Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 23, 1914, Image 1

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    If. w
ISSUUl) TWIfTF? A UI7Kirrnr5csa
I Afjrrc-rl( uaauiY AINU hKIDAY
fXM I - aaaal HI aK - Mil
. Tillamook, Omtpox, ), Nl, 2l 11)11.. y'o, ,Lj.
. i ' n i .
1. 0. 0. F. BUILDING
Safely, Security, Service,
How to Prepare
County Exhibits
Industrial Review
Of The Stale
Courtly Ajriculluialul Jones
Ohm Some Pointers in Krgaril to
Prtiwrinj Fruili and Graitci
,t I'otlUn I, Oro , Ju v 21. (Spvclnl) -A
' organization, Tho Oregon, In-
ltblry lHiruo. hud raKonllv I......
Gives frn.ad in J'ortlnrxJ. tb object of which Factories and Enterpri
1 1 v r'mun an ouneauonal
fr tha axlenauiii of the us of Orgn- '
'W M of all kiwi, for th un.!
KpKnnni of nil llmm of in.)ulry In !
It la tin, iti.t tb fHrmxr of ' 'fl ,ut vl for Hw mrl and flnnn-
s wntjf ww laliitd,, to think about .OP' - t hII Orouon institutions
isei that aupoly
Payrolls and Matters Rchting to
Development of Orejon.
MttaMbit at ilw locJ and hUU. l'nlri
Urii Jtl. Now ia thr tim... to dwl tin?
band!1 vt gre ami to nrtmnra oar
WMll frviO fi athtbtUon. lWe has
wn wtoml in(Qiri a. Ui tww to pr.,.
WWW ampW ai.4 MttHrrvt the iulrv
f'VtiM Hum rwtMirt tJioir ptor and
Th timihly Fair Board have'
Hamuat for
leaiptr on
many years promiimit
the iii'XMinonl for tho
niJl'tMTl of Oregon industries, has
fti-dud president of th nricanltatlon.
jVrt. i. ...m i . .
1' " iiiiwiKn wm ue enrnm on
Snlem, Orn., Jura- 22. The announce
ment it made that by n nRreetnnt
hoton the ilfjmrtmtrnL of rkooorntci
of Urn State Unlvurtfty nml the Cen-
On June 10th. G. II. Ward and MIm
V.mmx U'tlm of thi city were married
at tl home of Henry Zurfluh at 1 p.
m. hy IJcv. HblnKor. pwitor of tho
, German ConKreantionul Church of this
city. 'Iht uveninfc Mr. nm Mr. Wanl
j lett for i'ortland. and from ther they
; wont into Wwhinuton on a abort trip,
i They are nrftonir our rnont rcapgtel
youni; ieople atxi ha ve n host of frurmJs
who hope for Uvarri a happy and pro3
peroo wedded life.
In thla mnttur
fflva antmtJinco
akM m to td them
mmJ I ahalt bt Klad to
(o any who wish it
In vkMttnt gnu ImUo tbo fairly
WIJ matortd Uniugh (till of
Kfimfi color, rut vry rlu
Mtmm m a to netix! Iouk bundlon.
I)f tn a dkrii .ili. in draft of
ir a to rtla itm nntoral eolor hh
Outh at iKaMiblu tt ml than tic up in
bund la about i I ) in dutmtT.
)Trlm tb bntt oft rt' and Kwti in
' a dry dark pb.ee w thy will wit lileneb
In regard to fmlu, tbn following is
Utiitn from nn nrtteb? wiittvn by W,
0 loi)jcyar of Um Cokirndo AKricul
taral Colkurf.
A fraat many HJtMiMmtinta have been
mada in th attRipt to II mt miwv tluiiln
Own Irilt I.iktkir rTiWinit tt .l.rrlt.ulf.n uH tui
I w ' " wv... ....... v
' takn up to aolvo the problem of uti-
1. fnrltmm jirlt
, - - it.puii me iwwci iiinvuiuini:
tn-iwairoe may in time oatablkh no tm.lx) are U be rebuilt.
puoiieaiimi 01 tu own. .Mot-! T.e Oregon l'oblle lltllitlo
8 Cents a Cake
THIS -M.IE E-liC 0 N L. YL-
hi- t istl't. litJDM lor t In Miti, IchhI fJ'
i'c B . , ( mm (in Slinmn).i uiiil an l;ml)
!nn ti! I'm it v Onlv St a f.iKc.
