Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 05, 1914, Image 3

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HBtl f.
"I let
' 01
K Bil
Title i
t Co.
' WtlllM llkq to K
4t oirif heifer ralw a
I1.; Hit giMlth tl, Calf
to 10 wuka
' Uunty Court a , f Ul ,,',
u.f iilrtiiip ti, ill i.
r 11 ii a. u I I.. I . '
inn roiKrisllon f)f
Start The Day Rhht
U 5
i ........ r i..... i ... i ....
. at ..I f y,.4 ft l.,ed lu t f.,rpo,'fl,, " I
llr-l takliu;
Ny4l'n Iron Tonic Bitters
rttruUMfc'rtriritt woaVim lUun nrr fii,,,
Nynl's Iron Tontc Bitter;.
ttilM ftm to fur nut ttat
ifufiln iiUiof llutlr that
c .,f NVAl8 tltON TONIC
-I lrUK StO( tKJpht la have
, ,..n'l l)" you'll ttful W,
nt want.
P of.mla for the. rnfliratl XX M
(all f vulih
M rtwny thing
!.i (itc.tc otir mtiottMri.
Cecil tf.ippcninflt
Motwy to ItMi, ut, flMl ?Ull, (arm
imflsw. Ilttt K.tioniil lt,tj.
"v mMit.B (ur IVtUwl .kwn )m will
i.lircf, (iwmlt for a mcwA or ttMHr.
tir U li iJte, Wnlij, a II phi mio bwn, wm
til flan t:tn mail'
,fi u( Wheeler l in
-k or satu,
.1 Nojjjlriit
wa In
. . urxlar eaUtaiiOr It)
I ' 0.311 Mill
am t :fr.
is a I'mtlan.) ioin-..
Ilfry Visrock bo I. tuilylnci ,,,uo ,wm h-nl wH(t Hour t thv 'I
Cmtarattf of Otmtn M mitral , UmwV 'ukI Ci. 'Jlin "iWail" fWur
ralMhor of thn
In tiir city wi
all VltnJ. uf wf.
i Krc C.
U.rtlnl.y Club will
. ( Mr, TranV Hrt-
i .
nil M '
iii r
' ! t'r '
hi.- ! -hrcV jtcliullni;vtrtir
It. Ihr ItUSI.N'lWS WAV.
&k Cwir Hank.
l- li :t an.1 Mr. Hellirtlllcr
tr vcrr TiHoIIKxj lil))w-f
ut anything In thr
J am; liuylrn; Jrr
Mnrrrl Smith. Um
i . a
E II .rt, thp V. C. T. U.
j frufh at ltl ,'iuHjrnl.r
Sa- . tu- rnliik' l U wVltx1!!.
e,r r.r 4 nt tlx) ltwaiin Pruit
nt. Hp t Jf iilltrtv) qVtiry Crate
ivl M" l'otr Hot'r ar tlm
ttc i f n Uiy Uirn on Ma)' Si.
f!t j ti.e attQiiilltt ihylclr.
tkrf a .(i. lk to ront fur
fdt. ,,r won 1. 1 liku to h
Ukfr tinntin ito. In with Mm
', iu.tr
I. Sjiji t(in ha Iioii ipiilntl
liCa i grt a ComtnUnluiir
f. VA-(i i. act'.
! lli.iriMit'hlirnl DuriKia
'-im w.lli f.. othar with 7,
fira,tr i.rl.r. Atl(lrc Mr.
F. Hurton
lrKfk ... . i ..i.. ..i .. . i. ... ....
ip rinininnviiina arn iwihk
t (Iw T.llnmixik IiIkIi cIunjI
Y4tot IM Wi-rK.
M of MnliliT wai trammel-
Uiir.rt at tho rountv acut
lln'.rrM' ( iril..ii.n .if lli 'I'lllu.
ktrtmrry Imn till ol w nuinl.or
Hlitrk lioj for aHlf.
