Get out of 6e? with the -night o J" VOL I'. Start The Day Right utlftrl lit flUiriif tti f.ti.. !. I a UlI , lr M M .117 ,e yu !, ilZZJiltl lull " y'M lit II' )i tl HUfltxJ tklfif ,"n iicrr 7 If ,, Nyl'i Iron Tonic Bittern , . ... !,rr,l. .nftKltmrnl- r.lrnrH l.Ue, c Nyl' Iron Tonic Blttrra ,r the t lt and make fi. Ulle ( lirt rlehlt li .'rhT.1-' r',,rm'" 0,b,,,ui'" rwniMi ,uS ; r.,f(;; irti" -i''- "'" "" n-"i laus aim or, .i,,.., I 1 11 a. .1 and oerfnrm. other dullr. il V ' It mrlrhr T f '.cllOfe'.' "U lo A 'isb Uillio in nYAl WON TONIC llirrmi r..n , r , ... .it only ril ft Mttlw 'ul1 cnlti Ulilnrl Dflil Hlllln irii.d.l I., t y, (,' I wil yU want. " " "'"I . ( pfiuvo agenla r r llir celebrated .'Y,, FAMILY HIIMK 1 tmlr lm'i;io plcaic- our customer LAMAR'S DRUG STORP- j nappcninaf . ji auctioneer. Munry lo loan on flnl rl. ftm rirU:if'. Prt National Hank. Hlf.t.M,f,y 1. ,,m Bn,j ,M)W U ihe Utile K, ,y )wlt r,rMr, for ramtin. Hoy Oidiii at the Fruit Pal- l)i I we the optician. M)r Mm ,,,;' w"1, t idtcul j If yog want a real fly nry u.u our. A a f f(f ela.a farm murt- 1 "u 7Ir KfWwi ready lo tue. H.ry. "V. Arthur II. Ki. IhiU. patim ,f Mr " Urc ! I- 1, r' c U: ' AM !- li.. I rc June 72 I i? Don l fur rj of Mrs, Woivilt, vltltlttj; f Vn fur all VlfU cif ! .lamouV l'rcl Co. .. t-o nilal fay li .'. Mm ,r mall tinier (U(altt;t to ,k l-Vril a, ml ihoy will ' u r un the tamo to nu . Ilofr, t , us troli alt imIIhC -rvatlU Iminr Hi ttU v a Hi;t mip pfM . llcralil i0c , ' ,.'ola- of I'ufllsltJ wi , Hatunlay nf ll V.. .Igtntil Klvrr alltwil aial haao't KUli MorVcl, i i-iou SwriiioM, who h tug Ihhi wear H"I inf lltf llic MIIIIIHrl. t water inittoiti nf llio ma. . Html at tit Pftllt I'alatn. ..l. limtiuln pen with the i Jl M thrrroM, finUtr t i 4ltt lo llrarl'l nllli' rcnl u.. tnlilrU.Ur: irV Vv, at C I. ClotlK'h (8 a i I ly check liteMmiiytMir lt llw HUKI.S'SSJ WAV. - .u Coiiniv llonV. tar i . court rcirlor i.. t pilling pn ol'l frlewla In - V for a cotlilo ' ilaya. l k to trails homo '! I wf.tiM kn to i!i .,... i,-ir.i. l 10 crki ol.l. Jfc. HmlU, Ult;(:f Man, I.. lUMrr, Ua ,,f WIwoiwIh, roll,,., ()f Mm, Jacob Ilium of H-m M. h vUIiIhk ,, ,itr, fhny h4 mil im t hnfurn In 40 year. Mr. Ilah. I'f ,H,r (fU n cr, tht, W!ck (in to Dr. Monk for flmt cla.a photo rililrnf. Il .Iway. dfllv.r, t) The 01.1 KpinUh Kllche.i la a fine lc loKrt koo.1,, v, rvce aiHl f """l treatment, MIm lllanrhti Krremari. ilacrmri from the Aiuthta.t Kama M. K. Con. ferencc It vltltltiK at the W. K. Noyta wmr. Hhe will vlilt friend. h.,-ie iiHit of the mimnier. I)r' biwn the Oiitlrlan ihwa not m. Hi or k from hoime to hoimc. O.nnult him at Tillamook Hotel, Jurm 22 to 27 KvariKcllitlc tervice each cvenlnir Ililt week at the Narerrno church. (Vm ilucteil hy tht; paiitor anlte by ). Hire of I'ortlatwl aiw Mra. Klva Ho hart of the Dalle.. Home For Sale, hlack mare, 4 year M, weight alnml IIW kiuimI. well lirtike atHi aouml, M. Kocnlcki;, Wooila, llfeotl. Mr. H. 8. Fre.lrlck of Albany, Ore. of Kalr Oaka Circle No. 7, ban .t necklace nitric of Canadian nick In wllh a brooch attached. Notify olllce of (J. A. II. headiUnrtra or Albany, Ore. A 8AFK DKl'OSIT IIO.X will pro tert your pr fnim Iwlnj: loal or dettroyeil. Il.() per year. TILLA MOOK COUNTY HANK. liat by mule lady, u cbnln'puriu; ron UlnliiK' mall purte which bail In it two II0.