!,Wftr,! h ' within auch llinr ffr tbr patlMKe ,, ,mll I" .1 .'" '' .1 lllr (' lilllflra,. ( 'Mlfirll may arTER amendments. . ..f .I.. - - 1 llrf ill t. -.,.. ..... . i. " i.,,rd(M t 11 """"' ui'imn in ,( niCMcnt ..,, i ;, '""'""MiiiK days, I'',,rUl l .i..vitlfl for tin- nr. n .. " 'Li , L,?,LI. '?, ,MT,!,r V . rhnrir. ' . M'" U III- ,. ' wnniii aiir i t inc. II"" . .i. . ..;.. tin. f.ii I l....... .... . .. ... Mir I ntntnnti (....,. ii .i. ....... i I t il' i mi. im- - ii Him- mi I II.' i n.. t I ! HUllllHT III II.MfliillliciilH In till' vm. I'f'" ' . II I.I II. Mill llil.lMIUMU.M ..I .1 . 11 ill i nun r,-. "' ""-iiMi in wir Mtiuicr ,1.M .n unyoiio who wiMhcii nuiy nlTer HiiWm. VI" . .t... .. .....ii. I ii i. m I u in-.. , .i ... I .... .1. - , . (i M III! ' "mii mi, nn otuicil '.mlt iul ptHhiMl tmtl lli. iimciidmriim ... . i . . I. ii. mill! r . Ill IH i.i .Ml. I- I''" ', . ,1W 1 Ut- " 14 1 .litwiiiK . . to Council of Tba City I'njrlnrtf. w,(,,w k i .i i . ",r?' puMloHlon . . hmI r licit 7. i !' ittohjliofi. ahall (um to bt i .iUh . tiira. cniitMMlr at Midi P f i,. a mrtHir to i line H ih totiumplatrd Im- , ..ante I piovrwitni a n.ir which htl urn- ,ti of III cliy of ill" in IrfiiWr tharact-ri copy of .1 ml aubiiifliwl ibr nt.tluu.m of ih ( ommiM Coon- ..fotli.lty Willi lllr CH. n III.- .Int. ( adoption, to. 1 i . ....... .1 I H IUI.. .Jf lr ml.ullP(l i f J i'l.i,.n.ll Hl ,., I tl.r Tilt ,,,. il iKr ' l.t-ltll "I ' ill ..ir nilliln t I JT .) iticL-'itiuni in MltMu l.i.i ..l.jrtiion Mfirt fcmon. u....r. iluiti.. mar hr f, and Hit i. . ..l..(t., I. rtl.liKn1 m iht city ..ltl.141 ..ri, ttuti uw ,vr .ii.ltlif, m f.nttrtlo thrrtwiih Kt ih Indunullon iiktrd in il.r h..in. i.. h btu4 by thr Gly I nvo.frt I'd.of ollhr bul.liik.n. nf .' . l..tlH ol llw n..r ahull ! tlltd ir the ttf. it n ih ulr . irt'i..n hm4 ih" ,, all." r (Hll't AMI I A MI'-ASUKK - It F i. f i (tr. ....f.l , ,,m sni Cl Iht iMn.Hf ! ibr ti.a(rc In Mch iii.K ii.i.rt t i ni liiKe.!, in ihr luM jh-. fri.,, wi.ih fK4avli It U4 ni, i i nx ltcorir AM nBin llfl rtiirntra, f.i! at (ij. vrillxim n, . . mii rnntrnlrfir 4n ib(f inci.iriiial ... and es .ra .i. I.. t4i mi.i fffecl U.f r tultiiiiio at) ..r.ltnanrri an ihtiiifiity iIk nii.i.)trt nt, tball bt l.s!ur. n thr r.llKUlr t,i lllr fffr ..! 4il in lit .( .tlnrtit uoa ihf .....rtli iMrnrdK' .! " uth initirot-f num. ctr. i tuib .t lhrrro( Ibr I .-mi.'i xiiit ! jn mi.I rc!uitut. n.J onlinaiteti furo .) .!ilt i a otti of the gtntral i I Itlbtflonli tHy sn-ri Wlittta jo 4ay from ii, .Uir i ih nm twhlkattoo of '.(- i.t nolle rtiittirrd lo fee pvb !nl.rl ftfui44 fwf SrllMI I .1 Imi AiiuW, Hit oor of iwo U....U r fit ! ih ira of iht i i -ty ihin uth itflprt)rmrtii S.t(i may mtltr J lllr avitb ibt k .lei a ttftttrn ohjcfiion lo. or f tndtiairantc inai ai4 imprivr rnl. n4 mm) objMilon a4 rtmott- kn (ball lx I har in any furihrr iiC(4kHg in iht inaUng a( ich . i - rntnia (or a ftrioii of U .r,.,ti . (oyi4r4, Ifcal If any web r !..- t,t rviri'Htatranrc ahall Ut lt..r ! frnl of atlurnrv oi i i ,t..fii) ..ti.f. thtrr thai I h t' .((! it t ..(ilrf wfbtn llir :i c f"tlr4 I'' toeh t.j rK-n. .f i. j7).:iOi. tl r Mflllrr jlll!:nii t I- . Uii Mgriing .. tiuh ibrtllft " i :)tiinl(nr. n. ..thrlMIK a.'H tinalMira bH lr iirr(arrrl. Srtlicm A 1 1 m a.icli oblrtllon m iim. iu rmnaiian( ''xlr tiirnrt a af . .i.,riu ui..n l , MMltr aj ,f w,, Oiy - Uh. ,.rtlil Urn- t,,f,fr within ihr itmr 4riEnait'f. HOrnir-tt, to 4' ihr ( t.itiii)n I .nril tkall r 4rtm . aii) of ihr r, i hair i.Uir-,l (uriarltclion lo Ihrnrnf. 4 lu 4c- ..f.Jci I be intfi'i.trinrnt ! br madt. :t.r lltnlla brf rinfl , mil). b ibrirjlln. and wilhin )...! ff Htially Thfrr mmlSa loin lb title uf lb ' imj.ii. rliirnl. 