nr rnmta-
.nj;a 01 an Kin.i,, wnnre toe iotroe can ,on nutlKrizw incread teleptvme
prly .end lu -iKiakcr will b rov-, rtos al Newborn, an-l In the Kune
ertl aM all Uro conventwoa in the , eloctric power com). auaUiins the eon
etj,t will be attended by lU olt;nt. tentlon of the Orotfon Power Co.
ri-nty orw Iradins civic iiim! rommur- Th manufacture of lojn berry juice
to the j t TKHoiSHiiotui oj uie cuy aim Hlnlo f,rwl unwdunt bricU0ts are new irxlus-
m in uie wiai-rtrio,iwlnK connldenid In various parti
llffliment of the now loiiKtie and it I of the atatu.
tbrlnU It amlatnncr practically j Uooi Hivor wunty will vote on a
n-ry orKaolraUon of tmfwrtanrc lnt$7C.O0O bond laace for the Columbia
,! ,,ta'r ! highway.
j prominent fpaturr o' the i'mmrnii- I ..i
ft i v wiiMiiisaiviivi aiiit uuJ a
I'jdllc Hxo.Mtlon will 1. an cxlenaivc I meetint; of olllcials of labor boards at
urcitoti oui-oiifwm lite display to cost J'ortlnml to consider nt-oded lalxir Iok
Ifkoximatoly $10 001 An area C0x60 ! iUtion.
fr't lH.tW,en the Orison ImlldiriK mul 1 prw,k i3W have had the sr.me effect
bay ahor has Uen fonjreI by the Ore- in WlRconiin as Oregon. In both states
Kop Commlsal.tn uml contracts have taxes have doubled. Wisconsin went
bp let for the Initial work. Thl fea- 'Up from $2,500,711 in 191R to I7.iii5.318
tuf.; will be unique at the Kxfioaition, ;n jq For many years they had no
ntfihinir of the sort bii' i attfmutvd nv h,i,i i.u.
or .hilio In whMi the inore wrwh-j .pother state One of the moat In- n00 Jwers met at Aurora ami pro-
. ?pi imi t-Aiouiiiuii lercMinir icnitire wt M a m mature in-l i .,..t.t. ...v tu..t I.,-.
al f-ir ..) .Mitlw.. S.,n.,. of thc.o j rrDMductloii of 200 miles of the Colum-' try with atmual proJuct of iG.000.003
hvP iruvl vry aatlalacUiry fr r?r. . ,U vcr. ahowlmr fi.heries. nicht 0n n popular vote.
uouutiui wiietlicr lXnals, rapids and
be diwovorcd b.vlrcyuBuc bit of accne
lain JnilU but it in
any proctiM will ever
i which the aft(ir ;iial, such a
i . . . . . . i. . . . r . . ...
1 inifi ip iinuTOfnu enn ihi rcii jr ranpOUtlfcd that a
wnterfalli. This Portland Millers are to be allowed to
Ircallstlc bit of accnery will extend ao- bid for army supplies.
ulraW" ( nrOllinati'lv CO feet. In addition, it is t;-n,. ,l i. .., v,.... .v... n. ..t
- " " t'vttM wwu a w tttt.t; bltu I't3b lil UI
reservation oi i.Wiu , a'i?u hosn tnl bu t.
Si a . . ... k tit 4P 1
-ui ii.iici) riinone in cniur. In the palaces of horticulture, uirricul-
Albany baainoiwi men.
The Portland Central Latmr Council
Is auitatinir an Initiative bill to annul
the franchises of the Portland Gas ami
Coke Company which the legislature
refuaod to repeal.
Mllwaukie ill cet a one dollar gas
rate from the Portland Gas Co.
Independent bur pilot have roduced
rates from S1.60 to 51.00 per foot draft
or vessels.
Dallas voted fair grounds and septic
tank bonds.
Force of laborers doubled on the Hill
terminals at Flavel.
Ijine county hop crop this yenr will
be $350,000.
i Albany loKanberry drier handled
effifi tcunds a day.
I Kola will have a $5000 church,
i The 1914 woal crop brought Oregon
; .os),ooo.
' Mrs. Hogue will build a fJ.ftJO ho
j tel at Kleventh and .Vahlniiif n
streets, Portland.
