ItUitttfft M 'k m i: ,SSUKD TWICK A WEEK-TUESDAY AND FRIDAY tlRGEbTClRCULATIONOrANY PAPER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY A . 'll.l.AMOOK, OliliCON, Jl'NH 1'J, 1 1) 1 .. NO.' a'lff'' THE FIRST NATlONAL'BANKi or rii.UM00K S;M)W located in its nkw hanging room !. 0. 0. F. BUILDING AM) INVI1 LS THE PUHUC TO CALL AND MAKE f AN INSPECTION OP THE KOOM AND ITS KQUII'.MKNF ; i Safety, Security, Service. u no ncoTnnrn m . m:: w:na .-'.rno r ' ' ' ' . . I: !AuC,,i BUTTE RI37EHS FOii ITALY BY SOLDIERS , il mmm tm5 otmm pity If IHlli. UUI1 I IIUL Ulll 111 Hum --V.'lftt fKi'uimllon of I ), diMffMtl pri,vm i, ibp m iitftfj tor nrtr I rapidly iK-ina ru.M M4 it to .r',1 that lihu, fl ,n. Of tWO tfc dttllK t of HMKNa, rotn prtat'ia tbr pronim. f lloiotfnit. jr ma. rUtrnr.a and Kuril wlil ba r. umeJ normitl . ..n.iiiiona As onuuiMllmi fatur. la ih Knr I strlk ltji,0n w., b procufmn " Of IWItau r-publir by the peo pie of several town Ur.1rlaR on thu AdrUtH. noribetrii to OMOe towns llkit I'Wl.notw. ,.,i IltMlnl veoMM lmlliir to tho of tint Prftcfc rtrcltiUon wnre enscnv.. Th Inhabitant, nuH by M-pon Imunl 'rum tha Bn:4unr lr ol (tin nimrrjil Ur eomailtte st Anronn. an Important ipti on Uie Adriatic, m ttt affect taut retoloticiu) movement had lMa soroaaaful in ortthrowK ili.i MOMMA ttrocktluMl a republic i.tul utwtlttrt4 for 'he national IIsk the Wk UatiAf of :ht I'muiiU' l:im.. Ifllnelt Court Upholds Suffrroc Sprlnjtfieiil. Ill- lllltioi. wumpi, uf taw art. wfcicfc permit:) i,i.t m jto t u vom lor otrica prwiM joy uut anO ou prowii!uti pn OBH4l to flfctorata, wa clur..l jvolM la a docUlon liy th Man- u Supporters HId a Confcrenco Thoy Will Ac CA5TELE SOAP CHANCE 8 Cents a Cake i-i i it t iiiiDii ifir i ! ii-iiv i iiiiwi np . li i I r l" i .1 t . ' c i I'DIWIIIipotl 1 1 1 r I ,IH liMHV I Hit V ( lh Si ft Cake LLAMOOK DRUG STORE KOCH S: H.LL, PROPS.. ' H. I'M. U. nifUTSCHIi. AIV I UVXK ' "! ; AV' K. tJHEiV)N I Idaho BanUtr Mol Convicted. - OMfHi. Irtlit Aftec 'S Hour' tlf , Nlamiton. tan Jurr lo th cunt f tHi fwU !. j a Ot -ns and r 11 , lo ain .u a vmlict uml wn ill j coartxi by m conn j Cmll Scldrl Nominated At Senator. j mayor of Mllwaukeo. w nomlnittwl ; Uf hf &oun Itttaooniiic wrty of H'lroitn 'or tfijllrj Slatim m-nnlor. ratal Storm In Parlt. I'uri (.!pv.ii Mrtm ar Iwllcvi-J to bat Imw.i VIIIimS an unknown num hor lnurl !nt ht.a itnmna-i' to pro ttiy rMuit. liuui a tltundt-r ntul mill ic'ji. of -lTii,iiitml oli'iin wlilch r !!! it't I'aria for tljri'O liotim. Si'V- frl nili i.iTnl lit. flimilflllK Il. . ;r I itiiiu.'iii.r pita ri'plrtro aotiU' .r !! 1 1 ix.ulewirtU In tlio city. Itutto, Mont.- An wtltntit to lynch two npolal deputy ihorlffH. ffforta to itv.t.i.. . i ... i ... u ... . I , ( nnuiu in" iiwfii(mj'':i n. iliillliHilllluu .flOr Leader. ,y n fr .j0jmrunnt of th- city nml Knral rlotlns ftumi the Sunday i 5. 'i ; 0nrl Villa nw r rtli turliance tirouht about by tho lation to Cnlioral Cnrran aohtarn In the Minors' Union, which tfca fliwol i-uk. It haa 1.'- ' baciiim- wid finiurday c urine th.' eel- fibraUon of th orcanlzation'M 21th an nlvoraar)'. and 'na cappixl liy Uie dy namiting of tin) homi.-H of two official)) of tb union. Karly In tho afternoon u crowd took two prHoiiur from tho nil; later took pocaeMlon of an nnrlnl fire truck. A d(titgnrlon vlHltwl tho thre! nwa paper offlt'AM and (ltjinandid that no furtlnir mention he made dnrosatory to tho I. V.'. V. and that thu wordu "mob" and "rlotHra" not appear In any nowfipapor utory. .:.; looaor of thu constitutional-1 no noia wri! cauewi oy lonR- lti.Toiqtfan, nd Villa. liU moat uc- tndln 111-fnollnK between the ros tfr. -MfTtalti. ! "I1""" "f th; 0000 niotnbera of tho (5 ci'MkoQ 10 tbc Information bo-, W"""' Fdoratlon of Mlnorn here .nig acd n)grapb. It later learn-! md h InHurgonts, montly merabeni J Bhat Ibe cutoro hfmi nnd thnjnf t0 I- W. W. 