a, Largest c , , wiuii a WEEKTUESDAY AND FRIDAY mouuAT.oNOF any Paper in Tillamook County .ftJ Lxxi. rir.l.AMOOK, OKIKiuN, Ji'NJi 2(5. ), r NO. 45 . i RAILROADS LOSE THE SPOKANE RATE CASE NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL 'Si THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK is;now LOCATED IN ITS NEW BANKING ROOM I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING AND INVITES THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND MAKE! AN INSPECTION OF THE ROOM! AND ITS EQUIPMENT Safety, Security, Service. v ailiinjfioti TI.H Niver and Harbor Bill, Carry ing Large Appropriations. Opposed in Senate. lUjUllhfld trmiH-uotifiit r-iHi!nUiW, kwWillnd "li.',., mum or Hpfk.tr rin.'ortr .! m hich hold, at Umino , ' -'HfW 1,1- it. UWk4j by ie M raiir tad 1 A In Ilia l..t..... ..... , . VI urn w,ril cll , ofvJlli,. iJ I'kornii win not , f0rk4$to ""' however, the y upon thtrfr frt.ir.lu from tkrLi 'HI be much .creator. r rtt through o tliK. UxmnlnntJon of the anoUtr to tlilr bxu. dm rs I Iron. I. imr. , CtwuNUod with watt-r born triple ' mvwX Horn or throu:nUjo 9 iCLLEJ; mAHY KURT DYNAMITE WRECKS EY DAKOTA TORNADO ' BUTTE MINERS' HALL Wntertown. H. I). A tornado struck hero Tuesday night and ton.- a nth through th! city two block wide and 20 blocks long. - Mne fatalities are reported, and Washington.- The river und harbor i ",oro of people aro believed to be InJurH. Th property damage In es timated nt 1 100,000 or mon;. Thi storm approached from the One Dead and Three Wounded by Fire of Ceput Sheriffs in Crowd. tb rvgular riiic PtxlM B!1,i M0 rain irpm lb I'Aclfte bark Mil, carrying one of the )urt np proprimlofw In recent years, will meet d'trmlned opposition In the somite tbl WtMk. Tho bill on Iho face of It, nif Indors ed by tho (jiih! commlttae on com- Tr, ramus niioui J53.OOO.00O. Ac- sum authorlzud j oiithwf.-ttt, Htrlklns th- nouthcro edg ; of tbtt city and wrocklns bulldlnRs In niflttott. a Mtrip about two blocks wide and 20 blocks lonK. Tclfphone strvlco and the olectrlc wires went out with tho Btorm and cnut conftirlon reigned, bill sbows that An Incoming Itock Island iiassenKer thn "pork bflrrel" has been KenoroiiH I ,ra'" cnjht In the storm and all ly distributed to nearly uury spctlon ' of tn" lndos blown out of the Meth bur.day' in Philadelphia l'H(tlol..h. - 'Healih Hany oltrrr, jn morn l3n 50 ekuteli Jn tbl fity wjwi prominent meMVBMl tttim from nil tiTtions of the lHlUlttV) ttlirrrii(( tbo COnKreetiUo'tlti j on tho fumUiueriul prlnnipleii of pub- lie neamt j. Judot Hnon It Tld With McNar. Kilem. Or.Accordin; to offlclkl friuiu rerelrml by -4... MLCUM POWDER! TALCUM POWDER! The Best and Purist 25c a Can FLAVORS ARE ROSE, VIOLET, CASHMERE B0QUET WE GUARANTEE I TILLAMOOK DRUG STORE KOCH iV. Hll-U, PROPS. K. U. KOCH. IH. C. UKlTl-saiK. Al'OTliKKK l)0Tll I'HONIS TILLAMOOK, OKKCON of the country. While opposition forces nrn itiiikm. In; thulr strennth In thu senate for an attack on the river and harbor bill, n Uin chief "iork barrel" mens un of the year, a bill Introduced In the house by Uopronentntlvtt lluckur, of Missouri, strlkrs nt the use of a "barrel" In national elections. Weuld Limit Campaign Expenditures, The bill Ilmltlns the use of the j "barrel" provides for tho control of campaign contributions and expendi tures. It is a codification of tho three ex- Hecrutnry of '"'"K "'uerai laws with regards to coacnes. only onu person, who left ti.u truln and took refuse In a ditch by tho side of the track, was Injured. Wntertown has a population cstlm sted at close to S000. It Is the county eat of Codington county. In the north eastern