Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 23, 1914, Image 3

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    I wotiM Ilk (o uot llf.wri
' nmiui lliU i;f
ww i aW .rri "iB v. z ti
rB I LB fi
vr ccs vro jr 4 j
mlXs easy
, ,- , , , y;
The Whit,. In Xliiit .r aowlnic im. ., Mew Ifmrm Sowing
' Vllr-tor nnd )l)lfy ,,.. Mnchlno nt llnltmiii. Have your lick-
. wii ny lurrnn ul Joiiu. ' " noi ci.iiui for ny
MimUon Hiriiltun. Co, "xt Thumdny ovening wo will draw
tii-m-M lliitol timtlU, t( SNt()f.
il v. 3 n'eloik,
' to Dr. Monk for l)r.( bim photo
""idling. 0 always deliver, the
Oil, SUCH RcLltH
,1 II
r. , .r.o . fuel tiXKa " m., fI.I,." ... i
...... .l i, i , ti ..... ' , o morrow
Im-ii.dhj.of lb.Grm, Uot,Krif.
ml. Lurch will glv. bazaar ntlh
..'" Oii'kl l on J,,,,., ajUi.
I'jr will Ui,,,rv w chi,,, dinner
i-l ir n.J . ,fWim ,
r it'
I mi
rottM a., mty (;. ,
imHk. r1rt .'.'Ailonl IUmV.
Mj l, . tTlr. Urn (ltl (.
tu IWllle City o, j H.U.Uufv. i, vt.lHBf . um A, K. Cr
. V,
i. ui rMt nu I tu my
Ul' flt all Vliuli of
$ Mif th (wnuitot mmi tf
lKW.t in ttn ulty,
JrtWf U' lVlmf ftof boti.
Silr ' ol tlii lw.ii))c.
ir.it jv' '' ""Jcr CBtaUtgUf t
r,i. twM'a, ami Ihf will
Jfj,' the tJMH,
in'.t ,'i"rri to fclrlifIc
, f ,' A ,rlf om wlitj; tu
iWi tcr : I
if.? !
It It i!ralfii ttt I'ttflUml
in: 4 p tt vok. rrturniMi'
U5 J ' . U.
Km V f ''itsh,
('. (txiftllHt
I i Uilo htHIt"
I 1- r im!)'
, .rli UUkB.
r vttitt u a (Ulpt of
Il Attx' 6-'lcn)' rflvtl liorn on
rVfT- f.r mining nl to Knilt
rri u I nw.on will ilvllvcr tlmm
eiVH't 'l'i-H), I'hunp him.
Vests siq- irv Hrriloy Ktm nrwl
i ml '
luMc M
i Uttwr talnwo t4
Kh larLct.
tf tfv firm f Hr-Iii
1 jine tH'itiif at
-l l4tikU,lfi;o ik
I. Clwacli Co.
Vet un
for l'eil
rl i
Iti 11IU.
I. M. Kf.Drraf CtoVnttMo wt n
TllUtoMoi. UirinaM vuimr on Metid..
lf, 1.; the rVl, i(H.0J,i
"Hy'lw" hi. o,nc In 'Mllaimwk
Stuily, 3 u'ekKb.
ril, man aimI wlfa tu hrlp 0,,
fri ihriwifh byln;. Aildrc U
WutUwr, TIIUtniMl.
If jrtw -ant ro fly ,rlly uKJtwr.
UmU 7Jb iriKfi fnmly t mo. Kpray.
nf tlWH ItV g(, c. i. ciiJi Co.
..TrrH sak rtlminn l 0m OM
HiiMi KHthon. fhev ro Km l,-i
in town fo Itotf .mm.
Mt Matwl Oeynr, wlw hi crilu
Fluht Afl.intt Peculiar
Conflagration at Oca.
U'linn id.. rtflKhiiT Miinly mcnmi'rl
mi of 1. 'J'f(;,ri, I'rniKf. he onrrlifl
l;ilili' (i,. mltitTiil wit tor In her liolil
a oiioil.iT of fiiiuill wmxIijii cuMtK murk.
) "111.1111110 kihIIuiii."
