Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 16, 1914, Image 2

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Cbc tillamook fieraid
C. G. CromMcy, editor
issued Curtce OIk
-Eui'ml as scnd-cl.. matter May n.
Oregon, under the act
. .
IHdvrtllno Rates
I teal Advertisements
First Insertion, per line I
Each suhscouenl insertion, line
Homestead Notices
Timber Claim
Notices, per line ...
Cards of thanVs. per line
Locals, "cr line, first insertion
5 00
in iw
C F Tromblev, Bfitor. I'ubltsher nnd manajrer. First NtionalSnV of
TillinnU. morte.ee hoklers.
. . ; ; ; JZ
" '
KKUUY ll'NIi 1G,
TillanKxik has demons tra toil the fact
that she can do a hie job well.
Wo u-ouM remind our visitors thut
this wenUher has not een epoey
demnrwed for the oecafion. W e eon
erally have a ereat abundanee of the
same sort.
We are sure that it is with much
pleasure our people are entertaining
the vateran of the Civil War ami al
lied ortta: irattorw hero assembled.
Oor effort are but a slight manifrts
tation of the appreeiatwn which we
bave for service rendered in the years i to fin, now nioch eier it is to ob
of lone Bgo. ami for servicus being! tain favorable term. The right Vind
rendered today bv the G. A. R. and its
kindred organizations. The velertns
of the Civil War are not always ap
preciated for their full worth ami for1
the service which they have rendered '
us. However thai m y bo, they mutt'
remember that the great force of ex
ample which they et in motion by
tlwir sacrifices from 61 to '06 are being
manift f-tiy felt tod.y in the army, in
the nary nd in our civil life. The
soldier of the Spanish American war
stood their ground and behaved proper
ly on all ocvM..ns, because the exam
nie bad been aet them daring the year
before. The pre diapatche atated
that the boys at Vara Crux, fought
their way through th city without
tiinching This wis o surprise to u.
In fact, would have been aur 'ised
bad they flinched, .for a better example
had been et them in the day gone by.
The t:rit of the sixtiea i ermeated ;
the evil life of, today ' ; men aru
Standing up for the rUtit unflinchingly,
As we stated before, the old soldier
. " ... s. .... :.,j .,
may not always be apnreei.ted. bt
whether he realties it or not thtf.faet is
the influence ' his great sacrifice
being felt more and more as tho
years come and po, all of whieh must
' e a source of considerable satisfaction
after all thinb aje Uken intoejrmder-
as-.ir.gton, u. v..;-r.ve ruies oe-
1 51fhg ,!.r.',,! "'ui- ."l
' V" X ?7,Z
Sutes Depsrtment of Agriculture has
just published. Unless the farmer
who is thinking of borrowing monejy
fully understands these rules and is
willing to be guided by them, the
Government's advice to him is: don't.
As it is, there are probably almost as
many farmers in this country who are
suffering from too much as from too
little credit. ;
f these rules the three most im-,
portant are: !
i Make sure that the purpose for j
which the borrowed money is to be
used will produce a return greater
than needed to pay the debt.
1 he length oi the time the debt
is to ran should have a close relation
tu the productive life of the improve
ment for which the money is borrovy
ed. ( 3. Provision should be made in long
time loans for the gradual reduction
of the principal.
The first rule is of course the key
to the wise use of credit. Between
borrowing monev to spend on one's
self and borrowing money
to buy !
equipment of some sort with which
to make more money there is all the terminc. as raised by the issues in tin
difference between folly and fore- pleadings, and that the evidence sub
sight, extravagance and thrift. If the mitted, it whether or not there was
wonty is borrowed for a wise pur- ! what would have been a contract, if
pose it will produce enough to pay . ,-hc county had not been in excess' of
back principal and interest and 1 eave t constitutional limitation by way of
a fair margin of profit for the bor- indebtedness, voluntary indebtedness,
rower into the bargain. If it is bor- prior to the toth day of December)
rowed for a foolish purpose it will ' 1913, made and entered into by the
produce nothing anil consequently county 011 the one hand, and the de
there will be nothing with which to fendants Machinery Company and
repay the loan. From this point of . the other defendants other than the
view it matters comparatively little ' members of the County Court prior
r. hi.! -Mi nit Miiuii.ai ne mgii or low.
