I UAK VH:V NOTl:: Kriilaj murium: tlu It. A. K. Special tmln. homeward bound from Tillamook ptoppod hero two hour while two hun dm! old soldier ami thoir famlics en joyed themsflvct on Jho beach. Cttptnin Farley with the Ufoanwrs pivo several tit ill which wore creatly enjoyed by the visitors, many of whom had never soon the like before. In re turn the drum corps composed of okl ? oUier enlivened the crowd which had thronged the beach bv their splendid remit Urn of war soot's. Uvoryone en joyed the short stay of the M johliers. Amonc the pasnenfreri on the special were G. t Morn. Asl. Supt. and W H. Jenkinr. Traveling l'ftjwmrer Agent oilteitils of tfio road. Mrs. Weber, wife of Rev. Weber. MUr of the Methodist Chureh in Til lamook, is here with her four children ami will anjoy the en brcctes in a coy eottnffc for a month or so. Mrs. fi. A. Jones and son who ban boer spending he winter in IVrtUml have nrrivevl at the beach for the ivmt mer. Considerable Improvement hove been going on akin the l-twhe this summer. The G. A. Jr-tvs Realty Co. ho oponed i new c ocery store with meat market in comiee two. W K, Anderson has enlnrcwl their place of swim, ami are now pre 'tir ed to accomodate tint MiMte, both eat ing and sleepit.g. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray have rented their Sea View Home to some outside parties, and are now Inking life n Mr. Vttn Nurtrio, our papular barber has equipped his rooms for billiards, carom and howling. rhe opening danea of the e is.m givoo by Stevens and llsrgcn, t Suit Mr, on June. 20, was wtll RttendtM in 1 on joyed hj all. M a Glads lleeV return! from Portland Tuesday and will assist C. C. livers in bur horn- during the busy JOSEPH B. FORAKER SAMUEL ROMPERS r I Hadjis (3k. 4im 9HV Mrs. Swelling, wife of Lawyer Snel line of Tillamook inhere with her two sfhMn. children, digging clams and hunting Mr Momer Da via nnd children re- crib. They are enjoying themselves ttirnrd Stmriav fn.ro a visit with her hucely. mother at Oiegun v. ity. Leonard Burke and John lmlah of The new cafe at th rear of the Kl- Cloverdaie were in town Friday wUh a more rooming torn I now in full party of telephone officials consisting operation. of Koy Ik Walls. Manager. D. t Brown Mr B. H. Wood hni ImiU an ico and Bdcar Mnttson who came ap from cream and confectionery room on the mm I- S ra Joseph C Forager lormtr Untrd Stat.t f-A'ir fro 11 Ob'O who l iefK inj, trc sriutor nominjdon at the pri r Arte Brief News of the Week lit. J .....( w- gf l Supromu SocUm IV M -r lril4 IMtltlt TiealH Collect V&rvU frtim t pacltaKea f "Uupteiim I.bK.hI t-rarkBra or enkci, bih if voi.r h 'r nut mipply you wnh n atitt h t of "Jillproiltii" Ua fl I' a Mti ttf l. U4mII I(m. ft . Me j - k.ex.. Ull Mil) rii tali Tillamook to repair some broion liniis. Karly Friday morning the Elmore pickup boat conveying a line of (iah hoat from the Garibaldi cannery to Nehalem and when oin out uver toe bnr the fish boaU in some manner Rot north of hi studio. Dr. Wood of iiilUboro spent n few days last week at hi now cottna in Elmore. The life line ha nenin been nichorel at Kockawnv bench nj mnnv are en- Samgrl Comprr, the (j-r. I4ilrr. who i 4lil li l I' ii'Ml tpcie'' union J"lli(J 4 adrift and the lareer boat bad a lively joy'" d'P in tn urf. time pickimr them all up before they pot out of reach. Thursday W. R. Conley. in the em ploy of the S. P. Co. installed the telf praph instruments in the otlice f Gie biseh A Joplin at Miami. A party consistini: of County Survey or U. G. Jacksjn and wifu, Mrs. McGhee and her mother. Mrs. W. Wiley and Miss Drew came up from TillamooK Thursday in Mr. Jackson's ajto and returneil the same day. Dr. B. F. Ramoo and family of St. Johns, Orevron were here foa a few davs the firU of the week. A ttooknwnvan. H WOCliAN M:U'5 NOHJS. 