It is claimed that the tax ex
emption for "every person" would al
low whole families to take out 31500
apiece and virtually establish the sin
gle land tax in Oregon.
Ottae Grove has lowered its school
tax 5; mills.
By a vote of 12 to 1 Portland voters
defeated free textbooks. The industry
of state published textbooks is
The specimen to Ihi prvscrvod should
' Ihi the mot 'rfwt obtainable, free
from all hlvinithcw and liiiM.'rfi. tions.
In iml cno fruit of a fair di'ttro.' of
, rijrn-iMi iii better than partly irriv
' Kicimch. Inhibition Jtirs should Ik
jof clear while k'lnM, preferably with
I erouml claaa slopMm. Tlie tall cyliixl
j ncal firm ia desi'ablv, tiapoclally for
i the ninalU r f'Uita.
The rti-. fruit is llrst carefully
I.Ut r.l in Hit-jar which IS then lllled
will, . l.-.ir .i!t. After standing a
palaces of horticulture, airricul-
turc ami fool pro lucts.
, Wm. Tullman, of linker, president ,
of the Cattle mi 1 Horse llreedera As-i
socialism of OreRon, has atl vised O. M. I
Plummer, manager of the Pacific j
$15,000 training school.
Clackamas county will establish a
sand ami gravel plant at New Era.
.Maupin is to have a new $15,000 bank
The Langrcel, Haker county, saw-
to be
.Northwest Livestock Aaaociation. that j fnj wjl be located on Burnt river,
an Imporunt nivelini; of ins Mociety
i will be lie! I in Portland during the
I livestock show at
the Union Stock-
The State Grange bulletin says not
pay any
$1500 2.x-
one person in a hundred will
thing but a land tax if the
i yarns next lan. miock raisers irom an i emption parses.
over the Notthwi-st will be expected) Albany will have a JT.0.000 school
to ntteii'l this convention. j erected this year.
One of the prominent features of the , Kugene is laying 21,601 feet of water
halom t.herry rair. to lie hold June 25-
Special Grocery Prices
! 1
Quaker Oats
I t
''iiiu-s, M 10c pr lb.
tid 1 'caches JOc per lb.
Crescent Baking Powders
I'oiuid Cm, regular price
$1 DO i low 85c
Pound Can, Regular price
7()c, now 55c
Pound Can, regular price
'Jfie, now 20c
I m-Jin extensions.
I Charles Bordeaux of the American
i Brewing Co. of Baker has been looking
I up a location at Fort George, B. C.
I Marshfiold voted $15,000 for a high
-- r .-.r-, -.--r-r', a.- i school gymnasium.
. The Oregon Power Co. has 100 men
short time the water is iKiured oil so as 1 . .. , . . ,
to remove ull particles of dirt from the ' "
jar and contents. The jar may then he
-i-27, will lie n electrical parade the
last night of the show. There will prob-
ably Ihi ten Moats in line, all gorgeous
ly decorated ami illuminated. Another
lllia I I t- a i l I 1 i II' Lll. I 'iilll' I fl I" I I'l I I il 1 fit I " I 111. 1(11 ' Ml'
"V 'Oiiitjut nnce in mm 4'j"i - -
('ci man Anuiitan L lir. Str.-I Cut, 1 pound 30c
r.ermnn American Colliv. Steel Cut, ."I puuiuls S5c
Oraiu.t. Lnlu-l ... nouud Xiv. Orange Label 1 pound lif.e
Hit MajcsLv'H Mlcnd 'i pound LTu-; Hei Majesty's P.lend
HnM.i.esty's Ulcnd, 1 pouud.SI.00; Capital Household
1 ... pound f0e
1 -j p. in ml 2fc.
i .
Mgr. Oroccry Dept.
Ray & Company
'"to". .1 ImravH,
ln' from two to
IHt!H. Whh.li
' J"llllS(
h County
Court nt
uf tlm
l'. in, For further
.1 1 a
1 IU
Frin ii
cll Hie
V. Illulock.
I'hif ti .. f . . . . ..
'-"'! oi do .loiinsoii l.s-
, , 11(ltt t.,ul in the Mrs. M.H
prm-crly l.rtwr,,. S.HIrlj Ave a.,.