4 ,(,jl (..). tirUirt ol M .riHl rrao- .i(b rj.l. j.i(fl pf I,,!,,,,., L) nrdinaiMf if'llrd (or llir " rtrlitit l I'totldrd, mal,iri will iiui(trnirnl, which 1imrtr ibr ownm ,I4t tunluim ir all f-arwulaia lo ihr I' u.la of iin.ir ai ihf (.Um and aprciCualK'oa pfrvitnialy (rfl)' H."ll lll an 4.!...lr,l V hri. Ihr I .uiiflinn ihiii- . il aball bar t ' l'lrl I'T Ihc ii.iWioj "I an mi.m.. r mtm .n alof ami. riltam.xA I it ! '! d' rflicd I.. Iir .... -i .tr.! in. I J'ilirrd .ncfibii ..I all .Jtlb Ar gfadc , oillnh Ibc '.rrl Imra (or a.nd iniiifotriKritl. anl ! tialr " a'm. hll ibffiallrf br iUiinc.1 in r4flb Thr I ..tuition I mintil a!.. II baar .arf and authority i" I'rotidrd hit t lirr i,r.. ..ln.if l..t an alrrrl miifof infill "ru nf mid tttoiHif- a!.,. i. protidr for platmi; in ihr ,'.fl) ahull in ami by atirrt tabcir aaid Improvrmt nl f l tffrr upilll ihc fhiif- br madr. all nrcrry aurfacr ipf .ritinii talilcli tliry tlf tut aaalri. Ba, brat. '"rr. a.wrracr ' H.tc and hc ttl.ilcfial or alii olhn .grror. and all con- il rttin, the roiiiliion dull) for clrt trie h if ca and othrr r- ' l...itd Uy the arlrr- t.,tr lhal arr or may bricttlicr he "! in cAitaitiK plan ttreraaary. The C onncil may alo ' " and calimalrt of provide a crrlain unit jllrr any "I i be iiuilc, (lie tamr ttrrl iiiiiarincni ia made tluriiu: I upon Ihr Iwaia of the which II ahull not br lrn up r dti- ' nil) fnvriiiriil ao aelrci- lurlird, ami ahall alao hf power and !.uilhntil) 10 prmidf lhal no opfiuilK Uhrncvrr ihr Coiiinmii of nny alien hH ' ",!,",,. "l,houl 'I dfim II rxpr.llrlll. Il . firal obuuiliiB prrnul iherrfnrr. ami t prcarnird innlic Common Council aitaii nar MUM VII Ol' I K t'l 111 t.A : , 1, I III l.O.S' t , II.. Proplf ol ..g. ."i l..l v V II ..( ibr I baf k t . t li ron, la ... that thr aaiot n a ! I Ml If.,., "alfrft" aa . I :l ill r ro . ittrft. arrnar. - .n. . f (Hlblll ,,. ui hrrraltct .n t pMk ot It ' m ' Itttpfo r" aa l i IBIa Af U4t.l . tt lu-lr al! iru ut f . tr !nt.itf ma tr t.n adamlflng ,.frr..tB and al . !t ji i.l ina.liaa) i . ao i I a'l ttn tK I fr.alflnt .. i'Xt, ir.iHrl a. ai.tba. , irfii dtalna ,-. in) o I Ibr airtrla . of atr pafl ol o.iitiii.ii r Otltll . I. I fif. il r .r.f '-.I ..tot nnl rnpoaartftl ! oir Mfl of thr it. It .r liiii.imfil. Safatirr. kind and il'.'n.VrTT' C,?,M,,J '"V l"-r-np)t; prfrr,l m ..fo , u f, .(., i. Xf.ri h ( )( cO)Mm01 (:(H(t hall .Iralrt- to ,vr ,Uf, ,)M,Vr. tnrnu or any , ,,rfrf Wl, Ihr futnitbina; ..I malrriaU therefor 'lone by ronltart. It l .rccl ,()c llt""" '".""' ",,,,fr y imbllttU int. not for lit. ,, ,hfr.r ,mbllca. I "i In the my offjri.i ,;,rr( M. vitlnB protMHaU for mahinR aaid Ini nrwftnrnla. or (tirn.bln aaid mtiltf lla and in.y KV4. ,(, ttther MOtCp Inviimn aufli pioptnuiln at it uy flreni mrdlrr:., .i.n,,rtrd thai not lr than ju dva lum aball b, RvrH frrtm the datr of Ibr lint tailt.lla I Ira aj of aaid nntttr for ibr aul.miaaion of oroprwal theirun.lcr Ihr ( oininon loaineil thai. hat ibr powtr to ward thr conti .ri ,,. enntrart for aid improvrmt rh comlitiona uj.on ibr bidder in retjard to bonda and immura and ffttarantrat of ibr .,. (Mth and ic (nonaiMtlty of biddrra U,t Inaurini: the faithful (otiiplrliirti of Ibe wol( tfl atrict arrordatitt avitb thr anrcifi eattoni thrrrfnr. and to mater all rulea and retrulationa in Hie Irtimt; of con Itarla thai may l onai.lrtr.l by tlir ( otninon 'Mnril a ndvantavefriia to the Crt. and aa a part of aaitl rrnuln ttooa they may trrinirr that the con trariof, nr conttariof a. aptrr to main tain and keep in irpair all iinprovr mrnta tnadr trndrt aaid contract foi tb t-rii.Ml ni imir (not rarrriliiiR IO vraral aa ibr ( uliimoii Council 04r drlrfinttir rclirtn t) Suth ronlract or con Irarla ahall only br Irl to thr iowral frapontihlr bid, for rilbrr thr vrholr of ji improtrmrnt or audi pail tbcrr- ( oil! nr.i martially conllicl with ibr c.iuplriion ..I ihr rrmaliiiler Ihcrrol but thr aaid Common Coon ll ahall bavr the right lo rrjrrt iitiv and all jr opt.iaW rrcrivrd by it f( Ihry ahall br drrmrd unreaaoimble ' or execaaivr, or which do not con form to the tub a of thr Common Cooodl faiatirr i tbc mattrr of rc ceiving propoaala at.d In tin con irarla for atrcei work, and provided furl her. ikat no atirh contract ahall be b-t fof a Bfitr in rxcra of the City I'nftfirrra ratimatr of thr coat ihrrrof plu S prr cm: Srtlion 10 It aball br tbr duty of the Cmmon Count it to fix the time in hirh rrry utb impiovrineiit ahall br eomplrird. and il may ex tend Mich lltnc ah.mld ibr circtini lancea arrani Tbr Common Coun cil ahall bavr powrr and authority to mahr JI wnllrn rontractt, to rccctvr and atrovr alt bonda authorictl by thia Sn'ion. lo ptovidr for ihr propci inapcclion and atlprrWatnn tbr pfovlaion it-i foVrtnrnl will or it br I i.iti.tt.tn ii.tpfoa riomla lo tr I tbr itrr. Ii til ibr ; ibr (Mltirutaf por ti which lllr lin.for i' ibatl be inaitdaiof y "! Council t pio . U i ni,- of auth no manner prraciihrd i, i -i t.rliliini It II ..I i,i,i..,r . .. ,,U Aill. r1.".!!