'I'll" hiiiiin-1 wuh roiisli, Tim Tfiwd
rollwd niiiI il, hcl violently, 'i hemp
bilii auu Hint (hi. ahl) wnn lltllif to
km iiihI, mihjmmUih: Hint lla- vargo
(. hlrtliijr. rlit IkmUwiiIii U;low
f llliiv(lKti An tllo IxinUwitln i;H
IcimI tin- Mold lie itw t tin t Mi'vi-rnl
t IIHM lif ltllfllrfll il'tllltr liml lir.il... tu. A
Dr. Uiwt IH ojiliclon miy ylvo hint III.' wulrr um hwIIiii uIkiuI In
To morrow ( mnm. KwrylMly wvlemm.
"V OWSpanlrt ICIIh. In e
I JWM to ql tptri rv.dM nwJ
I t-w w'jaiin-tini.
tO r frm for mI oi, Tillnmouk
Ul.ir. prlrH Wy, ,0u,jedi
Krflahl Urm. J, wiilln.
wimwlhlm; dllfleuli.
AUorrMry litto. I. WlnMow rftuniwi
Sumlay fruin a trip m 'it City
wht m , wool Uj trammel Im.liiun. for
few iay.
Fur Salo, nt n harirnln If taken oon.
Itr.lilrncri on 2ik1 ami Jnh hircut. 10
rwwi hwir, Ktx harn, J block, kcmI
tm: a line invotmenl for runlnl
or a u homv. Aililrcmi mx 171, Tlllif
iru', Orr
Itev. Van Winkle, paitor of the
Chr.Mlim Church, left on MoikIb)' for
Kwuciio to preach Uio foncml acrmon
of a former member of lil church. Mr.
Jim I'lrtlc. tin cxtM-cta to return on
Kf lilay.
Don t be clicelviil in buying cheap
Hour whun you ran mt Dcmnnt'ii llc.t,
llluu Stem haril wheat Hour nt the lib
IaiimV Ken) Co. Tim "lU-at" Hour on
the market. .Money hack If not nntl.
Mr. atxl Mm. V. C. Kim; ami win
Ch'iit have inline on an outliit;. They
left in auto yeilenlay. They will no
to MelforJ arvl from there to Tnlant
here they will remnin for n few dyi
it row Montooutt) thl. vc,r. arrlvod on Mr. hliif fruit ranch. They
ln on Uly, SJio will loaeh the j then will toilown Into Cnliforniii and
lewrth iruia f our exil here nt
1e brter ihofu of the rtty will
cW4 at In Vfciii. on Uie evenliiK of
July ItH ami -ill rft4ln cto.l all (lay
the I ewrta.
Mr. and .Mr.. Will lwal of I'orU
IihJ, v la lb nlr tn4 uuck while
m iblr My rMXMa fiwn 1'aclHc City
-Imp lhy rwe btca vUllinj; Mr.
UjwvII' brothrirfUw Deri Oia
Stnifctr wini; ntachtno for !
oi (Ay term, At our bomv pUivo and
tntute ilore at TIIUiMuaK, Urn. Ikiih
htmm. A. Uiiofwc. Vgt,
VTllrro baa Ixion a lot wi (lalllnKMt
Ahcl aliii:ai Into till ilMtiVct hiI
7 . . ...... i . I, . ..... . .
. . .... it. i ... . i
Mlill . 1 . i . ..I, . ...... . . .
. . . , .. , i aunr wmrn ne win rnium mnv.
i, k, v. ra ir rii0 in me nattnoii
fTt lie
CJVtr t-trc thl on.
Ma a will nel n ajxciAl
iUi Wc-I .c,b cVnnlni;, June 2
rUlvr .rk, itot attendnnre ilelrrl
Hr J II ,!,(,l,ark ml Mr. W. Mf.
f iit Knrnrv. Hremnr. Oi ,
'nfr arc i' llnvoe.-uii holplnt' In
till the new natilnrltim.
Pt'rjrm. e. can unyihlni; In the
wlifie .uHmve. I urn btivlnir Jnr
f, iwin . j. Murrui Minitn. ine
Sirr lf i r.-iohaw wont t Itnckuwny
hi)r, where he nrretctl two men who
beet. .,,i;iil f.ir In ronnoctlon
tt Seattle robbery, llo rnl thu
ton to I'orlUml by iwiother oirieer
ttnl Ham who hna been nt lendllli,'
Itillarnctta Unlver.lty fur the t two
i hnn returned to tho city. Mo
'II i'tid Ina vacation linn.
