it witVt tli c city, the Common Council shall wss a resolution de claring its intention to make such change of erotic ami dcscribini; the Mine. Snitl resolution shall he kept of rccortl in the office "of the City Krcorder, ami shall he published for not less ilun two consecutive weekly publications in some newspaper pub lishetl in Tillamook City, together with a notice to all persons concern ed, giving; the time ami place, which shall he not less than A tlays after the tlatr of the first publication of said notice anil rcsolntion, when ami where the Common Council will have ami determine all objections anl re monstrances to said change of grade, a-. I provide for the matter of bene 'fit. or dimages on account of said ch.iigc of grade. The City Engineer, ui-.'iin three davs after the first pub lication of said notice and resolution, sli,.j cause to he posted in at least two places on the street or streets at P-nnts effected bv such chance of n i a nonce neaneti .oucc oi of Tillamook City, Oregon. 1U-. I r KN.UTKD nV Till- ri-o- IM I OF Til I AMOOK CITY, OKI-CON. AS FOLLOWS Section r The Common Council of Tillamook City is nulhoriied and .mpowercd within the limits of Tilla mook City, whenever it may deem it opcdicnl , to open, lay out, estab lish, widen, alter, extend, vacate or close streets, ami to appropriate and condemn private property therefor, anil to assess any special lienefit aris ing from n such matters and to make the same a lieu against proper t benefitted. Section J: W henever the Common Council shall deem it expedient to hv out, and establish, or widen any street, it shall direct the City Survey or to survey such street, or change therein as the ease may he, ami to make a report thereof coutammg a ..lit of the survey of such street or change, showing the boundaries there of, and of that portion of each lot or tract of land to be appropriated tor in.h in length, and shall in legible .characters state that such a resolu tion has been nasscd hr the Common (. nncil. the date thereof, approval, o' change of grade proposd, and the ti-vc within which written obicctions or remonstrances against the same tv v be made. An affidavit shall be fiiid with the City Recorder of the iM'sttng of aid notice, staring therein t'- date when, and the places where the same had been posted, and the i n I titration of said notice shall be i--ved in the manner provided by t f-sr th- propf of publication of such matter?. Section 29: At any time within 10 ti.i after the first publication of the res mttion provided for in the preccd i-v- section, the owner of more than o- - -half of the property affected by s vH change of grade may make and with the City Recorder a written ction or remonstrance against same, and said objection or re- ti'. oh I'm m tK of C v , ; 1 k O tnge of Grade" not less than one I uch trcet or changCj which report snail ie mane to ine v. ommon coun cil within ten days from the time the same i ordered, unless the Council grant further time. Should the Coun cil deem said survey, plat and rvport satisfactory, it shall adopt the same by ordinance embodying such report. Section J: Thereafter, and within 00 days from the adoption of such report, the Council shall appoint :hree disinterested freeholders of Tillamook City to view such propo .d street, or change, and to make n assessment of damages and bene fits s provided in the next following section, and shall assign a day and place for them to meet, and shall cause a notice to be given by publi cation for at least four successive .ecks in some newspaper published in Tillamook City of the appointment of such viewers, with their names and the time and place for them to meet, and specifying with convenient cer tainity the boundaries and termini of the proposed street or change, and "he boundaries and description of the private property to be appropriated for such purpose and specialty noti fying all persons claiming damages by reason of the appropriation of such property to file their claim for such damages with the Recorder be fore the time so appointed