Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 26, 1914, Image 5

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io)iogenc3 &ys
11 g (,.1
''ft I
tkil tl
" sl
vaVs easy
n k
l '
, ,.i.n frt iiifi "uNarablo" (Hon UtL Mddn?
, .!. prinkl a little
,i a on ymirlixVlii;. ami yii' havo (ml
1-MB I'.
.lf.til tii)iii- if ttiaiAtlun
flbwiiM MmI. I Mr
', , ( ail k.irN jtulir (-(jorM-r uf hlft.- rJt, ViVl
, vf N A I. '8 II W KM cumforl tor munia
n Hi turctUneo uf our tfuola. Wo tMliava In
ttf Jllftta W.o fMUHt Wn at 0i-lua,v.
PAMII.Y HKMKtiUiH . f, r.,h ill.
cdl Happcnhifl.
MHe)f l ItMII OM 0l( rkHM (AIM
Hah MrlUvtiuf Llwuf Hull I, hhu,
ha U'k pari talJml wiU ill Wlfv
arw lit UN) Uilafirj3 luthe rMrv
Try Ukh k dlntwr l Uh OM
SlMiMili Klltion ThT Um tt
In in fw tti tnunwr.
Th. Ilaiwt boj. il (iv of tWtr
. ef a in lane.
,f J' Hi I tfi I .
!lij' -!)
(,,)! l" uMrn. HM hi
, ).' i thf tuy.
icMtl ' ! fAUUlitll" til
irf sa ino uitn.
Ute5 U I'- tl
lfitat k cr alir,uf( etui
Hut MrVcl,
lUj.fi itvl A J. TiVrr OJ
fvll OfvfU. lUf Vlo,
fl Ijf U
(It ,0 Iffclo H0 Bint (HO
Irju tir .ifiv in Tllla..
h;i.tw urtiec.
rsfW i. at Iho Ffilll
it n w. II dgllvcr IIipiii
I,. I'himu him.
K Kurt ,.j0 hem WJiw.
lEtt &J !. t). Hartco of
; La t!vf f ity um lulnra
II r ZtrhuisQii hoU thv locVy
tlho.8,, icni tlip tliKlUh
p. AUci. Huiuurth.
t7 of I kv nlale t'"l liruli
ntf4iy on hia wny fnim n
I tia Waitji..r l-.ii, htuno.
fillUtn gf ,.4l t'lly iv m lit
PlfUy e (l4t0v rolunu-il
r."Vlcrj,io up ., WnihlllKlOM.
TiUn iiiformcl Uui uw w
liwi Mtjr will koiii lltuir
Ju.y Hi, ft(v, Iholr
"Mt acrur i.,).
riVTn,ur. of Cluvunlnlti.
WUUy 11c l tin his wuv
Ful'vl H4iiii, whuro lio I uw
I'll.. !;,
sUl,ilnV. (it'n I ml II tl
LH,3.j'. M. Mini thU clly t.t
UlnliU MlllliiLTl.lihu an
"""t ftriVhtulu r.,.,1
i,,c,ur". I.ut tin Mum you
"y it I, juhl ii, n,i,.
U.I "-w llfl
"te-mplnif trip or for vn-
the I.,.,,,.!, a irviw tr
lii i i w r i v
r,tn0 H Iifrnii..,..., . I ...
Vr Bl y ,
"'"""KODAK trouble to
C J)nnnn-I
Spncchen l)outnci
. ,Kolra4t artil.- EfTbadt lnvill
j Iw-B In lUUm Una fMti ,,Mv altid-
TV bitr ftAofw r Ui nity will
rk at )o a'rlwh uo Hit rtaoint;
Jul lr4 1 ill roli Im1 alt day
Hip Puth,
t u4 II. umieo or Rrk-hton ikI
Wl Willi It. SUrtd ( II.IMarfv
wcr ttnltcaj in maim; in Uiu tti
Uat U'Jnn4aJf.
iJtiflnc U)lOii no will gtr you
ijally lUltutwtal rilllK, t'boA u and
hlwl iwl If Ifce rattl I ( lo make
hay, C I. CVtHik'h Cm.