-. 'i uir uir limit oi'riiiriii " rt by piocrrdiiiu in (he I' I'uM fr.Mllr.- ll, ri... I.'..,.l....r 3Hfuir ,iu iin-.cii i ,M, foiii- BfVat f " a . . -uun. U.it iitttl tnrri.ii-nMiui li i n vctfitMil tli'lrril. ritii tmjfa m i -I. i I I M'fOlu! If mil iLtat-raatf ...a.l ll..- I HI! .t II lilt .iimIi a.l-attav anrf . j.,. ' ' tn ftiivil ifla il i r 3fJU0tH atlll Ckllh. I.. il.a. a.lflff. . ' "iniinit - in wtin v itv Hcconler. If ihr C out- iiower to prraciibe and enforce all Mile- rruuminB thr oprniroj of alrrrt alirfacra in all alrrria oi inr which It m.y lre' necoaary t f cure the replatinK of inr treei in Koo.l condition And thr Common Council ahall f' llhef lme ihc pimrr Mild authority, whenever ihc trade o nuy Hieel hot been i-atabliahed. to authorue ihr ourr or ownrra of any property thereon to cul down or (ill tip auch Mi eel in front of aaid prop- cm nrrorumK " , ,j .-'i :or of within 'aid dlMrlct, he divided Inlo iilMliviiiona, or yimca, parallelling the n wr t'l, i of the street lo he itn Pfovfd. Said aiilnliviaiiiiia to be imiim brrcd rcai.ctlivcly I'irat, Serond and I lord 1he I'lrat luhdivlaion ahall Include all the hunt within thr ilia trut lyiriK hrtwirn the Mrrrt iimrijin and lint-a drawn parallel therewith and ij (t,t tbrrrfrom The Second auhdivition ahull include all lands ly JriK within the ilulrict lyiiiK between llnra drawn parallel with and and 70 fret rcinrclivrly from aaid Mrert maiKln. The Third uhdivialon ahall include all landk within thr diatrlct lying between line drawn parallel with and 70 and loj fret reain elivcly from audi atrcet miiriin, I'roviilrd, however, that ahotihl the property abutting upon tho atnet or atreet lo br improvrd he divided into bloctca f Iraa than jio feel, the improvement liatriu thai) not. unleaa aprclally provided by retollilion calahliahiru: lb. aa.nr, extend further hack than to tbr center of any audi block, and thr aaid aulxlivitlona shall he pro p. rtionately irduceil iu ic aa lo auth part of aaid improvement dia Irui, unlttt the rcaolution .-ataliliali- iiik aaid diatrict ahall provide that aaid auhdiviaion ahall br of the full width herein originally provided for Provided further, that in case of the cunalrticlion or repair of sidewalk the Common Council may in catah liahiiiK the local improvement dit trut thrie for provide that the total coat thereof ahall he a affiled to ami rharRrd ai;atnat the lola or tract im proved fronting ami abutting upon that portion of aaid atrerta where aaid aidcwalka are to he constructed or repaired, in which case no part of the coat ahall be charged or aatraard aeatnat any other properly than that immediately fronting ami abutting upon aaid airect o improved. The rale of aatctamcut per aquarr. fool in each aiilxllvuiou ahnll he fixrd on the batia thai the special benefit conferred on a atpiarc foot of land iu aubdiviaiona 1'irat, Second and Third rfapectively are related to each other a are the numbrra 5,5, 30 and n t c ipcctivcly. ami ahall be aacertaincd in ihc followiuf: manner: Thr product of the number of nquarc feet iu Mihdiviaion First, Sec ond and Third respectively, and the numhera 30 and IS respectively, shall br ascertained, ami their sum taken, which sum shall be divided in to the total cost ami expense of such improvement. The products of the rrsultant quotient and the numbers authority of the Stale or of the Unit ed State, and any sum or sum of I motley assessed for improvement or -repair of a street, or benefit assessed for opcniuK. widening, straightening or extending any street, or for a change of the grade thereof, or for the construction or repair of a sewer or drain, entered upon such lien docket shall be collected in the manner here inafter prescribed. Section 17: Notice shall be given by the City Recorder to the owner or of one year from the date of the certificate of sale Issued by the .Mar shal if no redemption shall have been made the then acting Marshal shall execute and deliver to the