for the meeting of the viewers, and the Re corder shall also send by mail. post paid, a copy of such notice to each of the property 0 ner whose prop erty i proposed to he appropriated, or to the agent of such owner when the pttofficc of such owner or agent is known to him. but if such post office address be unknown, then such notice shall be directed to such own er or agent at Tillamook, Oregon. The published notice herein provided for shall be deem. conclusive notice to all owners of property whose property shall be appropriated for such purpose. Section 4: The Recorder shall, at five days before the date set 'or such meeting, cause said viewers to be notified of their appointment. and of the time and place of such meeting, and said viewers shall meet at the time and place designated, and shall then be sworn to faithfully dis charge the duties assigned them. 1 her shall then, or on any subse quent day on u hich they may adioum (which adjournment shall not exceed one week at a time) proceed to view the proposed street or change, and to determine and assess how much, if any. less valuable lands, or anv part thereof through or over which '.sic proposed street is to be opcn-d istrance shall he a bar to anv fur- - proceedings thereto for a period six months, after which, if the nmon Council proposes to change 1 grade the same proceedings shall had as in the first instance. S -ction y: If no such written ob jection or remonstrance be filed with-i- ihc time designated, or if the com-n-' n council finds that such objection it remonstrance i not legally signed 1 the owners of more than one-half of the property affected by the pro I scd change of grade, the Common C ancil shall he deemed to have ac crred jurisdiction to change by or dinance the Trade as described in the ri-olution previously adopted. Section 31: When the grade of any str et has once been established, and an permanent building or improve ment has been constructed on any lot .butting said street, or affected by sue)' change of grade, the owner or owners of any such permanent build ings or improvements during the time d si,-nated for filing objections or remonstrances, may file with the City ReC'Her a claim of damages bv reason oi such proposed change of gradi. and such claim shall denbe the hnd up-m which such buildings or rovements stand, and an cs-timut- it the value of aid buildings or iniprivcments. and of the damages which s.ud change of grade will icxm-.- thereto, and said claims, and all "..iK m n's contained therein, shall be s.,hi tn I v the party or parties owrn.' sai I Luiidings or improve men's and the land, or by their a gns or local representatives. Thcre nftc the Common Council shall ar- ro.t three disinterested fr-cholders , !aia outi es,ab!ishcd. or changed, will the - tme qualifications as viewers for the -oening, laying out and establish:"- of streets, to esti-naf a-d !ct --nine the damages that will be sust.iint d bythe owners ofbuildings or impr. ' nu nts affected bysuch change of pr .-, -1 to assess the benefits accr:int' to property benefitted by such rti.inpe of grade. The viewers shall ) appointed, and they shall qualn'v, ami notice of their meeting, and ..f the filing of their report, shall all 1' done in the same manner as similar arts and proceedings are dom in th- rt-cning and laving out. ?.nd ' cstarli1 mg of streets. The s;iid view- ! ers si.-!! include as a p:rt of the lien- 1 efits ;'"(! the amount of their j cornf ' '..lor's for s.