Cbe Cillamook herald K. e. CromMtv. Editor .a rtt.u TSntcrcd sc-oml-cUM mutter May 17. Orccon. under the not StMlSCKII'TlO.N SI. AO A fldverilslna Rates f real Ad--ertiemcnts I"ir!t Insertion, per line 10 Karri subsequent insertion, line .05 Homestead .Notices A.W Timber Claims Notices, per line Curds of thanVs, per line Locals, er line, flrt insertion UUV .Oft .OR .7J SI ATKMKNT OF C. K. Trombley. Editor. Publufcer and Tillamook, mortiHce hikler. FK1DAY irNlv ENCAMPMENT COU'ES TO A CLOSE. The 33rd annual encampment of the G. A. K. Pepartmont of Orrs-on. An Ishod it? wr'. on Thursd.iy and un Friday morninc the visitor- left for their respective bottif, one snd kII de- m.ut emnhntirsllv thst tbe'V . hd had the time of their lives, and j tnt iillnm.wk was truly the conven-; lion city of the state. Receptions. Two reception- were civen to the ladic of the . K. C. and the ladies of the G. A. K. at the Tillamook Commercial Club. The first of these wu iivcn by the ladies of the Club on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday the ladies bclonsinc to the Grange ere the hostesses. Refresh ments were served aud the lady visitors appreciated thee receptions. Wednesday Evening's Entertainment. On ednesday eveninc the Christ ian Church was acain packed, when the followinR procram was rendered: Distant Chimes Ladies Tno. Readin; (Benedict Arnold) Florence Chapman. Soni: Male Quartette. Recitation Millie StillwelL Whistling Solo ...Lamoninc ClarV. Flower Drill . .. Little FolVs. Rcadinc, Paroly Rctsey and 1 are out J. H. Jobnon. Flat; Drill by yountr ladies. Solo .Mrs. Trombley. Res-dint; (Reverie in church,) ..Mr. Rhea Anthes. Solo (Good Bye Tosti) Mrs. Mac kenzie. One plcasinK feature of this gath ering was the Woman's Relief Corps presenting the G. A. R with J.'jt.co. The Veteran Quartette. The Veteran quartette was com-! pocd of M. N'. Morse, J. E. Hall, A. XV. Mills and Z. M. Parvin. and at the mcctincs at the Christian Church on Tucsdav and Wednesday evenings; thev were loudlv applauded and re-. oca'tcdlv encored, compliments the ; quartet certainly deserved. ! G. A. K. Elections. . Commander, H. 5. Farpo, of Sum- ncr Post; S. V. Commander, Frank . Severance, Cornith; J. X. Command-: , er, G, C. Thomas. Forest Grove: ' Tillamook ilrum corps also mad a Medical Director. J. K. Hall Lincoln-' Sne howine. Garfield; Chaplain, A. H. Nichols, of I . . ; , Montavilla; Council .f dtninistra- I , Tht visitinK drum corp. from Port tion. XV. N. Morse. G. L. H .ker. B. F. ' land played considerably. t was corn Pike and J. C. Cooper; del. sates to P?ed entirely of old soldnrs. The National convention. C F Handrf. W. I). Blanchard. (i. R Castmr, ilantj den, J Mantz. .. M. Pars in. M-nrvL. Wor- . B. Stillwtll and K. C. Markee. Women's Relief Corps. Prei''i nt. Cvntha Dunlap, No t; S V. P. hva Rupcr, No. 54; J. V. P., Melvin Cooper.Mclvin Cooper, No. treasure, Edith E Benedict. No. 2. Ladies G. A. R. Department Peidr. Charlotte Parker; Senior X'ice President. F Maud Hopfi-ld. Junior X"ice Presi dent. Alice Crcmmcr; treasure, Mrs. Graff; Chaplain, Addie Talbcrt; De partment Council.Martlia E. Kerns; council of administration, Dais;. Abraham, Mrs. Bcison, Mrs. Glen denin; delegates at Ian!.- Emm:. Tucker; department delegates, Mr Brown Caniine, Emma Krnnbrod-. nlteniHtt at large Louise Ralston: depf m r, nlttriates. Mrs. Breamer and Jiirs bite. Next Meeting Place. McMHm ille was chosen as the jiext i-j place of the G. A. R. Fmk a!o mcnti'ined, but the deb s ,m tlr t i-v preferred wail 1.'