purcharcr, his heirs or assigns, upon application therefor, a surrtnib r of such certifi cate a deed of conveyance of the pro perty sold, reciting th'- description of the same as drserib 1 in the docket of citj lims, the amount ?ai, the na.ue ol the owner, or that the name of the owner is unknown, the date of owners of any such lot or part there- 1 doeckcting the lien, and that the pro of, or tract or parcel of land, of the perty was sold for delinquent assess rntry of such assessment in said lien merit for street improvement, orfor docket, specifying the amount there- opening, laying out, widening, of, wilhin five days after the entry straightening, extending or th-ninK thereof iu said docket, which notice grade of streets, or construction of ilull be given by mail if the poslof-, sewers, or drains, as the cast may b flee address of the owner or his agent and that said assessment was lUte i.r.J is known, and if unknown by address- unpaid a V ti'iir f sjr-. in that lug thr same in the name 01 the own- no redemption had m-rri ma-' .i "'1 .r at Tillamook City, Oregon, and deed ahall de executed conformably also by publishing the notice thereof to the law of the State of Oregon so in one issue of a weekly newspaper , as to make it legible for record, and published in Tillamook City. the same shall operate to convey to Section 18: Whenever the oro.r the purchaser a fee simple title to the of any such lot or oart thereof, or! said property free and clear of all in- ; tract or parcel of land upon which an cumbrances, except for taxes a men ass essiri' nt has licrn levied and tioucd in .Section lo ol this Article, docketed as herein provided Upon the delivery of Mich deed the for, shall desire, he may within llnr-1 Marshal shall file a certificate of sale ty days after notice of auch assess-1 with the Recorder, and it shall be a merit is first published apply to the public record. Upon delivery of such City Recorder of Tillamook City lo pay said assessment in installments a hereinafter provided, and there after no warrant to enforce the col lection of such assessment shall issue or he enforced, except as provided by this article in such cases. Section 10: If within 30 days from the date of the entry of such assess ment in said Iters docket the whole or any portion of the sum assessed upon a lot or part thereof, or tract or par cel of land, remains unpaid, and such owner shall not have applied for leave to make payment in install ments as hereinafter provided, upon order of the Common Council a war rant for the collection of the same shall be issued by the Recorder di rected to the marshal of Tillamook City. Whenever such assessment shall have been paid to the City Treasurer, who is hereby authorized and designated as the person to re ceive the same, the Treasurer shall issue a duplicate receipt for said pay ment and file one copy thereof with the City Recorder, and the Recorder shall upon receiving said duplicate receipt immediately cancel said lien upon said docket of city liens by en tcring upon the face thereof an entry St so ami tf, reaticctivcly shall he the of the satisfaction of such assessment separate rates of asseSMUint per 1 signed by himself in his official ca- auuare foot for subdivisions l-irst. I pacity. Second ami Third resnectivcly. The Section 20: Such warrant shall, for total assessment thus ascertained the purpose of making sale of such against each senarntc lot. or part of real property upon which assess- tr.t tmrt ir ttirrrl .f t:in.l or oilirr ttirrils arr ilrlintiurnt and unnaid. fir pioperiy within such district, shall deemed and held as an execution , that the person claiming title under be apportioned as the amount to be . against said real property for the the deed of the Marshal shall have levied ami assessed against cacit amount 01 saui assessment wiui in- )"Kiuti fr,', , - '' "" separate lot or part of lot, tract, par- tcrcsts and costs, and the Marshal against said deed for such amount as shall, witnm 00 tiays Irom the receipt ' ' court ma .uijuukc imjuiuuic of said warrant, sell the property for the bringing or defending of any llierrin drscrihrd. Such sale shall be such action, suit or proceeding, re- decd all of the proceedings required or