(J lillU iiimI one $,1 j:ld piece nrd acme tinnll change, 11U11 Bomo couNina on llullomV Ktinle' return U Herald awl receive regard. Vounn America clieen-n done up In four pound lota are lndd for nalc at the busineat liou.r. of the. city. Thoy mike a nc aouv nl t noi 'i Ui friurala who wwr not able in attund the reun ion. Ak any of our merchant about them. (. Colin, wIki haa been upending the winter In Southern California ar rivcnl in the city the Unit of the week. Ralph 1 1 ime and wife who have been apendlm; the wintur nt Anhlniid, Dr., ant in the city. Don't he deoivnd in buyitiK cheap flour wlion you can Kt Dcmoul'n Heat, I Hue Stitm hard wlnml Hour nt the Til lanxwk Kewl Co. The "Hint" (lour on the market. Money back if not aiilift floii. In ihc lMMlIefcr?iiS case Which wa iiikI beforr the city recorder bt xrek C (i. Utlwards wait declared in tiixfni of the charfic and I. Parker, nho hoarded with him plead guilty and B fined $50 or iivrn the privi- ice ' Tu a . M Cf x T.M f kit l ortlan I for pruirty I Tilla m k liniilr' Herald Olllce. M , Malml, Coyim of thl city, K 'rd (unit the Monmouth Nor t week, the will leach here r doo-l milk cow' for anle. See II C II I M)l, Tlic Matona will meet In apoclnl fneel Wwlneaday ovonlnK, June 21. Sv. lat work, iroml attendancu dealred. I', irymon, I can tiw any thin t I the calf 1, ief n Jhavo. 1 am buying Jr c)m, both aox. J. Morrttl Smith, tbo Calf Mini. lb uckeoplnn room mwl furnlahd rotimii for rent. Knuulr- at Watch To, r A . Miller of Portland wh waa one f thu early nuwapaiier munlof tho oiii.ty la attcndliu: tho roil 1 on hern tins ..k. Black and White Cigars Once Smokctl will con vince all. The only long filler hire Tobacco Citf'n t( lay lor fic, AO Hox $2.00 Wier Sprcclicn DcuIkcIi C. I. CLOUGH CO. Keliahlo Dnij-jnist. the niUinool M. I!. Church during HMMRi ii a reunion vl.ltor thu week. Try lh.e Ue Ulnnert at the Old .Hpanla KlUhen. Thov ar the tnitt In Utwn foe the mkiihit Mr. I'arrtah of IUil)rK. at wxt time cnunty ommbMiomtr of thtt county it Attending I raunton b(o thtt week 8tnirr aajwina; maciilnm tor tato on U.tim, at our horn lano ami Mtute ttor at nilflmook. Or. Iloth (MM. A. UiMUack, Mgr. Mr. Julia Wowator. of Salem, Or.. It among . A. It. vltor tr ihl Veok. on bit flrtl vlait'lo 1 'amuoa. "Thet" hf k-oam a lot o damaRori hai HpfuaJ into Uir inarkit and awl I tit in mncmrr. 'TU Tillamook Pood' Co ha dU noUilnj; but iool I oat. itom to Mr. 4 Ui. J'raok II. I'lkr of fay City cm, a girl. lr Vendt was ihr attending phyi cUn, Why buy Ra Uamt and Itet Inrd when rou can rl lUwiern corn fnl i, - m. kMMH .ml iMA nf t lw. 'I'l Mil ! K.ed Co. Tho bm imumy eun buy. ' o( l"vinK t.wn. He left town. t. Andrew johnton. Swc.Ik.Ii Open an uccount wlUCtlui Ol.l) UK Hal, nt 1 rrrhrr fnm near Foreti 1 I.I AHI.IJ with your noxt pny .check ... r. t.rehrd at the Wilton Hn.r I Pay all bill by check. You'll know . ... 1 i ... . ...1...... ii ... i. ..1 iimnc uti un(iay. 1 " "" .nu I. j Now ia ihr tim to look ovar your Weddln announcement have been receive! In thl city announclm the marrlaK of Mia Utile Price of Tilla. monk Ui F, U. Ollham of Portland, at Oakland on Juno 10th, They will make their future home In Oakland, after making trip about the atate. Mr. Ollham It atatc manager of California for a Chicago firm. flNezt Monday and the remainder of the week you can conault Dr. Iwe toe well known eve cclnhat at Tillamook Hotel. You and your child ren are afe If you wear hit u per lor Klaaaet eye tafc and pricct tafc. They coat you no more than Inferior kind uually aold and you have the benefit of hit aklll ami more than 21 year ex perience a an excluMve eye apeclnllit. Dr. Iwc tcuarantcea hi xlnrntea In Klve atlfactlon whether they coat 12. 00 or more. One charge cover en tire cott of examination, frame, len c, He nember the date from 22 to 27, CALL FOR BIDS The Tillamook HuildinK" Company will recelvii bid for au.