K, C. KrWachaa recently eniilii.i
th rtiintiuciloo of a hlWV of rctitnflt
wait on the ttoltb Me f tho Thayor
piu(ic(y, cl of cvurl htwsc,
,SlH(?rr cmc lna5hirir far alt)
till caay Icflfii. at uiir liOttio plaiw awl
iule alofv at THIaimxik. Otr. HUi
hi.uic. , UiKiback, Mgr.
Mr. arvl Mr. K. M, Imt-of rUicrno,
airlTnl ((7u (hU rk for an PilrtMln
Vlllt al the IxHttfl of Iholr MM Cooro
lmlt. lint wr aeeomiianlwl hv
Ihplr tau)-liur VkJa.
The ic h t(l kit h! dini;J
vioal ilttoJ I"Wl Ihl a inatkal omI
Mill (u tho lalT.l, Th IllUmvuti
KpI Co hrnJlo iw'.kltnj but
Juilk-e Nutthrun of I'urlfil
Tlllatttawk vliltr thl wflsV. Hila t
thp flfl tlm hr. ha Imicii III ftlUttKMi.
Ill 10 var. Hr l IllUfh Impa""!
'(th tho futotf prffwU of oir cli)'.
Why Imy Uci i.jan awl Hex UrU
Hhcii uu can set Kaalrnt TOfn foil
IibIIU, liarvll all lil l ' TlMallKKik
Kcol Ui. The niunuy en Uuy.
The Itohckah Io.Ik' of thn county
will mrl al llllanumk on WrtJlloaday,
July I, will rcivtf iiwlruetlim
ffuiii the tt proatdnnl Mr. IimIu,
uf Mwr.Ml.nl
Svw la Um inn" I" lwk ovor yuur
mnehlncry unl K"l "f mptf,- "
I'lllaiiKKiK 1I i curruMi piily
fur nil iiuchiiu
Dr. Wcmll I'hyiician
nJ Surjfon offer hii
rrif lo llioic in
.. . t.
ncnl of Kin.. "lcr '
prrnmnrntly hi trl In Tllhun'k City
tml hi'r." only w n "ttn- "P""''"' H?CH
.Kin ilrwwa n Urp' number of 'l'l''
our I'lly, ut l-pro uvory luy i )ur
nirvlrf. SNlifnrlion HtmninUwil. w
I'Mimol ft iinyatyloof lon.onor mount
Inu ymi wUh. (it iuihIito pricoa.
Cotmiiltiillon Kri'C Almolntoly
(5co. I.. Iluinlln, hoiun movlii. rN;
Inir mihI r.IIItnvr. Trurk t ""l
lu-nvy work.
Mi-rrll Smith I IhiIWiiik' n mtxli-m
I.umkhIo on hw proporty on tho Drew
triu-t. It will I.0.WU7 ami will h-ivo
.ovon rimiiiH .! l;h ''''""'..la.h.
rlojcu. It will bo lliiwiif.1 m ubblo
atOllTa. It Will i-OHtiaiPO.
Wmitpil A Kltlon by J'"1"1 ,n,in
of nhlllty, to oiirn bminl or onouijli lo
nay for l'o.r.l by worklm: ,,'",ut fm'r
honm of mi ovonli.K- Nmno nn.l iof-
!rmirf t lloruM olllro.
In tho o.g.0 wl.oroln W. (J. mwn
,,ako.l for mi Injum-Uon rontnilnlm,'
OU-hUch Jllln fr""' t'-mmiliiK on
nroporllmr wl.li-h ho ow.m In nmjm'o
IJ with l.oo. KH-or, Jiulijo
nflor n huurliw yflonly f'""1"1
Krmit tho injunction. Tho proportj
r.MiUoMlonlKU port of tl... qnrrry tl...
Into fumlHh rook for tho now jolt . H
Km,,... th.t thorol.ipanv hu.l n rnntr
with Mr. KlKor, I.ut H;
....othor imrm.li Inloroato.l n tho . P
urty MI..I Hlnco tho wmlniet w.u m ol
Mr. UwmW lvl..K 01
pormniH luturoot ii.nl w u,l,,ll,"'i"" '
dopoiulonl ownor. wo .. ..--
Uio co will coiuo up for trl-l Met,
Pcbplcs Store
MuiihiukI Miits Hitts
Ciiw. itooiK, Shoc't, Over,
con t8 find KiiiiicontH will la
sold in miction by the Slier
iff to Sf.tisfy thr Creditors.