directed by this Article in relation to the making, levying and docketing of such assessments and the sale of the property for the satisfaction thereof, shall be prrsumrd to be reg ular, and such deed shall be prima facie evidence of the regularity of all proceedings required to be had under the provisions of this Article and of title in the grantee. Section 2.j: In any action, suit or proceeding instituted in any court for the recovery of any lands sold for any assessment under the provisions of this act, the party claiming to be the owner as against the holder of the deed from the Marshal, must, with his complaint or answer as the case may be, pav into the court the a mount of the purchase money for which the particular tract of land or lot sought to be recovered was sold, together with 20 per cent thereof additional, and also interest on said purchase money from the date of sale to the date of the institution of such suit at the rate of six per cent per annum, together with all the costs and expenses of sale and of record ing the said deed, and also any and all taxes the purchaser may have paid on said property with the legal interest thereon from the date of payment thereof for the benefit of the holder of said deed, his heirs or assigns, in case his or their title un der such deed shall fail in said action, suit or proceeding. Provided further. ,7 of .1. wo k done undt . !' "ji"' !', I-pertv respec- ion. of thi. Article, and ,0 cly ' ''V' A lo any othrr act necessary to secure .. .. , ... ... . , i.i: ..,.,; . ,1,. t pardlrss of ibr result of such suit. .a.. (.:.L..l f .11 lion, iti tor tunc 01 vsi.iuiiaiiuiK rfii lPUU"1 u- ."- - , " . :. , , ----- i .1- FiJ? ..f 1.1.,.; l improvement district, further tier for cash iu hand, and shall take jction or proceeding or whether he tram and the making of m; ros e- ; ,,, nv .,,,; o ,lc COJt pacc at the front door of the build-1 he plaintiff or defendant therein, menta in alflCt Compliance With the , , , ,.,1,i ,rf ..,, :I1,IiroVri.irnl. inc in which the Common Council Srction 2-r Whrnrvcr anv lot or ordinances and specification, there for Section 11: Whenever any street improvement is completed in whole or in part 10 the satisfaction of the City hnirinecr. he shall file n ccrti- or any spccihcu part tliercot, snail be latattl out of the general fund of Tillamook City. Section 13: After such apportion- ' mrut shall have been made of the on- ... 1 .1 ii ! lire cum .11111 cxiiriic wi uin 1111- rate of the completion ami his ap- (Vci)u.n , Voimnoii Council P"T. !uVC Uu ' . ' I'6'' "'! Rive notice of the time and with the Recorder, who shall there- , , . objections thereto after taubli.h notice of such comple- ml,,icalioil for ,'wo consecutive lion for not leas than two puphca- ; weckJy newspaper pub- ... 4... MIIIVIMI ... t- " (.v. , holds its sessions, and the Marshal , tract or part thereof sold for delin shatl give notice of such sale by pub-1 qucnt assesmcnts as herein provided lication thereof once a week for four . brines more than the amount of the atatint; thrrrtn when thr acceptance ( ibr aamr will br considered by tbr Common Council, which lime ahall br not Iraa than leu days from ibr dale of the first implication of aaid tiotic, and at that time, or at any lime prior thereto, any owner of attv interrat iu, or thr agent of any property wilhin the aatrsstnrut dis trict of aaid improvement may appear and file, or make objections to thr acceptance of aaid improvement, and aaid objection ahnll be considered and the merits thereof determined by Halted in Tillamook City, which time shall not be less than 15 days, nor more than 30 days, from the date of such notice, and at the time and place consecutive and successive week: a weekly newspaper published in Till amook City, and by posting such notice for a like period of time in ; not less than three public places in -said city. Such notice of sale shall contain a description of the lot, or lots, or parts thereof, tracts of parts thereof, naming the block in which the same is situated, that the same . tc In Km ct.t (.. cii.t .lMi:.....n. c - I .V UV W... .W. ..Mil. V. .. . . V . , . I 1.1 nib;? in , assessment and all costs and charges of collection, the surplus shall be paid to