Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 23, 1914, Image 4

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Sickness and Agony Thnl Livingstons
Undursd In Africa.
Wnnnc u thtsid t Jvliurttoe. wto-nl.'inrj-
unit Af"-i' mi evpittret. sir Har
r. il .Ii!iiimii i.v in the ttrlttoti
!.-. -ni tin nl .ti iii (is. I- "Mirttt the
V. liter or rsltjy ikih of MSM IJ
tiiuitiiM !! very III. He bad been
Mft time without number nttd uf
feivd fnmi terrible pstln In tbe cheet
niu! i ii.-uunl He was often etnt
l. 'ti1t and -mbjet t to detu-tlon-. -.orb
sv the Iwr of tbe tm eor
ithI nttb ltKrv and fm-e of men
U. thoiiKht often of luv children and
f-'tuto. awl hi, thought., -wined si
ni.t to conjure tbctn op tsrfore him.
Kit tbe first time tn hto lite tie wa
W i.j r a tried ami cnid not raise hlnv
M-'f to a lttion position Tbe Arab,
v. tory kind to htm to hto extreme
. .,!. but the vertical
t.n any part of thf tklu etpoaed to
It t-itM him tvI tn thr vluy msM
In luty. IS7W. hi feet were M'lii.wt
c"-.uraed with Irrlt.-thie. eatl'-- iiu-era.
P- ,;;uk with pf:i Th.-e ore
wer.- .h lix!ly wiipninl'tsr '
i)i t fl"n!!l the Wc-d of "
t, .iave irlki were tort .
th--i l.lt-tmrtonc iwiiU '
!. n He tvtobed 'it the -tbttn.-A
i it and a "ti ulv rr.f nr '
tn - n'.id It srwi.l st an tl "
hi ii wfrvhtt j Uhi- P
rrfirs of travel
1 no
t .-t f
' with
. f
I h
I hw
n ! d hy th- r.nliti. atv.inw "f
li u r KrrHh lf' fnnu which tiv -lk-
t" Ml htnf l!l -lIHl oHWUUlfd
r' un.lH thst w nilcht ut IKe
tn . .i4tf til irK-tnn
'tir l1 hi ?Th1 morb frtim
tlu if!t of the linear twl tow f
hN ti olar nth. that Imnwfi't um
tl hi n of much AfrtOll W1 iottm-rd
d.ipTtii. nfld M hn!I.T
Mr.-iu.th m k cfxkI uwtT ft if1ltlon
i'nmHWnt Bwlnntrttton ?Mnljr.
Iiv r.'l'rliiit Mm Vtko be &U. we
him t wwi-t two more ywtv if Mfe
a ivt-ilr roiiw ft hHtftn- t tM
vwt .tmi:itln thui tn not titr
p.'tti'n and that :? nrntnltud of bin
dl ov-rie tt-a apprHrlnted."
Wh-n You Retire That Is What Worry
Is You Have It Mattered.
Co:'i-entrat"d tlxmht N virtually lr-rvi-t:ble
All the r.ist w$IB-e of ni-Hl
ersi c!e:-e ucd InOisstrj I obviously
thf p-ixliK-t tif tui-.ilit. uiuch or II ot
oi:r o-.vu tluie aud observation Tbe
btnb of an Idea In tbe tin inn n mind tx
c!.-..r: the une a .Hi outy d.-iuu of em
plrp-. ii nd rerolutl"lir. Of etietnes. ht
i4itii..s rrr'di' fite. ilTllliittlon
T.i i i.i. wiirTy under the Bd ol
tbHiritii tberfr. eetn a cbtrtnc
sji.riiie V worry, fc ttiousbi. for
a!, i ! 1 1 - iHeuel. iotirL. adnltennl
tb . .ii: If ineHBs ho adtntxturif ol
en iui. of th' wort of all emotlun
fc.ir i-.-j oe'- thlnktos InM end ot
vn,i i-uirateit. flesr wn-Oe lUlllfclR-
oii tii.- pmliieiit In hnL worry b
th n't!- imiild'ed btaek with fear. It
v. .i'... it :i belpfnt aj clapplus tbe
bi.: upon wheel., tiiilinr uplilll
n ill tbe wnrld i- lalxurlns tioder
tb t K.'yptian bTnrts of tbe wueeK
a i ! a .Hint ftery .irit I." a spirit io
t:.. .1 U prtfon of fear. Bnt om-e w
;r -t. iht truth clearly, once we con
- .iirlifH that we can rtd our
i.'it ttnotlonallai. of fenr. tbe
Ht our delfveruiH-e 1 at band. And
u -titutlini of eui-ourairtutf. Denltby
t. uf new -luuaiel anion; tbe
i r-iitx. U ;i powerful nUJ
1 1..--I- unit Im failure and back
si" :-v,s a- b cuntoui.-i r In all mortal
er. 't .mil huuuiu endearor But fear
i- - ;ued like a cboitiuc tulna. and
it. nd more i-leiir and nnlmpeded
o- in- oar thinking, for wo reiillz
at ':i-t iw for nil. that where thtuk
h : 'iimt iir'n fiur certainly will
ni ' ' i.d ilirii we a.ive worry y tbi
ili.n.it -CotlierV Weekly.