Coimin rdn rlub rouma iiru Ik'-
irtpar-i for u Imnlmot ttnd hall to
liven lv tdu IiIl-Ii hcIkmiI i t ii it i n 1
at tits
lMrUMant at I'oribnJ it nottrn on ,u
lal OtumMfl Mttr talmon awl
MiimV ffca'. Pt, Marinet,
P. A. K of tlM NVIiaWm Valloy
ttrll WtlMr w( a IVtlalKl UW'
lri vu.tor LhU wV.
II W tn, foriwrljf in ih nw
llf btttllMMat at New port vnt a friw
.lay a In town tM wrrV. VVMIf hrro bo
vUltrtJ M. It. HarwriVratt.
Tl4r TillaimxiV I'rrtl Co otfcni in
tnrpl anjr $r of any Imu on t4l
0 SWInwilay rrfotilnf Juno ri3th,
lttrr will c a rcil mitns f the
Wvevnlr I.ta-ljjij at wbleh tim mttor
of lmj.rtnc. will Ui UUruaawd. A
CMi atlCfJai-) t lftl;l,
To Ujkw t owy Ulre onlli room
nut. I wWi t ay tbt I am now pro
pnri to wlilto warp. f5et your
wa.baUlc tflk' loflilt. ,Mr. A. M.
TonlRlit I tho aal nielli of thn In-
tuioa Uav twi very nnlortaintni; awl
iwtrtirr. I.anc croU law
.'.rr,lr.., ,,M tbleU, lrKu pack-
l" f,,',. tc. i. (;i..Kii Co.
, l''r fr win, t mi i,p .:. f;. Am)or.
", iikhimwk. KlUinr plume.
A 'Imiwlrli from Wlnml-r ,
that n Iwby M(r WB wu tt) Mf MMj
Mra. Huljil. Cmly mi tho Uh lat. Wo
UmlvraturKl (), imweonmr I,h Im.Um
naml OKrafclinf. Katl.Ur,... , tor
twrt that t, itKithnr la nuttltiK
xlortj; nirly, Ihji ,h fnl,;r ,)Bi(
tulftrl n trial nm hi. rwovory l
'lliii:ly iliHjhtful
I'or aaiff, a tram wayon ami hnrnca.
Tam U In (,:rx worklnir onlrr, wolitlit
1 110 nh nml ttu la a Uirn' vuiir oM
"wit AdrtriMa lMyK Klwwril. Satwl-
I la.li.
WwiM liVo to trade Imhiio mimI tw o
lolii In I'ortlarwl fnr prnjriy In Tilla
mook. Inquire Hpratil Olllco.
Tlm (Uy ( itv hUh IhoI hrul one
prudtjatn tliU y..r. Mia Jralc War
fon. I'rof. K. K. I).,Cfi, of tho U i
vrlty of OrrKon ilollvurt;.! the nil
drotn of thr nvi-nlm:. Th rxi-rclt
w(.rr hrkl on Friday vvvoIuk of n,t
WMtk. On tin., following Satunlnv
I'rof. lMn pamu t TlllairHk ami
pnl tMrday with Mr. ami Mra. U. 0.
Jafkaon fortnor iUHU urwlcr him at the
Don't br d,w.vl In Ixiylni: chrnp
floar wh.i you en net Oornont'a Heat,
Ui markxt. Morwv back If not intl-
A 8AFI! DW'OSIT MUX will pro.
loet yoor papr from ljln lt or
doaUoywi. 11.00 rwr yrar. TILLA
II. ft. llrimhal! irlfiri.l nrxl Mlna
ICIirn Itrtdrrahnuton, primary toachcr,
Imvp Juki flniihotl t aurrcaaful term of
hoi at (lantml.il arvl their work has
boon ft antiafartriry tlml thy have
Wen rrtalnod for ntwlhrr yrar. Tho
ckinu' oxerciira won. hnkl on Friday,
Celery Raising
To Be Encouraged
Tillamook County Soil Eiptcially AH
Pled For Celery Cnllure. Ei
perimenli Will Be Made
Vur aiitnit tfmu uxprcn bkitiI Wat
kin of Ihu W(IIb FrRo Kxprraa Co.,
h inlrri atrd hlmlf In tho Idm of
thi! rultlynllmi of rolcry In thla county.