Sitle to eommeiict' Sfittirdnv
June 27th.
.fi' C"'"Mtll OXlfftCt
OUAKOK ciriBIt imvm a ,IWo.u.
l.WnK. eboHni lrink, V., Mc ,
tl.09 IhilH Bt C. I. CIwkIi Co.
'Hio Whil li Klhtj of !wIiik ma
rklM. Vibrator Btwf rotary tnottlu
tyliM. For on o.y tf ,t jor,u(l.
Kourfaon I'ufnitoiu Di.
Mr. W. It. Ucthorforil awl llltlo ion
I'try of MeMlnnviU.,, af0 vlnlnK t
Ihf CmftM fwinntal U.,IHn. Ir0f. HlltJl-
rfwU It en W wny to TIIUiikwIc.
omlK r tho Wli Hvor road with
fwty on a ftahtnt; trip.
Uo to Dt. Monk for flrtt cl photo
Kiaphlntr. Mo alwayi tlollvori tho
Tno OM KMnMi Kitchen U n lino
Blaxy lo ( gio4i, tfKa ervte urul
Kourf tlMlmant
On WMiu.a.My mornlriK. Juno attli,
lowar.l Drew nn.l Miaa (Jrnci. Wl.lu,
hoiMo wt-rc united in rniirrlKo al thn
I'lrat I'rrahytcrinn Church of INirtlnn-l
y K'V lloyd, Thono tiri-acnl. at ll...
n-ri- t,y w.r.! Mr. mimI Mm. V, S.
Whlu .oom-, of Krl fJrovc, pnrunu
of tho bride, Mr. W. W. Wllyy nd '
Ml Iiim Drew, of rilliiinook, nUlvm
of ttie ttroorn and acvcrnl olhur rel.i
tlvoa nni frlonda. i
That ovimliiK the novy wed a left
I'or llanil for 'I'llU'iioiik coining mn fnr
l.hk. l.ytln. nUippltiK nt Outlook
Inn. Hm iixt day ll.oy eiirm; in Til In
inook atw tg.k dlnnur nt the C. N.
Dro homo In Mmpany with relnilvn
ami frVnda nfur which thnv loft for
, tholr auminar homo up tho 'Frank Hlver
imar the hHthory( which Mr, Drew ha
prr-parwd for hi bride, ho having been
eilKagwl Ha fire wanlen for that local
Hv for thin Mirnmer.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Draw nro Iwjth well
ktwwn hen- Imvlnif I eon raUcd here.
Tho bride Ix mi iiecomplUhed younc
woman ami hna been a toucher In the
Kib!ir wliooU of Portland fur aomo
lliiM". 11m Bfcmm la a tnt! unlveralty
Krartuatc ami for tho paHt two yenra
haa hri-n prlncipHl of the Alhona
public c(kkiI and I ni(amd for the
comini; yenr principal of the Helix
cb'l, Thoy have many friend in
Tillamook and thmouhoot the Mate
who wUh for them n happy and pro-1
Hnm wculdetl life. 1
Who Is
The Shiirples Mechanical
.Milker I'sers
Why Not
Mecome a customer
et paid lor it
Kdieve 'turself of
help and drudgery.
Why Not
ill dependanee upon
Why Not
also find
Make up your mind at"once and.invet in a Sharpie Milker. The Teat
Coplwlth the Upward Squeeze. The most wonderful Invention of the
prexent time.
Call at;our itorc and we willhow you & machlnejin operation.
The ttular OHMilInt; of the Tllla
mowk Cummofciat Cloh will bo hold on
Monday ernnlnk' at which ttmo a prpa-Me-ni.
tnurranii a dlrocUir will bo
harld u All ihc vacancy eamoil hy
Hhi rwli:iitMHn of A. II. Oaylonl. Will
ia!dinc and Or, lUrron.
awe farm for oie on Tlllmnoflk
ivr. friee off. atock luelodod.
KraaotwOW term. L J. While.