They Court Death.
stw.ieju u nre proverbially reck-le--
or ttitmreiitly m -In their a'Uou
ufifi. etUMt-'ed od tbelr daoKerotu
a., k
k A laitorer n bo w:ik attiicbcd to
of theM. exriert uhmI -mmouiy to
i uiidduy tiap wherrler he inlcbt
In-. to be i-itil.-ited Hi tuattss .
m.-uiy found hitu on the top of a
' it- or i tjiiuuey ftreti-hed foil
n - i'i upon a alntcle liourd. hto anna 1
d 1. u over ifx aidea. fast aaleeo A
in. - i- urch woii.d b.ive lueiint a fall '
of .. i o jie of ti n ioir.-tl feet, and there
foil erfaiii dfiith. et be treuted this
po- vi!.ty uitn tbe uttuont inditfaruncu
Clu -a;-o Ite. ord Herald
Tbe Onion in Cooking.
Tlif trrc.-iii-.-t .il I'Velioli cook, bitlos
usl ' I to tin- the Mi-ret of bis aueeusts,
an-'vered:. "T'ih very (oiirn!. t!on of all
H(un I'ookin.' ii luitter and onion! I
)Hi- ili.-tu In uli my kuik-ks Hiid u'ravlHH
Tin . Imvy il.i' I'llt-ct of lii.iaiii a cu
lou i-r i-uijjh iiiK-t for more. Butter
A'itl.oiit oui'iu will drive t 1j cuatomer
it ft ft' .i few iIii.vm. Hull tile onion
(ill it luelta or entirely (JIni)ian;
III f-ii .iJiJ the butter uud will ttiu mix
tun- fctock " Kxi lmnye
Nerve of Her,,
"How k j-oui new uibUIV"
"1 lmii-ks Him to ail rlu'lit: flie linn the
buliv out nt piuktint. flut kIju bud u
"How whk tlmtV"
"Slio wnnted l t;tUo Flilo alona, nnd
iihe to uliiio-t wholly unknown to lib."
UuuaHhi Cost.
All In the Gams. 1
"nnrold. you iiiuhIiiT e(it all the po-i
nnu even If you uru pretending t
-.1 ..1.,.. ......... '
PC II ll)OHKl',v 1 011 uium t;ii- rmn-i
BOtllC "
"Uut. mother. I'm prtiKdidliig Hint's
Moiue kind o' liulmal tvot dougu't ai
An OW Tint Mrmr
An atnaalnK atnl 4iU4 awJW of n
ntermnn eeen in tlw AtUmtlc written
ainwrently tit k inh. w,,n ,,H
follonltiti deMTli'tloW of the itiAMdfT.
which nwy VAh Imve Ihh n -"-i
or rt Hrttl. Tl tt o oiiMer t -itw.il
eliiht fivt !. tils "Kin t liu
tnwity, wlllnmt any "Clea, all hU nic
lioua are like tluve of BWt, tl eee
are a rirtiountil Ue. a little
mouth, a iHrue and Oat mw. vr;
wblte teeth Mat a hair and ht cov
ed with a uhimi) h!irl. a ml 'f
whl Wen. itmler th t!c H e e-ri like
thoae f well. Htm Ntwu the Muter
Of Ma Iwml w.iil teet like Iho-n- ft
diu ks. lu ii wont he to a well nliaje.1
man. Which cvrtllle! to le t
by faptmn Oliver Moitn and John
Mnrtin. pilot, mi l by tt e w Uou . re.
iMn-Ntimt of twosiml thirty men " (An
artl le from l'r.-.-l lu ttn ' Memoir -f
rn-wrx " Die niiater .i nu-iiti' ti
-t in the :.iote of Aui-leuSau Oil
12. IT". w'lere. It to wt'd. eHi
in the ovean In Ar.sat of the ui
year. --St. lul l!;n;i-lfUiin,tl.