'rKu;y (U;mii:scnt at Juarez hail !i9t.S h Villa', olfkera ! Wrrld 1 Po, T,tle ' Lost b America ' "M ulba MluA confllctlnr. V' .-t?ook Club. Woatbury. L. I. po"(n from tho wuth rciordlaR the T !! International polo cup, enfblom- MilSro or of troop, under O. n-; ant' 01 wor, a aPoB.blp. will oraMtni. rjirroMa iippolntPc. In at- ih owan .win. It wan won . i?!1 ... ....... ... i Olid Clinm of the fiorlpti with thi- ITnlt. i'.s;.crni na wt;u mat um aiucK . I nlfj( r Hi)f j (Miihin tt ate iooii boro, F;ollowin Uila VJ! biuk i .uim mllUftry ohlof hold a con-fc-- nil nl h round mlIn" to I f?Wbi4. dcs-JJ Uicy would ntt'tipt noH.(r toon Villa a their luadur. Cftraarii a offlc at Jtmruz un: oomli-(tl by Villa uptortir hnro. ScTjlbr oqfitolk'an nt nutbvnttcally rjWrif to h".vo titkon plc at Chi-buy:- i;4!y ns4 t Torrwon. 'f h aitnru of thp offlct In Junri'i wflnukn horo ac couclualv.- itvldonce (fb loOAMirodlolod "pllt Wwwa while ; rtfaprttcr 9tirt k detalla wnro i:lven j lor) Vliiu, in the miKii.llmc. ha;: resiituiMl At Torroon. nlthounlv crdur-; Wheat Club, Stjc; blueutem, 63c- tl to,rwivl to th nItanc of Na-. rCHl HuHelan, SCc THE MARKETS Poriland. i HftJ- thr&fliy Qvntn Oarrnnra. AMiol tho otftclalu rcmovcd.byJV'HInJ iluttcr Creun Timothy. $16- rtlfnlfa. $m. -Creamery, ,:7Q A. .- Seattle. Whont IiluP4tem, S9c rd Kuflsliit:. 55c. llay Timothy. $17 per ton $H l r ton. I'nttiir Creamery, 2Cc. club, SSc; alfalfa. Special Grocery Prices 52c iSc Quaker Oals . :f i i ... f- v 1 1 1 l V ti . . Dried Fruits w- i "rt It.. 1 t) I s t If v ''inn i i-iiciici uc fvr iu. Crescent Baking Powders ." Pound Cm, ivutilar price $1 00 now 85c l Pound On ii. Ken u In r pnee 70c, now 55c 1 Pound Can, regular price 20c ve, now COFFEE AND TEA SPECIAL v -in .ivum v.nin-e in tin I'""; - C.eiinim Aineiienii Steel Cut, 1 pound 30c Ciennan AiiuTiam Collee, Steel Cut, 'A pounds 85c He II RIDGEWAYS HIGH GRADE TEAS Orange Label pound :5c; Orange Label 1 pound lif.e 'it Maiestv's Hlend , poun.l lif.c; He. Majesty's Hleud pound f,()c ? Majesty's lllcml, 1 pound $ 1 ,0(1; Capital Household, ' a pound Loe. Ray & Company t3U r a v-is-va. - vii iiVjVI1!, Mgr. Grocery Dept. MEXICAN ARMISTICE ASK ED J Notify Carrania Mut Cease Warfare, Deforc Can Participate. Nlncnrn Knlla. Out. Tho lliwl ct it oabltict had taken over the man itt i:rixl .t th rtilroadr and tele Krupti nnd Incldr-niaKy thu Informa tion bureau. In accordance with the prt-acribed cuatnm In Mexico. (Jeuernl Villa onlered all command- era of pirrlaona throughout the torri-1 lory he controls to report at once, nt' Torrron. ; Mrs. Potts' Body Sought By Ghouls. Canyon City. While nttiunpllng to Meal the body of Mrs. Charles K. I'ott frti'i the local cemetery, four men. three of wTToth ar aasbclatiMl with the it.ifatmj. nf lnlf nnu- nil trtril fnr lht South Ainorican mutator, formally, Qf tiuviami lionemi i arranza oy iiuenrmpn thi- would not admit his ropresenta th i to the confereaco here unluHK an nruiiattce wan declared and Internal tin wall as International phases of the Mexican prublein accepted ant the bt'ope of medlntlou. Thin aetluu follovoii thu rocoipt of n note from Kafael ZtllMinui, special repreiiiitHtlve of Cnrmnui In Wash ington, iuiiiotiitoliifi the nptKilntment of Keruando iKlealim Caldoron, l.uls Cabrera nnd Joo Vnsconcelos as con htltutloiiallAt delegates to tho media- Hon at which. nccordhiK to the view of the constitutionalist chief. mm kIu to settle the international con flict which has arisen between the United States and the Mexican repub lie " Shifting Wind Saves Town, llnudon. Threo