Kuf St, at a tursah; if Luken aoon.
IUttlnr un Snd and Oih Strtwt. 10
fm hooifi. t-otal twrn, block, k'ood
frini. A dim tn-tutcnt fur rental
or an a hja. Aotlra box 171, T.llu
mtflji. Ore.
MfaM Ivdna 0100, ilUr of M. A.
OUun iirojuicti.r of th Hpauith Kit
chen, ami who ha U-on teachliit; achool
npt HoiioiwrK. Ifft the flrat of tho
crk for hvr home In lows. On her
way lioinc the Mill vuii her orothcr in
Don't be decolvinJ In buying cheap
Hour when joo can Kd Demerit's Heat,
Ohio Sleitl httnl wheal llour at the Til-
lamiwk Kr-.l Co. The "Ucat" Hour on I
the market. Money tiark If nil MtU
fil. For a cfckl dinner or nj thine In the"
tlnr uf flrtt cU. luoila. call al tbv Old
Spaal'k Ik tti-ar.u Oppotite Uaaara.
Juno 25. 191 1.
the United States Civil Seivice
(VMtimUnlon ainyiunrvi that an exantin-'
ation will be hekl at Tillamook. Ore- j
Kon, July 25, 1911. to oaUblmh eligible
recler from which eliVlion may bo
mile to till a vacancy e.xUtitiK in the
lmition of clerk at an entrance nalary
of P)0 wr Hnnun' and aitant oat
matcr al H) per nnii'.m In the Tllla
mcxik! Oregon, l'ot Olllce. Attention
in invltcl lo the fact thai white the
entrance Mlary for clerk i f800 per
annum, provialon u made for the pro
molionuf (iualilli"l clerk JllX) Kir year
after a year' aatlafactory service un
til a maximum aaluty of f 1000 in reaeh
rd. Men and women will bo admitted
to tho examination. I'orsona who tie
aire to oomivte ahwild apply to tho
ditrict a.cretary, U. S. Civil Service
CoinmWvinn, Seattle, WaahinuKm for
Biiheatiiin, ami paniphlot of iiiHtntc-
Chrittian Church Nolet
Wr are pleH-o.il to Invite the public I
to hear the following hjm.tIiiI program '
at tho ChrUtUn Church next Sunday
-'toto - - - John Kblnirer
Violin and Piano duet
Mr. and Mr. Koch
Sermon subject: "The battlefield of
Poacs." Thl aubjeel i choaen to fol
low the Old Sold era convention.
II. A. Van'.Vinkle. Pit tor
Nmarcnc Church
Sunday School al 10 A. M.
Mm. KlvaHobart, the W. C. T.
lecturer will rpcak at 11 A. M, (ind
1 Hire utfi P. M,
tli.i.a or t lev lil.iV lx ooiaineii I rum
the Poatmualer in thia city noM week.
United Brelhern Notes
Sunday School -10 a. in.
Murnlnt; worship and aermon 11 a
in. Subiecl' "The True Source of Our
Evoning service and aermon S m"
Subject: "Many Called but 1V
"Iot ua como befoi-e hia prcaence
with tJiiinW.igivIng, n.id enter his court
with praine."
All irra tvifdially Invited to these aer
Viea. tl. V. White, PaHor
PreibvhrHah' Church Notei.
Sunday achl at 10 a. in. Hibre
atuily hour for old -and young Come.
Morning woicklji hixI serincm. iheme :
"Tho World i Mnving Forv aril, Am
erica leading the '.h'y." (A sermon on
tho reponihility trVnt conies with Am
erican citizenship)
Morning service nt'tl n. m. Evening
aorvico at S p. m.
Strnngera are cordially invited to
worship with un.
D. A. McKonzte. p.iator.
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Fourth of July
Good roadster for sale cheap. Term
to retiKn!ihle party. ICd's Garage.
For CjisIi Prizes.
Hiir Hull Gnim1 on the heach.
iCxtrome Low Titles will iwiUe it possible to net
iiroiii.il the rock :intl in the caves.
Surf bathing:, deep sen tishinir.