Ho to Re id tha Moan.
u ! . tell at a irlaftc
-..-i5ir waxing or watt-
it- H'-rt- - i i-itwah-al rule to re
n.e:;iWi- 1 it 'cry alinple t tto"e
who know lit't. - od to not dltttcult
for tho. wli.i d i.ot. The ttrt tMus
is t notice lid!Hf te moon to like
u Ii or a i tb.it i, whether tbe full
acuiK-tn-nlar etirve to on the rtbt or
tho left If tbe mn ihow a l that
iinttjrally atnmto for deensaelt. "It
But then come In tb irreat trtnetpk
Tb aujou to alw:iy decetttul." and
one han to nuderxtamt the oppoahw of
wb.il the uiooii syya, o that a tuoon
which now a l to a waxtun tnoon.
whlSe a wiinlns uioou to like a i'.
Ttxwe who have no tjttt) will to
donbt lot to see whthor th mwu
says it to l:refln," In which caae
thev will umtena'iutl that It to Witxlojt.
while a w::niua moon will deny that
U to "decreiiMtur." New Yor Suu.
Cost of First Class TravlifK)
White on the Pacific oceun I met a
life tojuruuce man who told me that
be traveled constantly and that bla
extteuM-a. atloat and ashore, a v erased
511 a lay. He kept no expenae nc
count, b anUI. At tbe end of the year
be charjwd the conuwny It a day for
expense, and that waa altmwt exactly
bat l xpciit. I matte a cal. ulatktn
and fonnd that tbe present trip baa
cost us 411 a day each, aituuat to a
If yon want to know what traveling
coat, bere to an ewthnate you may tie
netid uixtu. Tbto tueniui rapid travel
iuK. by rail.-oud :uid steituirthip, aud
atxbtaeetnx to the town with tho aa
atotancr of n guide. The en lima te In
clude the poreUaa a traveler to couj
ptdtotl to malco aod cannot be rcdocvti
moch tmto you ura ret second claae
aud deny yourel.' many tbtntrs. 13d
W. lloweiu Hto Travel Notea.
Hia Morning Doty.
Mintoteilai dutU uud locreaains 'Uc
ulty have uot rob!ed a certain tnlutoter
of hi cbertolied boyhood accompltoh
metit of matlnn frittf ra. lie frequent
ly exerctoe tUto UUi at ureakfaat time,
mcch fcr tbe deli-.'ht of the mttffer
u. iuljer-. of the f:uui!.- Kilitb. the
fi.ar-.-car-oUi duivtiti-r. tx-eutly took
tea with u mtuhtr of the cougnKu
ti..n. After the ili-nt grace tbe little
one. louUltij; at her unmarried hosrtesw.
remarked with pity:
"Yon don't have any oao U pray for
yon. do yooT'
Huld one of tha ladiea itraaent, imll
iug: t attppoae your papa praya for yoa
three time a day."
-Oh. no. te doean't." wn toe In
v cent aod earnoMt answer. "lie friaa
in tin mortiiu? and praya lo too after
iio..n: -Pulladclpbln Idtvr.
Common Vwknass.
An IntereHtlnx :tht to thrown on too
pure'y l;:m -.n side of the late J W ward
1T. of Etttf'nud by a afory told of hia
IwMllty to rcatot the tempt-itlon tn
ipT-roprlate a particnlarly jjmhI anoc
dote. rtotne otie told a delightful story to
one of bto nicjeaty's yonns niecea.
"Ttiat Is capital." she snld. "I tnual
tell It to tbe king.
No." xbe Instantly added, "I won't,
for If you tell uncle a good story be
forjret In day or two that It waa
to!d to bim uud sne about rotiuatlns
it to every one nx bto own."
Information Vanted.
Slminoiia hud returned from lito rnca
Hon. "1 rertnlnly enjoyed the hiisfc
int; bot-a," lie ald to tho youn womnn.
Were yoo ever In the rotiutry during
tbe seuaou of l.iukltiK bee 7"
"HuakluB liti-n!" exiliiltnwi tlio irl.
"How do you buak n bun, anywuy, .Mr.
Stuiilf (toy (building druggist luilf
dollari Flv. Uvo-cont dears, and glv
tne the 1 liaui'n.
IiruKRiat liut, Hob, your fnthur al
ways xmoktu ten cftit cIstui'H.