. tV,r another vet.r before ex WUi k an invitation to visit that city. Joint Installation. A j int installation took place on Tblir'! v morning in the skating rink, wnich was well attended, and tilts cloud the business of the 33rd encampment. Auto Trips. On Thursday afwrnoon the visitors were t:'kr. m au'os to visit the pieesc i ir ories and sec the surround ing c .ini'ry. This proved to be high ly pliasmg to the visitors, over six ty autos wtrt in the procession, and as there were not enough machines, some of them made two trips. A num ber went down to Bar X'icw owing to the beach trip being cut out and taed over night. Resolution of Thanks, XVe take much pleasure in publish ing a testimonial tendered to Messrs, Peterson & Barnes, of the Hotel Ramsey. It must be gratifying to these gentlemen that their efforts to cater to the comfort of their guests lias been appreciated. XVe wish them success.. Ramsey Hotel, Tillamook Oregon., June i8th, 1914. We the undersigned members of the G A. R ,md families, hereby vote our appreciation for the consideration and ipr'".ss ( Irndrd to us by the man:g' no nt dining cur encampment. In r"iiili i 'i -i of the extreme hospi ' d we pssu'c your management our nay at the Ramsey Hotel will ever be fondly remember ed. Respectfully and Sincerely submitted m m CudV Mel FpliV 1910. at the post oiHce at TllUmooV. of Msrch S. 1S79. VKAK IN AUVANCK Kseh suho,uent Insertion, line Resolutions of Condolence snd Uxlge notices, por line .OA .OA 1.00 .2A HusinessA Professions! csrds.mo. ni.'plsy AdTerliaement, per inch .1 lli.nt.r t.U mllut he In this of fife on Mondsy nJ Thursday Morn- t,,, to insure publication in follow tc Tuesday and Friday Iastie. Reasons are imperatiTe. OVVNKItSHU' manager. First Nattonl3IUnV or ID, 1014, I ! .'.- IVpartment Chaplin. I V U . . it. H... d Kivrr. . Mil ,u. Hrunnsxt' V- .ifl Vlr. I . .... Mi. I M -v . V lUif. '. fl. I.rllii.l. tin .ind. Mi fVr'Htid. Mr M ,-, MarM Fullnf. H Kidder. i -'s.'P H.i'd t- ' .i. Mr v lrt, and V n s. v M "t Sh "'cttl. Wai. IV 'Ei V.i-ia C. G. 4rgtn'. .clan Resolution of Thanks. t R-sHvr i th1 e Arties ot trie i ml .irMV nt "" Krpuniic eieni . ii' ' - . j i.i ihe Mavor I ''HUM . i ' ' .dii. !T aid ii'iii'k i.f l it. ..ii City otintv for their Vindntss during i t.r sta in the city. XV aUo thank ne Masonic OvW for the use of thrir b- JU'iiitl b.dl. hsjrffn! - ' - i e-ilended to the ('. '-"id ''iiM ( , . Ri public for their kifl invi n a i.iit installation lu ..I at U. A H hiad quarters. ! mpI. .irr - due Comrade Rc (.'ii ..r nf the Corinlh !' ! for b e urtrs,. o the l.ulies of "he Grand Amtv of the Republic. V. f ai-firrriiir 1 1 ki-idness of Mr Miilwrll in his km- s to the ladies lurin the connm.n t icurcia K. ?ta sa. Anna Kornbrodt Stella Rader Greene. Street Dance and Fireworks. A larie croud assembled cm firs! treet o Thursday, where a street dance took place, which some of tlir old boys took part in and enjoyed the fun. which was followed by -sood display of fireworks. Visit tothe Beach. The visitors feft Friday mornini in their special train, which stopped at Bar u-w ior two hours to iivc them an opportunity to witness a drill by the life savers'! The balloon ascension c n X edneaday w- B complete success. (Jur bswl under me'director.hip of W. C. Trombley done some fine work durin the neamiment. Their music was much appreciated. .,1 tK7" .mH.ny ",n& i lime airs w-nicn iwn wen wun ine crowo. The only tnnu to regretted dur the enenmpment was tns presence of pick pockets, who siole several hand bags, some of them containing consid erable monf v. One of trie 4muement features of the encampment was a ho itup. Geo Grayson, stage driver of the old stage coach loaded with passenger, mail and express, came dashing down Firt Street and was captured hy holdup men. A small saf wus stulen Hnd taken to a vacant lot where it whh blown open with dynamite, after which the bandits we-re captured hy the oiTiir, We must say that tnoe wno had the e-ncarnpment and the handling of the crowds in