Horn; l-or Snle. bl.i-k intirc. I ypnrs
wi'ialit iiIhuii I.iimi i.i.iiiul: well
Me in.) nound. M. Hoenlckc, VYooiIh.
hiM tn Ida riKitr. Ini' UlUmou.
f"cl tVo, IiaihIIcw nuUiliiK but k'ood
ft! Moium, BeMtiHiniel by h
mother left fur i'artlAixl UnUy. .Mra.
Vlortofl will remain At th boma uf Will
I'clto) in I'urtUml fur a timn and then
will .-i. u.i 1 i.l.lrt W.nh. . with Mill.
........-,. .....
Black and White
Sinokoi,! will con
vince nil.
'l lio only oiif filler
W Tobacco Cignr to
lu.v lor Tie.
T0 liox $2.00
Wicr Sprcc)ien Deutsch
Hcliahle Dnigist.
.... .. .l
1 1 IIV HUT rv ..J.HI win. l
iwheiiN-oucan el lit8rn corn led
hAlii. bacon aihI tnril ut tttn IIDumook
Feel Co. The In I money can buy.
Now i the Umo to bulk over your
maelilnerv ami uot your fopalr. The
TllUinook Ivnod O. CArrltw auppij
for aII midline.
Ilowanl lirow left fur I'ortUnil on
Satunlay nmrninu'. Un Wo.lnoduy, ho
uiil I .i nnitial in iimrrliii'M to Mint,
t.rMie WhilohiMi.0. formerly ,f thl
city. Mm. W. W. Wlloy ml Mlf
Ulm Dre', ilem of the Krotiin "
left thU mornim: f.r I'ortlnnd to be
preaeul nt the WiKldln.
F;I)r. VYVndt Physician
. r. ft I.;.
.ervicci to lhoe in
nceil of kin.--) r treiitment. U
permnnently lornle.1 III Tlllnmook City
not here only when omo kjiocIhI uocn
alim dniwfi li InrK'o number of poople to
our eity, n.l b r evury day m ymir
ervleiti. .Sllilm'tion uiirimiiM. i
. ..... I ... Lii..), r Itlllllnt.
un imiffi iiuyMji""'
Ink' yti wlnli. l mixlorn prices.
CmiBiilliitlon Kri-ti. Absoluudy
II. I). Wi-at liml f'iily returnwl on
Mon.liiy from Iteuver where thov
vllte.l over Sunday with W. Il-wr
.ml family. On I'i w''- I'1"1'"
homo liml liUKijy, Mr. Went nay I
I A 1 l.iltft tlDlt
he was iieiirly run inio ov
...... ...iln.f nt ii rapid ratu turn mm
other .utoii barely uuvo him thu rmul.
II.. II.Ht 111! I L'Olllk' t" lOHtl Up III"
,ot K'i nmi thw tin. tires of '!''
xt auto Hint rumi mm "'u
full of hole. A llttl" tliiu'ly warnini,'
mli-ht li m H,,nu mfiHcliiftt, well to
rJ,. 7''C,H drawn tho New lme huw.
HK machlim nt Unlloni, Suva your
tlckeU, if thu miio.lilnu c""
(or by mat Thurmlay ovoiiihb we vi...
(Jen, I,. lUmlln. I'ljuHuiHOfliiK. w Jf;
Inir ttinl re.llllDU. irmn ...
honw work,
Wauled A HOhlllull lV II ytUMK M)H
of ublllty, lo i.(.rn hoard or uimuifh t
,uy for bi.iud by wurklnir alwut four
boiira of mi ovuilnir. Nuino nl ror-
runtTH t lloruld ollUu.
vuit the recently awskcmx! volcano.
Fur a ih dinner or am) thine In the
line of liml cl foodt, call kl tke Old
Sp.nuk KlUken. Oppo.ile Unin.