"WeJI, In. Isn't oln tb tliln Hutu."
Her Dad Accident,
"Did yon ouer huvo a bad accident?"
The ltidy cbuuffoiir bit Imr lip,
"I met my IhihIkiiuI by accident," hIiii
udiulttctl. Kxcbungu.
Just Too Late,
"When did you learn Unit bo waa iic
of tliu batilt'N innsjt tnibli-d employee!"
"The day after be absconded with
the fntidH." Dutrult Fteo ITubh.
II. n snt tfllli t'.iia iiIalu .,
if- I, ' t 1 1 tii jiui 1 1 w iirj. its, in;jii;t
with your unl'bhoiK nnd let every new
A . . ....
yenr fid j . t K.t inuii.-KraiiUlln
Nr. I ten of JMHtrIU 5wlc t(
NivTlfF IS HKRKBV 01VKN. tfcitl
KvMtlneof an KxeiitlM aM
of le iued .iu f the t'lrrttlt twirl
of tie SMatw of Otei;ot.. lor rtllamoM
Cwmtv, uaUnltle 2"h day of AW1J,
I'Hl in the cue wherein IanWl 51.
liivl. r i ton lilt tl l.eroy Urtav
a-ii At!a I..Jux wre ikfndnt, up.
on a judgment an-l iterrre rvnuVrvd in
fnor of MWplalntltf ami airainat aW
dvfrmlanta, awpunHnc Two
.trttl nnd r'irt ivllam, with inUraat
tfe.n.m at the ratp of 8 per rent mr
aniium from ihe SI at day of AttRuai.
!tl; the farther aunt of $10.00 ami
intvrvat thereof from March m1, 1914:
th further sum of fftO.Cil attormy
feea, ami roata and diahurwir.
irertta in aatj eatieo, ail commaodln
mi to aallafy the td Judml
derrve hv tho ah of the real property
hreinafter d iHrionttlnt to Mid
t ( i
NOW. TMFRKrtRF. n ordwr to
aatinfv tha aaid juitement and deem. 1
will, ."n tbe 24th day rf June. 114, at
t(to"cioek a. in., at th front dotir of
tb county cmrt bouao in TilhtNMMk
CHv. oreifon. atll at public auction to
the (unheal ( idder for caah in hand, Um
ni, real ; ropert). whirh to situated lit
1 ilton txilv C. untv. Oreicon. ami ia mot1
' jiariicuUirldefertbil a follow, to
wn I.. t nutnfervu & and I of BnM
rmo-tvrcl 3. In F iller' Addition to
the twnof I'.sv City. Oregon, aceonl.
in to the r.etirded ptot thereof.
I ated Mav Wth. 19U.
II Crenahaw, Shoriir of Tillamook
County. Oreeon. .
.N'uttcc ot stteirui's attic of K'cttl
KtrTlt'K IS HKKF.HY UlVKN, thai
by virtue i f an Kxvcution and Ordor ot
Sate itsued out of tne Circuit Court of
the State of Oregv.n. for rillamook
County, dated the 26th day of May.
in, in the cut- wherein Y. R. Deata
ami Clarence Tikien were plaintifta,
and Alva Hevet, Marian Kurria and
frank Fa roth, were defendanta. upon
a judgment ami decree renderi-d In fa
vor of the said platntttN and Frank
kr'h. deten- ant, ami avainat ttMt
! J t . . . . I I I. . .. J......
ssn mil fei-i lbhp'- .u-,w,
defendanta. nni.-untinii to Uie tun of
Twrntv-two llunir-d Thirty sevan and
12-100'Dotlar". ai d intrr-t thereon at
the rate of ix per cent per nnnom
frrm the 4lh .lav of March. 1010; the
further suru of t2S.i0 attorney's feea,
ami the sum of H".W coata and dis
bursements in said cau'e, ami coov
reandmc me to aatiafy the said jorjsy
men I and decree by tha vale of the real
property hereinafter described bkruf
Inst to said defendant, Alva llevel.
XtrtV. THEREFORE, in order to
satisfy the "aid jodim-nt and decree,
I v. tl , on the 24th lav of June, 1914, at
10 o'clock a. m , at the front door of
the t'..uiity ( ourthouaa in Tillamook
f'sty. ('rc-ri r. to th highest bid
der" nt puhltc suction for cash in hand,
the said real property, which is sitttaU
ud in Tillamook County, Oreifon, and
la more particularly described as fo
Iowa, to-wit:
Tlw vaat halt of the MOlhwost mt
tar and the uU.wt quarter of tb
soothoit iiaarter of 8utitxi !C, uwr
the northwest ou rtr of tint unrtisft
quarter of section 90, all in tOwnoWp 4
south of range 9 weal of WtllamatU
Mi ridian, in freoo.