chiirge deserve great credit. As a rule this kind of service is not appreciated as it should be. However, we must sav that thf men and women who worked unceasingly in behalf of the encampment, did Tillamook a great Hervice, because of the fact that they sint over one thousand men and worn en from our city singing our praises anC boosting for TIINm'.oV, Theie was a lem.ic 1 ".iuaion in the vicinity of the Herald olf ice on Wednes day. Upon investigation it. was dis covered thut Attorney Calvin ft. Wor rail, had been kisned'by one of our fair visitors. The doughty Culrin casually made the remark that he was sweet sixteen aud had never been kissed whereupon the fair damsel of sixty summers put him to the test and he came through like a man. The occa sion was indeeo tens ani even dra matic. However, Calvin came o(T the field of conquest with colors flying. SPARKS FROM UNCLE RUBE'S ANVIL A just balance is found In co-operation and not in corporal lonf. Well the candidates could not all be nominated and those you nominated can nos all be elected. The Democrats knew Dr. Smith was the man to elect when the Oregonlan began to oppose him. A system thut builds up one class by the destruction of another 11 in opposi tion to true civilization co-operation Is a zolden medium between capitalism and socialism where the rich and poor can meet together aud realize the Lord is the maker of them all. Why can not the game laws be en forced Ilka other laws, without a lot of vame wardens as a burden to tax payers! Teen ml Kill t chance xUr dlsspt-omlrd csndldsti-s I" Mo!"1- , Thry ""d K,H"' l,",u ,,l,wn ',"'r', , ti i. i..t .Kvv the lt iiiii lhl , Is iHillliimted. ll. dlsspd"'""! , e. -t comfort from thsl thought A fw i..d lawn that the cmmon people can understand without htnK to hire a lawjer to .'pUln them l w hut we liceil. "When the righteous rule a mtion rejoietlh. but when the wicked rule .i.vmmiI. " .tiihiniiin. Who liailiill iiii.m, n .... rulnlin puttlnc '' h"'n ! Uirt on the in'ople, ws it a ris'htcou IriiislaturvT , 'He that st pH'th his ears at the cry of the poor hll cry hunvlf and shall not be heartl." Solomon. UoeVefeb Irr, Jr.,shoule memortte thu ore nl her the cry of the poor miner of Col . orado. If you ote for the rlnht hour U" H November, next rar when otl no to put your hay in, if you work our hired mall a half hour over the eltfht hours to are vour hay, you will lay ourelf liabla for a criminal offense. Kverylly lni..t for the Count) r'ir. Sept. 15 to l.s. Thero re a lot of premium for sonte one. l.el'err) j Uly try tl set some of thrm. I think that there i not much dmibt of Or. Smlth'i t lection in Novi niter. Whn tho Oritonln and lUadlirhli opluc a man the ptniplr know hr is' alright. So you are voting for a ionl i miUJ whrn voUc for )r Smith. BARVIEW NEWS. Gibtsch and Jopbn have rtfetfd two buildiiiK. one at Vluini and n at Bar X'icw, to br used is lrlrt-rah 1 office for the operator who routr the train ( stone osrr thr main linr t of the V. K A N road. I Dr. V A Wise u improving hn property hrrr. and t .ptct ofi In 1 erect j new resiurncr The pile drivrr for thr drp ra work has arrivrd and will be 'fl up in a few days. Bar X'icw will soon have a pirnd lie puh club. Pre potatory irps were taken at a meeting held at t"r post office Tnrsilay rvrning. Schnauffrr orchestra of Portland TTavr lrd the danre ball and wtl' furnish thr rnnsic for thr dances tins summer The orchestra consist 01 ) C. TouipVm. manager, S. I. I Imh floor uiaiMifrr, t'lto Schnauffrr. linist. Jobs S. Owrns. pianist, ami Arthur Tonr, trap drummer. Thr orchestra i composed of a gru'lt menly srl of fellows who art -l tli' hrt musician u the nasi mic!i a fin' reinibmation ran not In lp but maVf ucrr I heir ina.l piartrrs is Hesitation camp. Um