part of the state, and Is th center of one of the most prosperous farming communities. Baseball Gtar Arrested. Detroit. Mich. Tyrus Cobb, base ball hero and outfielder of the Tigers, whs arretted for drawing a revolver on a butcher who, Cobb declares, had Insulted h!a wife. Ktslf Oleoit Ju.tice Charles I.. Ifr. campaign expenditure. It, also con- '.Vary and JuiIrk Henry !., llensonAoif , ,ra,a ov'jral "pw sections. Klamath l"atl. at now tlr.1 for tile ' 1 moBt "'Kni'lcnnt of theso Is the upromo court nomination on thn J5 000 w'hlch provide that no "political publican tlcktl, "v1 coinmltiw" n"; ut" In any state .n THE MARKET8 Portland. Crcntcr nmou.tt than tho aggregato Cfintrlhtittl tiv ill. plri,n, hr itint J J Ktnto. Itepresontatlve Hucker's report '2t k.. t- Wbat-Cl"b. Sc; bliMInL .MtTJ siaica nai tne mu provines rd"Uuhu., Hay Timothy, lie. alfalfa, 13. Duller Cienmrry, I7a i;fi lUnch. lie. Seattle. Whfatlllursteui, S9c; club, 86c; rtxl Ituislnn. flc. Hay Tlmot'iy, 117 per ton; alfalfa, 114 per ton. IJn'trr 'ranu'ry, ICc. Kc-;ic. J. J- Hill Is Doctor of Las. St I'aul, Minn. James J. Hill was honored with the degree of doctor of laws by Macalestcr college at the commencement exercises of the college. FRU1TMEN FORM COMBINE Hutte, Mont The front of tho West ern Federation of Minors' union hall here was blown out with dynamite by a mob of insurgent minora and their sympathizers In a pitched battle be tween SO deputy sheriffs In tho hall, armed with sawedoff shotguns, and i Insurgent miners stationed on the tops of adjoining buildings. Moe than a score of charges of dynamlto swcru exploded. One bystander was Instantly killed and three were Injured, one fatally, when the deputies began firing over the heads of the mob, fearing that the crowd that surged up to the hall would try lo rush a meeting of the union miners, called by Charles H. Mover, president of the Western Federation of Miners, who expected to announce hl plan for settling the strife be tween the warring factions of miners. President Mayer and Dert Riley, head of the federation local here, who were In the hall and who had asked Sheriff Oriscoll for the presence of deputies In anticipation of possible trouble, eluded the mob when the fir ing began by leaving through a rear entrance, where nn automobile was oafd to have been waiting. The deputies continued to hold the hall until the miners succeeded la gaining the roofs of nearby buildings, when a hot fire was directed into the hall. With darkness falling the depu ties withdrew from the building .-erhen It became apparent that the ap- Subscribe for the twice a week. Herald. It comet. nuvorusing. or lor any outer campaign ; Portland. A combination of fruit ' method which apptals prlmur'ly to growuralntheWlllamette.Roguer.lv I the Judgment of voters, but It is dt- , cr nJ Columbia River valleys was ef signed to prevent tho collecting of j fCcted nt the commercial club to pro Immense contributions from corpora- vj ,u,ure co-operation in cultivating, lions and Individuals in the financial ,,-...,, i ,.i.in a ' ccuterM of the country for use In vn. 1 .k. 1 . ..... . - ... , j uiui nukiiift vuk uiniuiu iruuui;i& ui nous Kinic. in a woru, 11 is nimeu j this territory. at the national "barrel." j Tne organization will be Incorpor- Houte Seamen's DIM Is Reported. nted as the Western Oregon Fruit Dis tributors and will operate In co-opera WAGE REDUCTION ADVISED Meet Special Grocery Prices ! Crescent Baking Powders 52c Quaker Oats Lnrc PhcKjiui Small I'lK-knc J5c Dried Fruits Fancy IVuiich 10c per lb. Fancy Uried Peaches tOc per lb. a Pouml Can, $1 00 now .. .'I Potmil Can, 70c, now 1 Pound Can, now price Regular price regular price or.,. -.11., 85c 55c 20c COFFEE AND TEA SPECIAL Kuhy Caraeola Coilee liei man German 10 ,,.s for $2.50; Kul'.v Caraeola Coffee I lb. for 27c . . i i i an. American Coilee, Mcci m, i iiuiu... American Coilee, Steel Cut, 'A pounds 65c 0c RIDGEWAYS HIGH GRADE TEAS Orani-t' Label 1 pound hoc fc; 1 Her Majesty's lUend, 1 pound $1 Ray & Company ft i iw.i i.v. iwMind .'loc: r . , ,,, Maiesty's Ulend Impound vi iMiuesLV a menu vi '"" i - - .... t or.,. -v---.