3 Mr. ami Mrs. F. C Turner of Salem arrived Sunday an 1 are occupying their c.ttHe on Hi?h St, Mrs. 11. E. liuhson nad children, j Rreea. accompunled by Mrs. Whitney ami KanaaK m eltered at 108, and a num. Seoedln mlnera 111 Montana declare they vslll kKnore th Wtmtorti Kmlera lion and ontarife a new union. The rebd Runbont Tnmpleo as aunk In battle with the federal un boat Guerro. and !0 men wore killed and wounded. The "Lulu Fardo" daiico, whlftli l of Portuguese origin. Is the hi teat, says a New York dtanntch. The danc la Mid to be really n lulu. Chicago pasaed throuab the coldeat day reported to June for many yuan. the therutc meter regiatertne IX JUROR SEIZED AS SLAYER InvcalluJtia" ' CiH- 0r4t' l'".lr Auto M Uf4ti4t.e Ci""4 Tortaii The In.; !" demh of Mary Maah. Uiv.i i. t. run down by a recltie uu.-.-u .' . to dramatic lermlnniiou i. ' . . t i.f John It- Whaley. furrm .-f .ury inveatigating ht . tharge of having killed th o-ri Wbaley waa tracwl t i'"'-" "( broken glaaa picked ut m i'i- ' de-;hteh fitted perfectly ih u headlight oa hit autem " "i" l i 1 1 1 r- lir . . J 1 .11... I. I uikk in. Itnu.. .... .. . 1 V IMi im.I M L.t..t ..f ttt W'iUV nml tlii Ltfn ()titiliitn i mi iw i..it I 1 1 if . V t U I tirw ruttnttra. tH'wJoiutplHt: UiuutuU, OlVtwii av If I'AK th. children of Portland, arrivwl on Satur day and are occupying the Hughon cittaee for the summer. Mr. Htiirhaon will join his family next 'A'elnesdny. Mrs. H. Woodbouiu, of Tortlaod, and a party of friends arriveJ lust wuuk fort man aa taken fmm to the privoner'a bar After the accident Vhui. t at grmil peed nnd eavapot !r It ta alleged On oamc '! J. H. Oliver U enjoyinc a visit from ami will occupy the Woo lhoue cottage his mother who lives at Newbers. Mrs. far the season. Oliver is a member of the W. R. C. The Buyoeeon artificial mitntorium is and came over with the G. A. R. train, fa t nearint; conviction an J will be H. D. Jones, a Christian Science open to the public July 4th. practictioner of Portland, was here The amusement pavilion which was over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jones formerly located in the tent city was accompanied by "his friend C. A. sroumls has been removed to 12th Ave., Armstronsof Den.-er. opposite the nntatonum and a kitchen Ei linar and wife came in from and tea room is buini; added. Portland Saturday and are occuoyin The greater part of the bunualettes .iy Torr. to ahrc-l l fie . fctt.. I . 1 'UP h hi'! rlil.fr.' ' ' cm 1;..) M.'uiijr uto ! t) the Jackson cottage on Main street. They were accompanied by Leon Jack son, a bruther of Mrs. Minar. Leon has been attending school at Kutrene the oast vear and will j)jnd the sum mer at 'he beach. being ouilt to replace the tenu in the t Tit city are completed and the re miiraier will be completed within a few days. Mr. Reed, who will have charge of th natatorium and hotel arrived from The family of J. H. Smith r enter- i Portland Tuesday. tairjinsf their friend3 Mr. and Hi,, J. Pavement is being laid on UiKh Ter 1'. ?j: of St. 