Dated this 26th day of Mny, 191 1.
H. ("renshsw, Sherltf of
Tillamook County. Oro-foo
tn the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Tittatnoolc County.
u rower and Supply t,r.,
a corporation , pliant iff,
C. H. Allger and H. H. All
ger, driendant.
To H. H. Alli-er, one of the alxrve
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed again
st yti in the above entitled cause
in court on or before the expiration
of i weeks from the date of Ihe
first publication of this Summons,
and it you fail to so appear and ans
wer thr plaintiff will take judgment
against you for the sum of fjjo.oo,
with interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum from May 1st, 1911
for the further sum of $104.55, wt!h
interest at the rate of eight per cent
from January otb.iQu; for the funh
r sum of 950.00 as attorney's ir -,
and for the costs and disbursement
of this action.
This Summons is published by vir
tue of an order made by the Honor
able Webster Holmes, Judge of tin
Circuit Court of the State of Orrgroi
for Tillamook County, dated the ot1
day of June, 1914, and Ihe time :
the publishing o f said Summons
by said order prescribed is once ,
week for a period of six weeks, iip1
the date of the first publication ben
of is June yth, 1014.
Attormy for Plaintiff
Hids will be re -eivw) by thu .Sc-hud
Hoard for painlii.g the ok) imilitii.g;
for particular hue tho Clerk, All bulk
must he in iy fYodnosditv, Junu 2UI..
The Hoard reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids.
K. J. Clausson, Clerk,
Notice lJor I'libiicutioii
Notice is hereby givrn that I.'wi-.
W. Uilks of Tillamook, Oregon,
who, on June iS, 100&, made home
stead rntriv No. 16.S36, now serial
01539, for S. B. S, W. 14 sec. 20 ami
K, 'A N. W. Vx and S. Ii. 'A N. W. i
Sectitm 21), 'I'owiisliip 1 south Kant," h
West, Willamette- Meridian, lias fil
ed notice of intention to make
final five year proof, to ettabli-ti
claim to the land above described, be
for the County Clerk of Tillamook
County, Oregon, at Tillamook city,
Oregon on the 16th day of July, joi.j
Claiibent names as witnc!i!)Ct:
Jtlioda Johnson. Lewis C. Wilks.
! Albert Wilks, and Sidney V, Antler
son, all ot 1 iiiamook, Uregon.
II. V. HIGIJV, Register.
Ho.rlir- tl. hixil,
i.iciw kill iiuUully
fwl. , .' v'jftg rumpiv-bS
, - - u a a hii rrcui ii,ia
In lh CtreuM wmin ol tha fliNi
WillUm Hy. pWtH.
V5 . '
Ml ot 'rftr unknown,
tU. tC
Inter. t or tUtr, in (h
ttir derrM-il in the o
' pUtnt hrrtn,"
th ahovr namrd defendantt.
Kuhard "' " P'
I ,..i ot mtiJc. unknown,
! t nM. Mttr. tin. mtorcl -f M4t .
in thr rral ttr druriM m the row
f. .mi limn ,
!., th. n4.nr of lh.- .Ul. ol ' 'i'1 '
u i..l rat'h of you ar hrrriy r
1 ouiir-l to Arpcr hr f"n,,
I , '.Mm ol pl.M-iU'. th !K,vpn '
,.lr,l it mm on fllr ,n the olflc
! .1 ihr I ,mt t'l.'W ol liltomooh.
! l ..only. l'lif"'i. ",f, ,t,r
tnd Mc to wbuh t''r t1'-' f"
"it i twiidins, m t v txau V wt
ol .til Count iin.l t on h
. J .L . 11. A. ...A I
tore thr tfe'f oi mr '" ""
ol itii uni'o, on ot
Jimt d. ol uly.