An It la now, mmrlv nil tho cvlory
that a ronatimrd n tho Northwcat ia
(frown In Florl.la nnd la old In I'ort
IiimI arw Sinttlo nt oxhorbltant price.
One half eriito, containing about W
aUlka rin: for t-I.Ufi on tho I'ortlund
inarkut. I'lnnt can bo dullvorrd at
Tillamook for XV por hurxln.d, which
U vrry roaaonalilc.
Mr. A'atklna aunt anmplra of our
aolli to tho Agricultural CoIIcko at
(Vrvalll, and the ruport In rvcard to
the aamo la Ut tho olfcct that our aoll
U tho vry flnoal for the production of
celery and thtm it act-in that wo have
In many place the natural iJralniio
which coma other celery rnUlnii dis
trict, corulderable monoy to obtain.
A few cxx-rlment have been made
in celery raliini; here but have not
ocon very cuccoiaiui, tor Uio reason!
that wo do not et onouih aurmhlnc to j
develop the plant in all the atngoa uf
growth. It i IhoURht by ahippini
wrll dcvelnptsj plnnta from the cant j
that hli ohktucle run be overcome. (
Mr. Watklni hit sent for a nhlp
rnent of celery plant winch will ur-'
rive from the ea.l sometime betweeu
the 15th nml the 20th of Juno and thoe
wlm wont to urcuro aome of them lor
the purpvs'- of Kiviriic celery urowini a
trial, will be able to net thorn at u
very icasonabte rate.
Vho Is
tTht; Slinrpks Mechanical
Milker rscrs
;ct paid
Vhy Not
a customer
for it in
also and
Why Not
Relieve -jursclf of all (lependauce upon unreliable
help and drudgery.
Why Mot
Make up your mind at once and invent In a Sharpie Milker. The Teat
Cup with tho Upward Squeeze. T e most v.omlerful Irrventlon of the
prearnt tirnr.
Call at oor tore and we will ihow you a machine in oporatlori.
Black and White
bill the yrsr's work waa not fUiithcd
until Monday.
Open an account with the 01,1)
I.IAIU.K with your next pay
J'ajr all bill by rheck. You'll know
Joat where tho money went at the. end
of the month by lookinK over the
cbock. Tillamook Ct.untv Hank.
Slniirr rmg machine for rale
on eay term, at oor home piano and
iniulc atore at Tillam')k, Ore. Both
hponr. A. I.ineba k. Mgr.
Y. A. Wnat, Secretary of the Neha-
lem Commercial Club wb a
.,...! I . I" .. . 1 .. . . 1 .. II..
VHI IIVI W Mrwa , l,tt a II
I panlwl by I. V. tialloupe,
If y-i want a real fly apray fl-enur. (f stnrwoKl. Wa.b.. who i
C'.U Tr a (-allon ready too, p. Spray- vUlnB ,, nl Khnlcm. Thi I the
ert from m up. C. I. I'Iourm Co. nm tl,0 Uui, Krnl,,mcII have viilcl
Itev. Mra. HotHirl of TJio Dalit la In j Tillamook. They were very favorably i terian Church.
the city maalOK a Ikhuo to houio can-, unprttaaed with thinn Iicm.
Mr. Manna Joiephinc Mowery, wife
of f'harle K. Mowerv, died at her late
reaidence on Tuesday afternoon, June
2nd of heart failure. She ha been ail
Int more or les with thi trouble for
about live year.