I'lrich and wifr reccntlv mar ried at thrir home city, Jeffrrson. r.. Spent last Sunday wltrTS I. t'lrich of the Hesitation camp. The gentlemrn are cousins. The bonlitp alley . managed by R E. and E F. Jjckon, i a popular place and is already doing a good btisinrss. A party consisting of V. G. Dwight Albert Marolf and wife, Mr. Snrlling, S. S Johnson and wifr and Oak No lan came down front Tillamook last Sunda. and snrnl the da. nn thr beach. , A large crowd attended thr oten ing dance on last Saturday night ai :! this place. The fine music will bring the people. I. H. Oliver and R. E. Jackson had business in Portland this week. X'ernon Daily in companr with his wife Florence Urrrfman Bailey art here from Washington I) C. Mr. Baily is chirf field naturalist of the biological survey at Washington. II rs Baily is aim a distinguished natural it having made a lifr study of birds. They are making a tour of the north west in the study of birds and plants. Mr. Bailey is mapping out thr count ry into life zones, and making a study of correlation of artificial with the natevr plants. Mr Daily is gathering material for thr fourth 'dition of hrr "Hand book of birds f the western I'nitrd Stairs." This : a valuable book and should be in all our homes. Mr. and Mrs Bailey -.ill remain in Oregon two months ift'r which they will go to California They are very pleasant proplr to mret and expressed themselves as br ing perfectly drlightcd with thrir triji to Oregon. XX ( Carroll chirf engineer in company with ("apt Robert Farley md others of the United Stales life saving station here made a survey of thr bar at the mouth of thr Nchalem river last week, and found a seven foot channel at low water. XValter H. Kent arrivrd from Wald port last wrek and took the place In the life laving station which was made vacant br the resignation of Don C Ellis, XVe are informed that Don will become a fisherman. Fred Bingly of Portland postoffice is spending his annual vacation in this county. While in Tillamook City last week he conducted an ex animation for candidates for fourth class postmasters. This is Mr. lling ley's first visit to Tillamook and he was very favorably impressed with conditions here aud the future out look for this part of Oregon, While at Bar View he was the guest of his old time friend H, S. Brimhall, who handled mail with him for several ear in the Portland office. County Court Proceedings. In the matter of plans and specifi cations for a concrete bridge over West Creek, at Braver, the county Clerk was instructed to call for bids. Claim of Fort Dodge Culvert Co. for $-(485.80 was allowed, excepting the sum of $435.80 for freight. Claim of the Good Roads Miicbin crt.LP- 'f s-W.'t was allowed, Claim of Bales, Krskine and Heyd for $1000 was allowed. In the matter of prescribing ami adopting ' of a text book to be used in the office of County A I same was declared a public record. L. 15. Hewitt. iv I I A NO SOK'SMIN l)tltrict .Spevlsllsl ,'"u' 1 " 1 1 . . (.. mM Ortlf: menou.r ..r-i... I TILLAMOOK OUH 1) K. A O. I'KkKIN.S Oit'ifti in ,simeoii Hid. All Wink tJaaiaiitee! tlliiAW4 U OKXttliN Dr. lack Olson KhlOKNT OKNTISr illllce Hours Irom V . m. to S p. m. OJJfrllowi RuilJinc Both rhonea, DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Mai LocaleJ in Ihe Commercial BUf., Succeedinf Dr. P. J. Sharp. All Vink Gufjnlvl. lUh I'Umm. CHlue Mworii tu I J i. in. 1 1,. jo r- "i. Ojxu Kvittn Itwn ' until S oM.k T. H. GOYNF AllornfjtlLw , Land Office Business. oi'iosiru COUKTHOUJl. J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. VKTKKINAlllAN (Both I'tfHirs); Tj,jrnooK - i t Orciion GEORGE WILLOT Attorney at Law Office In Commercijl liuiliiinv Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 Per Cord Delivered $2.90 in Ten Cord Lota; $2.80 in Twenty CortlLot. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. FOR SALE j 4 hesd of cows, 3 horses, I Jersey ' bull, 6 calves from two to I months old. 2 sows and plg. which is of the I I-ouis Alei Johnson Ette ordered I sow by the County Court si (irlr.tr sale June 'U, 1 to t t. m. For furlhtr I Information call me over mutual phone ' v , , , ("our. . ll- Y- llloe. Administrator of the Johnson K. tste. With the stowtJ Intent to ilrfcat H'tiator Hmool or ro-rb ctlon lbs ilarrv ocratle snd prorrr it.t, Conn Hons, hnhl separately In Halt lki,. comhlnrij on a state ticket, nominal Inr. Jame, H. Moyle, of Salt Ukr, democrat, for the senate; Krnnk II. Stephens, of Halt I.nko. democrat, for supreme court Justin-. James II Mays of Halt Ijike, PrncroMlvo. and I.ewU l-arson. of Manll. pe'mresslve, for rrp ri'Si-tilnllVfs Mount Ln in Violent eruption Ui'ddlni;. Cnl. I'lre. amok... strain, volcanic tshrs. rotka and doaill) khi bulcheil. not only from tho crntur which opi nid up near the summit of Mount Lassm May 30, but also from two tiw cralurs that burnl opmi more than n mllo from tho firm of tin- m-w craters, and I tin first known loll Is one dylti;, 0110 Injured and two do men ted. HARM W -VrJv ESS IjONT SPOIL A (JOOI) 1I0HHK by keepi R him In shabby old IUrri.. We are selling Hr.rness made of the best stock attprlce. that ought to tempt yoi A WKM.MADKHAItNK.SH will not only Improve thu appear use of your howe, but contribute- to your safety as well, Uany a runaway could be avoided if the old Harness had btn ditcarucd in time. W. A. WILLIAMS, TILLAMOOK - . OREGON El. J. Claubsen LAWYER Dld'THCHKU Ahvokat CinHmctviul Huiltlinn H. T. BOTTS C0MIH.rtTt:StTr5ffAB.STHACT. Ollioc JOIM.OI, Tilhimook Illnck Tiltiuttook - Ore. IPionecrTransferCo. ! G. L. DICK .V .SON, Pioy. i W4h l'U Vhe Sunic Price to tivrryoita JOHN I II AND HINDI KSUN Ulu(ntall aw bl(alr lilltMiiouk County (tank Bldq. Geo. P. Winslow .MTOHNKY AT LAW rilUllHk IlkK'k Boom 'M TllUmook. Oregon I II. I A'UMIK UNHUttrAKINtl CO. i K N IIKNKI.it Mri . . ... . . i.. .I. i liKtln) III lilimiini- r urnicriy --iitii y Carl I'.Ul.f Fun(l l)lflo ivl 1J.isi4 Kmbalitia lidi Assistant When tr.Utrl. E. N. CRUSON. Painter and Paper Hauler Contracts Taken Ksiimnte.s f,,nrnishctl. ,U XVnrk l.tiitruatrrit. TilliuiiiMik. Dr. J. F. STRANAHAN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ' ' - ... .. , 11114 Architectural drawings for t he sumc Intel v free of charge. Will jivc you the no.ssihle liiMH'cs on mill work nnl all othfl m' inaterml. Mr. Straunhaii is nmnufact: nielli mr ninny kiikih 01 material viiii'r ilie coiiMtrtictiou of huilclius thai is not the local inarkel. Give him a call- consultation and bolldttg free at all times. Next to Todd Hotel. ALEX. M'NAIR & It A I. KITCHEN RANGES mni HETINQ STOVES s 1 . 1 u: 1 j r n.j.. nn p new --- 1 ui 1 ricca uciorc ui uti k M T T T A afs A mr Alrl a aSwniTlVyVan. VIaTa. A " " We have now a limited Hupplylol brick tile rcfidy for the market it the followiitf BRICK, . . 0.00 PER 1 3-IN. DRAIN TILE. SI 6.00 PER 1 afl 1st! ajst.aSsBiay.aAa . -.an TUfl I Ti". unsm iiLt. iu.uu rin Located 0 uiileH Houtli of Tillnuiook traveled road. MUTUAL PHONE Subscribe for the Herald. Comes Twice a Week b. C hllM lllliliiiwil i OfWr Uuim f 1lW Ai r'urni.iMn;,, . lv fur .i l itf? in w.r (iw MahLfcV , y-l--. inr (chUr ...... MY L'Vrur,iii . . vun aii H-nl. A Vhiit, uw Ih will irti r ",l, a far iKith .t uj,i . fill I " s. RANCH FOI 5. M i StW s,v.,,, kui.i p,lUl,f llllto bl K it, I . . a i c i i.i. - Eat L v ir.rr TILLAMOOK 1 t ifi it J I l I . I . Ilk 0 II t as . S-fj Trrsi " - t - - . t - Tillamook Tl Abtrd lw-, AUtrxU, It JsurTe;lt;f, s I lotS ,J Ttt.l.AMtKlK, I sst..t.ttaa f . . 1 ' . . 1 r ... I ....nil I KREBS BROS.. Props.