'in Oregon. 'r:V oral Bay Street. Mr. ""J U. Woodi arrivud from P-irtland ,'aat week anj will operate trio tea mom opposite the natatorium on 12th ave. L. h'.7ig has moved td his proper- j ty on Bay street, a hojse which he pur- i Mrs. J. C. '-Vjlliams of Banks, Ore gon is here fur a week or s i She is tVmpinicd by h?r Urvtn-ir . J. Pal mer and wife cf Wheatland, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Devine arrived froTi I'ortUT Sun lay anj will 6icupy th Dr. RiiiiUo cottage this summer. .Miss Irene Carter a teacher in the schools at Milwaukie, Or., arri;eo, the first of the we?' and will spend the ; rSir h" '",h"E-p-c"rl";,1EG0N NEWS NOTES Mr. a:i I VIr. J. L Morgan of Cith laoiet, SVashlngtnn, are visiting t leir son Chas. Morgan and son at Garibaldi. They may remain all summer. HerJ Pardons of TilUmoak will con durt a confecti nery store and ice cream parlor here this summer. R. E. Jackson is erecting a building on Main street which will be occupied by Edward Minar who expects to open a confectionery store. Church, the candy man has returned. Barview will celebrate the Fourth of July witii a CU n Bake, Drill by the Life Saver.. Fireworks, Bonfire cm the Be-jch ami some other amusements. Look for the posters. The rnuic fur.ii3helby the orches tra is making a great hit. The dances are becoming mare popular anil Mr. Schriauirer arid all the members in fact are to be congratulated. ber of prostration ta the wheal fluid uere reported becauae of the wtmlher condttiona. rej noi,r ujion the Pnuamn canal be aerver with a n:nm. n i management of their Intention to! o.t the coroner' Jury anl m oiotci make regular uae of the uaterwny. i h.rvwaa The progressive irty in Oklahoma - - baa decided to put a full ute ticket 1 '''an fei an Liont Torn to Miee in the field thl fall, headed by John ! t'h. io.- mettoo l hirtri. i. . I. Hlclam cnndloVue tor Koveruer. f rn old, a gmduate of rrnr.i ,n Anient RUtfrapettea at Vancouver, II. C, are rufualnc to Join In the sing- j Ins of "Ood Save the Kins " They rise nnd turn their backs on the audi- once when the national anthem it struck up In the iheotrua frewiently. , j War to the knlte acalnat the fedcr ! als with the formation of a third j league In oronlzed buaebatl as the I first blow was practically decided on i here when (he nnttonai tmelmil com misalon met In conclave with more than a score of loadurn In the organ- Ized camp. j The New Jersey projrefitve at.nr committee and 'chairmen of tho c.s'in ,. iy committee)!, at a conference, went on record an opposed to Jny amalgam atlou w'th the republican or nn otb cr part) In the coming primary and general election. 1 1.4-w rutml-trii oru nnil wocU-riul Linn (r - til l ' Mil (it till 1'. piiintn. K. iV N. ; ttlnti lu-twrrn ! , J,', ,y Danci lliof AT A suit for damages has been filetj in the Circuit Court at Tillamook by W. C, ')wight and Mr, Kiger against Gie bish and Joplin. jetty contracters here. The suit will be tried before Judge Holmes this week. In their complaint the plaintiffs allege a violation of contract. r chased of P. D. Manet. He will remwl' , el and improve and will occupy .",(. 