Mr. Mowery wn born in GefK
Sweden on the of Ortiiber, j
When only one year old h- c no to(
America with her parent who euie-l
check ,n ,s'cw "Von, Conn., and in the year '
; ins they came went and settled in Til
i lamook county, where they have since
rotideJ, an I are 'ell and favorably
known a ono of tho pioneer families'
of thi county. The N'eilson family'
coniU of the father and mother, four
brother! and tu.o daughter.
Ilanna Josephine wa married to Mr
Clin. K. Mowery on June 2Sth. 1W5.
She leave behind a husband and three
Tillamook 1 5h!!:,r1". J?c.k . rt' U, tf?. oMX
j ri.f..i.njtll. I .-nii. UK. , null t.nilcc,
' j year ana ti month old, to mourn her
. ' llnttmi-K mwl
Ttie funeral aervice was held at the
Christian Church on Thursday at 2:W)
I. M.. nd wa conducted by Rev. P.
A. MacKeniio. pastor of the Presby-
Full & Johnson Gosoline
Engines Can Not Be
Practically all the machinery used on the farm
is equipped so that it may be driven by a gasoline
engine. Labor for larm work is verv scarce and
very expensive, thus the farmer like any up-to-date
business man. in actually doing the most work in
the cheapest wav, cannot afford to be without a
Fl'LLBKcS: JOHNSON engine. For Sale By
vaaa tn an endeavor to gel th women
Smoked will
vi nee all,
The only longjfillor
Pure Tnl
i Circuit Court i still
voter to relator ami vote for state, , , ,lolru ,iri,,,in...
h tl foiit union.
Dr. Iloaia rwrt the birth of a son
to Mr. and Mr, Ivoiil Ilonacliohlt on
Juno lt and On. blrli of a daughter to
Mr. ami Mra. Claroneo Davia on tho
Try lho 2Sc dinrwra at tho OM
HMnih Kilehen. 'Ilwv are tho lasal
In town for the money.
Altomoy T. II. Ooyno, wlf and lit
tle n. left on Monday mornM for
Mvdfnrtl whro Mr. (ioyrw ha icne to
tranaacl aoint' lKl busltuts. Thov
will bo abienl mImhiI a wook.
Thero Iw boon lot of ilamai;i.tl
wheat l.lid Into thi market uimI
okl to tho ranenur. The Tillamook
Fowl (U haiallo Ho'luni but ki1
Thurlay, Juno lf is the i3nd An
nual re union of I'ioinw (i Oregon
tn be hekl in I'ortliintl.
t:apt. Stlllwell of thi city I now
llmt Vlco-prosldent of thu Aaaociation.
Why buy Ho ami Hex lanl
when vou can et Halern corn fed
hams, bactin and lard at tho Tillamook
Feed Co. Tho bet monoy can buy.
Now i thu ilmo to look over your
machinery and pit your repair. The
Tillamook lod Co. eairle a supply
for all machine.
Ceo. I.. Hamlin, house moving, rnij
Inir and resllllm:. Trues to handle
heavy work,
For a k'ood dinner or imylhliu: In the
line of lliat elasa ('Hid, call at the Old
'.Spanish Kitchen. Opposite Ulnars
I The White laKhu'of Ncwini,' ma
ehliie. Vibrator nml rotary Hhuttle
I style. Fur sale on easy terms at Jones
! Kmidsou Furniture Co.
(in to Dr. Monk for Ural class photo
Kriidiink' atwaya dellvur the
day lor
r0 llox $2.00
Wl'... L? 1 i , ...I.
opicvnvn ucutsciii
Iwliable Oniggist.
C'W"'' Dr. Wcndt Eye Special
iJWiil Extendi liii er
vice, lo all dciirinc
satlifactory Knn, any style, Torlc,
Kryplok, Btc I'ermanontly located
Tillamook. Send in your broke,
mist' lor duplleatiu... II you ru no
nlilotoread tho print ladow you need
.m H al4 .