-rviees, w'ich shall ' the sum of $300 Pch for. each H -ir'nally engagi d in aid seric, !nt tn no case si-,-II the a mourt of such assesnmnt 1 t-nefits excel '. tin cfjrl hmc't ' the t t or parcl of or 1 ' ' erty so assessed, deducting therefrom any d .1 , s or in jurit s " t n- i-m A-hich ai-e lss than said In pcis N'.,r ihall :nv damages h. aw:'r lil fr,r any Ir'iMing erected prior to the estabh'shrrn-nt of the grad'- which is propose.' to Id- chanp. d. and no a ward of damages to an - r- rson shall lie greiter than the amount claimed 1 Council, of the Citv Kecotdcr forthwith to send niail. postpaid, a notice uf each assessment, sl.itmg th- dMe when the same will he conslderrd by the Council, and directing "H ctsons intctested to iresent in w tiling their objections to said icporl, if any they have, to the owner tif known) of each lot, or part thereof, or trad of laud assessed, any pari of which is appropriated for the proposed sttert. or to the agent of such owner when the post othce address uImicIi owner or agent is known to him, and if such postoftiec address he unknown to him, then such notice shall he directed to such owner or agent at Tillamook Citv, Oregon If such teiiort shall ap pear to the Council to he in all re spects reasonable and just, it may be adopted by ordinance rtuhthl) ing such report. Or if it shall appear to the Council that the damage or ben .fits assessed be unreasonable, un just or insufficient in any respect, the Council may send the same back to the viewers fur further consideration, and the viewers may alter ami revise the same as they shall deem just and again report the same to the Council who may thereupon adopt or reject the same. 01 the Council may appoint new viewers with like powers, duties and obligations as the first viewers to make such assessments and awards and to report the same to the Coun cil, which shall have the same power over such report as over that of the original. Section 6' The owner or owner of any lot, tract or art thereof so to be appropriated as aforesaid, or of the improvements thereon or any person having an interest therein, or any person against whom an assess ment or henefils has been made, may appeal to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook CotiH tv, from such icport and assessment of dam.ives n.d ben''it. An mm: ber of person- may join iu sue 1 ,p peal, and the only question to he termined by such appeal shall be the question of the excess of damages oser benefits and the excess of bent fits over damages suffered and re ceived by each person joining in such appeal. Section 7: An appeal shall be tak en by serving a notice of appeal with in jo days from the adoption of the report of the viewers by the Council upon the Mayor, Kecorder or Attor ney of the City, and filing an under taking with one or more sureties who shall possess the qualifications of hail upon arrest in a civil action, and shall justify in like manner, condit ioncd that the appellant will pay all cost and disbursements that may be awarded against him on appeal, not exceeding $ together with proof of service of such notice tn the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Section S: The City shall be con sidered the plaintiff, and such appeal shall be conducted and be heard and determined, and the judgment there on enforced, as far as practicable, in the same manner as an action at law The jury shall view the proposed street, the property to be appropriat ed, ana me property against which benefits are assessed, and the evl. dence of damages and .benefits xnay u imrowiceti oy tnc city ami tuc ap pellants, but the issues. tesiitiioAv and verdict upon such appeal shall be confined to the parties appealing, and the jury shall not reas- ess any dam ages or benefits not appealed from. The jury in making the reassessment of damages or benefits, shall, in its determination of the same, be gov erned oy the same laws and in this charter provided for the action of viewers. The verdict of the jurv shall tie a ft it I and conclusive determi nation . such assessment, unless the judgment rendered in such case shall e reversed or modified on appeal An appeal to the Supreme Court of th .,r.n.i; Mom siith as.rssmrnt , u.M. shall be U,.t in a "I-'-" and he applicable t ihe sal failion ..( the rn lamagr. c, benefits a-. cm. I to th. own,., and otlur person- m - propcrts ken . m darnag.