- . . ,..) i Lkil'ii ii H i.i nniuiu .jl-. I, till; v,a)iuii 1 1 viipv i.v, , , v ALPH GvBACON. Mgr. Grocery Dept i ii i - ' is a- - , i wrvnip man ntnyonviii,. ki., ' -. iii ntiiiiii, iuimivi Ptsr uti.i ... .. "wunrim iiruuioinr " I Inn u nt Wolf Cruok. wiih by women ut Wolf TIlH Wfltltim rualilnrl fill Ills k., ""'"ITOUH nttiick iiiudo ",r morals, upon onanlko Wool la ""Ho, Al,(111, Bold, IflJt tll Ikl.llllilu Mt IWj) 0r" 'll liore, oIkiuiIiik "I' "II '" "'I" turi'ltury for thu uuiuuii. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 1 am now locntr.l in the Mrs. MHU ptopct.y brlwn .Sti.lwc.l Ave. nnj Sccon.1 Ave. P..M, three 1. ocU or myohl location, where I a... Vrr.ar.Ml ... mmvc you U-an ncr l fori ThauMng you fur ''' , ' imtrflaK0 in the 11 '" I couti.n.atiou or you. valued order, 1 :,m' Yours for 1'Jifl"-". Kiupcr THE WATKINS MAN. PIANO TUNING First class work. Reasonable rates Throo years of satisfaction to Tilla mook patrons. PAUL IRVINE Plume or lenvu orders t Joncs-Knud-ran Btore. A substitute for the La Follette sea men's bill passed by thu sunato was favorably reported to the house. Thu bill substantially adopts the re OulremeulK agreed on by the conven tion on safety of life nt sea at London, last January, us to lifeboats on ocean vessels, and applies these In modified form tu United States vessels In ocean voyages on routes not more, than 20 nautical miles off shoro and on the great lakes. It would require nn ocean passenger steamer, nt every moment of Its voyage, to havo nboard no more persons than there aro ac commodations In lifeboats und Ufa rafts, ut least 75 per cent of this equip ment to be lifeboats. Cargo steamers would carry enough lifeboats for all aboard under existing regulations. House Agrees to Sell Battleships. The bill embodying the administra tion proposal to sell the battleships Idaho and Mississippi to Greece, al ready approved by tho senate, was passed by tho house by n vote of 17-1 to 87. One dreadnought will be built with tho proceeds. Tho action of the house allows the house managers In conference to agree to the senate amendment, with alterations providing specific appro priations for the new dreadnought. which will cost J7.8O0.OOO exclusive of armament. The proposal provides 1m mediate funds of $l',035,000 to begin work on thu vessel as soon na the sain Is completed. National Capital Brevities. Cooperative dairies, mutual fire In Huninco companies and like concerns must pay tho Income tax according to a ruling of tho United States supreme court. Investigation will bo made in tho senate of thu report that senate sta tionery and government officials fig ured In tho promotion of gold mines In North Carolina. Astrology Is n superstition nud the moon and planets have no Influonco on weather conditions, declares the bulletin of tho agricultural depart ment. Tho RuBHlun government has been asked, it Is said, If George Maryo of San Francisco would be nccoptable to tho czar for the United States em- Hand Shaved shinies and cedar .. !