It is the repayment of the orincinal
that is the chief difficulty. j
Hilei, 2 and3 deal with the most sat
isfactory ways of repayment. Under- 1
ncath them both is the same prin-1
ctjile: The money must be repaid
sith the money it earns itself. For
example if the money issued to buy1
a machine that will last for ten years,!
the machine must earn enough in that
time to pay for itself or it never will.
The loan, therefore, should be entire
ly repaid before the ten years are up
or the fanner will lose money on the
transaction, paying out interest for
no beiufit in return. On the other
hand, if too early a date is set for re
payment, the machine will not have
had sufficient opportunity to make
the requisite money and the borrower
may have difficulty in raising it else
where. Utile 3 provides for isorne form
of amortization, the system by which
the principal is repaid in installments
so that the amount of the loan is con
tinually diminishing and in conse
quence the interest charges also. Such
MM""Yf i?.r a
1910. .1 lh rojl o!l at I Uumeok.
of March S,
t v- IIH'IV'I'U
Kach suivuo,uent insertion, line
Resolutions of I ondolcnce ami
txxlg notices, per line
10 Huslness.fc Professional csrds.mo.
Display Advertisement, per inch
... ... . . . i.- i- wi.
Al;' l,,,P'? mu.'.
flee on .Monday ainj inumnj
inc to insure publication in folio-
: . '... i.ii...
tng lueMay ami r nuj wun,
kAvi are initiative
Reasons are imperative.
a wetn i miite Icattble
k urn inri
l.iii i nall prixluctivc. when it re
turti to the borrow rr a definite icv.
etitic each year Table hwini; the
oavmnnt' required to t oil princi-
i 'i "T ! P"'"w
time are aiit.ndcd to the bulletin and
are recommended to the sertoo con
sideration of cservooe who roniem-
plate borroine tHoney. The bulletin
also advic the tanner to secure tlic
lor-t poible interest At firt sight
thi eem to obvious to be uorth
urntioning (M course the interest
V.. old be small as possible Every
'.h!v Vnovis that except the lender.
Uiil if the other rule- are observed,
if the borrower manages his financial
. . . . . . . Til i .
,nirs sounuiT. ne win ns- urnn;ru
of lender does not want to foreclose
iortrace. he wauls his money back
v, ith a fair profit, like any other mer-
hnL For money that it borrowed
vWcty. for money that i Mire to be
-rpjid. he charges low interest.
1 his in fact is why the government
has published these rules for borrow
ers It is not so much a matter of
driving a shrewd bargain as it is of
nhserving a few fundamental princi
ples which aUne can make crxdit a
blessing and not a curse.
Editor Tillamook Hcarid'
IVar Sir - I he seen in yoor pa
per that preacher arc working for
prohibition. It seems to me always
'.bat the Bible teaches us one thing,
r u! prohibition anothtr. The Bible
te;.che freedom and liberty, while
j.ruhihition teaches forte and tyranny
The Bible says: "Whomsoever will
ici ntin rinir i ruiuuiiion lays:
i " r, .
rnx sruill C'tme, or I will torce yon
!,y law to make you come." Nor a
the bible and prohibition are so many
" P" m rafh other, don't it
eei strange to you how a preach r
. n Uad m foo( on M
f inj he n pre,,ibi'ion wifhont
:uiiiiK uiui:ii ii iuum irsi w7
to me. But if they really want to
ise mankind from dangers or troub-
le. why not prohibit the making and
use of matches also, a they cause a
L . I , .. 1 I. - . L .