blocks In the heart of th buslueas section were destroyed by flro hern. A shitting wind was nil that saved the ontlro town from de stiuctlos. The los Is estimated at S300.COO. Brief News of the Week People in the News tnuiriu,; a iioKiio iiiii'i mapiny at thu I'aiuuna 'kooii couiliy will Imva . -- etuuruciiiK aKrlciiP rl. llllitluif Itii nml iieiiim in n hortl 1, jaiK-rlally In (he Duo of !SSs XHA fl'oclalty h un W'ltoo ot H Olrrohbach, ' "'0 COIIUly cmirl ,VK R "'mi for tho purpoHe. uliurrlvu nru IihIiik 1,1 J inaniior, nml othur " iPlbl 111 BCUt.011, llu. total number of Americana who havo r. .Irttered at tho llriizlll'iu low tlon nt Mexico I'Uy ami .leclarod tholr Intonllon to romaln In .Moxloo nt their own rink Ih 1271. Only 300 of lho.o perttoua live ouliilde the capital. A woman prohibition!, who wimls in ;ot inarrlo.l, Ihih hoim Informod by ttiu Hocrotary of nlnlo of Ciillforiita Unit Mho must run In tho final election for the IdHlHliituro nntlor H'o ',ur tmiiio Mho mil In Hi" pilnmiloM. Kour mute Imnkn In (Jlilcuco, with HKi'tro(iuto .IoL'ohUh of WHJlh. raiiorfotf cnstT moans of 11,434,602, worn taken charge of by the state ImnkltiK department, which cloard the bank doors nnd huKitn exumlnntlon of the hanks' nf fairs,, Free Text Booko Voted Down. I'ortland. The free textbook nuns tire was voted down by n majority of iilmoHt 12 to 1 In tho school election mill Dr. Alun Woliu l.mllh wua otu I nuhoul illrooior by unormout luijoi- ity. Harry Thaw has been granted per mUflon to fio from New ilnmpshiro to rittsliurK to testify roRnnihiR lltl Katton nffectltiB the estate of bis father. Thomns Uawsou, the financier of llostou, Mns3., will spend tho entire summer In OreRon. Judue Hon l.tndney of Denver caused n sensation by accusing Major J. IlrouKhton of uinkini; false statements reeardliiK the battle nt Ludlow, during the hiluors' strike. Miss Sylvia 1'ankhurst, suffragette lender, was arrested in London as she was preparing to lend a small army of her followers In u march on the parliament house. The present business depression Is duo largely lo a state of mind, accord ing to a statement Issued by rt ank A. Vnndorllp, at a meeting of tho New York ll.tnkeru' association. (cuornl Villa has notified tho state department nt Washlnnton thnt tho property left by Willing Honton, Hrlt Ish subject, who was killed In Mexico, would be protected In the Interests of tho widow. Vice Priwldo it Marshal! scored tho practice of iiR'irlni'u'tn in in nil drf. I'Mfor neivora'ir rt jlalnt ("li-. wi i ir i, . -;'i"ilt. I uiu of .MtUiiK iii"U who assume tu tuko leaershlc, be said. ICngllsh suffrngettos stagod one ot the most dramatic nets of their cam tialgn when they cxnloded a bomb In It l! Westminster Abbey. San Francisco's population Is 51S, 3C5, according to the new city direc tory. The gain In the past year Is estimated nt 12,733. A serlH of tornadoes swept through South Dakota and caused considerable dnmnge to farm buildings. Heavy rains fell In some sections. The strike of the 10,000 employes of the Westlnghouse Klectrlc & Manu facturing companj' has spread to the Union Switch & Signal company, says a report from I'ittsburg. Tho General IVderailon of Women's Clubs, in convention at Chicago, want on record as favoring votes for wo men. l" ' Tho National Association of Mexi can war veterans, met for Its annual --'union at ChlllfcoUte. O., less than a, dozen members being In attendance Tho parade was led by n man 90 years old. MANY MEASURES FOR VOTERS OF OXEGOH Taxation Fropr.ials Are He'd to Be of r-,r,-F.racs;ng Im portance to the State. 