-l '" ,h or changing the slt " thf itwHrr in which suih benefits are asses and tor the payment of Ihe xen incurred h) the City lor surveying. adxertniwR and viewers in said Jr- "seSm ,r Whenesrr the foil ? mount of Ihc sssrssmenl of benrfits as rnt'ieil in the docket of v Hy I it paid into the Citv Treasury, war ,nt shall be drawn on the TteaMtt rr. payable out of the fund t pfo- nletl for that purpose, tor toe a mount ol excess of damages, or ca ress of damage and costs assessed, and m favor ol the owarr or yn' or other persons interested, and he said wairants therefor are drawn and rea.U for delivery to the parties en , UltlNC ... t . I (minium rkli Usui's of a 1.. 'iii ,,,,,11,1 111 WMttl'i puiMiiueii i" j uiiM""- ('llv. Oregon, hi the I'll v Treasurer, within one monin pin t . i- trdcmpimn. which .ball l'f lu.ivr notice to lite t1tt-t of 'aid bond or bmid.. ami l.ilnr.t mi such bond or bonds " dale fixed in said nollre fur rolrmn- tlou. A Ml? AM' MB To Atutwl fc"' '''I'" City, Oregon. b Wl" ',,r to h Arllrle lo be known Hi-j of Villa mook city, URUUON, S I'Ol LOW'S: Section f The I barter of lUU mook IH. ntm. huebt amfHiJ ed b aiWing lhto an A 1 tide to be Vnnwn as Article Mil. .th sUalt read as follow A TIC I V. Mil 1 The Inlttalivr nd trfrl- endum powers reserved to the j )! in a ai... L.. . 1 lltnll. .as .-.i 1 ... .l. ...,i. ,.,Hiiv shall .i i',iu..,..k t u hs inr t imM'iiii"U be appropriated lot the purpose of ttJ the Male of Oregon ! all . such street and not otherwise, pro- , special and munUipal lagtstolbm ol led. that no process o any twin every character tn r aara 1 mooa. Illy, saaii e fsrrfisms K, i,rrtided lor b Ihe I I.. 11 in oimnd n anpropn ation for damages or the issuing of warrants lor the same And unless such assessments are collected, and said warrants are so drawn and ready for deli-, ery within nine months alter be rendered thereby; and shall also ascertain the respective interest of all persons churning to be the owners of the lands or other property afore said, or of the improvements thereon, or to have any interest in such lands, whirV . rh l tiA nn.Rf j Stale may he taken from such ju.lg Which each of said owner rrsfi-n. .1 . " ;.i. J.:tt 1 un-ni m tnc same manner as other ," us,nin- ,,u' thr. r.,K,,t 3,1,1 judgments of such Circuit Court and title of the owners of such improve- j w jt, like effect urZl'Jl "0,t !'ic afT",C'1 SUChr i Scc"on ,fa- PI'Hant fad, to proceedimM, and he appropriation of recover greater damages, or to sr such lands, if such owner shall wit 1- , 1 u. . ' . , ! fs .1,... . .1 ri v " """ iinc asiestincni 01 in rx days after the appropnat.on of benefits, as the case may be. than were assessed by the viewers, judit- :ic!i lands shall he completed, or .ithin such further time as the Coun cil shall allow therefor, remove such i'.ij-rovements from such lands. Other . ise such improvements shall become nd he the property of Tillamook ' sty. Said viewers shall also make a just and equitable estimate and as- ssrncnt of the value of the benefits ,nd advantages of said proposed reit or change to the respective owners and other persons interested in all lands or other property which said viewers shall deem specially benefitted by such opening, laying . .r. i.ii .1 1. 1 ' ,"a, I"lrP,,; snail in- presumed to irns ""y l'KHy tak. 7 j v ' en, until the contrary is shown. ..itnt for damages and benefits as m ) Section It: The Council at the inis .-.cctipn rerimrtu to the Common I oiration of tl- lime limlird nr .... mnt shall be rendered atrainst him and his sureties on appeal for his pro portion of the costs of such appeal to be paid pro rata according to the re spective amount of damages and ben efits assessed. The same fees and costs shall be taxed and paid upon such appeal as arc allowed in other actions. Ss-ction to:. In all actions, suits and proceedings conct-rnint; the oneninu i?ying out, establishing or changing Council ol TmarH.h t Hy. O.egoH. subject to Ihe provisions of said Con stitution, provided, however, thil no nr.lin.nte of Tltltmooil ", Ofn?st. it, iriniiniimn of the lime limited .till u into vrfecl wllhln less than ior appeal, if no appeal b take, or ih,.ty ,Us afKf Its Wtg b b' within nine month from the remH- Common Council and appfovrd b lion of final judgment on appeal, II , ,he Mayor, unless Ihe same shall