j lot of damage to be done by the use
j and misuse. Also prohibit the make
I ig and use of firearms as so many
I people get kilted through them. And
' why not prohibit the making and
j ise oi boats and other vessels to be
; used on the water as it castes so
i -nany people to get drowned. And
, c ,..!,;,,;, ,1..
of t"ioi lrug.. a. so Tnany
People arV poisoned for some bad
ron. or commit suicide
Also pro
hibit antes, flying machines and even
lorses should not be left out of the
But last but not least,, prohibit
or sure tne coinage and use of
noney, as money is said to be the
a-AA, . . . .11 .....I 1 St . 1. .
'wi vi mii iririi, jtnu 11 inc root is
taken up evil it done away with for
good. O! ye preachers! Ye blind
'eadcrs of the blind. Don't preach
my lies to us but preach the truth.
Make us dead to sin, and we will sin
no more.
Thanking for the space for this I
a;n respectfully yours.
L. Stuivcnga.
to the other.
Th following ilucinion whs rendered
y Judge Holim-n in the cases brought
y th'-tirnbrr owner" ngainst tin; ma
chinery dealers and the county :
It is concccdcd. as I umlf rutntif! in
these suits, by respective council, that
"le only question for the Court to tie-
" toe luui nay 01 jjeceiiihrr ton
' litre has I) fen 110 m.-nr-riwl n...-
here, or argument, but what the con
tract would have been binding had
the constitutional limitation inhabit
ed at the entering into of a contract
of the kind mentioned in the plead
ings. 1 lie matter as the Court view-
it, is governed as a matter of law bv
ibis constitutional tirovisirm :..wii.:
uecisions of the huiircme ( 'nun I..
construing, and the law applicable to
the instruments of the kind whitb
were signed by Tillamook County
through its agents the County Court
and these other defendants'.
ihc instruments in the mind of tin
court, which arc set out in hat e verba
in the amended complaint, are offers
on the part of Tillamook County tt
purchase material arid machinery
therein mentioned, and the evidence
stows that these written offers.
f!dr.C 1"" "s,?r,Jcrfc. were transmit-
salesman. It is ad.niftrd that at c
'...e these order, or UHru I
m MR" ed to the County loan " i
lilUtitooV County had
in.Uhtfdiicss in excess of $ v j
Leine. the rase Ihc tounl) tw
could not enter Into atij cmilrt
Z ri bT ; -
I;;;;;;,;,, ,
. .. , ,if (-,,, i ti!n i
. : !.... ...I-.. I
woohl be binding upon l iimmM
. ...lit . i-rrHfC 111 S MUCH '"".
thev do not amount to coiilfstis "'
do not bfCnif binding upon nib"
parts, unless accepted, and ,l'r
Court understands tlir lass. ir a"
order is solicited ami obtain, d 1
salesman. thi order must Ik an 'pi'"
of.land apprised bv tlir ptimlpal "
1 the,.-',. ,.,.elh,e to slum thr 4cc.it
, ; , r , , ... i
auih.-.t, to bin I Us ' V ' '
I ik. iiirniiiitn. anil there is est
- . ..
dence upon that fcatuie. isossrill
' blr to that situation.
,ml tbrrr lia bem aiKUmcm hrrr
! of ron.UUblc io.ie by c... .l '
thr pl.untilt' to the effect that H
,a contfuction urrr lmlulil "
the iwirt. it xwnibl tlttci ... th.
' Iwtr to the ilrplrllHC b) the l "unty
j (jollr, t, ,lc um, of ilr fount.,
t v mini amotifii in ji iirritciraii.