Ml, AIM W '!-. ...
r..il lk. I .' T,. tl.kM
.... ."',U'""'J: i f.UM
in session,
The endea
vor on tho mrt of some of tho toct
hokler !o institute a permanent re
ceivership for the Hotel Tillamook,
allociiik' mls'iiatmijoment on tho part of
Mr. WorrMI it latr mnnauer, is still
In progress. Mr. Worrall wa on the
stand yesterday and a t;ood part of to
tday. Notblni: further has been done
In regard to the case which the timber
interest have bronchi au'aimt the Fort
Doditr Machinery Co. and other anil
the county court. These case will be
taken up next week.
Dr. Uiwe the well-known eye
specialist who is to be In Tilla
mook Hotel June If) to 20 in
clusive ha lust relumed from a six
month stay in the Fast nd now has all
I'.e la'.-st up-to-date method of eye
teU"K for chtsse. He ha been in
Oregon for over 21 year and for the
past nine year ha and now is a mem
ber of tint OreL-on Stat-j Hoard of K.
nminors in Optometry. if you want
I'uarniitood glasses don't fall to consult
The attendance at the church and I
cemetery wa a tribute of resjieet for j
tne ttaceaseu anil her family, and an
index of the love and esteem cherished
toward the departed bv the people of
tho city and county of Tillnmook. The
entire Neilson family and the bereaved
husband desire to express their appre
ciation of every tribute of rcsttect plac
ed on the casket of their loved one tiy
th"ir many friend throughout the
entire county.
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
All Cold ltond Trading Stamp bear
ing tho letters THS or lloltz mut bo
In our hand not later than June 20th
,o be redeemed. nAUT(nys
Mutual Phono
15, 25 nd 40 Walt, 35c
60 WU ... 45c
()0 Wt . - - 80c
150 Vitt - $1.20
25 Wtl 2
I'pntrd l.niup ."lc llilr.
Wr ilflUrr laiiil to a
.... ..'....llllllir L
turt of
. .. tli luwrit f.r
il.teat wliU oo.l worinuu.hl
Tllltmo.lt lleotrlo ,
Llfi; a. full d. usr.
The TillamiKik Creamery wishes to
receive bids for hauling one hundred
load of gravel, more or less, from T.
W. Lister' place to 1st factory, com
pany to pay for gravel. Haulers to
ipread gravel. Company reserves the
right to reject nnv oi all bid. Leave
bids at Carl Haberlach'a ollice, Tilla
mook, Oregon, Juno 15th, 1011.
3lbs. extra choico Japan Tea for $1.00
101b choico Caracol CoiTco $2.25
25 lbs choice Small White Beans $1.60
25 lbs. Fancy Dried Peaches $2.00
25 lbs. Fancy Jap Rico $1.25
Eastern Corn Fed Hums ll'c
1 lb. Golden Catejllaking Powder Mc
2J lb. " " " " 75c
5 lb. " $1.50
Process Harley $27.50 per Ton
Fancy White Feed Oats $27. Ton
Fancy Rolled Oats $2.S per Ton
GO lbs. Rolled Oata S5c
75 lb. Sack Process Harley $1.05
Rest Valley Wheat, $1.75 cwt.
CO lb. Sack Hnm 70c
80 lb. Sack Shorts $1.05
3 2) lb. cans Pio Fruit, while they last 25
Gold Nugget Hazel Wheat Flour $1.20k
You will find correspondingly low
prices throughout our entire stock
during our SpecinlJune Sale. We allow
S per cent cash discount on Flour. Feed
and Staplu Groceries and ten per cent
discount on Fancy Groceries during this
special Sale. All oods charged will
be sold at regular prices, however
goods charged during this sale we will
allow tho regular cash discount in case
aid good are paid for by July 10th. If
you will compare our prices and goods
you will find our storo a good place to
give you entire satisfaction.
Tillamook. Oregon, June 1, 1914
The Common Council of Tillamook
Citv met in rerular session this date at
7:30 o'clock P. M., when were present
Hon. F R. Reals, Mayor. Councilmen
S. A. Bruadhead. G. A. Edmunds, J.
Keldson, G B. Lamb and M. Melchior.