be an appeal b taken, all act and pro-1 Bed over Ms veto, and In that ce endings under such survey and view J, .ih nt take effect and koti shall be null and void, provided that 1 operative until thirty At '' the Common Council may order the Anal passage, eseepl measnres neeet whole amount ol damage allowed. Mry the Immediate prsevtloo or such part there 1 I as H nay dtem J the peace, health salety ! ihe proper, to Ik j-atd uut ol the general ,y 4m B urh emergency measure funds of the Ulv, or may ord r the kj,j Income immrdialclr opcmtlve siime to be so paid temporarily, and 1 unlet it Ml f a epn. that the general fund be rvitnlmraed lH,n ,h reasoos why it I neary for said payments from the special ' tna t should becom Immediatcli fund provided (or that purpose when opera live and shall be approves! by the same shall be collected. . ihe affirmative vote of three-fourth The Recorder shall not deliver any of ,p , member rieeted lo ihe warrant for damage on account of 1 Cono Council taken by arei gnd the opening or widening of a street j80es, and also roved by tat Uf until the person in whose favor such ' warrant i drawn shall have eahlbit-i tiitm f The Cummon Connril rd to him Mtisfactory proof that provWe foe the bna,m to there are no prior liens on the land ,hlt jCJf, lMff, TllUmoofc C ll appmprwied which may be affected fat fw M rejection any bi such apprtpriatio. ordinance or charter provision, or ectmn tj And when said war- 4wwdwrw, withal petition ihrrr rant are drawn and ready for deliv p,vidr for the calling erv lo the panic ermiled to the same of u, ffc.trliww ,rt ,rte uptm the property required lor Public use of4lriVce. or charter amendment re a shown m he report of the City f A Kr , , w hc r .M,rjeor shall be deemed appropn- j h mtip Hf n,i,rrt. Bw kaib sled for the VUtmt of ihe streel, and tkttUm Hall be held ssuhool J das the Council shall be deemed appro- ,hc0 ftf, g v T .L t- K 7.1 nnbiication in two or more rnnscru- Yi' l.T" V'"WTA s.k, issue ol .., new. paper publithed in 1 lllsmook Clly, Ottgon. which notice shall Contain the fU rviiiira til i """IPII till P-... "Mir Some I. heel,, KUts .....ok C.m,y. umm, l.riit li dint r ...... 1 n l'iit..ii.l I' ii . '""t '--, nr., ' " I'fllOH, I ig. f.Hllo.l, liaung . '.rtuoniut i.iv soiiiieiinn ., Uhj . " 'y "s'm itf the first Mhll(ti.,, n . . i .ii . . ia,c ,. Uit . 194. i i ii..n,FA. I ..... vnij i Notice of p.. monk C miniy. n L,V - : - --' hi. ,.i ii . Hay Constriiiii.,., . f the inl.t.i . , auy person, h.... Ihg objections i , lion nf said ...k. . IwO WfVk llo'ii -),r V nbKcatioH Dales! ibt tl. . i J. t It i, ii m I to 1 I.H.' vounijr i lcit lloosirr Hind flout. declare such street lo be opened, laid out. established or changed, and with in thirty day after Ibe adoption of said resolution the City Surveyor shall file for record with the County Clerk of Tillamook County, a copy of said resolution, and an accurate plat of sid iret: d id .e prpi ty o appropriated for public use. Section ia: The Council may pro vide by ordinance any regulations a to tnc manner at opening, raying out, establishing or changing street not test of the measure to be voted up"" at said etectivn. logeihrr with thr form in which said musliwo wtt l-r submitted BOO the oflicwl bHt l-i voting thereon, and said rirction shall be held within thirtt- dm f (nm ike date uf She first psbj-ti if of said notkt. Mhe notice .bail be given of the submistUm of any jue tbm which i to be voted up t sny feueinl eteclion held m t .lUmook Ibe . . Hand. Hilt mu rd at W kerUi. , . ulr There ( ..iir m -tn Ibr Land .U,i (or ibe refi v -. r ' ber with i m pi tg: I he t lIUlii., k -Hand nii b ,it , A ft Fits if ; stllr tost )ui i ff gottualtoA Ibr MiOil it i, . prrpaiall'tn ! -t'raiiu,i ni ! . fs Ii Min.J r.- Norihwrit it it-.. 1 br band (' Up.-.M Mf es..