9alm. That tfc oloctorate of tho state will have nearly the aaro: num ber of propcae-i bills and constitution al tjjdinenU o wrestle with at tho November election as it hsd at tho lust sreral x'loctlon Is Indicated by the njrabsr referrod.ily the hist gen , oral anp,mbly and tlioto fill with 1 the accretcry of state for approval au 1 lo form The general assembly refer I rd eight amendment and'lh'roo bills I and 1C other ameadncnu and ' ,10 I measures to be Initial have been filed with the ft-crotary of state. Nearly all measures suggeatecl, dls- cussed and "ruznored" bavo beonfiled and, July 2 being the last day Mr 'fil ing completed petitions. It U not likely there will b ma-jy more. The measures probably of the most far-racblng Importance to bo deter mincjd t Uie coming election rotate to taxation. The $1500 tax exemption constitutional amendment is certain to go on the ballot, tor the petitions for It have been completed. Thla meimure provides that every person be exempuiorn tax ca J1C0O of the total as 1 Ttltlc of' 'hi dwelling, bqusohcQd fijrniture, .live stock, machinery ctchrd, vines, bushes, gbrubs, nursery stoe'e. mar chnndif e,,liif,iidinKS and other improve ments. loVd under his lanes made by clearloRTy'dltchlng and draining. A coaUtionnl amccdmeut creat ing the ojpjccfiot Heutenant-goverLor la Offlcefi of the Stale Grange. Stnto Federatio- of Ialjor, People's l'oer League, Farmers' Ualon. Farmers' So- clety of Lqulty and the Proportional Roprescntat-on Burc;u have filed a coL-tltotio: ; 1 amendment to abolish the state for-ate. The amendment Is In all ricls eelf-execut..g and If approved shall be lmnnnl lately oper ative. With all the agitation for abolition of state boards and commissions, only threo measures have been filed look lug to-this end. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., cx-Unlted States senator, offers a measure to "prohibit the giving or promising of any valuable consideration lo induce another to circulate or scenre signa aures to any petition for the initiative, referendum or reccll, or for placing any name on any offlclnl ballot, arid to pro.ide penalties for violation thereof." The Socialist party of Oregon has a constitutional amendment which would establish a department of in dustry and public works to be under the control of the state labor commis sioner. Its function would be to es tablish Industries, systems ot trans portation, distributing stations and public works for the employment of unemployed persons and for the sale and distribution ot their products. The money for operating the de partment would be derived from a tax upon the eMates of dead persons ap praised at $50,000 or more and from appropriations that may be made for the purpose. The tax on estates shall not be less than 10 per ecu and may be graduated above that percentage by law. LAMAR'S I VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. 1 i I "DROP IN AND: 1 LOOK AROUND" Typhoid Ger.ns For Militia. Kugene. Six tubes of typhoid germs, prepared for Inoculation pur poses, have been received by Colonel Creed Hammond of the Oregon Coast artillery corps for use among the members of the two militia companies in Kugene. The men will bo treated In small groups after working hours. Dry Flour Saves His Life. Pendleton. His life saved by the prompt application of dry Hour to an ugly cut In his throat, William Fur zler, a farmhand. Is In a Heppnor hos pital recovering from the effects of an nutomobllo accident which hap pened on the Saud Hollow road be tween this city nnd Heppner. Peach Crop Is Promising. Cottage Grove. Tho peach crop In this section promises to bo uuusually large this season. While thla crop Is usually the most susceptible to frosts, nnd there were several into frosts tnib year that cnuseil some In , Jury to cherries and berries, pesostM eeiu to have escuped isutlrely.