(yi,IK i(a, con o f four.fwdwwal. t,,'. delivered In the ba.emenl . of it muliint! in Til- He'pulA nm' bvfrU Tlllarno'ik HuildinK tympany. y H. T. Hntla. Preafdent. NOTICE All Gold Hond Trading Stampt bear iiK the letter 1 HS or Holtz muat be In our bunds not later than June 20th to bo redecine!. HALTOM'S PIANO I LINING Firt clan work. Heaaonable ratei Three yenra of aatlafaction to lllla mook patront, PAUL IftVINB Phone or leave order ut Jones-Knud-on ttore.J Brief News of the Week machinery and Rot your repair. Tim j Tillamook Ivh1 Co. earrit supply for all maehlne t! ( U 'l.ilmaKr who at finlnl ll-r 1 . -. r r 1 1 1 1 k "I Ihc MjtolllC the ....... I I illmr I .! . k .1' ,14.1.1 s!.iii ).ird Hrjrrr. Dr. WcnJl Phyiician tml tirnrnti niirTX lill tc'7 lerncci lo iiioie in neeil ..f it In. -a .r "I'r trenlment. U Hirmanntly locnt.xl in TlllamiHik City nnt here only when Mime apccinl o'C tldii draw a larue number of people to our elty, and hero every day nt your ervlrei-. .Satisfaction uiinmted. You an nel -el nnv atylo nf Umaw or mount iok you with, at modern prlco. Conaiiltatlim Free. AbnohHuly '1 A 1 rvi nude a trip in Srflon l.i t ck 10 ce about a putilion as rhrrtc niAir tbetc. lie tcrurcd a ..union mid will move with family thric at once Ceo. L. Hamlin, hmnm movlmr. ml uu mid roallllnk'. Truck to hmiillu heavy work. Ilermim TlucBinm win iirrc.ited bv fiiiiim Wiinlon Lonch thin week '"l Ink.m before Jnde Htunley. wiiero no iplei.d KUllty to IhocharKii of Kill not ' tiiiK 011 llui l ay, mid was Hne.1 $50 11ml cnnl. Hiind Slmvoil abliiKlfrt "I nr ihmIn for hhIo. Feo or nridrcHu C. .1. lim.wr.l. Hemlock, Ore., Mulniil ; I'llOIIO. i I I D'NccI, formerly of this place, . llliw of Canyouville, OrcKm, 1 wheic he is in the I"R l'"-'llC!,!i-1 M,eut .1 few .lay lw hv ',ast week. ' For u Kiiml ilinmir 01 luiythlnk' i thu ' !i , f Ural rlara food-, call at tho Old 'SrifHh Kitchen. Opiumite Liiiimw. i Cluyil Dawson who hat been at ' ,r. dm the I'.'ive.Mty of O.ckou at . i.jcnr. icturnc.l to Um rlty lal 'week He ih employed jt ihc Loudly i llnnk. I The Whltn IsKIm,"'!' ,lnK nw chlneH. Vibrator mid rotary Hliuttlu HlyloH. For h.iIc. on uy termn nt Jonea Ktiudton Furnllure Co. of thu month by look i in; over chock. TilUmonk (Vmnlv Hank. Mr. Hoy J. Auriorwm in mnkinn n brief visit to h mother and niaters, Llllltin iiimI Kuby, in thia place, after which be rctumea lilt work as electrical engineer which he ha oiicce.nfully fol- iljii.l willi Cari Uiwni ince Krjduutioit'at O. A. C. in appointed n3. Let no one, (lit uln v to your eyes who in not restored at the county court house In Tillamo'ik. You lav yourself liable in the eye of tho law, fur n wltmtas in court if no murei Dr. Uiwe will rck'intor when ho nrrivea next Monday, ilo does not peddle. Notice to the Public. I am now located in the Mrs, Mills properly between Slillwell Ave. and Stcoud Ave. Mast, llnec blocks West ..f my old location, where I am better prepared to serve you than ever be fore. Thankiiik' you for our liberal patronage in the past and soliciting a continuation of your valued orders, 1 iu"' , 1 Yours lor business, Kaspcr Zweifcl, THE W ATKINS MAN. A. M. AUSTIN CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR WATER AND POWER RIGHTS OUR SPECIALTY Mutual l'lionc AMHIIIK CUT IN MK10K (IIJN6- SUM LAftira 15, 25 and 40 V4II, 35c 60 WaII - c 100 Wall - - 80c 150 Wall - 250 Walt . 