--' Count Ui v - t.)i ' II Ihr ! ' than I. ting tf In wilr In i..i)' cllorti ssiHild i - W'OUlii lt(il !' Nnlloiinl I ufctt 'm'tt. ' t . ,a.i ..i. . ' -a . gtacrai net i ton nin m i ,i: prmide by ordinance anything eon- T ventent ami crssary tor the en eel- - ual carrying out of the spirit and in-) a UEi'lll- tentmo of this Charter. To gtwued the Ch".r, ,i Till mook City, Oregon, b d in-g there A ilK.ASl'RE l?. W he knowi. rtilr To amend the Charter ol Tillamook XIV providing for the rc .iidina .,1 City. Oregon, by adding thereto an Article to be known as Ar ticle XII BK IT KNACTKD HV THK i'KO lLK tF TH I.AMOOK CITV, OREGON. AS Pfil.I.OU'K- Nection I 1 he Charter nf Till. mook Citv. Oregon, is hrrrt.v miH,l. : ed by addiitif thereto an Aftirt ed by adding thereto an article to be ko Article XIV. prtrvidi r ibe outstanding warrant Imjrt.t. dn. ol rtirawoo C liy. regn BK IT RVACrftb BY THt cm r'LK OV Tll.t.AMOOh f l IN. RKUOV AS l-MI.I v. s Section i 1he Charter ! I dlj mook Oly, Oregon, is lurbr i ,rnd lot u,n uu uriiKn.neu a Article All, umiraini Ol inc itllll"l'luik- 10 reau as ioiiowS' warrants oi I mamooK lly. tJicsmi ARTICLE XII. fhlth amendment shall rsi 4, Section t .hall be lh dniv n lows the Mayor, whenever nruiun .a, ARTICLK l procure blank bonds of uiiiahl .t. i Section f The ( sign, and cur the tiimr ia Im urn. . of Tillamook i , '.,..,, i,.,i. erly prepared in amounts of not less l?'norif '" ' gemral h..rtd of than $10000 eath, made payable with- 1 Tlllarnonk tin, lirigon, upon Hi 111 a period of not to exered twmtv years, with interest payable either an nually or scmi-annii.i t . h.j 1., directed bv the Comin.,11 ( outicil All sucn nonits shall have designated wiercoii water itonrls , Street Im provement Bonds", "General Bonds", or Otherwise s the rase may be! Milc of said bonds shall in any rvmt be sold othirwise than lor cash nor Shall Ihey be sold for I. . than ihe tittr vattm 1 1. .. un f ....1 . 1. . . " .i"'i uie rate ol in of any street under the tirovisions of! tcresl thereon shall II Ol I'lfrnl aiv !.: f'l.-.-s..- 1 1 1; i.i I iti.r tin vm,w ici, .ill (11 l(fCMIIlS ll.Tf (r I " rtnilUIH, ' sl.-s ....... . ..I.,. It 1... 1 CXCCpl after tllr Ilslatfr nf tit. tintt 1 . s tls r t !.. -, fit.., . '"""en ur ap- ..j ... ,,unnncn t ouncil aiitli- sw- rn to hv said rierson as here- nm- -,f ,,. :..r.' : . 7. rv"V " I'l'c.ii oc i.ikcii, or immcu- ",K -mr, which ordinance inhofore proVded. and if in the judK- name of any owner 7 or a statement I T. '""n ,? rc,,.r." ' f "'rJe!:f-...,i'rcl to Section 2' S acti r sh. l! o -r bond of any rhar- h Issilr,! iif...,i it. a...,. a. " ' " -Mi. lo an .ntii not es ee.dmu J-o.cj,, and , ,hc nf, Crrds In, 111 thr tab of sti. h Lund l the dlsitiargr and pavin-m of thr out.laiidiiig city Mariaiits of Tilln i..i,k it. irrgou. and for nrces .ir iimii!.r rsprnse .. said city for the yrJr lyl.t Provided, how ever no part f ,4I)J pff,,.!, shall hi used for ibr payment )n whole or tn part of any such warrant . inch buve brrelofoie. or may brre .(1 r be issued without ny consider ation hiiving been received hy said lillainoook Citv Sertion j n. of tUr I NinTICK LH IIKi.t v ul.M the Ulvtla ilrsi-f ' ', IS IflK1 ft) 'A arte, w It -V .N.Ofitml rnrrit. t'rejf " Js pJiTlHss U tnc r b 'r ,1 Us tfiiitml Hutrs I " ft! land, Offfguu, on A ' "JlC Mtllor Sthii was a ' s . !! Bi-'t'Cullural 1 .( :n 1 ft h 1, UnL ami Ii AS tu I A ' CJ r.ns r h- -Mtsi! lead nitry fur ti c .s ' ' piesl. Hokl laixU Wc -f tnl t app'iealiori. -if tho ie- W"! lrl. W, who hr A f-ii.K-t to ll-P .ri. , I ' ' settlor. rirMVldr-' ' r r Kl.irt .lal thn lifrfr- 0 t tl . . . . . wbleh duto tho 1:1 'it' ixirtliu. Tint InrviU ae I. tb CJ nf I..t 'l, -e 'TIS. W W. M,. K.W .-rr' ut JW S I. 1 S S . t IMIVHlsl'H "4 e'"'f " Way idt UUl. t i't't, Am Vi" t ll"Pmt ' - ' Olllfn, N'lillcc ClnsliiK .Slrcami. faith and credit of I illamook fiiw 'by auihnrird shnll l.r st.l ,..i.......i. f ' I K.i i . . . . , jit nt oi sail viewers the wholt? I f a rlA tllr. nllwir vlin ! si... amount of said damages and com- owner, in such report, or in the or Pensat.on of viewer shall exceed the dinance a.loptinK such report in the ...i : . -i v...w . "i v, iioci.i-1 oi cny liens wiicre tin- same Mibject to assessment, they shall so is entered, or in any notice renuired indicate in their report. The said viewers shall make a report of their findings of benefits and damages to the (' ornmon Council, and the same shall be heard, considered and adopt ed, and the assessments of shall be levied, docketed and collect- 1 rendered in such by this Charter, shall not render void nor in any way affect the lien of such assessment upon the property assess ed The viewers shall receive as com- voters of Tillamook City, pro tnai tnc i oiiiiiion t ouucil m.on anneal, if anneal is taken uiccm it adviseable to mu-n l.