brlwe the
oi .uo run oi
a,r hrfct v
. ... ...i.mr
titled that it ot f- I l
i.l intnoUlrtt it lit"'
in ri-y-'l. lot - th.1.1 . thr
ptointttt wilt tph ,hr ,"',
tilK.t t outt lot h rehet drnwin'ied
in ptointift's eompUint. lo
decree that t-toiuttH is the ownrt IH
ltf simple t the fulUnatag dc rthrtl
real ettv. sitoal l'HUtn.k
Counts. Oiig.iii. to wit The r l
the i ' o Seilion lflj f in
loMnohin o ,4Utr
evcn () Vtest o the WithlUM'St
Mendwn eoi.uininK t'o ere. i
I iiumook- County. frt. he
N F V of tt,e )i I 'i st-stton
wenl tout luh n' h l ,,,,f
S F S and the N W H ot Ihe S
14 nt eettt thirtten UJ. t
tftsnthtp !f H). north of tttrticc
eiht M west - the WilUtt'ette
t.miwn in 'ti.Ron, cottintOt t"
t.irss; .ito" lot seven t? in obuk
tuvlity tnrer (., I'hsjet's ddtio
to the town ol 1 itUir.ook. and " !
.re cUntis ol '-ii'! d-lemUnti will
be determined t.v -u.l U"r, tht
said d iett!j"t be jdnnlertt d .It
cbf.d t'i h-tic i i naht, irb. h"
ternt or eUte hjtoeer in f to
anl Und heirinhi-tse .l-. nl-i-.l ,
that lite il. ft--tint iul of them
be f.il-rf li.Ufet .til l enjoined lni
f. el-Min th. fun, 4ilif( to th
ptoin'ilf, .i'ul tof suth other jd
f;irihrr reb l as to the ottrt n
.trtii eiiuilAl'li--
flu vitfi'e- n j.ublnltril in the
I I'Uinook lit if hi 4 ni-paiMr .ir
a a'iIi mr m- toiureum e and stt
cronr werks I u inning with the is
sue ot jutir futh, iti and ending
with the Issue of Ju ,Ut igti. uil
der and in pursuantr ol thr dtcc
tews contained in the order made by
the Honorable Wrbstrr Holme.
Judge of thr Circuit Court of Tilla
mook County. Oregon, which order
is dated the th day of Jane, is),
Geo W, Karen tl W L Coesper
Attorney for Ptoiatlff. i
Suit ojo Chan. Com. Bldg, Port
land Oregon.
Date of first publication is the toth
day of June. 1014.
Date of last publication i the JtSt
day of July, 1914.
Dtpartmcul of the Interior
U. MM) bl'Hi F at iortland.
Ortsrt.", Jui.i li, 111 ..
NOlll I. ia hetvl'V piirt. that t.eorfe
Frtaiour, of braver, on goe, wIm, on
fsovcii.lt r , iw-, irw.e iiiktitloiial
Hoir-r-tearl hi.try. No t-sjl, for C4 Ntl
Sretion S4 and NWJ, yeetisin 3S,
Townahiii a South. Range SrWs-at, Wil-
tomette Metidian, naft!ci nte of in.
Mion ton.ae rtral five tear Proof,
toestablith Claim to the IsMl above
dwertbed. befom thetnty Clerk , of
191 1.
hJ ty,
Claimant names aa wltnosaea:
Reuben Y. Bla lock, John Itorba. Bll
I). Krake. Senior, Kil . Xrake,
Ji.i.iur. nil of Beaver, Oregon
H. I'. Higby.
Charles B, Whitman, the ramous
New York District Attorny. who Is a
can-JK' tB fcr Oovernnr of N-w York
"t ""mny outvoyor, dr l a-
,"" 'I"' I-ocrtmbcl Count y ltoa.1
Junt HiamlM. Hn.f.ln wash. tin. well bavin i' nl'.oV.V"' ".r,n,.,r If i lie m
irA . : tori; , ivrs s
irouuio out none lliat wo could irnim.;..
!?a the Ii.D.I), riunwly. lr
wt could Kiiaran-
tno i rst rei:nli,r nlr ).oo l.oltle
l 1 .i's.--."
not do xeiiy ua wu way, U will ot
coat you a ctnU "Ul
laaasawm Ti
,.r ,n4, mI it onr wrnuar rin t.t .
tu 'm"' f ifortoM ho of "ttumrenr
IViinU.. matt them oironl tit h tutd it ..
Immmi w aaetka aritHt.
IK .1 tear
Nultc t Crotlltnrp
uiiTIi-I' u inbt rfiven that h . s
unAHW, ro tocoV rV " " '
. . -t -r.i....u.A t'.Miniv. tireaon. . t . 1 '
d , .ttfc.mte-l satmtnti'fatrta e th '
' .ft u , I a.t I., .....
tate cf W.vne W Wiey, .layrsMsawd. . I
ti.l h .oiiltW-4 aUCii, n nw
hattnti eiain-a gala4 al4 IaU MW
hereby nvrrto fsttassmi .
with irow sst4ter.. tw me il IM
omee ft H. T. Hotts, Atuwney al Ut,
in tlitamsmh CJ. W". Jh
rneh'h. front th Ui of tn ftrst (Mt
heaiton of tbto notice
UAlMi thto M, 4. 1914.