City Attorney H. T. Botts. Marshal
N. J. Myers and Recorder R. B. Hays.
Whereupon the following busines was
transacted to-wit:
The minute of the last regular and
adjourned meetings were read and ap
proved. The reports on City liens, garbage and
dump construction, damages in Maple
Grove arising from conflicting grades,
necessary concrete sidewalk construc
tion were ordered continued.
In regard to the demurrage claim of
the P. R. & N. against the city, the
City Atty. reported that he had
recei oed no answer from the interest
ed parties as yet.
Tho Finance Committee was ordered
to adjust the damage claims of Thayer
and Goodspeed caused by the city ac
quiring enough property to lay a side
walk on the North side of 1st St. east
of 2nd Avenue E.
Tom Coates, E. J. Claussen, H. Cren
shaw and D. W. Dvvight spoke at some
length as to the Fire department nnd
it seemed from their speech that all
that was necessary in order to have an
active, ellicient, wide awake tire com
pany was for the otlicers and citizens
of the city to show an interest in the
boys and tljeir work.
The city attorney was ordered to
draft u speed ordinance applicable to
motor vehicle nnd allowing a maxi
mum speed of 12 miles an hour.
Tho street committe was instructed
to have the necessary street repairs
Upon motion duly made and carried
the Franchise Ordinance of F. D. Small
and D. C. Uri war amended by the fol
lowing insertion, to be known
as subdivision 6 of Section
power under the provisions of this or
dinance, at a cost, in material and la
bor lexclusive of promotion expenses)
of not less than $30000 00) thirty thou
sand dollars and shall upon request fur
nish evidence satisfactory to the coun
cil of the expenditure above mentioned.
Whereupon Ordinance 276 was read
for the third time in open council at
9:35 o'clock P. M. June 1, 1914, and
being before the council the question,
"Shall the Ordinance pass?" the vote
resulted as follows : S. A. Brodhead,
ave. G. A. Edmunds, aye, J. Keldson,
aye, G. B. Lamb, aye, M. Melcoior,
1 aye, total ayes 5, nayes 0, absent o.
Whereupon Ord. No. 276 was declared
duly passed.
On motion duly made and carried the
following bills were allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on the Treasurer
for the respective amounts:
$203.05 Tillamook Electric Light
.1 Fuel Co., $26 40 R. B. Hays, $90.00
N. J. Mvcrf. $30.00 R. B. Hays, salar
ies. $27.S0 L. Miner, street cart, $03.75
P. Daly, labor, $65 00 Ike Shortlidge,
It is ordered that u hearing of ob
jections and remonstrances to the sew
er and pavement assessment be and
the same Is hereby continued until
next regular meeting June 15, 1914 at
7:30 o'clock P. M.
It is further ordered that the time
for receiving bids for concrete side
walk construction be continued until
.i . ... . I .: T .. tf tm .
tne next regular meeting uune to, ijh
at i o clock I'. -M.
Council then adjourned, on motion
duly made and carried, to meet June 8,
1914, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. at the t dice
of Mayor F. R. Heals.
Visitors to the Roe Festival, June 9
I to 12th, are cordially invited to maku
J your headquarters at the stores of the
, Lion Clothing Co. We maintain a frea
checking service for your grips and
parcels, free phones, free waiting room,
information bureau, etc. We're pre
pared to make your visit to Portlnnd
one long to be remembered. Incidently
11 lvh "Thnf th. aaid P.
D. Small and D. C. Urie. their nucces. we supply the best clothing, shoes, hats
sors nnd assigns, shall within the said nJ furnishings for man and boy, at
(18) eighteen months construct a wat-! very attractive prices,
er power electric light and powsr ays- LION CLOTHING COMPANY, Mor-
TUUaook Mercutilc Co. stem for furnishing electric light and rison at Fourth, Portland, Oregon.