1 in futurtj, QF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During tho Past Week. Admits Killing Babe. Prlneville. D. K. Sheldon, a young mill worker, arrested here on a charge of having slain his own day-old babe while Its mother. In Ignorance of what was transpiring, lay In the next room, made a dramatic confession. Sheldon said he wanted to get the babe out of the way so that his wife could help him earn a living. He waited until his wife was asleep, he said, and then gave tho babe a big dose of poison, later placing the Ilttl body by hla wife's side. ROCKAWAV AND ALONG THE BEACHES. Gila Monster Bites Man. Medford. James King, a carnival snake charmer, waa bitten by a Olla monster In the presenco of score of women and children, dozens of whom fainted. King became hysterical and fell Is a collapse In tho pit. Attaches tprled tho reptile's Jaws apart and 'rushed King to Sacred Heart nosplUL ills JIfe 1b despaired of. The rain of the past few days has " been rather a hindrance to the lieachers Boundary Plan Proposed. who are busy getting every thing in Albany, A plan whereby all con readiness for summer traffic. fusion over county boundaries owing Mr. Archies little son came near t0 changes In river courses will b having a serious accident while playing obviated, Is being developed here V on the beach with somo ether children. Presentation at tho next session They were digging sand from under a ' 1,10 't'ljlslature. It Is planned to log when tho log rolled on him. Only , cur" t,l(J enactment of a law char for timely aid from some men who n" ,uc' boundaries now exlstln were working near by he would have Providing that In the future thf been crushed to death, ' dary H"!S shall shift with tho People in Iho Mews Milnr tVrtls of Portland. Mo, ou Vh't democratic nomination for gover nor by a good margin. President Wilson Mined Mrs Grace I). Caukln, an original Wilson 'ip porter, receiver of public moneys hi San Fra n elsco. The British government has order ed a warship to Durazzo, Albania, to Insure the safety of Prince William and his family. Other nations will send war Teasels to the scene. It Is declared. jonn r. v. eyerwiuser, oiiIchi SOP i... 1 .I...L... . in-! i.i l'j uimu'ji magnate, was . (.rt-njuuiii in mi. company a nual meeting held nt Taco' Admiral Fletcher, wb Mexican waters for tr will return to Wa with Secretary r dent. Arrivals t City said LIooj1 ... . - . -- ' illt fMtH AlOJlllnv A ways a Gju! Time Portland Mu5,c Sc!iiian!rt'r's f h clics'.r.t Big All Night Da'nce july 4th In POUR TRAINS DAILY. 1 1 .7 " I "I'll I t A I 1L' 1 ..IS. a. a I e!W I I ll,l,.,llMfi i " ' i - 1 1 I'M I I' A fa-asss ' .tiwal a i M t a V a a . - . I IL.I. 1111111111 IV I ' 111 I ' si ,11, I I I Vb. ai.... I 1 1 . a- a III lull a Si ittl S.n.li . W.. i , . .... .-v..--t- ( ' Ml, I . 1 I . - a... O.. I ......... - . V I t . 1 a I M M 1 I-1BX1IXI1T 111 WIC a II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M I I V II 1 1 1 I f II I If f II Wt I ..I lll.l ll... W.al...a..al I t. I I llnll I I UaHS 1 1 1 n 1 1 I 1 1 I 111 Illir iillllllllllN I la fl.l H- .. It MMIIa. aa.....l. .....a. now fnhliM P. R. N.Ry l.r.t.l..,w .....I f..ll ...I from mty IMx'. A ,N. Atfcnl t Jrtiin JOHN M. SCUTI. I .tt.iftl i,K.aaaaS.aM .1 ta.il I . .tl Of notiKl the an na, Wash. i has beun In .ore than a y-nr. Ellington to confer unlets and tho prt-al .V ...... t Vera Cruz from Mexico ''retJiont Huerta and 3lr Cardn. tho retiring Hrltlrti r, liad nuarreled. liuerta for- mv.ty tried i 4U(;h 0f sir Lionel's ad vice. Tho