FrsMieto H, Wiley,
Admintotratrt of h !!
"fTayna Wltoy, thMw.
.Ntiilec to Ctitlttnr,"i
NtrTU I. to hereby tv-n that tho
ur4erslgnd has tw.-t h tha Cottnty
tuoft of Ttonwtt ttt, irrefon,
duty awttJ admtntalrnsof of U-
estate or Ihiis A luhiwi, peeasV
v.1, and Ha ditt tu a soeh. Alt
pereona harng rtstttn nt sd
Mu in teeehy notifia-l i prsHMml
th .ante t. me. Willi ttronrf vwhr.
at Ueotfare of II f. IMta. Attomrt
at l a. Ttflaitwssli Cite. Dreg . with
in i montfts front tho ot of
first 1 uMtention of th n4tee,
lte-i into May SM tti-,
K, V lllalucti,
A imn istrstor of lh fislats uf
1 . 4ia Ales Sthnaoo. t)wr)aj,
.'.'oiict ol Completed CotHtfesU.
iit-e is hrrrl -i . u that t' t
i.kon. nis 4.if-..xr Itr lilt
raimi oumv. '.f-'i " fclrd in
this orb in enrt.ti -I the cr
l.tclnui ot the tWu-xt 1 C
l.ejieh V t i thr I , Higs H. I
i ;tri, d ! ' tn, tlftn
ttT jKttiiion. hatiiist .i.tein -
lite IO the offidr Hon t said WOt ' .
tray do so Within t Weeks Inn
the date of the lust p-'liraiion.
Lasted ihi the roth '4 lusve m, j
1. C, Ht'l
Cossnty Clra. .
Notice to heby i,-tin by the S .',e
Bosrd ttl psh and mm Comni .
i'tners thst, In set.-dnee with the
provision of Section yjto Lo"!'
Urcaon Las. ll.i portion of 't-ite-
mKk Hltrf, in I il ailiook I oil IV,
Oreifon. jb.tve a 1.. 1 it inn im l,r w
the lowermost pommo of the nn th
of Trask Rtvef, es ept that iKtrt n
of TtlUmook Ris. within too et
jir.,,, any portion of the mouth t
ifsk Rive, 1 iareby otiened H
Wlmm fishing, other than . ib
hook and line, commonly e d
f)(!i,K, ,f Juy ,t til
. .!f.t,ro..r.l by sutnie
i. oininitstnBers
By Floyd llilven.
F Dun rt,
weo. n. clly,
t f as
and M
Cottimissioncrs. Wilt be 11 ,seti
lotted at fort la ml. Oregon, June 9, d
No ike 10 Contrite ura.
Se viol ijd addressed to thrC.mnlw
Court of I illitiuook County, Oreg.m. i
for the proposed improvement t ,
kilLm ( trrit, in Tillamook Count.,
i-fUgon, will he received by the Coon
ly I uurt of Tiilamoeik County Ote
gon at its o.'fice in THUitrmk Citv,
trcgott, on or before the join d. . -n
June, 1014, at 10 o'tloik am. I t
that time opened and read.
r.acn niu snail be jtc , ,
a certified check math 1 .
1 iiiamook County, f .i ,,,
equal to $ per cent ..1 tb.
such bid, which th.ll in 1 f
the County, in cast .. - ni
and the bidder shall 1 ul r
refuse for a period .,1 ,1 .
which the aw it. I is e, ,,1, (, ,
1 I by
1 n
in 111 nl
-1 ,1 i.
mil to
. uudi
Ii i.'t or
aft- I
itrl in
to 4 r.iinucl and II!
fartory lo tlx ( r t
.1 I. wild s.tli.
is reipiifrd 1(-
Ihe bid. 1 1 t tuvef the erav
unit and Kr,U: K i th. ( ..nut y ,.,.
bllllililivt ... i.iiiioree.l I 1,11, trie Undue
uir.ts. I-.II ..-i Creel., ,,,! .,,n.,v.ng
bf old wo.,;, b.i.U... ......tding t"
plans and speuficalKm. u file j ,ie
1 . 1 io c.in,t Co,,,, r, ,;,.,vog tie
I right to ii.eet ,,y and all bids, dated
j ...i no .j ii nay 01 nine, 1014,
C'l"ol,'lc. County- Clerk,
: ' 1 v-niiiin 1
Jist pulilicalioii. Ji
Notice of Completed Contract.