Tlllnmook County r.elvca 1,053. 79
from thvslAto for county fair pur
jve. The total amount expended by
the atatc for turn Kirjx.,i: li 1-17,714.12.
of willed Ainounl Mullnomnl, ciunty
KcU the lnrifodl nmount. $10,239.10,
aim! Curry county the amnlleal amount,
Mr. nml Mr. Win. Wudo of Cor
vmIIU, who have been vinitini; nt thu
ho'ne of their dnuxhler Mm. Kui;uiiu
Jenklmi tu thii city for tho pact week,
left far their Iwime this mornliiK. Mr.
Wake wat a nnilor with admiral Fnrrn
k'ut durinc the civil war and lately re
ceived n rni-dul for bravery und dutln
KUimwd nervier duniiK thai contl.cL
Dr. bmi'n K'lmsf nre classea.
Win. C. Tall, provident of the First
.National Hank of this city, returned
the latter part of lt week from Med
ford where he attended the nnnunl con
vention of the Oregon Hankers Asso
ciation. Mr. Tail wm made a member
of the executive committee of tho as
nociation. Thin fa u HMtfon of import
ance in the blinking circle of tho state,
mid niiown thai Mr. Tail in beim; rec
ounted an a man who knows tho bank-
Inu bulno.
Fox Terrier pup atmut 3 mos. old.
Hot, tailed, 2 black not.s on back nnd
black iMjl on head. Finder please "no
tify It. II. Wall-, I'iic. To I. & Tel. Co.,
Tho Tillamook HuildiiiK Company
will receive bids for supplying 100
ronhi of four-fool wood, lobe delivered
in th baflement of ltd building in Til
lamook Citv, Oregon, on or beforo
Sept, 15. H1 1.
Tillanuxik Huildlng Company,
Hy II. T. Hotts. l'residont.
:.ie Ik.IiI TIii-ii xilddeiilv be aaw one
t Hi.' h.kmI.'u ni".. marked "aodlum"
url Inm l!n in,-
IniiiiiHllAtfly lie Kiivf tin., nlnrm. nnd
ili. . rew niHiiiil to their lln atiitloim.
I'lie llititlli dlle. led till' lllvll to play
(h lnm Into Hie bold. Aa tbc Omt
tieim of wnter truelc the liuriiluit
Hue tliete were wrenil explonluua hi
im. lAi; after piukugc within tbe m
iti abt fire lly tlilx time two other I
,ic of i.Hllum had broken open, and i
ir ri'iifeiit n- they eiime In (ontrt' t '
.lib the miter t rum the hone tiumt
into ilnuiei..
'I he ere eould not liellere their
r.vt' The mole wnter they xiurel a
(It.- III.- the more liitenc grew the cou
nntfnilloii Then auddeuly two cttxwi
llew lulu the iilr. eni-lieil ualnnt tll
.terhoid U'iiiii- und apreud out la
heeix of tile, the uiiiller plece dnjp-i-liik'
InicU only to IxiuiK-e and dnine
jl.ilt. hot I, nil. of rlnme. In the half
'Wiimped hold
I'lilile -trliUcn. the erew dropped th
he line, mill ll.il nlxne deck lint
l tie ruplftln otdeied the eargo tiling
into tile xeil Mild l.tl lili.llleii i.n.l; lulu
iIm- liotd. They .lnn-.-d.-d In tlin.lli2
eiernl of the . ni uverlKinrd Hill n.
em li -ne hit the wiii relxumded
nl.. the ii I r. n ihiiidm: l-ill
Tlie -HmtM Ill-Hi- reu . fnt
liming iinmniiM!.'tnili:e. nnd the ciipttilii
' (but in mil m. he niii.t iilt.indou
the tilp He . inter. -d the i n-w n. Hie
ixtiita not one timiiient tit win. fur li
the Ixjut- rtinnl aunt fniin the lilar.