-iv legal establish or chanire said si reel in i,r' vided suancc of said judgment, shall by res- '"c passage of such ordinance may oltttion direct the Recorder to enter 1 I'fvidc for its submission lo the tieo- wuinci ui uiv urn; me rciiirf- live stittift of benefits over l;imaR i nan lor ch or In rtri.MH.. .s, standing city warrants, and hi no vent for any le, than ihe par value thereof, but the holder nf any M,cll warrants, the payment which is ot prohibited hy tl,r provision, of nicle, may e, change such war rants, with the consent of the Cum- ..on ouncil, tor said bonds, said I V Tl ff-l hi . . lul . tl ."--I . 1 Jfc . it 1 I ff. M.v- oroide irTC,,!i" "r iul"l"i'1'. "l ' l'01"1 lo . l l-ar wl h accrue provided also that if any ordinance it.lercti and the id ,..r,,. .""f " i i " r i , . i o i mi me same limn assessed, upon each particular lot or sJm" he pasted or adopu-d bv the Itit parcel ol laud, and the names of the ' .-'"union Council authoriiiiL' the issn. I S owners or other parlies iu interest in ed, and kept in a scperate fund. An appeal from said report may be taken and the findings of the jury in such cases shall be final and conclusive in the same manner, to the same extent, r.nd with the same effect as provided I1 " ' "!!" ! r other property benefitted ,. - -j I .-mu assessen in like service, io ue pan l scssitietits for ance of bond for tile same shall he manner as as- street improvements I... .1... - . i , . ' ' : uy me cuy aim cnargeu as costs, audi are entered in said lie,, .Wli. i , .... - - - - - , mi.. ,,,,. ,,ivi,(,L. au n I shall tirenare reports for them. Section 5: Upon the filing of said in the opening, laying out, establish- ' rol,orl f. viewers with the Recorder, ing and changing of streets. When ,s,la" ""mediately cause a notice such assossinent is fnlK- eoll.oi...! ,i... ' to be published for a ncriod of two - r M . , .. I Wf-eL-s 111 n n,iwti,',i,a. 1.111 I :.. v-oiiiiiiuii v uuiieii may cnatige wie ; . - ;".""pi'n iiuuiuucu ing the issu "iy purpose, and :uifir.v,.,l I... .1... ii ois.ipproveii uy him pass ed .over such disapproval, ami if the power of the referendum be , thereupon invoked, the issuance of such bonds shall be deemed authori' ed without any election rv.ll...i i... the lien or charge unoii the estate :id interest of the resnertive owners r....( ,i'.r,..L .i,.v.... ... i. I.... .. ftin, ...... . . .. 'in va imviini in .such i:iiifis fir n, int. n.,t inii uosi:. t-xef-iii iieit ... ....... property and also the said owners C-oniinon Council shall by ordinance and other persons interested, as afore Provide for the issuance of street im- said, shall he respectively and sever- provcrueiit bonds without any guar- lly llll If I C to DstV hUid :i Kf't titti ! i antce of thL. cfrmli nf tr.. 1 illamook Citv. Qrctinn. of thr filmcr i and in c;isc no anneal or mlwr i.r. w1io!c or in fian tun f shall be drawn upon the special fund ?' sa',11 'eport, giving the date not codlings tn Court he taken as to any ,,"",s ' illamook City, such ord so provided in favor of the person en- ' l tI,a" ? :'ys from the date of the ' s,lc" assessment of benefit or dam- I'-nicc shall not he subject to the now titled to damages. But if after the 1 fl1rRt Publication of said notice, when as. the said excess so assessed '" "l.the refrrcniliim. collection ol any assessment as here- J. SJ,"C c consmcreu uy the i " "c, to ine i reasttrer of (he orcnon 3: All honds issued hv Till I.I...I .L - -. m LflMlmnn Pnnnil,, ...:!.. I llv of t lll'iitiswL- ...til.!.. ..... i atnnnl. r'l,.. .I...H . ' f 1,1 in jiiuviueu 111c common council -': 'ihuhhuk nun ; ' ' , niiuiii icn uayjt shall not change the grade of any!"" "" .1" certainty ine boundaries street, the amounts of any assessment 1 of H'e "'strict assessed by the view so collected shall be refunded to the 1 tr ,n 'a"J report, and notifying all person or persons paying the same. , J'""0", interested to present tn writ by ant! through their legal represent ativcsor successors said matter. in interest as to A MJ-ASURE To Amend Article VIII of the Cbarr- a ": aiimoW f'i, .I...II "f " ... ... . ... ,,,,, ,t nays nuaii reserve the rit'lil or'!h "'1 1 u". " l7"'"K '' 'mc 'c ty to take up am cancel any on the docket of city hens, or the ' all of said bonds upon payinrrit ,,f same shall be deemed cJeliri(,i.,-nt ; and l,le Uiercnf with a ccriieif Interest thcreUDOti s ha be co Wm.t l lit-, to he dale of .net. ' "lrrct ing their objections to said report, if manner as provided for the collection er ','ve from the date of such any they have, and said objections, of other delmcuetrt assessments , ''" . which right of redemtit , U , ..v.... ... uciciiuiiieii i-.-i-v... ,1,.1n niiiLii assessments are 'J",-,, ""'"is Mian he rrdermrd K, by the Council at. the time specified Ii'c al delirifucnt is not sold at any consecutive numbers conn ;,i,7 iu said notice, or at such other time as the hearing thereof may journca to, it snail also 1 other time a'V proceedings ny be begun 'for wlh the lowest number 1. "15" a,!5 nay be ad- a wbsequent sale immediately after " of the intention of the (It v 1,1 ie uuiy ui a .aic are made. All 'tu"' ""y 'muds shall br published aici 11 1 nu- ,,..u 1 1... :iiiih,i,-.t ri.-n ,' ""r"y ,,, """" ""y issiini alter tlic pnssagt -of an ordinance by illr Common Council aiill.nriinK the wiic and said bond, shall be payable vilhln a period of not exceed wenty yt,UN , )far il)lt. ,c rate of not more than ,ix per fr, ,. I'tr aunui... payable annually or -' ' ly as ihe Comnum Co, I ay determine, will, ,r rK, ; reserved 0 Tillamook C ty e !cr... and cancel any or al o sal, mniU upon payment of ,,c ff' creo will, accrued it.terest hJ date f such payment at or after five yn 1 from the datr of such bond Such bond. ,ha he re y wiiht',i,eivrow,,,,,u,1,cr.' two coniecittivc sines of i.i.,. P-M'cr ptibllshrd in Til an, ok 1 . prrgon, by the City Trca , ,r will?, "one month ami not !, than e y Prior to thr ti,f "rd r he , rcdcmptlo,,, which .hall be concl . Mid notice for redemption. KNOW Al l M l''TS. Hut plllpose of propai-'-i.i iraiertin(c the i.iln itienl the waters - ami its tiibtiur.K County, Slate of llit:inl of l ull and loners has decided N'esiucca River ,r above a point on 4i , 1......1. ..1 1 ,v. 1 Mi iiiiiiiiiiii ii,--- ... . . nut r r iiiiisi iiiifiitin ' of Horn Crck n l 1 '"n" or 1,. .......... ,1 ir, it rr m rl inraii whatever, 1 anil Hue. ciimmniiU j'1'" 1 ior u iiiiin n. n ni in ii. I-" il...M I, 1 .. .. 1 1 r , ,hrd sffitu i-1 1 1. i 1. I 1 If l N't'l IS lll-RI-HY f.lM N IV hM 11.., ..1 ..1 t.-i.i. t.jiur (.(""- , 1, in 11,,,, ioncr that nld Nrsltuci HI"' its trlbi.lnrir above 4 I""".-, ... . i......,rfil rirsiurra mver our in- f . I .1 I. n,.llllftil nun-- icei iieiotv 1 lie limn " ilie r.wiiliiriii-i- nf I lorn t. rcrs ..I . I rli nl usuiii.i mver, ,iir .-, . 1. 1 1... -I......I 1., fi. hlllL' W l IIL'irilV Llll.lll i , moms whatever, except . 31111 Mile i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 V 1 .mi." - ...... ...... .......... f , ,,. nil S.MIIIOII nan, ii"" 1 ....i.,i. 11 11 .... ii, m i 1 by 01 niiaii.1. t ... lsili-ill IlklllllK "O f "l'viitti t aisinisii " ,.th accordance with :rcin . I 11.. -,. 1 ...... mill II " l-tllll S UirUUII """! ,' V nf will be unlawful t ' mi i.ilill Hiiy ,iiiii" i.i. -verlit ViU nun iiiir. a iiniiiitjiii . siiu.ll1....! An.. I ..II f.ortntlft iiv"" ' J ww 11,11 U ew. r.uI.I.. !.. s,1,s iliilll 01 ! - will be proitcitled as ny C' Slate Hoard of FUb nJ .oniiiiiiiioncrs. ,, ,. tvp lly bloyd llllycu, ) v Oeo. II. Kelly and M. ' h 1- 1...1 ; Dated at J'orlland, Orctfo.' lyis.