" " "
frand upon the tas p)ets, an. I i j'
hs seen that such cotilil b i'"f.
that is the fault of the Levi'l11''' ''
nM passing apjtoirite leni ii
t prevent an oceutfrnre itu'
kind, should the csKiHty bare ,.iiiiaU
at any time that wotikt atintci ( '
cade the intention of the fnsiii"
lion Hut that is for itir I tri.Iji""
to remedy and the CM rann-'
legislate those imittcrs, but must u'.
the law as it now exists. Thrre 11
isidrncr here to show there n
notice given to TillaiuoWl i
t!tat these annus orders wul.l
tigned and the gowdx delhr"1 '
after the first of January, ti-e
Kebruar I rcmewber tbr
in lit i The evidence d?a ili'. I
uaj of stipulatiun tlmt the H..vj',.
Coooer ConKratioH retehr.i n a.
-o ""Mtmen: ot ihc rceetpt u.r.c
know Iciigment of the rceerpt
lers th orders wonld be file.l "
tordance herewttb. And the r
'Mdence to show thla in( nuii
was ever communicated to Ti!laiu'
County, nor the members t ihr
ne any of them, and liter' is rw
dence that no notice wits - rem.
ed by any member of thr
Court of the acceptance ( t' .
various orders, until In Frbniats ,n
March isi t And while it i- the U
a I understand it, that an j.Wh.v
iedgtuent bv mail oi i(M.unir,
would take cfiect and cresiir a i-m
tiact between the parties -of
the mailing of it by thr
that must have been mai
party making the offer; a'
isn't anything in this case
the selling agent or talcum.,
tiact between the parties
le llllir
f-. l!-.
lln rr
j sliovv
any manner the agent of li'tamo.A
Count), nor could he have t een
Set the conclusion of tM- v nrx
reaches, here u a written ti
t wblCR was
not withdraw m, wt t. 1
been, bat hail r. l.i.
lcould have
wtinqrawn. ana ncerptel at a
lime when TilUmook tunt l.-i'
funds, and there isn't a'twlum; n
these pleading to show at the tun.
of the acceptance, the ''vunty tu!
exceeded its constitutional indebted.
i neat, nor mat it nau not made an
; provision lo make any rndebtedness
after the firt of the year, so taking
j this state of the leadings, and iltr
; evidence, I do not think these suits
........ .
have been sustained, and decree
should be entered here of dismissal
of the suits, and that defendants
should recover their costs and di,
All these matters, while they are
1 'iiiunl, extremely so, to both
si.les of this controversy, it is no.
contemplated here, from the state
.ncnt of council for the plaintiffs, and
the evidence, there is no contention
or claim that any number of the
County Court acted rorruptly, as I
understand, bat that their conduct
j 'wnuunted to a fraud upon the lav
I payers, and that would have been
true had this offer beta accepted
t ... . ...
prior 10 ine tentn 01 ucccmbrr. it
might not have been intentional
fraud, but constructive fraud, and it
is an important, matter from the view
point of the tax payer ut tax payers,
as the cate may be, to have tome
knowledge and notice of the financial
condition of the count) and the way
the money is being expended and
used, and for what purpose. And it is
within the province of the I.rgitla.
ture to pass such legislation as will
prevent the giving of an order even
under the circumstances similar to
thosr developed here bj the evidence,
but the Legislature has not seen fit
to do to up to the present time, and
for this Court to hold, in the opinion
of this Court within the lines of
argument by council i,r the plaintiff.
oiild simply amount to judicial leg
islation which should not be indulged
in. I have declared the law as I un
derstand it, and thai will he the de
cision of the Court.
bONT SI'OII. A (1001) M0HSK
by keeping him In shabby old Hume
Wu iiro felling IlfnieBH miit'o of tin
best tock at prices that ought t(.
tempt voi -
will not nniy improve, thn iipreiirauci
of your horto but contribute to your
safety iMvvHf Many a runaway eoulr
he avoided If the old liarnosH had la '
diHcarcled In time.
M Mil in
TU. r Crr Uke'
oriKafc Sfe"
nr. 1.. Ii. Hewitt
tKSVKtU'A Villi I'll YSItMAN
' . 1 til, ! L'l ISf
ml vvlll'l 4 M I
,.li .-11' n i... -.