Hrtwi,C.C r ,,c.r( ,,li' fiJvc" ",!l U. C..
i. 1
LUU'" " H'C l?tb il.it. ,.f 1
r.ia "M 111111'.
ia, -e
County Clerk.
Y ..... '
Me l rtau iImU.
11 1
l '
I'll Kill CtHoct IX tmU from
to ai,.-
paettafmi rf "efrniw" Ultrl . . . ,
HI f..it i.
Nolle t. v , 1,
' 1
t ilt.
I ji -
1 , 1 1 ;
a fsnn-.i
Ssjml I.. ;
t. t. l-i-i
tits l .Oft I
and i ' i
wimt i 1
wWt. l.r t
' "
facto -taw
Tne biU
ins; and
botMlttg i
ervtto V.
nten and
oHtee of I -
beinrf An
i'ottrf res
and alt kti.
me ; of Jtn. t .
First ptsih
I ast pvtMt
N'atKr Cb'M'U
pwrnoa ot t. -
qoent the
and it
Cnnnty, f t.
ftoarsi of 1
loner ht- u -Vecr
t 1 ". e
0. !.v.- . '
In i a . , o - '
ot 1 1 -. . i
if I I "!
mr sinifti'
1 ' t
lt sjiliti.m ml. '
tlior !- f, lu j(t
V .ni
ls Ilt It I !. 1 . .
i.-ii -I .1 I i.l.
It-" -1 1 l ' M 1
II, ll-Jitl .HI'S x'
N Stttt . i l- IV . t
j. ct I,. ' , .. ' l. '
flie n lit,. i'(f ' ' '
Nr tttn x I'-v
U Itrtr'- ......
Mrtut Alio
4lol iior, . o.
fe.t .'.- -,i I.
M.,.k r i .
A l. nii.
OJ. nr, t.. '
L"fd t ' 'f
Will be iti-U i -'
Ot r-tith .t --
tn. ., 1 w li..lr .
aixl loir. ot r
durttivf i si-l 1
Any alto a
I. Kin. s St 1 tishinif 111 v
Ststr 1 1 r . I ' '
I iiiiinot n rtlff
IW I ' v.! I'i: 1 '
(...) II K.11
t .tllilrliiiiiix I
Mated at I i-fi'
lijl I
U.,.li.e,.tl,.,, I,. I lit v II ...
Ntitliitt-il I "fc!
fTi:i? is in '
liiiato lit
re WW, at-"
N-tn.iiiil 1 off 1 "
t.i t .
1..,.,.-. .r 11,
tne i.tiiieo .-.tat- 4,
lafitl, Oregon, on A ' ' .
...i. ...t7. t a
f-.ll. -I..l,l..l, V ' I ?"
m.rlMilIf orf.l lniri.i -I ' '
1. IPW, and ha.
:.,.!.T' 0..1A . ... .. . ' MUr-
. I .. . tl.. HI '
II.... a . u m m m I I. . I.l "
I. . ... sari... Is.... f " '
I.. i !.7 . "V. r r f
PUUIITt HI WW 'l"'- ,
cant In Mint Ifled ' ' ,l
r 1 . h ,rni-
otitry and Ihe pre" " ' .(.
ere aci r or io " " ."
Hiittli'iui-iit and -i.r ;.,
s...-..s. ei'lt.s l.ilnl . lilt ll'"'-
) ii... i'i ..r lni . Sir . l .'
Il' 10 si r.o nr. ...... .
nlinillun of Rnbbl A Jun"'
, , ...... ft .ftr II
may mi 1, t ,.",
CoiiiMitonlniier of H (,cllC
...... ,1,. .nit 1 i urine " .
Notice In hereby BivmJ'S
Jttckson. Coiinly Survey v0
in ,.lr f' tf Oreif.ill. I1?'...,,
ti.i. t.rri.... i.u .t riituatc . l!i r
pieuoii 01 iiiv 1001 it,,.
L,.i r- .1 ,011 fete liflllr'.
West Heaver Creel.', an" V
?.! ?" " A lino'
11 0111 uie tiittii to 1 f sine.
Dated this the ifilb -'',?
J. C. UU'
County Cleft