Tho TillamiHtk Huilding Company
will receive bid for aupplying 101
corda of four-foot woikI. lo be tleliverotl
In tho bamiment of iu building in Til
i.mot.k Cilv. Oregon, on or before
Sept. 15. I""-
'lillnmiKik lluilillng Company,
Ity II. T. HottH. President.
If the-"Hunch" that turned out to
tho baniuct served nt tho Hotel Ram
sey on Wednesday evening is any cri
terion to go by, Tillamook City is now
n ml hereafter sure tu have one of the
best : If not the very best volunteer tire
lighting organizations in tho State ofi! younger boys of tho town interested in
Oregon, for from the beginning of the j the lire company and has that in mind
feast of good thing engineered hy Pet- jn huilding up the efficiency of the cotn
erson & Humes, to tho entertainment j pHny jn the njar future it is the m-
propared for by u U bmltli ot ttio tontion to give competitive drills in
First Class Restaurant ami Hotel.
Accommodation for Kveryone.
Hrinir your family and friends.
Kveryone welcome.
, Coatcs, to get n large number of the
it running.
Dr. Wendt was called Sunday to seo
Virlin Brown who is quite sick with
Miss Katie Murdoch is spending a
few days in Tillamook.
(Gem Theater -where -special fire lc-; hiimllinfr tho apparatus for which sub- Tho church is being treated to a new
ciar- iturea In two reels was shown for tho ; gu,ntial prizes will be awarded by tho coutof paint at the Ladies Aid
Mutual Phone
"boys" -everybody was enthusiasm I hnsiness men and property owners for pcnse
ANoiiHH jjyvs4 mQ'
15, 25 and 40 Vail,
60 Watt c
JOO Watt - - k
150 Nfall - - i2
2V Watt . - 2Jt
.1 Mam tc um a
Vff ilrtucr lawf
.1. Tr caliaac i
from the beginning to the end.
During the service much wit and hu
mor prevailed -especially around tho
i end of tho table where our friend Web
Maddux held swayoverybody entered
into tho enjoyment of tho occasion.
ltetnarks were mado by President
CltiUHsen, Fire Chief Coutes. Mr. Hotts,
Mr. Dwlght and others of tho com
pany. Mr. Wm. Deans, representing
tho Hoani of Underwriters' of the
Hanover Fire Insurance Co., mado a
few remarks of encouragement to tho
company In tho gratuitous work for tho
preservation und safety of tho city,
Joo Illingsworth having brought In
tho largest number of now members
seven, with tho necessary member
ship fee and application wab awarded
the capital prize on this occasion, llvo
tho most efficient crew. There nro al
so other good things promised in the '
future to those that now become mem
bers of tho Hose Company.
Tho Hose Company nt the present
time hns four hose reels with 2000 feet
of hose, 1 hook and ladder truck and
chemical cart. It is necessary to fill
up tho crews on tho apparatus to flro
fighting effectiveness to about GO active
members, thus giving TillBinook tho
The Mesdames Graff, Mills and
Detje of Portland are visiting their
parents Mr. and Mis. Jacob Blum.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olds, having
traded their property here for a farm
near Nerberg, left Saturday for their
new home.
Lutld Quick and family are visiting
relatives in Newberg and Hillside.
Miss Minnie Desmond is spending u
very best volunteer organization known few days In Tillamook.
to exist in tho state of Oregon.
Mrs. Alwin Blum and sons returned
Sunday from a two weeks visit with
rt of
TilUiuools BlootrU SSUg,
I dollars in gold and a now hut. It was relatives in Forest Grove.
voted to keep the membership open I Mr. Walker, who recently bought the
I and at tho next regular flro meeting- to Doss Turner property, arrived with his
' award anothor prize to tho member of I family Saturday and are now living:
I tho company bringing in tho most now in the Burger house.
I members at that time. . Joan Simmons has charge of the
It is the Intention of Firo Chief Gray GagU sawmill and will soon hurt
Alfred Hoyuolds and Fred Blum were
transacting business in Tillamook Mon-,
day. (
Mrs. Blaco and sons, who have been
visiting relatives in this place for the
past two months returned to her home
in Salem last Saturday.
JlaaokM tka mov 1
alaa ita instantly,
Tka Ureal rilo heal
air. rt upiij.tbt
wi ictul auaU.