os tat 0f u10 alB Adlal Steven- wmcn i valuerl at 1100,000, will un snared hy tho three ohlldre n of the former v 4c,jrt.a(j0nt of the United Mtates. The been Crawf fleer 8. Un C or of so iglng g and j l.oun-river. degree of doctor of laws hs conferred on General William nrd Gorgas, chief sanitary of of the Panama canal and Hurnulo son, Argentine ambassador to tho Jted States and one of the. "A. IJ, peace mediators. The average of insane persons smong each 100,000 la on the Increase, according to the statement of TJr. A. J, Ilasanoff, of Now York. Mnsnaelius etta shows the highest average, It Is declared. Specialists are wondoTlng at the feats of a child profllgy, Italphard Peters of Hoston, who 'can read tho most difficult literary -productions and pronounce correctly almost every word In the English -ianiuaje. He Is five years old. the Circuit Court of the 5tntt of Oregon lor rillnmook Colli.!'. W'.'iatn Ryan, plaintiff, VS Richard V. Rvan. "a so oihrr n rioii. of partita unknown, claiming any right, title, lien, imcrrst or ratatc, in the real rtatc described In the com plriinl hrtin," nrfrntUnts. To the r)lmc named iMniihtiu Iticbanl F. Ryan, "alo all other prr on nt parties unknown, claimiu any right, title, lieu, intrrrat ol -taK in thr rt-.'O i-itatr di-srrilxl in the coin plaint ni-rin: In th'- name of the Mate of Oregon, you and each ol you arc hereby r (mired to appear and answer the mm plaint of plaintiff, in the above en tilled unit now on file in the- offic of the County Clerk of Tillamoul County, Oregon, beinir the Count v and State in which the above cutitlcd suit is pending, in thr Circuit Court of said County and Stale, mi or In - lore tlit ilalcmf Hie last publiraiioi -f this Miintiuins. on or before tip 3ist day of July, iyi.j. 1 on ;"tu earn ol v.ti are hen-h Ivvcii 'hr.-f '-'i'. Ilarr"a ji)imi." th.- i.,wti .il I ilUiiKiok. and all ad ef t bii'i i -I Jt.l I'ii!4fi(t wit! l dctllli'HCtl JI-I -Ir.rf, Ihi! Jill lr!r: ,Ur' h- tijii.lr.t an, I .! clar.tl ( lav (iit'it. title, lirn. i lrrrt i.r ( ti4ti..rrt in .,r I,. Mid Un hi ei.ij I .,, c xtil.r.l hi the .1. len-Uni, J(,, , iU f the-., Uf forver trtr. and etii,inrit f.nM 40) tlillli ihcrrin. adtriar tu llie plaintili. d l-r Mich it.-r an. I urthtr relief at to the -nft may rciu ri)tiiubr Tbin hunini"(i i ptibli .1 .1 in thr I'.fQiiito'ik llrarld a tiev( 4 rr unit wtik i"i i totiarculivr itul ttic e.artr vrek b(tfinniii with the i mr ol Jimc ivtb, ioi ant! endine Wllk the taatlc of )nly jut ln, u i Art and in pursuance ol ihr ) Hunt contained in thr unlrr (he Honorablr l.m ludne of Ihf ( ireml Suir It. Ciinmiii-' Itv I I.. v.! .r . II. Ke. imii-iii,ii iMerf ai I 1914. P y IIU1IIG W V'll .rc ,.iiU by -t Holnic ...... ..( I'm m... A Count v ..... '-. "'.a- ' t ' T . iirrL'nn urn rh Vf di r : . a . me nnil uar ui juue. mi . -'-'opcr notified that if you fail so to appear and answer said'complaint as is here in rcfiuired, for plaintiff will appl i. i i . . in rcuiiircd, for want till will aim v titled Court for the relief ileiuandeil to thereof, the Hie aiiovc cu in plaintiff's complaint, lo-wili for a decree that plaintiff is the owner in ice simple ol tjic lollowing described real estate, situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: The IC , of the K y, of Section twenty (so) in Tdwnship one (i) soiuli of ranpe seven (7) west of the Willamette Mttidiat) conlaining ifio acres, in Tillamook County, Origon; also the N. I'., 'A of the N. K, M of section twenty.four and ihc S. A of the S. R. 