the City Treasurer, and the person executing such warrant shall take a scperate receipt for such surplus and file the same with the Recorder on return of payment of the warrant, and the Common Council shall order such surplus paid to the person or persons entitled to the same, on de mand, upon receiving satisfactory sessment, with the amount of said . proof that such person is the one en- fixcd in such notice, or at such other assessment, interest and costs to date titled to receive such surplus. Pro- time as the hearing may be adjourn- ed to, the Common Council shall hear and determine all objections to the apportionment of the cost of such .street improvements, and upon such hearing may make such changes therein as shall be neccssaiy to make such apportionment equitable and just. I Section 1.1: After the hearing pro- ol sale, including cost ot advertise- vtdcil further, that whenever any mcnt, due upon each lot or tract or property is otfercd tor sale tor delin- the Common Council, and if it ap- vi;,tl, for ; .scc,j0ll ,j j thi Article. .1 a Mill llllll H11LII llltllin. all IT).f. " ----- , - . mtiicaii,,,,, anil railitMlri to he "'uciory. i ,:, ,ppr,)Vr the 0,;. ." V'11 "ftcrmlitc the bound ' ol hr diaiitci benefitted ami ld il'.""' 'r ""c'. Il"'"''euiciit, ,;ti" v,""i "i inc voiiiiunn 1. mm- in crriiiii. .1. .. .n. tft 1 .. n .iini nasi aauii 111 .ii"- ff'l,H lie final ami conclusive. Iflf frtti.w. .1. . 11 ,(,,11 7 mi' common t.oiticii .""1 II)' ri'SOlllltoil .Url.lrn ll llltr- dr.',e..i". uuy miclt improveitirnt, Ihc super. iaiou of the City .suneyor r fily 1-uRifcer. at the evpc.se Olil '"K the same mid including (ill a .f.a aaa . I ,6. ., 'ie 01 tnc proiianie mini Wn i,lr.rrnf l" "IpfinlnK la I ! 1 U' wf "", scKiii.cnt district ? '.'S I'fieflleil thereby nml nasessrd ir' w I1"1' '"''l "'"'I' ' r' mm as "Local Improvement Dis- Co ,," , " 'I'Iib action of the tfni Si " Cm",c" ' 'lecliirinif il I iirrii" '" Improve any atrcct f 'ir c ,'!,r a,".V ',1,.rl or l,ilf' ttt-c-af. Ini 11 1 ',,l,lic;ilion thfreof, itpprov iilin,!" ,li",s M'eciflnitlonti mid lh ill i1', ,,f."rl'l. nml 4clerinliiinb' ti c,l , rUl. '"'"filed and to be ass Nil 11! 'y llm' H I'c clout in one anion resolttiion. Tilt? ri'Mi I o 1 1 (if tins c0lmnrm Council tie rlar- wcni. '.I,rr,".c 10 l,,"-,l' Improve ol '', , l? I I'ekent of recor.l In the W Ii 0,V,c.c,-y Recorder, mid 'hull l-uli 1,, lu"'1 I"1' t'lfee consecutive """lions lu the city official news- such owner r tmncts. In Hiving such authority lite v omiti a, ", impose such let ma and ,.iy br ncccxa.ii) to acctirr the ilr poa.t of earth or othrr mailer exca iHtcd flout the st.rrl t.pon nny M I rrrol whit I. mny ner.l '". .r.n'ii J ,d to charge fees fur such u s , ,-o.er any cKprnse i.tcurre.l h the Cltt iu the survey and in.peitioit ol the ok to he done. brcllun J. IIIMH. . Iin.nedii.trly after the Com. m Ctitmcll shi.ll He City tWll . y'proceVd .0 .Make the whole or at v Part of aiirh iiiimoveiiieuts. or y 'proceed .0 let Vy conlruc he m.ishing of all tualciMl fi l 1 ' nS of auch itniirovements an I , I, 1 the labor in maklnn Mid. i" I, , ,, nerformcd umUr t"; dim i"tt im conlrol of the 1 ) I iigiiicer. Or, the Common Council , y . ..e all or any part of ; '; rovrmcnt. to he ..."de by t . n the maimer provided i A of such l.upn've.uei l. ' . ' i.eara thai said work or imiirovenictit has not been completed in accordance with the specifications and contracts, tlie Common Council shall require the aamr to be completed before ac erpiing it Whenever any work or Improvement is accepted by the Com mon Council the Recorder shall en dorse the approval of the Common Council on the certificate of the City Knginrer, And after the assessment therefore is made and docketed, the Mayor and Recorder shall draw war rants on the fund created for said im provements in favor of the parties en titled thereto. When any work or improvement shall have been let or performed by contract, the same ahall br paid out of the funds recciv edfrom assessments made as in this Article provided, or out of funds de rived from the sale of bonds issued upon application of the owners of property assessed for said improve ment, and no payments shall he made upon anv such contract