ObslrUteal .SHetlll
Itulh I'hiHti'a
Ilea atkldllW-e Wlilteb.m.e llcaUlene.
ril.t.AMU('K OUK.
,K. A. 1 I'll It KIN.'
OiIuh. iii Stiiiwron Hlg.
Ml WoiV f.liitrrl
Dr. Jack Olson
Olllce Hour. Irtim 'J a in. to & v m.
Odtifellowi HuilJinit
lUilh rhonc.
, Dcntlit,
, Mai Loealrd" in the Comturrcial UIJ.,
Succerdinr Dr. P. J- Sharp.
AU Voit vujta..ll. H"th I't.M-s.
,, I.. I.' i
Uillsr lU.c , (, , w S ,.
Or Hrrnlitf li'tn ' 4 .'!
Alloeneyat-Law ami
Land Olflcc Busln.ss.
Ol'l'vXSl I K ClK'K I'ilDl-stt
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
tlU.th 'h..eti:
H II a moo k
Oregon i
Attorney .it Law
Office In Commrrcul Btnltlint;
Attorney.it Law 1
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lota;
$2.80 in Twenty Cort!Lrt.
! Nonce to creditor s
i N'cticr l hrrehy Rirl lha t' c tin
I derstgned has been ty .lu ' ,.Ut,i
j Court of Tillamook Counts, i ...,
I duly 3p;.ointcf adminfstrtr ..1 ii
jl-stale .f l .lis K.. dneaseH All
j person basing claims ..gainst tj.!
I estate are hirli iri,utrrI to j.mrtit
the lame, villi ,t.ijn etuler, i.
me at th. i.flu, I H,,, t
turnry .11 taw, I ill.ttm il( Cily, rr
gon, within sn month, ittn the d-tir
of the iitsl kiihlicn.m .,1 this nolue
Dated lime i'.ii, ,,tll
S. M. HA I IrNSns.
Administrator of the rui. ..1
Felix Roy, I)etrei!
Notice ol I'hml Seitlciticm.
Notice is hereby given that tlir ,1,
dersigncd hat filed in the t..,,,,.,
I ourt of i'lllaniook C.mntv i.t-.,t,
is final acc.Hitil A.lo.titi vtr
l the estate of t, V s.,,,, ,,.,..,
I-ceased, and that tin said t . ,.m I,,
by an order duly made, set W.dt.r.
day July ut, toi.i, at 10 o'clurk M
at the t.mrt House, in Tillam
County Oregon, at the 1 ,
place of hearing the tiime. and
and all obicrtiont thereto, if
there he N'.w therefore, all t ,
interested in said estate are ,e,r!,.
notified and required to be present at
said Hint and place, and to sh.ivs
cause if any thrfc J,T why M(J
artomit I... ,,, allowed, said Ad 1
strut. .r discharged, and his b.,u. ,
Dated at Tillamook ()K..i.. ibu
.iid day of June, A. D. tot
I- Sappington, Administrator i.(
csed.'"0 '' W- S","'""'. -I-S.
S. Johnson ami C. W. Talimu'e
Attorneys for Admliiisirator.
Notice of Assessment
Tlii) Miami ,m,r (;, ,,
IHiriitlnn luui .... ..in...' ' ."'
, , , -.ik tin iiiiiri- n 11 pr ncl.
mtl plai-i- of biisint-HH at KM KmhI l"rl,
ttri'l't In tin. ..Ii.. . r 1 . Inl
P-'nyldontherdh dofjI n;' V.Ti
in asreHNinrntof tl.iid p,.r ,,;
-v.., upon the isHuid i,'.p.al h o ,
mdeorpora tu,, p,lV,,h i rr.r.,. ,1 i y
to (j, C. (lamilil, Merndary of mild ,!
poration at K.'(0 Khi K.t 8 reel,
tbe eltyofhoH Anguli-H, KUilu of Vail!