'A and the N. W. 'A of the S. I'-. V of section thirteen (13), in township one (1), north of range Losni ve; wt 01 111c wiiiauatte lerldian in Oregon, containing if-o J'licresj also lol seven (7) in block v mc itnn uy ol J Allnrne for Plsir.iir ?tiit '' t litiin Cum. ui.i i,.,i. land 'itturt ' Dal -A lir.i till .,on , lhe ,0,j, lav l 1 11 tie. 11,114. 'I) July, ni NO UC U I'tlli IHJHI.ICAIION I)fisrtuient of the Interior V. 8, I.AM) (il-TICI-: at Portland, iH-i'im, June 16, It 1 1. iNOTlClils hrn l.y given (hut (tenrge l-rcslmiir, of lleiivi-r, Oregon, who, on Nuvmiihrr 1U(M. iiinde addltloiiitl (il. .i.'nil Lnti . ,i, o7r,, (or KJ N'lvl Melioi, A and .s', 1 NWJ, .-t-etlou ,Hf., K.wi..hli .'I South, Itm U West, Wl. . iiiiiitii) Merldmii, nut hied notlre of In. tuition to tuiiki! l'ii n live vear Proof, o eMMl likh fhiuii to u,u liiml iibov. dimerlbwl, befute the Coiuily Clerk of lllliilliiiolt v.omity, (iit.gon, nt 'H. iuTi "" i',,M '"' "( '' t-liiimni.t niitni-s mi win esses: Itt'Uhen Y. Illalock, J.ibn Itorbn, HII " 1 t 'i I), Tiriike Jnnlor, all of Ktuivnr, Oregon. ' '.I. I'. Illgl.y. ItegUltir. Notice. to all to whom tuiisf. c;ki:i;tinc.s, Notice U hrrcby givtii by the .Slate Hoard of 1 t r. 1 1 ami (Jamc Coiiiinlss iouers thai, in accordance with Ihc provisions of Section 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws, that portion of Tilla mnok River, in Tillainoolc County, Urcgoii, above n poinl 100 feet below the lowermost puiiion of th mouth " -nbk vr, except tltnt portion of lillaiuook River within too ferl from any portion of tltu mouth of iriiak River, ii hertby opened to fjalinon uliiiig, tdher than with one and line, touiinouly called aiiglim:, from and af 1 July s .,, as approved by statute, I ( mill of I l. . lor the p j Killaiti tirrii Ofegoii, Mil! ' ty Coori gou 1 11 ' Oregw ' f' . ,yl, ' n' llinr o" ' Lach bid ' 'r. ccftlfi"! I TilLiiii.K.k ' rlll t I"' uctt bid, win the County, i" and Ihc bid ! refine for a " whleh tin . to .1 conltail facltny l (! ' Uw The biil ting and k- b " Iniilillng -'' 1 acrots KilUm ' the old wi"d' plan and ( "'' office of thr l 1 The Counh t right to fijef this Ihr tin d.i . J C li l'lrt publican"" Utst piiblicatic'i ji. lb i - " f I .1 Jl I ll I ' 1 1 it Il I led, I I .(. Ill J IVC I ur J- Notice 10 vuii .... ..1 in 1 ..i.o.. H i .hi " r" ,v .(,,.., nf I Si - k l01" fr Ilia I r- 1 ' III Mi lt I la. at wrsi v rn . , be rctfivr.l l rut ....b r,..in!i "i Kon f.ire 111 v lOt II. Ii' I 1 . tt .....I ... il..,i Mm- n itii'" .ii. iiiiti 11 " - tf..i. 1.1.1 1 .11 i.r n rertifleil rhrtk iue - .,.111 1. f',.,.ii' lor " ....... I ,.. r ..-r relit III I". such bill, which - , .1... r iu :. r.ne an w .. ...l , 1... l.i.dler h IM 11 1. rrlu.c lor a pr. . .iI.IaI, iit fsiiTirii ii 1 " ..... , 1 . u a -I flMll r " III IWIIII"-. ..-- ftD factory to the toun In u .1 . ts ... inr ... " :.; f the cou IIK illiu kihih'ii. 1 .ntl I. nil. Dins' rdllltll 1 1 1 ' . . ill 1 1 til a UM plans and sperm..""";.-. .. ;.n..- r rniiiiiv Clcf. . . I... rtlllllll' Halil work to i'v .r. V Tht . . . . . . - . 1 1 (i ij oriore ji iuiiiii .i''i .-'.....,( Court reserve; lltv "K , , nnd nil kills, Dainl ,l,c nl Iniw. IOIJ. - Plrst puiiiicaiio", . Last publication July f1"' t