Src'm.l Ave. l ast. mU, ,
of my Mid location. be c lam l-iur
pu-piucd lo sc.vf you Hum over be
fore. TlmnklMff you for your libera
pMroimac iu the pasl ml
n coi.ll.umlioii of your valued order.,
' im Vours for Inulneas,
Kasper Znclfel.
work. Iti'iisonnblo
of satisfaction to
First class
Three yonra
nimik iintioiis,
Phono or li'avo orders lit .ioues-Knml
son sturt).
Hand Slmvrtil shlnu'lea ami cedar
IHMts for Hiile. Sv or address C. J.
Illaiiulmnl, lloinlook, Ore., Mutual
I tilled with thtf preserving tluid and kept
In a dark, cool place till the time for
j exhibition. Frequunt examination
.should be made to determine how well
fc I the fruit is keeping. If the liiiuid be-
t-tim..i ttilitriil fritm Ihi. fruit il rthnllLl
bc poured olf an.l replaced by fresh
' W ...I.I
The following formulas have been
successfully used at the Colorado Col-
i lege, cipecially with plums, grapes,
eh'-rries, currants nn.l gooseberries:
I Formalin, 5 parts; saturated solution
! of common table salt, 10 parts;' wnler
(hmled and coole.i) enough to make 100
j pin ts. This may be made up by meas-
urc as follows: Formalin, I pint ; salt
i solution, two pints; water, 17 pints.
When made up the solution will keep
Another solution weaker in formalin
has also been used satisfactorily. The
, pruiwrtlnns are : formalin, U parts;.
I salt solution 10 parts; water enough to
j mako 100 parts. I
For raspberries the following mix-,
I ture is rocominended : Formalin, 1!
'part, glycerine, 10 parts; water S'J
parts, '
Strawberries may be preserved fairly ,
well in u tmturuted solution of common '
suit, anil better still in n lluid com-1
posed of formalin, loz;ulum, 1 drachm;
glvcorine, G oi ;and water 3 pints.
'.ed curi ants keep best in n solution
corrosivu sublimatu, 1 part; glycerine,
M puts; water IN) parts. The corrossivo
sublimate must bu dissolved iu hot
water and the solution anil tr ill pro
served in it should be labeled POISON,
us II ia very deadly if swallowed.
Thu glass stoppers of bottles and
jars may be inudo perfectly tight by
smearing tin ground surface with it
hiiuiII umount of light colored vaseline.
This will also prevent in a gieat meas
ure the sticking of thu stoppers when
it Is desired to remove them.
it. C. Jones,
County Agriculturist.
( Springibild water supply.
Cannery, cannery, is the cry of the
interesting feature will be a street . works of kjmR
estabhsh- d next year.
The new quarter of a million feet a
day electric sswmill of the Booth-
i Kelly Co. at Springfield was given a
j trial the past week.
I Under the head of u state industrial
I survey the water power on the Rocrue
! river is to be investigated with a view
to putting the state into the business
of generating electric power.
Astoria is to have the most powerful
wireless telegraph ssatiun.
A franchise has been granted the
Pacific Power and Light Co. to build
i miles of street car lines in Clatsop
county running from Astoria.
Porter Bros, expect to add S00 men
to their force on the Tiilt-coos lake
section of the Willamette Pacific, south
of Florence.
I'ortland municipal dock No. 1 will
be enlarged to hold two large ships at
the same time.
' The Socialist party is initiating a
bill to 'ax estates and create a fund
; for the unemployed, to be administered
by the State Labor Commissioner, au-
i.i : i U...1.1 .n:l.....i. i ui:.
muriiu vi uuuu luuiuiius anu puuui;
dance led by King Bing and Queen Ann
and which will be participated in by
the Chorrians and the Uoyal Kosarians
of Portland.
The Secretarv of the Interior has
designated a tract of 251,000 acres of
land in Oregon for entry under the
enlarged homestead law. Most of these
lands lie in the Deschutes and John
Day river basins. '
The first freight vessel to be towed j
through the Panama Canal was the j
Grace liner Santa Clara, carrying a
cargo of Pacific Const products, 90 per j
cent of which was loaded at I'ortland, j
nearly all of which will be discharged
ut New York. The vessel is compar- ;
atively new, this being her third trip '
to the Pacific Coast.
Tillamook, Otc.
"drop in and:
World-travelers who carried
"A. B.A." Travelen' Cheques last season are
enthusiastic in praise of them. "Good as gold every
where", is their testimony. Try them yourseli on your
next trip. They are safer than money; handier than
drafts; self-identifying.
Tillamook County Bank