Any stock upon whleh thin atsessiiu.ni
3Stf H7,wi,iiT,,,i,'?l,,BBU' W
I;f 1 , '"' ''"''"'luitnt and ad.
rtfed for rale at ,mb,r ituctlo ,
iiiless piiyiM-.d p. l(l(u ,t.f,)rc W.i"
Hold on thr 27.1. day of jnlvf ,01 at
& A, M. on aul.iiliili, I., pay tlio d.dln
.yvertuln, antl expeiuiVif ZUl
C, C, naimhl, Kivretary,
The sti-rl f,.r ii,.
ri county jai, XW.
"PIT. 111 from St. l.ouis v.!.'' ''V,'
I'lanu iu Oregon au idle.'
, .hil? I G.C.IU1
Ctiiiuiicrciiil HiiiUIiiik
Ollicc 'JOJI.lIDi, TUIamouk
11 lock
TillnmH)k - Ore.
. PHTdfllb'
Pioneer Transfer Co. ImT'""
Ikli V I my prrirUj
IheSamcl'rlcr tu Hvcryutf r,w, JJJMJ
llaifl. it VkJjU
....... akiis til tilll lll'lltl IU.. ..I..
JUIIN i,UA.iu in nin.WsWii . -"im
4b.trHt.r i .mainour,
lillmnuok County Hank lllda.!
Geo. H. Winslow
,u,r,"H'ik "rfc iff t.t
Tillamook. Oregon
K S' lll'SKl.ll Mi.
Uieainl in liiiiWlmi; Formerly tkruplnl
ty l arl I'atsUf.
I'un.rat t)tll IJJ Ensbabti
IulV A.iiat.nl Mirtt l(csjurcs.
PniutiT ttml Pitpcr Hunger
Ct)ittnct.H Tnkcn
liMt iimttfs I:tinii.slictl.
v) w.t t'.tiitriittral.
TitliutuHik, ( it .
iiv nitt. mi III Ml II 11 (11 -
. 1 . . 1 . . . . . 11.11 .. , t iii. 1
li'issiilie liL'iitcs tin mill u litll'
fs 'IMMV I Mil! illl IMIMM
tiiiiiit t ij n- in ai u . mi 1' 111 ,f . ii nil i
fc,s mi, s lift 1 ii rtniiirs wi m .....
... v M ll tl'-H Wl lIIMHMIA -
the IocmI mnrlccts
free at all times. Next to Todd Hotel
See Us for Pricct Before Ortlcring
Tillamook Clay
liavc now n liinili.d mimih 5of brie''
tile rciuly lor the market mi. t he fol')W
BRir.K (innn PER THO
t ... .r. - ... eo THO
1 . iimmim 1 , L fill r r n i ' '
- ....... , . .... J .W.ww -
4. IN nOAlU Tiic (ia nn PER THO
I.tjvatvd (5 miles Koutli of 'I illmnook
traveled ro.ul.
Notice of AilniliiiHtrMtrlx to
Nfvi'mi.' 10 in.,...
ceased "f Al,".,,rf. J- flltehll.
viuUv 2S,y "IV1 "" '",r,,',," rx'vltitf
with 11, . . "'' ""'no, togottier
with thn pro ir vnur hani. fn n.uir.
tiiijiiiMl i t, ),. f ,,. -(; -- - n
urK"' wll,''n lx month, from the
'it ii
. . 1111
at - r
I tB A bM.
UtHt It; lis l. if t
1 ILL AITH fill
i a m m m 1 1 v
1 , a .
I lilt
A ( 1
I 4 Mr AUvtrtt,
i MAiK
11 Jk II II
, . 1 ill niilf''
........ , .
IrlK Of V.
'I'. 11. V? '.it
for AcJHlnf"t,Min
.. 1 .... ili( '
A ltd 1 ItltoK " "