except out of the funds provided by assessment and by bonds issued in conformity with the provisions of this article. Section ti": When the whole of the improvements covered bv any one ordinance therefor shall have been fully completed and accepted bv the Common Council, the Common Coun cil shall then cause the cost of such work or improvement to he appor tioned to the property affected there by within the improvement district established therefor as required by the ordinance authorizing the same, iu the manner following: r.ach lot, or trad, or part thereof, wilhin the limits of said improve ment district abutting upon auv street improved, shall he liable for the full cost, or the proportion thereof here inafter mentioned, or making said improvement up" half of the street in front of and abutting upon said lot, tract or pait thereof, and also for a proportionate share of the cost of improving Intersections of I wo of the streets hounding the block or tract in which such lot, tract or par hereof is situated, but the said total cast shall be apportioned in accord auee with the following plan. Stid local Improvement district shall, for the purpose of ascertaining th.' amount to be assessed (iRainst sepernte lot, Irnt-t or pur eel f laud, or other properly or p'trt theie- and after making such changes iu the apportionment as are therein provid ed for, and when the same shall have been fully determined by the Com mon Council, the Common Council shall declare and assess the saute by ordinance upon the property benefit ed, which shall be described therein, and each lot. part of lot, of parcel of ground shall be assessed with its pro portionate share of Mich cost as here inbefore provided, and said assess ment shall he final and conclusive, and the said ordinance shall further direct the Recorder to enter a state ment of the said assessed cost in the docket of city liens as provided for in this Article. Section 15: The docket of city liens is a hook iu which must he en tered by the Recorder the following matters in relation to assessments for the improvement and repair of streets, and Ihc construction and re tiair of sewers and drains, and the iicnefits and damages assessed for opening, widening, straightening, and extending streets, and changing the grades thereof: First, the number or letter of the lot assessed, anil the let ter or number of block in which it is situated, and if a separate assessment part thereof, together with the name of the owner or reputed owner, or that the owners arc unknown as the same appears upon said docket of city liens, and shall also specify the time and place of sale, ami that the lots, or parts thereof, of tracts of land described therein will be offered for sale to satisfy the assessments, in terest and costs due upon each tract, lot or parcel of land, or part thereof, and each lot, tract or parcel of land, or part thereof shall be sold separat ely. Providing however, that all de linquent assessments assessed in one ordinance may be included in one notice, and all such sales shall be made between the hours of 0 o'clock a.tn. anil 4 o'clock p.m. Provided fur ther, that said sale may be postponed in like manner as now provided by the laws of Oregon for the adjourn ment of sales of real property upon execution. Section si: The Marshal execut ing such warrant shall immediately issue a certificate of sale to the purchaser for the property sold, stat ing therein that the sale is made sub ject to redemption, and that a deed will be issued thereon at the expira tion of the time for redemption if no redemption be made prior to said date. Within one year from the date of the sale the owner, or his succes sor, or any person having a lien by judgtvent, decree or mortgage upon the property sold, or any part there of, may redeem the same by the pay ment of purchase money and twenty per cent thereon, with interest upon the purchase money from the date is made pon a part of a lot, or tract of U)e sale to ,,,c ,inle of rcllemption of land, a ..articular escription of a, .hc ra,e of 6 ce,. .,,, such part of lot of tract; Second, he aiui the amount of any taxes which name of the owner thereof, or that t,e purchaser his heirs or assif-ns may the owner is unknown