.m: liul I. -.-iiTiil imiil ..ipl..-i..ii- i n in,.
i mm the Ik.i.I. Then there n one
'nighty detuii.ithm The fr.'lk'lilei
ir..!;.' In t"i und p:utiuiii out or -lulu
The r lirl ti of the lite wn. of cniirxo.
in the -(.Hum Sixllum Ix n p.i-uluir
iieinl. whirh .idlxex nipldly when
liter tnileliex It und lliimc-" k xMin n
the liter x-.nime warm. Acvordlu;;
to tile elieml-t'x liiltlcntloii. It I- the
HHimd uieuilTof the nlknll group t tint
nit Index lithium. x.i.i-.xum. rulddlum
illld vili-llllli All of Ihexe elellielitx
tiuve the xiime chiir-ieterlxtlc-i nx x.
dluni In greater or le.x degree. Th
i.xlliim xhuiild have tieeu xtilpped tn
Hermetically xeaicd tin cuna Inclined
Hi wmxlen en-.ei. Hut the rolling of
the hip nnd the curving xtowlug of
the eargo bmke ojx'ti xome of ttne
n . mid the xodlum. wtileti wax not
iWilH'rlj puekiHl, wu lllieruti'd. Ho
ti'U Uenild.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice it- hereby given that the un
dersigned has hern by the County
Court of Tillamook County, Or.-on,
duly appointed administrator of the
listatc of Felix Roy, deceased All
persons having claims acainst said
estate arc hereby required to present '
.nt, j.utuv, .ii.ii ,i.,ier voiiciicrj, IO
me at the office of H. T. Hotts, At
torney at Law, Tillamook City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of the first publication of this notice.
Dated June i6th, 1014.
Administrator of the F.state of
Felix Roy, Deceased.
Mutual Phone
flllNl LAMfS
15, 25 tmd 40 Wilt. 35c
tO Wt . - 5c
106 Vilt - t SOc
150 Vatl - - - $1.20
250 WU - 2M
l'rmtnl Lamp. Bo liitrx.
Xit ilrtlrer Wim to naj- part of
Ihr city. TclraliAtic at. We o
nlrlni; at lUe lwcit nrlcra cija-
latent Willi Bond WAiVajaa.alp,
WlUmook aiooWo Ji
tAoto 0. ur.
Notice of Administratrix to
the, County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Tillamook County, has ap
ixjlnted tho undersigned administratrix
of the estate of Albert J. Gitchell, de
ceased, nnd any nnd all crsons having
claims against sulu estate nro hereby re
quired to present the same, together
with the proper vouchers, to the under
signed at the otlieo of T. II. Goyne, an
attorney at Inw, in Tillamook City,
Oregon, within six months irom thu
date of this notice.
Dated May 5th, 1914.
Florence V. Gitchell, Administra
trix of tho Estate of James S.
Gray, Deceased.
T. II. Goyne, Attorney
for Administratrix.
40 Years
Used D. D. D.,
All Itching Gone!
Crumtiu. .Su n tu Itumi. Cat., with the won- I
derrul I). IX IV rri'.fniitmil.
D. P. l. In the proven Kczema Cura
the mild waah that elves luatuut rell( 1
. 1, ...... u,.i., ...... .,
11 1.11 ...III," J', .
Cliiiilines lh akin of nil Impurities
waaliea away tjlutilim and nniil.n,
Innvliin the vklu ns tiiuuulh and healthy
oa that of a child.
Ort a iOc bottle of t tils wonderful
jtctenm l.'uro today and Itcep It in tho
We" know thai D. D. 1. will do all that
to cluliu.d for IV.
Who Is
The Sharpies Mechanical
Milker Tsers
Why Not
1'icconic a customer also and
get paid for it in increased
Why Not
Kelicve yourself of all dependance upon unreliable
help and drudgery.
Why Not
Make up your mind atfonce nrdtinveM in n Sharploa Milker. The Ter-t
Cu;wtb t;,. (Jpwnrd Succ2e. The most wonderful invention of the
prexont time.
Call at;our;stcre;t.nd,AtXwilI.ehow you;a machintjin operation.
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Oxyaccetaylene Welding
We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze,
Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel and
Copper. We also weld broken gears,
pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and
build seamless tanks, also do cutting
and brazing.
MINER & REED AtHmer-s Machine Shop
No Jobi too Big and None too Small
There Is No Better Light
For The Home
than the soft mellow glow of a good
oil lamp. Scientists indorse it; com
mon sense recommends it. The
gives the ideal light for sewing and
reading. Scientifically constructed.
No glare. No flicker. Can be
lighted without removing chimney
or shade. Easy to care for.
Ask Your Dealer To Show You
Standard Oil Company