2.90 I'lOttrU l.aau flc Ultra. We .IflUcr lamiw lo ,ia; I'art of llic city. Tclfalioiic ut. We do wlrliic t ' prlcr cow. il.trnt with al warkiimnthlp. TlUaaeok lliotrle 81,Bl,,Bi UffbC ft IOl 00. "ar. Klnrn will tend n batttillon of lnfnn try and a hand to the Panama-Pacific oxpunliloii nt San Francisco. K neneral holiday wna obnerved tbrouithout iho south Wodmmdi-y In !:njur of tho ntiiilvuraury of the birth .if Jt-rferAOU Davla. One purmm wua I.I. . '.si and a nuui her hurl in a revere wind storm whlei. awopt Suporlur. Win., etiurlnn propert ilnmane udtmalml at $500,000. Ptvo fruxbnien at thu Acndomy n AimaiKjlls nave been nrreated In coe mctlon with tho death of Willim. Howtua. vl'.i.m of hazers. FlrearuiH cim he Kolit only by li ctuiKed dealcra In C'IiIchko, nd then only lo jHirsoii who hnve a permit from the chief of police, accordlm; U now ordlunnco. The Hllnola liar association ndopleV resolutioiiH prohlbllliiK its members from kivIiik out Interviews for pub., cation In cases In which thoy are In teitsted. The publicity practlco lb held to be uuethlcul Thursday the mni;nlficent Kionu ment erected In the confederate sec lion of the Arlington national soldier' cemetery wiir unveiled with Impreii i.lve ceremonies In which President Wilson and other notiiLiles look pan. THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR BOOSTING Who Is The Sharpies Mechanical Milker Users Why Not .Become a customer also and get paid for it in increased profits Why Not Relieve yourself of all dccndancc upon unreliable help and drudgery. Why Not Make up your rnlnd at once nd inveat in a Sharpies Milker. 1 he ei t Cup with the Upward Squeeze. The mwit wonderful Invention of the present time. Call at our "Uirc and we will show you a machine In operation. R. F.ZACHMANN CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH BRICK, ASPHALT, LAND PLASTER AND COAL LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St between 2d and 3d Ave. West BATTLE HYMN'S BIRTH. People in the News Society Is too quick to Intercede In behalf of criminals, says former Jus lice of the supreme court of Wiscon sin, John 11. Wlnslow. John O. Hockefeller's wealth hat been estimated at $311.226,3G7 hy the tax returns, In Cleveland. Most of the amount Is In Standard Oil hold liiB. Victory for prohibition In California would mean a loss to tho industries of the atnte of a sum estimated at $700,000,000. says William 11. Schuldt of San Francisco. Jacob Furth, n lendlnR financier of I'liKul Sound and head of the Stone & Webster Interests In the State of Washington, died nt his home In Seat tle. Death was caused by heart trou ble. Mrs. Joseph R. Knowlaud, wife of llepre enlatlve Knowlaud of Califor nia, who Ih a candidate for tho United Stales senate, announced that she. will slump the state with her husband. A court martial sentenced Vlco-Ad-mlral Matsumoto of the Japanese navy to three years' Imprisonment on ibarKos of accepting bribes In connec tion with naval contnicls.- The theory of Dr. Samuel Pierre pont Lnncley, who proclaimed to tho world that ho had solved Iho problem of tho uir several years before henv-Inr-than-alr machines had been suc cessfully navigated, was vindicated when Glenn Cnrtiss, the aviator, wont aloft in "Langley's folly." City Can Regulate Auto Speed. Salem. Or. That a municipality vir tually Is free from molestation by the leitlslnture In bomo affairs, was tho Blst of a decWIou by the supremo court. Uuder tho opinion; tho leulsla ture Is prevented from passlufi any act which would Interfere with a city In auy matter terruano to tho clty't nctlYltlea. Specifically the dtclalon hold that the Oregon otolor tehlcle law, which allowt a rate of tnoetl of autoauobllcs In cities of 21 mllea an hour, doe not apply In Portland, which has ordl aiicc limiting t l'l to 15 miles, Story of Writing of Famout War Song by Julia Ward Howe. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe told the story of how she camo to write her stirrlnK sontr, the "Battle Hymn of the Itepub- I lie." "It was the second year of the war." she Mild, "and I bad pone to Washington with mr husband mid my Mstir. the Itev. .In men Freeman Clarke I baii wished many times that 1 could do sumethliiK for my country, but the w-ny seemed closed. My bus baud wa.s too old and HI to po; my son was only n boy. My children were so 'young that I could not leave my home for lone myself. While we were In Washington there wns 11 great review f the troop across the river. We 1 drove out to see It While it was In 1 progress there was a dash made against ( Mime of our troops by the enemy It , wns repulsed, but the review wnsiiban back to Washington mid we with them. "The progress of our carriage was slow, fur the roads were crowded with the soldiers To encourage the men we began sinking various songs and hynilis. an. I they would Join In the ehoru.s. After we bad Ming Mobu lliown's I'.oily Dr. Clarke turned and asked me why I did not write some new words for that music. I replied that I had tried several times, but nev er could seem to write any good enough. "The next morning Just about o'clock I woke suddenly. As 1 lay there In bed the words of the hymn began to form themselves In my mind. I pit up and by the faint light of the early morning scrawled them on a piece of paper and then went back to bed nnd sound asleep again. That Is the way the hymn was written." Sat urday Kvenlng Post. GIFF0RD PINCH0T "Fiva Minuta For Memories." A custom which Is becoming nation :il Is the silent dedication of the rive minutes beginning at noon on May 'M in those civil war heroes whonow are parsed away. Soldier, veterans, pub lic men und Jn-t plain citizens nil help to observe the beautiful custom of de voting live minutes to the memory of tho men who fought to keep this coun try one nation. First Northern Memorial Day. The llrst observance of Memorial day In the north was in ISCtl at Wa terloo. N. V., when General Murray had the veterans of his post decora to the gravis of their comrades. In 1S67 T. C. Campbell or Cincinnati marched his post to the graves anil laid wreaths on them. In KSilS. following General Logan's request, there was a general observance of tho day whorover Union roldiera were burled. Gilford Plnchot, who received the Progressive nomination for United States Senator from Pennsylvania at the WILL SELECT SUFFRAGE B.LL Mcrtlng Called to Concentrate Sup port for Measure Before Congress. Washington. In aa effort to con centrate Fupport for a suffrage meas ure In congress, suffrage leaders is sued a call for a meeting of all lead ers in the movement In the United States at O. 11. P. Belmont's Newport home. Marble House, July 3. Two bills, one by Senator Shafroth and the other by Senator Urlstow, are before congress. The suffrage lead ers are divided as to which measure Is better, but they hope to settle all difficulties at the meeting. Suffrage workers from nearly all states, aud representatives of the congressional union and tho national American wo man suffrage association will participate. Metcalfe to Make Race. Omaha. Richard U Matcalfe, vice chairman of tho committee to arrange the formal opening of the Panama canal, has decided to accept the peti tion filed In his behalf for the demo cratic nomination for governor of the Btate of Nebraska Subscribe for the Herald. It- Comes Twice a Week.