-Vo or address. C. J. In . ,, . d. Hemlock, Ore., Mutual bnssy, to. St. Petersburg, Li,,,,. -- Phunc tlon with the North Pacific Fruit Dis tributors of Portland and Spokane, or ganized a year ago. The western Oregon organization will confine Its efforts only to the preparation of the fruit for market. The actual marketing will be done by the North Pacific Distributors. The principal objects of the new organization, as outlined at the meet ing, are: To procure stability nnd uniformity of pack and grade. To provide the ability to mnrket In carload lots nnd to pool cars. To eliminate the middleman. As soon as the secretnry of stnte grants a charter the new organization will be placed on a permanent basis. Temporary officers elected are: President, Charles K. Brand, of Rose burg: secretary, J. J, Conger, of White Salmon, Wash. Title of transcontinental railroads to some $700,000,000 worth of petrol eum laud as agnlnst other private claimants wns upheld by the supreme court In a test suit brought by Kd mund llurke of California against the Southern Pacific Railroad company. The Interstate commerce commis sion has ordered reparation of the excess freight payments mnde on 450 shipments of wool from Oregon and other western states pending a hear ing of the cases of the railroad com mission of Oregon and National Wool growers' association versus the Ore gon Short Line and other railroads. The amounts of reparation to ship pers range from J5 to $1100. Shlngls Manufacturers Plan to Foreign Competition. Seattle. Wash. A meeting of shin gle manufacturers of the state for the purpose of recommending ways and means to compete with British Colum bia manufacturers, held here, resulted In the decision that the best way to meet the situation was to reduce the wage schedule. A report embodying this view was presented. It Is generally understood that a new schedule of wages among the shingle manufacturers of the state will be put into effect on July 1. The committee appointed at the meeting did not make such a recommendation, but put the question to the Individual manufacturer to act as he thinks best. Ex-Mayor of Copperfleld Shot Down. Copperfield, Or. Believed to be the victim of men whoso enmity he Incurred while he was mayor of Copperfleld in the "wide open" days before Governor West declared mar tial law and "closed" the town, Henry M. Stewart was shot by an unknown person or persons. Mr, Stewart was working alone at I the time repairing a fence on his farm and the first that was known i of the shooting was when he stagger ed Into bis home bleeding profusely from two bullet wounds. The first shot penetrated his left hand and leg. The other shot struck him In the abdomen Just below the ribs. LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. $ "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" 2?0,000 Option Is Taken. North Bend. John R. Smith's black sand holdings on South Inlet, 12 miles from this city, have been optioned to a syndicate of local men and others for 20 days for a sum around $250,000. Demonstrations and showings have been made which indicate the deposits are rich in gold. Medford Society Women Give Skin. Medford. Seven Medford society women, whose names are withheld, gave- 150 square Inches of skin from their bodies to save the life of little Sarah Green, aged three years, who was seriously burned while playing with matches at the 401 Ranch, three weeks ago. Overturning Car Kills. Myrtle Point. When an automobile returning from Marshfleld and driven by Joseph Schilling, Jr., overturned two miles this side of Coqullle, Delos Davenport, aged 22, was Instantly kill ed. Tho other occupants, Ivan Rose nnd Lloyd Jarvls, as well as Schilling, scaped injury. f L i I. J i H