rat
of natlhtaeuo" i"
Til st
Throe V"ri
monk patimi.
,,,, iir leave oiders at Jones-Kinul-
son stoif.
shlngK'H and a-d.ir
Tillamook, Otc. i
Hrooka shippeln carload of logan
berries a day.
The Georgianua, n new Columbia
river steamer, has been launched at
the Supple shipyard, Poatland.
The Oregon Industry League has
been formed to boost Oregon factories
nml institutions.
The Oregon Power Co. will supply
the Booth-Kelly sawmill company at
Springfield with 2,000 horsepower of
The Workingmens Compensation
Commission has appointed a chief med
ical expert and bought a skeleton for
its main medical office.
Independence merchants demand es
tablishment of a cannery.
Albany has let tho construction of
ninth street to the Asphalt Machinery
Nehalem Valley Reporter
Dr. Ii. C. Handle of N'ehalem City,
had a narrow eicapc about 4 o'clock
Wednesday morning from being carried
out over the N'ehalem bar in his launch,
the Irene, while cruising around the
If it were not for the timely assist
ance of the jetty employes who came
to bis rescue, he vrould have been
swept cut to sea by tne strong ebbing
It seems that the Doctor had engine
troubles, which are a common occur
ence to launch owners and his efforts
at Bt-irtine; the motor were futile. Af
ter drifting down the stream for fev
cral hours, he found himself nearing
the bar and called for help. The cook
at the jetty camp heard his appeal for
help and with tho assistance of a fel
low employe, whom he aroused from
slumber, started out in a row boat to
the rescue. They arrived none to soon
for the launch W3i nearm the first
line of breakers when they reached
him(and. towed him safely ashore, after -which
foc started home overland ex
tremely grateful that his life had been
He took a solemn vow never rgain to
venture out atone for a moonlight ride
down the N'ehalem bay witho it an an
chor or a pair of oars at least, for use
in case of emergency.
James Tracy will erect a two story
concrete at Oregon City.
Huntington is building a municipal
Co. of Seattle, as part of the Pacific
Ashland voted $173,000 bonds to pipe
mineral water intocity and build a
Hubbard has an artificial ice factory.
Engineer Galvani of the Pacific
Light and Power Co. will begin work
at once on the new street car lines in
Geo. Schopperi will build a cheese
factory near Dolph.
The Crescent Manufacturing Co. of.
Seattle is testing the validity of the
Oregon Pure Food law against which
many hotels and business men are pro
testing. Tne law is taken into the fed
eral courts.
Tbe East Oregon Lumber Co. will
build a 120,000 mill at Enterprise.
Henry Albers of the Albers Milling
Co. will tour South Africa for exten
sions of business.
The Townsend Creamery Co. has
opened its new plant at Portland cost
ing S130.000.
A new creamery will be built at
Hood River on the water fiont.
An Italian colony an I Roman cneeso
industry are slated for Coos.
xaaiCiwagwafci i ' tmttm ' 'Kit
3it;V!U n i(cim(tfiva.l
ttauti tl.TC ban I
Wotld-traveleri who carried
"A. B. A." Traveler' Cheques lat eaion are
enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every
where", u their testimony. Try them yourself on your
next (tip. They ate safer than money; handier than
drafts; self-identifying.
Tillamook County Bank
preprint i" ... ,.i
Li TbanKii.K y.i
p,ro..gi. in l.r Pl V111 1 '
coutimmtion of your valurtl ord..
' Youu rr l'Ml""''
'' Tul. 4