tf such be the ha.' id n sait, pr0pCrly wil, ease; I bird, the sum assessed upon interet t,,crc0I1 at ,hc legal rate each lot or part thereof, or tract of from lc diUe of such asscssmelU to land or part thereof, and the date of ,)C id ,0 thc cityRccorder for the the entry thereof; Provided, however, ,)Urcilaser .votic'c 0( redemption that a failure to enter the name of the 'shM be ivcn as ,)ow. ,,rov:,ed for owner, or a imsiaKC in me mime 111 the owner in such entry, or the entry of a name other than the true owner, shall not render void or vitiate such assessment or in any way effect the lien of Tillamook City or the proper ty described in such lien docket. Section 16; The docket ol city by the laws of the State of Oregon for the redemption ot real property from sate upon execution. Section 22: A redemption as pre scribed in the foregoing Section dis charging the property from the ef fect of sale upon such assessment, nml if inmtr bv tbr ow-nrr or his sue- liens is a puldic writing, and from thc cessor in interest, the ownership of .Int.- of the entrv therein of an assess incut upon a lot, or part thereof, or a tract or parcel of land, or a part thereof, the same so entered is here by declared to be a tax levied upon, and a lien upon and against such lot. said property is thereby restored to such owner or ii is successor m inter est, but if made by a lien creditor the amount paid for the redemption shall thereafter ue deemed to he a part ot his judgment, decree, mortgage or or parr thereof, or tract of parcel of other lien as the ease may be, and laud, which lien shall have priority si,nll bar interest, and may be inforc nv.-r :ill other liens or incumbrances rd mid collected as a nart thereof. thereon, except taxes imposed under Section 23; After the expiration prdient to change the grade of any qucnt assessments as herein provid ed, if a sufficient amount is not paid therefor to pay such assesmcnt to gether with all costs and expenses of sale in connection therewith, the Mayor of Tillamook City is hereby empowered and authorized to bid for and in behalf of said city the amount of such assessment, together with said costs and expenses assessed thereon or charged against said prop erty or each part or parcel thereof, and if there be no higher or better bidder such land, lot or parcel of land or part thereof, shall be sold and be come the property of said city, sub ject f to redemption as hereinbefore provided, to be paid for by warrant of thc city upon the general funds thereof. Whenever thc city shall ac quire title to any such property the same may be sold by order of the Common Council at such price, and on such terms as it may seem proper. Section 26: All of the provisions of Sections 3245 to 3253. both inclu sive, of Lord's Oregon Laws, are hereby made expressly applicable to all assessments for street improve ments under the provisions of this Article. Provided, however, that in all such cases the application to pay by installments provided for in Sec tion 3245 of Lord's Oregon Laws may be made within 30 days after notice of assessment is first publish ed instead of within 10 days as in said section provided. And provided further, that interest on all unpaid installments shall be paid semi- annu ally by the property owners, or other persons required to make such pay ment, instead of annually as provided in Section 3249 of said Lord's Oregon Laws. Section 27: For all of the purposes of this Article the Surveyor of Tilla mook City shall be deemed to be the City Engineer, and the Common, Council is authorized to employ such assistants tor the Surveyor as may be necessary to enable him to proper ly perform any and all of his duties arising under this Article or other wise. Section 28: The Common Council of Tillamook City is hereby author ized and enpowered to establish by ordinance the grade of any street within Tillamook City when such grade has not beet, established, and may require from the City Engineer all maps ami data it may deem necs sary in relation thereto, After the grade of any street has been estab lished by thc Common Council the same may be bv the Common Coun cil thereafter changed pursuant to the following provisions: uuenevcr 11 suaii tic deemed ex-